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Are welcome everybody watching the hawks i am tyrrel them turn joining us today to discuss the latest news out of libya. And the u. S. Response to it is the cohost of loud and clear on sputnik radio the one and only brian becker brian thank you as always for coming to be brian the interim government in bolivia has been taking a lot of flack i dont believe enough flak but theyve been taking a little bit of flak for their treatment really despicable treatment of morales of supporters and the Indigenous People in that country what in your opinion has been the most questionable actions taken by this new government on the stealth to declare president well lets not mince words theres a reign of terror going on in bolivia the remarkable thing is that morale is supporters are so vast so widespread in the support is so deep that people are continuing to come from miles and miles in these human convoys. Defining the government to find the military even while the military is shooting down people literally shooting people down in the streets who do not have weapons and we also see now that there are military units that have defected to the side of the indigenous and part of these convoys you see Armored Vehicles that have the willpower flaying. The indigenous symbol on the on the front these are clearly military convoys that are not going along with the coup so in spite of the reign of terror there is resistance and the resistance is not small i think it represents as the election did an october 20th the majority sentiment in the country i think its important for people around the world especially here in the amount of states to understand why are they should be concerned about the internal politics of whats taking place in bolivia what do you think is the most important reason that we all need to be looking at whats happening there well theres several things i mean this is basically a victory temporarily hopefully of White Supremacy against Indigenous People who are in fact the majority in bolivia evo morales the 1st indigenous president he instituted sweeping reforms not only for the indigenous but for the poor he tried to reorganize bolivia on a social justice model but all the time you had the elites you had the elites who were historically the ruling class of bolivia and you had the military and the Police Forces trained by america trained at fort benning trained by washington connected to washington and they have not stopped for a day trying to overthrow morale as people say well was this a grab for power by evo morales when he extended the ability of the president to run for another term which he got through a referendum the fact of the matter is that the u. S. Started targeting math maass the Movement Toward socialism his party since 2001 that was 5 years before morale this became president and ever since ever since morales became president the d. N. A. The Drug Enforcement agency the cia the National Endowment of democracy all the agencies of american overt and covert power have done everything to get to where they are today which is to topple this democratically elected popular social justice because government and weve never heard of that ever happening before itself america are allowed. America and u. S. History thats right and if you dont let us think 954 arbenz when he nationalized United Fruit Company toppled by the cia and then the us invaded cuba when it dared to have a revolution it invaded the Dominican Republic and toppled the un day in 1973 grenada in 1983 panama in 1990 this long list of the us and and by the way where are the democrats who are squawking about other governments interfering in americans elections this is america using the worst fascistic type tactics to interfere. In the politics the domestic politics of people in latin america its interesting because the actions of the leadership there id say the interim in the hope that that is you know eventually going to have elections or which will get through a bit but interestingly this governments gotten so flag that even even the Washington Post had to say this since the formally obscure senators from power and yes has acted like anything but a caretaker and they went on to list some of the worst things that shes committed the bleeping constitution says. They have to have elections 90 days since the resignation of morality. And they have to call for new elections do believe on the us is going to give up power and actually allow those elections to occur well her to her intention clearly was not to give up power nor was that the military they dont want to go back to the election process when morale is won the election its not in dispute that he was the front runner the question was was he leading by 48 percent or was it 45 percent but there was no question that he had a formidable lead over his rivals no she doesnt want to do it but theres another factor here that is the masses of people have not given up and spite of the repression and spite of the fascist reign of terror this kind of uprising of the people which is really momentous makes it likely that there are restraints now on the coup makers and they cant simply bly we go and go forward without taking into account that there could be. In fact the civil war and even though the military is the military the masses of people are very very determined right now thats what is going to ask you actually when you look at when you see the amount of people rising up against of this this interim government against this this person or you know its leader or declare of themself leader of limbs you know really put the boots down on the Indigenous Peoples there could we see a civil war in that country players surprise out of a very real possibility i think the answer is yes and i mean even morale as is trying actually by these repeated concessions that hes making hes saying im willing to not run for reelection as long as i come back and am able to finish my term hes saying as a as a responsible leader lets not have the kind of bloodshed i mean that civil war as we know in the United States the civil war was the bloodiest of all conflicts more americans died 655000 many more than died in world war 2 a civil war you cant top it in terms of brutality so morale is trying to prevent that at the same time there is the yearning the aspiration of the people and not that be in the face of possible civil war intimidated to go back and to give up that which they have rightfully won through a democratic process so we dont know thats a really good point you know recently fairness and accuracy in reporting called western kind of Corporate News media for their coverage of the coup in their descriptions of the interim president is why you know just so people understand clearly why did the u. S. News media treat their school was such you know kid gloves compared to like you know their denunciation of other crews of other actions in history why oh why are we so on the side of this government in bolivia the corporate owned media echoes the policy of the state department and the u. S. Government being a trump be it obama the professional state some people call it the deep state its the perpetual state the empire and the corporate owned media. It goes that the question is why does the Us Government actually and us the media actually want to topple morales why do they want to put us into the dustbin of history its because they want to weaken the entire latin american project venezuela the revolutionary process the bull of aryan process number one led by charges that also allowed for korea in ecuador morales in bolivia certainly cuba which is the historic leader of the left all of these yearnings and aspirations of the of the people of what an american to be free from yankee imperialism to stand on their own feet to overcome the problems of mass poverty and unemployment the United States actually benefits from the status quo morale us or korea or chavez or fidel or the argentinian leader or lula in bolivia whoever is challenges that becomes marked and targeted demonized and then ultimately if that doesnt work the us uses cia or military force to try to topple these governments to run i want to thank you so much for educated more aggressive i was. Corruption isnt just running rampant in countries far far away hawke watchers its also quite easily can be found right in your own backyard or in this case california it appears that incidents of Law Enforcement misusing background checks for personal use are climbing throughout the state of california from personal favors to custody battles Sensitive Information is getting dug up without warrant at a frightening level or to a correspondent matushka sweeties more from the city of angels. A new investigation finds that more than 1000 california Law Enforcement officials are misusing computer databases over the past decade its a trend that privacy advocates are happy with criminal background checks come in handy for many instances like purchasing a firearm but these checks known as clips the california Law Enforcement Telecommunications System has to go through the police it turns out some are utilizing this access for personal business like custody. Battles or even check in the background of a renter or you can see in the past decade more than 1000 california Law Enforcement employees have misused Police Computers only 54 have been prosecuted but captain John Mcginness with the Sacramento Sheriffs Office says these offenses are taken very seriously even fired one deputy for lying about a case since then according to the Electronic Frontier foundation which focuses on Digital Privacy rights hundreds of Law Enforcement officials have faced accusations of mishandling computers and 2019 there were another 149 cases reported 11 were prosecuted statewide all but one for a mess to meet or a chill Vista Police Department reported the highest violations in 2019 at 38. 00 glendale was reportedly the 2nd highest with 25. 00 violations 11 investigations within the california Highway Patrol took place last year that was behind San Diego County which reported 2017 were said to not involve computer misuse and when charges are filed many of these cases reveal that officers dont automatically lose their jobs they do however end up paying a fine in los angeles and harshest suites are seen. As we go to break Court Watchers dont forget to let us know what you think of the topics youve covered other social media be sure to check out watching the hawks the podcast which is now available on spotify apple music and everywhere listen to your favorite or if it was just coming up the extension rebellion is taking the standard washington d. C. It around the world this time on capitol hill in the very office of House Speaker nancy pelosi you dont want to miss the state trooper for watching the. Descriptions sound out the even for. The owners so how to choose his pet Food Industry is telling us what to feed our pets really more based on what they want to sell us than was necessarily good for the pet turns out food may not be as healthy as people believe and we have animals that have you know diabetes in arthritis they have auto immune disorders theyve cut allergies we are actually creating these problems its a huge epidemic of problems all of them i believe can be linked to very simple problem of diet and some dog owners so heartbreaking stories about their pets streets the larger corporations are not very interested in proving or disproving the value of their food because theyre already making a 1000000000. 00 on it and theres no reason to do that research. I have a concern about new technologies and i think society should and i try to help those gauged in those concerns all but we also should have concerns about doing nothing doing nothing is extraordinarily risk you know world with some point 5000000000 people and a whole series of over ancient Technology Used to it that are not necessarily suitable for a more. This is a story about what happens auster a stray bullet kills a young girl in the streets. Who happens to have family and daughters im sorry. The mother daughter is buried in a cemetery in healing this is with your head what happens to the community the public was screaming for a scapegoat the police need is a scapegoat so why not choose a 19 year old black kid with a criminal record who better to pin this on than him and what happens in courts be. Shot after shot smart our society we feel. We dont know still just for the. End of this unfortunately you. Will still not know chills just. As every great cinema drama action movie ever showed us when the heros life is on the line and they often have to resort to drastic measures like jumping off the roof of an exploding Los Angeles Office building with a fire hose tied around your waist but what happens when with the life or death when the life or death threat is not a hollywood special effect but a very real Climate Crisis and its effects truly do impact the future of life as we know it on this small blue planet that is the real world stakes that im driven more than 400 members of the climate of Climate Change activist Group Extinction Rebellion to conduct the biggest Hunger Strike for the climate in Human History spread across 27 Different Countries this week long Hunger Strike was spearheaded by a 20 year old giovanni to marcus a former guest on the show who back in august conducted a similar strike outside the white house he told reuters we are hunger striking because we have no choice. Here in washington d. C. Extinction rebellion members are conducting their strike in the office of democratic House Speaker nancy pelosi and today we are joined by 2 of those activists wiring foerster a peruvian d. C. Based indigenous rights activists and the man who organized it giovanni tomatoes thank you both for coming on today so great pleasure to have you here thank you so much i want to start geo you you stated that you are striking because you have no choice and i dont want to jew to tell people why do you feel you have no choice but to do this Hunger Strike this week. Because. I dont want my extended family. In Central America in Southeast Asia to die because. I dont want my friends that i because i dont want the love my life to die. Because i dont want to die thats what its really about. And that is going to be the direct effect what you see this Climate Change really you know what if we dont stop it now and we see a keep going on the dominoes keep falling thats the direct effect that affects you and your future greg. Why did i ask you why or why why did you why did the Extinction Rebellion choose House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Office for the starting of this strike here in d. C. What will what was the choice behind that particular you know congresswoman in that office. I think that theyve chosen nancy pelosi because she does hold some power. The democrats promote themselves as being green and so they hope theyre holding her responsible. Theres a in the debate has has. You know when you when you say holding responsible what do you hope what is. What do you want her to do what are you asking for her to do for you guys like what it what it is you know youre on the struggle of not wanting you know all we want is a one hour on camera meeting with her. But she wont give it to us really yeah with the impeachment hearings its been difficult to get through to her office to. Ask for this this one hour meeting thats it all you want is one hour we want one hour on the climate and ecological crisis and how many of you there are there are striking in her office there are at least 10 rebels turned out of 10 rebels who have been on Hunger Strike and one of the ages of the 10 people there anywhere from 17 to 50 yeah so if you have 10 people 10 citizens 10 souls in this office not eating or planning not to eat until 5 days or however longer than that is that we will be at least a week ok and shes shes just out right not even going to give you an hour at least not yet. That and that that hurts she actually did. She did respond when asked by reporters i guess her office did release a statement with reuters and they reported that she said she was inspired by young climate activists in the u. S. Democrats were working relentlessly to safeguard our environment and ensure a healthy Sustainable World for our children i want to ask you both what is what is your response to her statement shes not shes not and the democrats arent and neither are the republicans. They say there is an emergency but they have no urgency. They see there is an emergency but they wont bring a Climate Emergency bill resolution to before. It is that really that simple is that simple you know what. Thats an interesting response to kind of always lip services with a lot of the politicians here in the states they always kind of told the media or tell you guys what you want to hear but that actually theres no follow through. Its sort of up to the people to kind of to hold themselves responsible it has been personal responsibility that people have been able to maximize on. Results like. Social media accounts and facebook and you tube but theres plenty of theres like an eco revolution going on practically and some of it online and there have been Indigenous People in guatemala that have had. Banana leaves returned to their marketplaces where there was plastic before. And i hope that in saying this and expressing the opinion that the banana leaves are better that you know there isnt some Counter Campaign to come out to bring out straws or. Substances that will harm the planet further. One of the comments that i got back on my 1st. Try testimony was that my glasses were made of plastic cant they see that. I need plastic in my life or something but to them i say that wasnt a choice of mine you know to become. Aware of glasses so its its hard not to feed into that when youre hungry and i can imagine that when theres a lot of. A lot of hunger and wanted you know that these sorts of mentalities can be more thorny and so so that you know that people are aggravated in their environment theyre there i dont want to use overuse the word but theyre disadvantaged. Is there any other any. U. S. Leaders or politicians or even others around the world hold office or try making a difference to you with extinction or a 1000000000 or so it could point to and so you know heres a leader or heres a cultural leader who actually is making the right point sort of actually is pushing for this with the. Emergency that it actually be you know in pushing for a change like this and i actually believe that people could look to say ok we need to vote for more people like this you know. And the reason why is because we need to get to 0. Emissions by 2025 the reason is because we need a Peoples Assembly here in the United States on the climate and ecological emergency and what that means is regular every day people are going to be randomly selected to be on this essentially its 102000 members they are respectful with each other theyre there to learn about the facts in the science and theyre there to listen to experts and experts doesnt just mean climate scientists experts means people who have people who are being affected right now by the climate ecological crisis because they live in breed that stuff theyre experts in their own way that means Indigenous People that means people of color that means Migrants Migrants yeah. That means people who have to deal with their water being poisoned by exploding pipelines. Yeah thats why we need people the somebodies and and the and even having the peoples assemblies to its like. I would speak to the Animal Kingdom part of of the mass extinction that is upon us because. We are caretakers of our animals but because theyre the natives see them as 4 legged relatives its like its important for us to be in balance with them in the ecosystem so that its not a synchronistic its not disrupted does that make sense yes it does i think a lot of when you look at back at a lot of you know Indigenous Peoples culture and even the religions and things like that it was synchronistic with you know the nature of what it made you know it was all part you know they learned how to live within the planet not above the planet if that makes sense you know its they werent kind of saying were domineering the earth and sucking from it for our own needs we can actually live within the ecosystems because the ecosystems of this planet actually do work when you really you know the majors figured out how to make the planet work were the ones who are kind of throwing the wrench in the game and now were seeing these direct actions and now because of that wrench we threw in the game thats why i think were seeing so much suffering now and thats why were it is like you said its a crisis its something that you know societys not going to live beyond this if we continue to ignore it mass extinctions is a good thing that you brought up i want to ask you. Why do you believe that there are still so many folks who are kind of keeping their their head of the proverbial sand when it comes to this issue is it is it just lack of education or is it just that kind of cognitive dissonance where it doesnt affect me in a good nor what you know what do you believe is causing the pushback against changing your life for the better and making yourself be able to live within this World Without destroying it. We need to be emotional about this crisis. Because the science is already there the science is crystal clear. You know billions of people are going to die. So now we need to talk about what the Climate Crisis actually means and what it actually means is that young people like me are not going to be able to have a future with the love of their life it means that. Grandparents grandkids are going to die it means that parents kids are going to die. I want to say thank you both for coming on today and thank you for the sacrifice that youre putting yourselves through its a small sacrifice compared to the bigger sacrifices that many are going through because of Climate Change but youre out there making a difference and youre let your voices be heard and thats whats important and thats what will change this world hopefully stop this thank you so much. To mock us and of course why are forced or pleasure having you on the day means a lot thank you thank you thank you. While we currently live in a world where vast sums of knowledge so its just a keystroke away this doesnt mean that our world is any less of a mystery to us especially humanitys past and one of the great mysteries of humanitys past can be found in the hundreds of shapes and images carved in the countryside of peru called the nascar lines covering roughly 450 square kilometers of peru and best seen from the air the creation of these mysterious images depicting everything from animals plants and geometric shapes date back to sometime between roughly 200 b. C. And 500 a. D. And now thanks to modern Artificial Intelligence technology archeologists that Yamagata University in japan have uncovered a previously undiscovered nazca lines depicting a humanoid figure carrying a stick or maybe a staff this was done by the team feeding pictures of the nazca lines into an ai and then turning it loose out. Massive amounts of aerial and satellite photographs of the region. You know it almost it almost makes one wonder if the ancient civilizations behind these pictures had areal the discovery had aerial discovery in their minds when they created these great wonders of the world and that my friends is our show for you today remember everyone in this world we are not told that we are up with ups or to the wall i love i am tired open for keep watching all those off so there are a great day in the. Efforts to impeach and remove donald j. Trump from the presidency have clearly divided the country this should not surprise anyone trump is probably the most divisive public figure of our time however all this division over a Single Person is changing and even damaging institutions is impeachment being normal. And another one of the. Ways or both the food. Bank itself to see that i. Was in this way got to die so hard not to think of the mother disappeared this moment then walk up to him and i know please tell me and i think. This is the only thing that we do is music because everybody fights aint his way to. The floor you can feel the feet of his will to sweat it and. Leave it at the moment on the. What i think is this is the that is a look come from. Markets are making new all time high is interesting the money that is being forced into these. Markets like draining into the liver of a duck. It has to come from somewhere along those little bit more. Lives. That demand truth in tackles the Global Economy sanctions and relations with the u. S. Such a top forum in russia. Also ahead benny guns fails to form a new government israel towards an unprecedented 3rd general election in a year. Plus a talk at the university by a feminist autistics cancelled after shes accused of being transferred to a big we have from the artist herself. It was ridiculous i mean im talking about all that i dont believe i said anything trying to transcribe it i mean were not were having discussion by stone on no fact

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