Detrimental. A very warm welcome youre watching the weekly here on r. T. International bring you all the latest world headlines along with a roundup of the stories that shape the week but 1st the Mass Violence and around the clock protests bolivia boiled over this week after the countrys leader even merolas stepped down on monday and fled to mexico thousands of his supporters have since then been protesting against his resignation clashes with police have left more than 10 dead and hundreds injured. Our political advocacy we must recover democracy with a lot of patience and peaceful fights we must pass if i believe and then if im useful in anything but can bring peace to bolivia we will do it but without bullets. After all as was ousted senator janine anos proclaimed herself interim president of bolivia many experts say the move is illegal and goes against the constitution as she wasnt in line to be the next leader crucially though most of the army supported and yes and are now under her control arties Donald Cortez takes up the story. A new force has seized bolivias political reins her name is janine is and shes just declared herself interim president but if you did as president of the senate i immediately take on the state presidency for seen in the constitution and i swear to undertake all the measures necessary to bring peace to the country has long been a critic of her socialist predecessor of all more alice who was forced to resign several days ago after the army dropped its support she evoked the constitution to justify getting the top job and has called for new elections but i guess herself wasnt actually elected she was just next in line after the president Vice President and head of the senate all relinquished their posts even the legislature itself didnt really elect her because morales supporters boycotted that session now the real people who put her in power theyre a colorful bunch. Meet mr camacho he was part of a gang that wasted little time ransacking moraless former home. But these trespassers werent just a bunch of thieves they were searching for a more spiritual experience heres camacho and his buddies praying with a bible after breaking into the house one of their supporters praised it as christs return to the bolivian government the bible is returning to the Government Palace never again will the pacha mama goodness return today christ is returning to the government powerless to live is for christ but you dont see that 2nd coming but then again come on shows long had a unique take on the lords work he spent years leading a religious fundamentalist Organization Called the Santa Cruz Youth Union aside from its reputation for p. T. Its also a purveyor of right wing ideology how far to the right. Well it doesnt get much farther than this when you. Get. A sizable number of the oppositions activists may be a bit unhinged but its the political arm that is far more presentable carlos mesa was president before moralists and lost another election to him in october the think tank interamerican dialogue lists him as an expert on its website its d. C. Based and u. S. Government funded but may says connections to washington run far deeper than that according to wiki leaks he was corresponding with the u. S. Embassy in bolivia for years discussing the details of his political strategy no less in a meeting with the charge on october the 27th messam all but acknowledged that ever would win his constitution in january and that there was little point in taking that quick zone think of trying to defeat it of course that makes the white house pretty happy the resignation yesterday of bolivian president evo morales is a significant moment for democracy in the western hemisphere these events send a strong signal to the illegitimate regimes in venezuela or nicaragua the democracy and the will of the people will always prevail but the situation on the ground is becoming increasingly unstable especially now that the military isnt being 100 percent cooperative right now. Then you have refused to coordinate with the National Police or you are staying the militarys being overtaken by criminal records which are destroying to capital as a bolivian do your job we do not want more blood you would be responsible for everything that happens if after my order which i make as president of the sanity for the crimes john and it will be your responsibility and his may have gotten to the top sticking to the letter of the law but its going to take a lot more than that if she wants to patch up latin americas latest political vacuum what weve seen in bolivia with. I mean on years declare herself president in march into the. President ial palace holding a gigantic bible is actually more flamboyant than what weve seen anything weve seen from one why dove who presents himself as sort of a bookish dapper yuppie but weve also seen her seize power in violation of the constitution of bolivia a complete violation and today vote was rammed through in which is declared herself president but the majority of the senators who would have rejected her from his mosque party were not able to take part in the vote because their lives were threatened they basically had guns to their head their families were threatened if they showed up they could have been arrested or killed and so essentially you have a right wing dictatorship a military regime in power now in bolivia with no constitutional authority. But libyas play took to more and has also given rise to questions over the countries not actual resources and some are predicting that morales his departure could now open the door for Multinational Mining Companies but livia is estimated to have some 9000000 tons of nifty in reserves thats the 2nd largest in the worlds best significant as i expose predicts that Global Demand for the chemical element will triple within a decade now the increase has been driven by the rapid expansion of so some markets that usually for example i think key components in electric cars in batteries for various portable Electronic Devices and military hardware as well took our men from the alliance will global justice things bolivia has been hit by the results coasts. There is no question washington is behind the. Behind regime change efforts and. Every country. Particularly that has resources in june of this year. Was going to. Industrialize saying theyre there lithium. Its just exporter Raw Materials but his plan was for bolivia to begin producing batteries refining the lithium ion producing batteries themselves which cuts for. Transnational corporations for a profit stream. As we can marks one year since the start of the yellow vests mees mint protest is the now gathering in paris for the 2nd day of Celebration Police have detained those who want people so far the rallies nationwide on saturday most remained peaceful but not in the french capital. Well were here in central paris and it feels like theres about a few 100 of yellow 1st protesters here and theyre being very very loud right now as you can clearly hear and they do have a very good reason for that theyre marking their officially theyre marking their 1st birthday the 1st birthday of their movement that started here in france and inspired thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people all over the world now today that has been largely peaceful and well more celebratory rather than riot sci fi i might say so also weve seen the police in full riot gear in Shopping Mall in paris Shopping Malls because protesters they had promised to occupy one of the trade centers of the for in the french capital and they call that a temple of consumerism some of their chance have been very anti capitalistic so this is the this is one of the banners and to which theyve been rallying for the past yes we have to look to some of the protesters to get their opinion as to how they think their movement has shaped and developed in the course of this past year. I called on the yellow vests to come to republic square and join the march and specially to have the right. To be on seans and hes a if they want to this is the movements birthday and a birth or should be celebrated in a good mood even if its a sad birthday because one year after the movement started the fact that were still here is a victory but a spin year means we didnt get a political and so from our crown from dublin its just as usual they used tear gas against us for no reason to shoot us for no reason nothings changed its always the city on the us should be ready to reap the fruits of our labor which weve been cultivating for a year if the government doesnt get done here you have it people will speak out as a result of the protests the french government and president were thrown they had to make certain concessions to comply with least with some of the demands of the riots has and of the protesters for instance they froze they halted the hike in fuel taxes for about a year but people here are clearly saying that that is not nearly enough to come to and that is them down to make them happy this saturday the protests were much more violent for instance the rioters occupied the italian square. In southern paris and weve seen a lot of tear gas people like journalists some journalists were injured and some people were passing out because of the sheer amount of the tear gas in the streets so far here it has been again today more peaceful but well its just has been very very vocal. The british cofounder of the Controversial White House rescue group in syria was found dead on monday in istanbul appearing to have fallen from a balcony after james limo serious death his life and what came under scrutiny is because pedia profile also saw something of a rewrite missing anything detrimental that is syria was a former British Army Soldier he was recently accused by russia of being a former m i 6 agents the u. K. s Foreign Intelligence Service and the british media has been quick to point the finger at the kremlin over his death well heres our Senior Correspondent lara. A tragic death for a man who made a living on tragedy james limits syria spent his life doing what he believed in which was remarkably similar to that what the British Foreign office and nato believe it almost point for point so naturally before anyone even knows how many bones were broken in his body after he fell from his apartment balcony that they dogpile russia its like an evolved limbic system fight flight or blame russia did russia kill white how much founder james the mysterious cofounder of White Helmets found dead days after russia claimed he was a spy did russia drive here a british aid boss to his death limits series crowding achievement was undoubtedly the creation of the White Helmets politically charged rescuers who went to Battle Alongside islamist terrorists even al qaida is winning in syria called them brothers you know the phrase you want to know how man lived his life look at who his friends were and they were relentless progovernment propagandists bent on censoring everything they dont agree with 133612 edits to wikipedia have been made in the name of philip cross over 14 years thats over 30 edits per day 7 days a week and i do not use that figuratively wiki pedia edits the times and if you plot them the time card for philip crosses wikipedia activity is astonishing if it is one individual before a day has passed since limits series death his friends began scrubbing his wiki pedia page the history of his life of all controversy whitewashing his biography philip cross the busy bee that he is really went to town making james as we keep pedia page all nice and pretty you read it now it was a st the times reported that delimits. Area was the subject of an intense black Propaganda Campaign for years my promise that activists and Russian Diplomats the New York Times reported that the group and there would be syria were the target of unfounded conspiracy theories when he isnt rewriting history 247 go figure philip likes to watch television all sorts of channels and then go in low lying or try to discredit anyone he doesnt agree with such as government critics antiwar activists and people who dont believe that the world is black and white if you peruse the added history on the wiki pedia page on can livingstone you also find the smartest fingerprints of that mr krause clearly if we can p. D. Allows a person who reveals their political agenda see attached to edit pages there is a huge problem this is clearly visible on my entry which has been overwhelmingly edited by cross and which is clearly unbalanced of course a much more probable explanation is that philip cross is a group of individuals paid to further the interests of the British Government than malign anyone that criticizes it or its policies they have no problem sneering and degrading others yet philip or Phillips Ashar i see theyre fine with doing it to others but talking about them is a no no back in 2018 someone wrote an article about philip cross and for his troubles the article was deleted and the author was banned for life for this philip cross did because considerable effort to read it in wikipedia entries for world known british anti establishment journalists bloggers authors and academics philip cross may be a pseudonym for a group of like minded individuals acting in concert there are reasons teachers tell students never to use wikipedia. Dia as a source philip cross is one of those reasons the fight says that wiki pedia is not an Independence Organization its basically been set up by those who are very close links to western Intelligence Services their attempts to manipulate a sense and make it appear that certain things are true than the notes and other things are not true when they all slip across who is a very very extraneous person in the sense that hes constantly changing with kapadia articles about controversial figures and he seems to be working around the clock so its looks to me as if hes working on that manipulating information in real time. Confident especially violent week with some of the was done rest yet well take you through what happened when the weekly returns and its been a few moments. Join me every thursday on the alex so i will be sure and ill be speaking to you after the world of politics sports business im sure business ill see you then. Welcome back hong kongs endured course being described as one of the most violent weeks yet after months of anti beijing processed now police are saying theyll have to use live rounds if the protesters continue to use violent tactics on sunday the Antigovernment Movement used bows and arrows to shoot at Police Protesters also threw petrol bombs saying it was to stop the authorities from charging at them riot officers again deployed tear gas and tried dispersing the clouds with water cannon we have here around the renowned Polytechnic University where protesters have built barricades has become a site of some of the most fierce pitched battles a bridge connecting the University Buildings was also burnt the word. For that from the unrest was felt much further afield on thursday evening for the 1st time since the antigovernment demonstrations began activists attacked a hong kong official who was visiting london. The. Was was. Justice minister to raise a chunk was attacked by dozens of protesters she was mobbed after getting out of a car and chased down the street to chants of murderer chiang fell to the ground and suffered minor injuries according to a Chinese Government statement the minister is known for being a key think a behind the now withdrawn extradition bill which triggered the hong kong protests china urge the International Community to condemn the protesters who attacked mr the violent and most perpetrators who organized on one communication committed a fragrant assault on the senior official of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region it has once again proved that their rule intention is to destabilize hong kong now theyre taking such violence abroad and into the u. K. Their action deserves to be condemned not always by the entire Chinese People including the hong kong compatriots but also by the British Public and the International Community unanimously. Ok well that brings us to the end of it this rundown will be back at the top of the hour. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy. Let it be an arms race. Very dramatic developments only really im going to resist i dont see how that strategy will be very critical. To sit down and talk. The west on the western mindset is in decline the us is in relative decline china reason is rising your up some people see it as rising other people see it as declining its likely that the sort of western mindset and western culture will decline relative to eastern culture thoughts thats probably whats going to happen although you. Know i think anyone that says that something will or wont happen is pushing it a bit. I love mr al. And mr allen i mean. To many people and too many little Government People for them to tell you theyre all come on you can come were going to protect you in your theyre not going to do that. Cold i think if people realize that the government is not going to protect you its not going this leave you if something were to happen kind of like changes you or your mindset your like only because i was in the ferry i know how the Government Works and i dont want to put money into that and i dont believe theyre going to protect me when the time comes so the only way you can protect yourself is by protecting yourself. Here sitting in front of a blast proof bunker made by the u. S. Army during world war 2 it is 2200 square feet. Is very large but its not the only one. Theres 575. 00 of them around me stretching out 6 miles it leaves directions 3 miles and these directions. Nobody was able to figure out what to do with the empty bunkers. But finally one of the ranchers that owned this section called me and said would you be interested i have 575 bunkers we are now building this into the Worlds Largest survival community with as many bunkers as we have we will eventually have 5 to 10000 people here ringback ringback. It will take them up on the back think beyond us and link up for the area i spoke with both men. And run out of on something happened to the generator. Noni. So im running off in my solar things out theres a lot of sun today so everything is light some fine ive got a food. And i also have my baby in chicago that really helps me out she works and. Yvonne member struggling she will help me out and shes been. Incredible help to me because i met her when i moved here before like 3 or 4 months before i moved here and i told her i said look im out of here i quit my job im leaving you know we can start this then one thing led to another and we start going strong and i love her and she eventually going to get here. Should you be like. Ok this is both great just go. There you go its put your looks. This is all kims last great job stuff you didnt have any gasoline to do with gasoline yet you drop. Out of salt in the drink a little bit here we got some good water here. The foods looking good let me check the temperature on this again. Like you cant go a little bit keep your freezer gone. House. Shadow where you shadows shes busy you want to sit down. Look at the t. V. Here for a little bit oh oh yeah we get some news here i did put a camera and put the antenna on top theres a bunker when ive 1st cancer here. I have to look at it and look at i painted the inside but i lost a gallon of paint i dont know why i lost a gallon of paint and its all over me and my great grandfathers colt they were they were officers special of our name off the official who are a constable arsenal for world war one when they made gun right afterwards they start stamp and im out theres what the hell. Your government than our government and all the other major governments of the world know whats going to happen and when its going to. But they havent told you and they havent told me they havent announced it because if they

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