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Choosing to focus on cable r t new york. A Palestinian Schoolteacher has been left scarred after being mauled by an israeli army dog and word of warning you may find the upcoming scenes up setting. It was assaulted in the west bank during a raid conducted by the Israeli Defense forces it was searching for another man the alleged killer of an israeli who bears the same surname. Here we can start to show you the extent of the injuries sustained by the morning the schoolteacher is expected to require further treatment including a skin graft to one of his arms hes also been left with a leg injury. So. I woke up when i heard explosions i looked at my house door and it had been destroyed by an i. D. F. Bomb and after that there were several other explosions that destroyed the windows and damaged the house i went immediately to my childrens room and we gathered after that there was another explosion that destroyed the bedroom door i saw a dog it started to attack me and bite my shoulder and then it started to bite my leg and i was screaming and the Palestinian School teacher was allegedly attacked in front of his children and his wife in us. Since this incident has had a psychological effect on my husband my children and myself but i am staying at this hospital with them and they say he will wake enough at night shaking the end of years as the eldest son also wakes up screaming about his that and the little one is waiting at the back it was a terrifying experience the dog attacked my husband for over seven minutes and i try to help him defend my husband by grabbing the dogs had what i couldnt get away from him we asked the idea for a comment on the case they responded by saying that our had previously threatened civilians in jewish majority areas of the west bank they also told us the raid was conducted in accordance with standard procedures and that it was immediately given medical treatment however john howard disputes that. Afterward i was bleeding for more than two and a half hours and they took me to the hospital note that i only got treatment at the hospital itself not from the i. D. F. Author and journalist Max Blumenthals says the use of dogs is actually i. D. F. Policy. This you know is being cast by the Israeli Military and government as kind of an isolated incident but as any of us who follow the situation in the west bank know this is far from isolated its part of a clear policy of using dogs as kind of an advance team during home raids of palestinians there is also a high profile case in twenty fifteen of a sixteen year old from the southern town of beit omar also a town thats under pressure from from jewish settlers where he his home was raided by an israeli dog unit this is a sixteen year old named him he was badly mauled by a dog you know these dogs apply two thousand pounds of pressure per square inch and Israeli Soldiers were taunting him on video theres actually video of this incident and now he. And the Palestinian Human Rights Group al huck are suing not israel but actually the Dutch Company for winds canine which supplied those dogs and has supplied what it calls biting dogs to the Israeli Military for violating u. N. Conventions on Companies Operating in conflict zones so this is a very significant lawsuit and it speaks to a wider policy of what the israeli dissident journalist gideon levy calls lynching by dog. Still to come here with the International Eight hundred percent increase the u. S. Military plans to radically boost its stockpile of shells the question is why its off to. The other make theyre talking back on a banker and fiduciary to fiduciary other words are saying that bitcoin is even our lunch the returns on big point of made everything we do is a bank look stupid immature and low performance even Warren Buffett has not kept up with bitcoin nobodys kept up with that point so theyre saying that oh its a non correlating asset ok what does that mean that means stocks bonds and currencies are all in bear markets now and im going to continue to be in and theyre probably going to wipe out a whole generation or two currencies are the only thing is going to save these people and us from being fired so were going to middle of the currency market because even if we get a little bit of those last ten years of big point it will save us from our going to report big red negative year on year returns on every single piece of Money Management business we touch. Join me every thursday on the alex im im sure and ill be speaking to us from the world of politics business im show business ill see you then. Thanks for joining us according to a recent u. N. Report it will take decades to clear the iraqi city of mosul unexploded bombs clearance works off being complicated by the fact that many of the bombs are buried under an estimated eleven million tons of rubble we spoke to the u. N. Mine Action Services Senior Program manager he compares the situation in that city to the after world war two. I am. Become so explosive a house odes it is very and it is unseen previously on the sea and proportions in terms of the contamination that we experience it is a mixture of coalition ammunition that has been fired and that has failed to function with the maid that least ten percent of that im initially. That has five been fired has failed to function we also find that isis i mean a shunned that has been fired has failed to function but with higher failure rates in addition to that we also find improvised explosive devices different types of explosive improvised explosive devices with different fusing systems all in common a combination with rubble high degree of rubble we estimate eleven million tons of rubble in western model at least and in general a very difficult conditions to work under. It is a situation very similar to after the Second World War of course what we are doing right now is that we are clearing we serving and we are clearing Critical Infrastructure but still after ten maybe twenty years maybe even longer there will still be explosive contamination. It is almost impossible to say we havent got the full scope of contamination in mosul yet we havent been to all locations but it is a question of years and until everything has been cleared it is probably more than ten years. As mosul struggles to get back on its feet the Iraqi Government estimates now that eighty eight billion dollars is required to rebuild the whole country and a global aids pledging conference in kuwait just over thirty percent of that figure was actually raised now the u. S. Led coalition started its anti eisel campaign in twenty sixteen but of course ultimately its been in bedded in iraq since two thousand and three however washingtons pledged just three billion of the eighty eight billion dollars in reconstruction aid needed and this was not in direct financial help at all rather the money was placed in loans and financing to help American Companies invest in iraq. Much work remains to rebuild iraq and modernize its economy the signal is strong. And iraqs ministry of foreign banks will sign a three billion dollar memorandum of understanding but dont make them up mostly of the announcement by the Us Government representative in the kuwait conference was clear that they will not provide anything except perhaps some investment in iraq we believe that the Iraqi Government with all its political factions should have joined forces and demanded to pay your money and. Activists demanding justice for those killed in the massive grunfeld fire in london last year have chosen an unusual way to stage a protest they borrowed an idea from an oscar nominated film i think you put up with my daughter angela was murdered seven months ago like in the movie three outside the activist hired three billboards to send a message trucks carrying the words seventy one dead and still no arrests or how come were paraded through london critics say questions over the safety of cheap housing have yet to be answered in the way of junes grand felt how a disaster. Activists warn that many housing projects across the country suffer from the very same construction problems as the ground and they say also that authorities are failing to take action. And i see a truck and i spoke to one activist behind the billboard campaign. Its been eight months since the ground fell tower tragedy shook the u. K. A twenty four Story Building was engulfed in flames the lives of seventy one people were lost with dozens more injured numerous campaigns protest demonstrations have taken place since calling for answers justice and. Count ability were now joined by one of the cofounders of justice for grunfeld which is a Grassroots Community group obviously calling for justice and answers about thank you so much for joining us today two hundred ninety seven buildings that people are still living in today up and down the country that have the same kinds in the governments responses to that they should pay for it themselves to take it down. You know lots of the survivors are still in temporary or emergency accommodation for those really and i think you know the survivors and the community i think prosecution of those responsible needs to take place we need to see people in the dark. And they need to suffer the same penalties that any other citizen would do rather than just kind of give him elected officials favorable treatment or how likely do you think that might happen given its been eight months already and we havent seen one name or person be held accountable do you think that is actually going to happen i think were going to have to make it happen and we will continue to come time to make sure that happens how real is the fear that Something Like this could happen again and while this investigation even is still continuing if i was within one of those buildings i dont think id be sleeping at night right now you know you cannot put people in unsafe built ins and why the government isnt reacting to this quickly and rapid today your home sure your home is your hate fearne you have a right to live is a human right to have a safe shall tongue we will continue to campaign you know look out for other things that were going to and more keep those questions out in the Public Domain and were expect the government to respond to us in a public to mine that would thank you very much for joining us here well the officials are continuing to conduct investigations into what exactly happened at ground fault tower that killed all of those people and its clear that the local community is going to continue fighting for those answers until we get them and start r. T. Monday. And eight hundred percent increase for u. S. Military plans to radically boost its stockpile of artillery by almost one hundred fifty thousand units. The order includes one hundred fifty five millimeter artillery shells a standard nato caliber thats especially widespread among naval forces also g. P. S. Guided excalibur rounds are also on the list designed for quote danger close situations we asked a security analyst charles schuberts what might be behind it this surge in orders of ammunition almost certainly one can say that these are used these are heavy weaponry they are used mainly in conventional conflicts what were seeing here is a very large increase that i think cant be completely explained by replenishing used resources the whats being attempted i think its a gesture its a symbol that is saying we are massively increasing our defense expenditures in the areas that are likely to be used in a possible combat scenario with states rather nonstate actors and invariably of course theyre talking about russia possibly china iran and others and that would be consistent with the stated u. S. Security policy of confronting those states by any standard this isnt a very great increase in the number of shells being ordered a power for stockpiling which again means that the obvious affects for preparing for war. Traversing over a well frozen siberian lake and a pair of skates made over seven decades ago by not be everybodys idea of a good daily commute though it is for one russian grand. Please. Please. Please. Thanks for joining us here on r. T. International your programming worked on this very soon. I. Think. You see most unusual me spokesmen think. This news it was the in the both of them which is this mission of the new question is a. Little bit some of it was just almost a trial of. Saddam for us brought us to dad to some odd some more serious. Global war hawks selling you on the idea that dropping bombs brings police to the Chicken Hawks forcing you to fight the battles of big stone. The new socks credit tell you that so be gossiped a couple of us fell for the most Important News today. Im often asked because im telling you are not cool enough to buy their product. All the hawks that we along with our audience will watch. It. In twenty forty you know bloody revolution two to clear the demonstrations going from being relatively peaceful political protests to be creasing the violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it your style or here i mean your list put video at three in the new bill is that i new school in the middle of the former ukrainian president recalls the events of twenty forty and. Those who took part in it invested over five billion dollars to assist ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. Time after time they were going underground is about the u. K. Minority government needed to raise them a spells out dangers to nato want to stage at the Munich Security Conference coming up on the show but a forced resignation of president Jacob Zuma Herald the end of the new liberal Mandela Legacy in south africa we investigate nato nation looting of africas financially richest country and as the Doomsday Clock ticks ever closer to Nuclear Armageddon we speak to the unofficial war artist beating canada and the head of c. N. D. About trump north korea and sixty years of the campaign the Nuclear Disarmament plan says london streets turn into catwalks for London Fashion week iconic designer danes andre rhodes on with the brits it may spell the end of any future of Cool Britannia its all the symbol going up todays going underground but first its no surprise that when it comes to enemies. Todays munich speech by tourism a well named czech russia shes done it before russia has fermented conflict in the dawn by us repeatedly violated the National Airspace of several European Countries and mounted a sustained campaign of Cyber Espionage and disruption. This is included meddling in elections and hacking the Danish Ministry of defense and the bundestag among many others. It is seeking to weaponize information deploying state run media organizations to plant fake stories and photo shopped images into the tent to so discord in the west anyone seeing wednesdays episode of going underground will have seen the ambassador of the Russian Federation to the u. K. Deny serious allegations like that made by britains minority government leader let alone allegations like these from the head of the cia will be in germany today it seems that the world is stunned that the russians are trying to to poke their hand into the us elections and polls because this is not a new phenomenon the technology is different the tools that they use are different but this was a threat in twenty six it will be a threat in the midterm elections and twenty eight will be a threat in two thousand and twenty until theres a new leader in russia i suspect it will be a threat to the United States for an awfully long time well arguably that koolaid has certainly been drunk by another european leader who this week appears to have threatened unilateral action in syria here is damning the journalists at this t. V. Channel severely shows. This are going to close this on at least. The three r. s and if the pope i dont need any more of course millions around the world may disagree with president macklemore about his idea of what journalism is especially when it comes to french criminal colonialism in africa while british media has focused on its old colony of south africa this week the state of africa its continued looting by new liberal institutions goes virtually unheard in nato nation media this while the ordinary peoples of nato nations generously donate to charities charities which in the u. K. Have now been revealed to be less than perfect well have more on charity from save the children on Mondays Program but joining me now from Port Elizabeth is someone who worked for Nelson Mandela patrick baum professor political of. Economy the university of waters and school of governance in johannesburg how do you characterize the talk left walk right policies of successive and c. Governments not alone that of jacob zuma as he said and boasted of millions now connected to electricity and ninety five percent with access to clean water well thats the claim and there are many such claims of development the problem is because neoliberal water policy exists that means you can put pipes in but if you cant afford the water that goes through the pipes the taps you turn them on and nothing comes out and thats two thirds of those ninety five percent and others theres been a lot of sort of delivery of capital goods but its the operating and maintenance expenses where theyre trying to do Cost Recovery in a neo liberal way you know like the corporations demand many french Water Companies have tried their luck but people are too poor we have about a sixty five percent poverty rate and that means people really have to illegally reconnect with electricity connect wires and so at about eighty percent of the people are reconnected illegally thats because these services are priced too high so even if theyre delivered they may not be accessible. Of course the talk left war great rhetoric increased from president zuma from time to time how serious no others other practitioners of that rhetoric the south African Federation of trade unions and of course the Economic Freedom fighters who appeared to be talking like mandela when he was fighting the guerrilla war oh thats right and the traditions in a way of the freedom charter of nationalizing the banks mines monopoly capital thats really well expressed through the Economic Freedom fighters the second Opposition Party getting about nine ten percent support and then as you say the south African Federation of trade unions especially with the Metal Workers so thats basically the big left thats going to keep an eye on. And yes this is always easy to talk left when youre out of power and when you have to run a government under the constraints of power blocs like local capital and Global Capital and global imperial power then it does get tricky and the dilemma is if youve got a big nationalist movement that got rid of a party and youve prestigious amongst the township activists the rural people its slow but pretty sure that you waste that as we saw with jacob zuma and taba mbeki and even Nelson Mandela and heres the dilemma that means that they specially especially jacob zuma the last few weeks have been blaming the west generically never specific and they say look because we brought south africa to the brics the west is trying to even assassinate to physically poison jacob zuma thats his personal claim he was poisoned he did get treatment in russia he recovered and its one of those moments where the talk left in the and time period his rhetoric really reached quite a peak but it didnt really confuse the society too much and as you see in theyve just knocked jacob zuma out of power sort of course the candidate the darling of big business has just moved in to the presidency because your university is located in the in the city which will host the bric summit this year in the summer. Some people saying that brazil of the b. Of brics is already gone before was the i. A. S. It no less overthrowing the government then Cyril Ramaphosa what does he going to say thats going to be interesting at the brics summit well you know hes got these connections to western capital and of course the shan duke a company that he ran was often in competition both with the big. Multinationals the glenn corps and the b. H. P. Billiton anglo coles the big boys but he found working relationships with them for example he was the top investor in lawmen and there was a tragedy where he emailed a request for a police pointed response against dastardly criminals and the next day it was american a massacre of the lawmen strikers in two thousand and twelve very tragic event but you know that background for sure of course included lots of illicit financial flows western tax havens its interesting as to whether hell adapt in other words find not only the friends in western capital as hes well regarded World Economic forum and all the rest but also make his move towards brics and the tricky thing is brics isnt particularly coherent right now you have to render modi also connected very tightly to Donald Trumps regime there hugging their greeting theyre doing pentagon and Indian Military deals or israel as a common connection. As russia and china have been in the news here because the Russian Nuclear sales were very controversial sauron opposed to oppose them recently and they probably wont go through your pay to get context which arguably could encourage people in the world bank of the i. M. F. Just remind us about the legacy of those two institutions as opposed to brics in south africa and of course africa more widely well indeed thats why the Brics New Development Bank which has a new Africa Regional Center Branch in sandton in the financial district although its empty there hasnt been any activity they would be promising in theory because the world bank has a disastrous record they were promoting lawman corp. That sort of responsibility they were part of the cash grant system was very controversial for exploiting poor people they made the biggest loan in their history here a big coal fired power plant which was corrupt through hitachi and the local a. N. C. Fundraising arm and you know they learned to apartheid they provided post apartheid macroeconomic advice which was highly neoliberal very very unfortunate record the i. M. F. As well they led to apartheid and then their first loan to the new government it was actually just before the new government came in in ninety three locked in the neoliberal conditions that are unpopular there are plenty of people in this country ready for a break from the i. M. F. And World Bank Just tell me why they called me his party in south africa back Cyril Ramaphosa rather than say the Economic Freedom fighters you obviously want to a much bigger break than even bricks maybe oh thats right they said theyre marxist leninist fun honest so with a friend spent on tradition the communist party comes from a slightly more soviet centered tradition because they had strong support from the also that union so often the phrase stalinist is use i think that may be unfair but that means their tradition is often connected to the National Liberation movement theyre very tied in as actually were the Economic Freedom fighters before they had a break in two thousand and thirteen now the critical thing is the communist party knows that sauron of course who theyve backed the head of jacob zuma is coming from an extreme capitalist standpoint but i think thats better than the corruption riddled zuma with his control family called the gupta family now those guys are on the run theyre literally being chased as we speak the communist party deserves some credit as is the congress of South African trade unions still the largest adoration still connected to the a. N. C. But they very clearly said theres no honeymoon for storm of course and the big test is when the finance minister delivers the budget which is next wednesday and in that budget moodys the big new york Credit Rating agency is anticipated to put very strong pressure to cut the budget deficit probably by raising the value added tax probably by cutting social grants. And possibly by even breaking the promise of free Tertiary Education that zuma made just before he was. Kicked out and thats the dilemma the austerity thats coming down the pike with this high foreign debt very high Interest Rates much lower growth less than one percent anticipated this year and that means when you squeeze harder your possibility of a state driven bottom up economy also shrinks and it may be that ramaphosa is inadvertently gotten a Team Together especially with the Credit Rating agencies right over his shoulder that will dig in deeper into a hole by the time of the election next april may june when they have the next election for president he may really regret having gone the neoliberal route any possibility that the poverty created by new liberalism in the ongoing austerity may mark a return to the sort of extreme violence advocated by Nelson Mandela where yes now mandela very specifically when he turned from the nonviolent mass struggle in the early sixtys was directing targeted sabotage against the facilities of oppression what weve seen since roughly fifteen twenty years rising township protests where unfortunately many of the social activists in their communities have been so frustrated theyve not only blockaded roads burned tires but they have

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