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Joe biden recalled the Strong Performance in the latest round of the Us Democratic Party President ial primaries look at how the establishment favorite appears to be the chosen one despite. Watching. The car of a leading german right wing politician is being destroyed in an arson attack the vehicle of nicholas feste chair of the alternative for germany parties. In the capitol told us what happened. Today morning the Police Called told me that my car had been. Set on fire 2 in the morning and that it was severely damaged i mean its actually burnt down and only the. Part of the car still intact but i mean. You cant use it anymore. On the United States and adds to the growing violence against lawmakers across the country with house attacks and beatings over their views into all of the has more. This street is the scene of what is potentially the latest in a growing number of politically motivated crimes in germany this time its all the car the politician nicholas faced go up in flames last night a car caught fire in charlottenburg the firefighters extinguished the blaze but could not save the car because of the suspicion of a possible political motivation we are handing the investigation over to a specialist unit faced as a member of the European Parliament for the anti immigration alternative that Germany Party hes pretty adamant of who he thinks is behind this im not the 1st victim of this kind of arson attacks this is really the signature. Of the anti fire and therefore its pretty clear although they havent really up to now they have claimed this arson attack yet but its clear that theres attack stance until far a. F. B. Is a party have a polarizing effect on german Public Opinion there anti immigrant stance and deliberately provocative statements from so members of the seen them rising in the polls and slammed by their rivals party which tolerates far right extremists and lets call a spade a spade not since m. On its ranks. The a. F. D. Is a racist and nationalist a military spotty. Party which is openly nationalist they are against foreigners and they have members who are close to being fascists the cochairman of the even it paled to all journalists and politicians to tone down their rhetoric against the party after a rise in the number of violent incidents. Whenever a car set on fire or. The apartment or house of. Attacked you can be sure this is an attack against a if. They tried to they tried to bully not only us but also people who. You know who are letting their apartments to members of the in a democracy you have to. Come to terms even with members of parties which you do not support its not just politicians from controversial parties that are facing up to the prospect of attacking germany 2019 so well over a 1000 politically motivated attacks on politicians with a recent poll of masm the country saying a large number of them had be insulted assaulted or simply threatened with quite a few saying they being beaten or spots us in 2015 independent mayor of cologne henrietta reckons now really survived an assassination attempt by is then a full of extremists who stabbed her in the neck the day before the election the attack was motivated by wreckers pro refugee stance last june seeing it see the politician fall to live was shot dead at his home in central germany a far right nationalist with possible links to a. F. P. Is facing trial for his murder the government has called for an increase in security for politicians serving the public who are increasingly finding themselves in the line of fire. As corona virus continues to spread across the globe a genius British Health minister has been diagnosed with 19 while scientists from a london law proposed to infect volunteers for money in the worlds 1st test on humans. We can announce that we have commenced the development of the worlds 1st commercial human coronavirus challenge study model we also known as controlled human infection model we are pleased to be able to try and insist in the battle against coded 19 the study will in fact 24 people with 2 strains of corona virus similar to covert 19 but causing milder symptoms just scientists trying to develop a vaccine against the outbreak the volunteers will be paid up to 3 and a half 1000 pounds only visits from doctors will break the 2 weeks of isolation we asked people around london if they would agree to be infected. Make it no i cant if i was younger. But im one of those so dont you one second to kick the bucket so. You know. I havent worked for months i really need money. Wow. I dont know 10000. Too much going on to the core and to myself i mean i wont die from it but i hope that im not even tightly complaints that the statistics behind it is true anyway no why not and if i get infected twice to get twice as much at the age of 71 no no because i have hundreds of hiking Health Conditions why would i if you have no i wouldnt. Real thing seriously tell you to kiss now seriously now. Yeah i mean you know if you know people say lovers is bush League People theyre going to be chained to the street just think if youre healthy and. Then they would be a danger people here i would lean we dont. Think. Were safe house for my son whos much younger. I think of the beginning i thought people were overreacting study and understand like how serious it was but when i heard like schools were being closed how many people prospected thats when i realized ok this is actually serious it doesnt serve my fitness scaremongering people for most people to sentiments are more like flu until yesterday i was thinking people were over reacting today im starting to realize that ive got to take it seriously course you have to like. Be taken care of it didnt like wash your hands and stuff but otherwise i feel its. Its just too much i dont know we spoke too far all just mohammed near about whether voluntary infection tests could help develop a vaccine. Any vaccine or drug is recommended by to be special in the order to eat locally have to be tested being 1st in animal and i mean were demonstrating that they are safe sugar coronaviruses that dont be tested in airing in volunteers the r. G. B. Close to the 19th so this means that this vaccine if it is successful it would have no protection against anything that is tested in a volunteer to convict somebody however based on their Animal Studies the overall risk would be minimum and the hope is that if that state process the reason that this vaccine would be deployed in the next reaches a broad scale testing me just say its true. The head of the European Central bank Christine Legarde has warned the risks and economic shock unless leaders act urgently against coronavirus Global Stock Markets have already suffered record falls in recent days and situations been aggravated by the biggest collapse in the Oil Price Since the early ninetys saudi arabia steps up its war for control of crude sales look at what could come next. 2020 will go down in history is the year where everything that could go wrong went wrong subject that has dominated the news all week. So the coronavirus ready fears grow of a Global Pandemic a huge buy good he says prices down more than 22 percent earlier today the biggest loss since the launch of the gulf war the saudis have launched and oil prices markets are getting punched in the face a decent bottle of wine is now more expensive than a barrel of oil which as a consumer you might think isnt so bad i mean cheaper fuel truck seems to think its good. Good for the consumer gasoline prices coming down so heres my question whats the point of cheap fuel when you cant drive or fly anywhere because of an epidemic because of corn team al lines are clearly not going to stock up on kerosene all sorts of derivatives fuel derivatives will experience less demand as traveling goes down that is going to be one of the factors that will likely keep b. Or cries depressed now you are starting to get my we the whole world is facing catastrophe it isnt just one problem its many and they feed each other they multiply each other 1st the airlines suffer fuels cheap but no ones flying anywhere no one travels tourism collapses meaning millions of people lose income if millions stop making money they stopped and so on of course we have the impact of the crisis which is made by the corona virus spreading around europe italy we have just seen it and then of course the. Situation with oil which is a bit complicated and so far ive never seen anything like this ive been back to it on the market being even more pressure to it and we have seen what the outcome is now we get to the crux of it think a little trip back to 2008 he is a graph showing the u. S. Debt market in 20082 trillion it collapsed because bankers high on greed gave out loons to people to buy houses that they couldnt afford we hope that least that they had learned their lesson. Watch what they did next since then theyve loaned out 3 and a half times as much the us Shale Industries then now selling oil cheaper than it costs them to produce the ad lines with no passing just the hotels with no guests the businesses with no clients in 2008 the worlds economy collapsed because a bunch of people missed their house payments now entire industries are on the verge of fooling like dominoes we have had the 1st their worst drop in Oil Price Since the early nineties and their stock market tumbly everywhere even the dow jones and greedy posted with their worst one day drop ever theres no point in panicking the government still have tools to delay and melt out tax cuts debt relief but the loonie worked for a while and after that well theyll be no point in padding because it will be too late. Next thing without any more news coming your way after the break. When alex shows seem wrong. Why dont we all just dont. Let me. Get to see. This day come atika. And it gave me it was betrayed. When so many find themselves worlds apart. Just of the common ground. The world is driven by a dream shaped. Thinks. We dare to ask. What we us Vice President joe biden has clinched big wins in the latest round of primaries for the Democratic Partys president ial nomination. All those who have been knocked down all those have been counted lets be sure this is your campaign. Just. Many. Now are very much alone. By them one mississippi michigan missouri 3 delegate rich states which rival Bernie Sanders and picked up by 2016 lead to being presented by some media as the candidate best place to big donald trump and but his column open explains the democratic policy establishment seems to have already made up its mind despite a growing number of. The race for the democratic nomination is down to 2 horses and its pretty clear where the bets are going they are on joe biden the good guy its time for us to beat all trump and it became very clear to me that joe biden is the right person to do that hes the nicest person that he is just a. And why not have a good guy in the white house after all for the past 3 years the media has been working very hard to convince everyone that pure evil has overtaken the u. S. Presidency but it doesnt take very deep digging to discover that you can rub off joe bidens good guy shine take a look at how he insulted Detroit Assembly plant worker who questioned his views on gun rights. He also has hinted that he believes that race and intellectual ability are somehow connected poor kids are just as bratty just as towns white kids on top of that hes known to just make things up and say things on the fly that have absolutely no connection to reality we choose unity over division we choose science over fiction we choose truth over facts and a lot of ways joe biden sounds an awful lot like donald trump lets see if americans can tell them apart i bet youre as bright as you are good looking. Thats actually joe biden surprise we choose truth over facts. I was actually joe biden also poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids by the way. And actually biden and youre a lying dog faced pony soldier. Thats got to be true and actually biden also the narrative is supposed to be that donald trump is a big mean bully and joe biden is a lovable adorable grandpa with good intentions and hes supposed to be way better than that wild eyed radical Bernie Sanders except dont you remember how recently everyone was bashing joe biden i just think biden is declining i dont think he has the energy and he has been a skilled debater who saw him with sarah palin weve seen him in the past the question is does he still have his job and its funny and is he how sure if he can you imagine that man in the president ial did by we dont know trump is no. Popcorn in the world jurors how subtly biden inserts obama into every possible answer having significant mental faculties issues is everyone ok with biden being president of the United States when hes having difficulty remembering the name of you know politicians that hed be dealing with on a regular basis but now we are told that opposition to joe biden is a russian plot the kremlins english language media aim to influence americans on the home tough act if he promotes conspiracy theories targeting biden one lording trumps efforts to investigate his heating political opponent predicted to trump will win a 2nd term claimed that biden has to be unraveling on some eyes that allegations of corruption are doing real damage to his president ial bid now the race is getting heated as the field has narrowed so the question is now will joe biden be able to keep that good guy image when its time to start taking shots at Bernie Sanders. R. T. New york. Respected lawyer money hustler who told us biden success may not be a spontaneous as it seems. In the beginning of this whole race i mean biden was coming forth then you know you know the Democratic Party says everybody youre going to do this everybody will be its the Corporate Media also starts to say all this negative noise about perry i think whats happening now is very interesting this is usually what the Democratic Party does is they pick their annoying to dwyane and they do everything to rigs the entire environment theyre annoyed to get it it gets all the support and looks like theyre sort of a white horse that coming to save the American People you see this kind of work is treated think we are close to jet blue or everybody kinds of everybody falls in line to support biden whos kind of the chosen one i think when you when you have so much of that norways its very hard for the American Public to kind of see through that. The mayor of the worlds cannabis capital is smelling a ban on tourists what Officials Say is his most popular attraction marijuana or to show davis get reports from amsterdam. The dutch are often hailed as being progressive particular when it comes to soft drugs now amsterdam is a hot spot for kind of base to lure ists with significant numbers coming here to try the drug vending coffee shops as a tourist coming to the city what do you think this city is famous for the coffee shops. I think for most tourists its like well known things like. We stuff like that wait wait its hash. More than 17000000. 00 visit every year putting a huge strain on the city of around a 1000000 people the situation is so bad that the mayor of amsterdam is actually considering banning tourists from buying kernis this briefing from the highlights the issues it says 65 percent of Foreign Tourists come to amsterdam to use cannabis and visit the coffee shops and almost hof would be less likely to visit again if bart if the mayor bans it what sort of impact do you think that will have will they come up with a not come from the people still. As many people now its one of the main reasons people do people who come will enjoy their time a little less so maybe they wont come back everybody is coming here for the coffee shops if the murder is going to stop the coffee shops juries would stop coming to amsterdam but the survey also showed a more worrying impact the to ban could have some 40 percent of respondents said that if they were put britain they would find another way to buy the drug this should be perhaps a major concern for a city that is already struggling to deal with the darker side of the drug industry and crowing a recent report called attention to the citys problems with hard drugs Violent Crime and human. Trafficking based on sewage research cocaine consumption must represent a turnover value of at least 75000000. 00 euros but there are limitations to that research subversive crime can take many forms such as Human Trafficking and labor exploitation environmental crime arms trafficking illegal gambling and Health Care Fraud its believed amsterdams coffee shops are aiding and abetting the ugliest side of the citys drug business now there are allegations that the coffee shops and sells deal back door with organized crime gangs and some being used to launder criminal money that has called for a crackdown it could be suppression of mockers between hard drugs and some drugs has a greater urgency because of the trade in hard drugs while many cities around the world are looking to copy this dutch cities torrent model im so damn itself may move away from its long standing policy questioning whether the experiment has only contributed to drug and crime problems so much even ski altie in amsterdam. Now to syria where a fragile cease fire in italy province is Still Holding with russia and turkey discussing how to ensure lasting security for the country presented around issued this threat to the Syrian Government if it violates the truce. Views very. We are ready to go on our promises provided the other party also on its promises but if our counterparts do not fulfill their promises then we will not shy away from confronting them on an even greater scale. The ceasefire was announced last week by the russian and turkish leaders after fighting intensified in it 33 turkish soldiers were killed in an air strike in syria in february sparking clashes with president assads army forces the channel r. T. Arabic has been traveling with patrols along the border. Now we fly over the us. The russian into. Perhaps the. Need of the american soldiers position. Charlie a professor and dean of indias Jindal School of International Affairs told me indications of a moscow for a deal are encouraging just mention that the reports of turkey withdrawing heavy weaponry does not mean that the deescalation is now well underway. One would hope so good there realize the limitations of Turkish Military expansion and hes now looking to you know step back from the brinkmanship so i think the needle he struck with president putin is a constructive one it will help us to form to stop the military clashes how secure do you think that this pace is would it take much for the violence to flare up again the joint patrolling the russians is a good idea because then it will reduce the chances for a misunderstanding and miscommunication on the ground because the syrian for Center Advancing and if russia is there and hes able to stimulate the situation by making sure the 2 sides the syrian army and the turkish army are kept at some distance the big problem right now we need libya is that you know you had these turkish when he was in proxies laying. Out the details from but now there and giving in to indicted pleas and not engaging in direct lashup as we receive your military. Get a bunch of other today but dont forget you can check out more news stories if you had to our website. Time after time corporations repeat the same mantra sustainability very important to accelerate the transition to sustainable transport sustainability stay in her manner more equitable and sustainable well. They claim their production is completely harmless followed this is. The big. Compass in the markets and it does not apply Companies Want us to feel good about buying their products while the damage is being done far away theres a 2nd eldest thats the point any minute i made much of. This is the moon i mean listen we didnt dream and im studying them in the best understood look who is going. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business im showbusiness ill see that. The credits of the course will get a little slack. And lose me if the song is china and shirtless with a cheap. Feeling i mean the citys full well for the clothing not only do it is named for bush but i will push the socalled bush are going to take us no. Good to see. Below and welcome the crosstalk were all things are considered im Peter Lavelle what is the difference between embarrassing gaffes in elder abuse joe biden certainly excels at the former and maybe is the big them up the ladder we are told mention of Mental Health is off limits to what degree does the public have the right to know. Cross talking joe biden im joined by my guest jan kearns in new york she is a g. O. P. Strategist contributor to the daily caller as well as founder of women for a Great America in washington we have Jason Nichols hes a Democratic Political strategist also in washington we cross to walter some a lot of he is a answer Coalition Organizer rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i always appreciate jen let me go to you 1st i mean i said in my introduction here i mean you know you have you have a lot of gaffes coming from joe biden and hes been known for it ok its not you know all of a sudden but the intensity of them are is mounting and that may be

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