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Deeply popular reform the pension system. Protection. For child sex abuse images we hear reaction to the. Apple is not clear about that apple says illegal pot possible what does that mean thats terrifying language has been used effectively with violence with. Many many images of me. Doing it. With stories from the past 7 days on right up to the moment developments as well welcome to the weekly an R T International you know oneill we begin this hour with breaking news authorities in iraq say theyll. Herb a centering for all of the Country Service personnel the facility also has his u. S. Troops and was previously targeted following washingtons assassination of the iranian general kassam solem ali well for more im joined by donal quarter what more are we learning just recap what news is coming in well you know this is this is a really breaking news story so weve got some conflicting reports one says that 7 mortar bombs hit the base another says 8 rockets hit the base but we dont know for sure yet now reuters is reporting that that the 4 iraqi soldiers were injured who were on the base and although there were u. S. Soldiers housed there there have been no reports of injuries or deaths with respect to that they were to be moved werent they grudgingly from based on what was being talking about whether or not there were still people remaining there were not exactly clear is that right yeah absolutely and that begs the question as to who launched these strikes as of as of now we dont know theres no confirmation but. We do know that on monday we saw Iranian Military strikes at u. S. Air bases in retaliation for the u. S. Air strike that killed their high ranking includes commander Qassam Soleimani and several iranian officials also afterwards pledged even harsher retaliation after those strikes so it could have something to do with that but again no confirmation we dont know yet but well bring our viewers the latest as it as it becomes available it happened after a brief lol this as well after the tragic down in of the jet too so now the question is whether this is going to result in more of a full scale violence as well thats where were going ok just for the very latest on a very breaking news story frank said all right lets now bring in in fact professor sayyid Mohammad Marandi from the university. Tiran always good to see him on the program who is likely to be responsible for this leaving us to knock it appeared as though tensions have eased somewhat after the turning of the ukrainian jet on whedons. I think the iraqi people have already shown their extreme hostility towards the United States in this occupation and the funerals for the iranian as well as the iraqi generals and commanders who were the who are war heroes in fighting isis who were also murdered by the americans through acts of war basically against iran in iraq i think those huge numbers that participate in the present us participated in the funeral and they showed that the United States is deeply despise so the Iraqi Resistance to u. S. Occupation is going to increase i believe and americans will try to scapegoat iran but i think they cannot hide from the reality that its iraqis who want the americans out the difference between the occupation now and the occupation 10 years ago when the americans ultimately had to leave mess and 10 years ago is that now you have a very powerful Iraqi Military that has defeated isis that is opposed to the United States that has been attacked by the United States and soldiers have been murdered by the United States back then there were just there were almost 200000 americans and you had small groups and militias that were fighting against americans so the american position today is much more precarious than it was back then just the instant were speaking this breaking news today. If it was carried out of helping rumor before we know that there be an instance of shia militia fighters how damaging could this be for ron could it be an unwanted escalation for to run. No i think the iranians agree with iraq is that the americans must leave the region and that they must end the occupation of iraq the americans behave with impunity in the country the iraqi Prime Minister tells them not to carry out strikes they tell him we will carry out strikes he tells them to give when they claim that they have in intelligence that certain units were involved in the death of an American Contractor the iraqi Prime Minister it demands the intelligence they refused to give it then back to the International Airport the murder and to an act of war the deputy head of the iraqi ocular Mobilization Force this is not the behavior of an ally the u. S. Embassy in iraq is the size of the vatican this is the you know this is an occupation and the embassy itself is symbolic of that occupation and i think iranians want americans to go syrians want the americans to go iraqis want the americans the good people of the region just want the americans to leave because they have brought about nothing but death and destruction from libya to afghanistan iraqis indeed have been calling on both the u. S. And iran not to turn their country into a Battle Ground how do you think iraqis are going to respond to another attack just you know within the hour just before that one which has injured iraqis not americans from what we believe at this stage. Well we dont know what this attack was about what the jack that was but this was it with the but the general resistance the United States as indigenous the Iraqi Parliament under duress from the americans they still voted to expel the americans the americans threatened the parliamentarians they told them will take away your assets will put you on the sanctions list we wont give your we will harass or children who are studying abroad we wont give them visas well show freeze your Bank Accounts despite the harassment and despite trying to impose fear on the m. P. s them ps the majority voted that the americans should leave so it is really up to the americans to decide their own fate in iraq iran has no soldiers in iraq iran has no military bases in fact most of irans relationship with iraq is tourism and trade and the americans are sanctioning anyone and everyone who carries out trade with iranian business men and women so that obviously makes iraqis even more angry because they are making the Economic Situation for the for the iraqi people more difficult just as iranians but most iraqis ignore the americans they continue to trade and they only hate the americans more for imposing their will on their people on the iraqi people at all levels whether its through government whether its through their military strike ok or whether its imposing sanctions todays attacks though do they the sort of actions not prove that the Iraqi Government is not in control of its own country and for some time perhaps need stability and the stability that theyve been used to comes from washington that they need that for a little while longer. Well i think its the instability that comes from washington when trump travels to iraq he travels without the permission of the iraqi Prime Minister and then he demands that the iraqi Prime Minister visit him in the u. S. Controlled airbase this is not sovereignty this is not respect when the iraqi Prime Minister demands the americans not to carry out their strikes against iraqi soldiers who are fighting on the front lines against isis and the americans do so anyway thats not sovereignty that weakens the iraqi Central Government that hurts the iraqi people that outrages ordinary iraqis and then that outrage is not only directed towards the regime in washington but also as directed towards the government thats unable to impose its will and impose its sovereignty just turning to run for a moment the u. S. As an ounce further sanctions against that country what what what are the i company is it a feeling strategy or is it gradually turning many iranians against their own leadership how do you see it. No i think that there are these you know sanctions wont have any of the fact that americans have sanctioned everything that they can make and sanction already they just reimpose the same new sanctions on the same entity so its not going to have an effect and i think that the. The these the funeral sorry ceremony for the iranian general who was murdered by the americans general sunday money where 5 to 7 people participated in teheran alone show the high degree of legitimacy of this amik republic of iran remember he was he represented all that the americans does and the europeans many europeans despised about iran but we see how popular he was and now after the plane crash and people in iran are upset in that way in which the government delayed the announcement that they mistakenly that the armed forces down the plane there are people are angry some people protest on the street but it is a tense there in terms on where you are you because of that they mislead themselves there are a few there are a few 1000 people on the streets here and theyre protesting in tehran and elsewhere but again western countries this is made basically Wishful Thinking when they are when you see western media c. N. N. B. B. C. Constantly repeating these showing these scenes and saying the iranian people they want to overthrow this tomic republic they they simply cannot recognize the fact that those 75 to 7000000 people who in teheran alone took part in the funeral procession though their sentiments its obvious where those sentiments lie and till the americans recognize that this republic of iran is strong and its here to stay they will always miss they will always pursue wrong policies because theyre based upon their own misinformation well thank you for taking the time this sunday on speaking to us on a whole raft of issues professor sayyid Mohammad Marandi from the university of to rank you. Well todays attack comes after iran admitted on saturday about it had accidentally shot down a ukrainian passenger plane blaming the disaster on human error and a breakdown in communications irans revolutionary guards were on high combat alert at the time polishing an exchange of hostilities with the u. S. Here Saskia Taylor with a recap of events. This week has said more than that tragically its the average man is the victim of political wards amid tensions not seen in decades tyrone and washington have been engaged in a war of. The Iranian Regime is aggression in the region must stand now weve told the Iranian Regime enough. To really revenge and the ultimate response by regional nations is when america is expelled from this region iran must and its support for terrorism when you have the pentagon and the military counted as terrorists the United States will immediately impose additional punishing economic sanctions on the Iranian Regime the United States rage and economic war against iran the United States has to come to its senses but the chances of this not as uptick as twits have predicted when the harsh talk world will 3 start to try being was close to 0 and sure enough on monday we saw the Iranian Military hit to us bases in iraq with missile strikes to iran it was seeking vengeance for washingtons assassination of its Top Commander Qassam Cinemark me and a drone strike in baghdad just a few days. Combined these events ticked the book says of the diplomatic crisis it really couldnt get much wass then came the paying crash. Just minutes after taking off from terror on app or Ukrainian International Airlines Flight 75. 00 to about. Around the t. F. Came down killing all 176. 00 on board relatives of the victims from kiev to ottawa from kabul to london and stockholm green that iran initially denied reports that it was behind the tragedy calling them illogical and scientifically impossible it invited investigators from various countries and organizations including boeing to visit the crash site then 3 days after the tragic incident suddenly came and admission of guilt the armed forces internal investigation has concluded that regrettably missiles fired judy human error caused the horrific crash of the ukrainian plane and the death of 176 innocent people investigations continue to identify and prosecute this great tragedy and unforgivable mistake the Iranian Military said the boeing 737 was passing close to a site belonging to irans revolutionary guards and that its movement an outer toot suggested it was an enemy target it said that its military was at its highest level of readiness having received information on the Unusual Movement of u. S. Warplanes so within 10 seconds a decision was taken to launch missiles at the target according to teheran a fatal example of human error. Its may not be that i take full responsibility and i will obey whatever decision is taken i would prefer to die rather than witness such an incident the admission of guilt has been followed by an apology a promise to upgrade Defense Systems to prevent another such tragedy a transparent investigation and compensation for victims relatives and the prosecution of the responsible person as it makes these pledges though to ron has also encouraged certain others to consider that roles in this disaster and how it is that we came to this. Moment. De plume of the rican cruises of internal investigation by armed forces human error a time of crisis caused by use adventurism lead to disaster i would prefer regrets apologies and condolences to our people to the families of all victims and to other affected nations as questions are asked as fingers are pointed as more sanctions are imposed its not politicians but those who boarded that fateful flight and one state who ultimately paid the price so i ask you to or will this sunday be a reunion governments official daily newspaper dedicated its front cover to those on board the flight their names are printed all the way along a design of the planes tail a vigil has also been held in the countrys capital where there has been both grief and anger over the tragedy people laid flowers next to photos of the victims and lit candles for those who died on brits of students then gathered to protest in front of to around a mere Beer University calling for justice accountability and the resignation of leading officials of the u. K. Ambassador to iran was briefly detained for questioning after attending the vigil macare tweeted the say that he left shortly after the antigovernment chants began around see if he was released once he had proven his identity on diplomatic status we asked a number of analysts for their thoughts on the deadly event and how it was able to help. In times of war and the so called for go for unfortunately the reasonable rate there are yet able to pierce this fog unless the reason be conflicting mechanism so again one can talk about blame and responsibility or accountability the blame is iranian but the responsibility lies on other shoulders too so iranian Defense Systems were on alert and they were expecting attacks by us planes as stated in the armed forces the statement there have been reports that some hostile objects flying objects have been appearing on radar screens in some of some parts around the country so soon as they saw a plane coming to a sensitive i. R. G. C. Base they have you know rushed to and jump to the tank luzhin and fired strategic at has become tactical blunders distracted gee off by that regularly being ordered closing down the a. S. P. s under extreme circumstances could have avoided this whole war the whole magical whenever we have valid dives in that youll be in we had bound to have mentioned raised guns cog coolidges ready to fight the it will be said that you wish me to be have to be the case and the big picture to how to diffuse this and that you know how to be escalated this i believe did on ians have taken the 1st step by the initiation process of this horrible accident in which 176 people were lost was done by the americans had the video and say yes that is true after the break apple opens up about its monitoring of private data on the reasons behind the controversial practice well tell you all about in moments. Leg. Length. Leg. As we ponder the future and look into 2021 fascinating stories will our way you know im often said on this show that you cant have capitalism without capital corsicana capital without positive Interest Rates encouraging people to say and this next story this next whole show this next entire segment is going to be dedicated to this very notion. 21 minutes past the hour welcome back protests against pension reform in front of carried over into the new year while the Government House and i made a concession in scrapping the raising of the full benefit retirement age on sunday rallies in other cities. In force including the Yellow Movement in the capital things did turn violent with police resorting to tear gas. I was i was i was. I. I. Was. The. Police resorted to using water coming in the city of. Almost 3000. 00 people took part in rallies their union say some half a 1000000 people demonstrated in total. Now if you feel uneasy even if youre online photos could be viewed by others then apparently your right to. Pictures its. On child sex abuse. We are utilizing subject only to help screen for child sexual abuse material well the tech giant was forced into making the admission after it obviated Privacy Policy contained a line saying the corporation make lect information regarding customer activities those activities include monitoring everything from my club. Beyond well the company may also users data for illegal content we put the issue up for debate with political commentator chadwick. Activist and technology expert. Course everyone is for stopping child abuse and thats not the issue here its that i simply im not buying it at the company i dont believe that apple really cares about fighting crime they just entered the Live Streaming business where people may be concerns that apple is rifling through all of the photos and all of that data this isnt actually the case the type of technology that were looking at here simply is used to take a fingerprint of a particular image once an image is known to include some child abuse imagery apple is not clear about that apple says illegal pot possible potentially illegal activity including child porn what does that mean thats terrifying language you wouldnt simply have the Processing Power and the computing overhead to be able to. Scan full photos against each other in the kind of way that people imagine this is possibly the best use of the current Available Technology you know to crack down the posting of a serious child abuse images i but id love to know how successful is all of this technology if you look up cases that photo d. N. A. Has been used to catch people distributing kiddie porn there was one this year there was one in 2015 theres one in 2014 i mean there are hundreds of thousands if not millions of these images out there these take many techniques we use with the question technique where they offload its a really violent video once they had that video they managed to prevent people real plugging that video over a 1000000 times it has been used effectively with violence 1 with pornography and many many images of me prevent it and is the best way of doing it i dont trust these companies i just think its ever encroaching more and more into our privacy into owning our data into finding out even more information about us i think its scary and i dont think that apples to be in the business of law enforcement. Right switching gears a little what makes across all the French Bakers Confederation is trying to answer by declaring war on fake versions of the breakfast pastry favored our t. Shirt to do got to tasting. Look in any french bakery and the one thing you are guaranteed to find unless of course theyve sold out is a croissant it is the archetype will breakfast pastry eaten on its own or lavished with a bit of concrete sure thats me but with its typical for it is unmistakable except is this a real quite. Well it is of course a real crossover because its edible but it is rather where this was all wasnt made that stirring up quite a fuss with the bakers confederation in france that are now declaring a war on fake. 30 years ago when you entered a bakery you never wondered if it was homemade bakeries often display a sign saying our tis not all now this should mean that the pastries the braids and the cakes that are sold are all made on site by a trained now within the profession there are rumors that that might not actually be the case sakho blur indeed with indications that some 80 percent of pastry sold actually made in a factory it has become the come through our profession where is the sense of pride when you dont do anything you so you become an iron monger. Bakers complain that they just cant find a staff to make the croissants while others have found using industrial produce pastries lowers the cost and maximizes the profits but as with anything the proof of the pudding or the course or in this case is always in the eating. Quest so see what makes a good cross and a good cross on to soft and has a buttery taste and prison so i have the need to cross on since i was young i know but across science really well it starts with a crossed a good cross and is crossed in golden just like yours. And question people cost on must have a crust and it should crumble a little bit it mustnt be industry made. Of the closest eco on the cross song is wrong crosstie and smells like a cross song has a specific smile that is a hot cross song sounds among croissant it looks like a good cause its elegant on the outside it shines a b. There and it doesnt look too fatty i would say that this one is better and smoother than the other leaves you would you want me to taste it no its disgusting its all white so they have it these parisians us certain that they know a quality quite so when they taste it now the french may have a proud tradition when it comes to this little layered yeast 11 widow but the truth of the matter is it may not even be frightened it is rather said to have originated in austria so put that on you and eat it in ski paris from food to fitness the bolshoi house wall no wall overseas Ballet School hours perhaps not where you would have expected all israel lurks here on r. T. International. When else seems wrong. Why dont we just dont call. Me. Yet to ship out just to come after. And in detroit it was betrayed. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. Is your media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation or community. Are you going the right way or are you being led. By. What is true what is free. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Or remain in the shallows. The above it and ask if they are Wishful Thinking you know it seems. Harsh but if it were a chance for smack by dish or channel noga. Just 70 feet its safe. To say no they didnt we heard oceans goldish that the bag no look at the new only new cover. They keep seal were. Made year starburst so lets get the

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