One of the ranchers that owned this section called me and said would you be interested i have 575 bunkers we are now building this into the Worlds Largest survival community with as many bunkers as we have we will eventually have 5 to 10000 people here ringback ringback. It will take them up on i think beyond us and link up where the guy smoked gouda both man. And run out of on something happened to the generator for you. Know. So im running off in my solar things out theres a lot of sun today so everything is soft light some fine. Say a food. Now also have my baby in chicago that really helps me now and she works and. If i remember struggling she will help me out and shes been. Incredible help to me because i met her when i moved here before like 3 or 4 months before i moved here and i told her i said look im not here i quit my job im leaving you know we can start this and one thing led to another and we started going strong and i love her and shes eventually going to get here. But. Should you be like. Ok this is both a just a go. There you go its put your looks. This is all kims life for you just stuff you didnt have any gasoline to do with gasoline yet you do it all. The salt in the drink a little bit here we got some good water here. Lookin good let me check the temperature on this again. Like you cant go a little bit keep your freezer gone. House. Shadow where you shadows shes busy i want to sit down look at the t. V. Here for a little bit oh oh well yeah we get some new here i did put a camera and put the antenna on top. Theres a bunker when ive 1st cancer here. I have to look at it and look at i painted the inside but i lost the gallon of paint i dont know why i lost a gallon of paint and its all over me and my great grandfathers colt. They were officers of our name off the face of her constable before world war one when name a gun right afterwards they start stamp and im out theres what the hell. Your government and our government and all the other major governments of the world know whats going to happen and when its going to. But they havent told you and they havent told me they havent announced it because if they were to announce it right now and tell you that in one year on a certain date the catastrophe is going to happen. The world would suddenly stop people would panic society would break down and nobody would go to work nobody would care about the law or prison so youd have lawlessness should have. A terrible life between the and. A lot of the pictures here are original so you can see all these pictures are were drawn here in the fiftys the fortys. And i came to my bunker and i told these incredible pictures storm window frame everything after and slate everything on a cut off here for every picture i have now. And frame it out so i can kind of show all the artwork that was done is incredible were i get this lady here is from hawaii because she has a live me and she looks the wind. And i told people do you have enough. If something happens for a day have enough food if something happened for today 3 dates have you ever tried not eating for a day have you ever tried not eating for 2 days you know so i try to. Open peoples minds to the reality that you know your government is going to protect you are going to get hit the fan. You guys are going to be you going to die because you think i havent eaten for 2 hours im going to die and youre going to die because youre putting that in your head and youre going to eventually die. I am the 1st one to dedicate to doing Something Like this. I feel this is my calling. I feel this what ive been preparing for my life. So i took the chance then. Moved here you know you can stay here you work on your bunker every day. And we got this light color right here when you come into the door here and the closet im going to be putting up here is actually a mirror and its actually a tan colored mirrors kind of a copper colored mirror and now we can see yourself when you come in or see yourself leaving and a mirror gives its respective. Perspective for. Maybe a little bigger in here you know its a small room. Right now i have 40 foot floor down sub floor and. The contest it would compress the wood floor. Once i get phase one done. That would mean the great room the kitchen in there the galley the vance. Pantry room. The bathroom now my bathroom actually will have a 12 volt. And cost me 1100. 00 toilet. Itself composite the to your waist the gray water goes out down this way. And you take that waste your bottom waste and put it in a barrel and a year later you can use it you date it you use it later and you can use it in your garden. We sell the bunker for 35000. 00 currently and that will continue to go up as we run out of supply everybodys heard of the cold war the cold war is over but the holy word is. Any big city anywhere in the world you dont know your neighbor you dont know the guy thats 5 miles down the street that has a gun and hes a criminal and hes a gang member and when everything happens the lights go out 1st thing hes going to do is go to the t. V. Store and break in and take all the t. V. s then after that theyre going to get hungry so theyre going to go to the supermarkets and theyre going to take everything in the market off the shelf will be nothing within 24 hours. And then after about 3 days to a week theyre going to be very high. And then theyre going to come knocking on your door. To say what do you got whatever it is. We want it. And theyre going to take it from. The old military bigger excess were they all we all used to see told people that used to the military guys used to run this town because this used to be over 1500 military families here at one time so with big these were all pyrex everyone you can there is here this place you can be nothing but the big Beautiful Homes and now look it is torn theres still beautiful things from your new. A lot of people know but this this location is very filled with. Is a is. An element that extracts nuclear. Radiation you can like. The Nuclear Waste and i think thats why they put this here because its so concentrated was really and if you do have an explosion the really in the ground will get rid of it faster than if you were to do it somewhere that doesnt have really gone. Then theres a. Lot of. Micrograms sions arent sleights and dad sed you know whites are men for example theres theres fights against women or more on nonwhite so its its its always you know the idea is that statements that directed toward a Privileged Group are interpreted differently than a statement directed toward an oppressed group and so thats kind of the whole framework and its a its a political framework thats used the result is of course focusing at least on certain kinds of minor slights and say well rather than or the more than we need to call attention to them but its not all slice so its a very political in its contents. Were presently sitting in Central Kansas which is the site of a Intercontinental Ballistic Missile base that was part of the cold war era and this particular site was a at was after missile silo which was good clear hardened and i purchased this site in 2008 with the idea of converting it into a nuclear hardened bunker. The idea to go after a luxury bunker and design a facility like that became in the sas in the early on in the conceptual design phase because we realized that with the relatively small number of units that we could put into that facility they would have to be at a higher price point. In the number one criteria that came up and that was a lot of people would say why need a bunker that would protect me and my family for 4 to 6 months and then the next guy would command and say well i was thinking that point needs something for at least a year and then someone has a what if we have a Global Climate change that wiped out crops for zir so we had to be in there for years so we quickly got feedback from potential customers. That had a really big span and timeframe. I know or in kansas. We decided to make people feel comfortable that are from the coastal welcome to the beach. So one of the things you dont expect to see in an underground bunker is an indoor Swimming Pool this is 75 feet long and holds 50000 gallons and its a salt water pool its all computer controlled and maintained. So here we is a Cross Section of the this is the dome of the where we just to tour the cooler ocean we can go Level Medical and security the store level hydroponics and then are stress eventually levels for 5 through 11 and then theres a library in classroom and thats your side since follow a theater and pontian storage. This is the hydroponics level one were on the lower level theres another identical configuration this room right above us these circular tanks all over here roughly half of the room are all for raising columbia these pipes shaped lower tanks are all for growing plants this half of the floor opposite the security is our medical facility so and here we have a full pharmacy weve got everything from radiation drugs in. Iodine pills and likes and things like that thats what stored in here then we have a full dental office and we have a medical exam room. And we even have a hospital and procedure room so we can actually do minor surgeries i personally think its better to depend on yourself than the government for protection so if you can you know what we will do whats the downside here the downside is your family might not survive because you made the wrong choice of being prepared you thought that the government was going to take care of you and if you make those arrangements then. You still have a backup plan if you fail then maybe the governments there but if you come in the government may fail but your backup plan so i would try to do it myself. And maybe in your schoolyard play when the signal. Signal means to stop whatever you are doing and get to the nearest safe place. Always remember i shot an atomic bomb can come at any time only know the bomb can explode any time of the year day or night is ready for. In cover. At a boy tony that means act fast tony knows that it helps to get to any kind of cover sundays holidays like asian time we must be ready every day all the time to do the right thing if the atomic bomb explodes. This family knows what to do to your own family should remember what to do tell me right out loud what it was supposed to do when you. Were not in a cold war situation anymore like we had in the 1960 s. With the soviet union back then we had what was called duck and cover and we had a mascot it was a turtle called bart the turtle and he would come dancing around and he would teach the children how to hide in case a bomb went off. Im 57 years old and ive never seen a country so divided as america is right now so divided that people are buying bunkers in record numbers to protect their family from the unknown because they dont know where their country is going they dont know where this country america is going to end up in 10 years. We have a saying in america were all just 9 miles away from anarky now what that means if you take an america and you dont see him for 3 days he will kill you for food. My husband but travel and i say what can i do to help my family. So i bought it in the next. Day but that bunker he doesnt want to plant bunker he says oh my god were going to wouldnt you were going to keep hermes on this is now i dont well i buy the bunker 9 and thinking that to get in the ground. Heres a massive. Compost really. These challenge. These out of control. I put a little light. Here and a little storage area here and then this has storage in here on all 4 of them. And the curtains for privacy. Between 59 and 63 degrees all year round it could be snowing up or could be blazing hot in the same pitch or going around i like being alone sometimes so. Its just quiet you dont hear anything at all. Not even flies come down here is my girl cave. My husband dont let me say this. But theres a planet coming through that has its own solar system. In the sun its got nibiru and it has its own moon it has its own has its own planets that are going around it supposed to pass through between the sun and us. And something as big as the earth is going to cause tidal waves earthquakes volcanoes. And its going to chill. Its over it for awhile right and it can happen any time so. Much as an ism believe it but i do. It its own crazy not just dont believe that. My air pipes keep way over there. I dont have one here at their place but their pipes are way over there they dont come straight up in most cases like most bunkers they go straight up so if you go up to me pool water and it just goes into the bunker it doesnt happen on my bunkers meyers parts away over there so somebody comes out and finds an air pipe they try to pour gas in it are pump smoke or even put Carbon Monoxide back a car up to it its not going to get because my valves was shut off the Carbon Dioxide the water go in the ground now if they put in a bag over the pipe thats eventually going to tokyo so there is no bunker i make this not impenetrable but i can help the lion as long as possible so then you have enough air in there to use the escape tunnel the flank the guy sitting in the back. This is a bunker but this has a like a 4 cox gun vault door inside it has the name of the guys ranch and you come down the stairs and it has a mud room as well say i ever one of my bunkers has a place to shower and decontaminate before entering the bunker. The shelters we make today are identical to the shelters made for john f. Kennedy. Right now the people who are buying bunkers are not the liberals as the conservatives the conservatives are buying the bankers theyre buying the guns theyre buying the food theyre buying the image that the left is and buying anything because they figure they have the police in the military and theyre kind of crazy to begin with anyway if we could end up in a civil war number 2 in america it would start today it would happen the problem we cant is because were all intermingled so its a war of words on the news and media but this country needs to break up and people need to go to the side that the we need to split this country. This is mine this is mine. Just cant teach english and his mind was full. Loaded and ready and indeed. This is mine she is mine. Now you are used to get a laugh now we have a. Target. Range. They have an area about a mile behind us so its in the no facial shooting range and everybody in the local area calls fighting practice the slow so lou short walking thanks for that we practice come home and then we clean the drugs and ready for the next day. So will you know its you because you know. This is a misconception oh maybe the. Problem here is that youre just blowing 12 to 25. Shelters 400225 you know the temperature drop here tonight deal situation because of the cool temperature. Is long as you remain sealed about 20 years. But whats your biggest fear my neighbors. Just in case people always ask me arent you worried about people knowing where your bunker is i said no just off point but the press through until. The locals here they kind of look at us. Like were crazy that thats a waste of money why are you doing that but the locals also dont know that. If you live in chicago you have nowhere else to go. So why not have things like this. The good thing is everything is paid off. I dont know nobody no money the focus paid off the car the heat off the trailer it all nothing i just gotta figure out oh. Enough way of paying my child for paying my Daughters School and thats what i. Am which just to live their life without fear. Then this whole world would be different but every once in ones fearful you need to break away from that fear because the only thing you have to fear is death thats the way i look at life and i think that ill just want to enjoy my life because time this precious. Time is you know thats what we have here and its fresh. Captured the moment. Being. You know the ghost of christmas future was neo liberalism visiting the president trying to warn people what happens when you financial. Me and you do 3 or 400 years. Day christmas being a holiday. Losing its significance spiritual soulful. And here we are you know weve all been very very naughty and weve all been. And were all sitting in our rooms thinking about what we did this is a moment for the Global Community to sit. And think about what you. Want to. Lose. How do you make. Loosely. To use in. No limits your house on the next classroom. In this community there are people who believe that its ok. Its really hard there are no jobs and you see the kids ask and as a parent. I can come up with an argument and theres a lot of conflict within the game and between the teams most of the conflict i would say overall is around money and most of their money is made. Plus one on the childrens clothes seen on each other is Good Business the state of california alone makes 6000000000. 00 a year of the prison complex just to get some point in your life where. You dont care and cares about you so your care might anything. Welcome to our viewers from around the world live from Central London this is r. T. U. K. Britains pronovost death toll soars to its highest daily death rate yet and could still be underestimating the scale of the crisis thats as the government fails to hit its own target for testing ill be talking to a former Health Service chief shortly. Police forces warn the offices not to be overzealous in forcing the lock down as some forces use drugs to shade dog walkers and try to stop nonessential projects is like easter eggs ill be joined by a former Police Officer. Before secretary promises to get thousands of stranded nationals back home as reports emerge of britons running out of food and water due to lock downs around the world hes speaking to one traveler still waiting for a flight from india. Also this hour the european parliaments Largest Group of any peace calls on britain to last for an extension to the transition period while both sides deal with the virus pandemic that says a poll finds that the majority of the British Public that the mood of. The coronavirus death rate in the u. K. Continues to soar to almost 400. 00 in a single day and the toll could be even higher after it was revealed the governments own figures dont include those fatalities occurring outside hospitals as number 10 is accused of failing to meet its own targets to ramp up testing. And he joins me with the latest so. Tell us more about this is confusion over the official death figures yes thats correct this comes as the official figure has now risen the ritual death. Toll has risen to above 1800 it stands at 1808 deaths across the whole of the United Kingdom thats a rise of 393 across all 4 of the home nations 367 just in england alone over the past 24 hours but there are thought to be some inconsistent sees in how these figures are recorded in these inconsistences are to do with the methodology we know that the office for National Statistics theyve just begun a weekly analysis of the death figures they say that up to and including the date of the 20th of march there were 210. 00 deaths but the n. H. S. Official figures say that up until that day there were only 170 deaths but the differences may lie in how their recorded the and the o. S. Figures the office of National Statistics include deaths which take place in hospitals and nonhospital deaths as well so for example deaths in Retirement Homes but those n. H. S. Figures only include n. H. S. Only clue deaths which take place in hospital so that may go some way to explaining that discrepancy and obviously with the official figures being 1800. 00 we could see that the actual real figure of deaths as a result of covert 19 could be much higher and these are the governments testing plans are going a rise so it seems. Well the government have been stressing that they have been ramping up testing the what we know that the chief of the World Health Organization has been repeatedly telling countries to test test test and saying that the governments have been aiming to do 10000 tests a day however the latest figures from over the weekend show that those figures are some way short of that the real figures around 4900 people being tested in the 24 hours leading up to 9 am on sunday morning it contrasts sharply with other European Countries such as germany who are testing 70000 people every day but measures are being table taken to increase that the ikea in northwest london just off the north circular its being converted d into a Testing Center where n. H. S. Staff can go to get tested and that sensor theyre already constructing barriers and tents and so on for those and it just works to go and be tested there and it also comes as we expect for self self testing kits to hit the shelves these testing kits are supposed to be approved in the next week or so when they will be testing for antibodies which have been described as a game changer because they could tell people if theyve been infected with a covert 19 in the past and could go some way to alleviate some of the economic pressure and some of the quarantine pressures while its understood that the government of already bought 3 and a half 1000000 of those tests some of them will be going towards workers and frontline n. H. S. Staff others will be hitting the shelves for the public to be able to buy it thank you very much indeed for that update well for more on this and are joined by former n. H. S. Trust chairman roy roy and to you thank you very much indeed for joining us. Why is the government getting this so wrong repeatedly absolutely no idea they started really on the back foot they started really with a very modest target just 5000 tests which is hopeless really in the scheme of things and theyve only just managed to scrape by that on most days the end of the week a and michael gove whos one of cabinet ministers said that the n. H. S. It reached a 10000. 00 target when it actually hadnt we will well short of the 10000 and then so the government had to spend several days rowing back off of that saying oh we meant to say we have a capacity of 10000 now because weve seen the Prime Minister say we want to do 25000 even if we did 25000 it wont be anything like as much now we have over 40 testing you look gorgeous he can do viral viral testing if each one of those did 500. 00 tests a day 7 days a week would be well a 250000. 00 so why were not using the capacity i dont know there is of course in fairness there is a sort of global competition to try to buy tests themselves everybody across europe of course wants to buy them were no longer in the European Union or none and theres a lot of gossip around the fact that the European Countries are just selling tests to European Countries not us we cant get in from the states because the states are busy using them as well so i think were probably on our own to some extent with even then you know the government go on to other Engineering Companies and formula one racing Car Companies and said can you make ventilators for us and the response has been fantastic they could do to zac to the same thing with tess im sure hosking industry to step up and help but they havent done it this 3 and a half 1000000 antibody tests theyve been talking about that now for a fortnight and we havent seen them and i understand the chief medical officer has some reservations about whether or not the tests work and the window for testing them is it a week after youve had your last symptoms or so. 4 weeks is a its not its not simple and of course were saying the Ikea Development just this last time this one in chessington its south london as well but its a windswept car park where people drive up in their car wind their window down into and it looks to me like a very unprepared nurse with a some little penny on and mosque pokes around in the face with a swab and puts it in a minute and then joe i mean if you look at how were testing compared to our how theyre doing in italy and spain in other countries it looks really sort of Heath Robinson so the whole thing is a message partly the difficulty is that is that the n. H. S. Is sort of run by the department of health its sort of run by n. H. S. England and its sort of run by Public Health england who are responsible for testing and Public Health so youve got 3 organizations are all sort of stumbling around each other trying to fix it it needs it clearly a clear set of objectives and i think for the government to come clean because if were going to have faith in government they have to tell the truth because otherwise michael gove now the minister who said we were doing 10000 we have this big question mark now peter sidewalk can we trust anything he says when people often its in the government its a big problem perhaps revealing the truth and could be damaging because some including those weve spoken to on the frontline argue that more testing would reveal more cases and of course to many cases could mean even more of a Public School exactly i mean i agree that its a way that you tell the public but if you say that look we are on the back foot we dont have enough tests which trying to buy them in global competition but weve asked old British Companies for to come forward and help us think that the way we would get behind that this is that test test test is really important and frankly i think we should be aiming to test everyone because weve got an International Global pandemic we dont know from our port if you dont know whos got it whos got over it. Where they are and where the hot spots are this is data that really we do have to have if were going to manage the pandemic pandemic properly because otherwise were going to spend months locked up in our homes that eventually is going to fall apart because people just wont do it but if you test like that having other countries you know where you can let people out where youre going to also. Write thank you very much and thank you tom on this roy living. A Senior Police chief has been front line officers not to be overzealous in forcing britains lock down assistant commissioner of the metropolitan police neil bassis says that theres a balance to be struck but also told the public to make allowances for any mistakes after reports of officers abusing their new powers preserving the trust and confidence of the public in policing by consent is our mantra and has been since 1829 there will be a period of readjustment to our new responsibilities which no Police Officer ever thought they would have not every Police Response will be sure footed and some will spark healthy debate we should not judge too harshly some forces have been accused of exercising forces have been accused of exercising the new Emergency Powers sanctioned by the government to harshly the association of Convenience Stores reported Police Searching through customs baskets to remove nonessential items in pharmacies despite there being no official guidance when others reported being stopped in their cars while travelling to exercise in the countryside exercise which is allowed under the rules. So what do the powers state while police have the authority to instruct the public to go home leave an area or disperse to ensure people stay home and dont make norman essential journeys they can also ensure parents are taking necessary steps to stop their children from breaking the rules and officers can issue a fixed penalty notice of 60 pounds doubling for 2nd time offenders if theres a failure to comply and they can arrest those who repeatedly flout the direction but critics say there must be more clarification about the difference between rules and guidelines and the fear that society is losing its basic freedoms. The real problem is that when human societies lose their freedoms it isnt when tyrant to take it away it is when people willingly surrender their freedom against some external threat and the threat is usually a real threat but usually exaggerated that is what i fear we are seeing now and when you look at some of the other Police Activity you can see why some feel they might not be acting within the spirit of the wall even within the lower itself. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow wow. Wow. Wow wow. Wow wow. Wow wow wow. Wow. Well for more on the Police Reaction and overreaction and not joined by former Police Officer Peter Williams peter hello to you thanks for joining us why are some forces getting this so wrong it seems well im not sure they are getting it wrong. Bill because i think we need to step take a step back and look a sewer this legislation came from it was rushed through both houses last week basically although not there was virtually no Committee Stage which is the normal stage the normal juncture implement legislative process when the law proposal is looked at. In detail and druggists leaks out clearly thats. Because it actually do not require that so surely following dog walkers with drones criticizing easter egg shopping i mean thats really no the polices business. Well what what the what the place. The mantra the should be the guidance thats been issued to start is from the College Police and say that the vast majority of Police Forces and Police Officers are doing that and that is basically full ease which is engage with the public xplain encourage finally if necessary and fulls now the 1st 3 of those probably have happened on thousands occasions so far weve just not heard about this we have heard about the one of 2 incidents which you quite rightly highlighted which neal pursuit referred to. Which is causing overreaction from offices i mean the more supposed to be about dispersing large gatherings and discouraging nonessential travel emon thats pretty modern in that this should be common sense providing here well im sure that is the case because dispersing large gangs are not sort of thing is something which the neighborhood Police Officers do on a daily basis well under the provisions of the crime and disorder known to social behavior so that isnt really a problem and i dont see that being an issue what to say here is the fact that perhaps theres some abdication of things that maybe could have been avoided largely by social media i mean for one example ive seen a tweet this morning by darvish it least of course they have codified that it wasnt them that ashley added the di to this particular disused quarry a lake and that was done by previously to discourage women as not to get sold to do with the police and so i think were seeing 2nd stances like that but accept what you say whats been said and nailed to sue has referred to it in his last and hes quite right because we do police by consent and have dorms since 1820. And at one time sure in the future we are going to return to normalcy and we be sure of that because theres overzealous enforcement actually be foreshadowing even more draconian lockdowns in the future and indeed for those powers to be exerted and difficult to return those powers in the future well that there is shaun settles in these anyway isnt that 3 months so dont stand so we can foresee normality being restored and of course the issue demand should be epic of policing by consent which should exist now will of course come into play once again so i dont see any particular issues of ok just a final thought and pay your way weve got to keep public trust in the police somewhere and cracking down like this when actually help this after the pandemic is over the most powerful tool the Police Service has got in its armory at the moment is communication and its communication with the public which will bring about compliance and of course that will maintain and protect the issue of policing by consent in my area there ive seen 2 videos by 2 chief constables one from lancashire one my own local cheap council for a murder suicide which youve been setting out what the police plans and strategies are think we need to see a little bit more of that peter thank you very much indeed Peter Williams. Still to come from a. Britain stranded the 4th because of the pandemic accuse the government of failing to help the return of a speaking to the british tourist in gallup. All the alternative all. Because i say. Cold real choice binary choice and only choice is if you say. Binary is not a chance for the states to the school to provide a new picture of the called ted to start negotiations with. Theyre not invited to negotiate. Micrograph arent slights against you know why. For example there are there slights against women or nonwhites so its always the idea is that statements that directed toward a Privileged Group are interpreted differently than a statement directed toward an oppressed group and so thats kind of the whole framework and its a political framework thats used the result is of course focusing at least on certain kinds of minor slights and saying well rather than a north shore then we need to call attention to them but its not all slight so its very political and its contents. The chief doctor at russias main hospital treating coven 19 patients has tested positive for the corona virus thats according to state t. V. And so far theres been no official statement from the hospital which is in moscow the nice part cinco is widely seen as the public face of the countrys containment strategy against covert 19 he regularly gives media interviews and weve shown him here on r. T. In the past few days the hospital where he works is currently treating several 100 people. They are a part of the Largest Grouping of any pieces as the British Government to seek an extension to the brics a transition period due to the pandemic the European Peoples Party which represents more than a quarter of n. E. P. Said spending the exit is the only sensible thing to do as the bloc deals with the crisis of Prime Minister Boris Johnson has maintained that the date will remain the 31st of december but its been done. It. Being regulated discussed i can tell you. At the moment. Were getting on with. The. Legislative legislation in place that i have no intention of changing. It comes as the 1st meeting of the joint u k E U Committee set up to implement the would drop agreement took place by Video Conference britain is represented by michael gove while Vice President of the European Commission the chef is on behalf of the e. U. But a study by the groups at best for britain and hope not hate reveals that the public mostly disagrees with the government pushing ahead to wrap up talks by the end of the year. Over 2 thirds of the general population would like to see the u. K. Are asked for an extension in light of the pandemic 44 percent of conservatives back an extension despite their partys hard line to get the bricks it done election stands 84 percent of labor voters support an extension and do 83 percent of lib dems there is also shows a large age gap with 78 percent of 18 to 24 year olds desiring an extension compared to 52 percent of those aged 65. 00 and over well for more on this ill be joined later by politics expert alice to jones. Britains stranded abroad because of the crisis could be running out of basic supplies as other countries go into lockdown foreign secretary dominic robb has said that the government is doing everything in its power to help people return. Many shoppers come to matters to get her to come back because youre a sarcophagus on cruises and we appreciate the difficulty that they find themselves in. We also recognize its. All founded in syria if you care to conserve to get a look at what is hard its a war its a lot of what weve heard would be affected. The most are sure. That this is a big piece of working around the clock to pull the phone lines and focus truckers. Rob pledged a 75000000. 00 pound fund would be made available to help finance chartered flights back to the u. K. But those will only be available when no commercial ones running and critics say that that will be unaffordable to many travelers especially with some airlines pushing up prices announcement comes as britons living in india say the lockdown there means many cant access food or water and the popular holiday destination goa many travelers have been confined to accommodation without food or cooking facilities were joining us from goma is one of those stranded tourists as to how thank you for joining us although i think youre in i understand youve secured a flight home for tomorrow but give us an idea of what youve gone through. So this whole situation step around 10 days ago we were given 24 hours notice to try and get the last of the last lights so its right near airports and we didnt get to the end part of the seats when a bell or so went into lockdown and then that extended one day 3 days the lockdown then men could not leave at all which brought about the problems of food water basic supplies medicine and theres a great threat to classes 6000 of those that have been contacting them she helped trying to plant information and health plans and how theyve not been and how whats what but they give us a stand default response to look at the social media page look at the website the website of the less despite this lack of contact you have actually got that flood how did you get that far out and i had to fund it yourself yes and it was around 520. 00 euros each way. And that checklist go to london i was in fondue strike my friend and then here i was led to national to say had sent me some detentions when i asked for a while and didnt hear anything from the u. K. Government so i dont know whether this information is being shared and from news the ongoing countries are all if theyre just out of the loop. What about the funding because of the client the reason were having to care now is 1000 pounds to get home and what she contends its all of the flights is quite shape its still about 3 times the amount that you would use before and have gone on that flight you know others who are still having to wait out there. Yes let me look the fear of those that managed to get a nice wind a lot of systems there are still thousands of those that still struggling with supplies menace and is and yes he said lowes a struggling without supplies meant how are they then coping how did you cope without food water and basic facilities so the 1st few days. We didnt have access to anything and yet some corner shops that we found so we managed to get some crisps and and physical but now it was that was all that happened then wed been blind on 100 dollars from the staff at the hospital they dont find that its only out of the generosity and kindness that even if he testified i did not particularly complimentary about the help from the British Embassy what about overall the British Government do you thin and some ways its forgotten about the likes of you because yesterdays press conference from the government seemed like an afterthought after weeks of talking about workers and businesses not but not people stranded like yourself. It without being complaints the government since this since it began so 10 days is to learn and they still havent given us any concrete information to get home so that may have been abandoned and if not and its only because of recent reach that it would be just as a thank you so much for talking to us hope all goes well with your flight home this morning thank you for. What it seems the coronavirus related myths are continuing to spread alongside the disease are you case Martin Andrew has put some more viral theories under the microscope are you suffering from information overload lets see bugs some myths and get the lowdown we had to separate facts from the fiction. The virus was made in a lab. One internet rumor states that create a virus was created in a laboratory in china the reality is that many studies show its a natural product of evolution most horribly from a wet all live meat markets in china some scientists believe it jumped from populations to humans while others think that it might have passed to us from bats but its certainly not from some science experiment gone wrong. Can spread coronavirus the British Veterinary Association says that there is no evidence that pets can spread the virus or come become sick from it its driven from human to human transmission that said the virus can live on surfaces for some time including animal fur so the answer is to follow good hygiene practices and wash your hands. Children can catch it the short answer is that all age groups can become infected but yes most cases so far have been in adults and older people the World Health Organization says that children are not immune and are just as likely to become infected but the symptoms tend to be less of the. Virus can stay dormant for 27 days now theres lots of different online information and opinion about this one the World Health Organization says that the incubation period thats the time between catching the virus and beginning to show symptoms is believed to be between want to 14 days most commonly around 5 days however a case with an incubation period of 27. 00 days was reported by local government in china experts suggest that a very long incubation period could reflect a double exposure but on average its 5. 00 days its generally considered to be around for up to 14 days it can be longer so all of these things if. Theres a real range. Coronavirus is the same as saws the virus that causes copd 19 on the one that caused the outbreak of severe. Respiratory syndrome or sars in 2003 are related to each other genetically but the diseases are quite different saws was much more deadly but less contagious than covert 19 meaning it was easier to isolate patients stop the spread

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