What does turkey gotten out of it were seeing that turkey has been isolated right now especially in syria when it has a Serious National Security threat most namely the presence of the syrian army of the u. S. Designated e. U. Designated Terror Organization the p k k im talking about the why p. G. There syrian army turkey has repeatedly make calls to nato to recognize this group as a Terror Organization theyve made calls for support theyve also asked for support regarding a safe zone in northeast syria and turkey has been left all by itself on this matter and frankly the turks and the administration feel very very betrayed by their u. S. Allies and nato allies if its given so much its if its receiving so little whats the point of still being a member of this organization that is pretty costly and that is targeting one of the countries that turkey considers so. Partner which is russia they go still does have many values it is a 29. 00 Member Alliance its a huge insurance policy for turkey an insurance policy against what or against whom well that remains to be seen you dont know when youre going to need insurance thats why its called insurance i mean the you you need insurance right now you just said that terrorism is a major Security Threat for turkey i mean youre dealing with it all along that receiving no support then the lot of criticism from your nato allies so again why do you need that insurance policy for 4 weeks youre a paying a lot and not get it getting too much in return your true that is correct and thats one of the things that needs to be reevaluated but it is a very important sharons policy and not just from a military means also from a political means as well so i mean when we look at nato yes the it needs to be reorganized it needs to be a revision rated but that does not mean that the alliance does not have value Going Forward it just needs it just means that there needs to be more of a look into the organization creation of a new mandate for nato and i really believe that this is something thats going to be talked about over this 365 days until the next summit because regardless of the reaction to my comments he was definitely right there are problems inside nato this is something the president out on has talked about focus on the specific comment by the by mr mccraw about nato supposedly brain death to which president. Reacted very negatively how do you explain such a negative reaction by the turkish president to microns assessment which at the end of the day doesnt really contradict what theyre doing himself has been saying about the lack of the he said this about the lack of 1st a prosody about the lack of Mutual Understanding calling the brain dead right before the Leaders Summit is a very undiplomatic movement its true and the president added on likes to telling truth both voters and to his partners. Suppose right if we look at the lead up into the nato summit president that one had stressed that there were problems with nato he stressed it himself he stressed that he wanted the y. P. Jeep to be recognized as a terror group and as i just stated before he stressed many times that these old institutions need a restructuring they need to become more dynamic he said they need to become more close all inclusive and this security structure needs to be 360. 00 degrees all encompassing not just protecting Baltic States not just protecting germany not just protecting x. Y. Z. Country but also protecting turkey as well so why have them yelling at micron why yelling at mccrum because mccrone is making a populous move and that was discrediting nato this is something that needs to be talked behind closed doors across a rookie president he made this move to bring the spotlight on to himself if you make a rookie move like the way mccrone did you open yourself up to comments like an elder statesman like president add on said called him brain dead you have a media savvy president like the u. S. President u. S. President dollar trump saying hey how about some isis fighters you want them i can send them back to your country and then you have left sitting at a press conference looking very funny at the camera because he has no answer to that mr every International Politics has always been a bar with hard core bargaining sometimes even blackmail but most of it i would agree is usually done behind closed doors but i would argue that president added on together with mr trump by the way hes one of those leaders that has brought it out into the open he often makes connection between for example the refugee issue and economic threats i mean hes doing that more than anyone else i do serious in saying that he he really dislikes populism if you want to touch on the refugee issue we look at the 2016 might and i know that i want to touch on the leadership style and the pope and the devotion to pope it was because if you say that though on the was a nerd by mccrone populism are doing is the last person to blame somebody for populism i mean hes using populist tactics by himself and perhaps more than anyone else. Well when you look at many of the stuff present that one stands for whether it be taking in 303600000 refugees whether it be asking the United Nations to amend itself whether it be buying us for hundreds in the face of u. S. Sanctions whether it be standing up for the j c. P. O. A and irans rights these are not populist moves these are actually anti populist moves absolutely i just dont understand why he has an issue with somebody stating things as they are but crow was just expressing his opinion about native with speech you agree youre just sad that nader has many problems i think one of his biggest problems was what with the way mccrone communicated what with what he had to say he used very undiplomatic language we can go back to the letter that donald trump had sent president add one before us pro Vice President mike pence came again very undiplomatic language this is not the type of style the president wants used to be hes an elder statesman hes been around as the leader of turkey almost 20 years and another 1520 years in politics before that he likes protocol he likes diplomacy when you talk call a time honored institution like nato braindead just 23 days before a summit and you put this tremendous amount of pressure on all these nato leaders who are coming and trying and hoping to be proactive yes youre going to get a lot of youre going to get a lot of backlash from these leaders. Just happens to be more vocal than the other lead leaders i really like your jokey a matter for about nato. You need not so much of a brain surgeon but a psychologist to overcome what you again called i made life crisis but 70 years is not exactly midlife its pretty its a 3 day advanced age at which the risk of cognitive disability is indeed pretty high although most of them are usually in all pro bowl at that stage if the turks dont like the analogy of brain doubt how bad scintillate t would you agree that nader is past its prime that. It needs to reconsider its life mission well like i said before it needs a Strategic Vision it needs to decide why it exists it needs a strong mandate right now the way nato is looking employing strategies and vision from the 1980 s. And 1990 s. Nato basically looks just as an instrument for United States power projection on the continent of europe this is not helping anyone continuing to target russia and why many European Countries are russian gas flowing through him many European Countries meet with the russians on a regular basis you have turkey you have hungry you have greece talking with russia nato needs to change the way to gauge is russia this should not be a target i mean just a couple days ago the russian president made a very sensible comment he said you know when they do was formed when they had it was formed look at its borders a look at nato as borders today and you know nato calls itself a defensive alliance but you see nato continuing its border towards russia a i can understand from a perspective from the kremlin or from moscow when they look at nato if we empathize with them yes it does look threatening it doesnt look like a defensive alliance and its not the time to escalate anymore nato is not just a military means alliance it also has political means it needs to take into account the bilateral relations of each of its members and take a strong consensus of what serves the alliance the best today and tomorrow well mistery and we have to take a very short break now but we will be back in just a few moments. So. Is your media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe from. The isolation or community. Are you going the right way or are you being led so. Direct. What is true what is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Or im a bit loose shallowness. Ok im a special case something we can benefit so is one of the many of the. Book to get us in the gulf where. You thought the whole doping in russia things was over forget it initial party of the commune felt about through a couple of pressure we have the most they are some of the muscle sensitive. Russian outlets eligibility for the International Competition says at stake this includes events like the Tokyo Olympics and the fifo world cup in qatar if i am in the early as last year well just not hear where youre coming of though just as it was 4 years ago in moscow antidoping plavix at the center of the scandal so who tampered with the doping samples database and one does greegor you want to give have to do with it and you know shes doing it is restartable zameen you could not come with a spokesman that hes a push on the richest but he will ship might expose me in. I should touch a little to see the bullshit in his new. Book come back to worlds apart if you sue for political analyst for turkey state run broadcaster tonight or world mr every im just before the break we were talking about naders need for a new vision and this is not just Wishful Thinking in fact every day keep nader is supposed to produce as chichi jima concept its vision for a decade to come and the next one from what i understand is supposed to be out in 2020 but the work hasnt even started yet. Do you personally believe that nato will avar reconsider read just saying its main purpose which is confronting containing moscow. Im hoping it happens im hoping it happens because if it doesnt happen this alliance is slowly losing its mandate and reason for being and it would be very very sad because its a very Strong Alliance that can get a lot done together these 29 countries when they come together theres no political or military force that can stand in their way its incredibly powerful but it needs this vision it needs to be able to address the threats that these 21. 00 countries are facing right now and these threats right now are mainly nonstate actors instability in the middle east instability in the north africa these are the areas that the nato should be concentrating on we look at what europes doing. No type of humanitarian effort into these areas trying to just block migrants or outsource the migrant issue theyre not even taking back any of their isis fighters theyre trying to outsource that issue to iraq which is not going to work because turkey is working very hard to repatriate these fighters back there is a growing al qaeda presence right now in north africa nobodys addressing this matter at least in a serious way theres north african countries and nato has been silent they have not been able to address these issues now i know that the starting from 2021 turkey sad to see him delayed a ship of nato spear had for speech was created in 2015 specifically to watch the russian borders and to reassure the poles and the bulls against the suppose it russian aggression now do you think the poles and the bulls will feel any safer against the russian aggression on did the turkish command well when turkey is serving under nato theres totally different mandates for what the military needs to do in the Turkish Military is professional it follows its mandate its serving under the nato flag right there. Not under the turkish flag so theres no reason for the poles not to feel or the Baltic States not to feel secure because of turkish presence in the end this is a nato command mission not a Turkish Mission and they will be following what their command mandate by the Turkish Military would also bring its institutional i experienced it out and you know that russia and turkey have had some pretty accurate security crisis the latest one the just a few years ago back in 2015 when we came very close to the press precipice what the Turkish Military to don the russian. Military death and nato had to consider whether to invoke article 5 not just in theory but in practice. We walked back from that precipice we have that experience that our 2 countries do you think turkey has anything to impart to its nato allies about how to deal with russia in a pragmatic manner the 1st thing with the russian downing of the russian jet there was many many many factors at play there that had nothing to do with the turkish leadership i think the kremlin and i think the kremlin understood that very well well they the kremlin the distant past very well and then rolled out very how sanctions against turkana to get the mediation of some of our neighbors to bring their relationship back together i dont want to argue about the specifics because i think we would never agree my point is that we had that moment of crisis and we were able to overcome the mistrust im sure the mistrust is still there its been lost going acro but theyre able to Work Together on areas that are mutually important do you think there is and i think that turkey can share with its nato allies with regards to how to deal with russia turkey can definitely serve as a mediator need be because it does share many does share many interests with russia also shares many interests with its nato allies and one of the things that turkey has tried to do over the last 10 to 15 years is create a more independent Foreign Policy creating this independent Foreign Policy has caused a lot of friction between itself and the United States a country that it used to always call a strategic ally but nowadays its seeing less and less like a strategic ally but turkeys ability to be able to calm compartmentalize problems and negotiate on strengths this is something that does a very very well its done this very well with russia on this very well with other countries you know theres a new nato Russia Strategic council that meets almost every year and even though this group is small and even though it doesnt get much press it does exist so there is dialogue. Between nato and russia its not that its nonexistent but it is something that does need to be strengthened were seeing many of the members of the alliance are slowly starting to have by a list stronger and stronger bilateral relations with russia especially regarding commercial and Energy Interests between europe and russia so as these interests grow and this economically russia becomes more intertwined with europe Going Forward into the future. I feel theres going to be less and less need to be half of the members to want to escalate anything with the kremlin and i just see a vision changing with inside nato but this is something that countries like the United States and the u. K. The heavy hitters of nato the. Members of nato that actually have serious diplomatic weight inside the alliance are going to slowly have to come in except while denied states has difficulties accepting many things including the turkish purchase of the russian made asked 400 system speech is older more surprising considering that 4 years ago after that jacques incidentally russia moved its own 400 systems to syria and didnt. Exclude a possibility of using them against turkey itself. Why do you think perceive your prick despite all depression and all the criticism and all the potential sanctions threatened by the United States well 1st thing we know that the us turkey 1st tried to purchase u. S. Patriots it didnt get a favorable deal the financial conditions were very bad there was no Technology Transfer turkey was put on about a 50 month waiting list if it approved the sale and even after the sale even after the deal was signed there was no guarantee that congress was going to approve the sale so turkey didnt want to risk its air Defense System on a patriot that could quite possibly never be delivered so it reopened the tender at 1st it was in talks with china that didnt happen that deal fell through and then there was the us 400 the us for hundreds a very good air Defense System i think frankly its superior to the patriot the price is cheaper and it came at a time when Turkey Russia relations were improving so it was a natural step forward to bind that relationship even better Going Forward mr m. You said to add a few minutes ago that nato provides you with the perfect security guarantee why do you need to buy an additional security and against who against what turkey wanted its own air Defense System this is something that is wanted for a while said the nato security guarantees not an advantage of the day maybe its not enough maybe thats something that does need to be looked into like i said we know that theres about 6700. 00 missiles that touched down on turkish soil throughout the 9 years of the syrian conflict this is a huge number and while turkey does have i believe patriots from spain in the missile i believe from italy im not sure which country positioned inside turkey turkey wants its own air Defense System. As well under its own control and its been after the pictures for more than a decade and when it didnt get it like i said yes 400 was a very logical alternative its also good to diversify your weapon per weapons per kiran portfolio you shouldnt just be buying weapons from one or 2 countries when youre a member of a collective security treaty that supposedly covers all your security needs and its just difficult to understand why would you spend enormous amount of resources on the sensually following 2 security roads now the United States has been threatening turkey with cots sanctions for quite some time but its been 5 months since the 1st systems were delivered to turkey and cots still hasnt been. Apply do you think it will ever be thats a good question and i think katz is slowly causing a problem for the United States because its now seeing more and more of its allies. Taking a step towards buying russian weapons were seeing india were seeing saudi arabia the United Arab Emirates and egypt now to either bought buying or interested in buying russian weapons now if you set a precedent and placed cats on turkey youre going to place cats on all these other u. S. Allies so its its getting to a point where its looking like the future of cats is going to be very counterproductive i dont think they thought it all the way through when they were rushing this bill through the 1st year of the presidency and they basically had to force and force it down is down his throat he didnt really want cats about it got approved with such great support throughout congress there was nothing he can do it was his hands were tied and we are seeing the u. S. President try to hold off on it because he sees a future he sees this is going to become a problem for the United States Going Forward its going to anger many of his allies not just turkey many other allies Going Forward and in the end this is against International Trade rules and regulations so i mean this really is really not a sensible rule and every once you let the cats out of the bag its a pandoras box mystery my hey i hate to break it to you but i think the United States doesnt really care that much about Philippine International rules or regulations or consistency for that matter now we are almost out of time and i want to i guess ask you one last question about the turkish fit into nato because within the framework of nato you call france germany greece and. Allies but when it comes to the e. U. Framework. You know alice you know i know the even the Prospective Member i guess anymore and ive just come back from the balkans and i think especially in the balkans its pretty avid then that the europeans see turkish presence there as something unfriendly and something competitive so i guess im repeating myself but i want to ask you how can you commit yourself to having the backs of your neighbors when you disagree on some of the fundamental issues on the system of governance on the rule of law on what terrorism is on the what are the main threats to you i mean what is there to agree upon what is there that cherokee agrees with nato what we have to realize this now when we look at bilateral relations and we look at relations inside of a wider institution like whether it be nato or a union like the European Union theres different mandates theres different interests at play and theres different dynamics at play yes bilateral relations with france turkey has some problems but theres also many areas of trade turkey works on defense cooperation turkey work sign and these are very very old relations with these European Countries dating back centuries so its not something that you can just look at on one issue you have to compartmentalize diplomacy and thats what the plough misses its the power to be able to compartmentalize and work on strengths theres incredible amount of trade with germany theres 4000000. 00 turks have any of the result can be done within the framework of bilateral relations why do you need nato for why do you need nato for that paying a lot of huge used to these collective security treaty and not getting anything you have to give and the other the Defense System from russia you have to fight terrorism all by yourself whats the point of collective security as far as dirk is concerned ive been asking you this all along and i havent heard the answer yet the the point for collective security is like i said its an important its an important security blanket for turkey if it ever needs it in the future it hasnt needed it today. It would need it maybe in northeast syria you never know what the future brings its important to have this type of security blanket and nato is a very powerful organization it gives turkish Foreign Policy weight when dealing with other countries as well it acts as a balance when dealing with other countries as well whether it be the whether it be russia whether it be china so its an important political backing its an important military backing is it helping today in the turkeys problems in northeast syria no its not helping has turkey given a lot in the past it has but we dont know what tomorrow can bring and nato is still important to turkey turkey is very important to nato alcohol of mistery month very optimistic knowledge we have to leave it there thank you very much for sharing your thoughts with us today thank you our viewers can keep this conversation going in our social media pages ask for me and the team we hope to see her again same place same time on a world apart. In this community there are people who believe that its ok to sell fractional food online its really hard there are no jobs and you see that ive got kids and ask and as a parent. I can come up with lots of arguments theres a lot of conflict within the game and between the most of the conflict i would say revolves around money and most of them money is made. Close one you know the childrens clothes he know each other and this could be just the state of california alone to make 6000000000. 00 you have to prison complex just to get some point in your life where. You dont care anymore no i cares about you so you dont care mind anything. The globalization the dollars a piano thats happening in the world is kind of drifting apart in a lot of different ways we look into it because theres an Economic Force behind it as always. When there is only johnson. And i just got out of prison for. 41 years. Im 72 years old. I got arrested for took some money to. 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