A boy gangster on hey guess what bully gangsters dont speak in politically correct balanced way is. It watching our to international bring your live news update from our studio here in moscow welcome to the program. Iran has officially designated the Us Armed Forces as a terrorist organization thats according to local media parlance vote comes in response to the killing of the countrys most powerful general in a us air raid at iraqs Baghdad Airport on friday iran views the killing of custom samani as an act of state sponsored terrorism the body of the iranian general has arrived in his Hometown Care moment where he is being buried huge crowds of mourners are gathering for a funeral for the countrys most powerful commander there has been a outpouring of grief with millions flooding the streets of tehran on monday tensions across the middle east have soared as the remains demand retaliation donald trump added he would strike more than 50 iranian targets including cultural sites if tehran acts out the threat to hit back one of the 1st repercussions for washington has come from iraqi m. P. s who voted on sunday to expel Foreign Forces from their country for conducting the killing on their soil. And after that there was complete confusion at the pentagon a letter from a top u. S. General to the Iraqi Defense ministry suggested that american troops were pulling out of baghdad after nearly 17 years their pentagon chiefs later dismissed the letter as a poorly written draft theres been no decision whatsoever to leave iraq theres no decision to leave nor did we shew any plans to leave or prepare to leave that letter was a draft it was a mistake it was unsigned it should most of the middle east poorly wooded employees withdrawal that shes not whats happening donald trump likewise rejected the withdrawal and war in iraq to brace itself for heavy sanctions if baghdad kicks out the troops in while democrats are angry with trumps middle east Decision Making mainly because he didnt get congressional approval but its kaleb op explains they had a chance to get it but it against. Thomas decision to kill irans top general isnt exactly bringing peace and stability to the middle east as the world is on edge waiting to see how bad the fallout will be democrats have spoken up however the objection of the democrats isnt that trump killed got some solid money but that he did it without their permission the operation against solo money in iraq was conducted without specific authorization and any advance notification or consultation with congress there is usually a congressional consulting process its both constitutionally required we see a gradual march to military action directly or indirectly with iran that has not been authorized by congress but they did actually have a chance to stop trump the recent 738000000000. 00 defense spending bill could have included amendments that tied trumps hands and mandated he not carry out any attacks against iran no federal funds may be used for any use of military force in or against iran unless congress has a declared war or be in 1000 specific statutory authorization for such use of military force if the president wants to attack iran he needs to come to congress for authorization i proly support this amendment prohibits the use of any funds for war with iran without congressional authorization and number of progressive voices did speak out but they got outvoted the bill was passed. Any member who voted for the National Defense authorization act a blank check cant now expressed dismay that trump may have motion of the war in the middle east my amendment which has stripped would have cut off funding for any offensive attack against iran including gates officials like sunday mommy now democrats in congress are looking to pass a resolution that would not stop but only limit trumps actions when it comes to iran and no surprise there because in the aftermath of solomon is killing democrats seem to act go trance claim that he was indeed an awful person who deserved to be shot down similarly was a murderer responsible for the deaths of thousands including hundreds of americans general still the money was a violent man. Who died a violent death toll money was a bad guy theres no question about that a notorious terrorist. No one should shed a tear over his death he deserved to be brought to justice he deserved to be brought to justice was a crime this seems to be the outlook of the Democratic Party its ok to kill the top general of a foreign country and put the country on the brink of war you just have to ask permission 1st they dont sound as much like cool headed dogs but rather like noxious bureaucrats waving the rule book interim space demanding proper procedure they could congress could. Put much stronger clamps on the president but over the years weve seen them fail to do that i think they realize they cant stop it so what theyll try to do is limit. You know what kind of money could be spent without congressional approval and that kind of thing it will be sort of a face saving thing for the democrats to say we tried to do something this juvenile attitude in america that we have that you know all our enemies are bad guys are the baddest of the bad and were the good. Nobody will just say look this was the general of a company of a country. Commanding general and we and he was killed this is not what you do i mean this is an act of war. The latest movie by acclaimed british director guy ritchie has been getting some less than stellar reviews with critics branding the picture racist and out of touch a gentleman has already been released in 4 countries including britain with the rest of the world getting to see it in 2 months time heres a look at whats getting publications so riled up among u. K. Viewers. Its really you know. Every imaginable demographic gets their moment to be targeted and denigrated the only thing the gentleman finds worth celebrating is the bravado white masculinity. A less forgivable blast from the past however it is a deuce confort ing strain of racially based humor running through out reaches original script making flat punch lines of multiple asian characters. Its just a shame that guy Ritchie Falls back on his bad habits casual racism and the nolan ask lack of female character is problematic but still very entertaining. And im being absolutely sincere much rather watch cats than the angry racist mass that is the gentleman. Who put the issue up for debate with political commentator david vance and social activist lee just part. This is a sort of bygone break movie a sort of muscular reassertion of the we can say what we like is our country and we dont give a damn what anybody thinks it can tell us about our most foul and disgusting racist language this was a movie gangsters and hey guess what really gangsters dont speak in politically correct balanced ways thats not what gangsters do when we see movies like this is the following day when those racial epithets are repeated on the should treat give cause for concern that. Movie makers like guy should have a broader social conscience and responsibility. Producing the arjen they do if you want to see a margin doriss them then thats fine you go and see it if we go to see a gangster movie you know were not expecting to. Find high philosophy were not expecting to experienced work culture thats just reality i think is outdated is outmoded and hes not reflecting the kind of future which is of a more inclusive sense of british nationalism you know here we are in 2020 and what were experiencing over this movie is just an early flutter of walk culture of the perpetually offended black panthers one of the most successful movies in the world and its successful economically for a reason i think im not in favor of any artistic ban or any law i do think there should be greater diversity in the production and creative rooms quite amusing that you just referenced black panther and you went on then to talk about diversity if i recall the black panther movie successfully there wasnt a huge amount of diversity in not so if you want equality and i do then i think we have to have the fundamental right to have all opinions of all sorts heard saying and understood such Political Correctness concerns acro the spirit of the Previous Year as artistic or stand up reports. 2019 was a year of many things it was a year of trump and gretta a year of protests and the year of the insulted getting offended all at once all around the world about all sorts of things militant Political Correctness brought together the man the human kind of fashion designers wanted people to dress to impress instead some parts of their collections went full on dress to distress this balaklava like jumper by good she didnt thrill anyone not because of the price tag but because some had a black face problem with it singer kathy perry show a self in the foot with the same gun when she suggested people should shove their feed well into something resembling a black face. 2019 was a year when mediocre male wrestlers realized they can be outstanding female wrestlers never says a word against that is a transfer and i see conferences got cancelled because at a certain age more women than men decide they want to be Something Else in life than a nerd and saying from personal experience of course. This christmas was unlike any before because only last year did we realize that we in fact have no idea how the famous gingerbread identifies so meet the gingerbread person neither do we know what santa looks like not like any of us have ever seen them so make sure to say santa no more of this father christmas nonsense the christmas classic baby its cold outside played in fewer homes because some have finally clocked on that the temperature outside or as little to do with the male singers intentions. The p. C. Army is world deserving of a round of applause for its 2019 games but in the spirit of inclusive a t. And with all those triggered by loud sounds in mind here is a silent wave which is just as good and climactic what a way to ring in 2020. Millions of worshipers are filling churches from the balkans to the middle east as eastern Orthodox Christians around the world christmas. Next we take stock of 2019 as we reflect on more of the events that marked the year just gone. Now weve divided the review of the year into 2 categories mind games and warring worlds ill start with the 1st category of mind games get that click and that pulls up a bunch of options because 2019 was a year of struggle for truth with some apparently looking to hide or censor it social media giants such as facebook came in for particular criticism accused of blocking stories it doesnt like meanwhile whistleblowers accuse the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons of twisting findings to fit their narrative and to take a click on chemical censorship take the alleged 2018 duma attack in syria it was blamed on the syrian army but many question the o. P. C. Dopy report. For. The new year is a chance to start over to start clete a chance to reach new heights all well climb back to the old ones you fool enough to try and rebuild your reputation as is the case with the w it started off with the horrific 40 and alleged chemical attack. Took a year for the u. P. C. W. To publish its 1st draft open and shut case it seemed found traces of chlorine found strong indications that the containers were dropped from the air gun and done todays o. P. C. W. Final report on the 7th of april 2018 attack in dhoom confirms chemical weapons used demonstrating the vital importance of the o. P. C. W. s work this confirmed chlorine attack was only the latest example the assad regimes Chemical Warfare attacks on its own population we would later learn that a significant part of that year seemingly went to the picking of font that would make asaad look most guilty the 1st hint came with the leaks report which calculated that the evidence didnt match the catalyst as were very likely placed at the scene observations of the scene of the 2 locations suggests that there is a higher probability that both cylinders were money placed at those 2. 00 locations rather than being delivered from aircraft the whistleblower behind this leak was kicked out of the u. P. C. W. Building he wasnt even an employee they claimed we would later learn that he was and they lie but that would happen later 1st another o. P. C. W. Whistleblower would strike with very very serious allegations most of the duma team failed to see reports on the incident the interim report and the final report were scientifically impoverished procedurally irregular and possibly fraudulent professor Richard Foulke was there at a conference in brussels where the 2nd whistleblower spoke will essentially be christened. Evidence testimony to the 30. The room. Or it could not be justified in the form that it was submitted and that it. Tempered with in such a way to create a set of conclusions that corresponded with work. The us. Brick through. It would be the outcome of an investigation but the evidence didnt support. Heres how they manipulated the evidence the spite their best efforts they never found any nerve agent what they did find a traces of chlorine sounds dangerous right to the uninitiated but again you can find traces of chlorine in your Drinking Water your cleaning sprays and your local Swimming Pool everywhere the difference between a mass chemical attack and someone cleaning their sink is concentration how much chlorine was the texan guess what the u. P. C. W. Decided to emit if the finding of these chemicals at the alleged site is to be used as an indicator that chlorine gas was present in the atmosphere they should least be shown to be present a level significantly higher than what is present in the environment already but when the analysis of these key levels came back from the laboratories the results were cancer sammy barrick at unison he was the doom of Fact Finding Missions leader against normal expectations they were not passed on to the inspector who was drafting the o. P. C. W. s interim report on doom really strange considering that the rebel video which was used as justification to launch cruise missiles at syria clearly showed people suffering symptoms of nerve agent poisoning didnt even find chlorine in sufficient concentration to indicate a chemical attack it boiled down to 2 explanations either acid used a magical gas that is undetectible by modern instruments or the videos was staged. After almost 6 months of investigations i can prove without a doubt that the doom hospital scene was staged no fatalities occurred in the hospital before all the whistleblowers came out he just couldnt say it any doubt about acids guilt would get you mauled were the kewl smeared threatened and fired the free media as i kept pushing to try and do the story because i feel like its of extreme you know Public Interest the attacks on me and it is a kind of nit picking on on certain things i was doing and my articles but it was purely on just to be able to attack me in an email so after i kept pushing kept pushing the century was told a couple alarms about why they wouldnt run the open c. W. Story at the moment there are very few western well mainstream western journalists are reporting on this so i would say this complete failure of the media our job as journalists are to hold governments to account and if governments are going to war on false premises then. We have good evidence to suggest that now and no one is reporting it then were not turning our job as journalists then surely we go to see the early draft report and juxtaposed with the final one the difference was striking they cherry picked everything that seemed even and big us lee incriminating those struck by how much the redacted version of the report misrepresented the facts many of the facts and observations outlined in the full version or in extra could be connected and by selectively admitting certain ones an unintended bias has been introduced into the report undermining its credibility in case there was any doubt about which facts to pick they had identified american agents come in and lecture the chemists on my ass ad was guilty they were to take their word for it the inspectors left fairweather the office feeling that the invitation to the americans to. Address them was unacceptable pressure and a violation of the o. P. C. W. s declared principles of independence and impartiality 2 days later the interim report was released a senior colleague told us 1st rule management says that for the a. P. C. Credibility we have to have a smoking gun youd think that management would apologize for this offer some sort of explanation heck it would have been a resignation or 2 well some of these diverse views continue to circulate in some public discussion forums i would like to reiterate that i stand by the independent professional conclusion basically to hell with the u. P. C. W. s reputation to hell with generations of chemists and scientists who kept the world free of chemical weapons these is the 21st centurys new which can synthesize chemical guilt literally out of thin air. The 2nd category were taking a look at today is warring world which brings us some more options it was in 1000. 00 was also a year of tit for tat hostility and hate from terror attacks around the globe to a fight for syrian oil and of course trade wars between washington and beijing as well as over russias north rim gas pipeline to the u. So we took a look at the trade wars some of the Worlds Largest economies are locked in a bitter trade battle destabilizing the globe might be the question it looks at how it all started. 2019 sawyer a full blown trade war with washington finding on 2 fronts but the art of war whether the conflict is military or economic in nature consist of certain universal status. Trade confrontation with china was a u. S. A major concern an idea that trump was fixed on since day one of his presidency china china where the enemy chosen the only thing missing was a selected target. So at the beginning of the year the trumpet ministrations started to portray the chinese tech giant huawei as an enemy u. S. Secretary of state mike brown pale latch that while way is owned by the Chinese Government and therefore has deep connections to their Intelligence Services and presents and National Security threats the official urged countries to think twice before signing up was one of the worlds biggest tech firms but whats in it for Washington Well 1st you can get rid of a competitor who had a huge cheer and the market and 2nd and most important of the 5 g. To acknowledge that china was developing and wildly promoting the u. S. Wanted to create its own 5 g. So letting china dominate the market would have been a mistake. And made 29 Team Donald Trump banned huawei and the u. S. While way officials denounced the move the fact is the u. S. Government has provided no evidence to shool. I would. Be at the same time trying try to impose additional tariffs on china beijing struck back with tariffs on numerous goods. Some major u. S. Allies such as germany refused to support the ban. There are too thin. I dont believe one discussing this very sensitive security questions publicly and to exclude an accompanist simply because its from a certain country some European Countries even sided with china united against the us while the economist asked a mate at the cost of us china war to roughly head 700000000000. 00 for the Global Economy the support for trumps actions faded fast even if growth picks up in 2020 the current drifts. Could lead to changes that. For a generation. Desperate trump turned his eyes on an old rival russia and try to punish us for doing business with it russia and the e. U. Had struggled for some time to launch the nord stream to project a pipeline that will provide europe with gas so the u. S. Tried hard to disturb the alliance and decided to impose sanctions on the project move that was wildly criticized in europe. European Energy Policy is decided in europe not in the u. S. We crucially reject external interference and sanctions with extra territorial effect. The year trump and things seem to reach the phase one deal and the cheve something resembling a cease fire still very few hailed it as a good sign many simply called it a failure on the part of the trumpet ministration that preliminary agreements meant no new tariffs but the future of the economic relationship still remains uncertain so the main question now is will the war continue in 2020 all of the indicators suggest it most certainly will. Thats a wrap up of the days top news for now but dont forget you can always find us on many of your favorite social media platforms like twitter and facebook are up to the minute reports. It is physics physics is nothing but the harmony who can create or are vibrating strings that is chemistry chemistry is the melodies the melanies you can play on strings what is the universe the universe is is a symphony of strings. Good food descriptions sound up the even for the owners so how to choose just pet Food Industry is telling us what to feed our pets really more based on what they want to sell us and whats necessarily good for the patent turns out that food may not be associate people believe we have animals that have you know diabetes in arthritis they have auto immune disorders allergies we are actually creating these problems its a huge of a democrat problems all of them i believe can be linked to very simple problem of diet and some dog owners so heartbreaking stories about their pets less treats a larger corporations are not very interested in proving or disproving the value of their food because theyre already making it a 1000000000. 00 on it and theres no reason to do that research. Is youll be via reflection of reality. I am in a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. High salacious community. Are you going the right way or are you being led. Directly. What is true what is faith. In the world corrupted you need to this end. To join us of the day. Or remain in the shallows. I am max kaiser this is the is the report max kaiser named by the magazine. The spectator magazine in the United Kingdom one of the most annoying things of 2019 thats right im on the same list as growth or in bork and a lot of other stuff wow thats awesome take that joe rogan. Yes youre one of the 41 most annoying things about 21000 according to spectator magazine they call you an expert excitable duck sounding economist and con excitable dux voiced economist yes lets quacked on with these have by last night as of course the markets ended 21000 with partying like its 1999 you know in 1909 if you recall because you were part of that dot com thing well the nasdaq ended up 85 percent in 1909 it ended up almost 40 percent and 2019 so its boom times again and were going to look at some tweets here about the whole 2019 assessment 21000 just keeps Getting Better and better the nasdaq closed above 9000 for the 1st

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