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Grease is the word: Opera Houses latest production runs two more weekends at Thalian :
'Grease' is the word: Opera House's latest production runs two more weekends at Thalian
WILMINGTON — As theatergoers entered Thalian Hall over the weekend, they were greeted with signs and balloons directing them to the Rydell High School prom.
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Justin Lacy
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Lily Zukerman Frenchie
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Wade Smith
Mathis Turner Danny Zuko
Shelia Hardison
Olivia Newton John
John Travolta
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Lily Zukerman
Thalian Hall
Jakob Gruntfest Doody
Danny Zuko
Kaitlin Baden Marty
Brian Whitted
Cameron Perry
Bryan Putnam
Warren Casey
Rydell High School
Grease Beauty School Dropout
Beauty School Dropout He
Opera House Theater Company
Opera House Theater Production
Art Sublimina
Pink Ladies
Opera House
Drama Desk
Theater World
Mathis Turner
Bethan Hall
Jakob Gruntfest
Adam Compton
Bradley Barefoot
Stephanie Prestage
Sydney Short
Katie Mahn
Kaitlin Baden
Marty Maraschino
Terry Collin Bandstand Designed
Laura York
Magic Changes
School Dropout
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