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Like he was going to be particularly welcome in the u. K. Almost two Million People has signed a petition against him coming here claiming perhaps the most british reason a rule that it would embarrass the queen donald trump arriving here and the mare of london hasnt been too welcoming either take a listen to what city khon has had to say about donald trump it appears that President Trump got the message from the many londoners who love and admire america and americans but find his policies in action the polar opposite of. This just reinforces what a mistake it was for its a reason to rush and extend an invitation of a state visit in the first place and a special relationships go this one looking special for all the wrong reasons right now we know diplomacy hasnt been donald trump strong suit but perhaps a year into the job he is managing to support us even himself because he has reportedly insulted highty and host of other nations as well top of this raw. With the u. K. According to media reports. And a number of other countries as quote undesirable second rate countries and not in those words the white house hasnt even made that he said instead theyve issued at the height of the plex statement saying that session washington politicians choose to fight for Foreign Countries the president will always fight for the American People so. With haiti now room is that the island nation could be recalling its ambassador a washington and probably a few bridges to build and fences to mend for us. All in a days work or should i say a few tweets for the u. S. President. Meanwhile the u. S. President has denied reports that he made offensive remarks about a number of countries he tweeted that his language in the Oval Office Meeting was tough but that he did not use the words attributed to him trump went on to accuse the democrats of making up the allegations that he was derogatory about haitians suggesting he should record all of his future meetings but one democratic senator who was at the meeting insists trump did make the crude comments its not true. He. Said we. Shouldnt try mentioning. One of the nature of the. The alleged comments have triggered backlash from around the world a spokesperson for the u. N. Described them as racist hes envoy to the u. S. Called the remark misguided while the countrys former president accused trump of ignorance the incident was also met with outrage in africa with botswana uganda and the African Union all condemning his alleged words we discussed the incident with investigative journalist patrick. Shahin from the u. K. Labor party. I certainly dont believe the president i certainly do believe. That some very strong very harsh very cruel and very undiplomatic words about other nations compass being relatively safe disgraceful message and if the comments that he made in the run up to the election he still managed to win but. He is not hes not going to make America Great again by making these ridiculous gaffes on the world stage if you look at the media reporting over the last eighteen months with anything related to donald trump dossiers that are presented to the media of things that he supposedly did or things he said i wouldnt trust anything coming out of the Mainstream Media much less any democrat senator or congressman clearly theres a partisan agenda here but clearly this is a president much like the foreign minister of Britain Boris Johnson who continually will put his foot in it and in terms of trump its a bit more dangerous because he has a twitter account these very active with so its come in the program and e. U. Court has prevented sweden from deporting a terror suspect stay with us for the details you want to international. Heres what people have been saying about redacted in the decision to pull. The only show i go out of my way to you know what it is that really packs a punch oh yeah it is the john oliver of r t america is doing the same we are apparently better than to see people you never heard of redacted the night president of the world bank go ok. Seriously send us an email. And welcome back youre watching R T International now a copy of the pentagons Nuclear Development plans has been leaked to the press the Nuclear Posture review was due to be released in february and the sixty page draft document describes plans to upgrade and replace outdated Nuclear Weapons that includes the creation of new low yield Nuclear Warheads for submarines and the document highlights the need to counter threats from russia china and north korea and proposes a doubling of Nuclear Weapons funding. The u. S. Already has more than one thousand low yield Nuclear Warheads according to the federation of american scientists this expansion of u. S. Nuclear capability comes despite President Trumps earlier pledge to seek global t. V. Nuclearization number one i would like to do you know the world i would like russia and the United States and china and pakistan and many other countries that have Nuclear Weapons get rid of them i stated americas intention to pursue the peace and security of a World Without Nuclear Weapons but i put forward a comprehensive agenda to pursue it to stop the spread of these weapons to secure vulnerable Nuclear Materials from terrorists and to reduce Nuclear Arsenals Robert Naiman from the just Foreign Policy organization told us the plans would mean a cash windfall for pentagon contractors. Its a Troubling Development that they would put this out but the administration doesnt get to do this by themselves congress will have to approve it and hopefully there will be pushback and what is. Obviously an outrageous in foolish idea United States already has more than enough Nuclear Weapons the idea. Building more is robbery other priorities pentagon contractors are going to make money off of producing Nuclear Weapons so that creates parochial interests there are pushing these things there are not something thats not in the interest of the world its not in the interest of the majority of people. The European Court of justice has prevented sweden from deporting a moroccan Asylum Seeker whom Security Services considered a potential terrorist swedish intelligence or recommended the mans deportation after concluding that he was a threat to National Security individual whose name has not been released appealed to the European Court of justice and the court ruled that his extradition would violate article three of the European Convention on human rights as he could face torture in his home country the case of bare similarities with a ruling in germany a few days ago germanys high court prevented a turkish man convicted of supporting islamist extremists from being sent home the reason again was that his rights could be violated in turkey we asked our guests for their view on the story. The issue primarily is about the European Court of justice organ which is countermanding the desire of the swedish state to remove an unwelcome alien and a threatening alien and a Security Risk alien from their own country and yet the European Court of justice says that this individual rights trump the state of the rights of the state to protect its own people and weve got to be aware that there is a jew process of law that should be conducted and if anybodys involved in preparing terrorism and supporting it curry cian it then the jew process should take its course being called of human rights of passage judgment which is that he cannot be deported but it hasnt said that the state of sweden cannot take action against this individual to lock him up if he poses a threat to the security of that country he wasnt born in sweden hes come as a guest to sweden and the swedish have looked at him and theyve said this man is a Security Risk to our society he needs to go back home now why the you may disagree with that decision or not weve got to respect the right of those institutions to make those decisions and i go back to the Central Point if these people are involved in terrorism what these what the country should be doing is taking criminal action against those individuals and putting them away if the eyeballs or should they do that the boat came across as a guest hes a guest at that in sweden hes clearly and now an unwelcome guest because they feel hes a threat to their society there are no chuck him out send it back home thats what theyre going to do my advice the swedish government will be ignore the European Court of justice theyre talking trollop in the books to back to morocco anyway authorities to go as a threat to their society quite clearly that investigated the threat as are the baccy goes and hell have to take his take his chance back in morocco i just think due process is very very important and we live in Democratic Society where we have to understand and respect that process. Hes making a decision. Has decided to stop referring to its peoples as girls in a move to adopt a more gender neutral language. Grammar school for girls defended its policy by saying that they are trying to break in grained habits to help students with gender identity issues adding that we welcome and celebrate diversity there. Drew ridicule online with users pointing out that the schools name actually violates its own policy. Grammar school says it has no plan to drop of the word girls from its name we asked locals what they think of the new gender neutral policy. The majority would be happy to be called girls ridiculous i think girls are girls and boys are boys theres too many pressures on pupils too much attempt to move everything towards gender neutrality i think it actually leads to more confusion rather than clarification this is a girls school and its extraordinary that children are being encouraged to go along the path were going to have more and more children with Mental Health problems who are confused and unhappy by all means support children who have a gender issue but dont do it at the expense of the majority do not rob them of their gender identity we only need to apply those basic principles of religions that we treat other people how we wish to be treated and we saw the problem we need to stop for sting pushing adult neuroses onto these young children. Switching gears now clashes between anti austerity protesters and police have broken out next to the Parliament Building in the greek capital. The. Officers used tear gas to disperse demonstrators on friday crowds gathered to voice their anger over pay cuts and restrictions on strike action thousands of people from the labor unions are joining the rally in athens disrupting public transport. For years a fine one for you for a wanted criminal using social media might not be such a good idea that lesson was learned the hard way by a former japanese gangland boss who had been on the run for more than a decade. So there you have kids when your parents and teachers tell you to watch what you post thats what me watching are two international be back in about thirty four and a half minutes with a full picture news. In two thousand and sixteen papers showing the world with a tax haven the secrets to trilling and United States dollars passed through most. In the amount of time that weve been in Panama Papers exposure thats what it shows off money it really is. Journalism journalism looking at things that people want to keep secret and asking why would they want to keep these things secret. In the most like phone psycho documents were examined. Me all the people we basically have tried to get done ive done the job with this thought it was his paper. And probably other politician which was the other police from the media would point to find targets such as the kings of morocco and saudi arabia the president of argentina several prime ministers. And russian president Vladimir Putin of course. That tied so i have sued so many newspapers for defamation some things dont just happen by chance it was very striking there were no more americans to go specially a lot of people from the brics countries specially brazil russia and china that this special project reveals what was missed in the media coverage. The panama chronicles. The central bank especially those the lender of last resort or to provide liquidity in case theres a credit freeze to fact that you have such a banks becoming the buyer of first order and that theyre printing money to buy stocks is a complete inversion of what their role is supposed to be in the economy and they become a giant hedge fund. Say this is boom bust broadcast signal to work around the world from washington d c im partial to. Coming up Hotels Motels holiday you will talk about the whole self check youre going into the new year and trinity charges. Joins us from the beating heart of the worlds Financial Sector wall street where the bulls are still feeding as record market numbers continue to climb and canada takes the United States to court at the World Trade Organization is it about more than lumber and is canada really speaking for others nations which think the United States has gone too far in its protectionist policies alex mahela bit helps to unwind that mystery plus we caught up with holland cook about self driving cars before he left the Consumer Electronics show in vegas lots of really neat stuff first lets get to the business and financial headlines for the day. The European Central bank might be moving to curtail their Bond Buying Program known as quantitative easing or c. Or q e sooner than expected as the one thousand member euro zone rebounds from the recession quicker than anticipated e. C. B. Notes released from their december Board Meeting reveal that some think the e. C. B. Q. E. Is too aggressive for the times the notes indicate that the bank may soften its previously stated policy of continuing to buy sixty billion euros worth of bonds through september and reduce that amount. Half the eurozone economy is better than it has been in a decade with unemployment as we reported on this program last week at a nine year low. In related news e. C. B. President mario draghi credited with saving the euro zone economy in july of two thousand and twelve when he pledged to do quote unquote whatever it takes to preserve the euro will be stepping down at the end of may when his eight year term ends. The united kingdoms hotel sector received a thirty five percent increase in investment last year totaling five billion pounds more than fifty percent of that five billion came from Foreign Investors as the u. K. s Hotel Industry saw an increase in travelers including more tourists to the u. K. Than ever before. And on that topic we are joined by president founder of straw mark a Global Business Development Firm henry ford which hillary thank you for being here youre welcome ok so how has the hotel sector done in the past in the last year or so and put it in perspective given to related things like Food Service Industry yes the Hotel Industry has just taken off and it will continue to do so particularly over the last two years and what youre finding particular when you mention with regard to the u. K. A lot of this has to also do with the chinese traveling the number one destination for the chinese is the u. K. And you know anywhere that the chinese money is going is going and its probably not coming here as much were not as welcoming right in the u. S. It seems with the new president its not there when we would as welcoming but it has affected actually in terms of globally you look at what mario just made that big mistake in china because of course on their website they by accident i suppose posted a separate site for taiwan for tibet from macau and hong kong. Entries and china doesnt like that chinese are now boycotting marial which is american and agro that has ramifications well jump around here a little bit so you mention. What about these programs like myriad starwood joining together how is that working or do we see more consolidation like that in the Hotel Industry yes we are going to see it in the middle market the middle market is growing exponentially mainly because of the experience will demond versus product demand you find that millennial is and also actually the graying of america millennialism graying of america both want greater experiences and thats whats causing a lot of this growth whats the number one experience trouble thats whats causing. Like the exponential growth is coming from the drive for experiences versus products now when you when you talk of the growth i know dylan did this report recently they talked about a five or six percent growth in your hotels for this next year are they right in that report that report that not all the right notes yes i wouldnt question anything that report it was accurate only one thing that it omitted did not touch upon the fact that while the Hotel Industry is a cyclical industry as a many to usually sort of like a ten year cycle it will be different because as i mentioned graying of america this huge bubble from the baby boom is going to travel again with the forces of how exponentially experiences are growing but also the technological factor it is easy it doesnt matter who you are way you are it is an easy thing to do was travel was more time consuming than it is now with the click of your phone you could be at the airport and on the trip. And absolutely dont from experience as a prime sure you have to yes so thats what might change the cycle and they didnt mention that in the report otherwise yes accurate ok well thats a pretty shit you sharing that intel with us right here for better than do it good for you now i really wouldnt say that even though i have a k p n g background i wouldnt say that you definitely say if you have a cape in the back row ok now what about expedient in these sorts of sites that are seem to be consolidating themselves it is that working out for them what do you see in the future what i see is that they have to be globally more sensitive than theyve ever had to be we just mention mariels a little snafu so to speak everybody remembers the car example of one of the car that went into south america and it was it was a nova nova doesnt know my god doesnt know i forgot about doesnt go so you know i think that companies have to be very sensitive in terms of sensibilities actually if you want to touch upon a p m g when i was head of Global Business development we had a strategy it was called global strategy local implementation whats important for expedia is that they locally have to tweak their offering the world might have become more homogeneous in terms of many things many aspects of their site will work but there are some that they have to be careful about that will be the number one difference and the concern going doubly you know it we get all the Accounting Firms in here my wife works for you and why the young and and part of her job was to ensure that you know throughout these countries all over the world they had the right language they were saying the right things they were particularly respectful of what was going on in china as you say people need to be sensitive not just politically sensitive but they need to be sensitive but with the customers are often the consumers so with expedia what the number one tip i have for them is if theyre as they expand into Foreign Countries would be to find someone whos either from that country particularly somebody whos also had american either education living somebody who is you know trans a transatlantic type person or a trans. Global type person because that person will understand the cultural sensitivities of doing business in that particular nation or that particular region of the what we are very little that we can do it all sometimes dont we that everybody around the world does not speak english im not saying that we cant but it gives an adviser of all to take those local cultures under consideration so what are the big things the. Things go into this year that the c. E. O. s in the Hotel Industry need to be thinking about other than being sort of politically sensitive to customers consumers the other big trend of course is health and wellness generations previously older people what do they do they want to sit in a deck chair on the on the cruise ship no longer you dont have to look at some of those do some of us dont but you dont have to look at any further than your local mall where actually in the in the Retail Industry theyre finding that while the Department Stores people actually go to malls to work out they used to be the bad guy in the mall the more owners didnt even want them now their big revenue generator so the whole Hotel Industry is looking at how can they almost become a Wellness Center how can they have Health Experts on site how can they be almost like the spar retreat that they never were previously and i think an industry thats also finally going to turn to that as the golf industry the golf industry historically was you know your belly to the bar type of the collar the montgomery look and now after tiger woods all of them jordan spaeth and all the rest theyre fit theyre healthy theyre lean so every traveler to a certain degree has that aspect of desire not every the majority and thats a trend that did not exist ten twenty thirty years ago super insightful hillary for bridget strong work c. E. O. And president thank you so much what a pleasure to have your oprah comeback thank you art love you. With stock market trisha new horrors every few days our team is trinity charges puts the numbers in perspective she joins us from the heart of the Global Financial Center Manhattan right there near wall street trinity twenty eighteen is off to an amazing start for wall street weve seen the market close at record highs almost every day even surpassing the twenty five thousand mark. What it means is every time you see that number go up or wall street it means jobs mean success it means for one carries that a flourish the most impressive milestone yet for the Dow Jones Industrial average twenty five thousand which really shows the explosive growth in stocks over the past year high is closing record hit twenty five thousand five hundred seventy four point seventy three on january eleventh marking a milestone among the years highest closing records since President Trump has taken office we have seen a more than ninety two stock market record highs and President Trump certainly argues that this is all about the make America Great again agenda we did in fact break twenty five thousand very substantially break in very easily. So i guess our new numbers there he says that the president tweeting out on january fifth quote dow goes from eighteen thousand five hundred eighty nine on november ninth two thousand and sixteen to twenty five thousand seventy five today for a new all time record jump one thousand points in the last five weeks records fast as one thousand point move in history this is all about the make America Great again agenda jobs jobs jobs six trillion dollars in value created were seeing a trend that white house is putting out to people like. American the blue chips for the First Time Ever hit twenty thousand on january sixth two thousand and seventeen and the market for the most part has been steadily climbing ever since and two thousand and seventeen for the First Time Ever the dow reached for one thousand point milestones in one year in march the dow hit twenty one thousand an early august twenty two thousand and. Tobar twenty three thousand and just thirty trading days after that mark the dow closed at twenty four thousand the dow had seventy one record highs for the year the nasdaq had seventy two and the s. And p. Five hundred had seventy three the dow was up more than twenty three percent last year compared to two thousand and sixteen this years rising stock prices have largely been credited to a Global Economic recovery and growing optimism that the republican tax bill cut will provide a boost for u. S. Growth and help American Companies make more money and wall street is betting that companies will use that spare cash to buy back stock and beef up their dividends though markets are also increasing and we were also getting investors from foreign market and an American Company so this is all really positive for the dollar meanwhile german and british stocks arent far from breaking record highs of their own this week the European Market closed higher than usual five days in a row marking a new two and a half year high and closing above four hundred for the First Time Since mid two thousand and fifteen meanwhile nikkei in japan is trading at its highest level since one thousand nine hundred ninety one according to market watch now although the dow has surpassed the twenty five thousand mark and hopes are high for strong earnings for Companies Across the board many are still wondering exactly how long it will take to get the dow jones to thirty thousand in the financial district for boom bust turn of each others are to. Really great data points the dow has risen and. Rather four percent so far this year a time now up or a quick break but hang with us because when we return well see why canada is taking the United States to the core of the World Trade Organization and ask alex mahela bitch if it means more that it seems now as we go to break here are those numbers at the closing bell to close out the

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