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Telecom here mosconi are watching on to International Live from austin and with meaning to welcome to the program. The u. S. Is sending extra troops and their Defense Systems to saudi arabia and the u. A. E. According to the pentagon the move is a response to aggression and was requested by the 2 countries. As the president has made clear the United States does not seek conflict with iran that said we have many other military options available should they be necessary it would be you were the troop strength what hundreds of troops also just the secretary. Do you think this is going to be we think for now that would be sufficient but that doesnt mean there could be additional deployments as needed based on the changing situation. Washington accused iran of bombing Saudi Oil Infrastructure last week and the drone in missile attacks were claimed by hooty rebels in yemen on friday saudi forces launched several air strikes near the yemeni port city of her data aside the Coalition Spokesman said the goal was to prevent what the rebels from launching remote controlled assaults on shipping in the red sea the Iranian Foreign minister has commented on those strikes saying theyre essentially an admission that the who the rebels were behind the order finally bombings. Since the saudi regime has blamed iran but useless as that is for the attacks on its own facilities curious that they retaliated against her diet or in yemen today breaking un cease fire it is clear that even the saudis themselves dont believe in the fiction of iranian involvement there say the us is just protecting its own interests in saudi arabia. The thinking behind the u. S. Deployment. Is the us is trying to protect what it considers to be their own or what its considered to be theirs dziedzic lifeline so by sending more troops because we sent 500 troops back in july but i read that in this Troop Deployment the u. S. Is concerned well the security of saudi arabia or oil thats not a proper war there is an option. Thats already been put in that you want you and i think. They were. Being. As it is and all the forces from the national army. Well back in 2000 born here and despite all the destruction of their heart and all the suffering part you know you have not succeeded in there are so war. Dont try to slap sanctions on Iran Central Bank and for the enlarged and question bhutan says the measure is a nothing new despite the u. S. President claiming they were at the toughest yet. These are the highest sanctions ever imposed on a country weve never done it to this level. And its too bad whats happening with iran its going to hell now trump is calling it the highest level of sanctions ever imposed against the Islamic Republic of iran now the sanctions are being imposed in response to the recent attack against i know rahm coal or oil facility on thursday we heard from the pentagon and they said they are still investigating our position on this has been were going to work through with the saudis as they make their assessment of what took place so were going to work with them were going to allow the saudis to make the declaration on where they believe the attacks came from and the ultimate responsibility despite the fact that no hard evidence seems to be presented and the u. N. Team. Has not concluded its investigation and has not reached any conclusions about who was responsible now its also important to point out that ron has reacted saying that it will offer a response to a us plotz its very revealing that america things with all these weapons and everything it can go away and make all these sanctions against iran it doesnt really sold anything for america what does it achieve really its not going to make your own bend the knee its going to rob their bring all of the countries that america is currently in some sort of war footing with china russia etc its going to bring everyone closer against america so really this is isolating america more. People of hong kong a gathering for a 16th consecutive weekend of antigovernment protests and you can see those live pictures right behind me there despite the initial demand of the demonstrators having been met earlier pro china supporters pull down messages and images put up on a special wall by protesters the rival sides of resorting to new tactics to get their way than holkins takes a closer look. For months hong kong has been embroiled in massive protests each passing week his sea mistrust confrontation and violence on the 2 sides of the barricades escalate for many on the streets this has become a war of attrition with an implacable enemy both sides pick new tactics to get one over their opponents in an apparent deadlock. Many protesters feel this conflict is unwinnable wars are a powerful ally and western political intervention to tip the scales in their favor peace. And your health are paddling. Upon. By potentially passing this act the us risks the revocation of Hong Kong Special status crushing the regions economy but this seems a secondary concern when there are bigger battles to fight. While pitched battles are fought in the streets conflict has also spilled over online docs in the intentional spreading of private details in order to harass intimidate or coerce is the new favorite weapon and both sides are guilty its a tactic thats illegal yet hundreds of complaints have been emerging over the last few months many incidents of targeted propositions journalists Chinese State media have condoned revealing identities of protesters and on the opposite sides about 40 percent of such cases have targeted Police Officers or their families government officials and other citizens a large number of our officers and their families have the impression that the unlawfully collected elite practice norms and passing that personal data including id card numbers birth date telephone numbers address and photos such they tell us this goes on social media without the consent of our colleagues. That now seems inevitable recent polls show that 90 percent. Demonstrators now agree that radical tactics are needed to get their way a sign that a political ceasefire is nowhere in sight the protesters got what they wanted all those months ago and withdrawal of the widely criticized extradition bill but thats no longer enough an inquiry into Police Brutality fundamental political reforms resignations the list of demands grows longer the hong kong chief executive carrier has offered dialogue we are holding their 1st session next week and this is an open dialogue platform we will invite people from all walks of life to come to express their views to us this is because of our conviction that common occasion is far better than confrontation but when both sides see more focus on fighting their perceived enemy than seeking a way forward kerry has a mountain to climb but violence is always initiated. Political play of the us to media or so surprising or more of the very. Borders are always there but were always begins charging there was food that was one of the. Girls. Who are. Actually. Useful citizens the lawyer wants him to. Be sure its all very much we will Auto Insurance hire also which was a. Big clue fur you all should see beijing is going to grow. Those its going to be. International Life Sciences institute in washington d. C. Sounds harmless enough but a new Study Suggests the elfie is home to a very powerful lobbying group working on behalf of the. The u. S. Food industry the institute claims to promote science for the public good and to be transparent and denies it functions as a lobbying group but the study just mentioned banks to defy claiming for example that the nutritional advice is not for the benefit of consumers the institute offshoot in china is said to have influenced the government anti Obesity Program resulting in guidelines that downplay the role of diet in india the reportedly obstructed government efforts to flag a potentially Unhealthy Foods a few decades ago it also championed the tobacco industrys interests in europe and america while more recently it supported claims that a widely used weed killer does not cause cancer the institutes website boasts that its an engineer working to provide health and the environment it doesnt mention whose it stone is are reportedly these include of cocacola pepsi co and mcdonalds has had the study is seeking to expose the earthy describes its activities. Youll see seeks to influence individuals positions and policy both nationally and internationally and its corporate members deployed as a tool to promote their interests globally it is a very big problem and this is not actually the 1st story that has been done of this lobby group or a Front Organization for Food Companies there are International Life Science Sciences as you will see is actually producing studies that we call our advocacy lead studies in other words these are studies that are designed to influence policy makers by downplaying the real risk for example in this case should there so these are manufactured studies and this is a huge problem because what theyre doing is that they are also growing or working with government scientists and government officials. Weve contacted the international Life Sciences institute for response to the allegations no reply yet. With pakistan planning its budget for next year many locals are worried by writing taxes amid fears of political unrest thats what our correspondent paula slayer found during a trip to islamabad. This is one of pakistans busiest markets where shop owners are the 1st to feel the brunt of the governments efforts to introduce tax reform and economic measures to try and address the failing economy but people here are angry the thing is that many of the shops here are not legally wages to and so the requirement that they do so and also pay taxes to put it mildly is not being welcomed by everyone oh yes we are facing difficulties on inflation on the rates of poverty are hard still we hope things will get better its on the pakistani economy is facing one of its worst crises ever the population here numbers some 208000000 but hes growing by nearly no surprise then that the government has been forced to come up with out of the Box Solutions Economic Situation is quite bleak in pockets. And country have been poor thing you can only cry through. We country for programs for the right because of the. Impact of these going to show for the poor low income group which. Belong to various factions including the leader of the group and the. Unity. Government people are indifferent or are there for a thing. With program theyre not happy for there are transferred there are people who may go on strike Prime Minister among cons government has prioritized the development of small and Medium Sized Enterprises how satisfied are you with what the government has been doing for the last year economically. In the course of just a year nothing can actually be done iran has a 5 year job out there that will see what hes managed to achieve despite the difficult times most people here have hope that the Economic Times will turn. Policia r. T. Islamabad. In the thighs will remain in prison and despite the fact that its current prison term comes to an end this sunday and recollect that it has almost completed his term for skipping the battle but the court decided that if released he would abscond again artist going underground discussed on his case with wiki leaks journalist Kristinn Hrafnsson heres a quick preview its hard for me as a journalist basically to see this unfolding in my close circle to see my friend in this situation not just because all in all its really difficult for him but for sure all journalists and for journalism in general because as weve talked about frequently this extradition case. Will set a precedent which was will define june journalism in the future how on earth is a person who is in solitary we were almost all the entire day. With very little access to information. How can we prepare for the biggest most important corcos in his life timely extradition hearing in los february this is a question of life and death this hearing but this goes to show i mean what and so of course what new smells are the United Nations pressure on torture set up how corrupt and how in stress that the entire system in the u. K. Including the judiciary and the media has forgotten when it comes to julian ourselves and we see that before you call course earlier this year and this sort of was a confirmation that what neil smelters said seems to be true that julian. Does not have a chance of a fair trial into. Negative Interest Rates are telegraphing a drop in population if you look at forest consumption in the present to feed the bodies game that means this generation will have to be sacrificed and so you know humans have not really psychologically evolved much from the day just used to outright. Children for the gods of their books the generations before the policy gods. Welcome back to the program the acting director of u. S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement says that the rhetoric of some democrats is leading to attacks against his employees the treatment of the. Politicians to see him a concentration camps. We dont run concentration camps that are used doesnt put kids in cages. That were not nazis and foresee a law and order signed by a federal judge is running concentration camps on our southern border and that is exactly what they are is going to you know raid these peoples houses and what have you its a very reminiscent of nazi germany just sayin now ladies and gentlemen im a jew. And we are raised to say never. Its happening. But its kind of why woods and that kind of rhetoric. That results in people who may not be of sound mind doing things like shooting bullets into an ice assault in San Antonio Texas almost hitting one of my agents. Immigration is currently an issue dominating u. S. Politics when they claim the facilities are inhumane and the deaths of 24. 00 immigrants in ice custody some go so far as saying the comma should be abolished theyve been attacks on several i cities across the country one facility in san antonio was fired upon in the early hours though nobody was hurt while a protest is expected at the home of the warden of the facility in colorado we spoke to all guess rivera things the rhetoric is dividing the nation further. I think its one of the most disgusting mis uses of this type of dog whistle politics ive ever seen in my life i was watching the video with the ice director mass you albions really making a leap 1st day ended i mean these Border Agents have a dangerous job you know that we had the exalted where somebody tried to shoot one of the facilities the other was out of attempted our bomb threat you know we were you know detainees i mean i really find it disgusting and particularly you know if i was jewish and living in america if youre in that type of comparison to them being not it would be sickening and maybe never want to book for people on the left they go ahead and push this language of this kind of this kind of anti rhetoric i think this rhetoric at all anyway is designed to help anything i mean i just think if anything it just by having the nation further. In world news in brief now demonstrators clashed with Israeli Forces in the gaza strip leaving 74 people injured theyve been tires and to protect other soldiers who reportedly opened fire and live bullets the protesters part of the socalled great march of return of palestinians demanding they be given back occupied territories. Protests to in ecuador d where the National Assembly has decided against further decriminalizing abortion the new law would have applied to cases of rape incest and fetus a mile from National Supporters of the bill say the country is suffering from a break pappa demick of 800 high doses its also high currently abortion is permitted when the mothers life is in danger. And people also came to the streets of the indonesian capital jakarta this time to protest against corruption demonstrators clashed with police who responded to take us on a recently approved and or limiting the powers of the countrys Anti Corruption watchdog. Now the Animal Rights organization peta has slammed Ressler Company but now. They accuse him of mistreating animals. Between coverage as the u. F. C. To evaluate his relationship with mr newman the mad until he shows a clear change in attitude and a commitment to showing and most the response that they deserve peter urges mr malcolm as if to seek to wrestling with willing human opponents. Peter just trying to get some headlines. I love what. Time. It was i think. Thats a new its all laid back around 30 minutes with more updates so do stay with us. Thousands of american men and women choose to serve in the countrys military and the decision lotos sheltered lives every thing came to a complete. The day that i was raped be instructed you know told to shut up what theyd kill me and i see how it destroyed my life any screamed at me and he made me come in and he grabbed my arm and he write me this berthing area if you take into account that women dont report because of the extreme retaliation and its probably somewhere near about half a 1000000 women have now been sexually assaulted in the us military rape is a very very traumatizing tat happen but ive never seen trauma like ive seen women who are veterans who have suffered military sexual trauma reporting rape is more likely to get the victim punished and be offended and almost 10 year career or chose very invested in and i gave a sex offender who was not even put to justice or put on the registry this is simply an issue of our violent male sexual predators for the large part of target whoever is there to prey upon whether thats a man or woman. The world is driven by shaped by one person with those words. The day or thinks. We dare to ask. And then pena it stands crossed started 10 years i think its time to shake things up maybe change the branding maybe the former heres what ive been thinking about next season related episodes filmed on an island. 10 experts fight it out for a trophy what do you think ok a more affordable option 25. 00 experts. And one red rose another suggestion geo political jeopardy parody no political cookout where we will literally wrote the elites. Late night show its a rare format piece days and its chief all you need is an old microphone in a printed banner but actually meet with them i guess i can do this campbell after politics d gone wild like music. Ok crosstalk is not about hype its about meaning 10 years of talk and still going strong. Peter if you want to change something why dont we get rid of the bow tie no that is too much. They all see themselves as dying swans in their dreams. But only one in the cells and will ever make it to the top. Theyre ready to give their lives for the chance to die on stage if only once. Not even broken wings can determine. For generations at the madrid ski theatre ballet sweat and tears. This is a story about what happens auster a stray bullet kills a young girl in the street. What happens to her family and daughters in florida you know my other daughter is buried in a cemetery. With your head what happens to the community the public was screaming for a scapegoat the police. Need is a scapegoat so why not choose a 19 year old black kid with a criminal record who better to pin this on than him and what happens in court. Sean sean as far as i do. We dont know still just for the. End of this trial. We. Know children. This is robust broadcasting around the world and covering all aspects of our 21st Century Global economy. And im 50 i in washington has a lockout what we have in store for you today. But not looking for a partial deal im looking for a complete deal. Mostly with karen and that comes as a tiny delegation have cut their visit short r. T. Correspondent sam on thursday ok standing by to delve into the details of the choppy trade waters. To saudi aramco as i. P. O. Has been in question following attacks on the oil fields in the middle east monarchies rule of u. S. Holdings is on hand to drill into oil prices in the future of the would be record setting i. P. O. Were back to full strength and ready to bring you all d the Global Business news news you need to end the week lets go. Im a tax cut for the Indian Corporations leave our goal. A report today as a modi administrations finance minister announces an 8 percent cut in the base Corporate Tax rate the centex stock market surge and close by more than 5 percent after minister some around the bend are now that 20000000000. 00 policy package indias base Corporate Tax rate was cut from 30 percent to 22. 00 companies that do not seek Tax Exemptions will qualify for that base rate while those who do well pay a base rate of 25 percent down from the previous 35 Percent Companies that start out between october of this year and march of 2023 will be offered an even lower base rate of 15 percent and while reaction was positive a sudden and dramatic move by the indian policymakers suggests that they saw a weakening in Economic Indicators that call for such a bold action as growth reached at 6 year low tax cuts added to a list of stimulus actions for 21000. 00 that are already includes for Interest Rate cuts by the reserve bank of india. Meanwhile Prime Minister Narendra Modi of india is headed to the United States for a weeklong visit that will include an appearance with u. S. President donald trump mr modi will address more than 50000. 00 Indian Americans out in the event of an orgy stadium in Houston Texas the events named modi will also be attended by President Trump as a gesture to cement the relationship between the 2 countries during the trip to the u. S. The 2 World Leaders hope to ease trade tensions between their large economies earlier this year the u. S. Had removed certain trade privileges afforded to india saying the country had not properly opened their markets to u. S. Goods the u. S. Hopes india will reduce tariffs on Certain Electronics and automobiles as well as opening the country to u. S. Agriculture and dairy products. Deputy level of china u. S. Trade talks head into day 2 in washington where officials are meeting to prepare negotiations for next months high level discussions in the 1st face to face meeting in nearly 2 months the worlds 2 largest economies continue their efforts to bring

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