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Look at who benefits from the gas pipeline and why the u. S. Doesnt like it. A very warm welcome to the program from all of us here in moscow thanks for joining us this hour. The u. S. House will vote on impeaching donald trump later today the president himself has accused the democratic leadership of pressuring Party Members to vote a certain way and hes also warned the whole process could backfire all sides have been doubling down out of the vote. Given pietschmann the constitution precisely to protect ourselves from a president becoming a tyrant in a desperate sadly the democrats impeachment inquiry has been flawed and partisan from day one its clear that this president acted in a way that not only violates the public trust each up or dies to our National Security clear and present danger right now in this room is the pattern of attack an abuse of rules and of an decisions to get at this president what is President Trump afraid of the truth the facts the American People understand whats happening here is a hoax the whole impeachment thing is a hoax. The pressure is especially high on those representatives that come from pro trump states and can disappoint their own voters are to scale up and breaks down the impeachment case a vote on impeachment is set to take place the house of representatives has drawn up the charges and democrats are calling for donald trump to be removed how democrats are focused on fighting for the people we must hold this president accounts abou the constitution and nation dependent democrats see launching these proceedings as a huge victory they say donald trump has betrayed the whole country but the whole country doesnt agree the country is split and americans dont seem to care for partisan squabbles and many have become more critical of the democrats in recent months even within the house of representatives 18 democrats are bucking the party line and say they will vote against impeachment they argue that months before the 2020 alexion this doesnt look good for the democrats but we are so close there are now like i would tell you getting here knowing how. In private and i dont see that barrier. All these factors combined to make some democrats very nervous and donald trump seems to be emphasizing the fears on the other side of the aisle any democrat that votes for the sham will be voting to sacrifice the House Majority their dignity and their career. Another fear hanging over the democrats is that they wont be able to actually remove donald trump from office after all republicans have a pretty solid majority in the senate so whats the plan well call up even more witnesses during the impeachment trial in the senate how on such a weighty matter could we avoid hearing this could we go forward without hearing it i havent seen a single good argument about why these witnesses shouldnt testify with these documents be produced unless the president has something to hide. And his supporters want that information hidden but who knows if these tactics will actually payoff remember the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearings the democrats called witness after witness after witness and the republicans seem to have been the big winners then these Sexual Assault allegations and heated rhetoric didnt win the democrats any points as the 2020 alexion edged mirror democrats stand to possibly lose pretty big from this whole impeachment fiasco after all the trump is actually driven from office the red state in the rust belt base of Trump Supporters wont be pleased animosity between the 2 sides could reach a critical juncture and if they fail they could face ridicule for dragging the country through a pointless procedure wasting money and wasting time so what exactly are the democrats trying to accomplish by impeaching donald trump to quote an old american saying after wonder are the democrats perhaps cutting off their nose in order to spite their face kaleb up and r. T. New york. 2020 us president ial candidate from the Libertarian Party serie a fost believes its clear what the democrats are really up to with their impeachment drive if anybody with common sense can see it you know there is no basis for impeachment and we know that there is a Senate Majority the only thing that the democrats are proving is that they were sore losers during the election and we see time and time again a lot of people are gearing away from the Democratic Party not just by the way theyre acting in that theyre wasting the tax paying dollars. Putting on fiascoes still cannot get over that donald trump is the president the United States i mean i was against him in the elections in 2016 and im running against him again in 2020 but you have to put all that aside and there are facts and there is you know the fake news and thats what were seeing today. A British Primary School has found itself in the firing line after parents were angered by changes to the wording of traditional Christmas Carols whitehall Primary School in the south east of england has reductive several carols replacing for example little lord with baby boy jesus critics say the change is a myth the whole point of the celebration and some parents have reacted negatively. If he was just a baby boy named jesus there wouldnt be a celebration in the 1st place hes our lord and savior and king of all kings thats the whole point its also a tradition is taking away the traditions of the country i believe my children have been discriminated against and the have been denied the freedom to fully express their Faith Christian belief and tradition being 2nd forced and silenced in the name of inclusion and Political Correctness the words lord jesus are about the central message of christmas which is that god is with us in jesus to put it very simply but its what christmas is about the school in question says it promotes British Values including tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs that has offended the move by saying that some students did not attend last year service because of their religious beliefs and the whole school wants to include all pupils during the festive period where discuss the issue where to from Christian Concern and social commentator no answer. Mr christianity and the whole reason why we celebrate Christian Christmas is because jesus was born as a human being and yet was god as well and came down and its an incredible thing to think that god became a human being but thats what actually happened and thats what were celebrating here and they wanted to remove that reference as well as jesus being king and jesus being savior if we dont have those things what are we celebrating i think its a massive distortion lets be quite clear jesus wasnt god he was odd agreed from a theological perspective not agree he was a mighty messenger a prophet there is very little theological evidence the public space and the educational space is one which is secular it does not mean it is bereft of theology or education of belief or conscience but is inclusive of it so if we want to have Standing Advisory Councils and religious education that include all strains of all walks of life of humanism as well and atheism are people who want to come in there with so of more free n. G. s they are included nowadays and the question is whether children should be free to opt out from a nativity where is mary jesus a baby jesus in a 1000000 or the question that is not decided on in a stable which isnt true i think that such the parents of the think still composition i think they could come a watch if they wanted to theyre really so upset about people saying jesus or that they have to not even be in the same presence theres something to talk about there why are they so upset about people saying jesus is lord i cant even go watson and observe it you know and so i think i want to discuss that with them but ultimately i want to respect their rights if they want to opt out of it they cannot sound of it another person should be made for that and the head teacher has seen that she has had 60 people who last year opted out from religious services worshipful activities and under the education act collective worship is wholly or broadly of a christian tradition but it doesnt have to be a particular question is not what they did i was out thats not a commercial you want to opt out no none of that the question you know youll just toss in the cost of the question is whether you should tell us the wording if its not what a people should opt out everyone agrees that theyre not out. What motives not everyone agrees about i dont have one so theres not a question the question of whether she used the word traditional carols to remove the key belief of christianity into something thats nonchristian after all thats the question islam is the completion of gods revelation we are not here to supersede christians we have to live alongside people of one another in a most insecure society in the educational space we need to have a plural system where everybody is welcome this is the tall you dont like humans so. How do you know migrant so i knew it would mean having a tradition that was a christianity. Is not welcome youre saying belief for the 2nd is the leg so much as i. Dont know i would see all of what hes doing then i will say thats a pretty good so you know youre the one thats being intolerant here because youll saying they shouldnt sing the well this is a little thats the its all an answer to the. Agreed with the parents is u. K. Political Communications Specialist Damien Wilson and its off and on our website he argues that the joy is being sucked out of christmas in europe thanks to among other things efforts to be more inclusive in the full take out are to dot com. Also their time magazines person of the year is the subject of a new documentary it goes right back to the 1st protest by teenage environmental activists got a ton more cheers apparently all alone outside the Swedish Parliament apart from the presence of a film crew at our website to see if the rise was perhaps planned from the start. And following the u. K. Labor partys election a failure slovenian philosopher gives us his postmortem hes among those who think Jeremy Corbin was the victim of a Media Smear Campaign and he argues that the labor party needs to get even more radical if it wants to cover the full analysis at r. T. Dot com. And what may prove to be a major setback for Transatlantic Relations the us senate has approved a sanctions bill targeting companies and bolt in the north stream to pipeline project a measure aimed at disrupting russias efforts to increase the supply of gas to europe is expected to be signed into law by dollar trump later this week germany where the pipeline runs through has slammed washington sections. We believe that is unacceptable as it is an attempt to influence the sovereign decisions of europe we are holding negotiations with the United States well just a little earlier the german top diplomat reiterated berlins stance that these sanctions are unacceptable more strained to is almost fully complete and i can tell you that this u. S. Sanctions bill is believed to open up this 30 day window for the European Companies to abandon their work on the pipeline now i can tell you that the german newspaper built revealed internal documents from germanys Energy Ministry where it says that berlin believes that this pipeline could be completed within this border area and then this could actually lead to a situation when the sanctions prove to be completely pointless but of course we understand that nothing is pointless when it can be aimed at the audience back home the audience that will vote at some point piers to deal from the american standpoint if the russian data for gas is delivered to western europe through all pipelines through countries like Poland Ukraine its all fun its Russias Energy giant gas problems versa fine the way its fuel gets to western European Countries through new pipelines like north stream more north stream to thats a disaster that gets europe hoped on putins gas needle so lets just listen to how a u. S. Congressman who was behind the sanctions put it last week this pipeline if completed. Would make europe even more dependent on Russian Energy would generate billions of dollars for putin billions of dollars that would follow on Russian Military aggression so we have learned that the us 2020 National Defense authorization act includes a bill that would penalize the companies that are involved in the construction of nord stream 2 there are plenty of german businesses that are who are involved because it is indeed in the interest of european consumers to get a new more reliable more direct route for these supplies now when it comes to the officials in moscow they have been blaming the americans for unfair competition to keep used to moscow does not like such actions and. Paris these sanctions are a direct violation of International Rules an example of unfair competition and an attempt to spread artificial us dominus to your markets by the imposition of more expensive than uncompetitive products were working on the assumption that stream to project will be completely you in moscows message has been very simple you dont really care about europe what you want to do is sell your liquefied natural gas to cross which makes it more expensive in many cases but i just want to make sure that you listen to one american official because it cant just look at how they put it with the u. S. In another year of record setting natural Gas Production im pleased that the department of energy is doing what it can to promote an efficient regulatory system that allows for molecules of u. S. Freedom to be exported to the world if the gas is russian that is bad putins gas if it is something thats extracted in america thats. Freedom the german parliaments committee chief on economy and energy class earns told us berlin is ready to respond to any sanctions imposed by washington. If the u. S. Keeps trying to obstruct the north stream project i suggest responding with punitive terror of some german imports of american gas things cannot continue like this if we impose punitive tariffs on us gas sales will fall on the us will have to reflect on his actions the us is unhappy that we are not vinai gas they want to boost their own trade and thats why they are imposing sanctions on Companies Involved in building the pipeline firstly american liquefied natural gas is obtained through fracking which makes it an acceptable for germany and secondly it is much more expensive them rushing down the natural gas we get from russia is high in demand and due to falling production in europe the demand has only increased so we plan to import more of it this is why north stream 2 is so important the americans have tried to interrupt our oil and gas trade with russia from the outset and yes we have managed to cooperate for many years without interruption so both sides need this and we plan to continue whether the us likes it or not. Still the car nationwide protests continue to grip france as anger over plan Pension Reforms shows no sign of dying down details after the break. The partisan impeachment process against donald trump continues apace the framers of the constitution warned the impeachment of the chief executive was an extreme remedy are the democrats and the Corporate Media trivializing the impeachment process are they attempting to short circuit democracy itself. Argentina or love this country is phantasmagorical the people are extraordinary the government and theres never enough for much. Of the. More detail. All of us will hoops it is being able to love this so its a behavior that appears even in death and going babies even if youve never heard or seen love to you will love if youre tickles by your parents. And then we learn how to use this in a more complex way im one of the things that we learn is to have to join in with love to contagiously to love when somebody else loves even if you dont know why theyre laughing. Welcome back to the program mass protests against planned Pension Changes hit france far and wide on tuesday Officials Say 600000 people were involved although other estimates put the figure at near 2000000 what started as a mostly peaceful demonstration in the capital and in dozens getting arrested. Over. The. Demonstrations were held in several french cities some turning ugly today the french Prime Minister is meeting with the Union Leaders he insists the government will not pull back on the controversial Pension Reforms are but the protesters think otherwise. Im here today because we have problems with financing for hospitals we have lots of expenses and the right constraints when it comes to procuring materials and recruiting staff were here today to say that will lock out Public Hospitals and we want to say to them. The working conditions have. Its very difficult for us to live properly on our current salaries theres been no change its just a trauma to the thought so i thought here in solidarity with everyone whos been affected by that reform which is the vast majority of people but it is possible that everybody should be protesting against them for they want to work more and earlier and its an acceptable section of. The british Prime Minister has unveiled plans he says will fight antisemitism for a start and wants to ban public bodies from joining a palestinian led campaign to boycott israel as a protest over the occupied territories Saskia Taylor picks up the story. There are a few grassroots organizations as divisive as b. D. S. The boycott divestment and sanctions movement it builds itself as a pro freedom pro Equality Group fighting to secure palestinian rights by putting economic pressure on israel but in recent years b. D. S. Has been accused of antisemitism and allegation very many denies the b. D. S. Movement does not tolerate any acts or discourse which drops or promotes among others and black racism and the arab racism islamophobia and the semitism sexism zina phobia or homophobia the b. D. S. Movement is an unknown and thats Harsh Criticism of is who are either human Rights Groups on the un also condemn illegal israeli settlements in the west bank similarly in open but the e. U. s top court ruled that both food and drink made in these settlements have to be labeled as coming from the occupied territory the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance whose definition of antisemitism is used internationally and allows for less than glowing reviews office 0 criticism of israel similar to that leveled against any other country cannot be regarded as anti semitic nevertheless politicians globally have chosen to side against b. D. S. And the latest to jump on the bandwagon is Boris Johnson feeling fresh and powerful off his recent sweep to victory in the u. K. General election we will ban public bodies from imposing their own direct or indirect boycotts disinvestment or sanctions campaigns against Foreign Countries these on the. Mine Community Cohesion they claim this is not the deliberate attempt to conflate criticism of his radio policies with anti semitism the conservative governments who are new talk of outlawing b. D. S. Is the result of having lost the moral argument and like supporters of israel everywhere needing to resort to oppression and smears to stop if it killed by cart and divestment initiatives also crying foul of this alleged misuse of antisemitism label are supporters of Jeremy Corbett they argue hes been smeared for standing in solidarity with the Palestinian People i think it is high time the un since it does recognize the needs of the Palestinian People through. And also through their membership to unesco its time for them to now recognize palestine as a state and some who had been hoping for a call from government were quick to identify the guilty party the chief rabbi must be dancing in the street the pro israel lobby a one hour day on the election by a lion and Jerry Mccorkle in an already tense Political Climate reaction to the remark came fit fast once again opens her trap and once again vile and disseminate ism spews of her racist how can this vile bigot still be in the lords allowed month and barris meant to our country janet duncan is an unapologetic and a semite there she goes again she cant help herself its a sickness the chief rabbi must be dancing in the street over labours election loss jenny tongue is vile but its the responses that expose how bad antisemitism actually is its a semantic minefield out there be careful where you step even a well intentioned statement could be used as ammunition against you what is johnson was actually some good israeli. He was actually he was. By you but it is none but what some prizes need to be honest is why he is in a hurry he is in power just just a few days ago he won the election just the last day as the old wednesday so that now immediately the 1st thing he is taking care of is to actually. Take this. Position against innocent people in palestine people and benefit goofy shit 1st they said it is you know we should ban. Now it is the symmetry is it. Which means old school and it is that idealism so what we are not allowed to criticize. Is that it is above and the criticism. A pentagon social media account is receiving criticism online for sharing a colorized image of a convicted nazi war criminal the access officer in question led a unit that killed dozens of unarmed american prisoners of war and world war 2. Is that you kind of convicted criminal his rear echelon troops are literally responsible for the murder of u. S. Troops at the infamous malmedy massacre this photo looks like the s. S. If that is not your intention please move to later in the article. Sometimes the move is the move the greater sense of tension by introducing a bad guy it is technique the effect of storytelling. My uncle was captured during the bulge and spend the next 6 months in star like 9 witnessing atrocities so dont anyone say this is my home this is not real forks in the department of defense im really insensitive i. Thats our global news update for this hour but dont forget you can always had to our website r. T. Dot com for the details on all those stories and many more. I had a spiritual experience. And i had the little girl that died in the fire cynthia collins. Is a 5 year old son are looking for a kidney reaching something off 54 years old age but 21 years on good role model. For a crime i didnt commit. I always knew that he was innocent doesnt read the letters but nobody would listen. You know. Trial was pretty much a farce. We already had him guilty before the trial. Oh you know what it. Was. Not that. Not people who will read it all. Through through to me hasnt forgiven himself for something. I knew she was there and i knew exactly what i was doing. People life. Sometimes theres no way to put mission. What holds us institutions are going. To put themselves on the line. To get accepted or rejected. So when you want to be president or injury. Or something or want to be rich. Have to be right to be close thats what the 43 of them or 10 people that ive been interested always in the waters in the. First 6. This boom bust broadcasting around the globe and covering the world of business and finance and the impact on us all im been one and im kristie i live here 10 years of moving markets today. Billions moved out of it markets thanks to this years protests but what does that number truly represent well break it down. To the very british its not all stupid but we must give brits. The british pound is falling thank you piers im a hard turn for strength that ill be going into detail about how Prime Minister Boris Johnson wants to guarantee practice happening this time. And oil big groups these are up prices are down so what is the forecast look like for 2020 and for that giant saudi aramco i. P. O. Moving forward well break it down so much to get through today so lets get started. And we begin here with reports that the hong kong protests have resulted in over 5000000000. 00 pulled out of hong kong by investors since april the report from the

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