So i was coming to the the boardroom a for the guy. Finish not a fun toss to die here its creeping casuals if you want to know. The parent club the move the club the fall of the club to corinthians sarah palin is that it wont he then bruno all the wife from brazil to london of course parents always come back to the parent cloak keenan did you enjoy the game good guy pulls you into so show us your corinthians so paul found alphonse and this is youll put us on the club you had a good time trying to stick full suppose the first time for something you already got to join us after the break as i sit down with write and mexico skip im dre squad dont go anywhere. In twenty forty you know bloody revolution to the demonstrations going from being relatively peaceful protests to be creasing the violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it. The president recalls the twenty four. Those who took part in this today over five billion dollars to assist you in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. The stakes couldnt be higher and its happening in syria the goal of destroying the Islamic State is largely complete now the syrian proxy war is the new stage for the players and one of their aims and what does winning. In america a College Degree requires a great deal. Paying a decades long debts from. Studying so hard it requires drugs just. Going through humiliation to enter an elite society. And parching to death sometimes quite literally. Wants other true colors of universities in the us. Hey everybody im stephen bob Taft Hollywood guy youll suspect every proud american first of all im just George Washington and r. V. Im going to say this is my buddy max famous financial guru and well im just a little bit different im not a one car not knowing no one knows up with all the drama happening in our country im shooting the road have some fun meet everyday americans. And hopefully start to bridge the gap this is the Great American people. The sheen mexico qualified for the. Tournament on saturday and we. Go to the outreach hopes as well as chatting to his best his team mates about their countrys chances. Its the middle of winter but you wouldnt know its we here in beautiful seville. One of the two great clubs. In the city were going to chat to man to die this is a legend in a hero for. More importantly for his country mexico hes played in three world cup tournament so already. In russia thats a shot so im going to squat about those. And there is fantastic that you can join me on this time calling. Were here beautiful betsys to do. Your full world cup in the summer youve played three already do you still get excited at the thought of playing in the. Most or for every medal. But i mean. No i mean. If they want you out of course if. One said ok and it was a learning. By east sort of comment on what you all in one poll said about the book im going to start up i mean he said ok you know which has been you favorite world cup you played in two thousand and six two thousand and ten in south africa two thousand and fourteen in brazil which one is your favorite so far. As. The fifteen in that i dont mean to say for those weve got a lot of money for me i would only call in. From what you. Say. I mean from with. Him on the album they must mean little square when they put us in a war. Zone theyre going to get i mean if. He had a moment i would have. Put into them and the. Last i would. Also mean say sloan as often in some ways perhaps mexico were it was at the Confederations Cup last summer i was there and watched all of the games very good too what did you think of the facilities in the stadiums in russia are you excited for the fall to earth playing for el tree in russia see that i keep on the sultan of it one of all for us here in this. Last year i want to put i dont know i wasnt going to write it in the. Last play corneal was. A i would like it but i mean he joke. Around but i mean three can of of almost. They all i mean. He was an officer in the most intimate for you an incredibly experienced international over one hundred games for three. Which countries do you think are the favorites for the world cup will it be the usual germany argentina brazil which do you think is very strong. Obviously or youre going to. Not play this kind of. I mean so masterson action and loss but also in the end not be the one. But one that has. Any. Special will it be for you personally supply in a fourth world. This is a very very small group of footballers to ever play in the amount of tournament it must make you very proud. To wear your service and i would. Not go by the woman on the squad if we were these what i will name it was the one i compiled with you in the story up what does it for me what happened on this is not a play that is created there we go so he looks at this federal. Courthouse went back and massacred one just. As bad as that i. He. Said but up inside looking if you. Keep it open it wont be any easier wolf you would open warfare going on in the whole political present moment and says. Thats what the im one of the here beautiful speech saw it you got the game this weekend against barcelona to appeal to my faith now do me see my you will be selected for morocco and for denmark will you give them some of your advice how to play in a world cup. Thought i could hear but i dont mean diageo see what i want and theyre not. The moon i know. But one of. The risk point of open with locals move where no. One must know somebody in the hall is on your knees one of our young. That insulting us actions by you and i. Want to embrace timeless and open no matter what kind of people must represent them with finally. Two thousand and eighteen lots of great scenes as captain what do you hope what do you expect how far can mexico go. For your spittle in. My horoscope was a moon the but i mean hes. An american are you going to. Can ask. The quality and then move the. Head on one aspect that will but those he want i mean that ok us plan to escape. Me he called they said fossil classified and. I must say i said as i started to tell us how. Im very very much for joining us all the very best for the world cup with mexico i have one final thing to outproduce. Spanish and hes a big. Heroes is jose miguel has miguel come and sit next to you here right now. Would you sign his shirts please his bets im sure. Its not only. You know you know. I mean you. Know i. Know you. Guys. Only. On we go tonight very very. Low wall stuff. So ok thank you very much for joining us on the stand collymore show up on monday in the sum up marocco back twenty years since the last will cook how excited to be back at the world. Went on to tell them which i. Dont want to. But i thought biased but im not a local sports. Footballer. And the whole when we. Have a home we want to put out put up with any of that. Im going down that road south for came. In on one of them which i know this president down yes didnt i mean almost we are not all. Part of us out and one of the most i. Dont know what im going to tell us about the moroccan to see. All these mix of experience and you. Tell us about these things. As. For kitchen poco me external. I want to follow mr. Barrow i wallowed his holiness. People on c. H. Will fall short hometown. Winter sun doesnt all capitana do but not. For the winter sun to get only that many people. In the meantime to the while lotus how did they shall get im innocent but im for the pharaoh and that although some of them the wrong group for lost almost make you focus. Your almost more venus almost when a familiar the seven was going there was a quote in time units at first when i thought i was in a so it was kind of one you thought it was one of the and all the moment all for one thought a person that was on that im bodies. On the list for the. Other that k. K. Without a fight off. On that at. All at least makes you so wish you and all the very best it will cope good luck thank you very much you. Can join us we just had a difficult trying session you got barcelona. Here of course in the next few days lets talk briefly about it will cope denmark qualified we were there. To watch quite an incredible performance from the unchristian eriksson how excited are you to be potentially flying into woke up in the summer in russia to be. Im really really excited for the coach of. The sport before going well please. Im sure you get excited and finally what is the expectation for you to die in the squad to get out of the group for us to be competitive what do you think are realistic expectations for denmark we want so itll go through with the group stage. And play for the tile why not i mean in the world cup is really what it is difficult to say but as i said before you know every game has its own life and youre looking forward to going to claim in russia some great stadiums luzhniki in moscow some preachers but sixty thousand a different environment to play football in here is going to be totally different first of all we have to enjoy it but i think one of the first on the pitch forget about the spectators and just enjoy every second then give everything to win and to win the game good luck against barcelona at the weekend thank you for joining us thank you very much thank you. For this we join us sign telling next week as all be sitting down with the second highest ranked pfieffer official no less thats funny mr mora and we take you to the smallest Football League in the world com on. If north korea really believes were about to conduct a preemptive strike of its going to be significant in a serious preemptive strike that may. They may be motivated to make it to try to be just for the guys to push back. In twenty forty you know bloody revolution to to crush the demonstrations going from being relatively peaceful political protests to be creasing the violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it you know were here but i mean you know i lived with video producer in the. School in the middle of the fall the ukrainian president recalls the events of twenty fourteen. Those who took. Invested over five billion dollars to assist ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. Path just. Certain i want to do things that show me very stupid to be very clear right. Away go to. Management. And they dont they they when they have to then they have. You need to build. Something yeah what do you how about the bahamas. Do you wonder. If this. Was a constant next. Palestine is Getting International recognition with the help of israel at least in the world of zoos and middle fit to dismiss it like you know. This isnt my cup of tea is going off the sabiha maybe you know john tells me they should be the only palestinians who gets the most help from his jerusalem counterparts i dont think theres some of those who in the world under the oak vision know only could do this. And that is a lot of this lady in the muscle that you had i not going to compete in the doesnt seem to do more in the middle dont piss off. The headlines on r. T. International or u. S. Secretary of state meets turkeys president as america begins to adjust its rhetoric regarding the call flick between ankara and the codes in syria. The olympic spirit is being embraced by competitors from around the world at the winter games and south korea with their rivals helping each other out. Proud to be able to help another nation and it always feels good. And we get hope from them as well. French president emmanuel macro to move out of the president ial palace which was ultimately be their home for decades. Friday morning here in moscow youre watching r. T. International thank you for joining us. The u. S. Secretary of state is in turkey in an effort to mend ties with ankara Rex Tillerson has held talks lasting three hours with the president of the one the nato allies have been at odds over kodesh forces in syria in the run up to the meeting the Turkish Defense minister made clear what ankara wants from the United States we demand that this relationship and by that i mean we want them to and all the support given to the syrian arm of the p. K. The y. P. Gee lets take a closer look at the two groups just referred to by the Turkish Defense minister the p. K. K. Is the Kurdistan Workers Party a group thats been fighting turkish authorities for more than thirty years considers them a terrorist organization there why p. G. On the other hand is a mostly Kurdish Militia based in syria and who are gods then as a branch of the p. K. K. However the Us Led Coalition sees the y p g as allies now in january the pentagon announced it was creating a kurdish led Border Security force in the region and that move triggered a furious reaction from ankara which started a military campaign against Kurdish Militias in Northern Syria the turkish president even threatened to target u. S. Forces if they stood in the way of the operation and crew has long been complaining that the u. S. Is failing to deliver its promise to stop militias however washington now appears to have changed its messaging on the issue. We have never given heavy arms to the wife e. G. So theres none to take but in terms of weapons the United States has provided weapons to the Syrian Democratic forces for use in iraq we need to arm and train and equip their pressure and help the kurdish government in obio and. Strong and starch allies we should be using we should be doing the kurdish region to be the bin smoothers really proving to be the most we lose long standing. Support of the kurds or the pressure on the front lines fighting us now the turkish government considers these Kurdish Forces operating in syria to be terrorists and feels quite threatened by them and has been a long outspoken in demanding that the United States and its support for these forces why you still here why do these weapons still arrive america is in the process of creating a terror army on our border do not encroach on our borders do not provoke us we will run out of patience tillerson has arrived in turkey and hell be going to an embassy a u. S. Embassy in turkey that is on a street thats actually named for the military operation against those Kurdish Forces armed by the United States Operation Olive Branch thats sending a pretty clear message to washington that they do not approve of this policy of arming Kurdish Forces the United States is caught in a strange place between two allies its aligned with the Kurdish Forces and its also aligned with the turkish government a member of nato that considers those Kurdish Forces to be terrorists. Its no one week since the Winter Olympics in south korea officially began but while affiliates and coaches have been embracing the olympic spirit some surfers order to making online Death Threats well lets cross live to talk to want to use it if youre trying to just off a three pm where you are not whats been happening in pyongyang. Rory hello it is finally a Beautiful Day no weather issues obviously its a bit cold and yung chang but still well unfortunately with these Winter Olympics the story has been that every other day yung chang treats the media with some sort of scandal so far perhaps one of the most disgusting ones for me was when a canadian short track speed skater was receiving Death Threats from the locals after she finished fourth first but then a south korean athlete was disqualified and then her position was upgraded to third place and thats when the ugly things started happening but you shouldnt get the impression that the Olympic Games are doomed because in many sports there is such family spirit its the kind of family spirit that goes first after nationality rivalry politics etc there was one good example when during a crosscountry skiing competition a russian skier lost a part of his equipment and then an american coach rushed to help him out if the russians skier had to do this u. Turn you dont come back to pick it up that would have been a disaster for him in the race but thanks to the american coach it didnt happen and we talked to the man. Exactly the russians the Cross Country ski family is is exactly that its a family we often benefit from russian or no region coach is giving our athletes a poll in a race and well do the same i would say its very friendly when you walk by a russian athlete or coach will always say congratulations or if weve had a good race they will say congratulations to us three years ago and most the entire russian womens team came up to our hotel in head to tea and cookies with our owner continued and not many people spoke the same language we know a few words of russian a couple of them they knew some more english than we knew russian but we had a great time and it was one of those moments in my career that i remember. Well i guess when it comes to pole what i call rivals russia and the u. S. When it comes to helping each other out in sports it works both ways and here with me i got the yeah chang silver medalist in luge bris master who definitely knows what im talking about and hes ready to tell us about a story that happened to him a few months ago as far as i understand chris hi again congratulations and whats that story with the russian athlete i guess helping you out yeah thank you very much so as it was a couple weeks ago where i was having a very difficult last season. Which led into this season my results were very good although i know i could have done so much better had a great start but unfortunately they werent coming around but i have grown up in the loos community weve travelled together weve lived together i know the russian athletes the canting athletes everyone around the world so well that people were starting to reach out and help me and there was a specific russian athlete who want to do yet he he offered me help like technical help with with my i pod with with fiberglass with with aerodynamics and. Although it didnt work because a much larger than he is the fact that he was willing to reach out and help me and such like a desperate time shows that sport can bridge you know cultures it can bridge politics that we can connect on the human level through sports and thats thats really what embodies the olympics here is that so many countries are coming together connecting through sport and it really shows the power of the human spirit chris do you think this kind of situation in any way helped you win that silver medal that i think you have there yeah yeah actually absolutely so i think confidence is the huge part of this sport and make sure you show it. This little guy right here i think i think confidence is a huge part of your sport and not only believing in yourself but having other people believe in you and willing to help you out in times of need really does show that you know i have this support group behind me even if they are from another country and then i can really push myself to be better and really go for it so. Absolutely this is a small little step it takes a lot of people to get one of these and i cant think samuel enough are thinking about me and just trying to help me out in a time of need just lets make sure you bring out the guys name once again so that people know were talking about i mean about echo thats great and do you think any of the scandals that unfortunately happened with the russian team it hasnt taken any of that feeling away from you right now so i am very Close Friends with with so many different russian athletes and yes theres been a lot of scandals and im really i cant wait for the day that we can move past this and we can just get right back to sport clean sport you know a lot of people do talk about you know the russian athletes and i like to always point out that my teammate soccer west hes the fastest starter in the world and its great because if i want to be the best i have to follow tuckers lead so i try to move past this be the best person that i can and i cant wait for all of this to be behind us what can we do. What can athletes to journalists perhaps coaches everyone in the entire community to make sure that we keep talking about things like that instead of the scandals that i mentioned earlier its so easy to talk about negative things but its really difficult to highlight these positive situations theres sometimes theyre harder to find but i think were trying to do about it and i really do appreciate that where it is about the human sport how we can connect and i think if we start focusing on the sport the athletes their stories i think we can move past you know a lot of this negativity and. You know who knows maybe one two lympics this will all be behind us and well get right back to you know clean competition and a lot of fun chris thank you so much well god gave us i can tell you wow thats a bit of russia well i can tell you its always good to talk about stories like the one chris told me about instead of some of the nasty things that unfortunately were happening n. P. N. Chang but once again chris master silver medalist

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