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Advice. For me this is a test a few manity how ready we are for the most important lesson for us is to rebuild the Health Care System. Bring you the latest global News Headlines this is our international. Who start with a brief overview of the cove 19 pandemic the number of confirmed cases worldwide is now up to almost 615000 thats a rise of 20 percent in just the last 24 hours the virus has claimed 28000 lives so far 137000 people have recovered. The British Government is ramping up its coronavirus containment measures police have been given new powers in the deploying drawings to ensure that citizens stick to the rules and stay at home. We have now is a video message posted by police in the county of darvish and it urges people to avoid all nonessential Movement Including walking the dog in the pig district or going for a long hike and instagram as a single doubt theyre told not to go out of their way to get a good selfie as governments around the world come up with new ways of fighting the pandemic there are fears that things could never go back to normal as the of looks at how the global lockdown might change our lives. This pandemic will and already it is changing us society i do mean the economy or social distancing i mean privacy freedoms these are now a danger to our health this isnt about judgment condemnation or endorsement this is a Global Health crisis many lives are at stake and desperate times call for Desperate Measures but look and see whats happening before our very own eyes troops and Armored Vehicles on the streets of western cities drools patrolling cities and ordering civilians to return to their homes. Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah. Nationwide look downs police and troops detaining civilians for violating curfews a lot in the middle east or china but in europe and italy alone more than 100000. 00 people have been charged for violating the law act out droom smaller to citizens from above where they walk their dogs where they pog where they congregate robots robots patrolled streets governments attending neighbors and friends and family to report each other if they find out someone violated quarantine we have created an online report in porto where people can submit a form to advise of and a gathering that are not in it here is with the guidance and easy to demand on one on one all of this was completely unimaginable a few months ago but its all about. Stopping the virus at whatever cost in the fight against this senator a crisis it is paramount that we anticipate the spread of the pandemic and its likely peak in each country in israel they started tracking peoples movements with their phones to catch those violating quarantine or to warn people who have been either someone who was infected in america in europe in russia theyre talking about doing the same thing mobile phones have been turned into tracking devices for our own good they say its hard to argue with that and personally for the duration of the crisis i dont mind my question isnt when this will end this total control my question is will it head and the European Data protection supervisor of stresses that such developments usually do not contain the possibility to step back when the emergencies go home how often the governments or police give up powers you dont need me to answer that you know full well yourself were all afraid were all confused and worried for our loved ones fear has gripped world our society because of that we have given up without complaint our freedoms to our governments for our own good im not here to judge im only stating the obvious with the hope that when this nightmare is over and that fear passes will get our freedoms back. Literally has recorded more than 900 covert 900 deaths in just a single day thats the highest figure since the outbreak began hospitals are under huge strain as admissions continue to soar and intensive care unit in the northern italian city of brashear is now running at 5 times capacity we heard from a doctor there who said that the medics are having to improvise to save lives. Or hospitals at the forefront of many aspects of treatment and intensive therapy we have suddenly found ourselves having to invent new treatments and use new machinery that we would have never used in normal condition about 2 thirds of the patients spend a long period in intensive care. The number of beds has to be consciously increased because there are always more people coming in and being d discharged i spent 13 to 14 hours a day here at the hospital my colleagues have tripled their duties and are working night shifts to cope with the influx of patients. Who are in the new reality of self isolation millions of white Collar Workers get to do their jobs remotely but for most Blue Collar Workers thats simply not an option and that includes Delivery Services and unions in europe of race concerns about the safety of their staff dubin he has more. Just a few weeks ago they were deemed unskilled workers im talking about the people who stack supermarket shelves or deliver our groceries books clothes and gadgets now as coded 900 forces us to hunker down in our homes they have become alongside Health Professionals some of the most essential workers of our time without those people we wouldnt be able to run as a nation we wouldnt have an economy and people wont be able to cook food on the table we just various clutches tissue. Rolls of toilet rolls weve always done. In getting these products out. Just like doctors and nurses who are fighting a war against this virus delivery drivers are also putting themselves on the front line and potentially at risk of be lying if i wasnt if i was saying that it wasnt. Especially with Everything Else in the media well weve obviously implemented a lot of protective measures and social distancing to make sure that theyre not as as much and that was so many minds as these new key workers are ensuring essential and a non essential deliveries many of those who once considered important stuck at home either an able to be economically active or at best working remotely the french and British Governments are amongst those that have offered to cover a significant proportion of their wages to people who cant be in their place of work during the lockdown unions warned thats led to a feeling of inequality. There is an impression of an equality between blue and white Collar Workers. Truck drivers delivery and postal workers those in trade and management many employees are in the front line mostly women and the working class and like the executives who shuddered when they didnt leave for their holiday homes this is causing more and more anger theres also concern that remote work is only possible if youre a socalled white Collar Worker so if you tend ball work as a salesperson in a closed shop its pretty impossible right now to continue that type of employment now these roles are often based on short term always 0 hours contracts meaning employers dont have to keep the morning when they need to tighten their belts the Current Crisis is perhaps only highlighting this divine right and if in the coming months old world starts to return to some semblance of what we need lets not forget that in our time of need it was the low pay the manual workers that we were low end on and without the heroes delivering all good so keeping our supermarket shelves stocked we would have been lost. For r. T. In paris. We go reaction to the story from political commentary to close memory and market analysts craig olam. Really is a test to to our enemies and throw away were out of this in the next few months this is an obviously our present situation in iraq and we are facing like this for a long long are its the old train obviousness which is really really vulnerable to these kinds of shocks and you know a little longer they become i dont find ive gotten better because im going to where you were means to go on same way and hopefully governments can come together to support their their citizens or the next few months or years right now through this pandemic what were seeing is one of the benefits of being a white Collar Worker is that in many cases and nuts not all cases but in many cases the ability to work from home is much easier than maybe even offices previously envisaged were but now that weve been forced into the situation what were learning the more i think what to continue to learn over the coming weeks is once you have the infrastructure in place at home and now many people will have the infrastructure in place its actually much more simple than what we previously envisaged. Here in russia a 4th coronavirus patient has died and there are 1200. 00 confirmed cases but theres also cause for optimism will Health Organization has agreed with the russian government testament that the outbreak will start to subside in may to help contain the spread of the virus starting from today restaurants cafes and shops are closing their doors on the supermarkets and pharmacies will stay open food into the deliveries theyre still permitted the public parks of also been closed president putin earlier announced the week long paid holiday for nonessential workers that begins on monday. Also new facilities under construction in the russian city of Nizhny Novgorod in the fischel say that it will be ready in less than a month to cope with a possible influx of coronavirus patients 16 similar hospitals are being built across the country the government has already allocated equipment and supplies to each one. We discuss the pandemic and russias response with leonida rush hour hes the countrys top pediatric surgeon and an expert at the world Health Organization dr rochelle told us that this crisis is a test for humanity. No. Humanity has endured another terrible a pedantic both the plague and cholera before this one weve had 3 other types of corona virus this is another one and will not last forever this is a new virus it will also pass but with was lost this is the question. With. The hype the fear mongering for russia i emphasize is not very relevant the situation in russia is not so tragic the media will not be able to ask the cas to russia i support the measures if a quarantine was imposed factories and transport would stop and this would cause a collapse that is worse than the virus. Or that you know im not a fortune teller in a best case 2 or 3 months. For me this is a test a few manatee have already we are 4 up and dammit if i were an examiner looking at what is happening in need to leave spain and other countries i would give a c. Minus great which is the most important lesson for us is to rebuild the Health Care System we must be prepared for serious disasters we must be prepared for serious pandemics we must be prepared for serious terrorist attacks and we must be prepared for everything and above all our Health Care System must be prepared. Well as Health System mentioned there is currently coping and this is overstretched as in some countries frontline medics are working around the clock to keep the virus at bay including one of the main airports where 2 brothers have decided to show their appreciation. It was him who decided to volunteer and give free coffee to all medical stuff and airport workers who are in the vanguard of the 5 because the coronavirus in these countries our i. D. s to help with all that we have we can make coffee so its not difficult for us to do those tackling the virus. National day of things that we dont have any medical education so we can help them treat people the only thing we can do is make coffee and give some sweets to help them through this tough time the ultimate idea is that if we can help theoretically anyone can 2. Doctors in the United States are being accused of stockpiling medication for themselves and their families and for you that story and more after the break. Thats the Crucial Point of the book the bottom line of the book namely i think youre pretty much stuck with your looks but if you have other things that youre good at either music or running or doing intellectual work or politics then one should take advantage of ones advantages and project ours and forget about the fact that you may not be the best looking person on the block. The Atlantic Alliance the bedrock of the post world war 2 Global Security order is slowly but surely unraveling more and more often washington in brussels by virtue of importing Foreign Policy issues today europe has a choice to defend its interests or fade into oblivion. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to us from the world of politics sports business im show business ill see you then. Welcome back to the United States has the most cases in the will now exceeding 104000 rise up from 85000 yesterday well than 1500 americans have died because of the virus ventilators are in short supply and president of the automotive john General Motors to produce the devices for corona virus patients he accused the company of wasting time and said that fast action was needed to save lives you all officials across the country said that the situation in hospitals is desperate. Reports from miami. You know that and i do 5 masks weve talked so much about over the past few weeks surgical gloves and of course ventilators among other things running out in fact as weve seen and continue to hear about medical professionals from florida to New York New York to california expressing their frustration about not having enough p. P. S. The gallons the gloves the facemask the ventilators will eventually run out as they continue to be besieged by new coronavirus cases theres been the contention between the governors of various states and president and other federal officials about adequate supplies being delivered by the federal government to the various states or or that are available as of now based in the years as someone who is a confirmed orders for millions of pieces of gear evaporate in front of us and i cant tell you how frustrating it is you know we know other orders that are outstanding. Are probably quote unquote confirmed but weve literally got to the point where basic position is until the until the thing shows up here in the kind of more of the mess that doesnt exist. But im telling you people are spending hours and hours and hours trying to get this stuff here in new york there really seems to be at this point as far as this overall issue disconnect between Governor Cuomo sconce yesterday during his press availability that the states hospitals are now stocked up on p. P. S. And the head of new York State Nursing Association basically the Union Representing all the nurses and says that the governor is wrong that nurses are having a really is their equipment because of the ongoing shortages so while that debate continues so does this ongoing fight for more ventilators. Some doctors in the United States have reportedly started to stockpile medication for themselves and for their families thats according to pharmacy regulators in several states the new restrictions are being imposed on just how much medication one person can buy we heard from 2 pharmacy Board Members about the crisis initials groups the pharmacists reported to us were filled for large quantities that the report was their prescriptions were written for 180. 00 tablets with 6 refills for the physicians and members of their families or a pharmacy promulgated a new rule. Pharmacists from dispensing more there a 14 day supply we just wanted to. Tell the pharmacies what they you know give guidance to them for dispensing the medication so that there would not be shortages for patients who were being treated for things like lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis and that needed to medication is now a huge demand for drugs considered possible treatments for covert 19 of course none of them have been the fish really approved for that purpose that they are commonly used to treat malaria lupus and other diseases the pharmacy Board Members again say hoarding of drugs could cost patients lives. They cant presume what those doctors are thinking but certainly the article that came out that the drug has shown some promise with the treatment and maybe perhaps even with profile access the pope in 1000 various i think is what informing their decisions if theyre being prescribed these in large quantities and dispensed that way it could certainly have an impact on on other patients as well it could also impact if there is proving to be that it is a treatment. The coronavirus pandemics also started to take hold in the palestinian territories and doctors in gaza are of warned of an impending catastrophe with Health Service is ill equipped to cope after years of living under the israeli blockade aunties middle east correspondent paula slayer explains. Im standing at the checkpoint between jerusalem and the occupied west bank city of bethlehem every day until recently thousands of crowds would queue here the large crowds the poor ventilation was the perfect opportunity for the coronavirus to sprayed the israeli army is now closing or checkpoints and at the same time its tossed the police with trying to stop the spread of the virus however in the case of gaza people they will find themselves trapped in a dainty populated strip with a fragile Health Care System which according to the United Nations has been crumbling away before the pandemic. In the gaza and the west bank are fragile areas due to the continue siege there has been deteriorating all our medical capabilities for the 14th year in a row its meant the gaza strip has lost all its basic facilities which provide health and human interim care and thats the condition and which today were facing this virus wont be able to fight this problem if we dont receive significant need for the Health Sector especially medical supplies and i see youth. The world Health Organization which visited gaza this week also gave its verdict the strips failing Health Care System will not be able to deal with a pandemic all along rather even superpowers couldnt control these fires not to mention the high density of population here which can lead to a severe escalation of the pandemic so. The situation here now is harder than during any war we had before and weve witnessed 3 of them that this scenario is definitely worse. We ask all concerned countries to show a bit of humanity and stand with us we dont have enough money to buy those masks we buy only one per day and even this not everybody can afford it most people can only buy food and most of the youth are unemployed despite this so far as hes in gaza are trying to be prepared for whatever is coming they are building a quarantine saying. To host up to 500 people while a shoe factory in the west bank has now switched to making medical masks its reportedly the only place in the area that produces the vital protection israel also apparently understands the severity of the problem is that all deliberate hundreds of medical kits to be enabling observation of the virus also there are joint tutorials and professional medical workshops participated both by israeli and palestinian medical staff where they are given the knowledge regarding the virus and proper tools and dealing with it but with a population of more than 2000000 people its clearly not enough and Guard Service calling for the United Nations and International Community to provide it with urgent aid to battle the crisis in 2013 the american blockbuster world war z. It predicted that a common enemy a zombie plague would force israelis and palestinians to unite and end the decades long conflict it remains to be seen with a cause that 19 can do the same. R. T. At the bit for him checkpoint we asked these really authorities to comment on the situation we await their response any more journalist gideon levy says that israelis are now getting a taste of what life has been like for palestinians. For many years israel is heard about the reality of curfew heard about a reality in which people carol move from one place to the other heard about petro a pet or sofa soldiers and policemen in villages in streets in cities but they never experienced it and now all of a sudden its becoming reality in our hometowns in our cities in our villages what we are doing to the palestinians for over 50 years now is becoming gradually our reality it is still uncomparable because what they face in routine times is still 100 times worse than what we are now facing in our closure but i hope that some israelis will make the analogy and remember that we are doing it for so many years the palestinians maybe now we understand a little bit more about the situation. Appreciate you staying with us here on r. T. International do stick around my colleague andrew follow because i bring you up to date in half an hour. Is your media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation community. Are you going the right way or are you being led. By a. What is true what is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Or a maid in the shallows. A dark industry comes to life in los angeles every night. Dozens of women sells their bodies on the street many of them underage. Los Angeles Police reveal a taste of their daily challenge no if youre going to exploit a child here in los angeles there are going to come as you see officers going undercover as 6 workers and customers to fight the early 6 trades. In 2016 millions of europeans are taking to the streets in a crisis across europe. And. The treaty negotiations broke. To light a largely unknown Organization International arbitration type bugles that allow multinationals to sue states. Philip morris is trying to use i. S. T. s to stop the oracle way from implementing new tobacco regulations aimed at cutting domestic smoking rates of French Company sued egypt because egypt raise its minimum wage astonishingly these arbitration tribunals can oblige states to pay huge compensation 50000000000. 00 by all standards this is the largest award ever. To token amount of damages claimed as about 5700000000 you didnt know its no surprise the trials are held behind closed doors everything takes place in utmost secrecy. Every tradition are secret i mean thats thats the purpose of an arbitration if you dont want to. Clear it as this just does come from who organizes it and who defends us. After all in the end its we the taxpayers who pay the bill. Make any sort of keel for you because of the awful sun coming your face all quietude over for the fun of the popularity that caused all smog community activists. To truly understand we need to penetrate a very violent system where

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