Opioid addiction the rich countries scooping up almost all the worlds supply of painkillers leaving africa struggling to get enough basic meds to treat patients. Alone this thursday the 26th of december on quantum radar t. G. V. Will welcome to the program u. S. Democratic president ial candidates a multibillion Michael Bloomberg admits that his campaign has used prison labor they were employed by a firm that run call centers from a private u. S. Prison for women to drum up support for his 2020 election run. We learned about this when the reporter called us but as soon as we discovered which friend a subcontractor had done this we immediately ended our relationship with the company and the people who hire them imagine being so rich you have people who have people who have prisoners to do stuff for you agence being so rich you dont even bother to check what you are spending millions of dollars on. Rita rating we sat in did when we learn a vendor of a vendor of a vendor use prison labor we did know about it and we never would have allowed it we dont believe in this practice and we immediately stopped working with pro com and the people who hired them so how do you do it pay someone to pay someone to tell them my bloomberg is a big spender he was last to do in the president ial race and he has already outspent all the other democrat candidates on Campaign Advertising i mean the guy has so much money he doesnt seem to have that did promise america more work just to. Get it. For president create. Problems. Right america more jobs even if you dont particularly want them what makes it much much worse is that many of the prisons in the states a private run for profit and there are laws that force people to work so if you are in a jail and you are told to work you have to well youll be punished sometimes they pay you as much as 20. 00 a month thats right 20. 00 a month now heres the irony Mike Bloomberg billionaire one of the richest people in america was essentially paying for what is a slave labor to cool people apparently tell them that hes a good guy wait the bloomberg is he was paying someone to pay someone to tell everyone what a good guy he is trump says he wants to run the nation like hes running is business god help us. Everybody says stuff that comes back to bite them but when billionaires do it its generally an order of magnitude. It gets worse the further you dig when he launched his campaign his media bloomberg. News sent out a letter thousands of its journalists pledging to uphold its principle of not investigating its own this is the sort of person mike is Mike Bloomberg started as a middle class kid to work his way through College Business from a single room to a global entity creating tens of thousands of good paying jobs along the way. There he couldve he probably shouldve but he didnt let me continue he became richer year after year he made really a selling bank is ludicrously priced products all gadgets the same bankers who through unbridled greed set off the 2008 financial crash depriving tens of millions of people of those of lifes savings and jobs. Michael bloomberg for president i mustve journalist Dave Lindorff believes that despite bloomberg vast wealth he doesnt particularly measure up as a strong democratic candidate. It really shouldnt be acceptable for anybody liberal or conservative to use prison labor its forced labor bloomberg is a multibillionaire hes worth like 54000000000. 00 hes made his money by you know not paying attention to things like that. Hes not concerned about the little guy. Which i guess becomes you know if youre if youre supposedly a democrat youre concerned about the. Enormous a packer see it a big problem i think its going to hurt him a lot i dont know where people get the idea that bloomberg is the great savior for democrats in the race in the race to get struck he has almost no poll support all the money. Billionaires have not traditionally done that well running for office its. You know you got to have money to run for president but when you have that much money i think that most people are pretty suspicious of your motives in running for office. Addiction crisis many african nations and struggling to get enough legal medication to relieve the pain of that bank since. I did. Before getting morphine in the big boys in a pinch and she was not even able to take the medication because a. Weve both been in management. Human rights if people dying in pain in the country and that is not the human rights. Crisis that has featured far fewer headlines. International attention is the nonmedical use of the painkiller tramadol particularly now for. Control is a substance of growing concern particularly in North Central and west africa closer regions of africa now account for 87 percent of pharmacies cry proces worldwide and not the recent rises jew almost entirely. Trafficking. The numbers are pretty stark the International Narcotics control board says the majority of all morphine used is consumed by just 17 percent of the worlds population who live in western parts of the world at the same time african and Asian Countries can only satisfy a tiny fraction of their medical needs political analyst Alessandro Bruno says at the end of the day it all comes down to money karma Suitable Companies or business is big businesses with many salaries to pay they need and a lot of them are listed in the stock market in other words they have shareholders they have to take care of because these western companies focused on the expensive medicines theyve reduced the bill of the elderly and demand for the natural he wants thats why the subject of morphine again is such a not just controversial its unusual its something that people dont talk about very much its sad to say it cynical but live stick a 2nd seat to profits and earnings and the the entire capitalist system contributes to that its always a matter especially since in the last 25 years. Stock Market Performance has taken precedence over everything else. With the National Strike in france over the proposed Pension Reforms now heading into its 4th week a dance troupe in paris is stepping out of the theater and onto the streets to make their feelings clear. Said to the poll last of us will tell if what the girls have shown you with swan lake is 15 years of sacrifice and its daily work every day every morning with you and there is a limit to how long its possible to remain at that level of life if you want to continue to see pretty dancers on stage they cant go on until theyre 64 its not possible and perhaps the most beautiful protest that paris seen at this step but they dont see is what actually striking behind them they had battles the bread culture in danger and now the latest a sequel. By the french government this strike is now empty its a hit show of support to someone and they according to proxies in the kitchen advice despite how it changed the system is being a sustainable this is the only way to login face is to stick. Forms and until it reaches the next. And nothing was done while the focus may be off fronts right now time is a problem some like it slowed to the point its the baby blue chip reaching for continues to type pension systems across the world raining on the white house as a result of the countrys see the been slowly raising that a toy or warning of soaring the tension that exists the problem is that the demographics have changed in 1906 when the system was invented you had people painful no one pension and today you go 12. 7 people later when the pension the circles that is completely unsustainable so it needs to be recalled and i basically i think youve got all these demonstrations of people saying yes but not yet you know not now i dont want you to bust welch too to have a worse situation so its clear that he was right. As. More money to retire on well not so fast according to process independent hedge advice it is the c. E. O. Of all the situation is that perhaps he is the clintons government this means jesting i dont find that showed that the overall cost of the front Suspension System has in fact stabilized even reduced and that huge deficit government to this warning about could just be a blip shrinking down to 5000000000 you rates by 2030 so this is a miserable sensitive for the football the government one of the 1st measures of world was to suppress a tax on where. My course was called by the french the president of the rich but if you tax bill you know so you must not forget to add an Exchange Controls in order to tax to evasion because theres a lot of leniency with suspects evasion in this country but very very few people trust people want this new feudal american style dystopia that is the very program of president franklin but i dont want them absolutely new days of strike action have already been announced that france has this standoff between unions and the gov it is in using in the meantime parties. Are determined to see the bait to scare away that way. And dance is helping one teacher in ghana get his students to study harder his story is here r. T. On friday. You know if. Weve got if there are. Cars. Id love to see dies because it makes me happy this is a story from gonna about people who just love to jokes my name is sucky. Im not on social media subjects i wanted our seats im 25 years. Im a trainee teacher. From. My truck get to trim for an exclusive. He wants to bring into every classroom in the world. I dont. Britain hasnt left the European Union yet but with things dragging on for so long some have decided to take matters into their own hands and split from brussels themselves at least in the grocery aisles. Most emotions to see if these taste any better tried brussels sprouts all for. This promise have the right to their own identity the up from young man. Himself identifying as he looks just browns in solidarity even went from one question there one with you in a spread. Your shirt sprouts taste really nice and theyre cute in the salty tears remaining. Many of our customers are interesting knowing where the food comes from lincolnshire sprouts lincolnshire sprouts because theyre from lincolnshire i know all shes brown circle your ground because theyre from yorkshire many of our customers like to know them. All straight here continues to burn and bake with record breaking temperatures and wildfires but the Prime Minister has been out defending the coal industry seen by environmentalists as the root cause of the Climate Emergency the next story in 90 seconds. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have. Let it be an arms race is very dramatic. Only. Very critical. To sit down in. Welcome back forest fires in southeast australia have been raging for almost 2 months now with firefighters facing extreme conditions against them to a record heat wave with temperatures predicted to stay in the high thirtys to 40 celsius over the weekend and into early next week as of now 5000000 hectares of land has been burned nationwide in australia over the past few months 9 people have lost their lives and more than 950 homes have been destroyed smoke from the fires has blanketed the countrys largest city sydney pollution is also across the critical mark sometimes 11 times higher than the life threatening threshold. On friday environmental activists gathered outside the residence of australias Prime Minister calling for stronger action to fight Climate Change protesters block central streets in sydney demanding that australia declare a Climate Emergency is how the Prime Minister explained the situation. Is taking action on Climate Change what we want is engaged in requests and job destroying an economy crunching targets which is seeking to be postured to us at the moment. From the Australian Association for Environmental Education believes that the governments putting industry 1st weve always had farmers but weve never had flaws look really and. Part of the issue is really bad environmental policy over a long period of time which is allowed the country to get out of that a shipe i think the big reason why theyre defending the call industry is because the coal industry in many many years is boarded so very close to government spent a lot of money supporting governments got a little lobbyist and stuff working with governments on these issues the real issue i think is that they get a significant amount of revenue from the coal industry the jobs in the call industry not that significant when you look at the industries across the whole economy it seems to be an excuse to me i mean theyre not showing any great signs of caring about the environment so i think theres a lot of people in this country who are being given to be quite couple by the fires and the really big issue is going to be how bad it is but in a much. Have less than a week left of 29000. 00 lets start taking a look at the gate just gone with the Online Service in case you missed it. As i see why in my eyes a guide to the year that was january got brazil off on the right wing tract when this guy nationalist. Naro was sworn in as president of south americas largest nation a hostile takeover was launched at the start of 2019 in venezuela when this guy one guy go challenge the far right see all of the elected mr. Surprise surprise why dont have the backing of the u. S. And its allies the planned benevolent regime change didnt work out in cities across france the Yellow Vest Movement continue to bash things up every weekend demanding that the french president emmanuel build them an economically rosy future instead march saw a brutal acts of terror and take place in new zealand when a psycho right wing not broke into a mosque in. Lifestream the monitor of tens of innocent civilians on face moving into april wiki leaks Julian Assange toft out of londons Ecuadorian Embassy and arrested by British Police in was going to be. Fiction the world was shocked when paris is not true don cathedral the home of the hunchback from that disney film fell victim to a fire that store its roof by a collapse and this moment was probably peak 2019 a comedian with no political experience and literally had played the role of an ordinary man who accidentally becomes president was elected president of ukraine 2019 brought us an escalating us china trade war donald trump employees. Of chinese that sports and washington officially blacklisted one away the chinese target giant slash major threats to apple the gulf was getting 10 to. Change in may to iran announced that it would stop complying with parts of the 2015 Iranian Nuclear deal im going to start enriching you radium again while in india and render modi won a 2nd time as Prime Minister by a landslide in indias general election in june the orange one touched down in london on the phone Royal Treatment just 3 days later after 3 years of failing to deliver braggs its u. K. Prime minister to resign may officially threw in the towel and all traces of civility to now susie parsing the poison troublous of greggs and so someone else in august of hong kong started hitting the streets in arms precedented numbers angered by a chinese expedition and. Then the summer news law was interrupted by news of the death of a famous bananas and establishment sleazeball jeffrey at the guy with secrets about everyone had been awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges but he was mysteriously found dad in his jail cell in new york triggering conspiracy theories good law. For those close to the end of summer through the rest of 29. 00. Stories of the case you missed it on you tube or. A website for justice in hong kong the main man trying to found a new way to where those differences taking the fight cyberspace. I dont blame you for not having the guts to through. The. And you dont have the guts to kill those. Returning. To the fire burn brighter and again are we ready. Are the planets plastic problem in focus next with one of the worlds biggest beverage brands in the spotlight live from r. T. This is mosque. This is our. Im going to fulfill the repeated promises apologise to the people and promise to be you know with all pots to. Be. Pretty. Much. Pretty good bertha now you want to work correct that. No. Ball 5 be cut. Today there are good terrorists and bad evidence the bad news in yemen the United States deems to be a threat good to those who work in syria the cia and the us military were engaged in covert actions really throughout the world. Where they were assassinating populist leaders they were backing up right away military juntas funding and arming these death squads theres no any more because theres always a small. Really good. Profit. All film begins in hawaii in the middle of the Pacific Ocean in spite of the islands remote location it is also full moon that going to the epidemic of the 20th century plastic. And plastic pollution is littering beaches and endangering certain species of animals no matter how remote or out of reach. But. In this elaborate tree in the north of the occupation ago scientists study marine animals not plastic at least in theory. No idea what that. But its certainly plastic. Jessica apparel man is a biologist accustomed to finding plastic in fish stomachs she has started a very unique collection. Casually often plastic bags and this was all coiled up in the stomach when i found it had no idea what it was and i all that it just. How did you react when you find this installment i was shocked i started documenting it measuring it taking photos showing whoever else was around in the lab and we were kind of. We were just there shocked to think that these fish are are really ingesting this i mean. To her disbelief the scientists has found plastic in an unlikely specimen known as the long fish. The young researcher was not expecting such a surprising discovery when she began this. Fish live at a depth of about 200 to 400 meters and theyre clearly coming in contact with plastic and it appears that plastic is is truly a deeper problem. Even swimming at these depths the long fish manages to swallow trivial plastic objects. I mean occasionally you might find a brand name such as this. Bottle label. What is this so this is a label from a water bottle dishonored bottle clearly and found amongst the lancet fish. Is a. Design design is a pretty well known. Bottled water company. You know finding finding a label such as this in the stomachs makes it that easy to determine where you know where it may have originated. Theres always more to take than just what you see

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