From almost the news h. Q. You whats your Art International dining hall comes with you here tonights thanks for joining us on the program. More than a year after year of tensions and italys Ruling Coalition have come to a head the italian Prime Minister has offered his resignation thats after the countrys interior minister Matteo Salvini called for a vote of no confidence once again that leaves deep political crisis. Well that resignation over its lease Prime Minister said because they had been widely speculated for the last few days and now its happened to force plunging italy into a fresh political crisis in his resignation speech on cheese the often he noticed a blistering attack on the deputy Prime Minister i mean to him in the cemetery he was so beany over the leak basically accusing him of doing everything to profiteer himself and prophetess party but the government and he accused much he was so binney of being the one who was driving the government into crisis we would get all up to the poll mantra debate will go to the president of the republic to officially communicate the end of this government intended my resignation this Prime Minister well salvini had cooled 2 weeks ago for snap elections amidst the Summer Holidays in italy saying that the Coalition Government as it stood was simply workable saying that he just couldnt work under the constraints of that government. On the world of business of the man as those that produce things but its really demands action so the only thing that is really cannot afford is to waste time anyone who is wasting time is doing say because theyre afraid of losing this seat we asked that we vote as soon as possible the italians would choose a government the government a Coalition Government was formed back in june of 2018 and it was put in or pretty or coupling between the Left Wing Party of the 5 Star Movement and the anti immigration anti Establishment Party over the league the 2 coming together to form that Government Back in june of last year following the elections in march since then what we have seen is a rather rocky road with the partners having several disagreements including recently about rail willing. Between france and italy what also has happened is theres been a reversal in the fortunes of the 2 parties since those elections about 14 months ago back then we saw the 5 Star Movement taking the lions share of the vote compared to the league and now it seems to have flipped on its head with poll suggesting if a vote was held today that the league thats material being his party would take some 38 percent of the boat significantly higher than what the polls say would happen to the 5 Star Movement so what does this all mean for italy now well thats perhaps the 1000000. 00 question there is the chance that the 5 Star Movement to last through the Biggest Party could now go on to form another Coalition Government with other parties leading the Democratic Party led by italys former Prime Minister material renzi and that was something that the material sylvie actually hinted about today when he launched his own attack in the senate we could also see a technocrat government a National Unity government or of course they could be the snap election. The u. S. Has conducted its 1st test of a 500 kilometer Cruise Missile type previously by and for over 30 years under now defunct arms control treaty between moscow and washington russias foreign minister claimed the us was preparing the test for a long time before the truth expired on the 2nd of august. And has the details. We have official word from the pentagon that indeed there has been a test of a missile that would have violated the intermediate range Nuclear Forces treaty that treaty has now expired and the usa has conducted a test of a missile that would have violated it heres what we heard from the pentagon the department of defense conducted to fly test of the conventionally configured ground Cruise Missile the u. S. West coast sunday the test missile exited its ground mobile launcher and accurately in practice target after moving 500. 00 km on to his flight now the test was conducted on San Nicolas Island off the coast of california we understand furthermore that the test was announced on august 2nd the very day that the i. N. F. Treaty expired now the official reason for the United States withdrawing from the i. N. F. Treaty was that they accused russia of violating that agreement now russia has said they did not and denies violating this agreement we also heard from russian president Vladimir Putin who emphasized that russia wont be the 1st to boost its military if the usa were not to escalate following the withdrawal of the treaty this is what the russian president said if we receive verified information that the us has finished developing and started producing these Systems Russia will be forced to begin its own full Scale Development of similar missiles so even after the United States withdrew from the i. N. F. Treaty we did not see an escalation from russia however the United States has proceeded to test this missile that would have violated the treaty now its important to remember that the i. N. F. Treaty was signed in 1987 and it was a key moment in the scaling down in deescalation and eventually end of the cold war however that i. N. F. Treaty that banned nuclear and missiles of a certain length is no longer in effect now russia has repeatedly reached out to the United States for dialogue around this issue but so far the conversation hasnt seemed to start. And it seems that will trump an eager to strengthen Americas Nuclear capability for a while now at least since he was president elect in 2630. 00 thats well before his Administration Starts making noises about a managed russian treaty violations and the same goes for parts of the us establishment the United States must regain the strategic advantage by expediting the development and deployment of a new generation of ground launch missiles now the department of defense will be able to conduct does research and Development Activities bento to an f. 3 t. So the department of defense will still have some building though system they couldnt before the United States has said that this is not Nuclear Capable and the United States is planning for another test probably in november this one is somewhere between 508000 kilometers a range but the one that theyre testing in the member its miscreants 3004000 kilometers or range thats another one this year is a very unfortunate moves that have been going on for the past couple years at least well we can actually dated back to 2001 with the announcement that the u. S. Is going to clarify the a. B. M. Treaty theres only one major nonproliferation treaty remaining the new start treaty which ends and 2021 and the United States has already indicated that almost certainly call out of that one also or not when there is that one which means we are on the verge of nuclear anarchy. The us attorney general william barr has removed the acting director of u. S. Prisons from his post after the recent death of this crazed millionaire Jeffrey Epstein some lawmakers have praised the decision amid concern over the conditions at the jail where he took his life. But epstein was convicted of paedophilia back in 2007 now at the time he was sentenced to 30 months in prison as part of a deal signed by then u. S. Attorney Alexander Cross the epstein had many friends in high places among them donald trump bill clinton and the u. K. s Prince Andrew now at the time of his death the financier was awaiting trial for sex trafficking offenses he was being held at a facility reserved for the most dangerous criminals among them drug lord old chap oh epstein had been taken off suicide watch that the spike having made a recent attempt on his own life and we spoke to his lawyer mark furnish he thinks conditions at the jail may have pushed him to the edge. The conditions to which he was subjected would buckle even the knees of the strongest among us its this is one of the toughest federal pretrial detention facilities in the country and the conditions are inhumane epstein was subjected to conditions that were similar to those of guzman but not remotely justified by his character or what he was accused of because he was not. A violent individual like chapo was alleged to have been and hes not a guy who has escaped from prior facilities like guzman was alleged to have done so one would be comparing apples and oranges to like in the 2 to each other but yet their conditions of confinement were strikingly similar and theres something fundamentally wrong with that and whats fundamentally wrong with that is that geoffrey abstain did not belong in that facility to begin with. Just my own personal opinion it wouldnt surprise me to learn of anything that might have happened with Geoffrey Epstein and in my view at that in that facility the real story the real miracle is that we dont hear about these sort of things more about murdered pretrial detainees or suicidal pretrial detainees because the facility. Is barbaric and its a whole its its its like i dont use the word lightly lightly but its sort of like an american go log for people who have not yet been convicted of anything so the real shock here is that we dont hear about deaths at pretrial oppressive onerous pretrial detention facilities like the m. C. C. More often. Any of us could one day find ourselves rightly or wrongly on on the. Business and of of the United States department of justice and nobody nobody said should be subjected to the conditions that epstein was exposed to for many reasons one of which is that compromises your mental and physical functioning and you cant assist adequately in preparing your own defense and it crushes people we dont really know what happened to mr epstein but but certainly i believe personally that being a locked in a facility like that under extraordinary conditions would logically wreak havoc with ones mind and body so i certainly i certainly believe that they personally that they could have played a role absolutely i mean i think we would be foolish to to deny that but again one doesnt want to treat the symptom while ignoring the disease and the disease is how people are routinely denied bail with a shocking ease given the laws that Congress Passed allowing prosecutors and judge to do that epstein did not belong locked up pending trial and he didnt belong in a hellhole like that before he had been convicted of anything. Was the Media Outlets of warning russian radiation monitoring stations have gone silent following an explosion earlier this month at a military site in the countrys north but in a cost of has been Digging Deeper into the story. 2 russian radiation money touring stations have resumed operation and this news follows a number of alarming reports that were made earlier by a number of foreign news media claiming that several russian radiation money touring stations went offline allegedly after a Nuclear Accident that happened in russia north on august 8th now the wall street journal wrote that 4 stations that were designed to detect Nuclear Radiation all went silent right after the blast the article raised concerns that russia was attempting to conceal evidence from the explosion at a missile test site the wall street journal quoted. Both the executive director of the comprehensive nuclear. We receive data from monitoring stations around the world now he per jack to the potential path of the plume from the explosion and posted it on his twitter feed now right after the accident russia send special x. Variance to the sun to monitor the situation and just yesterday the countrys president Vladimir Putin said that there was no threat of a radiation leak. But there is new and theres new spike in british and levels experts including independent ones are monitoring the situation i receive reports from both military and civilian specialists and theres no significant change there. Measures to avoid any surprises. Me the explosion off a missile and jhon with then eyes atop power source killed 5 people and injured and now the 3 now right after the accidents there were indeed very few details of what happened and that mostly the fuel the western tabloids so with the rumors of a true novel like disaster whisper is a radiation leak also appearing in the media with sound. Even writing about the number of the disease to being higher now later the Russian Nuclear Agency Issued a report revealing that the accident happened and they see platform after a series of trials and that there was no threat of a radiation leak twitter and facebook say theyve thwarted chinas attempts to undermine the protest movement in hong kong off the break well look at who could be behind the demonstration the stakes shoot at all to international. You know worlds big partisan movie lot and conspiracy its time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that Mainstream Media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other its time for Critical Thinking its time to fight for the middle for the troops the time is now were watching closely watching the hawks. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy. Let it be an arms race is on offense very Dramatic Development the only really im going to resist i dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and talk. Over max the program social media platforms twitter and facebook say theyve blocked a number of chinese accounts for trying to undermine the protests in hong kong. We are disclosing a significant stayed back to informational pression focused on the situation hong kong this disclosure consists of 936 a cancer region 18 from within the peoples republic of china over all these accounts were deliberately and specifically tempting to sow political discord in hong kong including undermining the legitimacy and political positions of the protest movement on the ground we removed 7 pages 3 groups and 5 Facebook Accounts involved in coordinated inauthentic behavior as part of a Small Network that originated in china and focused on hong kong the protest movement in hong kong started back in june over draft legislation allowing the extradition of suspects the Mainland China demonstrations have since gotten into other political issues and over the last 11 weeks rallies have frequently turned Violent Police have used tear gas and rubber bullets against protesters arties donald quarter takes a closer look at whats motivating the protesters. Freedom Fair Elections democracy its words like these youll find throughout the western Media Coverage of the protests in hong kong but the reality of it is all much more complicated. Its not just politics motivating the violence racial slurs against people from Mainland China can be heard throughout the crowds and seen graffitied on official buildings protesters have also been seen brandishing the infamously racist pepe the frog me an internet hate symbol and this is enough phobic violence has even spilled over to protests in other countries. This anti china extremism comes from a concept called hong kong exceptionalism the idea that hong kong has more in common with the west than with china because of its British Colonial past and that ideologies it here in sa are not exactly shy about their love for all things anti china 6 6. Despite all the american flags and anthem singing donald trump says he had no idea why protests were being blamed on the u. S. But his cabinet might have an explanation since theyve been meeting with one of the oppositions main icons jimmy lie im hit. Appreciation lies a selfmade billionaire whos made a huge mark on hong kongs Opposition Movement he landed himself in hot water with beijing back in 2012 when his newspaper published an ad portraying pregnant Chinese Women as locusts and hes very open about his feelings for American Values we need to know that america is behind us by backing arce america is showing moral authority because were the only place in china which is you volleys and its fighting the same battle you have with china but theres another younger and not so rich rebel leader at play here too joshua wong a fresh 22 year old face of revolution a face loved in many corridors of washington to marco rubio was so in all he nominated wong for a Nobel Peace Prize leave it to washington to nominate a leader of violent protests for peace when it suits them agenda the u. S. Is very determinately supporting these protesters every arm of the corporate media. Radio Television Social Media is is raising them and always referring to them as prodemocracy protesters where theyre not at all this has nothing to do with democracy and they are determined to sabotage in every way that they can any normal relations between china with hong kong and it it is creating intentionally a great deal of confusion among young people who have been pulled into this against their own interests we asked the u. S. State department and leaders of the Hong Kong Protest Movement to comment on the alleged links we highlighted so far weve not received a response tensions between beijing and washington are also high over another part of china taiwan beijing is furious the trumpet ministration has approved the sale of fighter jets to the autumn its want to take action if the deal goes ahead. China has made numerous solemn representation to the u. S. On the sale of the f. 16 v. Jets to taiwan the u. S. Just about all the consequences triggered by the sale its 8000000000. 00 u. S. Dollars its a lot of money thats a lot of jobs and we know theyre going to use these f. 16 s responsibly with a deal the deal still needs to be approved by the u. S. Senate if it does go through it will be the 1st sale of f. 16 fighters to taiwan since 1902 and previous requests for jets by taiwan were rejected by the Obama Administration last month the u. S. State Department Approved another arms deal with taiwan includes 108. 00 tanks and more than 200. 00 missiles the deal is worth 2200000000. 00 at the time beijing also accused the u. S. Of meddling saying it would cut ties with every American Company involved in the deal. Were told one is officially recognized by only 18 countries the u. S. Those are not officially supporting the olives military since the 1980s in trying to seize taiwan as part of its territory so an export. Point a finger at washington if tensions escalate there is some unity in washington to go hard on china and some of these folks who are elected there are basically elected with the same funding for the people who got people into the trumpet midst gratian and who fund the think tanks in washington and so its all basically representing the same elite interests china sees this as an aggressive move by the u. S. To try to provoke them into war the chinese basically up and say that the u. S. Is going to be at fault here because theyre not being consistent and not honoring the promises that were made in previous administrations and so this big departure is going to be on the u. S. And thats where they want to place the blame here if there is any military escalation that happens. U. S. Them across it will make it has apologized after pictures showing the marcos isolation of President Trump went viral Illinois State senate a modern sunday level says an Entertainment Firm hard for one of his fundraiser vents was behind it the pictures were posted online by the senate to supporters who were the Fund Raising Event as well in the photos the money seen pointing a gun another person wearing a trump mosque the post has provoked quite a bit of a crime online. The apology from senator sanders will for the detestable pictures from his event depict in assassination of President Trump is too little too late its inexcusable for an elected official to allow the promotion of violence in any way if the individual pictured as a star for all volunteer they should be terminated immediately martin sun devil in illinois is further proof it is the democrats who are inciting violence i have yet to see a republican promote such violence every democrat should be asked if they support to disavow this and its oral director at the reaction times believes violent behavior has become increasingly acceptable among some parts of the left unfortunately the rhetoric from the liberal left has continued to get more and more violent and this is becoming increasingly accepted by the left in the Mainstream Media continues to blast this message oh were seeing an increase in violent behavior from the left people complain about supposedly negative you know divisive rhetoric from President Trump but ive never seen president truong stage a mock assassination of any of his democratic opponent what happens is it has the potential to radicalize the weak minded you know todays stage assassinations become tomorrows assassination attempt boom bust is coming your way in just a few but its time were back in 30 minutes with the latest news update. In this community there are people who believe that its ok. Its really hard there are no jobs and you see that ive got kids that ask and as a parent. I can come up with logical arguments and theres a lot of conflict in the games between the teams most of the conflict i would say throw balls around money and most of them money is made. Close one on each other. Each other is Good Business the state of california alone makes 6000000000 dollars a year of the prison complex just to get some 20 a life where. You dont care about your so you dont care about anything. You put them so. They get accepted or rejected. So when you want to be president and you. Want to. Have to go to be pros this is what before 3 of them or cant be good get. Interested in the waters about how. This should. Dont. Look. This is boom bust broadcasting around the globe and covering the world of business and finance and the impact upon us all and in a burrito and im christiane washington heres a look at whats on deck today global trade winds have made for choppy economic waters but are the recent fears a sign of something much worse on the horizon will break it down and get a broader take at tabar with the public trading and peter schiff of the Euro Pacific Capital are both on hand to give their forecast for the brewing market storm one of the i. M. F. In argentina are synonymous with each other in recent years but with both parties on the verge of trading leadership their relationship could be reshaped significantly legal adrenalized mali bathers on hand to break down the latest in the rocky relationship. Later photos continue to walk hong kong and you are on the ground with our g. Correspondent sara monthly well go she will busy bring the latest on the left from inside china got an awesome show today so lets go. Markets continue to rebound on monday adding to the game posted last friday after the dow had its worst session up 2019 treasury yields are now staging a comeback after the 210. 00 inverted and indicator which has come. Predict that the last 7 recessions weve had over the past 50 years this bounce here further reiterate se us that the short term risk is now to the upside so while the fundamentals are complete garbage right now in the short term the market does have some legs as continued stimulus and rate cuts will set a temporary floor here in the equities market so we begin the week off in a risk on mood as we get yet another stimulus shot from the central bank this time from china the p. L. C. Has finally launched a long awaited reform to replace its existing fixed benchmark lending rate with a new fluctuating loan prime rate this is now to further lower real Interest Rates for companies essentially amounting to a rate cut the new l. P. R. Will be set on tuesday and subsequently on the 20th of each month as a benchmark rate for banks to price in new loans now more than 30 Central Banks around the world have cut Interest Rates just this year as countries move to shore up their economies amid rising concerns of a Global Growth and trade complex germanys central bank just issued a warning that the country could be slipping into recession as g. D. P. For the 2nd quarter contracted point one percent this further puts pressure on the rest of the country as the e. C. B. To step in as the fall of europes largest economy will certainly have widespread implications for the rest of the world the e. C. B. Is now expected to cut rates which are already at historic lows and signal a restart of a trillion euro Bond Buying Program in order to spur on growth germany is now just one of several major global economies now facing potential recessions the u. K. Economy shrunk in the 2nd quarter and growth pretty much flat line in italy and is on the cusp of

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