A very warm welcome to the program from all of us here at our to h. Q. In moscow thanks for joining us this hour. A scandal has erupted in brazil after leaked messages suggest a Corruption Case against the countrys former president Lula Da Silva was politically motivated the messages published by the investigative news site the intercept appear to show a judge discussing the probe with prosecutors supporters of wood to silva say the leaks confirmed their fears the case was a stitch up designed to prevent him from winning reelection last year the probe was part of brazils biggest Anti Corruption crusade now this operation carwash which saw dozens of high level politicians and prison will dissolve what was sentenced to almost a decade behind bars for corruption and Money Laundering including for accepting a luxury apartment in exchange for state contracts he denies ever owning it and the league messages suggest prosecutors themselves question the strength of the evidence against him one of the journalists behind the revelations said they made sure the messages were genuine. To me he waited and waited for a response from the prosecutors for them to prove that the messages were genuine thats a very cautious and scrupulous recipe when you work with explosive material like this you need to be absolutely certain that what you publish is true the prosecutors and the judge have expressed doubts about the messages they know theyre genuine as do we. Have also led to accusations the judge gave biased advice to the prosecutors. And. Lula da silva who served as president of brazil from 2003 until 2010 is still wildly popular in the country brazilians associate him with good Economic Times when Living Standards were rising now a newly leaked conversation sheds some light on why he is serving a 12 Year Prison Sentence for corruption it turns out that his trial the judge and the prosecutor were in cahoots these are some of the private conversations that took place during the trial with judge mauro seemingly instructing the prosecutor about how to proceed with the case. Hasnt it been a long time without an operation you cannot make that kind of mistake now the thing called with a thats a good idea and a prosecutor asking the judge for advice what do you think of these crazy statements from the Workers Party National Board should with fish to rebut well into silver has long maintained his innocence he says the entire case was a set up he has named names. On how to political life and all of a sudden i was convicted for Money Laundering and organized crime it was all a law i settled on when i was by the federal police the Public Prosecutors Office someone more of who took on the investigation with more i didnt need any proof of crimes committed because they all had a plan in mind the plan was to paint the Workers Party as a criminal organization with a criminal boss who happens to be made well it seems the new leaks show that will lead to civil was right here is an extract where the judge is seemingly directing the prosecutor and the prosecutor himself isnt moving his case is a weak. Source and for me the Contact Person is annoyed at having be nice to see dr property transfer deeds for one of the x. President s children apparently the person would be willing to provide the information and therefore posturing its along the source is serious they will say that we were accusing based on newspaper articles and for gyal evidence and here is what makes it even more scandalous loyd to silvas imprisonment is what prevented him from running for president last year and take a look at the polls to silva had a pretty solid lead so then also narrow who won the election after his main opponent was blocked from running actually promoted judge morrow after he took office i salute said gary moore the only man in brazil whos proving that we can do politics differently now the judge seems to think he didnt do anything wrong he says that the real crime is that these conversations have been made public it is regrettable that the person responsible for the criminal hacking of the prosecutors cell phones has not be. Identified as the source there is no sign of any of normality or providing directions as a magistrate despite information being taken out of context and this insatiable is of the articles known as acquittal so those accusations published by the intercept are not true and their origin is linked to a criminal hack even though i dont acknowledge the trustworthiness of the messages realized that they can create some discomfort for some people who are deeply sorry about that the leak telegram conversations give the impression that just silver was railroaded in order to keep him off the ballot and there is more to come for me and we are continuing our work on the case as we said these are just off 1st reports we have a lot of information we have analyzed i think only one percent of the conversations we will publish materials from these messages. Parts of the Mainstream Media and the Syrian Opposition are mourning a controversial figure there branding a rubble icon who died in a battle against Syrian Government forces and Homs Province according to his rebel faction the fighters are all in syrias uprising was the subject of an Award Winning documentary a goalkeeper for the countrys Youth Football Team he gained prominence for staging street protests against president assad and singing songs praising the revolution some of those songs though hold values that seem to go completely against those of western countries fighting Islamic State in the country arties adama quarter explains a warning his report contains scenes of an execution. He became the poster boy of the syrian uprising or shall we say the voice ringback. And his death in battle against Government Forces apparently made him a fallen hero in the eyes of the media syrian football and singer of revolution killed in conflict. Syrian soccer goalie who became rebel i can dies in battle syrian soccer star symbol of free vault dies after battle. That also route was a former syrian footballer who turned rebel fighter and not just any rebel fighter all know he became an icon of the fight against Bashar Al Assad so he wasnt shying away from speaking the truth heres one of the socalled singer of the revolutions greatest hits judge for yourself. Perhaps the lyrics dont exactly communicate the artists intended message thats all right though also it was much more articulate about his political beliefs in this 2014 interview about the vision of what we do blame Islamic State. But that blame comes with love because we know that these 2 groups and not politicized and have the same goals as us they are working for god and they care about islam and muslims no you didnt hear that wrong the same goals as Islamic State and apparently 911 was a great accomplishment to. Was good you. Know. There are those in the media who acknowledge its problematic characteristics but for them a little elbow rubbing with terrorist groups shouldnt stand between him and his rightful page in the history books. Some individuals celebrated as heroes make you doubt all stories of heroes in history books others like abdul basset also root not inspire of but despite his flaws make those stories highly plausible hes a true legend and his story is well documented may his soul rest in peace so if these guys got an oscar. Abdul deserves a grammy no less as in other. Kovar western operations it becomes important to to maintain this sense of plausible deniability its clearly been useful for for the us and the us media to maintain the whole idea of there being moderate Democratic Forces and among the rebels in syria but clearly most of the groups fighting the government were really extreme Islamist Groups thats the reality and these were the groups that the cia and and its allies its british and french and saudi and qatari and turkish allies were supporting and arming from the very early stages of this conflict. The u. S. Secretary of state is facing accusations of meddling in british democracy thats after my pump air said he would push back if you k. Opposition leader german corpsman became Prime Minister. It could be the mr corbin manages to run the gauntlet and get elected is possible you should know we wont wait for him to do those things to begin to push back we will do our level best is too risky and too important and too hard ones who already happened a recording of those remarks made to jewish leaders was leaked to the Washington Post trial of devinsky has more uncle sam wants you to know that special relationship could end up on the trash heap if it doesnt like the choices that us brits make the us secretary of state might pompei o has pledged he wont wait for Jeremy Corbyn to become Prime Minister to start the pushback against any actions that his administration might take against british jews while those views come amid step back top of anti sematic allegations in the labor party what the us is perhaps really concerned about is that a corbin government might try to distance itself from the u. S. And pursue a more radical policy when it comes to countries like venezuela corbyn the call me is hardly who washington sees itself in bed with by airing those thoughts behind closed doors perhaps pompei it was being a little bit more tactful than his own boss who spent last week trumpeting his support for Boris Johnson or jeremy hunt as the next defacto Prime Minister. Worse i like him ive liked him for a long time hes i think you do a very good job boris and trump definitely a good fit both have a shocking blonde and were born in the u. S. Making boris if he wins the tory leader ship brace an american slash british Prime Minister but is it really fair for washington to blatantly push its weight behind one or 2 candidates over another of course its not the 1st time that this has happened paula im mike pence the Vice President of the United States the United States supports the courageous decision by one god or the president of your National Assembly to assert the bodys constitutional powers declare madeira or your server and call for the establishment of a Transitional Government the u. K. Is hardly venezuela yet when it comes to what the us wants it doesnt seem to matter how independent a country is or how robust its democratic systems are what the u. S. Wants in a special relationship is one where it pulls all the strings show that. R. T. London. Some breaking news reaching us this hour russian officials have announced they have decided to abandon the prosecution of russian journalist yvonne go north who had been arrested for allegedly having Illegal Drugs on him is the detention have provoked anger and processed both here in russia and internationally or bring you more on this news as we get it. Coming up in the program u. K. Mobile phone Companies Press the government to make a final decision on the always involvement in the country details after the break. What holds if you should continue to. Put themselves on the line. To get accepted or rejected. So when you want to express. Or some want to be rich. Its a great. This is like the. Really good. Interest of all those at the wall using. A pseudonym. Welcome back we bring you a quick recap of our breaking news this hour as russian officials have announced they have decided to abandon the prosecution of russian journalist of who had been arrested for allegedly having Illegal Drugs on his person the reporter it was put under house arrest by a court on saturday despite him maintaining that the drugs were planted the story has drawn massive attention from the authorities and Journalistic Community is a tension that has provoked anger and protests are new more on this as we get. Mobile phone networks in the u. K. Are calling on the government to clarify its stance on the huawei thats according to the b. B. C. Which says its obtained a draft letter from Industry Leaders to the british comment secretary they are currently concerned whether the chinese tech giant will be allowed to supply the new 5 g. Network playbook that reports. Theyre concerned over the lack of clarity on walk away theyve asked for an urgent meeting with the government in order to discuss those concerns essentially theres a sense that theyve been left sort of hanging over the governments indecision over whether or not to greenlights the use of Huawei Technology in the rollout of the 5 g. Network here in the u. K. So as a result these industry bosses con to invest in vital infrastructure Going Forward for the government theyve stressed the importance of security above all else take a lesson the security and resilience of the key still com snap works is of paramount importance we have robust procedures in place to manage critics to National Security and are committed to the highest possible Security Standards while the industry has questions for the government over while away the governments got questions to walk away and it was actually one ways Cyber Security officer who was. Was giving on says in front of a committee of m. P. s publicly yesterday and the politicians repeatedly asked him about wild ways alleged links to the chinese states and about alleged human rights abuses as well and his repeated was that while way works within the framework of the nor should we do business with a company that is complicit in human rights abuses if you should listen business with all companies that stick to the little theres a lot of nori in china isnt that just like there was a lot of law in nazi germany some laws are good little some little some come to tell the press that one party states nothing to communist china doesnt that put you see. Who it would be for. Your company is right you for whom are structured. And sold so that your government your research. And we will. I think i would kinds of different picture and of course there are strong arguments on both sides on the one hand youve got the u. S. Pressuring the u. K. To reject qual Way Technology saying that it presents a danger to National Security and on the other hand theres the opinion that in measured doses only on certain parts of the feisty Network Using while way can be passed actually safe and moreover is actually vital for the future of britain as sort of a front runner in the lead technologically and so far this debate has been very political but now were seeing industry step in and say actually we need carrots on what happens with wall way political economy professor dr ross the says the u. S. China trade war will decide who gains technological dominance this attack. On all of the Chinese Companies are actually here is really about this big fight between the u. S. And china over whos going to dominate technology in the next decade the u. S. Trade war is really about Chinese Technology the trade war is beginning to slide into an economic war as the u. S. Goes globally to try to wean its own eyes away from any kind of economic relationships with china is kind of an absurd comment because you know i. G. For a good product was designed to kill people whereas you know our ways product is designed for people that communicate i dont know how you kill people with with with the phone network you can take somebody by association you say i mean you know you dont say that huawei kills people but by associating them with a company that whose products did do that you know you make it sound like well youre guilty by association. Staying with the u. S. China trade war donald trump has issued an ultimatum to his chinese counterpart xi jinping urging him to come to the upcoming g. 20 summit if he doesnt the u. S. President is threatening to impose another 300000000. 00 worth of trade tariffs president xi doesnt come will that mean that the tariffs on china for the additional 300000000000. 00 in goods go on immediately yes it would and i think he will go and i think were scheduled to have a meeting. The threat comes amid a trade war between washington and beijing last month trump raise tariffs on 200000000000. 00 of chinese goods to 25 percent retaliated with hikes on a revised list of u. S. Products chinas response targeted more than 5000 goods and came into force on june the 1st beijing and says it does not want tension with the u. S. But will respond to white house actions. We dont bomb or you dont china does not want to trade war which were not afraid of one if the u. S. Is willing to negotiate on an equal footing our door will be open if the u. S. Insists on escalating trade frictions we will fight to the finish in the meantime trump is scrambling for advice on sunday he called former u. S. President jimmy carter to switch diplomatic recognition of china from taipei to beijing in 1979 carter says trump fears the countrys economy is pulling far ahead of america. When i joined live by benjamin char professor at the Shanghai International banking and finance institute and the paris school of business is for more on this now are trumps new tariffs threat a bluff or are they serious. Well. Produced and for the war because of the war that is. The work. In your words and you were. Able and you can talk to all the rest of them about the great. Benjamin chow im sorry but i were having some technical difficulties and were having a very hard time hearing you know so well have to leave this interview here thank you for trying to join us on the program. A reminder of our breaking news this hour russian officials have announced a russian journalist yvonne go in though of who have been arrested for allegedly having Illegal Drugs on him they say they have failed to prove him guilty and that Law Enforcement officers who were in charge of his case will be suspended the journalist attention has provoked anger and protests well be bringing you more on this at the top of the hour well. Have the latest on that and your global news update at the top of the hour thanks for tuning in. Welcome to max geysers financial survival guide. Looking forward to a year thats without. Yanks this is what happens to pensions in britain. Watched as a report. Seemed wrong but. Just dont call. Me. Yet to shape out this day become active. And engaged equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. You know to the 2017 the german newspaper developed published an article claiming that the European Union the last 30000000000 euros as a result of its a very anti russian sanctions. Particularly affected Eastern Europe many polish vamos went broke and even committed suicide. Sometimes i cant account as i was of on the good. Will but on the political and on the. Phone does it for the young to have to be on the whole saga going against the dolls and on to other kind of unknown police dont give us a name lets see in the pool in the different if one swung the smiting. On doesnt dance with all the folks and thats what you call. Im not really. Noticing your ocean cruiser. With the. New leaves in you but im still. Asleep you. Yes. My moneys on you personally believe it or not is. The feel of the local. You with your seems to suggest. That you. Thought. I. Was. Ratings and sell you. To tell a great story even equally great messenger or watchers and according to a new investigation by the intercept in the rain in group an opposition to to ron has done just that created the perfect messenger in order to push for regime change in western media so perfect in fact even the white house used the messengers work as a source back in 2018 his name is has a lobby and he is according to his bio an arabian activist with a passion for equal rights but according to a sana ronnie a high ranking defector from the movie mujahedeen the colic or m e k he is not an activist nor is he even real live or a person irani exclaimed to the intercept as a lobby is a person run by a team of people from the political wing of the m e k they write whatever they are directed by their commanders and use this and use this name to place articles in the press this is not and has never bad on a real person. Wow welcome to the next level and big news my friend is a journalist what isnt because the list of prominent news outlets that have featured a lot of these work as a writer he or if the intercept is correct it has been featured in a range of right wing publications and as i mentioned earlier us about President Donald Trump white house the other subs mortaza hussein reports that last year when trump was looking to justify tearing apart the Iran Nuclear Deal the white house claimed that the nuclear deal had allowed to iran to increase its military budget when pressed for a source to back up that claim the white house passed along an article published in forbes by a writer named as a lobby so with big news being reported by fake activists now influencing real life policy i think its a good time to start checking the sources and watching the hawks. To. Get the. Real that this would be. Good if. You. Like you know that i got. The. World live on the watching the excitement i robot history and time to happen. So the enemy. Is this organization and for those sanchez joining us its a has been listed as a Foreign Terrorist Organization by the u. S. State department from 1970 that 2012. Though now most of what its activity has said its considered nonviolent obviously its writing articles and most of the consider political activism lobbying towards the overthrow of the reigning government so hence. What youre seeing in these large mens writing that may or may not be so the group currently is said to operate out of albania. And a lot of these articles one of the things that i thought was interesting is this the reason you have to look at it in that it being propaganda is that they always are on the side of denouncing around government. And also specifically point it out which is odd to me that people didnt really look into this and theyre reading this authors work is saying that it should be replace the whole government sure replaced by by the emmy. And my own rajavi there

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