Their rights. Their rights Political Rights. Are they watching r. T. International thanks for joining us. Shocking footage has emerged of a man being set on fire in hong kong after getting into an argument with protesters and i must warn you you may well find these images coming up now disturbing. Well it was one of. The scenes that youd see in a war or disaster zone that would shock even the most hardened viewers todays pictures from hong kong reach new lows the man in this footage hasnt been identified yet authorities have only confirmed he is in a Critical Condition police say he was attacked after arguing with rioters footage of the disorder is a regular feature on global news bulletins one could be forgiven for forgetting how and why this all began we must take action to demonstrate to president g. The United States senate stand shoulder to shoulder with the people of hong kong the people of hong kong are perfectly within their rights to be very skeptical very anxious about proposals for extradition to the mainland so yes i do support them and have police speak up for them and. Every inch of the way the u. K. Signed an internationally Binding Legal agreement in 1984 that in trying to the one country 2 systems rule in trying to the basic freedoms of the people of hong kong and we stand foursquare behind that agreement foursquare behind the people of hong kong all those months ago the demonstrators objectives and demands seem to be clear as time has passed and lines blurred this has changed this isnt the 1st such case of targeted violence merely another step in a pattern of escalation a middle aged unarmed man left unconscious on the ground after of swarming attack by demonstrators global times journalist food go out bound and beaten in hong kong airport for his support of authority as juniors home a probe aging lawmaker forming victims of a knife attack which could have ended far worse. Amid rising arson looting and Violence Police are also upping the stakes that day is the 3rd time live rounds have been used by officers is another protester in Critical Condition an officer plowing his motorbike into a mass of people 2 of them reportedly injured thousands wounded in clashes its almost a miracle the body count from the violence isnt higher some say the situation was predictable or claimants of voidable the protesters that they simply out of options the truth could lie somewhere in between but as the protests reach a point of no return compromise seems to be the last priority for any side they are supposed to done mcadams the executive director of the wrong Paul Institute 2 believes that the hong kong population is rightly outraged by the actions of the protesters. The person who was burned was irritated because they go in they disrupt the train stations the metro stations people get cant get to work people that actually have jobs cant get to work they get irritated with these protesters and they get beat up they get stabbed they get set on fire you know you cant call a couple 100 people burning others and breaking think you cant call it the people its not a revolution its a group of violent us back. Trying to hit china through what they perceive as its soft underbelly in hong kong can you imagine in washington d. C. Or in london if there were a group of of black clad fogs that were beating people up and burning things down and challenging the police the guy that got shot in the recent gardens you know the idea that this would be tolerated is so absurd if anything that the Chinese Government which is demonizes so i guess has been weaker than any western government. A significant moment for democracy donald trump has welcomed the resignation of bolivias president evo morales this is and has to be stepping down on sunday after facing opposition from the military and the police the resignation yesterday of believe in president ever morales is a significant moment for democracy in the western hemisphere these events send a strong signal to the legitimate regimes in venezuela nicaragua the democracy and the will of the people will always prevail since when all is announced his departure a violent incidents have been reported in and around its capital of us. These pictures before deletion were all this is house which was vandalized reports say the Vice President s home was also ransacked as where the president says several cabinet members. Several countries are spoken out against the resignation of moralez denouncing the event as a coup the bolivian opposition claims that the police are currently seeking to detain him but the chief of Police Denies that there is a warrant out for morale this is arrest russias also condemned the situation in bolivia saying it looks like a directed q. You can takes us through the latest events in bolivia you may have heard that bolivia has lately been celebrating a triumph of democracy. To put livia to its people to young people to women to the heroism of peaceful resistance who will never forget this unique day the end of terror and grateful as a bolivian for this historical lesson long live bolivia absolutely delighted grateful to god that this dictatorship is over this tyranny is over at the moment its totally glorious for us were very happy long leave democracy well here is what a triumph of democracy has looked like in bolivia president morales resigned the Vice President resigned the president of the senate the 3rd person in line for the top job you guessed it resigned. The Bolivian Army and Security Forces are the only viable force left after they renounce their allegiance to the government and took the side of the protesters they we suggest to the president of the state to resign his president ial mandate to allow for peace and stability for the good of our believe yeah. But its not as black and white as the Anti Government side might want you to think plenty of people have been supporting evo morales in the streets and its them who have been getting the short end of the stake here think of the scene and get into. The thick of it. In fact that was the key reason for morale us to throw in the towel he wanted the violent. To cease this. One when deciding to resign so the opposition doesnt keep pursuing my brothers and the unions we are resigning im resigning prefer sleeze that my brothers and sisters leaders of the socialist movements dont continue to be held hostage and threatened because in bolivia morales has no one not a 100 not a 1000 supporters hes got millions this is a tobar of 47 percent of bolivians voted for morality and while critics of the ballot are screaming bloody murder this is specter the Election Fraud is within a 3 percent margin evil moralities a die hard leftist has been leading bolivia for 14 years under his rule the countrys economy has been growing faster than at any period over the past 3 and a half decades morales viewed as the voice of the poor managed to drastically reduce poverty and economic inequality he significantly increased the minimum wage to and boosted social spending millions had no problem with that and all of them are now represented and protected by nobody now the military is the only element capable of filling the power vacuum and bolivia and well some experts on latin america arent optimistic about what the army can do for the country its terrible its a military coup yesterday the term that was used was asked. Ask. When your point that someones if youre still their wallet theyre not giving up or voluntarily. They know that the alternatives. Are as sisters house was burned. There are members of the purge have been around so we saw that tactic used. Pro. 28 chain so all of this all of this things that are happening on both of you are familiar to us and none of them can be described as stomach craddick. The situation with believe you came to a head when the organization of american States School for the countrys recent election to be a know you to be regularities when i say she is made of states from across the americas and aims to promote peace among this countrys its headquarters is based in washington d. C. 60 percent of its funding from the us has not been short of controversy in the past its a killer lead the haiti elections of 2011 back then the oas was accused of pressuring the local election authorities to overturn the 1st round of the vote without a recount sanctions the widespread condemnation and the war activists gloria let eva believe that the oas is many a to live u. S. Influence. Or is it an american states includes or included all the states and the western hemisphere the americas the caribbean latin america including the us and canada it is an instrument of the United States to mean here is domination Political Economic military in the america we have seen the away as general secretary was armado who is a complete puppet of the United States. Pressure then us well over and over he has tried to rally the Member States in the early years to vote to censure and perhaps extend out there as well in the future but he has not shied away from now attacking believe you have clean electoral. But actually manipulated things immediately at the end of the pronouncement that is what allows the winner and will now require a 2nd ran only as an armada immediately set that there was fraud and there without any kind of argentina or any of the recounting of the ballots so it is really a political instrument the country is trying to break away from us in riots and domination. The organization of american states has reacted to recent events stating it project any unconstitutional end to the crisis in bolivia source a call for peace to be restored and for the rule of law to be respected. So in president Bashar Al Assad has denied accusations the Government Forces have been targeting civilians in an exclusive interview with r. T. Is going on the ground present Afshin Rattansi to stun the us looting of his countrys oil so shared his view on the actions of the kurds and turkey in his country. How did i says roy roth suddenly in 2014 out of nowhere after nothing. In iraq and syria at the same time with american armament. The be physically the russians are saying that the us is stealing 30000000. 00 of oil a month from Northern Syria is this a trump budgeting chip in the geneva talks why would the net oil export or like the usa be interested in 30000000. 00 of oil a month no things i says the started spiking syrian oil and oil in 2014 they had to partner with her. And his coterie and the american with the cia or others the american always try to loot other countries in in different ways in different ways regarding peer not only always or money or Financial Resources they do their rights. Their rights Political Rights every every other right of birth the historical role at least after world war 2 and as for girlish forces are they just tired after so many years i mean your understanding is they took money from. The United States the cia now youre welcoming them back youre worth 1st of all there is this is not only kurds its mix of kurds and role of and others think and when we talk about that is the of because in that is the ability to prevent. The measured it all because they had good relation of the government and the measured it all because support that support the government but this which is called the pew id is the one who is being supported by the americans publicly they are mormon their money they smuggled oil together. They are american. Agents to be with most of them odin 30 all of them i dont know. All of them but their party policy during the last few years is to invite the american kristie to be angry when the american wants to leave. And to say we dont want to join the syrian army simply had you saying exactly what mr herder one would of the s. G. Of all them actually they had to go and has his own agenda which is to part his own agenda as Muslim Brotherhood and the american agenda as a puppet so its to pot but their work intended to usher in death. But at the same time though those group of people why did he give him the excuse and the reason to invite syria that doesnt mean invasion is legal is the illegal in every things all the world but to give him the pretext because hes been announcing for year that he wanted to invade the northern part of syria and he wanted to clean that area from the terrorists and he mean the people waited because it gave him the. Excuse but what happened thats why they were to blame but erdogan has invaded. And he wants the whole interview next hour here on r. T. International or any time on a website dot com theres more news coming up after this short break. Something seems wrong all along just dont all. Get to shape out just being educated and in games from an equal betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart. Just a look for common ground. What politicians do something to. Put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. So when you want to be president. Or somehow want to. Have to be right to be cross its like the 43 in the morning cant be good. Im interested always in the waters of my colleagues. Welcome back a cofounder of the controversial White Helmets rescue group in syria has been found dead in his apartment in istanbul in the u. K. Media has been quick to point the finger of blame at russia medina cochon of a hospital. This might have been a news story about alleged suicide a former British Army Officer who helped start the white house mess has been found dead near his home in istanbul according to old news sources he fowl off the balcony of his home office and that would have been the end of it if not for one detail according to the british media russia pushed him well not literally of course but if the u. K. Tabloids are to be believed it happened right after the Russian Foreign ministry tweeted that he was an am i 6. The white house is cofounder james the mystery is a former agent of britains am i 6 who has been spotted all the world including the balkans and the middle east his connections to terrorist groups were reported back during his mission in kosovo the Russian Foreign ministry has commented on these allegations and the british press. The investigation into the death of Joseph Lammers year hasnt started yet but the british media radio acting in their band all manner they blame those russians for everything another highly likely media scandal has been launched but the white house the western media the white house have been accused of associating with al qaida and other terrorist groups inside syria photographs and videos show members of this Civil Defense organization posing with jihad is they have also been accused of staging Chemical Attacks used as justification by western nations to carry out strikes against the Syrian Military and its allies. White helmet 70 was how many criticized by russia and now as this tweet and his staff all come in handy for any other wave of news about the hand of the kremlin. The trends across the United States are being celebrated today on the annual veterans day holiday but it seems that not everybody is feeling 1st if according to a new survey a majority of military veterans believe americas most recent wars were not worth fighting almost 2 thirds of veterans both said the iraq war had not been worth the effort or than half expressed similar feelings over afghanistan the figures for the general public are around the same nevertheless after almost 20 years in afghanistan the joint chiefs of staff chairman confirmed at the weekend its not over yet. That efforts are ongoing its been ongoing for 18 consecutive years and i suspect itll be ongoing into the future for several more years that mission is not yet complete only us on the council on right to police dissent in the military isnt what it was. Not surprising at all u. S. Military veterans from all wars are very very concerned about the propensity of the United States to continue to use warmongering as a instrument of Foreign Policy and i myself was in afghanistan in december of 2001 as a diplomats wow well. People are in the military all of us and it starts dawning on them like oh this wasnt all it was cracked up to be its up to us civilians to say to our government stop these wars of choice stop killing people around the world you know military officials of the higher end rank are always trying to put the best gloss on everything so that there wont be revolts among the troops as there were definitely and in vietnam we have more military contractors that are getting paid double and triple what our military are theyre making lots of money off these wars. We dont have nearly as much dissent within the military as we did during the vietnam war when it was all volunteers. From other top stories from around the world now starting in chile where the countries into the 5th week of best in the status of rejecting a government plan to rewrite the constitution the pinochet era the legal system is widely blamed for the high level of inequality in the country and in the interior minister offer to redraft it and hold a referendum critics though say the proposed changes dont go far enough and will only help the ruling class. Of in poland people across the country been celebrating Independence Day around 50000. 00 people joined a march in mosul to follow the christian crosses red flags and National Flags many also wore Historical Army uniforms Independence Day commemorates the restoration of the polish state in 1010. To catalonia activists have blocked a motorway linking spain and france the protest organized by the democratic synonymy. Campaign group came a day after the spanish general election to learn hes been cripps by on rest since mid october after a cool sentence several independently just a lengthy prison. And that wraps it up for this news hour appreciate company as well for may stick around rosana locals will have the latest in half an hour. Your government and our government and all the other major governments of the world know whats going to happen and when its going to. But they havent told you and they havent told me they havent announced. Imagine something as big as the earth. Is going to cause tidal waves earthquakes volcanoes are going to wrapped and its going to chill. So very for a while right. My great grandfathers. Nobody would care about the law or prison so youd have wallace the should have. A terrible life between now and the. Without the ever present and constant dread. Of the free money. We would have a day of reckoning and prices would revert back to reflexive climb command. And there would be a catastrophic trap door opening underneath the u. S. Economy because the u. S. Wont do it for itself china will do it for the in the form of announcing as a surprise 20000. 00 tons of gold and the introduction of a gold backed crypto currency just will kill the u. S. Dollar better than a door no. One else seemed wrong. But old rules just dont hold. Any gold yet to shape out these days comes to council. And engagement equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. Is youll be a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation that you didnt see. You doing the right way or are you being that. Much is true. Is. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Already made in the shallowness. Of the dew on. The symbol. Of the coming and going to. See that this is want to put it there this. Is where were all good but then as it allows in the. The armor of these young and theyre so real so sam how about have a sort of number of. Down this you know as one of the. Kids in. It and as an incentive to the son will. And his son body have it but what i had in. House when i didnt let his son do a lot of it to what i do know. Now they. Have done as well as i say got enough. On the. Last command to philadelphia nicolo schools the 1st move the coaches those as with assume the City Center City county too because he must have been towing a toll. On them of course one has to be suitable. And almost as you to. Do you must equal the news move a solo. Of. Oh shit theres a husky as well husky the sammath was i meant to tell you i wanted a nose i would go and have a boss like that you can. Go through. The vision up. Thank you so i can inform the host will be just. As my oppression and i mean. Oh thats good news man there is a white house trying to figure this is the key to. This caused them. To care but it. Could mean it could mean. A whole

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