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And my family in 2010. He said to me but im. Broadcasting live studios in moscow with our Weekly Program this is R T International im sean thomas certainly glad to have you with us 1st we start in iraq where 6 people have been reportedly wounded after several rockets hit in baghdad including an area near the u. S. Embassy the heavily fortified green zone which houses government buildings and Foreign Missions the developments follow the United States assassination of irans most powerful general in an air raid at Baghdad International airport on friday the president has tweeted that if iran strikes a u. S. Military personnel or bases the response could come in a disproportionate manner. These media posts will serve as notification to the United States congress that should iran strike any u. S. Person or target the United States will quickly and fully strike back and perhaps in a disproportionate manner such legal notice is not required but is given nevertheless trump has also threatened iraq with sanctions quote like theyve never seen before he also said that the u. S. Military would not withdraw from iraq before the country pays for u. S. Base there this comes after lawmakers passed a resolution calling for the u. S. To end its presence in the country. The new resolution urges the Iraqi Government to expel all foreign troops withdraw its request for support from the anti eisel coalition and limit the use of arms to National Security forces i spoke to my colleague you know neal on the main points earlier. Iran has just had a major victory over the United States on the geo political field this is it this is the bottom line of this whole thing so right now the rest of the whole resolution looks as such a iraq will be filing a complaint with the United Nations to they will be withdrawing a request for help from to that which they had sent to the International Coalition this is referring to the anti eisel coalition whats the ramifications here for iraq and indeed the middle east as a whole well again this is a victory for iran and another Interesting Development that we have seen today is that the iraqi Prime Minister has build the beings as to why general salim army was on was in baghdad in the 1st place apparently according according to the iraqi d Prime Minister he was on a mission and he will he had an appointment with him have a listen will it. I was about to meet soon money at 830 on friday morning on the day of his death he was carrying a message to me from the iranian side in reply to a saudi message that we sent to the arena earlier to reach important grievance regarding the deescalation of tensions in iraq and in the region we have heard donald trump calling on the american boys and girls to come back home hes been very adamant on the fact that he wants that apparently he wants u. S. Troops back home wasnt it we want to bring our troops back home and i got elected on that if you go back and look at our speeches i would say we want to bring our troops back home from these endless wars and i will say look i said i want to get out of these endless wars i campaigned on that i want to get out so this vote seems like a perfect opportunity for donald trump to bring back some. 5000 of american boys and girls back to their homeland from some 12 bases where they stationed right now in iraq this is tongue in cheek of course but still this shows the potential fallout the United States could see from this whole vote but again we shouldnt forget that this vote was not just about the United States but mostly about iraqi the iraqi people because as the m. P. s were debating this resolution that eventually passed today some people they took to the streets to have their voices heard they were senshi saying that they are sick and tired of ending up between a rock and a hard place. The conflict taking place between america and iran inside iraq is unacceptable we will not be the fuel for your was your problems must be solved away from iraq. We are opposed to recent events we reject them and there is fear in Iraqi Society because of this conflict. The conflict between america and iran should be solved side iraq so essentially the message from the rockies is clear as 2 countries to Foreign Countries are juking it out between each other for instance like right now the United States and iran its the iraqi people the iraqi people who should have nothing to do with the with the fight of 2 other nations they receive a lot of the punches and a lot of the blows land on their heads and theyre sick and tired of this whole thing these are pictures from iran where custom solomin is a body has now arrived to crowds of people were there to receive the general who will be buried on tuesday there has been an outpouring of support and grief in a country with hundreds of thousands of mourners paying tribute to the slain commander iran has responded with fury to fridays deadly u. S. Air raid vowing to avenge the moneys down which is what ive got their comments now on the killings and the consequences. You can imagine how trumpet. Read to it then he was playing golf and up comes an agent Smith Holding a folder he says mr president you remember when we killed baghdad yes the eyes the sky yes the media did love it so how how would you like to do it again oh yeah. Rocky television has just confirmed that cosine sula mani former general in irans revolutionary guard commander of the could force has been killed in a rocket attack apparently initiated by the United States. This is the us at our allies on alert at the veteran matic attack irans top military commander and. Salim 80 has been perpetrating acts of terror to destabilize the middle east for the last 20 years one gets the impression that the agent that came up to trump didnt exactly brief the president and potential consequences of killing the 2nd most powerful man in iran general seems silly monica monda of irans quds force we took action last night to stop a war we did not. Take action to start a war that you probably shouldnt have killed him general sunni money was considered an icon in iran and iraq a man who helped prevent isis take over of iraq and syria who inspired and move allies tens of thousands of people multiple countries to fight the blight that is isis while kada you know enough americans are not aware there was reason to commit. The consequences of this criminal act not only today but also in the coming years there is no doubt that the United States is no more hated among the range and iraqis hundreds of thousands have joined a funeral processions and protests condemning his murder rage is in the air iran has promised revenge american civilians are being evacuated from the entire region u. S. Embassies and bases in this slew of countries are knocked out troops have been put in combat readiness and now now middle east in the red lert they claim that they only want peace but was the time to take this action so that we could disrupt the spot deter further aggression from qassam salami in the Iranian Regime as well as to attempt to deescalate the situation trump asked no one europe woke up to a world that was a heck of a lot more dangerous than when they went to sleep germany claimed tensions that only god up stating the obvious the british called for everyone to come down from doesnt last for permission frankly the europeans havent been as helpful as i wish that they could be the brits the french the germans all need to understand that what we did what the americans did saved lives in europe as well at best hes right chances are hes wrong and it worst what america did is going to kill a heck of a lot more. People than would have died otherwise which they may have thought of the us to anyone but they didnt trump told no one not even his own federal government not the house of representatives and not the senate this action may well have brought our nation closer to another endless war exactly the kind of endless war the president promised he would not drag us into or rather he did tell someone apparently what trump kept from his own nation from his own people he told the israelis our assessment is that the United States informed israel about this operation in iraq apparently a few days ago. President drama is one feet of appreciation for acting decisively and swiftly and i want to for size again that israel stands completely by the United States in its but over security and sound different because of the the murder of a mani was an act of war by any measure by any book on law and social media world war 3 was the top trend people are genuinely afraid the us Football Team has counsel plans to train them cattle ahead of the world cup out of security concerns and judging by means being spread appropriate or otherwise no one in particular is enthusiastic to go to war all black humor aside any escalation would be disastrous for all of us human lives 1st and economy 2nd a 5th of the worlds oil passes by iran every day in the event of war would stop we dont yet know how much of a blunder sulaimani is murder was what we do know is that the world now is a more dangerous place millions will hate america for this and that hate will last for generations just remarkable isnt it how many people more. More will keep having to die so trump and the pentagon can feel safe amid the rapid escalation tehran says it will not abide by the enrichment limits set in the 2015 nuclear deal but is still ready to reverse that if washington lifts sanctions the u. S. Pulled out of the agreement when President Trump took power the leaders of germany france and the u. K. Have issued a joint statement calling on iran to avoid measures contravening the nuclear deal we have spoken to several middle east experts on the crisis gripping the region. Probably iran is now pushing europe towards the edge in terms of having either to rescue the deal the nuclear deal and part tweezer sort of america or probably ditch the deal altogether but it wont be any iranian call it would be probably a European Court weve heard news earlier is will that iran would be ready to deescalate if the sanctions were lifted so there are messages that are being sent either way telling still despite all the hoo ha and despite all the threats in country threats and whatever were still hearing voices coming out from tehran saying the guys were happy to deescalate and call it off should you do if the sanctions and that would put International Community so to speak or least the europeans in a very uncertain situation that they have to act now and not give her any more i hope that iran will not take the hard decision that they will or the europeans because we all know that the reappearance at Something Different from the americans so its a balanced its supposed to be a balanced political process that iran should do or. Not iranian to say things that its supposed to be no longer everything in iran but at least outside the box and seeing is that iran also just like the United States both of them are on the edge both of them have capabilities and both of them can hurt each other but what are the consequences it seems now that hate the United States and the whole of the middle east is kelly people really you me you well the american. Man the 2nd strongest man in the air so i think middle east actually is facing. A limit now. Were giving to found or join a sarge claims he is slowly dying in the british jail years incarcerated in and alleges here. Kept trying all eyes to end in solitary confinement for 23 hours a day he made the disturbing claims in a phone call to his friend yvonne smith on Christmas Eve smith spoke to us. All 4 and it was very upsetting to hear him the idea of him being sedated has come from several people who visited him who clearly being told and the British Government have been asked about it and they refuse to address that matter what they say is theyre not mistreating him but clearly hes being kept in solitary confinement for 23 hours a day he sounded awful and he said to me that im slowly dying here please remember hes served that time all the bail charge and he served his time too and hes now on remand its highly unusual to put a remand prisoner in belmarsh when theyre not a threat of physical violence threat to society i think we need some answers from from the British Government why are they treating him like this why cant we have some independent assessment 100 international got to those and asked to arrange a visit at least to send some representatives to check on him but that hasnt been allowed nils meltzer the un rockets are on torture has been very clear about asylum just mistreatment and describes it in the most of holy terms and yet its claims very recently in november that the British Government of completely ignored his request to see julian probably his health properly assess. There has been a response from london the British Home Office refutes the songes claims of torture calling them unfounded false joiner songe was arrested in april and a sense of then medics and the un observers have warned that his physical and Mental Health are in decline a hearing in february will decide on his extradition to the United States he is accused in the us of publishing classified military documents and could face 100. 00. 5 years in prison. China says it has sacked its top official dealing with hong kong relations state media says one. Has been replaced as beijings chief liaison there have been months of violent antigovernment protests in hong kong which took on renewed energy over the new year. Particularly aspect of the unrest violence and brutality one perpetrated by the hong kong protesters has gone largely without comment from the west arties taylor comments. Hong kong has gone from being the economic pole of the orient to the face of the fight for democracy and boy does that fight fire. An amendment to a preexisting north that would allow the extradition of criminal suspects from hong kong to Mainland China has brought the financial haven to its knees as a protest accent into the 7th month violence on both sides has escalated but all the wild over politicians and john continue to hail the peaceful aspirations of those fighting to rest themselves from beijing all the while coming down hard on those aggressive dust spots in china its discussing what theyre doing in hong kong theyre taking away basic rights trying to seem trampling the most basic human rights is increased its interventions in hong kong and engaged in actions to curtail the rights. And liberties. Of its people but it seems so many incidents have managed to escape the scrutiny of western media but it was. I think. That. Seems like that combined with the discovery of 10000 petrol bombs packed with high explosives and shrapnel make it harder to see is peaceful what appears to be a slippery slope into the territory of terrorists methods you can all fight for freedom of speech by silencing people who disagree with you. You cannot fight for democracy by terrorizing the public to. Support you china is treading carefully refusing to send in troops to shut down the protests and local elections were held in which pro democracy candidates won in a landslide home poll sorties conceded defeat the extradition built has been withdrawn but still the barricades in signing the flames according to china washington will be china urges the us to correct its mistakes and stop interfering in our internal affairs we will take further steps if necessary to uphold hong kong stability and prosperity as well as chinas sovereignty. Some have chalked down beijings words to paranoia but lets take a look joshua wong why did he build as the face of the protest movement was snapped speaking to an official at the u. S. Consulate oh when i forgot to mention hes not big on compromise so theres no end game there is to Infinity Ward at home people are willing to engage theres also an Organization Funded by the u. S. Congress which has been distributing money to groups it claims up resulting democratic rights that then of course has the in century legislation washingtons passed the human rights and democracy out it includes amnesty for those arrested up protests and will monitor hong kong to ensure that in the eyes of the u. S. Of course an appropriate level of autonomy from Mainland China is up to these 2 bills an obvious intervention of hong kong some turn north further than necessary and without groans they will also harm the relationship and interests between hong kong and the u. S. All of this on top of the protest as musts waving of the starspangled banner have sparked concern that the u. S. Might be lending more than just a supportive hand leading many to ask the question if the protest as a calling for selfdetermination is appealing to a foreign power to shape the future the best way to go about it especially when that foreign power might want to contain a rising star theyre reaching. For and using methods that have created challenges for the United States and for the world. And we collectively all of us need to confront these challenges from the p. R. C. Head on and on each of the many facets the fallout of all this has a little impact on washington of course its the average hong kong who find his pocket that little bit lighter on his home that little less popular major. Is on the. Because. Forward to is no way nobody is coming to home. In october tourism. By 50 percent or more and wed hear it was dropped by 50 percent as far as fear rises and as prosperity fades it seems this fight for freedom is costing hong kong more dearly than many could have imagined. Turkish soldiers are on their way to libya according to an announcement by turkeys president aired on the Turkish Parliament voted on thursday to back the un recognized government in tripoli giving a green light to the Troop Deployment in a closed meeting of the Un Security Council has already been set for monday to discuss the situation libyas rival administration based in the east of the country voted against the deal with. Them it was decided to cut ties between the turkish regime and the states of libya and also in todays session a unanimous vote was passed on the general command authorizing be armed forces to disable all airports ports and learn ports under the militias control due to the danger they pose to the countrys National Security by bringing the colonists to our country. But we are has been in a state of war since protests in 2011 and the ousting of the countrys leader Moammar Gadhafi in recent months general. And the Libyan National army have been gaining ground against the un backed government of National Accord which requested military aid from last months general half tyras forces currently control most of libyas territory including crucial oil and Gas Resources iow johnson a founder of viewpoint africa believes that even with turkey support it will be hard for the un back to government to deal with. General halftimes forces. Im afraid libya has been a prince of a mess since gadhafi went many people are saying that is very much like syria number 2 mr have to you can chose a large swathes of the country or protect a period of time. The swing of the pendulum but on the other hand when you have a government which has been supported by the United Nations a government that supported by the United States im think. Has a faction or. Winning but its going to be very difficult physically how which is why hes been propped up and supported by the turks who are who have already expressed to send their military might to support him there are too many actors playing and supporting a competing factions which for we know were not showing exactly whos going to succeed in the why the paxil lets get too into. An al qaeda affiliate has struck in kenya u. S. Service member and 2 civilian contractors have been killed in the african country after alshabaab members attacked a military base shared by the u. S. And local troops the terrorists also destroyed several u. S. Aircraft and vehicles before they were repelled washington has been using the base in kenya as a lot move county since 2004 to train the countrys naval units. Does it for me ill be back with more news of the top the hour and the weekly stay with us our to international. Match geysers financial Survival Guide liquid. That you can convert into a cast quite easily. To keep in mind no assets mean to a place. Or. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy. Let it be an arms race. Spearing Dramatic Development only personally im going to resist i dont see how that strategy will be successful its very critical time to sit down and talk. The whole existence to do something to. Put themselves on the line. To get accepted or rejected. So when you want to be president im sure. Most somewhat want to be rich. But youd like to be prosperous like them before 3 of them or cant be good. Im interested always in the waters of my colleagues. Question. On the welcome to worlds apart today were coming to you from barcelona where thousands of people to go to the streets to celebrate International Day without yet having and nation state to hear stuff to wash the independence referendum on their remains both a foreign and bargaining chip in spanish politics and thats the acting government in madrid that just after a clone said to the worst elections in 4 years what is it to leave the session in coffee ill be putting this question to alfred bosch minister for foreign action institutional relations and transparency of patel on am. A for bush its good to talk to thank you very much for your time thanks for inviting me. I introduced you as a minister but the spanish authorities youre more like a counselor with an outsized mandate because the spanish authorities dont believe that colony is supposed to have any foreign the action of Foreign Policy and then date over Independence Day why this could to lonny need to have for an action that you are responsible for or were not going to argue about words we simply translated like that in english so that you understand that im part of a government the Catalan Government is still the independent government belonging to recognise state but still we do have them in a certain like lenders and germany or other governments also have and yes weve been seeing the Spanish Government especially the ministry of Foreign Affairs like the brady has been trying. To stop us from making any foreign action we think were entitled to that because. Nowadays in the 21st century you go to be competitive and have a place in the world otherwise you will prosper im sure would agree that the lonnies not like any other city in spain this dispute has been plaguing this country for 3 centuries and if you look at the recent polls its not evident that the majority of cut a lot of support independents i wonder how do you frame this issue is it still about full of flash independents or do you stop way outsell determination and the right to vote the regardless of which way the boat go from a Pro Independence party and our ideas that we can have a better country and better welfare for all people with a cow to learn republic so thats what were pursuing. Regarding how many people support that you have all kinds of polls some of them were majority and some of those perhaps not but thats exactly

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