About the law or prison so youd have wallace though should have. A terrible life between now and then. And this is boom bust the one business show you cant afford to miss branch of war in washington coming up the corona virus has now taken hold around the world but to varying degrees we take a look at the globe and check in on the numbers as they stand now plus markets have seen one of the worst quarters in history of the outbreak infects trading and has stalled International Growth and things are looking any better at the start of q 2 we bring you. Analysis on the issue. With the lions share of focus aimed at the pandemic trade issues may have fallen by the wayside we dig into the new details of trade and what lies ahead after the outbreak with a packed show today so lets go and die write it. And the United Nations on tuesday called for a large scale coordinated and comprehensive response to the coronavirus pandemic while speaking about the intergovernmental organizations plans u. N. Secretary general antonio terras said the world needs to come together to fight the spread of the virus. It is essential that developed countries immediately is ceased those less developed to bolster their Health Systems and their response capacity to stop to this mission. Otherwise they still nights when it is easy spend the like quantifying the global sauces mediums of the us and the prospect of that is emerging which was previously suppressed. And the secretary general also addressed the Economic Impact of the pandemic saying this could be the most challenging crisis in 75 years it is an economic effect that you bring your reception and reception thats probably is no parallel in the recent busts the combination of the 2 facts and the reasons that it contributes to. Events used to be a dangerous and complete seems to make us believe that this is indeed the most challenging crisis we have faced the 2nd war and this all comes as the International Monetary fund says we are in a global recession at least as bad as the last economic crisis mentioning the i. M. F. Expects a recovery in 2021 counts the total number of cases of crow virus around the world is quickly closing in on 1000000 and here in the United States President Donald Trump said modeling shows that between 10240000 people could die before this crisis is over now we want to take another global look at how countries around the world are being affected and for that were joined by our t. V. Correspondents are Tavenner Sayah thank you so much you know brian today were seeing a Record Number of deaths recorded in a single day in the u. S. As 865 people lost their lives to the disease now that number of deaths puts americas death toll to over 4309 moving over to europe the virus has now claimed more than 30000 lives and europe olan and what the head of the United Nations has described as humanitys worst crisis since world war 2 and heres a graph that i want you to look at and may have them once they put that up for you that i want to go over with in terms of whats flattening out now here you see u. S. Spain and italy and you see all those cases are going up now the only story countries currently that are actually flattened out are japan south korea and china and look at the u. S. Spain italy you know those are actually just unique to those countries almost every other country around the world youre going to youre seeing going to see cases going up but only as these 3 countries you see some sort of numbers actually flattening out and not increasing so that is good news at the moment. Now can you give us a little bit of an update on some of these countries that maybe we didnt talk about recently and maybe are getting as much attention when it comes to the number of cases that theyre seeing. Lets go to south africa which is actually some of the toughest krone virus lockdown regulations in the world but in forcing them has not been easy you know right now Security Forces are actually firing rubber bullets at anyone defying orders to stay at home and that puts south africa the country more than 1300 reported cases with 55 deaths and then all that the number might appear low compared to some other countries its still the most in any other country in africa and that main issue is that authorities are worried that the virus could actually spread to the poor areas where would be almost impossible to provide proper medical attention and then there is jordan which has been under total lockdown since march 14th you know after just a few cases began to appear around the country the government took extraordinary measures including implementing very strict emergency laws where the Jordan Armed Forces and police were deployed to the patrol the kingdom streets and forcing very strict curfew and because of all these immediate measures jordan has about 274 confirmed cases and 5 deaths and thats very low compared to its neighbors like israel that has more than 5500 confirmed cases with 23 deaths and then as saudi arabia would have over 700 confirmed cases and 16 deaths now bring you back to whats happening in latin america and the caribbean can you tell us about whats going on there well brand from mexico city to Port Au Prince all the way to santiago chile this is taking root in the worlds most on equal social class systems where the 1st cases a virus actually. Arrived by the wealthy returning from vacations or work from places like europe and the u. S. Where its now spread to the poor areas in the country but im like many of the well to you are recovering medical experts are really worried that the virus could kill thousands of the poorest people and im referring to the ones who must work every single day to feed their families living in such extreme conditions that the even lack clean water and power paramedic medical care for example in haiti the western hemispheres poorest country reported its 1st 2 cases of the virus on march 20th the 1st was actually brought into the country by haitis most successful r. And b. Singer who had just returned from france and is now currently and quarantined but for hundreds of thousands of haitians who earn just a few dollars a day of selling goods on the streets you know quarantine would mean a near like starvation and then there is chile a which has seen cases grow to more than 3000 but most have been in the upper class neighborhoods in people just back again from europe particularly italy and then there is mexico where Authorities Say at least 17 of the country has wealthiest people return after being infected during a ski trip to Vail Colorado which puts mexicos confirmed cases to over a 1200. 00 with 29. 00 deaths so brands although the u. S. Is leading the number of confirmed cases you might not take long before that spreads even further globally because just 6 weeks ago here in the u. S. The only had 60 cases so fascinating information will look for more updates from you so i dont thank you so much and as a reminder you can always find the latest news and information or regarding the coronavirus on portable t. V. s coronavirus track or r t correspondent site savage or thank you so much. Following the worst quarter in decades equity markets are starting the 2nd quarter well theyre starting on a slide so lets go ahead and bring in some of the expert analysis we love here on boom bust tobin smith c. E. O. Of Transformative Research joins us tobin thank you so much what are we seeing i mean the dow was down at times more than a 1000 points today and people are said were saying that we were at the bottom clearly thats not the case what are we seeing in the market today. Well what were seeing is its a 4 step process and you know people always automatically for the last basically 12 years 11 years you would buy the dip right we get a correction the market come down maybe 10 or 20 percent we buy that we be back up but were not in that world were in a world where we have not only a global recession that same time we didnt pour diesel fuel on the 2nd amik fire by having an energy you know complete or price war so now its cascading and were not done cascading as i think i told you before we went to the coverage at the end of january when we went all in cash about february 15th with our subscribers and Money Management clients because we were getting information from our contacts around the world that china had completely under played how bad this was the number 2 that they completely under play how many people you know were traveling out of china and now we have this pandemic so it is too early to be a bit buyer we assume were going to test the that new low that we had you know call it 2120 to 50 range and then i think were going to burst through that because no one has any idea about how many bodies are going to be piled up and until we do really bend that curve its just like a stock you have to earn you know you have a price moving average we have a death moving average and an infection moving average and until that turns down. Its not safe to buy stocks and oh by the way the bankruptcies are just starting to hit and the in the earnings numbers will hit about 1520 days and i mean now so what youre telling me here is youre expecting the same amount of market volatility in april as we saw in march and maybe moving into may and june as well. Yeah absolutely and all you have to do is read the vix the v. I. X. That shows the amount of fear in the market for lack of a better or simpler explanation and weve never had the vix not only go to 85 its average has been 16 but it was at 12 when we got into this but its not coming down and the reason why its not coming down is its projecting every day and were close today its projected that every day we will have 5 percent volatility up or down and the issue is is that were going to have that volatility but the slope of that volatility is lower lows not you know lower highs and toba now what are the markets not pricing in at the moment what are the unknown variables that are left on the table as you talked about i mean the problem is its hard to see a response because we dont know where this is going we dont know where this ends we dont know where any of this happens so its hard to look its really hard to look for but its also hard to look at right now because you dont know whats real and whats not real yeah i mean im otherwise i dont mean were out of our affairs here i know i mean. Economic wise we just do models right because thats the only thing you can sort of do and were modeling about 30 to 40 percent unemployment for the Service Industries for certainly the month of april and probably may you know the great governor of florida decided today maybe were going to have a coronavirus problem well theyre going to have a pandemic down there like nobodys business secondarily we look at it cash flows and you know cash flows are dropping to 0 in businesses Small Businesses that its going to take 3 or 4 weeks for them to get the loan i just was on the talk with the s. B. A. Today and its going to take 3 to 4 weeks to get that money out and i just tell you a Service Business is theyve got you know 1520. 00 days of cash so theres going to be an auto wreck they are so i dont see the known knowns the only known knowns we know are that china clamped down a 25000000 people and they bent the curve we know that italy after going through all these. Albums lock down and they are starting to bend the curve we have done none of that we have we have been basically smoking our own dope thinking that somehow that you know what this is all go away and its the lame stream media thats pushing this thing well thats turned out to be the biggest lie of the century and there are deaths of people that occurring every day today because our government ignored the problem and got way like you know korea had the same amount of people basically a new york city in the solar area they got up and testing in 10 days were the only country that didnt accept we rejected the World Health Organization testing kits because they were good enough for us to do we will need it anyway so i mean when the history is written on this this is going to be the biggest government screw up in the history of screw ups and weve got a lot of screw ups. That for sure and sadly may be true the fed is now pulling out all the stops to support the economy what can you tell us about how theyre going to continually move this forward i mean it seems like theyve said weve got a bottomless checkbook and were ready to continue to support it but how long can that go. Well it can go as long as they want because they literally remember if it was a church they said thats ok they push a button and the new york fed all of a sudden you know they create 10 1000000000. 00 or 10 trillion dollars its its Electronic Transfer right but the issue is not like the financial crisis where where we could solve the financial crisis by putting money in we have a Health Crisis we have Small Business crisis we have people who have you know in new york city are could be able to pay the rent they depend on 20000000000. 00 a year excuse me a month in new york for tax right so this is the Ripple Effect and unless the fed is going to step up and start pumping 2500. 00 to 4000. 00 a month into 45000000. 00 people Checking Account it is going to get a lot worse before we hit a real bottom toben smith c. E. O. Of Transformative Research sobering to hear you but thank you so much for giving us that insight. They do here baby. Time now for a quick break but hang here because when we return with the lions share of the focus of aimed at the demick trade issues have fallen by the wayside straight ahead we dig into the new details of trade and what lies ahead right after the break and as we go to break there are those numbers thats what. It is now a time in america for the sort of the workers who are making minimum wage they cant survive they have to have 2 or 3 minimum wage jobs theyre rising up theyre going on strike and so one of the fallouts of the company 1000. 00 play wont be much higher wages the longer this. Its seemed wrong. To me. To shape out just because the ticket and engagement equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart. Just to look for common ground. Thanks. And welcome back the Trip Administration will defer u. S. Tariffs 1st most favored nations for 3 months says the white house attempts to mitigate the Economic Impact of the coronavirus pandemic according to multiple reports now the u. S. Had previously allowed exemptions for medical supply but these new exemptions will include some forms of apparel as well as light trucks according to the reports now the exemptions will not apply to the levies put on 360000000000 dollars in chinese import ports which were enacted due to the trade war and i want to bring somebody in here to give us some insight on the impact of these tariff exemptions and that would be professor Richard Wolfe host of economic update and author of understanding socialism now professor wolf weve talked about sanctions relief in the past year on the show with you how big of a deal is it to remove all of these economic barriers including tariffs when were dealing with this pandemic. It is like so much of the policy were watching way too little and way to rate it cannot make a significant difference this scale of our economic meltdown as do your previous guest made it very clear it is strong on what is being done now and so this is just a bigger action take my suspicion and i think its a theres if its done to look like youre doing something really is more theatrical and it is. Relative to. Our problems and now professor wolf what were also seeing as expected Manufacturing Activity basically grind to a halt throughout the world a series of purchasing Managers Index is surveys on wednesday showed steep declines in germany and japan for the month of march now the u. S. Was also down as well which was to be expected that youve been on the show saying that were already in this recession is this manufacturing actually going to be able to come back after the the pandemic is supposedly over or is this a new normal were going to see until well into 2021. Very very hard heres what we can be sure this is the worst economic downturn. That riyad had probably said since the Great Depression and if you just cut it and as. I think of it and. Yet. Its its. Just its so hot credits. And you know we asked understood understood that was it. And then again in response to this. Crisis of 2009 the Federal Reserve pumped huge amounts unpressured their money in this and dropped interest not close to 20 inches in just 10 minutes what did was to give the every business large medium and small all an excuse to cover all the weakness just cover over a band it investment and. Limited action. At. The compressor well 4 or have just were having a little trouble with professor wolfs connection as has been the case as we try to everybody tries to adhere to social distancing so what were going to do is bring back in our our friend tobin smith who is still joining us from scottsdale arizona. There were some questions i was going to ask professor wolf and we can have you feel them for us as well and i think this is a big one here you know were looking at unemployment here in the u. S. As we talk about this economic downturn and theyre saying they expect you know 3500000 unemployment claims next week theyre saying it could get as high as 5500000 claims in a week what are you seeing here. Well were going to see more than that you know just do the math we have 155000000. 00 people in the workforce about 70 percent of that is in the service right so thats nearly 100000000 blue called 90000000 right. Of those businesses about 40 percent of them are large but 60 percent are small and when we put the economy into a coma here and theyre shut down yeah theyre going to try to get cash to them but were just way too late french is absolutely right all the stuff were doing now is sort of like the house is on fire then we pour do so fuel on the fire and now were starting to you know were sit there water guns and try to tamp it down so its cascading effect theres this concept in economics which is about cascading stops or a cascading stop means is that once you hit one thing it sets off another thing which sets off another thing and we cant just stop that unless literally there was there was you know 25000. 00 i mean my payroll if i could make my payroll i would be 25000 dollars jumped in tomorrow if i didnt have savings or so and so forth right up there is a lot of coming so were underestimating this is what im trying to tell you absolutely. Transformative research thank you so much for hopping back in there to give us a little bit more expert analysis before the end of this segment thank you so much. Zoom the Popular Video conferencing platform is being slapped with a lawsuit allegations of zoom selling personal information to facebook and other 3rd parties has surface but its not zooms only issue at the moment our key correspondent atocha suite has more on what other challenges the company is facing. As cases of coping 1900. People are working from home many are utilizing the Video Conferencing platform called 0. Students are using it to keep up with their classes and friends are staying in touch on it to keep a sense of community but now according to a lawsuit filed monday this is sending data to facebook and 3rd parties according to the lawsuit the unique advertising identifier allows companies to target the user with advertisements this information is sent to facebook by zoom regardless of whether the user has an account with facebook zooms c. E. O. Has acknowledged its data sharing in a blog post and says theyre doing away with the practice erik un says our customers privacy is incredibly important to us and therefore we decided to remove the facebook s. T. K. In our apple base client and have reconfigured the feature so that users will still be able to log in with facebook via their browser the lawsuit also claims is who was paid for sharing user data but according to zooms chief legal officer resume has never sold user data in the past and has no intention of selling users data Going Forward but privacy concerns arent the only thing plaguing the Video Conferencing company the f. B. I. Is warning z. M. Users about teleconferencing hijacking happening all across the country there have reportedly been multiple incidents of conferences also being distracted by pornographic images hate images and threatening language the agencys Boston Office is urging users to not make meetings public or sherie links to video conferences on social media as covert 19 has made an impact on the stock market zoom has actually seen positive gains as their popularity soars amid this pandemic while the s. And p. 500 stock index has dropped about 25 percent since its record high in february xoom stock has shot up 45 percent since then as investors believe this Video Conferencing trend will continue to be a corporate and social staple even after the crowd a virus gets under control to avoid having your information being sent to facebook assume users are being advised to update the latest version of the app. Cation reporting in los angeles ca shifts week r. T. And as major corporations retool factories amid the pandemic to make Health Care Products like ventilators face masks and Hand Sanitizer there is an opening for new products that can help slow the spread of the virus especially in tech for instance seattle based startup slightly robot previously developed a respect and that buzzes when it comes in your face now it was initially the im you touch was created to stop people from compulsive nail biting hair pulling and face picking the company is now pitching the product as a way to avoid face touching something Health Care Officials have warned against due to the incredibly contagious coronavirus meanwhile a professor at the university of hawaii has also designed an app that will work with your fitbit watch that works in a similar fashion the product vibrates what it cut your hand comes near your face this product has a creative name how the pain no because as the designer puts it quote its supposed to be like you having how opinion juice on your hands you dont want to touch your face or nose and thats it for this time you can catch boom bust on demand on the brand new portable t. V. App available on smartphones through google play and the Apple App Store by surging portable t. V. Or stream us to your t. V. By downloading the portable t. V. App on apple t. V. And online a portable dot t. V. And you can also find the coronavirus tracker on the portable t. V. App where you can get the latest news and information about spread the virus as always check us out on youtube dot com slash poobah starkey the next that. Your government and our government and all the other major governments of the world know whats going to happen and when its going to. But they havent told you and they havent told me they havent and theyll still. Imagine something as big as the earth is going to cause tidal waves earthquakes volcanoes are wrapped and its going to chill. So very for a while right. My great grandfathers. Nobody would care about the law or prison so youd have wallace of. A terrible life between the and. In london Julian Assange is standing trial on whether he will be extradited to the u. S. To face espionage charges the stakes could not be higher Saunders Libby even life is on the line freedom of speech is also on trial though you wouldnt know the mainstream media. If the let me. Ask i wouldnt will. Pick i could. Not be known to show more than. You love who you know nothing. To do like to see because the ones who. Dont want to have all of the kook on the scene do it in the out now as you. Know most of the key political party. I knew of those 2 morons who moved a little known to the sunnis for not in 1000 from the. 2 would you higher commodity tried to use into doing. One i mean with your house on theyre not classroom. Welcoming our viewers from around the world live from Central London this is all to u. K. Let me approach it as address the nation as russia can promise 771 you can see its all coronavirus the president extended the current lockdown until the end although this month. Britains daily death toll hits 569 the largest rise yet since the government still fails to address testing shortages that says medical staff across the country get ready to start rationing Critical Care with the youngest healthiest patients jumping the queue ill be speaking to a doctor should. 6 in 10 businesses could collapse within 3 months as the long wait for government bailouts and i was in line conditions set by banks are set to push many of them on the public to lead to a business and. Also produces a spike in food waste following weeks of coming by to hear from the c. E. O. Of a start up company aimed at saving for juice destined for the pin. In his address the russian people on the corona Virus Outbreak the president extended the current nationwide lockdown until the 30th of this month it comes as corona virus infections in russia see that biggest daily increase with 771 new cases confirmed so has the latest now from moscow so. Tell us more about what the president has said. Wav got a sense of deja vu because i was sitting in this very chair 8 days ago waiting for president putin to address the nation last wednesday he announced a battle plan against covert 19 today he said that we have to keep fighting the tide had not been just a quick recap to date there are over 3500 confirmed cases within russias borders and he started off todays televised speech by of course thanking those who are so tired of city walking on the front line against the frontline of the fight against coronavirus and of course russians who are very responsibly following the guidelines from medical specialists and he said that last wednesdays announcement of a normal watching week that is 7 days between the 33. 00 large until the 5th of april for all nonessential workers where people sit tight and only go out to the nearest food shop or the pharmacy while boot russia time to mobilize the necessary. Resources for the future fight and really the main point from todays address was the extension of that nonworking week all the way up until the end of april people well as now continue to receive full pay so lets listen to. Specialist so to speak but the is not so its not over this is why i have treated me because they can the decision to extend if you the normal working most of them try a little bit until the end of the month until the thirds you say prove. That. If you do the workers will still get the Police Situation and that is changing. And a lot of municipalities and all the regions the situation varies. Hugely country. Is different and since you talk relation there are regions where corona virus has created a serious threat for the people who are limited so food shops pharmacies regional municipal fortys banks they will continue to what everyone else as much as possible continues to self isolate now the russian leader also gave regional fora to additional powers to assess the reality that home tough and take the necessary Decisive Action it goes without saying of course that the the situation hair and europes largest city moscow home to 13000000 people will differ vastly to that of of one in one of the less densely populated of russias regions quickly worth mention that he said that of course he has a focus on Peoples Health but he also needs 20 sure a stable and efficient economy he needs to make sure that people have their jobs and their livelihoods in these very difficult times and in fact on wednesday the russian government and marked 33000000. 00 to and to continue paying the salaries of people in the worst hit sectors so people watching an ad travel Tourism Hospitality and sport but really the point for ultimate putin ended todays address by saying that if everyone takes chad responsibility in combined with this preventative action the risks from covert 1000 can very successfully be mitigated. Thank you very much indeed saskia for that. Britain daily death toll is now 569. 00 the largest rise yet as it emerges many believe the country went into lockdown too late thats as its revealed doctors could start rationing intensive care units making choices about who has the best chance of survival and he has used and he joins me now with the latest so you bring us up to speed with todays developments well as youve mentioned bill daly rise of 569 deaths over a 24 hour period is the largest daily rise weve seen thus far during this crisis now that takes the total number of those who have been killed after testing positive for coded 1922921 with the total number of cases now rising above 30033780 now in light of all of that the government continues to push its advice for people to stay home help the n. H. S. And of course try to save lives but weve seen a poll by. About what the public think when it comes to the governments response and on this front anyway people have been asked do they think that the government brought in those lockdown measures at the right time well mixed results really over half of respondents 56 percent thought the government was too slow to act we know that the u. K. Put their measures in after other European Countries on the other hand 35 percent say the u. K. Got it just right in terms of the timing and 4 percent say that it was possibly the case that the government has brought these in too soon but in spite of that we see that there is whatever the people think about the timing of it increased Public Corporation almost 80 percent of people are now avoiding leaving their homes and following those instructions and 82 percent. Of the respondents to this poll say that they have been washing their hands more often thats up from 77 percent last week and the number of people working from home it stayed similar to last week but slightly dropped last week 36 percent of people said they were working from home now its 35 percent so really mixed figures than we did see that there has been the general Public Corporation if you will or public approval of how the government are handling things but weve seen also some negative front line front page headlines for the government particularly the issue of only 2008 a stuff being tested out of a possible over half 1000000 n. H. S. Workers and thats really been dominating almost all of the newspaper headlines today and it remains to be seen what impact that will have on the publics opinion and of course we are hearing that the n. H. S. Is getting ready for things to get even worse yes we know that the n. H. S. Are expecting the peak of this virus to still be on the horizon now in preparation for that the British Medical Association the b. M. A. Theyve released a report now that we can have a look at what some of the facts is within this report it says that doctors are already having to choose between patients based on the likelihood of their survival with younger patients healthier patients getting priority over those who are older or have preexisting Health Conditions and also those who are in sensitive care units who doctors say could perhaps get worse or may not improve they could have their treatment withdrawn and its to give somebody younger a chance to get an i. C. U. Bed and as this crisis goes on we could be seeing those rules getting even stricter with more cases coming in and fewer facilities available we could see rationing of beds and again. Many more difficult decisions to be taken by the medical associate or the medical storage fees and the medical professionals now the Prime Minister baraks johnson also week tested positive for covert 19 but almost a week later downing street say that hes still showing symptoms of that illness and that he is going to remain in isolation for a little while yet understands and while in isolation has been taking 2 videos and social media to try to update the country as to the latest and i want to say a special word about testing because it is so important in my eyes ive said for weeks and weeks this is the way through this is how we will unlock the coronavirus puzzle this is how we will defeat it in the end and what we need to do is massively ramp up not just tests so that you can know whether youve had the disease in the past the socalled Antibody Test because that will enable you to go to work in the confidence that you cant be infected or infectious 2nd of people need to know whether they havent got it rather than isolating themselves at home for no reason and thats very very important above all for our n. H. S. Staff and of course its crucial that people who do have the disease are able to to be tested positive and to take the necessary steps to isolate at home in in the way that i am doing and many many others are doing as well. Now perhaps to cheer up. The latest you gov poll says the for the 1st time in the decade theres been a positive rating for government and how its handling things and the government getting a net 26 plus percent Approval Rating for how theyre handling the Coronavirus Crisis in general that might out of those who are negative thats how the governments 100 testing that we saw in the earlier poll but even according to you gov themselves they say that these types of bounces very rarely long lived and that actually when it does come to the issue of testing their own polling shows that 67 percent of the public think the government handled the issue of testing badly now were expecting the next hour at 5 oclock for the government to hold their latest baby briefing and we will be getting the latest all from that thank you very much indeed for all of that well for more on this im not joined by doctor and should by get out and show you thanks so much for joining us could see that. It seems out for our girl it really does seem unbelievable doesnt it that doctors are being given ethical guidance on who to save in the event of their not being enough then to notice. I think i think this is been a challenge i mean even if we create sort of parent sort of the sort of the disease coming out in corona coming out weve weve made decisions all through our careers i think in terms of and tough a lot and whether we can give this type of medicine due to cost or whether we cant give this group of patients treatments and so i think making tough decisions has certainly been something that weve done for a long time short now about the decision based on the lack of equipment well i think these are the challenges and i think the speed at which this is being brought upon us has really you know its nothing short of. Its you know the start of it we could call it just chaos and once you start to understand the nature of the disease and actually what we need to do to actually start to prepare. In terms of from equipment to doctors to nurses to stuff and to again weve been talking a lot about p. B. And things like this Protection Equipment and so. Theres lots of challenges the logistics that need to happen and when it goes global like every other countrys going through the same things and what we often bring things in from other countries those countries need them and so weve had to really sort of really dig down and think internally if well how are we going to manage this so decisions are are being made and theyre tough ones i mean im a g. P. I work in north london im from im in the n. H. S. And we all actually manage on the g. P. s nationwide through our company g. P. D. Q. Where we deliver doctors to people now weve now had to make some very stark decisions you know partly to make sure that our patients remain safe but also to make sure that our doctors in the front line and ill listen are starting receptions remain safe because what about the testing then for your team of doctors were hearing the announcement in the government that ramping up these tests but it seems that this is not happening you have concerns about that too that we are. Arkansas theres no 2 ways about it you know testing is something again that the whole process of testing for this virus is something that this is again very new its not something that weve got a track record in doing nor delivering so getting these tests out at scale has proven a problem we havent had any testing i am now aware actually as of today that in north london that there is a drive through testing facility now in wembley for north london and its just Health Workers so im conscious that things are moving in the just sticks to try to do this are nothing short of immense so i am conscious that things have been slower than we would have expected but things are happening and sure that says and on a more positive note there is another clap around the nation for our cameras tonight a bit of positivity that absolutely and you know what im one of them and you know i when i walked out of my front door last class you know you know it really does bring it if you know right when everybodys actually standing around your house is this really is boosting the likes of you and the rest of n. H. S. Staff and cant is it really and i think you know number one were here for the nation im leaving my house every morning to go in and see patients and the reason im doing that is not only to protect the nation. But to make sure that weve got people out there that are actually trying to fight this virus and make sure that we try to keep people out of the hospital well thats one of our Biggest Challenges in primary care we need to keep people out of those hospitals as best as we can i just do we do have time to ask you one of the question we have heard reports of hospitals trying to gag start and stop them speaking about the shortages that weve been talking about earlier but what do you know that i think ive ive read about this ive not experienced this at all and certainly. Youd be very its a very difficult crowd to gag. The n. H. S. And we are a very hardworking vocal group of people so look at the end of the day i think i think the reality is if people know how difficult things are i think it is important that we do express our concerns if we cant express our concerns to our bodies and clearly theres been a group of frontline staff that have felt that they havent been listened to which is probably why they felt that they need to talk about just briefly the abuse of n. H. S. Staff to doctors nurses attacked even rope do they need better protection at this time than well we do i mean you know when we when we mean road i mean you did it because ive heard stories of cosby broken into my own surgery out of whole joe weve got to remove it from the reception because they disappear weve got weve got one ripped off the wall to be just to be frank so but im not this is not im not that if we need to blame society here theres a lot of anxiety going on a lot of the why re and this is what wait here we had to make sure that were not hit inside panic you know we really need to make sure that we Work Together ive never seen in our community in our country come together like this breaks it seems quite a. Memory to be honest great to see a stories and thank you so much and she really good of you to join his thank you for joining us life air and best of luck with all youre doing thank you for having us. Still to come this hour Industry Experts claim 1000000. 00 companies could collapse within a months despite the government bailout ill be talking to a Small Business owner shortly. It is now a time in america for the surf class the workers who are making minimum wage they cant survive they have to have 2 or 3 minimum wage jobs theyre rising up theyre going on strike. So one of the. The copen 1000. 00 play wont be much higher wages long overdue. And were going to fulfill the repeated promises oh probably for the people. You know weve all but it was. Pretty. Pretty clear. Now you want to work. No 5. Cut. Businesses are on the brink of collapse according to Industry Experts with Many Companies predicted to run out of cash in just months and he conducted by the british chambers of commerce has found that more than 60 percent of respondents said that they wouldnt have enough money in sri months to keep afloat around 1000000. 00 businesses are on the brink. Collapse and could fall within a month thats the 30 percent of those surveyed claim that they might be forced to further 3 quarters of their staff over the week ahead meaning the workforce will be given a leave of absence the director general of the b. C. C. Is advised the government to do more. While businesses have welcomed the unprecedented size and scope of Big Government support packages our findings highlight the urgent need for us support to reach businesses on the groaned as soon as possible the majority of firms cannot wait weeks or months for help to arrive last week chancellor really soon pledged 330000000000 pounds of guarantees to keep businesses solvent but some say its simply not enough while banks have been criticized for charging some companies interest of up to 30 percent on emergency loans to discuss this further im not joined by bar owner alex harris and its good to see. I spoke now its been known to have managed to get a loan so how difficult was it to do that. We didnt manage to get a loan weve we on our 1st port of call which was last week we went into one of the see those loans and were rejected and what next then for you. What we want but this week with the revised plan having race money through our own network and then looking at it a bit more favorably now we understand the chancellor is going to make an announcement imminent nick tributes night could be tomorrow about revising this whole scheme which is what weve been putting pressure on since it was launched at the starlog started last week what you make of the Interest Rates were hearing about anything from 20 to 30 percent i think as possibly coming in from some of the smaller lenders we didnt get that phase with barclays although the 1st time of asking they were happy to lend us the 25 grand that we wanted which was the minimum cost of suppose that they were willing to sell us 1. 00 of their own products i told them that we didnt want that because i was quoted a price was it was unsure what it was going to be but i was told us going to be between 6 and 22 percent interest and all they were offering no was a payment holiday so the be no payments for 6 months but we would still be accruing interest on that loan during that period and i suppose a halfs you have to understand the fact they say that any listen to you at this stage is a risk isnt even though the governments underwriting most of it i think thats the fallacy in the whole scheme really is no one in my industry wants to take on what. We dont know when were going to be able to reopen we dont know what the reopening is going to look like and trying to structure that ensued to some kind of cash flow forecast is not an impossible which is what youd won as both a lend and borrow if going for a loan regardless of the interest rate. So youre worried about the survival of your business will it survive do you think can it survive i think were worried about the survival of the entire sector moment its not just my business were in quite a lucky position and ive only got 5 staff of cat one on. Of helping me pivot towards. A low mobile service that we can we can get out people when theyre in isolation everyone else has been for nodes we wont get that money but ive paid everyone for march but we wont see that money back until the end of april when the thing is set up which is why a short term loan just to bridge this month where we have no money its will coming in seem like a very sensible idea at the outset do you have any hope that we might see more action from the government to make this easier for you just fine yeah i think the stuff thats going on behind closed doors im going through each part of it from some of them whats up groups that im in. The noises of danny positive i think theres been an acknowledgement that the way they announced their headline on this loans was definitely incorrect. You know they came out saying you know that the title of the loan is the Coronavirus Business interruption loans. You know when you call up and say we need a loan thats the exact reason why anyone in my position would be looking for one i dont think anyone would be looking for a normal loan at this stage when they dont have any cash flow coming in. But banks are seemingly more willing at the moment to their own products on us rather than the government but once alex really best of luck our thoughts are with you on the staff and thank you very much indeed for sharing your experience with us live here not economics her thinking just broke. Britain has seen a rise in food waste after weeks of panic buying in the supermarkets in this 2nd week of a nationwide lockdown social media uses a shared images showing weedy bins full of food left to rot after more being bought than could be an open packs of fish cakes lives a bread and vegetables remaining the persian gulf good stuff despite government and supermarket warnings that buying too much would mean others particularly the more vulnerable going without Glasses Research shows that each shopper made 3 additional trips to a supermarket during the 4 week period from the 24th of february to the 21st of march and that resulted in almost 80000000. 00 more trips than the same period a year ago and shoppers spent almost 2000000000. 00 pounds more on groceries than in 2019 well the c. E. O. Of a startup aimed at reducing food waste told me that its the public stockpiling Fresh Produce thats exacerbating the problem. Panic buying of Fresh Produce it is silly because youre going to tell you how. You know when to go to consume it and if it reaches going to be enough for a no way and thats adding to quite right if people are then they just its just going to accelerate the problem even worse one about when it comes to Fresh Products the sort of shopping this panic buying cant be solved by redistribution can it because youve got to ration food of people cant be sensible a Little People need to understand is that this will continue. We will continue to get products into the u. K. And there is product arriving daily there are strict you know. Getting that produce across borders x. Wines it might put a little bit of time but were talking 24 hours any time so theres not going to be like a huge major shortage and everyone is going to have to you know there will be no food. And finally when it comes to missing conspiracists running the virus it seems the British Public are more than a little gullible a survey and false claims from the 5th think the pandemic was started in the chinese the bar trick if the most trusted claim believe over 3rd is that vodka can replace and sanitizing one of 6 think that Drinking Water will flush out the virus and the send them out also think that even hold your breath for 10 seconds it means you have not been infected all these modern andrews is here to dispel a few more for you are you suffering from information overload thats debunk some myths and get the lowdown were here to separate fact from the fiction. The buyers can live all my shoes the answer is yes though the amounts of virus caught would be very small Infectious Disease specialist one that is droplets settled to the ground covered 19 could live on footwear for up to 5. Days the soles of shoes on synthetic fabrics are more likely to carry coronavirus if theyve been worn in very busy areas like on public transport or supermarkets to try to keep everything as clean as possible. Thermal cameras can detect the virus while thermal scan is can detect high temperatures or fevers on infected patients they cannot detect infection in those who are not yet showing the symptoms and just having a temperature doesnt mean youve got it you can also get one with the flu so caution needs to be taken anti malaria tablets can cure me now theres lots of discussion online and in the media about cures baxi and treatments President Donald Trump suggested hydroxy coroutine medicine for treating malaria could be used well other countries have offered it to patients to the Scientific Community is divided as the available data is slim we dont know that its only fish a moment this study is going on at the moment investigates it so its certainly not proven that it can hear it at those studies or take real times happen in important. People buying and narrow drugs and not the medicine ones because this is what this is just buying cooccurring theres an emergency was put out by the c. D. C. Because it being some toxic very dangerous side effects so until we know it was people should not be using it. You can spread the virus even if you dont have symptoms at the beginning of the year doctors thought only people with symptoms could spread coburg 19 to other people however a new Study Suggests corona virus can spread before any symptoms show the general consensus is that people are most contagious after around 5 days when showing symptoms and that seems to be the main way the virus spreads thats the lowdown for today be safe because you can wash your hands. Thats it for the moment ill be back with more news in just over half an hour. I cant show you my face but im going to teach you must. In 9093 this man was sentenced to death. They could charged with capital murder even though he didnt have the gun didnt pull the trigger didnt intend to kill anybody imagine living in your bathroom for the week with his son of a 23. 00. I doubt that i deserved to be. Confined within 4 grey walls the front its using. All to help him to leave to throw. Us

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