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A 6 week of mouse nationwide strike over pension reform in the country. Youre watching R T International bring you your live news update from our studio here in moscow welcome to the program. Ukraines president has asked the u. S. Canada and allies to show evidence that backs their claims that a rocket brought down its passenger plane in iran on wednesday zelinsky added that the missile scenario cannot be ruled out but is not currently confirmed 176 passengers on board lost their lives when the boeing 737 came down shortly after takeoff from tehran airport but ukraine and iran have now asked the west to share their intelligence on the crash. Considering the latest pressed statements by heads of state we are asking all International Partners primarily the governments of the us canada and the u. K. To supply information and evidence pertaining to this plane crash does Investigative Commission all those countries whose citizens were aboard the plane can send representatives and urge buoying to send its representative to join the process of investigating the black box. The black box recovered from the plane crash site has been shown by Iranian State media iran has rejected what it calls a logical and impossible claims by western leaders that it may have accidentally shot down the jet artist i ask you to look at how speculation is mounting even before any probe has been carried out. Nothing instills confidence and International Leaders more than the love of precise language. We have intelligence from multiple sources including around lies and our own intelligence. The evidence indicates that the plane was shot down by an arena and a surface to air missile and it was flying in a pretty rough neighborhood and somebody could have made a mistake some people say was be can it go i personally dont think thats. Even a question there is now a body of information that the fly was shot down by an iranian surface to air missile this may well have been an intentional were working closely with canada and our International Partners and they now need to be a full transparent investigation on specific intelligence unnamed allies multiple mysterious sources hardly the right one expects a level of diplomacy and b when discussing the tragedy thats left 176. 00 dead but its on surprising that iran has batted off this latest slew of unfounded allegations about the crash of Ukrainian Airlines flight 75. 00 to a nudge for calm and not check to prevail scientifically it is impossible that a missile hit the ukrainian plane and such room is illogical and its not an unreasonable request the investigation into the events of wednesday morning which saw the boeing 737 bound crash just minutes after takeoff has only just begun final report into aviation disasters take months if not years to be published they require coordination between numerous governments and organize. Patients which is why iran has invited multiple investigators including from boeing to visit the crash site in the meantime all there is a series with nothing but unnamed sources to back it all up which is why amid all the confusion and contradictions the ukrainian president who lost 11 of his citizens that morning as they returned home also called for an end to all the chatter and noise he ever asking everyone to refrain from speculation conspiracy theories hasty conclusions and unverified versions and its not a topic for hype but the spiraling tensions between tehran and washington especially in the past week have triggered an unprecedented level of scrutiny on the region and people dont seem willing to heed calls for calm especially when they feel the tide might be turning in a favored direction rocket Strike Missile system is among the main working theories since there was information on the internet about elements of the Russian Missile being found near the site of the crash it didnt take long for the Mainstream Media to jump on that bandwagon c. N. N. Has never been one to turn down an unverified source especially when russia is involved pointed the finger at a bomb or missile new evidence indicates iran shot down ukrainian flight 75 to with 2 surface to air missiles made by russia an undeniable evidence they offered a photo from twitter posted on the count that was later suspended maybe it breached the companys fake news guidelines but nonetheless even all the way across the pond the hysteria continued for the 1st one is the possibility that that plane was hit by a Russian Missile just after takeoff independent also published an article citing something called the o. P. s group an independent organization which has little to recommend itself other than it provides information and. Aviation professionals on foxs thoughts according to its twitter page never the less if confident to recommence people just assume the plane was shot down until evidence to the contrary and macho is guilty until proven innocent its the new name of the game in todays political landscape. Western media have been showing this video apparently demonstrating a missile striking a plane in tehran however jamie french a former official at the u. S. Transportation board calls all such allegations irresponsible at this point. Its irresponsible to be pushing out videos or alleged videos of a accident or incident that has occurred before that has been verified or has been confirmed by investigators its very important that the investigators be gathering the information and that is the integrity of the evidence is maintained so once the materials are gathered the samples of seeds samples of of metal and other you know the black boxes themselves it will last a bit as is being added lies and start to be analyzed information can start coming out quickly regarding the alleged cause of the accident in a more confirmed and substantial way the. U. S. House of representatives has passed a resolution aimed at limiting President Trumps ability to use military force against iran however the bill may not pass the Republican Controlled Senate the white house has condemned the bill as an obstacle to preventing terrorism and has more. Trump is imposing new sanctions on the Islamic Republic of iran saying that they will stay in place until americas bidding is done theyre losing a tremendous amount they getting heard very badly by the sanctions can in very quickly but as to whether or not they want thats up to them not up to me its totally up to them its classic trump started ultimatum and wait for surrender but its a little bit risky given that its a ron which has boasted that its latest attacks on u. S. Bases are just a hint of its retaliatory capabilities however its a different kind of retaliation thats facing trumpet the moment the trumpet ministration is now on the defensive about their decision to kill rons top general qassam sala money without congressional approval their excuse they say qassam solomonic he was planning to carry out new attacks against america and swift action was absolutely necessary. Was actively planning new attacks and here is looking very seriously at our embassies and not just the embassy in baghdad but we stopped him and we stopped him quickly and we stopped him. There is no doubt that there were a series of imminent attacks that were being plotted by qassam so the money we dont know precisely when and we dont know precisely where but it was real however members of congress both democrats and republicans who saw the classified intelligence briefing say that the information in the report to back up those claims is wanting his the unclassified version of what trump said congress after the hits on some the money from all weve seen including the redacted parts here and the briefing the facts do not show an imminent threat here just to avoid the nation oco seem so low money for claiming that he was planning imminent attacks and yet they produce no evidence that were just avoid this claim not even in a classified setting i wanted to hear the intel. 1st what i hear was less than satisfying i can tell you as a United States senator coming out of a classified briefing they did not show us that they were dealing with an imminent threat i saw no evidence of that whatsoever that was insulting that was demeaning to the process ordained by the constitution and i find it completely unacceptable the white house says it is not obligated to share all the information with members of congress and that doing so might me risky mike pence says that at this Point Congress shouldnt expect anything further and they should trust the president when it comes to intelligence we have to protect sources and methods and so theres only a certain amount that we can share with every member of congress i can assure that those of us that have seen all the evidence that saw the evidence in real time know that President Trump made the right decision now this isnt the 1st time that the house and senate have been left in the dark claims about russia hacking the d. N. C. Or china spying on the whole world and followed roughly the same playbook there doesnt seem to be any real evidence that iran was planning to attack america the trend in washington d. C. Seems to be that the executive branch is out on its own collecting information and engaging in military Actions Congress is just supposed to take their word for it and trust them and while that may be the steady trend for decades it seems like in the year a 2020 elected representatives from both parties are now saying theyre not ok with it i think there is a lot of. American public. Concern about the assassination and the fact that it the polls are showing people think that it made americans less safe and so what was the point and i dont think people are buying trumps explanation that he gave that it was because of an imminent attack on the u. S. Embassy. You know and i mean i think. I think its not. You can close the door on the possibility of that the senate will also narrowly support the were purchased solution to the death of general samani and the potential for a new start in the region those are just some of the issues discussed by artist option or attend the and the Iranian Ambassador to the United Nations office in geneva you can watch the interview in full in the latest episode of going underground on saturday here on our t. V. But for now heres a short preview of the by that assassination the United States has already. Served as the river lines distinguished from better varies them from civilized rules of engagement ok but will there be any more revenge now from iran for the trump assassination of customs for their money this is the beginning of a very. I guess exciting a pistol. It was a wakeup call for the people in the region and beyond. This was. An action and act of selfdefense by using an armed forces against us but as a tour your i think this is the beginning of. I hope not too long process that the people of our region would be get rid of. The american presence in the region because their presence in our region has brought nothing except our. Misery war and hatred. Large sections of the french population are joining what has become the longest transport workers strike in decades called our unpopular pension reforms. Paul weve already seen tear gas deployed on several occasions by the police as they were trying to control the crowd see paris and the crowds are huge just want to get you to go up and get a sense of looking down this street disqualified to mission 10 and push you much all the way down to that last of the publique it is chock a block with people people whove come out to support this strike and it still looks like its getting huge amounts of support in terms of how the strike is going there is more public transport the. Operational at the moment in paris are we seeing trains operating fairly normally metros operating fairly normally in the mornings and in the evenings at the during the large parts of the day little is operating apart from the automated lines thats one would see now in terms of the general support for this strike the polls in france show that most people are still supporting the strike people very unhappy from across the board about these changes to the Pension System to the reforms that the government wants to make it wants to put 42. 00 different Pension Systems down into one universal system to end many of the special regimes it says that yes actually its still offering many special regimes to the police to sometimes but work is said to india at a bid to join get the strike moving to try and get the impasse say to cross that the other big issue is raising the retirement age up to 64. 00 its currently 62. 00 a wave front so they want to add another 2 years on to that but of course that wont affect anybody whos retiring in the next 17 years say the government they say will only affect those who turn 18 in the next few years but people are furious here they saying you know they dont want to sell out their children speeches that run childrens features and thats why they determined to come out into the streets to keep protesting tensions are rising here towards the end of the protests that just want to get you to have a look back down there thats too would sun lazard in the center of paris you can see those clouds of tear gas in christ dont tear gas still raining down on the protesters as the police try and control the situation here you can head the people in the crowds theyre charging everyone hates the police thats a chant we take quite often but you can really feel that tension right shooting up a in paris. End of this really takes it has been largely peaceful a tear gas has been deployed throughout it and we have seen some individuals arrested individuals who apparently throwing objects to the police that sounds like some grenades but it could also be to gas coming down this but you might be able to see the lights coming up on the flags as it sounds like that was a sound going to aid going off that people saying that they wont get to even lives to enjoy there were time and and they determined to stay out in the streets and to make sure people know there are unhappy. Cultural while 1st lumberjacks be rolling strikes at the very ideal the mccrum government for more on this story including his analysis thats our web site r. T. Dot com. Meanwhile still to come on the program under fire pharmaceutical giant bear hires a new chief of public and Government Affairs as a bid to make its image more environmentally friendly or break down why not everyones buying that after this. One almost sure seems wrong why dont we all just dont call. Me old yet to shape out just to come after. And indeed trade equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. Most people think just stand out in this business you need to be the 1st one on top of the story or the person with the loudest voice of the biggest raid in truth to stand out of the News Business you just the dance the right questions and demand the right answer. Questions. Come back pharmaceutical giant fire month facing a slew of lawsuits or at the cancer link herbicide brown roundup has changed tack now claiming that its products help fight Climate Change participate all marks point. Climate change and how best to reverse the human impact on the environment is already one of the main topics of 2020 but while some are looking for ways to solve the problems facing the pointing of accusatorial finger is suggesting they are using climate concerned to try and salvage sullied reputations paid chemical and pharmaceutical colossus for example buyable some thought to be more exact the group of facing a string of lawsuits of allegations there wed kill a coles and continues to coles council the company has tried to pull spawn hearings and settle out of coal too with some accuses now theyre taking a different tack in claiming their product is good for reducing c o 2 levels the production of dreyfus eightys quite c o 2 intensive but its you save 3 times more c o 2 if you use to try to win the plough you generate Greenhouse Gas emissions but time has been used to be an m. P. For the german green policy now hes the by a moment son so Senior Vice President for public and Government Affairs having the former climate crusader to call for it spokesperson on board as part of by looking to market themselves as a climate Conscious Corporation d and a key part in the use 2050 environmental goals industry should be at the forefront of europes ecological modernization bio will do its part to ensure that the e. U. Commissions goals are implemented well one santo knows that the Environmental Crisis is high on the list of priorities around the world and so hiring the green party m. P. Really icy as a strategy for simply trying to stop the plummet of their stock prices one at its young people about one attitude people in america now are expected to get cancer and yet they are monsanto justify allowing a carcinogen to be sprayed in our food the warnings of a coup. Fix being sold by business not being really Viable Options when it comes to tackling Climate Change are out there to see fake plastic bags for example the scourge of the garbage dump a plastic bag can take well up to a 1000 years a biopsy can roll to biodegrade so and some alternatives labeled as bio degradable came out on the market they were a snap self however in reality they have little better than what they would say to replace a lot of shops selling packaging described by the great a boat on combustible in fact that i can only be composed in an industrial composed and even then some items might not be food digested this is where people have to be careful because while there are all those out there looking for Real Solutions to the real problems there are also the areas that see a popular hash tag or a trending topic on social media while they have business attached to it and while that may be very well and good for the buying fallen says the Vice President of Public Relations has the potential to distract from the great a shes monsanto has a long period of trying to influence the results of science and interfere with the regular scientific communities were its been going on for over 20 years and monsanto has never had any respect for the environment in any of its work its not honorable to all of a sudden pick out one thing and claim that theyre going to be for sustainable environment its what we call green washing when a company over a sudden jumps on something sustainable and claims that theyre doing the right thing while it is a common trend because they realize that young people have different ideas than their parents or grandparents so. Are trying to reach these young people. Save or go d to their companies and their products. Tech giant apple has admitted it to users photo saying it needs to do so to check for child sexual abuse we are utilizing subject only to help screen for child sexual abuse material that comes in the wake of apple updating its Privacy Policy to say the corporation may collect information regarding customer activities and those activities include monitoring everything from i cloud to i tunes and beyond the company adds it may also scan users upload a data for illegal content that we put the issues raised up for debate with privacy activists and Technology Expert bill new and political commentator chadwick moore. Course everyone is for stopping child abuse and thats not the issue here its that i simply im not buying it at the company i dont believe that apple really cares about fighting crime they just entered the Live Streaming business where people may be concerned that apple is rifling through all of the photos and all of that data this isnt actually the case the type of technology that were looking at here simply is used to take a fingerprint of a particular image once an image is known to include some child abuse imagery apple is not clear about that apple says illegal pot possible potentially illegal activity including child porn what does that mean thats terrifying language you wouldnt simply have the Processing Power and the computing overhead to be able to. Scan full photos against each other in the kind of way that people imagine this is possibly the best use of the current Available Technology you know to crack down the posting of a serious child abuse images id love to know how successful is all of this technology if you look up cases that photo d. N. A. Has been used to catch people distributing kiddie porn there was one this year there was one in 2015 theres one in 2014 i mean there are hundreds of thousands if not millions of these images out there these take many techniques we use with the question technique where they offload its a really violent video once theyd that video they managed to prevent people real plugging that video over a 1000000 times it has been used effectively with violence with pornography and many many images of me prevent it and is the best way of doing it i dont trust these companies i just think its ever encroaching more and more into our privacy into owning our data into finding out even more information about us i think its scary and i dont think that apple to be in the business of law enforcement. Or global news break down for this hour im not offer me as well today thanks for tuning in wherever you may be. It is physics physics is nothing but the harmony who can create on vibrating strings that is chemistry chemistry is the melody the melanies you can play on strings what is the universe the universe is is a symphony of strings. Time after time called her ration to repeat the same mantra sustainability its very important its accelerating the transition to sustainable transport sustainability stay number man at a more equitable and sustainable well. They claim their production is completely hamas hollow disapprove. Because. It does not the Prison Companies want us to feel good about buying their products while the damage is being done far away and this is Something Else this must be going to mean and i mean look. This is the mood in unison we do nieminen im stunned seemed to be best understood so when. You know world of big partisan movies a lot and conspiracy its time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that made stream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other its time for Critical Thinking its time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely. For watching the hall. Over the years. For. The. Little. Little over. Goldberg of the both of us loading me. This is boom bust broadcasting around the world and covering all aspects of business and how it affects all of us im christiane washington and heres a look at what we have in store today. Were going to have a horrible when this all comes to and when it comes to an end its going to be the worst in my lifetime. Who must manage to catch up with all the now International Investor john rogers to get his take on the state of the Global Economy and lets hope hes just over the horizon following some major leagues that rally. Likes to continue to fall in the wake of a major plane crash in iran that has left more than 170 people dead r. T. Correspondent john hardy is digging into the latest developments coming from the investigation and later we are back on the ground in las vegas where 2020 Consumer Electronics shell has entered its 3rd day arties friends or more is there and will bring us up to speed on the latest developments in the auto sector we have so much to get to today and so little time so lets dive right in. China has formally accepted the invitation to washing. 10 and confirmed by spring nearly all will lead the delegation from monday through wednesday. At the invitation of the us for a member of the Political Bureau of the communist party of China Committee do if i support among your other state council and chiefs of the chinese side china a us. Economic dialogue will lead to the delegation

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