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Missile testing tensions grow following the collapse of the arms control treaty. And a dizzying display your correspondent takes to the skies with russias alif Aerobatics Team before the knocks are show. But. Yeah. Hello there if you missed any of the big stories from the past 7 days youre in the right place our news recap the weekly starts now with me. And we begin with the g. 7 summits where really in foreign minister zarif has arrived in the french city of berates where the event is taking place hes now holding talks with his french counterpart iran of course being one of the main focus points for World Leaders during their talks this sunday well joining me in the sheeting its our Senior Correspondent. I put it to you not too many saw this coming breakdown of the philippine forests when it was a huge surprise some surprise in fact that we had to wait 2 hours for the journalists to get to the film this jet but it was it was designed to be a surprise to be resident the fred. Doing everything they can to salvage the ring in nuclear deal to try to get the United States and iran into a new deal to preserve the remnants of the old one. Here macron has a plan it involves easing sanctions u. S. Sanctions that have strangled the iranian economy in return for iran were turning to its commitments under the way nuclear deal so holding you rhenium enrichment up to a certain level. Allowing the europeans to verify everything everybody wants to save this nuclear deal but. With the United States so adamant that theyve got of theyve got a pressure rod into the submitting. Its hard to see how they can do it. Mom will do just that no member of the g. 7 wants iran to develop a nuclear bomb also the g. 7 people who want stability and peace in the region and therefore do not want to take actions that could affect it in this context we discussed our various initiatives. Has taken initiatives towards iran i have taken several initiatives and we have reported on them the g 7 is an Informal Club there is no formal mandate given within the g 7. Where they can pick all the initiatives that they want but the United States isnt the pilot taking them very seriously commenting on this surprise visit by the Iranian Foreign minister there will be any meetings with the u. S. But donald trump was asked by a journalist what he thought about and he called lee no comment or 2 said that the french and the japanese can talk to whoever they want but the United States would stick to its strategy and that is maximum pressure pressure in the rain in economy by sanctions military pressure surrounding iran containing it. You see it wasnt enough for the United States to rein in nuclear deal in place now they want to iran to tail and to cancel its Missile Program they want to. Basically stop what its doing in the region so involving itself in various conflicts and the United States wants to put that into into one package which the rain ians apparently are very enthusiastic about nevertheless the europeans havent given up on the nuclear deal is still trying to trying to save it to pressure the United States to pressure iran and to compromise but whether it will work is something well have to wait and see thanks for that our Senior Correspondent right there as the if with the details well lets delve a little bit further into this because im happy to say were joined by hum. A professor of Political Science at the university of tehran certainly a twist to the g. 7 summit today do you feel that the invitation was kerf. Time by france considering. 2 days ago in paris or if not what message is this sending. I mean its very true that the french want to present an image of themselves as a global mediator or are the fact. Or talking with the french or the europeans for that matter i dont think is necessarily surprising iran has been talking to the europeans for a long time now we already in the nuclear deal in fact president Hassan Rowhani recently had a over an hour long phone conversation with. What would be surprising however is if these talks lead to actual results and the reason for that is countries including iran as well as other countries are finding that its very difficult to reach agreements with the current u. S. Administration and the presence of oxygen. You know john bolton in my compound so that would be surprising if an actual agreement is reached what do you think iran wants to are can achieve from the talks that. Im so irans position from the beginning of the u. S. Administration of donald trump has been that it will only oblige by its obligations under the nuclear deal if the United States also all. Does what it was supposed to do under do nuclear deal when the Us Administration decided to leave the nuclear deal in may 2018 it was the europeans that convinced iraq to stay in the deal and they would be able to fix it now in the over a year that has gone by the europeans have done very little and as a result of that since may of this year iran has gone but it has actually started a process where they are also reducing their obligations under the nuclear deal so what do you wrong want is essentially for the sanctions to be lifted that were agreed upon according to the nuclear deal hermit whats your take of the americans in this was donald trump left in the dark over this meeting with with the french. Because youre thinking if thats the ploy what what what is the point of it is it a deliberate attempt by france to get them nearby and hoping something will come out of it even if theyre not directly talking with donald trump i mean. Well i think i think 2 scenarios are possible the 1st one would be the differentially doing this independent in the end they have that the americans and the dark if that scenario is true then i think there is very little hope that this will lead anywhere now the 2nd scenario which i think is actually more probable is that the french are closely coordinating with be americans. The reason they are not presenting this openly is this is going to make the arabians angry so they are trying to present themselves as this on is and unbiased mediator between the 2 sides whereas in reality they are very close to the americans and the reason perhaps this scenario is probable is that when iran decided to also leave the nuclear deal in may 2018 it was the french that came to the uranium is that convinced him to stay in the deal and essentially what that did it actually prolonged the period that iran fully obliged by the deal and that was very good for the americans so i think perhaps the 2nd scenario is more probable mccrone very much the broker in this situation just finally and briefly if you will do you think that this visit by irans top the plot will change the format we knew around was going to be very much on the table after the summit do you think that will alter the talks in any way this was it. I mean it will definitely have an impact iran is playing a major role in the discussions in the g. 7 and donald trump actually tweeted yesterday that major decisions will be coming in the next few days so i think it is important nevertheless i think its very very early to talk about an actual agreement between iran and the United States appreciate you taking some of your time this sunday to speak to us how a professor of Political Science in university of tehran speaking to us this hour from kalamazoo. No anticapitalist protests have been held for a 2nd day in southwest france triggered by the g. 7 summit in the resort of berates all writs of social Climate Change activists took to the streets of nearby on sunday they could be seen carrying outside wrapped up portraits of the normal from the demonstrators are demanding that the g 7 take urgent action to tackle poverty inequality and they invite. Mental concerns at least 9000 demonstrators turned out yesterday saturday the 1st official day of the summit. The International Aid Organization Oxfam has also accuse the g 7 nations of feeling to address growing inequality in a new reports that say is that in the u. S. The poorest 50 percent of the population own one percent of the countrys wealth germany the u. K. Arent far behind either earlier jacqueline spoke to john dates oxfams head of Government Relations of his organizations findings why do you think the g 7 dont work properly what are the main problems more widespread as well. So we think one of the kind of Major Barriers is how wealth is distributed between people across the world and in g 7 countries so that the 7 biggest economies in the g 7 hold nearly half the worlds wealth and actually if g 7 leaders implemented a new tax a new wealth tax were they to tax the top one percent of richest people in g 7 countries an additional not point 5 percent on their wealth then it could raise 200000000000. 00 pounds a year now thats a huge sum of money thats enough to educate the 262000000. 00 children across the world who are currently not in school and also you to have enough money left over to put money into health care and to fund. Enough health care to save the lives of 2000000 people. The russian president has ordered the countrys military to prepare a symmetrical response to the United States testing of a previously bound missile last weekend like mir putin stressed however that moscow will not be drawn into a destructive new arms race with washington following the collapse of the i. M. F. Arms control treaty. I order the ministry of defense the ministry of Foreign Affairs and other corps officers to analyze the threat level created by the activities of the United States and to undertake comprehensive measures to prepare a symmetrical response besides russia is still open to an equal and constructive dialogue with the United States to recover trust and to reinforce International Security the pentagons test of a modified tomahawk Cruise Missile came just 2 weeks after the u. S. Decided to kill off the long standing intermediate range Nuclear Forces agreement the projectile test would have if i live without a cord which the production of certain base short range missiles. Well Americas Development of you weapons appears to be part of a broader attempt to counter rising china just this month the u. S. Defense chief said he wants to see missiles the point in the Asia Pacific Region drawing the ire of both beijing and school with a look at the growing tensions here so you have a train. That was quick only last month this ground law inched smoking toy was illegal. Its already wiping out makeshift targets off the coast of california just like that and the intermediate range Nuclear Forces treaty is now part of history so soon be ready to see those in different parts of the world the pentagon boss was even quick to say they want to start with the asia pacific but russia is already worried about a different part of the world to Eastern Europe right near the russian borders as you can see american officials have said theyre launching systems in romania and poland are different from the m. K. 41 used in California Well the russian governments not buying it i mean you can see it at the american stuff believe rejected this claiming that the ground based and k 41 new inching system was allegedly unable to launch tomahawk Cruise Missiles now the fact of the violation is evident it is impossible to disputed they themselves spoke about it and of course the question arises how can we now understand what will be located in remaining poland with the Missile Defense systems only so strike systems sufficiently long range so why was the i. M. F. Treaty signed by the u. S. And russian leaders more than 30 years ago so crucial to make sure that europe where nowadays americas nato allies and russia actually share a border doesnt turn into a vulnerable danger zone dotted with. Pads one following the test in california the u. N. Security council convened this week the russian representative threw a question in european diplomats are you actually ready to find yourself in between 2 rivaling Cruise Missile arsenals. Are you going to avoid responsibility for what is happening to future generations forgive you for this russias present actions are in line with a pattern of aggression that represents a clear threat to International Peace and security the Russian Federation bears the sole responsibility for the reason demise of the media because it will be reminded me do you not understand that by your responses to the americans you are returning to historical situation when missiles will target european cities from different sites. Well so far most european states have a grade with the us line d. C. Kept blaming russia for violating the i n f deal and that was exactly how they explained their own pull out theres nothing that russia can say osho to change the fact that russia has already tested the 9 and 79 Cruise Missile to ranges beyond 500 kilometers in violation of the treaty moscows message has remained the same all claims that they were breaking the rules are a lawyer and on friday Vladimir Putin had a real go at the Us Government for whats seen in russia as completely twisting their reality in favor of uncle sams ambitions to the worst of it is pretty instead of fixing and an except to situation and returning back to compliance with the treaty the americans have orchestrated a Propaganda Campaign alleging violations by russia as is now clear this was just a smokescreen to hide washingtons own breach of the treaty and its intention to leave it but this will leave 0 doubt about americas real intentions have incorporated the existing limits is now free to deploy previously forbidden missiles anywhere in the world as i said earlier though in the 1st place washingtons. Thinking over a bold chess move in the asia pacific not that brush is far from that area either but its clear want countries on the mind of strategists in d. C. In the 1st place people in the Trump Administration feel that they need to push back on beijing and a hard way they feel that theyre running out of time feeling that china is getting stronger and they need to act fast to provoke china into some kind of military conflict all the things that involve china right now is really just a bigger is just a piece of the Bigger Picture of political tensions between us and china whether its the trade war whether its taiwan whether its the hong kong protests. States over the over of drone bricking Aviation Technology on the elite ermine ship excitements building in the russian calculate of the march 2900. 00 show which gets going on choose the other corresponding dollar quarter he was the office sweep he got to hit the skies in the. The russian team is preparing for an International Aviation and space this is a major air show thats going to take place at the end of august and theres going to be there ted and pilots from countries all over the globe the pilots are going to be showing up their bets for this is bad and we were lucky enough to get invited to a plane to join one of those pilots so i hope youre not afraid of. Them. But. After we returned in one piece our pilot constantine told us all about the International Aviation in space so long. I have been training for more than 10 years and ive been in the pilot for 4 years the air show include the mock featuring aerobatics performances and the standard maneuvers that championships rolls and loops etc the International Tournament features competitors from. Many European Countries and known European Countries including the us the airshow is not a contest the contest happens at the championship with the aerobatics and other events so when the air show each group shows a skilless and this big daters decide for themselves what they like of course we will show what we do best and whats new ok we keep the news rolling this sunday in 90 seconds time. Join me every thursday on the alex simon show and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business im showbusiness ill see you than. Anyone else shows something seems wrong but all wrong just dont call. Me. Yet to stamp out just to become educated and in detroit equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart. Just to look for common ground. Well thats my life you know i started out australia 40 years ago and ive been living in the log cheeriest life ever cheaper money ever since and literally not having to work a day in my life because they assets bought it 40 years ago have gone straight up. Hello again britains prince under who has broken his silence on his friendship with Geoffrey Epstein insisting he knew nothing of the convicted paedophiles illegal behavior but disgraced american financier killed himself in jail this month while awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges but the spite the jukes attempt to put an end to speculation about their relationship he didnt explain why he continued to see epstein after the multimillionaire had served a sentence for soliciting prostitution from a minor and no stage during the limited time i spend with him did i see witness or suspect any behavior of the sort that subsequently led to his arrest and conviction i met mr epstein in 1009 during the time i knew him i saw him infrequently and probably no more than once or twice a year i stayed in a number of his residences ive said previously that it was a mistake and an error to see him off his release in 2010 that thing is death has raised a lot of questions on prompted a huge amount of speculation so much so that his lawyers say theyre not satisfied with the current his findings and under current their own investigation one major question is why epstein was taken off the suicide watch the spite previously having attempted to take his own life. And in war for a lot u. S. Attorney general william barr sucked the director of u. S. Prisons following epsteins suicide former money mum directs the los being held at a facility reserved for the most dangerous criminals alongside the likes of Joaquin El Chapo guzman the notorious mexican drug baron i spoke to mark furnish a lawyer for the disgraced financier. The conditions to which he was subjected would buckle even the knees of the strongest among us its this is one of the toughest federal pretrial detention facilities in the country and the conditions are inhumane epstein was subjected to conditions that were similar to those of guzman but not remotely justified by his character or what he was accused of because he was not. A violent individual like chapo was alleged to have been hes not a guy who has escaped from prior facilities like guzman was alleged to have done. The real miracle is that we dont hear about these sort of things more about murdered pretrial detainees or suicidal pretrial detainees because the facility. Is barbaric and its a whole its its its like i dont use the word lightly lightly but its sort of like an american go log for people who have not yet been convicted of anything. One doesnt want to treat the symptom while ignoring the disease and the disease is. How people are routinely denied bail with a shocking ease given the laws that Congress Passed allowing prosecutors and judge to do that. Some more great programs begin in moments that call and its here in 34 of the stories that shape that week. Join me every thursday. And ill be speaking to the world. Im sure. Ill see that. In this community there are people who believe that its ok. Its really hard there are no jobs and you see the kids. And as a parent. I can come up with arguments and theres a lot of conflict within the game between the 2 teams most of the conflict i would say. Is maybe. Close one on each others to each other is good because the state of california alone makes 6000000000. 00 a year of the prison complex just to get some 25. 00 where. You dont care. Anything. Why paradise with some old around turned into a round the experimentation field for agricultural chemicals we know that these chemicals have consequences they are major irritants theres no question otherwise why would that the Chemical Company workers themselves be geared up that suited up locals attempt to combat the on regulated experiments but often in day and you have many of these people who have one foot into the biotech pharma and the other foot in the government regulatory bodies this kind of collusion is reprehensible while the battle goes on the chemicals continue to poison hawaii and its people so one has to ask the question whether there is a form of Environmental Research going on in hawaii whether these Companies Feel they can get away with this because the people have less political power. Welcome to everyone to this special. Friend. Troubles here for the burial. We same say only time we may chop. Community to funeral. Is just happens all the time and we always sigh we must stop meeting like this most. Of them. Take the position youll raise taxes repeat after me i swear by almighty called i swear by almighty god the evidence i should give evidence i shall give to see the truth shall be the truth a whole tree the whole truth and nothing about nothing but the truth if you stayed on for. John word. Hospital the doctor. I was getting. Richard has a form of him a failure a rare and severe inherited disorder that impairs the bloods ability to. The slightest injury agrees an internal bleed or even just a bruise could cause irreparable damage. And. Every day richard inject himself with the blood clotting agent factor 8 these days its sterile and safe but in the mid seventys and early eightys a treatment like this infected about 5000 people in the u. K. With either hiv or hepatitis c. Or even both richard was among them and he had to undergo a series of treatments

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