Bigger news today President Trump has pulled out of visiting britain next month to open the new us embassy in london that he says its because hes on a happy with the one point two billion dollar relocation project. The reason i cant so much it to london is that im not a big fan of the Obama Administration having sold perhaps the best located in finest embassy in london for peanuts only to build a new one in off location for one point two billion dollars. Wanted me to cut the ribbon. Despite that still appear that the new are just. The works copy from other start she was placed outside the building to the delight of construction workers locals at least. Looks for the president s decision not to visit the u. K. Right now this is what all the who is about is the new u. S. Embassy in the area of nine elms which is being regenerated into sort of an embassy quarter. Of the public next week donald trump was supposed to arrive in february or was widely expected that youd be cutting the ribbon and thats not happening any more clearly the old building of the u. S. Embassy on that was on the sort of grand old square in the very heart of the city in the center of mayfair which many people know is the most expensive location on the monopoly board but the interesting thing about the president s tweets is that there was a slight error and he accused the Obama Administration of selling that old building for peanuts it was in fact the Bush Administration before him and there have been suggestions that this whole embassy row is a way of saying attention away from the fact that perhaps the president didnt feel like he was going to be particularly welcome here in the u. K. Almost two Million People here signed a petition against him coming here claiming perhaps the most british reason of who it would embarrass the queen donald trump arriving here and the mare of london hasnt been too welcoming either take a listen to what suzy khan has had to say about donald trump it appears that President Trump got the. From the many londoners who love and admire america and americans but find his policies in action the polar opposite of our cities values this just reinforces what a mistake it was for to reason made to rush and extend an invitation of a state visit in the first place and a special relationships go this one looking special for all the wrong reasons right now we know diplomacy hasnt been donald trump strong suit but perhaps a year into the job he is managing to surpass even himself because he has reportedly insulted highty and host of other nations as well on top of this route with the u. K. According to media reports he referred to highty and a number of other countries as quote undesirable second rate countries and not in those words the white house hasnt even denied that he said it instead theyve issued quite a complex thing statements saying that certain washington politicians choose to fight for Foreign Countries but President Trump always fights for the American People so diplomatic route with haiti now rumors that the island nation could be recalling its ambassador to washington and probably a few bridges to build and fences to mend for u. S. Diplomats all in a days work or should i say a few tweets for the u. S. President and the working with. The u. S. President has been quick to reject the reports now that he made offensive remarks about a number of countries apollos talking about that in fact he tweeted that his language in that meeting was tough but that he didnt use the particular words attributed to him the trial went on to accuse the democrats of making up the allegations he was derogatory about haitians suggesting he should record all his future meetings maybe you will. These major parties have seemingly overcome a number of stumbling blocks as they look to form a new government over the longest period of Coalition Building since the Second World War looks set to put the same people and parties back in power as it did in twenty thirty years in berlin with more. Well what we know is this is a very small step on the way to potentially forming a new grand coalition between these parties and then forming a government here in germany but is it a government that the german people want if we look at the elections both of these parties actually lost support in the last election which has left them struggling to be able to find Coalition Partners in fact many people in germany are unhappy with the idea of returning to this old grand coalition style these are the two parties who worked together in the previous tenant see here in germany fifty two percent of people in a poll that was held by a german public broadcasters say they didnt want these two to get back together and that has not been left unnoticed by the Party Leaders themselves. This is the right response to septembers election all three of us were far from impressed with the results back then it was a signal to politicians that things cant continue down this path anymore. One of the things that the c. D. U. And the social democrats have agreed on is that they will look to limit the number of migrants coming into germany Asylum Seekers and refugees that would be between one hundred eighty and two hundred and twenty thousand People Limited annually that also be no tax increases and there would be more money for the e. U. But this is a small step on a long path to go that is very tricky from here on out the social democrats have to take this blueprint back to their Party Members their Party Members have to approve it that vote will take place on january twenty first if its approved then they can Start Formal Coalition to go see asians but then whatever is agreed to in those Coalition Negotiations will again have to be put back to the social democrats for them to vote on so Angela Merkel may be out of the woods but this is far from over and germany could be without. The government for many many more weeks law even want to head the u. S. Reveals the reasons it will continue to have a military presence in post syria well tell you all about it after the break. Unfortunately it appears that once people learn that youve reported in a Sexual Assault or may have been involved in an incident that they become scared of you instead of being scared of the perpetrator. Apply to many flips over the years so i know the gang so i got. The ball isnt only about what happens on the pitch for the final school its about the passion from the fans its the age of the super money. And spending to do the twenty million. Its an experience like nothing else only because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful guy great to transfer. Thanks watching out internationally is exactly nineteen minutes past six new evening they have so the u. S. Has revealed that countering iran is part of its own going operations in syria after the fall of Islamic State and among the key reasons a military presence will remain then that announcement was made during a Senate Hearing on thursday. The president has committed as a matter of strategy that we will not leave syria were going to stay for several reasons stabilization and assistance in the vital north and northeast protection of our allies the Syrian Democratic forces who have fought so valiantly against isis in the north east try to work to help transform the political structures in that area to a model for the rest of syria and kate will be incredibly represented in a new syrian state but for other reasons as well including countering iran and its ability to enhance its presence in syria. Lets get the view from syria of the goalpost moving here or could this have been predicted all along talk to past them abdullah is a professor of Political Science at Damascus University so thanks for your time yeah lets start with that how the goalposts moved or was this always the plan and literally the u. S. Claimed it was in syria to fight i still now it says its going to count radnor that i still problems go on was it there all along. You have to love live interviews you really do well get back to that in just a bit well try and get a lawyer make a connection with the all right now one of britains leading all girls schools has decided to stop referring to its pupils as girls in a controversial move to adopt more gender neutral language altering them Grammar School for girls defended its policies saying theyre trying to breaking grain to happens to help students with gender identity issues adding that we welcome and celebrate diversity although some people already come up with alternative names for the school itself lets see if this works. Well Grammar School has got no plans mean time to drop the word girls from his title we are some of the locals what they think of this new gender neutral policy. I think im a charity case would be happy to be called ridiculous i think girls are girls and boys are boys theres too many pressures on pupils too much attempt to move everything towards gender neutrality i think it actually leads to more confusion rather than clarification this is a girls school and its extraordinary that children are being encouraged to go along the path were going to have more and more children with Mental Health problems who are confused and unhappy by all means support children who have a gender issue but dont do it at the expense of the majority do not rob them of their gender identity we only need to apply those basic principles of religions that we treat other people how we wish to be treated and we saw the problem we need to stop for a sting pushing adult neuroses onto these Young Children or lets go back third story last just now dr. Abdullah professor of Political Sciences at Damascus University put some money in the meter so good to have you with us so we talk about the future of america in syria particularly north of that country initially of course it was there so it was there to fight isis now that problem is gone now theyre there for good they say for at least a long while to fight iran should we have seen this coming all along. Thank you very much for having me and i think. What mr assad. Said in the congress. Shows that america is lying all the time especially with this Administration First of all you said before the. Fight against terrorism then i says now we are hearing and other reasons the one to give us a model of democracy. To see that america where is their models in afghanistan or iraq or where america it means there are problems so. I think that its seems to me that they are they want to stay and the reasons behind that mr sutton fifty eight and its of International Law everyone knows they are and they are not in syria by invitation of legal Syrian Government they are not going to themselves by the Security Council resolution so they are our competitors or what youve heard now youre taking a more phrase value that they are in fact to counter the threat they see from iran whether theyve been invited to syria or nor do you buy their reason for continuing to stay in syria or not or do you think again theres more to it. The started you clearly dont think so because there is division inside the American Administration about presence in syria the secondly. There is disturbing American Foreign policy we can see these American Foreign policy everywhere the third that either the National Security the command didnt mention syria or it but they talked about iran prisons and at the same time they are in a cold war with russia openly and i think the last attack on the home i mean. It was a signal that america is continue when youre fighting against russia in a cold war they will continue to subordinate terrorist organizations especially and so what we can see in the lip so to face of these threats from United States i think there is a different options in front of syria and iran at the same time because we are in the same axis we are fighting together terrorism i think first of all. Continue fighting terrorism it means we are cutting the hands of United States inside syria i mean whats going on now and its whether you agree with the minority washington. Says that its there to help stabilize the ongoing unstable situation in syria coming bring any good to the area up there in the north. I think the United States everyone knows that it was the leader of the project of the aggression against Syrian People against syria the same with iran so its something amazing when mr. Talking about the about with the model democrat democratic model for syria Syrian People can just say their future everyone knows that and i think the situation or american presence in the north of syria its to maybe two. To face the iranian influence they say to face the russian presence on the. Part of maturing and see if there are others youre strategic. Others you have start your targets for your next step but how we will face this is here the question how will face the challenge now i think there are different ways we will see in the future first of all you mentioned before to cut the american hunts. Other terrorist groups second maybe channel it will be diplomacy and pressure through diplomacy the third may be resistance which i think american they dont have a very good impression in iraq or you know grandstand or a libyan on ninety two and they mentioned that before so they should looking for the future there is no future for america in syria and should know that openly and frankly far you know one minute while youre on the line whats the end game here how long do you foresee and they have got a crystal ball how long do you see america being in syria is trouble going to do what hes promised to do and localize things and bring forces back to america in concert in america more or is this going to go on long term in. In this occupation in the north i dont think i dont think they will stay for long term when they will lose their soldiers into syria land and the syrian territories ill will. Their decision especially with this had been a distortion which we dont know and we cannot. Expect what the decision are now towards iran toward syria towards. Nobody knows can expect especially that we can see now where there is any differences between the e. U. The European Union and United States especially what we could see before. Ten minutes about the report about the london visit of president bush where he. Decided not to go to london because again early in the war everyone is tired from these Foreign Policy in america is. Disturbing the International Atmosphere generally thank you for your time sir talk to us professor Political Sciences at Damascus University appreciate it. And thank you for being with us too its coming up to twenty nine minutes past six moscow time thats the way the news wraps look in so far from out international because you get maybe thirty minutes from now if you can that you know. Everybody. Stephen ball. Task hollywood guy youll suspect every proud american first of all im just george bush and our visa to say this is my buddy max the famous financial guru where shes a little bit different im not. Going to harness the oh no one knows up with all the drama happening in our country im shooting the road have some fun meet every day americans more. Closely start to bridge the gap this is the great American People. Unfortunately it appears that once people learn that youve reported in a Sexual Assault or may have been involved in an incident that they become scared if you instead of being scared of the perpetrator. And this is only bill to agree on well colleague. Today hes a legal consultant but he used to be a financial criminal the laundered for colombian drug barons and what i did was i dont this is all going to do were going to ship it to panama and from panama or going to go ahead and ship it around the world and then bring it back and i face as a legal money investments. I had to go to panama. Two hundred times every week and i was in panama both real and agree on a very familiar with musket fun seka as they were basically. Partners with you dont be their partners with these guys who wanted a longer millions and millions a million i would never be able to guess how much money went through panama. Who leaked the information to journalists new ones also about these schemes. Mr down. Have a seat. He had a t. V. In excellent references. And a pleasure interest we are assembling and a team of lawyers. I think you fit in perfectly have you ever worked with a big database of course. Are going to order. Couple of the. Need to run. Wait a minute. Well. I will somebody around the office. However sooner or later all things come to light Money Laundering experts agree and kenneth rio knows that very well. I certainly. Had to pay the price for it not just by spending two years in. Federal custody but also. I lost my license to practice law for. Went to prison for as long as seven years but it seems that fate decided that wasnt enough punishment for him while laundering the drug lords money he didnt notice his wife and brother becoming cocaine addicts later his only son died of an overdose. I blame other people for what he did because he was able to get into that world when i wasnt here. I was in europe and then i was in prison and i was unable to supervise him or influence him long enough and i think he paid the price a lot of kids were last paid if i had been here would have been different i dont know. Twenty twenty sixteen the german newspaper sites and published its first story featuring. His famous clients within a week the Panama Police had cordoned off the law firms offices. I mean if we in fact than. Those a municipal you see our young. People going to handle after they saw him but i didnt know i am first and i am but i. Gave what i have as i leave i feel why dont. You consult this has been a sucker employee for thirty years it seems he was even ready to work there for another thirty but everything changed a year ago. I see this and. More and we get on the most job putting him to one hour when youre not on the kind of his enough for you and yet they want to pass and forgetting. About. His business he owns a restaurant across the road has hit rock bottom along with most excellent circus reputation. I. Dont know yet most of. Them when i made an offer that morning also take it when they know what im most most of them youll know the moment i thought about how it would. Be on with. The restaurant. It was abandoned by its customers when the company was surrounded by angry clients. Its not hard to understand the millionaires and billionaires it wasnt just the size of the deals that went public on the web but the personal information to. The company can only off a one on so we will act like that in most gay is that they might be they in that i mean the as it were a form i think that the sound on what he thought he was in acting as was my saying then they thought or more you mean. But who could steal to enough terabytes of data without being noticed maybe they must be some person who suggested then. One day it came to be so i suppose the information they are probably that is a kind of person they know who the boss were for i know more of the. And know where to look. I can hear some noise. Was. Deafening on checked everything i think theres someone here. Or there are. Very funny. Nothing. Well that is thats a great place to call act information not necessary from the local papers like the one im reading now. Pepe escobar is an independent journalist and writer. He calls the panama documents a select club it was very striking there were no americans in the list specially but a lot of people from the brics countries specially brazil russia and china pepe escobar is certain. All of the information has been carefully selected but who by john doe the journalist who led the investigation or is it possible that someone else orchestrated events. In most twenty sixteen russian president Vladimir Putins press secretary received a request from the International Consortium of investigative journalists the following day Dmitri Peskov made a public announcement a large scale cyber attack against the president specifically and russia are in general is being prepared. Yet another mudslinging publication that is meant to be objective and sensational is being prepared in the next few days. Those next few days werent long in coming. Western journalists are practically cost russias president in the leading role in the panama scandal despite the fact that his name isnt mentioned once in the most like phone secor archives. But the material did hold information

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