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Live from moscow thanks for joining us and our teams that are. Today welcome to the program. The u. S. President donald trump has chosen to spend his thanksgiving taking part in the perfect opportunity for his 1st trip to afghanistan and greeting american troops based there he had a message for them he told them that talks with the taliban declared dead 2 months ago on. I discussed this with our. They call it a surprise visit but the motives behind it are rather clear since day one and day one of his presidency mr trump wanted to and the war in afghanistan this bloody almost 2 decades long conflict that took so Many American lives and so Many American dollars trump wanted to end it for his own for steve at home and for these global influence in that region and internationally of corys and hes been given this promises so many times that thanksgiving feels that short visit to afghanistan was all about that to demonstrate hes in charge and he is taking everything under control and everything is according to his plan and peace is near thats a perfect plan and you know strong promises except weve heard that before and so many times. The taliban wants to make a deal well see if they want to make a deal its going to be a real deal but well see talking to the taliban have a very good discussions well see what happens talking about a plan i dont know whether or not a plan is going to be accepted or acceptable to me and maybe its not going to be acceptable to them but we are talking we have good talks going and well see what happens. When quote stops thought they have there been any success is in the past it would be unfair to say that there wasnt any success because for almost a year a trans key negotiator mr heller former ambassador to afghanistan held 9 rounds of talks extensive talks with the taliban very influential on the ground in afghanistan everybody agrees that they say is a player no one can ignore and the peace cannot be restored without although many countries still view them as a terrorist group some were saying that to merica was close and these negotiations were success but that it was called off last minute because of the bloody incident to dozens of lives including an american soldier so some say that america is losing this game in afghanistan. Because trump is trying to play is solo game there are so many Peace Initiative on afghanistan led by moscow by iran but trump always rejects all the invitations and never takes part in these talks and hes trying to kind of settle it all on his own and just before go into afghanistan this thanksgiving he posted a photo shopped picture of himself as rocky balboa and i think this is how he feels maybe and maybe this is what he wants to be for afghanistan a hero but as they say you can tell what they are by what they do not by what they say or what the post on twitter obviously as you mentioned there its a good photo opportunity good p. R. For the election next year exeunt in terms of realistic chance of getting a deal how optimistic and its very hard to say because its been on and off all the time but what we can say for sure and you made this point already trump is not going to give up he needs it he needs to regain this influence in afghanistan and in that region and globally and of course they say that ending the war in afghanistan he would rise his chances up to be reelected at home so i mean its not yet over through. The school of International Affairs trumps resorting to bluster while its that the upper hand in the talks. Trying to simply you know i will you know trying to assure some bravado the reality is that he needs this deal much more than the taliban will but if you look at the ground situation the taliban going to you to make good gains and the violence their degree of control that the taliban has over the period has increased and the u. S. Forces are said to draw down the you know they can whip them out and eventually win this war for him a victory for a very pure political victory for domestic gains hes got less than 12 months for the reelection and he wants for sure success and i think the taliban know that theyre going to extract a lot of concessions pakistan which backs of taliban is going to try and extract more concessions so really the onus is on the countries in the region you know the neighbors of afghanistan to try and stabilize it because as far as the old rule of the u. S. Being the policeman or the sheriff will maintain order and balance of power all that is all over and trump is simply saying you know i give up but simply putting a brave face on a sheen on it. A meeting between the french president and the nato chief has apparently failed to resolve lingering tensions in the middle of a court again casting doubt on the current agenda of the near 70 year old military Alliance Parties where ive got the if looks at the roots of the tensions one of the 1st symptoms of irrelevance is when you find yourself having to remind people that you are relevant successful and someones got off on a bit of a verbal selfcongratulatory blitzkrieg nato is a Strong Alliance but more than that we are adapting it we are agile and we are active so we are responding to a changing world and the reason why nato is the most successful launch in history is that we have been able to change in the world is changing and thats exactly what we have done over the last years thats exactly what we are doing nato is the most successful alliance in history. And alliance that strive to join showing the historic suspects of nato and liberal nato and it has been the most successful alliance in the history there is more much more in the star machine amount of a standing valid think a step back look at it objectively almost 30 years since the cold war ended and nato hasnt changed almost nothing about it just as they were then theyre still expanding eastward towards russia just as they were then theyre Still Standing up to russia now also in the cybersphere afghanistan a lot of evolution their 18 years of stagnant stalemate what theyve really adapted to is pumping out glamorous videos no argument there stella stuff nato is brain dead and those arent my words their own from the lips of the french president little if you look in history of the Different School in nato is a collective Defense Alliance against who and what is organizing who is our common enemy what are our common issues these are questions that deserve clarification mac or has a vision a United European Army a europe protected by europeans not americans no hard feelings i mean how would an american feel if the us was protected in the garrison by hundreds of thousands of foreign troops a European Military that decides on its own who its enemies are. Is our enemy now russia or china is it the goal of nato designate them as enemies i dont believe so our common enemy today nato is terrorism which has hit each of our countries. But nato is nothing if not adaptable we heard many times now theyre evolving to adapt to the fact that the u. S. Is tired of paying for everyone because everyone else is so successful that no one wants to foot the bill we Work Together and getting some of our allies to pay their fair share its called burden sharing and. You know when i came it wasnt so good the United States pays for a very big share of nato and disproportionate share but in all seriousness there is something that has changed in the last 30 years itll countries a buying russian weapons turkey spending billions on russian s 400 air Defense Systems and refusing to go and march up and down on russias borders until nato acknowledges that its members have actual problems. If some countries object another countrys security concerns are being addressed in there will be no unity within nato. Are nato the galaxys greatest military Alliance Since the big bang it isnt gentleman or since the moment of creation probably arguing about it is well. The manner of a small town in bolivia who was brutally assaulted by protesters amid unrest triggered by the countrys political crisis is refusing to resign patricia she has now left hospital images of the attack on her on social media revealing the violence towards politicians of the party of ousted leader ever more as a quick warning you might find the following scenes upsetting. Start in november offsetting a whole lot of fire to go out a small barefooted and cut her hair in public red during the whole ordeal she was made to kneel as a sign of Resignation Letter she told us shes still being treated for kidney damage sustained from the blows she received in the attack. What happened was disgusting im now recovering from brean all damage that i suffered during the assault and im still in pain the also cut off my hair. But they didnt change my view that everything was so confusing at that moment many of them covered their faces when we recognized some of them it was sad to see all of those people attacking me its been a difficult time for my children to see their mother in such a condition i dont want this to happen again. Believe years now facing Political Uncertainty the selfappointed right wing government of senator johnny that is has already been accused of abuses if all right as a resigned after the countrys military suggested he step down that was on the back of a wave of protests following octobers election i like ations a vote fraud his supporters see it as a coup and protest that as are the countrys postelection unrest 34 people were killed more than a 100 injured patricia again says that the violence must stop. Because youre going to be i cant betray my people those who believe in me i would like to express my gratitude to the staff who have stayed with me and are dedicated to improving the city we will keep working to achieve all our goals it was very difficult to return here after everything they did to me and it was terrible to see this illegal in the such a state after all the work that was done to me. After everything thats happened how can it get any worse that people need to reflect and stop harming each other we need to restore unity ive never hurt anybody ive always worked for my city and i want people to take us. Back in thing you know you know they believe in people we cannot believe like this. The black friday shopping extravaganza gets underway in shops all around the world today saying americans alone will spend around 87000000000. 00 this time around chasing the best deals there is a darker side to this retail 1st of all the arteries that all quarter explains. Black friday is coming up big box retailers are gearing up for their annual mega sales super profits and consumer stampedes that will probably result in more than a few injuries in a georgia walmart to have been fighting over pots and pans one refusing to let god. That wasnt brutal enough for you there is an even darker shade of black friday the kind that takes place on a darker shade of the internet called the dark web its a place where black marketeers pursue huge profits with alluringly low prices just as much as the legitimate guys probably more so and there are plenty of consumers looking to buy those contraband Goods Society has become more digital and on with not so his crime despite their activities being on rule from an illegal criminals all returned in surprise in a sense im not looking to maximize the opportunities its no small enterprise either last week the European Union published a report about online narcotics sales in the u. K. It said 24000000 pounds sterling worth of the stuff was sold in 201720188 low and on black friday everything from credit cards Fake Passports and Illegal Drugs are for sale at bargain bin prices and marketplaces that are specifically designed to be completely untraceable and while buying illegal items puts you at risk with the law you should also be aware of the very vendors youre buying from Security Experts are sounding the alarm and how you can avoid a black friday. As we head into the Holiday Shopping season notice there is a new online scam that involves fake retail websites that look real but they are not scams come in many forms one popping up more and more is fraudulent websites that look exactly like the real thing no doubt the a thorough. These will be hard at work trying to stop these dark web deals but what about the consequences that come with legal black friday consumerism for so long the overproduction and overconsumption that characterizes the holiday have been cordially accepted as the norm no matter the frenzy that overtakes many or the damage it wreaks on the environment the latter has become so bad the french government is debating on banning black friday altogether but for now expect the usual frenzy for anybody who takes part in a black friday is there who want to be part of this when ever there is a chance of fraudulent activities especially with what we know about the dark web in certain facets of the internet and with all of the hacking capabilities firewall breakings and all this other stuff we need to be taking personal responsibility individual responsibility and being sure that we are in charge of what happens to our finances and where we are putting our finances that it really takes advantage of the the narrative that people have to shop on black friday that that is the only time you can get presents for your children for your family for your loved ones and your friends and so it really gives the some of these hackers or these dark web or some of these false sites an opportunity really to to prey on these on these shopping sentiments and to try to find people who are going to be likely to give in to any deal that looks too good to be true b. And because we dont take the time to look into that especially on black friday when it went in and so its not only a frenzy but theres a time constraint we have one hour we have a certain amount of time or its going to be over and youll miss it forever and thats what gets people in these modes where theyre not going to look it up theyre not going to research to see which sites are legitimate which sites arent and thats where they might be able to be taken advantage of. A palestinian journalist has been severely injured during clashes in the west bank he told us what happened well have more on that and other stories after this short break. Much of a powerful and strong a stone and then you have the records and what we have done is to try and identify something coming in the brain where the explosion of the ripples corresponds to the depths of your consciousness. In a world of big partisan movies a lot and conspiracy its time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that Mainstream Media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other its time for Critical Thinking its time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. Join me every thursday on the alex simon show and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business im show business ill see you then. Welcome back to the program germanys highest court has ruled that a man convicted of a double murder in the eightys has the right to have his name and other details removed from web searches he was sentenced for his crime in 1902 and was released 20 years later and the case was widely reported in the media that his full name appears in online searches as part of archived articles now he claims his right to privacy and ability to develop his personality have been violated or the right to be forgotten is a controversial subject its resulted in disputes between google and the European Union and the e. U. Law of course states that any european citizen can ask for links containing Sensitive Information to be raised from Search Engines now in 2014 a court ruled that they could force Search Engines to do this and since then google says more than 800000 requests have been submitted to remove more than 3000000 web addresses and critics though say its dangerous removing information on former criminals we put the issue up for debate. Well they certainly deserve a 2nd chance but what they dont deserve is to have the historic crimes of theyve gone wiped off that no one can find them this is clearly an attack on free speech freedom of information and its International Censorship because the the rights of those that he killed the families the victims should never be forgotten but what he wants to do he wants his past to be completely wiped clean but once you start to we historically events then you need to be writing what historic what history was this person should have a slave why clean and the fact that the still showing up hes going to be discriminated against or it could push him back into a life of crime if hes not given the right to leave his old life by law behind if you go for a job you still got suits you still got to give your past previous convictions which will discriminate against you anyway but the thing is theres no point releasing the individual from prison if you still going to lie if you still want to live in the past im all for giving a 2nd chance and like say the rehabilitation of offenders should should help but sometimes its down to employers having confidence in the judicial system to corrective behavior for people to come out a changed person and sometimes you need confidence in businesses to give a chance but the problem is when you start to hide your Historic Events then that adds another dimension to the people will look into employer if hes trying to hide this what else is he trying to hide this person trying to better themselves the trying not trying to raise the past the trying to be given a fair shot of the way of thinking you know what clean slate start again this is me now not then do you want to raise the party can change names always off the internet could just change a name if they want to eventually like let me youre right they want to keep repeating yourself but the fact is you can change your name and you can just do exactly that anywhere. I change my name for example when my girlfriend is called you can have a go at the opera not with. No if you if you actually go for jobs where they need to do certain disclosures because of the certain criteria you have to say if you change your name or you know by other names so that they can do a proper search yet serve you serve you that society you released as a new person with a with hopefully with a new mindset you should be given every opportunity so that your past is stricken from the record like ability to go in for jobs it will always come up so theres no getting away from it just about being a new person produce produce project yourself in a different lie and try to become a productive member of society the criminal may have served their time they may want to move on the families cant move on is still there and they should never try and wipe it because if they try and hide their past what else are they going to try to hide in the future. A palestinian journalists been shot in the eye allegedly by Israeli Forces the incident happened while he was covering classes in the west bank my father following video upsetting. But. I did. Or more thought im on a spoke to r. T. About what happened to him during that incident. We covered a demonstration by people from serif hes the confiscation of land by israel the rally was suppressed and there was some clashes while we were covering the clashes i was shot in the eye by an israeli sniper i was wearing a reporters uniform and anyone can identify me as a journalist from far away i got only lost my eye not my life when i was shot i thought i was about to die i fell on my head was going to explode i thought i was breathing my last and then my colleagues came to carry me away. As a received outpouring of support after the story went viral i was 13 activists and journalists held demonstrations in bethlehem in solidarity with their injured probably because all of the days after the incident some of them joined a flash mob all the social media posting photos of themselves with one eye covered meanwhile the Palestinian Journalist Syndicate says 60 journalists have been hit by live ammunition this year the majority of them in gaza. Now Israeli Police who have to maintain that they use only nonlethal force which was not directed at the photographer they also say his injury could have been caused by violent rioters but i want to think what happened to him was no accident. The israeli occupiers do not want the rest of the world to see the repression palestinian journalists are showing the world what the occupation is doing to our people the disregard for human rights of palestinians journalists are exposing these crimes for palestinian journalists are being killed summers have muslims patient does not care d or respect any of the. Suppression of journalism with the collusion of some other countries is enabling israel to escalate its crimes against the palestinians. Police and the us state of massachusetts avenue kind of canine colleague a highly advanced robotic one machines were built by boston directs whose creations have already gone viral. The boston dynamics robot is equipped with 360. 00 degree cameras prompting fears over its possible high surveillance capabilities they can reach speeds of almost 2 meters per 2nd on its body is crash and water resistant civil Rights Groups warners a lack of transparency regarding how such technologies are used though the police have defended their use of the new tech Robot Technology is a valuable tool for Law Enforcement because of its ability to provide Situational Awareness of potentially dangerous environments we just really dont know enough about how the state police are using this and the technology that can be used in concert with a robotic system like this is almost limitless in terms of what kinds of surveillance and potentially even weaponization operations may be allowed. The boston omics robot is equipped with 360 degree cameras which has people worried of of its surveillance capabilities can reach speeds of almost 2 meters a 2nd that its body is crash and water resistant civil Rights Groups a warning theres a lack of transparency regarding how such technologies are used though the police have defended their use of technology. Technology is a valuable tool for Law Enforcement because of its ability to provide Situational Awareness of potentially dangerous environments. We just really dont know enough about how the state police are using this and the technology that can be used in concert with a robotic system like this is almost limitless in terms of what kinds of surveillance and potentially even weaponization operations may be allowed. Documentary programming coming now wolf when that elephant smiles the team and i are back in 30 minutes time with the latest News Headlines that. Industry is based on greed and that greed is based on this. Rush to shimmy latest much paper wealth as possible even though its not genuine wealth spot actual money its not gold like a warren buffet just hoards of money like an old granny what hoard phone books but that doesnt credible damage because of its into the population this notion of wholly to be. Thinking of getting a cue from the ones we got in here she wrote long as he didnt know what to do you strap in this tiny little wired you dont need a crate with him he will just. Freaking out and he wont want to bring him anywhere near. Breeding dogs or caged in in human conditions on puppy farm i mean 67 years you know theyve been locked up in cages outside you see no protection from the weather the heat you know the courtier the rain the snow the funder nothing they have no protection. To get what you. Get to kids. Across the u. S. Cruel puppy mills are supported by dog shows and pet stores most of the puppies that are coming from these large Scale Factory farming kind of operations are being sold in stores. Even joined a Group Businesses are involved like agoa mom center there has been a shocking amount of organized opposition to adverts to increase the sands of care for dogs bred in commercial breeding for so many days most of that opposition is coming from huge agricultural worms and industries that have nothing to do with jobs dont buy dog. Well. Leave. d when we have a new baby. We will often hang a hang a blanket and the baby will go into there thinking its the shape of the mother and put his hand up to suckle and i think its the texture on the face and the fact that its soft and were trying to replicate to a point the mother so that hell put his in about that instinct to put his head out so we can get the bottle to get him to. Go to. Being with us all 2 weeks to the day actually it was 2 weeks ago today that we rescued with and so we crossed the 10 day mark i mean he arrives you have very young very vulnerable and we didnt know it was going to be touching you got. Them all and. Deprived of their mothers baby elephants coming

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