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Hollywood producer Harvey Weinsteins a sex offense. And broadcasting live from our studios most of this is International Im john thomas from the granted to have you with us. All right dozens of people convicted of terror offenses in the u. K. Who are really least early are said to have their cases reviewed as according to Prime Minister Boris Johnson and this comes after it was revealed fridays London Bridge attacker had himself been released early. How many other people are in the same he would show lot out and there was no in this has nothing to do with perot there was nothing to do with probation and eagerly the same as legally there are probably about 70 this is really become a talking point over the weekend since that attack on friday on London Bridge towards the side where the city of london financial district is now of course the person involved. Somebody who had already been found guilty of involvement in a plot to blow up the London Stock Exchange but then it was released as part of a scheme and there were attempts to try to rehabilitate him and put him back into society if you will that it was actually one of those offense which were organized for not just him as a convicted terrorist but other acts offenders to attend and it was that of reports of the that he decided to launch his attack and attack killing 2 people in injuring 3 others on the London Bridge and as i said that has over the weekend sparked a number of political accusations back and forth about whos to blame for this terrorist being on the streets i think these people should never ever be let out of prison unless we are absolutely convinced they do not have the jihadi virus people dont want history lessons are sure this is a troll city if you had been sentenced under the old rules he would still be in jail today no terry should be released without being properly assessed whether or not they still pay to the public in scotland to have ended up to medical release for prisoners sentenced to more than 4 years in prison so theres plenty of political fallout as the different parties point the finger at each other the conservatives trying to say that this Early Release scheme is ultimately the responsibility of the labor party while labor say well firstly it was a conservative government under which. This terrorist was released but also that the conservative budget cuts impacted policing and meant that terrorists like this its much harder to find now Boris Johnson over the weekend has been advocating for a policy of locking terrorists up and throwing away the key if you will even his own foreign secretary dominic robb confirms that the conservative party have a policy of a minimum 14 years sentence for dangerous terrorists and theres no guarantee that even would have made a difference in this case because this man was sentenced to 16 years and was the least early so there will be those who are calling for that to be changed while the leader of the Labor Party Jeremy Corbyn is arguing that each case should be taken on its merits and that you cant apply a blanket scheme all round so many different opinions as we head towards a poll in just 10 days now that will decide everything from meet the u. K. s education and environment policy and also how to fight crime and terrorism. We put the issue up for early Early Release of the debate. Since september the 11th weve released 500 terrorists who have committed acts of terrorism in the u. K. That these 2 men a and clearly we need to toughen up our laws thoughts at the end youve got to remember that these people are quite quite unusual of whilst we need to control them we also need to be very clear that we cannot infringe on civil liberties. Because they are so important because these post isis post liberal post in lighten if you like terror attacks happening on home soil theyve often come from homegrown terrorists radicals criminals whatever you like to call them but they have been institutional failures the state Security Apparatus can do better should do better and isnt doing better and we have to ask questions why i remember the police the Security Services the courts are attempting to prevent these violent terrorists from attack in this country the question here is what are we doing about those people who are involved in terrorist organizations but have not yet committed serious terrorist offenses i say membership of any terrorist organization should have a life imprisonment or if that would resolve the what do you mean member should know even know who carries it but how in a lot buses are not terrorists and friends that are on drawdown going on there you know. I dont have a terrorist organization ive got no problem on terrorism the hard line thing to saying like throw away the key or terrorism should terrorists go to prison forever thats absolutely fine you know or even open up a dialogue on it is Capital Punishment appropriate some people in some cases ok however what we have to do is ply apply fairly across the board if we are allowing entrapment cases where people are sent to syria and then they come back we reduce their citizenship we transduced their rights you talk about civil rights and human rights what about the Bethnal Green school girls who are 14 or 15 were transported to syria if you join a Terror Organization we have to find out why we have to tackle these issues properly were talking about people going to syria. Or going to Training Camps in pakistan people who are engaging in acts of terror whether that be fund raising where that be terrorist training or whether it be actual acts of terrorism in terms of violence those sorts of people should know more pretreated reasonably than somebody who turns around and says i only murdered this woman because it was a crime of passion the law needs to change membership of terrorist organizations to hold a maximum penalty of life in prison and then judges can choose whether that much is appropriate on a case by case basis that to me seems sensible. For us to journalists claims his friend and former boss Hillary Clinton distanced herself from him over his investigation of the now disgraced hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein. Its remarkable how quickly even people with a long relationship with you will turn if you threaten the centers of power with the sources of funding around them ultimately the results of people out there who operates in that way theyre beholden to powerful interests and if you go up against those interests you become radioactive very quick 3. Running faro worked as clintons special advisor for years including while she was secretary of state Harvey Weinstein meanwhile donated tens of thousands of dollars to clintons 2016 president ial campaign before the Sexual Assault scandal unfolded doubling quarter comments now on how Investigative Journalism Investigative Journalism in general is becoming harder in the age of big corporate media. Hollywood often portrays investigative journalists as knights in shining armor risking it all to protect the truth is that legal what is it is that we do it for a living. We dont. Leave the country. I wasnt doing my job you never want to. Hear because i think youre going to tell this story were going to tell it and reality though snooping around the lives of influential people could have serious repercussions it could land you in trouble even if were talking about hollywood royalty like ronan farrow he was essential to the new yorkers 2017 investigation into rape allegations against Harvey Weinstein the same one that received a Pulitzer Prize and through the me too movement into the mainstream before his journalism career farrow worked as a lawyer at one point serving under the then secretary of state Hillary Clinton as her advisor for global youth issues they made quite the team that is until farah began digging into weinsteins dirty laundry did you feel pressure from Hillary Clinton on that her staff raised concerns about the fact that i was working on this story about one of her most significant donors that they had bungler of hollywood money. Not to mention faroes original collaborator and b. C. Refused to publish the weinstein revelations all together but this isnt even the only major story that the Mainstream Media big wigs have tried to smother a. B. C. Anchor amy robock recently went public about her investigation into geoffrey epsteins pedophile operation which was killed by the network 3 years ago it was unbelievable what we had when everything. I had i tried for 3 years to get on. And now its coming out and examples were well of revelations what we had was on real i dont remember. Get out years ago so is that it have the rich and powerful become so strong that Investigative Journalism has no place in the 21st century you probably cant reach. You know 1020000000 people with investigative stories that really attack it wealthy and powerful when you do Investigative Journalism which i do for a career in a living and you bump up against the rich and powerful especially if if your publisher is friendly with those who are rich and powerful you. You know you pay a price you either are taken off the beat and given Something Else to do like write a bit you areas or you are you know in the worst case youre fired. Or youre sort of let know that you know your career is not going anywhere there so you should look elsewhere. Moscow and beijing have launched a 3000 kilometer pipeline dubbed the power of siberia if you will carry russian natural gas to china. Jordan yeah today were marking a significant truly historic moment you not only for the Global Energy market but for us china and russia. Our Relations Center in the new era and i hope russia and china will do more projects of the sky and projects that will serve the interests of all countries and benefit to all people. The pipeline took 5 years to build and is the biggest russian Gas Investment project yet rym on cost of reports now from beijing. The 3000 kilometer long power off siberia gas pipeline and has been commissioned by russia and china on a monday the ambitious project has united the Northern Hemisphere 2nd largest gas producer along with the worlds 2nd largest gas Consumer Market economic unity and friendship between neighbors or russia and china. And for china it couldnt be more timely the country has been using increasing amounts of gas and its a trend that looks set to stick around for. The shes a major strategic project for Bilateral Energy cooperation it is of great significance to deepening incorporation between the 2 countries and integrating our interests now russia is also quite pleased with this project when the sram we have starts with the biggest restructure the projects in the world there will be nothing you bigger in the sphere for years to come because this is not about breaking records this is an extremely important project force russia and china but we all know that energy is a stake its all fake and there is no pleasing everyone especially when someones been cut out of the deal now the Worlds Largest producer and consumer of natural gas the United States is now perhaps regretting driving su outcasts countries together after waging an economic war with one and slapping sanctions on the other the us ongoing trade war with. Has driven beijings consumption of americas flagship liquefied natural gas right down to gas like no other apparently this one has a uniquely american flavor increasing export capacity from the freeport liquefied natural gas project is critical to spreading freedom gas throughout the world by giving americas allies a diverse and affordable source of Clean Energy China and russia as energy corp is a double whammy for the United States which is also seeing some of its other gas consumers surging their backs on it in a matter of months and all their Energy Pipeline north stream soon will start flooding europe with russian gas at a faster cheaper and greener rate that its american alternative washington that must be scratching his head at how some european leaders could shun its uniquely flavored gas in favor off a closer ties with moscow despite its best efforts to convince them otherwise were taking germany were rejecting the french would take a vote with a specially numerous of the countries go out and make a pipeline deal with russia where this thing isnt dollars into the coffers of russia thats one of the concerns the president has about nordstrom to why europe would voluntarily tie itself even more to Russian Energy supplies and we make a tough case about ensuring that germany doesnt become dependent on Russian Energy we dont want europes Energy Supplies to be dependent on whether mir putin Hong Kong Based political scientist or joseph chang told us why this is a win win project for both russia and china. This is significant for both china and russia china even said a lot in terms of Energy Security in terms of diversification of use Energy Sources from the east africa and so on to the russian siberia it is also significant for russia because it means that it is less dependent on the group in market it opens up the china market with tremendous potential and infrastructure built can also be used to supply oil and natural gas to south korea and japan so there is a lot of potential to develop the asia pacific market in support of the development of Russian Far East and eastern siberia in russia. China has slapped sanctions on a number of u. S. Nonprofit organizations and also put any u. S. Navy visits to hong kong on the whole the move comes in retaliation for some reason steps by washington which are viewed by beijing as awful. Jim date me family sponsor to americas unreasonable behavior the Chinese Government has decided to suspend all u. S. Navy and air force visits to Hong Kong China will also impose sanctions on the National Endowment for Democracy National Democratic Institute for International Affairs International Republican Institute Human rights watch Freedom House and other n. G. O. S are actively involved in the hong kong riots as to when it will end it depends on americas behavior this comes hard on the heels of trump signing a new law last week the hong kong human rights and democracy yeah the legislation and word sanction any chinese in hong kong officials believed to be involved in Human Rights Violations in the special Administrative Region trumps the decision was met with jubilation by hong kong protesters who swarmed outside the u. S. Consulate waving american flags and singing at the u. S. National anthem dr park known wang at the university of bath believes the outcome in hong kong will be the opposite of what the u. S. Wanted. I think almost a trauma store and hes trying to increase. Bargaining chips in this hand in trying to get a good deal with china and obviously ward china is doing is trying to tough on up more measures on the whole kong. Unfortunately hong kong looks like toole increasingly become a battleground between u. S. And china condition and then im afraid the hong kong will likely to be sick of flies because of the. Confrontation between the newest china because hong kong has been very sensitive and has receiving a lot of Foreign Direct Investment also from the u. S. Because try the chinese north just back down. Through toughen up the measures so in this case i think the result will be just and timely. With what washington d. C. Was already on the internet to do. 5 people including a mother who had just given birth have reportedly been killed by u. S. Drone in afghanistans border province of cost the missiles targeted a card carrying 3 taliban fighters who were killed along with 2 civilians including the mother afghan Officials Say that the attack happened late on friday night or Early Saturday Morning but the pentagon disputes that account. We are aware of the allegations of civilian casualties and working with local authorities to determine the veracity of these claims afghan civilian casualties from aerial operations in 2001000 have reached the highest in a decade up to september of this year almost 900. 00 civilians were injured or killed 3 quarters of the casualties are from a nato Led Coalition airstrikes is according to the u. N. Assistance mission in afghanistan the stop the war coalitions chris 9 am believes these airstrikes have to stop. Well i mean the strategy that has been pursued in afghanistan really since the very beginning in 2001 has been a complete disaster is an 18 year war that is actually appears to be getting worse now weve reached the highest level of civilian casualties for probably a decade this year in afghanistan on these kind of attacks need to stop and to win for there to be a negotiated solution which he so desperately needed for the people in afghanistan who suffered so many years of war and not just from the west but the previous war was a 3035 years of permanent warfare has absolutely devastated the country and it needs to end really for there to be any kind of progress any kind of possible solution for the people of afghanistan. Ricky leaks founder Julian Assange is set to take part in new Legal Proceedings but this time as a witness a Spanish Court will question the whistleblower in a case against a private Security Firm that allegedly spied on a songe during his asylum in the Ecuadorian Embassy in london and also possibly distributed the footage and audio materials to 3rd parties including the cia some videos have been previously leaked by the l a newspaper take a look. Members recorded both video and audio of the meetings held with his lawyer. Where it is claimed of the company was instructed to spy on the songes conversations with his lawyers in particular when they were drawing up his Defense Strategy to avoid extradition to the us company itself has commented on the accusation saying even though it cannot provide details about his actions at the embassy no ethical and moral rules were violated. So he is currently being held in Londons Belmarsh prison where he is serving a 50 week sentence for breaching bail separately he is fighting a u. S. Extradition request over wiki leaks publication of classified information on american political and military dealings combined the charges could land him a 175 year jail sentence former counsel at the Ecuadorian Embassy in london told us that hes shocked by the revelations. Defunct embassy was sort of a deal. By this punish company. Contacted by government we suspected all alone but we didnt know that they were recording and spying for a 3rd party so. The information was given to the americans is shocking many many reasons why they shouldnt Julian Assange. To washington but this certainly is in breach off certain protections that everybody is entitled to and thats no longer of course not. British athletes have allegedly been encouraged by a team doctors to have their thyroid checked bag could reportedly lead to speculation about the use of thyroid medications to boost athletic performance medications for hypo thyroid ism such as. Well fire rock scene and kind of mel are not banned by the World Antidoping Agency however the drugs have been shown it to aid weight loss and recovery between training sessions boosting testosterone and enabling athletes to train harder the suggestion to use thyroid treatments was made by current England Football Team dr Robert Schalk varity who was in the u. K. Athletics chief medical officer between 20132016 initiative was supported by. Replacement as head of the u. K. Noel told he. He took over in 2016 and is still in a position. You can flex to comment on the recent allegations and well let you know if they get back to us professor of sociology at Aston University else cashmore things what is antidoping code is now full of loopholes. Its an expanding because i want to say 3 years ago people believe that the drugs issue why there was a band list of substances that you could not use if you did. Cool it you would face punishment and then there were other drugs which were ok to use no were not so sure. Were introduce when people say that under certain therapeutic condition you can only use drugs that are on the list with the worlds attention as we go over the policy 3 or 4 years has been on russia. Just go anywhere else its deflected everyones interests away from. Going on practically every country where its thought pursuit. Meanwhile russian athletes are awaiting what is decision on new sanctions it has proposed against the country moscow could face a 4 year limit ban and be stripped of the right to host a Major International events including its part in next years euro football championships that is after what i found alleged tampering with Key Laboratory data earlier this year while i was finally given access to the data in question held in a moscow lab the move came as part of the conditions for the russian antidoping agencies reinstatement russian athletes were banned in 2015 from competing under their National Flag with some athletes stripped of their medals that is after water accused russia of a massive state run doping program to cheat at the london and sochi olympics now water suspects russia of tampering with the laboratory data. International Olympic Committee has recommended the toughest measures against the alleged perpetrators however it stressed it opposes a blanket ban of athletes and lays all responsibility on the russian authorities well new documentary has been looking into the doping controversy. Thought the whole doping in russia thing was over for get it russian outlets eligibility for the International Competitions is at stake this includes events like the to kill him pics and the fee for world cup in qatar. And. The allegations against Trinity Gough and many other russian olympic athletes were based on the testimony of just one person that person played a key role in the doping scandal which unfolded after the games in sochi and it seems he also has a hand in whats happening now and when. Youre not. In 2015 russian fled to the United States taken a copy of the database with it to use it as proof of tampering with doping test results since stand what it has had a copy of database in its possession the whistleblowers database as they call it that was the copy what i wanted to compare with the database kept in moscow at the antidoping lab when looking at the 2 versions want to experts raise the alarm and once again Russian Support face the threat of total isolation. In the. New model. When want to compare the 2. Donna beezus groups and the one from moscow it identified 298 russian athletes who samples raised suspicion it sounds ominous but what exactly does it mean in russias database the digit one it beers next to the names of 298. 00 athletes but against only 29. 00 in the database. Hes not going to believe. Really there are. Little boys involved. And they didnt. Go out of. New zealand. But i. Could have been probably i did a couple of. The bill of wash up but it. Was the cause i think. He needed to be i was a member of any of those that. You go out to you are go out a war duke you you are you have no war you know because i just was at the when its at the washer but. Catch more of that documentary over on their web site does it for me this ill be back with about stay with us as are 2 international. Join me every thursday on the elec so im unsure when ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business im showbusiness ill see you then. This is a book broadcast around the world and covering all aspects of our Global Economy in the 21st century bring to bore and im christiane washington heres whats coming up today the u. S. And china continue to trade blows as tensions ramp up im in negotiations. On a break mcadams is on hand today to break down how the situation in hong kong has had an impact on the talks and the new trade that the Trump Administration has

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