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On these chips whole green bread is list nutritious. Rizwan is your allegation well its sort of an established scientific fact but its not widely known because everyone says the opposite and the reason is twofold the first is that. Some of the things that are in the brand thats the rough part of the whole wheat which is the difference in a whole grain bread and white loaf of bread is that ran well a lot of that we dont digest we people dont so maybe its the erotically in there but because its going to leave you out any benefit the thing is are some chemicals called fight aids that are part of bran and they have the property that they grab ahold of a number of very essential vitamins and Minerals Including iron. So if you have a roast beef sandwich with whole grain bread youre not going to get any benefit from the iron that would otherwise be in that roast beef its got arent that iron is going to wind up binding to the fight its from the bran and so you can actually get knowing zero bit negative nutrition in effect from it now its not that its a danger but so many people go and act. Like whole grain breads thats the only thing you should eat and they kept trying to shame people that eat white bread and it really isnt any proof of that ok lets go to how youre breaking the bread the energy being used to bake the bread because i know that i should say the book is full of where youve sawn here as well. But theres going to be and heating this eating this youre not a fan of fracking which the British Government is a big fan of as well the city of the future theres people who believe that fracking produces lots of bad things up at the surface so they say oh that theres natural gas in my Drinking Water or theres all of these other terrible advice or mental things and i think those are far fetched frankly the fracking is happening so deep in the earth. That there is very little chance that anything from the fracking directly. Is involved its obviously highly contested point what youre doing with us might be unusual giving you money but its very good scope in the atmosphere you know this but thats a different story natural gas is often said its half emotions of coal it isnt really the thing about methane is that methane. Causes more warming than c o two does and its by a factor of about one hundred twenty in the first year that the bethink comes out nothing to oxidize in the atmosphere so leader in the amount of methane will drop over time but a one percent leak times under twenty means that your natural gas that youre hoping is half of the emissions of coal. Its actually about the same as call it was your president wouldnt be convinced of any any of that any well and id have a problem i dont know the man personally and i have never tried to have a technical discussion. With him. But i think the u. S. Governments position appears to be that doesnt really need all the u. S. Governments position on Climate Change has been in my view broken for a long time its not just the Trump Administration the Obama Administration also that the main difference is that the Obama Administration talked well about the environment but did very few concrete steps if you look and say well where are the things where they really put their foot down you dont find them because they said the right thing trump is is often saying things that you that i a climate activist would say are the wrong things but he hasnt done anything more or less that obama has done and. Yet in the paris climate signature presumably well ok but thats a symbolic thing so you can if you divide things between politics and actually emitting carbon into the atmosphere unfortunately my country has made very little progress on the actually emitting carbon into the atmosphere regardless of what the political rhetoric is going to ask you aside from bread and as we say i mean we are having this discussion well there are wars for wheat in the resource of all of this you know how pervasive your software the software youve worked on has been all around the world what does it make you feel when you know that a lot of it is used for the military for war as the British Government has lied and system uses a version of windows i think windows for submarines its cool when you make a really broad tool. That broad tool is then going to go out in society and society will use it for many things now you could argue that if you design guns like question of that its hard to imagine a really good use of that you could say its for defense but when it comes to the operating system our goal was to give people the power to run their own computing part of those computers were only controlled by giant corporations or the government or or some other begins to tip if you took the whole ledger this is sort of not possible to do but if you took the ledger of everything that was really good that happened because of personal computers and everything that was bad i think the good would vastly outweigh the bad its an amazing set of all humans Nathan Myhrvold thank you thank you. Welcome back just how empty more sco washington and grown damascus of the pro e. U. Scottish nationalists become the Prime Minister tell the house what discussions Howard Government has hot with u. N. Colleagues and sunday on enforcing existing un resolutions calling for an end to cede use of civilian areas and attacks on civilians perhaps the s. N. P. Leader in westminster is unaware that far from the u. K. Being United Nations neutral over sieges in syria it has been actively trying to overthrow the damascus government britain has defacto supported with u. K. Taxpayer money extremist islamist elements is uncovered even by the b. B. C. And britains ally the usa backs the left wing p k k allied forces in our friend and britain de facto backs turkey because of nato membership which wants to wipe out the p. K. K. And britain de facto backs both assad and putin in their attempts to destroy islam ists in syria then again this tourism may realize all of this we will be continuing to work with the un and the un geneva that process and finally i would just say that the un envoy has our full support in the work that he is doing is trying to bring an end to this by finding a place. Solution for syria a political solution britain is mean aiding the White Helmets organization it is called for the overthrow of the government in damascus and if you came minority government needed to raise a may support stefan dumbass stora then why was a foreign secretary Boris Johnson nowhere to be seen with him at the peace talks in russia at the end of last month could it be that the pm sees russia as the enemy and we call on all that matters including russia to ensure that this violence stops yes britain is in full cold war mode against moscow let alone against Jeremy Corbyn who wanted answers to questions about to raise a maze of bricks that negotiations business is need to know people want to know even who the backbench is a demand you know but it isnt clear from todays exchanges this government isnt on the road to bricks it mr speaker its on the road to nowhere but tourism a had russia on the mind or more specifically the soviet union the prague spring and because we have stories against Jeremy Corbyn about czechoslovakia unconditionally committing it to the safety and security of europe but can i congratulate can i congratulate the right on the agenda because normally he stands up every week and asked me to sign a blank check and i know knights checks but really they. Call been the bookies favorite to replace to raise a mans Prime Minister your ning there is a tax amount against him by a give me the deep state after the break advice to Jeremy Corbyn from the toppled nature of todays london protests against gentrification and the daughter of revolutionary u. K. Politician peter taft known for his work with militants in one nine hundred eighty s. Britain and we speak german for the house of lords about why no one listened to him when he exposed charities dirty tricks two years ago well theres a more coming up in part two. Going underground. Tell us stein is Getting International recognition with the help of israel at least in the world of zoos and middle fiddlestick misted to do it to you like you know this this is my complicity is going up local study hall meeting to. Kill john doe and i just hope that they should be the only palestinians who gets the most help from its jerusalem counterparts i dont think this is about those who in the world under the oak bush did not only could do this. And thats his office not his job to this lady in the muscle that you had i not going to compete in the doesnt seem to do more in the middle sauced dont put this off. Hey everybody im Stephen Baldwin task hollywood guy you know suspects every proud american first of all im just george bush and r. V. s to suggest this is my buddy max famous financial guru and were just a little bit different im not a. Good boy and i know no one knows up with all the drama happening in our country and im shooting the road have some fun meet every day americans come home and hopefully start to bridge the gap this is the Great American people which. Is. What politicians do something to. Put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. So when you want to be president im sure. Most somewhat want to. Have to go on to be prosperous like them before three in the morning cant be good. Im interested always in the waters in the house. Or sit. Welcome back today the northeast of britains capital london sees demonstrators gathered to oppose policies from a council run by jeremy corbins labor party the posies concerned socalled social cleansing order near liberal gentrification and one of the organizers is the u. K. Socialist parties nancy taff would like activists right across new donations opposes the moving out of working class families to make way for expensive out of reach housing and Regional Development that she welcomes you going underground tell me about todays demonstration in North East London well today is part protest and part celebration of the spicy move from star which we believe is about to be destroyed by a Regeneration Program which will basically build for tower blocks one potentially twenty nine stories high take a third of us square away. The childrens playground right up to the most polluted part of the square which is rightly the bus station and in return for us given a public space away when were not guaranteed genuinely Affordable Homes and guarantee in twenty percent of Affordable Housing and i think southern creasy the labor m. P. Is claimed two hundred Million Pounds of private investment will be coming into your area you dont like that private investment where not guaranteed anything there is no guarantee you think we shouldnt use the word affordable i think thats a big question mark over im a big proponent of council housing. This term affordable muddies the water and complicates the sort of development that eating up london at the moment and leading to mass displacement of working class people who cant afford to live in the areas that they were born in and lived in all their lives its already happening all around the country and all around the world this idea of private Public Partnership in regeneration i mean i know youre in the socialist party i am in the notion what do you think of labors record before germ. We had a meeting with a star couple weeks ago where John Mcdonnell kind of very good meeting had a chance with exactly yeah and basically the how meeting with a discussion about the legacy of pay if i and the debt now that we have to pay as a consequence of a policy of by simply getting into bed with the private companies who are late now billions of the Public Sector were still paying for these bad contracts. In schools and in hospitals i agree with corbin a mcdonald that we should abolish peer fi and we should only pipe compensation on the basis of proven need but the big business shareholders to buy simply can do one because theyre there theyre leeching of the Public Sector and i think its a mistake that particularly the player our counselors in london are embarking on a policy in housing which is repetition of the failed policy in hospitals and schools and other Infrastructure Projects we have to be wary of polls but indeed the latest polls are mays local elections are called which labor body may have its best results since nine hundred sixty eight for the labor party what happens of these councillors the blairite councillors or the red tories as theyre called refused to support. Johns John Mcdonnell views on social cleansing socalled down the law and after my is an intensification of council tax increases the model thats been put forward is basically built rabbit hutches right across london stuff a main make sure they dont have children because these a place of flats people can have children in and then turn the school mice the council tax and this is a motto that was prevalent in the nineteenth twenties it was replaced by the welfare state and the postwar settlement and were going back to a prewar model that never worked for us. And thats basically what were arguing against deciding we want municipal provision you want Council Homes you want public spice libraries social services for the fun on the out its not win or skip the months she going to door havent concertedly gone against all these marriage counsellors i have to mention your father was one of the leading lights in arguably the last biggest struggle against new liberalism in this country and yet say your father got even be a member of corbins labor party how can you put so much trust in government dont know if they would even allow your father to become a member the negativity. Well first first of all i dont think its a person who actually would not let lieberman forward by the earmarks in the eightys we think there has to be a democratic if you like revolution inside the life of party because i stood for parliament as a socialist and if you look at what i stood on before corbin was elected is very similar to corbins program today where is if you look at the blairites and what i stood on that in a post phase it in here farai it didnt oppose the nearly pro slow we need to link up the good corporate easters inside the labor party the activist outside particularly in london rebellion against this continuation of near liberalism we need an alliance of Grassroots Level weve seen lots of headlines about corporate you and your family know about the secret state and what they do to democratically elected politicians who oppose new liberalism do you think we can expect more from both the media and the socalled secret stable britain against your door let alone for what hes doing in there and jimmy coburn well first of all our city condemn the slurs against corbin and. Dont know and obviously we call for nationalization of the press. By you know billionaires and we dont believe that a democratically accountable but we also cite corbin call on us from the dispatch box who a march of working class people to defend the n. H. S. Youd have a million on the straights or call of march demanding a million Council Houses being built the us would come out in their drives we could shake this government out of power we could ally all the good point scoring at the dispatch box with a movement on the straights otherwise if we wait for twenty twenty two if the players get back in london and they continue with this policy and they continue with undermining gordons legacy by twenty twenty term many working class people would just be excessive i would be. Tie it with the words as they lived to tell you right which is what weve seen in other countries where youve seen the left edge and then nothing changes in peoples lives that cant be allowed to happen here we get poorer things are difficult for people we have to say now staff thank you. Well from defaming the u. K. Left to defaming british n. G. O. S like oxfam and save the children which have suddenly gov attack poor management that alone colleagues sex parties that well you gay media the image of the reasons countries like haiti destabilized by u. S. Foreign policy for decades have become havens for n. G. O. S in the first place joining me now is lord bell for who has long been warning of issues of accountability when it comes to britains Charity Sector hes a member of the International Relations committee in the british house of lords lord valve well girl you are going underground so aside from the current scandal after scandal from one charity after another you have for a long time worried about the accountability of a charities tell me about that i think the problem is you cant just shift it back to the aid charities there is a Large Department seemingly pretty much out of control which in my view and its been my view for a long time should be part of our Foreign Policy network in other words. Defeat to depart the International Development should in fact be a part of the Foreign Office if you dont see the danger there of politicising aid then around the world of its aid is closely allied to a particular party in government im so you know each would be identified with Foreign Policy clearly it has been for a long time hasnt it i mean britain doesnt give aid to agencies that are supporting what is perceived as the enemy what im saying is its not just the fault of the agencies it clearly is their fault but they only got away with it because of lax political control and one ministry in london bridge. Changing is not an effective method of control there has to be people on the ground probably either from the National Audit office or the treasury who are independent and charged with ensuring the spent properly and a proper ethical code of conduct is followed if i was a c. E. O. Of a charity id replied to you by saying there is a regulator a statutory regulator the Charity Commission whats the problem but they have obviously and manifestly failed every day in the last ten days weve had for the Horror Stories all of whats happening in the aid agency but also the Charity Commission is a comparatively small underfunded body the house look after all the charities in the United Kingdom the idea that they can supervise charities all over the world is frankly a bit far fetched the government has to supervise it and the government has to realise basically that defeat has got to be absorbed into all Foreign Policy if such changes were made one of the old and creative peace corps and do away with private charities and have a have a preschool run by different than the Foreign Office because you would already you would also have charities i mean the peace corps ran alongside the Us Charitable status when it ran the only way of stamping out the abuse is firstly to integrate into the Foreign Policy mechanism and secondly to have some independent government surveillance as well as the charity surveillance on a big mat grew level why do you think the voluntary sector is so powerful when it comes to a as opposed to if it was a preschool for instance theyre all good middle class children are they they are the inheritors you know in the victorian years we used to say in the youngest sons out to run the empire most of the aid workers ive met on. I would say in forty years in politics they generally middle class they generally from the liberal lead intelligentsia they generally mean to do wail they clearly have standards of slip to them why you say middle class theyre not middle class enough to read oscar wilde who said Charity Charity creates a multitude of sins you dont think. It may have read it you havent absorbed it up very but you are you do appear to say that regulation is is far too difficult im saying the Charity Commission is not the right body to supervise this what you need in every embassy where there is a substantial aid program is you need need independent person on the ground in the country concerned looking at the aid program does it deliver value for money and ethical standards there are far too many four by fours impost cause and expensive living going on out of the budget this is got to stop see you said all of this last year was a new interesting to you when you were talking about accountability no i dont think there were one or its an uncomfortable message isnt it because its very comfortable to say oh well you know the charities have to reform but what hes actually needed is a reform of the way Government Works but without cutting the money but making sure its properly spent look at the billions of pounds that we poured into africa over the seventy years since independence and its about seventy years since most of them became independent. Its still poor you go to any country the first thing the agency would tell you is they need more money i mean ill give you those countries were paying debts to the i. M. F. During the Charity Money going in broadly and yet the outlook is an argument that the whole aid project floored you do agree the point seven percent of our g. D. P. Should be go going on foreign aid and we have to say that in this in the context of hundreds of thousands of people in this country not being able to eat today without the help of good basic perhaps and it would still be the case at no point five percent north point seven percent is the un saw great britains thanks to David Cameron lets remember reach that im a great supporter of that but why not grow giving money away if theres malnourished when we dont have any way were actually investing it in the world it is even britains interests why do thousands of africans pile up in libya trying to get to europe because of poverty hes actually margaret we have major war to destroy a little bit here. The drawbacks but overall its easy in the interests of the western world to promote prosperity in the rest of the world just fine you know would you serve as the new Charity Commissioner of the present reserves well theres no reason for the Charity Commission to resign thats not where the emergency say that you just said that they failed to regulate it im saying that defeated has failed to regulate the British Government has failed to regulate as i said the Charity Commission is an incredibly small body of people with an incredibly large job including very good rating extremists charities in britain. I dont blame Charity Commission the blame lawyers firstly the government and i cant shift it and it lies with the aid agencies themselves to turn into blind guy for a long time to things they must have known were going on more more every day you something more comes out about thank you and thats it for the show will be back on monday with britains best astronauts in space Helen Sharman britain out of some mainstream narratives because while she rode the wind wind over the gun before she flew in a russian spacecraft after responding to an advertisement on the radio dial that he would touch via social media will be back on monday eighteen years in the day and last march is in manhattan off to the acquittal of four Police Officers charged with killing a man to be although he be memorialized in song by Bruce Springsteen its a game of the trivia lauren hill pheromone show the true grit dead prez mopey Immortal Technique and public enemy. Was similar to the sports deal with the studio yes in most of the snowboarder the only one of them is one. Beautiful yes good Good New Person though here bush will say you know you put him over the im close but im just material to my gym the idea of the on the grounds of the thought of you know something just the. System to me now will some day in cinemas on the human spawn of the p. B. S. Dog you know so yes so youll still. To come soon as you put yellow with some of the field some of the shows you call bulls to the police and yes the street but still the most of them so just to take a well not usually a yeah you know what i would usually do couples one nation as we see would you do you see Chelsea Stefanos dollars to send them to the. Even the playful new me is also minimal so. Join me every thursday on the alex simon show and ill be speaking to guest in the world of politics sports business im show business ill see you then. Deep. Crisis. From russian. Side. Around russia. While. You are through. The u. S. House Intelligence Committee has released the democratic memo aimed at countering the g. O. P. Document which accused f. B. I. Of spying on their former. Security Council Unanimously approves a thirty day ceasefire for syria to provide humanitarian access to areas most affected by the conflict also ahead. Police clash were left waiting news students in milan as political rallies are held across italy ahead of next weekends general election. Feeling

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