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Poorest half of society had fallen. With you tonight welcome to the program. We stand just one step away from when you arms race just some of the words heard during a heated debate underway right now in the u. N. Security council it concerns the u. S. Withdrawal from a key cold war arms control treaty known as the earth and its recent tests of a Cruise Missile previously banned by the agreement. On the whole do you realize that because of the us is geo political ambitions we are all one step from an arms race that cannot be controlled or regulated in any way. Are you going to try and evade your share of the responsibility for whats happening. And also an allegedly a bone to an allegedly russian and chinese threat will the future generations forgive you this. Live now you are the scared of more pain caleb thanks for coming on strong words there from our present drives what more is coming out of that Security Council meeting. Well the meeting of the 15 member body that leads the United Nations was called by russia and it opened with a un high representative for Disarmament Affairs explaining the situation after all in the demise of the intermediate range Nuclear Forces treaty then we heard from russia and russia voiced very serious concerns about the United States decision to withdraw from that treaty on august 2nd as well as the recent testing of a missile that would have violated the treaty that recently took place the United States tested that missile and russia voiced concerns about the possible escalation of International Tensions and the danger that this poses not only to russia in the United States but to many countries around the world now the United States and their representative then took the floor and at that point they repeated the unproven accusation that somehow russia had violated the treaty and therefore russia was responsible for the treaties demise and following that we heard from other Security Council members who all seem to voice concerns about the danger of a new cold war in the arms race and the escalation of tensions and such a Nuclear Weapons now its important to note that the i am after Nuclear Treaty it was signed in 1987 and it was a Pivotal Moment in ending the cold war and deescalating tensions between the United States and the soviet union and that treaty has now basically been expired of the United States has withdrawn from it and it is no longer in effect now the meeting continues at the u. N. Security Council Chamber in manhattan so many eyes around the world are on that meeting listening closely to what is being said as the implications of the demise of this important nonproliferation Nuclear Treaty the demise of this treaty are pretty global in effect many different countries. Was at the u. N. Security council to continue on with the latest. U. S. President donald trump claims he cancelled his state visit to denmark over the nasty remarks of the countrys Prime Minister it offered to buy greenland which is a danish dependent territory the offer though was quickly rebuffed Prime Ministers statement that it was absurd that was that it was absurd idea was dasti i thought it was inappropriate statement what you had to do is say no we wouldnt be interested youre not sure. Its an absolute discussion and a Prime Minister of greenland has of course made it clear that greenland is not for sale and thats where the conversation and. Dont say what an absurd idea that is because hes not talking to me. Hes not talking to me you dont get to the United States of america you dont talk to the United States that way at least in the me. Denmarks queen he would have hosted trump expressed shock at his abrupt cancellation greenland is the Worlds Largest island its got plenty of resources as well but from saudia to buy it is not entirely new reports. Poor queen of denmark it just happened to be that way you know the way that part of her land is the worlds biggest island greenland just to the northeast of america and that its donald trump whos in charge at the white house right now how about the u. S. Greenland all of it and i guess me 1st as a people thought he was joking and said can we buy greenland and he was joking and then kept coming back to the danish Prime Minister would not sell him greenland calling the idea certain we must face the truth that our president is raving like a lunatic you can check out some of the trump greenland means if you havent seen them but now everyone who giggled at donald trump adding the island to his shopping wishlist have realized his being absolutely serious just so you know the president s idea is an old 1150 years old in fact. I have huzzah for expressed the opinion that we should purchase iceland and greenland but especially the latter the reason is a political and commercial no the acquisition of greenland will flank british america for thousands of miles on the north and west and greatly increase her inducements peacefully and cheerfully to become a part of the American Union but the actual proposal didnt call them until just after the end of world war 2 that was when the state Department Officials once again outlined the benefits. The committee indicates that money is principally now that greenland is completely worthless to denmark and the control of greenland is indispensable to the safety of the United States and so washington offered denmark 100000000. 00 in gold bullion for the island copenhagens answer was no well we have much to america i do not feel that we have been the whole island of greenland although the us shouldnt really have been disappointed because of what happened next in just a couple of years denmark joined nato plus not only it gave up attempts to get rid of the us military on the island it allowed the pentagon to set up americas northernmost air base there here where the temperature has dropped to below 0 and winds rose to 150 miles an hour gave you. Bright sun as a rough blizzard created by dense fog or blinding snow American Ingenuity and daring have built a new outpost in this country is due them. Based on the top of the world that documentary was even nominated for the cademy awards by the way anyway since the pentagon can still pretty much treat greenland as its own backyard there isnt much for the u. S. Administration to worry about their radars are out there in a perfect position to track Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles and satellites and low earth orbit before they reach the skies of mainland u. S. Or wait china is always something to worry about even if were talking arctic beijings already made an attempt to buy a former american base on the island and try to secure a contract to build a new airport there for now the chinese were shown the door but now what the white house man read the stirring things up around greenland we could be in force in very odd twists in the story. Poor queen of denmark meanwhile in nearby iceland the countrys leader said chills skip a visit of the u. S. Vice president mike pence next month saying shes got prior commitments to speak at a trade. You know conference in sweden. The fact is i was long ago i asked to give the keynote speech at the annual conference of nordic trade unions bans this visit which was organized by the minister for Foreign Affairs has been rescheduled many times so its been hard to organize oneself around it. He made a point of saying it had nothing to do with trumps cancellation of his state visit there not that it was not about slamming the white house is expected to discuss size the strategic position of the arctic and increased nato operations in the region the u. S. Plans for invest 57000000. 00 on a military naval base there next year in accord bergman whos a professor of politics at Bifrost University in iceland thinks the Prime Minister isnt too upset about missing a meeting. Current Prime Minister of iceland to start my feel or not im happy. With their class but seems to be occurring theres clearly a difference of opinion between the party your cutting out cookbook to get an irishmans all groups both. Military operations. In the arctic. What its an administration so clearly there are there are a right its youre pretty speech it took our troops. Restaurants shops and other businesses are closing the doors near the french resort of beer its ahead of the g. 7 summit more than 13000 Police Officers have been deployed to the area organizers say this years event will be run on a much tighter budget than previously. You know parliament voted for a budget of 36400000. 00 a year for the organization of the g. 7 summit and this figure is much lower than we have seen for previous summits whether in canada or evil and. Meanwhile g 7 countries have been blamed for aggravating inequality around the world by. My colleagues spoke to john date hes the head of Government Relations for the International Aid organization but was the oxfam report on the g 7 summits based on. So 7 leaders including my new mccrone whos hosting the summit decided to make inequality a key focus of this years g 7 and we think this is really important because the world bank kind of and others have recognized that tackling inequality is absolutely essential in order to beat extreme poverty. Report looked at the record of g 7 countries in tackling inequality and we found that actually in a number of areas countries are fueling rather than reducing inequality for instance by not implementing progressive tax systems by fueling the Climate Crisis and also by promoting a shareholder 1st Business Model that doesnt suit the needs of workers and many people in developing countries on a low income oxfams report toilets wealth inequality is across 37 countries in the us for example the poorest half of the population own just one percent of the countrys wealth john date again wants the g. 7 to take action. Why do you think the g. 7 dont work properly what are the main problems more widespread as well. So we think one of the kind of Major Barriers is how wealth is distributed between people across the world and in g 7 countries so that the 7 biggest economies in the g 7 hold nearly half the worlds wealth and actually if g 7 leaders implemented a new tax a new wealth tax where they to tax the top one percent of richest people in g 7 countries an additional no point 5 percent on their wealth then it could raise 200000000000. 00 pounds a year now thats a huge sum of money thats enough to educate the 262000000. 00 children across the world who are currently not in school and also you to have enough money left over to put money into health care and to fund. Enough health care to save the lives of 2000000. 00 people oxfam accuses the g 7 of having tax systems that favor the rich and says the wealthy drive government policy as charity adds the g 7 care more about shareholders than workers and warns the group of nations its worsening the Climate Crisis. They do 7 has existed for quite a long time are these problems that the report has highlighted something new or where they there from the beginning we know that inequality has existed for for a number of years but actually under a lot of measures inequality is increasing. So oxfams own research found. That inequality had increased over the last year and actually the wealth of richest billionaires was growing while the wealth of the poorest half of society had fallen do you think that this oxfam report will have any impact on this upcoming g. 7 summit we hope that the 7 leaders will take it seriously as you know it was a menu mccrone himself and g 7 leaders who decided to make inequality a focus of the g 7 so what were doing is providing some ideas to how they might tackle inequality and help reduce poverty through tackling inequality. Belgian reasons proposed kosher slaughter is set to come into force next month the move those tested the type balance in the e. U. Legislation between Animal Welfare and religious freedom. And kosher slaughter requires animals to be alive and healthy they are killed through having their necks cut pretty stunning is not widely used which is one of the reasons why the practice is by and in several e. U. Countries a new law in a region of belgium as 3rd controversy among the countries jewish and muslim communities. To have the government interfere in this we is damaging to the reputation of the jewish people as a community it implies that we as a group are responsible with the welfare of animals and need government supervision which is of course a very negative view of us and we spoke with slovenian philosopher who shared his thoughts on that coming in belgium. I dont think it is necessarily let me say this legally we should never forget that there is in your our own rule of. Lets call it right we call it but they find a candidate they could just take that both sides again is there a side and the muslim side effect that i claimed that lunatic utterly summerfest limits and you know. If youve got big chunks buckling fundamentalists you see them immediately internet i just let differ and go close. Explode when they think god exists in the same god. When they came back. In germany a syrian Asylum Seekers been found guilty of manslaughter in a killing that sparked riots riots in the city of chemists last year a man was sentenced not a half years in jail european correspondent space all of the reports. A 23 year old syrian asylum applicant has been sentenced to 9 and a half years by a court in dresden for the month slaughter of the 35 year old man daniel healy who was stabbed to death in chemists last year now its understood that the main suspect in the killing a 22 year old Iraqi National has not been found by police yet its on the study may well have fled the country after initial shock there was violent and at times ugly scenes in the city which drew the attention of the worlds media we saw some footage of refugees and migrants being chased by purported members of far right groups there was also marches through the city by the tories neo nazi organizations we thought the members of the far right and the immigration Political Parties turned very violent at times the police really not in control as these marches clashed with the fascist marches throughout the city of cabinets over a number of days following the violence what that was finally got under control there was an attempt to try and bring communities back together the hash tag we are more behind a number of rock concerts including one really large one in chemists and demonstrations including a colossal march here in the german capital in however its when we look its the political impact that we can really see the effect that the killing of this man really had if we look at the local city elections in came in its from earlier this year we saw alternative for germany the Immigration Party they came in 2nd thats not really surprising in the east of germany but whats more surprising about the city elections is the fact that the party pro chemists which has some links to prominent neo nazi groups took. 8 percent of the vote but also when we look at this on a National Level if we compare how peoples voting intentions looked in 2017 compared to 2018 after this killing there was a marked support for those who were representing anti immigration policies and that was certainly being represented almost across the country certainly though in the east of germany so we do have a sentence of verdicts slaughter is the verdict busy 9 and a half years for a man who stabbed or took part in the stabbing death of a 35 year old in cabinets which sparked such ugly violent scenes last year. And here activists have revealed the extent of british arms contracts with a Saudi Led Coalition operating in yemen arties paula reports. Well the latest figures from the campaign against arms trade reveal that the u. K. Government granted export licenses to the tune of some 6200000000 pounds over a period of 4 years since the Saudi Led Coalition began its strikes in yemen back in march 2015 there is no public data however over whether or not the license holders exported the goods in their entirety or half or all or none but essentially what it does show is the same is the amount that they were entitled to export the u. K. Government doesnt really want to know how those weapons are being used as weapons are being used in a way that violates International Humanitarian law and of course it would have to act and there was have to stop was seals or ever do you know from a huge body of evidence from United Nations expert house members to International Order most respectable n. G. O. S in the world people in the ground in yemen all it used to say Led Coalition or rich in violations of International Humanitarian law and that means destruction of schools means destruction of hospitals use of destruction this is a terrible humanitarian crisis as. Possible because it was that you were arms exports such as the campaign against arms trade says that the total amount is likely to be higher because many of the weapons and ammunitions that were used by members of the Saudi Led Coalition in fact were licensed by a separate body for which there is no public darter now back in june this year the court of appeal ruled that the u. K. Government had acted under your feet when it granted licenses of a u. K. Made weapons to members of the Saudi Led Coalition without 1st checking if they use it in the past had led to branches of International Law the government was ordered not to approve new licenses and also to review those that it had already given and it was agreed that the government would not allow new sales of weapons to the 5 participating members of the Saudi Led Coalition in yemen now the British Government denies this and it has rejected these allegations outright the u. K. Operates one of the most robust export control regimes in the world licensing decisions are based on the most up to date information and analysis available at the time including advice from those with diplomatic and military expertise and reports from overseas network and n. G. O. S the saudi bombing in yemen began back in 2015 and has resulted in what the United Nations cause the worst humanitarian disaster ever. The campaign against arms trade is highly critical of the role that the u. K. Has played and wants a to review its future participation. But the top story now the u. N. Security Council Meeting over the us theres the christmas solemn urgency somewhat caught call by the choice by china and russia from their representatives lets turn now to the chinese pound representatives of the u. S. Withdrawal of on the i added treaty is a not a negative off pursuing a lateral esme and evading International Obligations i do not his days is true intention is to make the treaty no longer binding and itself and to seek unilateral absolute military advantage china has always pursued a National Defense policy that is defensive in nature china has a land based intermediate range missiles are all deployed within the chinese territory they are for defense purposes only and pose no threat to any country. China firmly opposes us attempted to deploy intermediate range missiles land based intermediate missiles in the Asia Pacific Region and hopes that United States can exercise restraint and be rational in this regard madame president of the International Arms control and disarmament treaty system as the cornerstone of global strategic balance instability theres an International Peace and Security Nuclear disarmament as one of the 3 pillars of the n. P. T. Constitutes an important part of a global dominance in the Nuclear Field all countries should follow the principles of maintaining global strategic stability and undiminished security for all. And abbas and disarmament to process in a step by step manner countries the possessing the Largest Nuclear arsenals their special and should earnest delay for feel they are special and the primaries most ability for Nuclear Disarmament we support. The political ended. But a magic aphorism by russia in this regard we support and encourage russia and the united staes to maintain dialogue Strategic Security and bilateral Nuclear Disarmament issues commit themselves to the extension of the new start treaty. Continue to make substantive reduction in their Nuclear Arsenals in a verifiable irreversible and a legally binding manner was a deal to occur National Cause necessary conditions of advancing multilateral Nuclear Disarmament or processes i would like to stress that. Annie negotiation should take into focus duration d. Or national militarists trends and respect of the principle of an diminished security for all a key principle of control. China has for many times. Made clear our positions on the arms control negotiations and at the current sage of china has no interest and will not participate in the socalled trilateral arms control negotiations china unswerving they pursues a National Defense policy that is defensive in nature Chinas Nuclear strategy for selfdefense is completely transparent its Nuclear Policy is highly responsible Chinas Nuclear arsenal is extremely limited in scale and never poses a threat to International Peace and security for decades and china has actively participated in arms control. Consultations and in negotiations and under multilateral mechanisms and frameworks including that of the United Nations and account conference on disarmament and china opposes arms raise in the works to safeguard a global strategic balance and stability moving forward to china will continue to firmly. Hoda multilateralism actively participate in multilateral control processes or to contribute to dimension is of International Peace and security thank you madam president. For the statement. I shall now make it as the representative of china that emergency un Security Council summit called by russia and china on the line of treating and ill do our next story. A major air show gets underway near moscow next week thats the mark 2019 that i had about r ts donald quarter got a chance to take to the skies with one of the aerobatics teams. The russian team is preparing for an International Aviation and space this is a major air show thats going to take place to be end of august and theres going to be there tech and pilots from countries all over the globe the pilots are going to be showing up their bets and thats a bad and we were lucky enough to get invited to a plane to join one of those pilots so i hope youre not afraid of. Them. But. After we returned in one piece our pilot constantine told us all about the International Aviation in space so long. I have been training for more than 10 years and ive been in the pilot for 4 years the air show include the featuring aerobatics performance and the standard maneuvers championships rolls and loops etc the International Tournament features competitors from. Many European Countries and known European Countries including the dont last year show is not a contest the contest happens at the championship with the aerobatics and other events so when the air show each group shows its skills and this big daters decide for themselves what they like of course we will show what we do best and whats new. But some dramatic for this now from the russian assertive soran square drunk father dying of his baby daughter out of a window threatening to drop luckily some local Police Offices managed to save the day. I die. I i i i i. C i know. What. Your wounds are going to be a problem with the presence of the mosque but just have. A quick comment. Or are you going to say. You want me to so just because you know just because just we dont want to mostly because folks of a season list believe. It just goes for 2 idiots we implement a new city was 2 years old do try. To fix the child look at. Them look at what i see but the movement is awesome

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