The least of the threats that our western colleagues were talking about but its people which you wish to configure. The less the conference on 99 percent of the conference was your discussion about who is and who can formulate there are complaints regarding the other 10 the best way be it because. China russia or anyone else and against the backdrop of the speech by president was very very pragmatic very clear and the word you trying to think about what to do not to about looking for who to blame you will get by just defying the lack of affection and the proposal to start a dialogue regarding the Security Architecture with the rashid yes there is concrete. On the table actually opt for the u. S. Destroyed collapse of the one piece. Treaty and theyd cease to exist to president putin send up with them to give him the message send a letter to all the european leaders to all the world power leaders some where he explained our assessment of the situations she has and he urged them not to allow them to disappear or any other less last agreements regarding the arms control and hed agree with the right tension that we announce tomorrow so were. Going to go until. Recently produced by america with the over the our commission and are deployed somewhere near it and we will reflect this action but until that moment we announced a moratorium by the president of the Russian Federation because of that and in his address to the leaders of the western world he urged them to now instead. But i will show them the moratorium like they have and so they either didnt answer for the war or they didnt do anything so and you have already deployed for a b. You didnt. Grab and now you want to ask to join the moratorium whereas nothing to do so putting the coup has been done and no one else apart from the president not is that that you mean this address what was urging day is kind of moratorium he expressed hes read in there is to move to talk about the very thing cation. And hes said that he is interested in the dialogue because once you understand bedroom with the french were going to talk about this but im going to speak about something concrete about some details 1st we need multilateral consultations and negotiations of course we look at the United States that destroyed the treaty for it and now that youre actively working on creating bridge conditions for the deployment these are moments that were some time ago in europe and in asia they are not even hiding it theyre not denying based. If you feel like youre so. We are looking at some big ocean islands in this regard and you do these suggestions to have this small collateral dialogue between Russian Federation and it was interesting to read the young stoltenberg so interview that he gave you to figure out what we should be not that long directly answering the question about. The suggestion to start a dialogue so he is sad that the dialogue is going on that it has. Institutional nature and all the matter is are being discussed including arms control transparency and so on and so for. Us but i guess by this institutional dialogue he means that the consul in russia is not a counter so so technically doesnt exist it has been summoned to a number of times but every meeting was just a dialogue so yes she was with will. Consist of monologues so we tried to make some suggestions to start a concrete discussion on the matter so that could increase the trust we should strengthen the tries to create the transparency for not a will only here is some mild words about ukraine. Strengthen the vienna document of 2011 that was adopted in the report adults really differ in their political reality is one we didnt have such a huge increase the military infrastructure of nap in your borders seems they moved towards our own borders they increased but they strengthened. So its so they have. Axes sizes using more then 48000 military personnel or you lose your will thousands of military equipment you. Are off america and now when these balance that had existed. 2000. And when its broken now would be all for us to start to be agreeing on that matter is soft calming the situation down thats not the way to do it thats not the way to go and which is more important more important leader is that there are good counterparts for maddow. When they say that theyre open for dialogue with russia because they are not being completely true they are open for a dialogue for them complaining about something to do so your pretensions about as to whether or not a single dime that Nato Russia Council is that they are promoting so hard now. But over but to consider the ukraine and problems in the its for a moment than that we are responding and they have told stolzenberg about this one we met in the unique nothing you need that has nothing to do with ukraine we have dialogue. Western countries that are in charge of the ukrainian settlement 1st of all im talking about normandy for a matter of which is france and germany were. And were as americans also joined this ukrainian negotiation from time to time. At least in the last couple of years so we are still in contact with them but nato as it is they have nothing to do with the ukrainian issue they could only worsen it deepen the problems by heaping on saying that they are looking forward to have nato joining them undermining the efforts to implementing the main core its but by talking about other things we shouldnt forget and i have also reminded stoltenberg about that we shouldnt forget that nato watch is the one thats seized all the forms of communication and cooperation and if. Counterterrorism active it is. On equipping gani words. And counterterrorism on the more global scale and many are there are practical areas of vile word collaboration that existed some time ago and now you are pretending that nato is still having a constructive approach only because it would not go from time to time as a way agrees to some on the russian nato council to have some discussions well i think thats not a professionals good way to talk and behind all this you can talk maddow is in dialogue with us regarding the arms control transparency and the strengthening the mutual travel delays or believe there is nothing there is boy to be hind this we need to go and when a couple of days ago were in mind as i told them that we were expecting the response to work concrete suggestion which you know he responded with some awkward statements that it was going to be considered later but we made these suggestions about a year ago by our staff and be precise they were exact 1st of all we wanted to agree on a way military exercises both from Russia Armed Forces and nato forces from the conflict line on the agreed distance so lets. Down in the greenwood guarding base distance nothing in response secondly because of the Security Matter you what your. Country is states and our military suggests that you have to agree. To allow. Them to use transponders as its done with the civil aircraft at the moment and the 2nd important surely is to agree on the minimally outloud distance of going to. You know naval ships russian nato and the military aircraft of russia nato you know. And again nothing in response and. Conditions we would really like the idea of has expressed on a number of occasions so that it been a traded into the habs or into they had nato sold that we could understand so eve these had is really adequate or not if they can think straight. And what we did to the hoops would you say that it is the only one ground for these decisions by the perry december of the last year and what was the would be implemented but we dont see any progress in many of the areas of disengagement of the Foreign Forces are being. By key of the so we have the grades about the disengagement along the whole conflict line. During the meeting among president selenski president selenski refused to sign it simply is obligations and only agreed to talk about all that is in the gauge went in 3 locations 3 settlements with us and steel we are talks about these 3 locations and we see the lack of the good. Desire from ukrainian scientists to discuss these matters and there is no progress regarding another agreement of the paris summit i mean that cooperation on demining you get. All those areas were and there is a come desires were posed by pershing by zelinsky to be implemented with their demands so that means could courts do have the direct dialogue with iran and its going to look and see these of course to disengage which forces on the ground without such as when you direct dialogue its really hard to make good word the same goes for demining and we have heard the official declaration from the Ukrainian Administration that they are rated to doggedly to the people of don best but not with the people that these people lack to to provide. A normal life for them on the territories that are beyond them you put it when youre going to be putting your subject of the people of those on low full economic sanctions on behalf of the Ukrainian Administration and we dont see any progress showing the political this is an area regarding the obligation or wish they were all there including going to steinmeyer formally into the ukrainian legislation and resolving all the aspects of the state as legal status. With ukrainian legislation on the constant ground so im almost quoting the decisions made in paris they greenman smeaton periods so we are still waiting for them to implementors and agreements and before summoning this summit we need not just implement what was talked before but we need to understand why it would be actual its the decisions and solution that are going to be scouts have this summit so and we can only talk about that for what was agreed upon is implemented and so when we hear that a collaboration. Counterparts in the Normandy Forum its good to have it not there is some aid and maybe its more of their ideas but not more than bags and i would like to repeat myself a bit normally does some of this is be yar and were seeing the recommendation that are impossible to. Implement weve had constructive work in the working groups that would concede stop representatives from kiev lugansk and dont ask the body and we can see that ukrainian counterpart stand very European Partners Start Playing very side they want to move to achieve they hold the regulation protesting to be normally for members because there are a logic is that with russia is a side of this conflict. Logic is wrong because its not stipulated neither and that means its not in there were you when you went to the Security Council resolution that was part of International Law and now what you did you did of those russians up with or our western colleagues will have to add me to that they cant do anything as far as solve the limitation courts. Store. Or. You know some sources say that the militants in the province of idlib supplied with weapons. And you said it yourself. Or that turkey they said deliver on his promise to separate the militants from the us and the ship and. Part of the steps that are being taken today and. Are you going to discuss any new arrangements. Division is just a mosque over the years so they keep agreement on the belief that it was. In 2002 president ial talks about giving gays women about the division a little all the militants that are ready to start a dialogue with the government and to divide them from the terrorists. I mean jeff idol new trend all its modifications heroes the read this is the latest of them their most recent of them is. Going to be a smash arduous and with so end there is no progress in vegas area that was what caused the next Agreement Regarding ok so we can separate them so before the time being lets agree theres 01. 000 inside discolorations. Sold that all those who continue to dance feel shelled the positions of the syrian the forces and the infrastructure and now one of the arab angels are so that they laugh at these drones and its not implemented because theyve been there or call the ex deployed their observation post as they are and. You know these through. Observation posts to rates continue shelling the syrian. Border will be theirs and our arab a is so of course we had to respond so we will be tried to. Respond. To every such attempt and as for how could we resolve the situation they need to live is up to date as you know as you said in moscow there are negotiations between intro departmental organizations of the russian and turkish. Wags brits so all the facts are on big table military representatives both of Russian Federation and of turkey that are there on the ground and the. I believe that the are in constant conflict and the you are considering the changes seeing the situation and as we heard from our military from the Turkish Military they have little Mutual Understanding hopefully they will be able to present to distribute some ideas that will help to deescalate the situation would be a big remains that were achieved between the president s so russia and turkey. Thank you. Weve just been listening in to Sergei Lavrov the Russian Foreign minister he was giving a press conference after a top security conference in munich now he touched on a number of subjects and talked about the fact that many of the speakers talked touched on the decline of the influence of the west and said that 99 percent of the conference was taken up by people looking for who is guilty and who is a threat to security with the finger often pointed at russia and china he also touched on syria Ukraine Tensions with nato and of course well bring you more on that later on. In other news a russian shock artists welcomed as a hero and granted political asylum in france is now at the center of a political scandal there french lawmakers are now demanding Kotor Pawlenty ski be returned to russia after his arrest over posting footage that brought down present microns candidate for mayor of paris are to charlotte explains. Pub lenski is a political refugee here in france but it seems even he is too hot to handle with these latest allegations even members of my own party and are calling for him to be sent back to russia. Get this guy out hes a political refugee he behaves like a boss did the 1st thing to do would be to put him on a plane straight to russia and he will see with mr putin if you can do this kind of crap if this comes after the latest scandal involving pawlenty ski this follows the dissemination of videos and photos on the internet last week of benjamin a key ally of the president back on his former spokesperson and the man that he wanted to be the next mayor of paris the race taking place just a few weeks from now he was forced to stand down on friday following the release of those videos which is said to be about him now linsky and his partner were taken in by the police and they were questioned in regards to those videos questioned into invasion of privacy and broadcasting videos of a sexual nature without the permission of the person who is in those videos he now faces possible criminal charges in regards to that the interior minister here in france has said he should face the full weight of the law broadcasting certain videos without the consent of the author or subject to criminal sanctions in our country resulting in a substantial fine and 2 Years Imprisonment and these offenses must obviously be prosecuted it is a matter of respect for democratic rules and this is not the 1st time that pawlenty ski has been Headline News here in france he was recently accused of brandishing a weapon a knife or to new Years Eve Party and of injuring 2 of the party goers at that. Event further back he was also found guilty or setting light to the doors of the bank of france in the area in fact he is currently serving a suspended sentence for a criminal act in france and that comes off to a series of stunts that he pulls in russia of a criminal nature. Russia its sometimes difficult to be and. Yes especially for one makes a political declaration out of his art thats the case of for that probably and we already know and hes just been arrested for setting the door of the former k. G. B. Building on fire. So its not clear where the pov linsky will be sent back to russia chucked out of france or whether he will face the music here on those possible criminal charges what we do know is that his political asylum here has become an embarrassment to the french authorities. Have you ever thrown away an old cell phone and not given a 2nd thought to where it ends up while theres a high chance its sent as electronic waste to ghana words burned and releases highly toxic chemicals causing cancer and other deadly diseases the country has become africas most polluted dumping ground for all the Electronic Devices from the west. Dont you fall would be. More. Noble for you with such as you said to be so i got a few words from the marchers before they got sick it wasnt until i was through with molotov in my head. Cause that he did indeed. Writing from the european. Explorer for the you know. The 100 of them. For like 20 quid if. It can be trying generation now trying to stay i can say to my child and might note that the most of it. I read it 3 did before you my pledge of the truth sounded in the cards i make you are proud to remove the city you know i did not forget. About ask for a response on the issue from ghanas Environment Ministry as well as the president s office i will bring you any response we receive now were going to take a quick break but my colleague will be here at the top of the hour with all of your Headline News stay with us. In munich World Leaders discussed once listeners instead we should be contemplating the end of neo liberalism also stone cold justice is there a dual justice system. The holder doctrine eric holder former attorney general under obama this is the idea that banks are systemically important they cant be processed because this would be a danger to the society as a whole but whats remarkable is that this idea has bled over into other industries so now boeing has a major scandal on its hand and its claiming that a systemic lay important in the law doesnt apply to us other Agricultural Companies are saying now were systemically important were above the law now that is leading to bionic laptop or see this becoming i think its a cracker stock or c. Is the right word its ruled by the least qualified are now in charge of running the economy and results are obviously catastrophic. Just the pretty you would know the moves through it is that it was one of. The much for the group was a little with the to do more it will do. Quite a good bit of produce here already in the eastern. Europe but it seems to trade. To be. That. I dont trust radical already at all ever. And the reason for that is i had this horrible autoimmune disorder growing up and it turns out it was completely alleviated with very drastic dietary measures and i went to a number of doctors to discuss what happened to me and i was basically locked out like diet has nothing to do with autoimmune disorders so my suggestion to people who have Health Issues they cant figure out if theyre going to see a medical professional and theyve been going for 10 years and theyre still in the same place and they should probably take it upon themselves to Start Testing things out testing out diet testing out exercise and try and figure out things on their own. 6 ft sec. Pleased. And a very warm welcome to you youre watching us inside for. Her. Employees live. The day we stand before a store and you. Know. There is here. Waiting to be reached. Turkish airlines. Such as foreign minister accuses the United States of creating big conditions to deploy short Medium Range Missiles in europe and the. Praise the french president for proposing an arms control dialogue with moscow. Politicians who welcomed a russian shock artist as a hero to gain political asylum now and demand to be sent back to turn after his arrest over an incident that brought down the key ally of president mike brown. So people in the african nation of ghana are dying of cancer another horrific disease is the west uses it as a dumping ground for electronic waste

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