Follow live from the Arts International World News Center here in moscow is kevin and we did this half hour update hope you can stay with me too on the news from within russia with the developing story the last couple of hours russia has now gotten a new Prime Minister this thursday after lawmakers approved the shoes to scan to the sea and president putin then signed off on the appointment of. 12 it only took this country what was it slightly more than 24 hours to come from the point when the president proposed to tweak some elements of russias constitution which by the way didnt automatically mean that the cabinet would have to step down to a moving towards the point when the russian state duma approved the name of the countrys new Prime Minister that is mikhail so the result was 383. 00 votes. Favor about 40 abstentions and 0 votes again so this is the kind of backing the and coming Prime Minister is getting which is very important obviously in his position and clearly we were listening to his speech right before the vote which was obviously filled with quite a few promises so here are some of them. Used to produce them i can do it too i like to insure you thats all members of the new government carry personal responsibility for achieving National Goals i know that some talks in this room can even an intensive and i believe its very important that the government feels that it would always be questioned him on it it remains open and constructive critics help us improve and do the members of Parliament Give us regional feedback you know what they think what people talk about how they sense the situations and whether they think that there are changes needed for the past. Just to look at the background of mr mishra stand a little bit i can tell you that he was in charge of the Russian Federal Tax Authority for about a decade he rarely appeared on t. V. So when on wednesday the now former Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev i can tell you that theres really no other way to put it shocked the country shocked the world by saying that his government was stepping down only a few hours after the russian leader delivered his annual state of the nation address pundits were calling out different names and i can tell you that in most cases wasnt even on the list but then again boom the name. Came out of the kremlin so you cant help wondering what are the reasons for this appointment why so much trust well i can tell you that the new Prime Minister while he was working in the federal Tax Authority managed to accomplish a mission that seemed absolutely impossible at one point to get rid of a very painful state of bureaucracy and russias taxes i can tell you that previously to pay taxes or to deal with some problems russians have to stand in line fill out hundreds of papers they say that at this point now it can all be done through smartphones or tablets p. C. s you name it. Well then a matter of minutes and people say that this is really the achievement of me and in fact spoke to our to a few years ago about exactly that about the digital izing the paper work in russia and how its important for the development of the country he was talking about the Younger Generation that will shape the future of the nation its important that the young generation whose form of whose future taxpayers to morrow use the friendly user interface which is suitable for the as we know the research is showing us the young generation now not using p. C. Computers so the mobile phones mobile applications and then social networks so basically we should exit the streets. To com we should come to the such is social networks and make sure that its a friendly interface for them so basically this is the maybe main reason why we collaborate can be the commissioners to make sure that to be servicing kotex peers because between service and confuse call part of the administration servicing part this not only more and more coming clearly there will be something for d the audience outside this country to point out russias new pm is fluent in english that is something that we hadnt seen for a very long while now before the vote in the Upper Chamber of the Russian Parliament began i managed to catch up with some of russias most senior lawmakers and i asked them why they are about to support the candidacy of me. Was thinking about efficiency. If you look at the different ministries in russia the tax collection is one of the best it is all. He knows everything about every payment officially made. Russian. Created the most. Useful usable. Tronic government it has a ph d. In economics he writes books on economics here rates textbooks he teaches that the Financial University in moscow also hears an intellectual. Very more than the intellectual of more than a bureaucrat who can. Have a very systematic view on issues because heres actuals fish elative. Which he got at the university was systems and functional the systems so. I think its a good choice he hears it i think a very quick. Reminder you know which i think its also important for a politician. In developed an efficient tax service one of the most efficient departments in the country hes a strong leader tax Service Management is being done correctly both in terms of leadership im cutting edge technology. But for the 1st time the Prime Minister has proven business capability hes shown that with his work on the tax service and if you polishes all our ministries in the same way it works Bush National income and streamline expenditure he is an engineer awesome you bring strong accurate in the sciences and Innovative Technology ideas politically is neither left nor right as you nor centrist we really have a specialist coming into power of the so this major shakeup in russian politics came after the government resigned on wednesday that was in response to Vladimir Putin suggesting amendments to the constitution effectively diminishing the president s powers while boosting those of parliament. But. The amendment i suggested yesterday do not affect the fundamental basis of the constitution further in russias development as a lot of state the goal is also to enhance the effectiveness of the countrys institutions to strengthen the role of Civil Society and to enable the Political Parties in our regions to make decisions vital to the countrys Development Next our Senior Correspondent were gathered to have explains more about the last move that happened over the last 24 hours and the reaction there everything from the west. Try explaining this led to boom and power as the office of president the media accuses of it seizing more power who control over russia but when putin gives up that power and hands it over at the parliament at his own expense it is also because he seizing more control over russia 1st to discover this syndrome i name it paranoid putin a friend here and theres a real epidemic. Paranoid putin a for any aside he is what he actually proposed to guaranteed that new president ever wields as much power as he did including putin himself hes got 4 more years in office. This is unprecedented in a quarter of a century every constitutional amendment was designed to empower the president for example increase the president ial term from 4 years to 6 years or give the president the power to appoint prosecutors and now he turns it all upside down it used to be that hooten appointed the problem. Ministers Parliament Rubber stamp that now parliament appoints heads of government and putin rubber stamps it with no power object. According to the constitution of the Russian Federation hes the president needs only the state dumas consent to make official appointments the president appoints the cabinet his deputies and all the ministers i propose shifting this power to the state duma and also the approval of the russian governments chairman and that the german suggestion all the deputy Prime Ministers and federal ministers will have to be appointed by the president with the right to reject any candidates yes this is of course all subject to a popular vote if these passes russia will be a changed country with a very different future russia is changing into a new face of democracy freedom and now this 1st. Time when the president limits his old power and this is something in the later controlled country is not known at all the president limits at all and wants to let the people decide on the new constitution and to pave the way the government handed in its resignation its worth mentioning it wasnt all that popular that failed at a number of fronts and there diff the now caretaker Prime Minister said himself its time for something new you have all heard the address of the russian president Vladimir Putin as president he outlined the major priorities of our work for the upcoming year but he also outlined a number of fundamental changes to the constitution of the Russian Federation these changes when they take place and this will be done after discussions and as was said they will significantly alter a number of parts of the constitution and change the balance of power if theres one thing we know about putin its that we dont. You know him he loves to surprise and there was no warning not even rule is that the country was about to be turned on its head we now have a new Prime Minister we heil michoud in an unknown quantity hes largely stayed out of the spotlight for the past decade head in the federal tax agency and i must say he did wonders teaching russians to pay their taxes fact some would argue hes done too good a job it is now clear putin hangs up the gloves in 2024 he wont run for another term times change so does russia that is a revolutionary change from this distance i would say that it gives more power to the parliament but it downgrades the importance of the Prime Ministership of the stability of russias leadership and its quality which is not a separate issue has been one of the most positive aspects of World Governance in the 21st century. The turkish president has announced the deployment of more troops to libya he says to ensure the stability of the Un Government in its capital tripoli set to join than a deployment already sent by ankara earlier this month arties middle east correspondent polis lee has got more. Well what we hear happening now is that turkey has started to send troops to help them back up to support the stability of the u. N. Back to government in tripoli the government of National Accord now we are hearing from the turks that this is part and parcel of them supporting according to agreements signed between turkey and libya a big effort to support this government we know that and already has troops on the ground in libya those troops i resolved in assisting and training the forces of the government of National Accord and all of those forms part and parcel of that as the months long in boyle meant between the forces of the government of National Court and the libyan militia highly for have to our continue the turkish president everyone says that this is important the deployment of turkish troops in libya not only for the safety and security of turkey but for the region as a whole take a listen we are starting to send our soldiers to ensure religious government survival and stability in libya starting with the idea that turkey security lies outside of its borders we will continue to mobilize our capabilities now the turkish president s comments come just days before a conference is due to be held on sunday in berlin and at that conference the turkish president was due to meet or is due to meet with leaders from Russia Britain italy and germany moscows also been very involved in trying to bring resolution to the conflict in libya and all of this these peace efforts have been hailed as an important step forward to peace and stability in that war torn country and of course the latest announcement in the latest move by the turks will be addressed in the context of what is happening what im told has been ups and updates since paulas filed during a meeting with the German Foreign minister general have to or from the rubble of ministrations reportedly said that hes now ready to bide by the current well get more from paula live a normal in the next hour well go back to her to get the update. Rose press t. V. Has been blocked on you tube just hours after an initial was lifted. Press t. V. U. K. Youtube account taken down for a 2nd time without explanation after a 1st appeal showed no violations committed so is it a violation of whiteys terms to be an anti war and see racism and anti imperialism outlook well it which way its far from the 1st time press t. V. Has faced about and just last month google blocked access to the outlets main channel on you tube its the 5th time thats happened on the video streaming platform since 2009 press t. V. And good they say they werent told about it beforehand meantime the iranian government is now calling for legal action against instagram after the social media group removed posts supporting the assassinated top iranian general kasim seller money instagrams Parent Company Facebook Says its actions are complying simply with us sanctions against iran. Review content against our policies in our obligations to us sanctions laws and specifically those related to the us governments decision nation of the i or g c and its leadership as a terrorist organisation in an undemocratic and unashamed action instagram has blocked an innocent nations voice protesting to the assassination of general salim money where the real terrorists have been given an open voice he spoke to press t. V. Journalist richard thinks that this you tube is part of a Wider Campaign against freedom of speach. We suspect this is really sort of the line on going and very specific count by against iran not just the war d in terms of the United States but also the propaganda and the controlling d it leaves from asia narrative that goes concurrently law currently alongside that we show the timing of this is quite o. P. s beyond the question of iran per cd this is a wider question about free speech about me but its a spread information scary and suit disseminate a psych so we see this as a wider attack and a very dark day potentially dark shots of journalism certainly it seems political reasons behind this decision but then that would mean that you know political agendas from countries and organizations outweighs the rights of free speech for the public and the media. To the coming out international the david and goliath battle pitching in these Small Traders against the worlds richest man a muslim boss jeff bezos is in asia and we hear thats going to and after the break. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy confrontation let it be an arms race based on often ask a very Dramatic Development only im going to resist i dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and talk. Money printing leads to the stock market going higher which makes everyone think there are geniuses and the like and that see our strategy of bombing innocent people makes thats really the crack at bridgeboro money and then the bad combination of the. Because for National Security and the stock market its. Really smart thank you. So much more people. Were soldiers. And the stock market goes higher and thats the cycle that. Its called for profit its called america. Again deleted data from a phone is coming back to haunt the new e. U. President underlines under scrutiny over claims that she wrongly wipe sensitive evidence from her official phone while she was German Defense secretary now the claims are widening to our correspondent in berlin peter all of the reports. Its the scandal that wont leave the new e. U. Commission president alone did fall into line delete data from mobile devices that could have been crucial evidence in an investigation into whether phones were in appropriately spent on outside contractors while she was German Defense minister its now emerged that a 2nd phone used by have on the line at that time has had messages deleted from it reportedly according to some by the e. U. Commission president herself or position politicians here in germany to banding ounces clarification is urgently required the latest revelations lane back in the center of the contract in scandal and massively under pressure last month it was revealed that fonda lines main phone during her time in charge of the German Defense ministry that had its data wiped out prompted a green party m. P. Here in germany to bring a criminal complaint against the now new e. U. Commission boss we have to assume that people in office destroyed evidence such actions could have criminal relevance found a line is set to give evidence to an investigating committee next month expect a lot of focus on her actions and the actions of her aides as we try to get to the bottom of who did what to those devices from the lion has obviously tided how phone properly or headed tied up the allegations against found alive relate to a federal audit Office Investigation which showed that under her charge the Defense Ministry was spending around 155000000. 00 euros a year on outside advice although the ministry couldnt sufficiently justify why that external advice was needed and in more than a 3rd of the cases looked at normal rules would not follow suit lead to a Parliamentary Committee looking into whether those deals were above board and just. How much on the line was involved a spokesperson for the e. U. Commission president said nothing relevant to the investigation had been deleted but didnt give away much else there were and are no messages on the phone relevant to the parliamentary investigation with neither for the lion nor his spokespeople particularly forthcoming when they have to wait until she appears before the committee on the 13th of february before we get any answers one thing is for certain bow if she remains tight lipped until then well the press and opposition lawmakers are going to be ravenous for answers in a scandal but her silence is only making all the more intriguing peter all of r. T. New poll suggests a furred of Young Americans are more likely to consider other countries to be better than their own us of a despite leaders of course spending years insisting theres no country more exceptional. I believe in american exceptionalism defending american exceptionalism should always be above politics my entire career has been a testimony to American Express optional as we dont claim to be perfect but we are exceptional america must always lead on the world stage if we dont. Know it well its well well the Pew Research Center Study Suggests that the skepticism grows when divided on party lines with almost half of democrats under the age of 30 believing that other countries are better than their own at the same time while 48 percent of Young Democrats believe that the u. S. Is one of the greatest countries along with others is only 5 percent places of any other nation we asked people in new york city what they thought of american exceptionalism. Because were a generation thats are pretty educated so we have a lot information resources that we will tap into to kind of come to these conclusions also weve experienced other countries more so than any other generation where theyre traveling so we get to get a better sense of what the world has to offer its pretty new compared to like europe they like so many cultures like dig into the ground and like i think theres a lot to learn and its developing theres just been a negative just negative narrative about the u. S. And its history and. Without the appreciation for what it actually is it not like it was starting off for the generations that have come before us. Well as well his person said a rather less than warm welcome from some Small Traders in india who claims Amazon Retail juggernaut unfairly cripples their livelihoods jeff bezos arrived on choose to as expected to meet Prime Minister in the render modi. The protests are part of a nationwide movement led by members of the confederation of india trade is Small Business owners accuse amazon of predatory pricing claiming that heavy discounting give us a Competitive Edge in the indian market even accusing jeff bezos of being an economic terrorist indias antitrust regulators now most of probe and traders say theyve simply had enough. You know its a steep business and you think your Sustainable Business will be upgraded policies then theyre going to know that you have no place in india and you know what it was even god i not been affected by that i mean there are things that. Jeff bezos has not responded to the allegations earlier though he did say as company would invest a 1000000000. 00 to digitize small and medium sized businesses and it was to exports 10000000000. 00 worth of india to make goods by 2025 he. Said for now more for just over half an hour full of stories and so many extra features and pictures etc of social media i can tell you max and co and amongst other things the meaning of gold no less as we enter a new decade. Im kevin 0 in thanks for watching r. T. International. On a spaceflight you literally leave all your problems behind you fly high and above everyone and everything and then you see any and all borderlines on us disappear you see that our planet is not as we are taught in schools with Different Countries marked in different colors separate from one another you see that our planet earth is just another it will be a Big International space station on a mission in the vastness of space just like the i assess. The stud just one magic bullet you could actually come up with some of the top of these baby bonds talking about ways we get Access Capital and capitalism couples important so we could actually have programs that actually help folks who want to do that but when you give everybody a 1000. 00 im a poor person im going to consume that and then youre rich youre going to invest that equity the wealth the spirit is going to grow because youre youre not using your money to do it can so youre literally buy more crazy things and then my landlord knowing that i got a 1000. 00 and you just go raise my writ so then you get your inflation going on and there. You are no offense but you no longer a young woman in fact you are one of the last living survivors of the nazi else asked im aware of it. And leave the debt all your life. And you can never forget maybe you can now auschwitz was really like to be in hell because he would never believe it was a human can do to as a copy of a course for 32 years of both and be comparative it. Seems so logical for his family to make it right when i get out im going to find somebody you dont want to take my song to their next meal so he can listen in hopefully bless her experience. Im max kaiser this is the kaiser report we are in rehearsal for cause report the musical. Got the congas we got the guitars i got the band i got the drummers write the song Stephen Sondheim i was going to fail or not hes ill but 1 weve got some major folks involved in this project going to hit broadway oh man im excited stacy i want to talk about its a good story that relates to your congress because of course you need the congress for a you know war to beat the war drums of war exactly because what is the old saying on wall street dont fight the fed. I feel the 1st song of our musical comedy go theyre. Fun to fit. Well many of our guests theyre called heterodox economists or heterodox financial analysts because they often fight the fed but my question were going to look at these headlines and my observations of some of these charts over the past decades or 2 is. What came 1st the chicken or the fed so is it the fed driving markets or is it panicked investors driving markets if a 4 quarter earnings recession couldnt undercut the equity market why would anyone think a spat with iran could do the job its all about the fed precisely the new york fed which injected a massive 77000000000. 00 into the system to start the week this is David Rosenberg who is one of the people who tried to fight the fed and the fed keeps winning with markets rising i explain this all in the last show there is only 2 major. Reliably predictable unprofitable mismanaged industries of america whoa

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