Force base in alaska where is that to say come on ill show you whats the reason for any type of enhanced u. S. Military presence in this area russia. What is it suddenly about the South China Sea that makes it so that it 11000000000 barrels of oil. Take a look at this map who really owns what kind of says no it belongs to us india says no we claim that that belongs to us both of these countries have Nuclear Weapons capabilities there is reason for concern so thats why were going to drill down on this story for you today right here on the news with rick sanchez where you know as we always like to say we do believe by golly its time to do news again. Same from. If you. Get to see. The answer. And it. Was betrayed. When something themselves well its a party. She says of the common ground. Greetings and salutation. The United States of america is on fire in the course of just over one weeks time thousands upon thousands of protesters have taken to the streets and city after city across the country from sea to shining sea to announce in one unified voice that black lives matter and that the violence and institutional racism of the u. S. Criminal Justice System and now the rebellion my friends has begun and i dont use that word lightly i dont use rebellion lightly and while this massive uprising may have begun on the streets of minneapolis with the murder of a 46 year old black man george floyd for Minneapolis Police officers for the horrendous crime of supposedly buying cigarettes with a counterfeit 20. 00 bill make no mistake. That the spark that ignited this fire was actually lit centuries ago when the 1st african slave was forced to set foot on the american shores that marked the beginning of a 400 year struggle and fight for equality and the most basic of human rights and dignity that we are now seeing playing out on our streets today only difference being is that todays oppressors have have exchanged their white hoods and plantations for badges blue uniforms and the Prison Industrial Complex and while the United States now burns in the fires of a police state gone wild where oh where are my friends. Is our leadership were aware is our elected officials who is stepping up and calling for equality and justice for the masses as they fight against this police state who by the way are now lighting up residence after curfew for the simple crime of standing on their own porch. Light up. Some. Leadership is certainly not coming from our good old brand name in chief one President Donald Trump who like the true chickenhawk he is on monday reportedly been raided the state leaders calling them weak and urged them to dominate protesters but yet when this want to be tough guy coward was confronted with over thousands and thousands of protesters at the gates of the white house rather than addressing the nation in an attempt to heal wounds and show any kind of true leadership and decency he turned off the porch lights and ran and hid in his basement. Yes my friends the white house went dark in our times of trouble which is me which means its time for us all to start watching the hawks. In the city streets. That are so lets see this is this joyce state. Great city this least systemic deception is late show which. So we will. Welcome everyone the watching the hawks i robot into and i dont be surprised. If the protest in the wake joist george for its murder ramped up across the u. S. The Nations Capital wasnt left on american flags cars and historical landmark. Were all set ablaze or defaced today marks the 3rd straight day of protests and civil unrest as the crowds keep getting worse and closer to the White House Party correspondent Dan Brunswick joins us live from the center of the action. A couple hours ago here weve been covering this all afternoon there was hundreds of protesters now theres at least a couple 1000 here that have gathered in front of the white house now i want to talk about the people on this side of the fence with me i have black white brown young people all standing together in unity and talking about making making this protest a peaceful one we did have a little bit of a skirmish with a couple of the protesters going over the barricade taking and me were Police Actually sprayed them to get back behind the barricade but on the other side of this barricade i want you to take a look we have the d. C. And the park police that are in the front row then behind them we have the state police and then behind that we have a full force of military police or the d. C. National guard that just came in moments ago where protesters actually booed them when they came in now this is widespread President Trump is calling on the state and local leaders to get tougher on protesters and this is kind of the way that hes doing it unloading on governors just hours ago calling them now after d. C. They are talking about a curfew that was put in place for 7 pm tonight which is in about an hour a lot of these protesters that i talked to said that theyre going to be staying here well over that now just an hour before last nights curfew that was actually at 11 pm you had multiple fires in the area that were started including at the historic St Johns Church right in the downtown where many u. S. President s have attended over the years you also had vandalism like what you see at the National Mall where at the Lincoln Memorial it was spray painted yellow not tired yet and at the world war 2 memorial it was written 2 black lives matter now again merit d. C. Mayor marion browser has called in the entire d. C. National guard which is made up of about 1700 soldiers to help control these protests about. Police arrested 18 people last night ranging from 18 to 34 and theyre also posting pictures on social media with images of people caught on security footage asking for the publics help to identify them now trouble earlier today did sit down and speak with attorney general bill barr who is actually expediting the george floyd investigation also again having a closed door Video Conference with state governors across the country just a few hours ago along with Law Enforcement and National Security officials who are there are proport on the inside that president john told him that they needed to step it up one day actually quote coming out of the room from trump saying that its a movement if you dont put it down it will get worse and worse the only time its successful is when youre weak and most of you are weak trump also pointing out the Minneapolis Police departments 3rd precinct being burned a couple nights ago the city where the protests all began the tribe has been very vocal on where he stands on this issue mainly saying that those that are rioting and looting and causing violence are members of anti for yesterday he doesnt need it and as a terrorist organization tweeting i dont see any indication that there were any white supremacist groups mixing in this is an anti anti for organization now again that curfew was actually extended tonight from 7 pm to 6 am and then again on tuesday now ive been here with protesters all afternoon i got to tell you everything has remained peaceful there has been a couple points are people have thrown stuff either eggs or Water Bottles of police over the barricades and other protests or is actually stepped in and said hey were not doing that were keeping this peaceful another thing is people are Walking Around giving each other water pizza and after theyre leaving theyre actually picking up their trash and moving along forward so again that curfew ending in about an hour many of these protesters saying though that there will be staying well after that for now reporting in front of the white house for you guys there and runs act for watching the hawks thank you for that. Well well well i dont think im wrong for referring to those as a rebel you. Know it has all of the energy over a 1000000000 it has years and. And that has been pent up because a lot of things that our government has done that have quite frankly negatively impacted the Africanamerican Community for generations now is the time that many want to see that type of revolutionary action that causes lasting change and it is interesting because right before we went on the air live to. Be released the autopsy results or the family released an independent autopsy results from the georgia border one of the absolutely so in stark contrast to the autopsy that was the out of the results that were originally given they found that the death was by expectation meaning that basically there was a cut off of oxygen and it was rendered due to the fact that the officer had his knee on George Floyds neck well thats interesting because and thats where the real heart of this problem is is that you have the state always saying one thing and always portraying one when it comes to Police Violence in the media kind of jumps right along with them but yet when youre there on the street and what were seeing in countless videos over and over and over again of something completely different and that to me is whats at the heart of these protests absolutely and in this case we saw a police thing into t. As well as the original autopsy report basically colluding with each other to show that they were to try to eradicate responsibility from this officer they allegedly and originally said that they are the cause of death was preexisting conditions they blamed it on him having high Blood Pressure they blamed it on him having some artery issues things that are actually very common in the Africanamerican Community none of which after the independent autopsy came out were things that were actually cited as his reason a bit its truly incredible the kind of see that played out right before our very eyes that kind of duplicity when it comes to dealing with africanamerican issues and you understand where the protests are coming from but it is very quickly whats frightening to me is what people need to understand is you know they see looting they see things like the. To me the police have been the biggest agitators in this entire week and theyre the ones showing up dressed Like Star Wars villains theyre the ones pepper spraying the crowd theyre the one shooting rubber bullets very rarely we have seen it thank god but very rarely have we seen Police Actually step up and say no were going to walk with you know were going to take me with you rarely do we see that instead we see Police Acting like stormtroopers police have treated these protesters as aggressors from the beginning i think thats a very important thing to make clear we have seen such a stark contrast between the protest of africanamericans in this country and the protests of whites in this country in just a few weeks ago we saw you know a bunch of white namely a k 47 is walking up to state capitals looking threatening him in a thing also pretty much popping off on a leopard leaders meeting in the face of the Police Officers and we did not see a call for violence against those protesters now when africanamericans decide to march to hold signs then we see a different type of Reaction Police automatically Aggressive Police shooting off their their their guns and their bullets seeing a lot of the gas being used on the population they think that you know this shows us that there is one population of people they have a right to protest in this country another population that needs to stay quiet thats exactly what the show. After days of protests and riots across the country many many of us suppose are looking for someone to blame for the violence because you know they cant they cant blame themselves they cant blame their own failed policies and lack of leadership you know we have to point fingers find someone to blame and and twist in the countries that routinely receive the most harsh or some criticism from washington d. C. And their handling of for their handling of protests are now pointing out the hypocrisy here inside the United States arties Rachel Blevins joins us now to discuss the details thank you rachel how are these countries and what countries are they and how are they responding to the protests. That were seeing here in the. Well china has been one of the most vocal countries and its interesting because just recently we see a protest in hong kong where the United States is cheering on the protesters encouraging them but also criticizing china for wanting to crackdown on those protests now when it comes to the protests that are happening here in the u. S. China is taking a different approach and we saw a spokesperson from Chinas Foreign Ministry speaking out and she took to twitter where she actually shared a broadcast from r. T. America which highlighted the contrast between how the tramp ministration referred to those who take part in the riots here in the u. S. As dogs and those who take part in riots in hong kong as heroes then irans foreign minister added to the mix also on twitter and responded by releasing a previous statement from the us where he made a few changes so that instead of claiming the people of iran are tired of the corruption and justice and incompetence from their leaders the statement targeted the u. S. Government inside the American People so its interesting to see 2 of the main countries that the u. S. Has always criticizing for cracking down on protesting now being able to point out the hypocrisy. Hypocrisy is something that the u. S. Has no. Rachel and we know that this this administration the Trump Administration doesnt like to take the blame or much of anything right now weve heard from them the blame game being played with various various entities around whose fault it is that people are in the streets protesting who do you hear the white house is to blame as well as other nation leaders it was interesting to see that both current and former officials seem to be wanting to point just about anybody else other than who is actually to blame and who the people in the streets are calling to hold accountable and this is something that weve seen specifically during a recent interview from former National Security advisor susan rice and she said quote based on my experience this is right out of the russian playbook we cannot allow the extremists the former actors to distract from the real problems we have in this country now current National Security adviser or. Robert obrian also backed up that statement and he said there right now the u. S. Is monitoring the online activities from china russia iran and even zimbabwe as to how theyre tied to the protest right now so its interesting to see that theyre trying to look at how other countries are playing a role in these protests and really amping them up and sort of looking at whats happening and going on here at home it was a years of racism throughout American History isnt enough to amplify and get black people in the streets but somehow these other nations are you know sporadically creating to serve measure didnt you realize a long time ago that russia is responsible for all of the racism in the United States that the United States government it was never once racist towards the book towards black folks in this country and theres no exam that that you know i know were a apparently involved way you know rachel thank you so much for that report craig great job thank you so much think. As we go to break remember that you can also start watching dogs on demand with a brand new portable t. V. Which is available on smartphones to group play on the Apple App Store by searching portable t. V. Or streamers to your t. V. By downloading the portable t. V. Up on apple t. V. Or online at portable t v all right everybody coming up independent journalists and photographers in minneapolis and really strong joins us to discuss the targeting of the media by police in these protests were seeing across the country states watching the. Live budget. Well here are the bullet points. For those of you keeping score. Cities are on fire. 40000000 unemployed. In america. G. D. P. Climbed by 50 percent in the 2nd quarter. Of last if money is dead. Small businesses are dead. And jay powell says this is fine because if. Theres a flood he says fine. You. According to several Sources Police in the United States from 2 to 4 people every day my. Head in his hands. What am i being arrested for. Is just their little world just as they develop the us against them and. How long have you served 2525 years. Or have to shoot someone holding you know oh my. God there is a corruption inside of this eliseo the closure is. The work of a journalist is never done as a newspaper your primary job is to provide up to date Accurate Information to readers and viewers to speak truth to power and serve as a check on institutions leaders and to question the world around us at times the job of journalists puts their lives at risk whether reporting from war torn regions or reporting on protests and civil unrest right here at home throughout the protest an escalating aggression over the death of yet another unarmed black man journalist have endured arrest beatings shootings and many of those incidents were televised live for the world to see. Journalist on the ground in minneapolis ground 0 of the juror george ploy protest expressed anger and upset over how Law Enforcement officials seemingly took a page of President Trumps playbook choosing to target the media instead of allowing them to just do their jobs on friday night a journalist was shot in the eye while covering the protests another from a local n. B. C. Affiliate with the order to hit the ground at gunpoint by minneapolis p. D. In the most widely shared Police Arrest c. N. N. Correspondent omar human is and his crew were arrested while doing a live broadcast joining us now to discuss the reality on the ground for journalists caught between covering the news and the police state is in the future in minneapolis for talk of her family so ron. Welcomingly. Hello. Immolate weve seen protests against Police Brutality before rodney king look while macdonald protests were held in 100 cities in the wake of the Trayvon Martin verdict and i dont recall journalists being targeted by police like what were seeing in minneapolis right now what do you attribute this to and do you think President Trump anti media rhetoric plays into this treatment. I think all around were seeing things very different right now because weve been in the middle of a global pandemic. Which is different for the protesters on the ground but also different for the police there was thought that we would have civil unrest because of the pandemic because of the lockdowns i believe that Law Enforcement was probably preparing for Something Like that to happen and the murder of george floyd one week ago today was probably just the spark that kind of lit that i think that they were probably ready for this why theyre responding incredibly heavy handed quickly more quickly than weve ever seen before its pretty incredible so you know you but im a grown there were doing a lot youre taking a lot of photos and large streaming a lot of the protests and. Its interesting because for a lot of these journalists were seeing both mainstream and in alternative news despite showcasing Credentials Journalists are still being arrested not only is this a violation of their constitutional right but it also is but also be rest subject as your earlier claim to the press suppression you often see in dictatorships around the world how did we get here in europe or do. You know but ive been out there in the middle of this and being concerned about mike safety despite having gear on and having my credentials visible the thing that i keep going back to is how similar this feels to me to what sheeple have been dealing with in gaza with journalists and medics both being targeted their medics are also being tarred theyve here as well ive ive heard from lots of medics and just overheard them meeting with each other talking about how to keep safe that theyre being targeted at this location maybe theyre at the last location and it really makes me think about what ive seen coming out of gaza for years and. A lot of our Police Forces in the United States are trained there in israel there are also some people from israel could you come here to train Police Forces to so a connection that ive just been making kind of on my own when im out there in the field and experiencing whats going on around me. Thats an interesting i think a very pertinent connection to make i have to look into that one a bit more thats one of the things i havent here heard but am up much of the aggression towards the media is seen on live t. V. So americans are watching as journalists are thrown to the ground as theyre handcuffed as they are arrested and journalists are for their part doing their own facebook lives in other streams talking about the abuse as a whole and this hasnt seemed to slow down the brutality or the nonsense of war rest from the minneapolis p. D. What do you think journalists have to do to be safe and what have you been doing to stay safe. Ive been keeping my distance more than i normally would its its unfortunate you know when im Live Streaming ive got people in my comments telling me to get closer i have 2 young kids so i have to keep my own safety in mind for the family side im not getting as close as i want to which is unfortunate because my job is to show exactly whats going on and what were seeing like you mentioned if theres independent people being targeted theres National News from local news that are well known and journalists from what ive seen whether theyre independent or their local or their National Everybody is very well marked people have helmets on people have vests on that are labeled press we i have my if credential is on right now. I feel like everybodys as visible as they want as they can be unless we go around with like bright yellow clothes on but in that case do we want to be more visible because what that make us a target because it just seems like it continues to come because weve seen plenty of videos of journalists very clearly being close to the police and theyre well marks and theyre yelling that theyre pressed that theyre still being targeted and so i i dont know if theres anything that is i know that we can do to protect ourselves right now thats what makes this truly frightening and i mean ive never quite seen the media in this country you me usually theres always kind of a blue line that separates you know Mainstream Media theyre usually behind the Police Barricade reporting from the rear you know im im you know a lot of alternative media and things like that are out amongst the protesters the 1st time ive seen them go after both sides of the media spectrum which is truly frightening were go a little time wepa want to ask you would newsrooms newspapers and digital platforms are cutting staff and fewer journalism students in the pipeline what message is the Police Treatment of journalists in this protest now sending to potential future news people when they are sitting back at home saying maybe i dont want to do this job if i have to worry. But losing an eye to it you know to go to a rubber bullet you know what most of drugs under. There probably sending a message a message like that where people are concerned about their well being if they want to get into this industry but i i do think that its also empowering some people who want to shed a light on whats going on and giving them or more fuel and more thought of what they should to do it and to risk themselves there will be some people who are turned away definitely unfortunately because. Its so so important the real real true you know true journalism which but i do see more people taking out their phones and more simple kind of american citizen journalists right now too so i think kind of goes either way and very quickly i just want to follow up and ask are you seeing any kind of are you seeing any kind of violence that were seeing from the police towards media are you seeing that violence at all come from the protesters toward the media there that are covering members i think theres a port its important for people to know if i mean i mean of the protestors are doing the same thing to media that were seeing from the queers. That ive seen with my own eyes i dont have to believe sometimes things like that happen in a situation especially if youre in a. Like little dinner or something and you have a friend who is in california capturing some of the thing that was going on and get attacked for that and i personally a few days ago i was mugged on the way back to my car after covering the protest but that was that had nothing to do with me being media i dont get the sense that the people out protesting are out to get me or going to harm me i feel much more threatened by the state troopers the Minneapolis Police not so much the same all Police Actually i just want to know if feels very different in st paul and it does and what im doing now i want to thank you so thank you so much for coming on and keep up the good hard work that youre doing up there as an independent journalist and letting people see the truth of whats happened thank you so much for coming on and reporting for us. Thank you so much for having me and. Already what he vowed is our show for today remember everyone and this is important in this world we are definitely not told we love the muffs or tell you all i love you i am tyrone winter and im a music rock keep on watching those hawks out there stay safe everybody have a great there might. Seem wrong. But all roads just dont hold. Any beliefs yet to shape our disdain for the conflict and ticket and in games from an equal trail. When something a find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. We go to work. Straight home. Come accordingly. Its all there you have it right yeah yeah. Yeah i thought you said you know all those guys already mad a plane ready to respond to me american citizens are arming themselves saying its to protect communities after a week of Police Brutality riots president say its not if the situation worsens he will do whatever it takes to end the protests if a city or state refuses to take the actions that are necessary to defend the life and property of their residents i will deploy the United States military and quickly solve the problem for them while mr trump talks tough

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