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Media giant has censored the president s supporters some time. Plus the e. U. Russia and palestine call on israel to scrap its. Backed by the u. S. Amid fears that it will have a huge impact on hopes for peace. Very good evening to you this is our. Coronavirus tracing out that was rolled out in france has alerted just 14 users about the potential exposure that over the course of the last 3 weeks and this is despite the country recording many new cases of the virus every single day it takes a closer look. Stop covariates. A priest to be a bright idea that could help prevent a 2nd wave of infections and on your smartphone that uses bluetooth signals to keep track of the devices and therefore the people that you come into contact with and when it was a few weeks ago the french digital minister said it could also to a flying start as of this morning 600000 people managed to download the app so its a very very good start. Well after a few hiccups perhaps including a delayed release that so many people in france accidentally downloading tracing up one for catalonia. Ok so who after a fold start some 2000000 people actually did download it corowa you might think given that there are an estimated 47000000 people in france with smart phones thats barely a dip in the ocean ok some 2000000 people die lou does it but almost immediately 460000 men decided that it wasnt a great idea and deleted it so weve come up to on to the streets of paris to find out who took the plot. No no no no no no we do to faint. Yes somebody who is actually down loaded it but then she said this as if yes i dont loaded it but i didnt really understand how it worked every time i tried to use it you know nothing so war i was there is such resistance to an up that was only supposed to keep you safe from the biggest threat the mortal world has ever apparently see. I take precautionary measures like a mosque but so i have a problem with giving my personal data if this application is for that reason i didnt download it. Only to have it for the Younger Generation i wasnt interested in like younger people move around a lot for their work if you actually. Didnt take the time to download it oh did you leave in a safe way for example i did a body can stop taking the metro assume my friends but i dont need a lot of people i dont have the need to download it because its centralized i plainly and truthfully im quite wary of what would be done weve made it. And that phone the. Principle behind the that issue of the personal data really had the french much more civil rights activists were concerned about the right to the right to privacy while hundreds of academics voiced fears that they did gather it could be repurposed for mars surveillance but perhaps they had nothing to worry about off the or was it since emerged that only iran 68. 00 people informed the platform that they had been infected with covert and only 14 uses were alerted that they were at risk thats not going down well with those we spoke with we share its a bit of a. Yes or no thing that 14 is not many it was only 14 people who are informed. By shows its not a successful. By the authorities i think that people were a bit wary about this exchange on their mobile would you continue to pay for something you dont use no i dont think so paying for something which is not used one should ask question. Clearly clearly it is the other thing that nobody worth thinking the up would work anyway france is digital minister has been trying to save face saying the numbers reflect a decrease in the viruses prevalence and this is true the numbers of infections have been steadily declining in france centric oh says he will be useful if theres a new spike in cases until then the french state looks set to pick up a bill of up to one 120000. 00 euros a month for an app that we are using jollity will ski r. T. Meanwhile the us a seen a record daily increase in covert 1000 cases reaching 40000 new infections on thursday and those figures were revealed by Johns Hopkins university the previous high came back in april with more than 36000. 00 cases the u. S. Still holds the other side record of the most global infections in total with almost 2 and a half 1000000 cases this latest surge is for several states including texas and florida to suspend their plans to reopen despite that President Trump says his country is coping well with the pandemic. We have the greatest Testing Program in the world weve developed it over a period. And were up to almost 30000000. 00 terrorists that means were going to have more cases if we do want to test or if we didnt just we wouldnt have cases but we have cases because we test deaths are down we have one of the lowest mortality rates weve done an incredible historic. But he says the United States has a lower mortality rate than for example the likes of the u. K. Spain and ecuador with around 38. 00 deaths for every 100000 people but that is still the 9th highest death rate around the world meanwhile the spike in new infections that is considerable and has been put down to young people testing positive especially in states in the south and west of the country now the way that the crisis has been handled in america has dealt a blow to the countrys reputation particularly in europe where a new survey of 9 countries showed 59 percent believe americas image has suffered during the pandemic just 6 percent believe this reputation has improved we thought wed check it out and europeans for their views. They dont have such an effective medical system as others do plus the Social Security system in america differs from ours for the moment europe does better but it isnt united. For now i prefer to be french sorry then american the Good Health System and Health Care System so it makes it better and makes us happy to be in france right now. At the same time i cant really judge them like its not you can see french people partying and doing. Music festival and stuff so its were not better actually we cannot really compare. The new Group Everybody mostly reacted in the common way and with germany maybe suffer through a lets lets comparing casual just in france italy england with america i think that they have lower mortality rate per 1000000 than we have so its difficult to say. Because in the United States they have managed coverage 9000 poorly in fact it is enough to count the dead i believe that we have controlled and manage the epidemic better. You know this is a poor me the pandemic in america has not taken seriously a person like truong has done nothing he was able to build a separation war with mexico i suppose he will also capable of fighting this virus he could have done new but instead underestimated the situation when you were our interpreter i believe that we can all judge the work done in the usa this is a large country that has a different door from ours has different Economic Resources and a different population we too have made our mistakes. The wealth of facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has fallen by 7000000000. 00 share price tumbles at a lucrative advertisers boycotted the network claiming that it isnt doing enough to filter out hate speech trump has a lot to do with that theory but a new undercover report by project very. Suggests that the social media giant has actually been censoring supporters of the president and for some todd gitlin husband. Oh how the mighty have fallen ok maybe not fallen but facebook and other platforms that owns like instagram are getting hit where it hurts by an advertising boycott led by civil Rights Groups in the u. S. Every day we see ads from companies place to jasons to hateful content occupying the same space as extremist recruitment groups and harmful disinclination campaigns you add buying dollars being used by the card from to increase its dominance in the industry at the expense of vulnerable and marginalized communities who were often targets of hate groups on facebook that started out small but as the days go by bigger and more powerful Companies Like ne and viber are dropping their ads and things really got picked up a notch when verizon joined the fray a company that reportedly spent almost 2000000. 00 on advertising on the 2 platforms just last month now this is all a push in order to get the social media giant to increase moderation on its site could protect and support black users could they called out Holocaust Denial as hate could they help gets out the vote but absolutely could but theyre actively choosing not to do so lets send facebook a powerful message your profits will never be worth promoting hate bigotry racism antisemitism and violence and a large number of facebook employees seem to agree with that just a couple weeks ago they conducted a virtual walkout after the us president wrote a post that was deemed by many to be inciting violence after the incidents occur berg said that the company would be reviewing its policies but also cautioned against new forms of moderation in general i worry that this approach has a risk of leading us to editorialize on content we dont like even if it doesnt violate our policies so i think we need to proceed very carefully and yet thats just the problem the Company Seems to have a new undercover report has once again revealed an anti trump left leaning by. At the company i worked as a subcontractor for facebook i was seeing them interfering on a global level elections and then i saw a play an exception that just targeted conservatives or favored liberals we really came to take the word from our side yes good for ourselves really is that maybe one of the growing political ads though so now they can get more exposure to the left there is the right right but facebook obviously had to give a 100 percent they believe sidelining conservative opinions and meddling and elections crazy right so if you come as no surprise that the right isnt happy with social media giants either twitter royally ticked off trump when they put a label on a couple of his posts warning that they could be potentially misleading he responded with executive order to 30 choices the twitter makes one it uses to suppress blacklists shadow and our editorial decisions pure and simple their editorial decisions in those moments twitter seasons to be a neutral public platform and they become and theyre here with a viewpoint and i think we can say that about other source and whether youre looking to google whether youre looking at facebook social Media Companies that engage in censoring or any political content will not be able to keep their liability shield and now a number of users are calling it quits and link the platforms that call themselves on bias that remains to be seen but in light of all this something tells me that dr bird is ruing the day he ever even entertain the thought of regulating content on a site all my name a fighting russian metal one of my greatest regrets in running the company is that we were slow in identifying the russian Information Operations in 2016 we were slow to identifying the type of new Information Operations ever since then the debate over whats moderation and what censorship has gotten more and more nuanced and guess what the. Its not going away though users just might. More than a 1000 politicians in europe signed a letter thats asking israel to drop its annexation peace plan as approved by the us President Trump believes that will benefit everybody involved the e. U. Fears it could actually end hopes for peace in the middle east this move will be fatal to the prospects of Israeli Palestinian peace and will challenge the most basic norms Guiding International relations including the un charter acquisition of territory by force has no place in 2020 and must have commensurate consequences and call on the israeli government. Is an extension. Of my vision presents a win win opportunity for both. A realistic 2 state solution that resolves the risks for Palestinian Statehood to israels security today israel has taken a giant step toward peace its a great plan proves wrong its a great plan for peace frankly mr president given all the do war youve gone through. Im not surprised the socalled peace plan would keep jerusalem as israels undivided capital leaving power stein with a capital on the outskirts of the city palestine would also be demilitarized to remove any potential threat to israel the west bank and gaza would remain part of palestine and be connected by roads and tunnels President Trump offered 50000000000. 00 worth of investment to the palestinian authorities although that would come in exchange for israel gaining control of security most resources and the diplomatic and security arrangements of palestine the palestinian authorities rejected all notions of the plan from the very moment it was presented and they have not changed their position. Israel is testing those all of the International Community thinking its cool on yet another tight win but it will all in the collective international will to advance Regional Peace and security and to preserve the rule based muscular general order we must prove it wrong. Thats not a view shared by the u. S. And israel peace to prosperity is how washington calls the plan and claims that it will end hostility by promoting security on trump says its a great opportunity as no palestinians will have to leave their homes israeli pm in the minute he was set a date of july 31st cabinet to begin discussions on moving forward with the plans we spoke with some of the european lawmakers they signed the joint letter on the issue 1st of all it is illegal under International Law because these are a list in territories there are plenty of United Nations resolutions calling for israel not to build or to encroach on the line israel has miley mikes a number of u. N. Laws over the years and it has done so in futility i hope International Community which is very weak on this conflict for years this time will take on sions of the danger behind this and action i hope with all my heart that we can prevent this dangerous move that israel governments doing now this is time now that we need can he to International Rules and norms sadly theres only one country that can persuade israel not to build on this land so United States of america and donald trump as you know all really disregards United Nations and International Law by saying yes to anything israel wanted to do. I think is marginal nice him self and this conflict and this is about credibility and i think with trungpa new situation united says it has lost a lot of credibility to britain. Solutions in this conflict really we need to look at europe and im hoping that european governments will rise to the occasion and tell israel that they should not do this and if they do all day they should be a sanctions imply. Implied or if this is an exception is coming for real we will need real sanctions one of the most profound aspects of this like terry is because hes crossed party because hes crossed you know sort of you know you crossed europe and it has leading figures who have supported israel and palestine over decades i think. The International Community specially europe needs to say enough is enough we have the power to refix the balance and citrus rael we are partners we are friends but we also friends of the Palestinian People and we want peace in this region so think about what youre doing. And work for peace instead of destroying the 2 state solution if an action is this country. In a. Few days or a few weeks this will be a huge a major turn over in this conflict and i dont know what distance or can bring but i see nothing but the bench or. Extinction rebellion activists are back this time theyre promoting shoplifting to fight poverty and the story after the break. The world is driven by. One person. No dares thinks. We dare to ask. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its Crazy Foundation let it be an arms race is often spearing Dramatic Development only mostly im going to resist i dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. Welcome back the Environmental Action Group Extinction Rebellion staged a dramatic comeback this week carried out several new protests around the world that included a shoplifting stand against poverty in the u. K. Said it would stash the house more. Its been a while since Climate Change activists extinction or rebellion have been well making any headlines but on thursday they were back in the news after a seemingly provocative stunt that seems to be based on the old robin hood tale robbing from the rich to give to the poor in london 5 activists were shoplifting in a food shop although they targeted a Major Corporate chain rather than a smaller private business running out of the supermarket they then proceeded to give all of their bounty away in a protest against poverty they also slap stickers around the shops which were proclaimed things like new lower price free because poverty sucks news the infamous Marie Antoinette slogan let them eat cake with the word cake crosstown their bonus im not stealing food. Were changing the rules because. This is not against sainsburys but the profiteering of a basic human need the stunt also proclaimed the appearance of a new Political Party called u. K. Beyond politics and is aiming big fs talk it next is marriage actions in london and they promise its just the start were seeing. There have been 20000. Lost to respond to the extinction of the human race this move into the world of Democratic Politics has surprised many people because Extinction Rebellion has always prided itself on being a direct action through print movement all about staging numerous acts of civil disobedience all across the world never the less they are widely accused of vandalism and promoting a populist agenda and all the while police in the u. K. Particularly have been quite cautious and worried about taking any action against them and they fear of violating their human rights to protest so what do the people in the streets of london make of this extinction or about in moving up in the world into a different category. No not if youre stealing from a shop but given how it is they are very dropping food but i dont think thats how they should be processed its all by stealing doesnt set a good example of how the both of them. Its. Been a lot of could get to keep it away but at the same time. You dont really need to pay because its. All that we turn to good what theyve done. But at the end of day no not they didnt pay for it and i think the concept is a good idea im all for you know taxing the rich or more in order to redistribute up funds you know more efficiently and fairly but to display theyre doing right but isnt the right way to go back to my. Ex are clearly have some big plans but they might have a way to go from sitting on the streets to sitting in parliament. The Detroit Police department and Prosecutors Office not to reassess events which led to the wrongful arrest of a black man Robert Williams due to a flaw in facial Recognition Technology citys mayor has apologized for the case on their own group about that case and joined prosecutor kym worthy in my apology to mr williams but you have to think of the case and the case in my mind is about sub detective work and sub par werent prosecutor work back in january Robert Williams was arrested and held for more than day on charges of theft he said facial Recognition Technology had matched his old drivers license photo with grainy Surveillance Footage of the incident williams himself says it was obvious a mistake could be made. When i look at the picture of the guy i just see a big black guy i dont see a resemblance i dont think you looks like me at all. Face scanning technology is used by ordinary people every day to unlock their smartphones or to tag friends on social media however when it comes to Police Investigations Artificial Intelligence has drawn a lot of criticism for false matches and it seems there are more mistakes when it comes to darker skinned people Detroit Police say that they brought in new rules because of the williams case facial Recognition Software is an investigative tool that is used to generate leads only additional investigative work corroborating evidence and probable cause required before a rest can be made the founder of encrypted Internet Service unseen believes that while face recognition should help in criminal cases it shouldnt be the sole source of evidence. There are cameras everywhere now and the Law Enforcement didnt even have to pay for the cameras if you look at the video cameras you look at the cameras and peoples phones the resolution is in some cases its almost like a theater or a Movie Theater so youve got very high quality resolution youve got people who are youve got a ubiquity of these cameras and now you have the software thats able to decode it and you know at relevance to make actionable information for Law Enforcement at least so they think now i think what you have to do is you have to handicap and say well theres probably a probability that this person might be the person you cannot hang your hat 100 percent on anything it is not absolute so is that used to determine that this person is going to get arrested no they have to go find a bunch of other evidence that you can put the person at that location at that same time with their cell phone with license plates with somebody had a fingerprint or theres d. N. A. Think it just becomes a part of that kind of bio collection but this really points to the problems in general with with bio identity. In spain a famous paintings they might unrecognizable after restoration work a decided to have a little bit of creativity and it isnt the 1st on the famous piece of office received a bad make of a sparking calls to tougher regulations. I dont think these people should be referred to as restorers lets be honest theyre buggers who botched things up they destroy things. Dont forget you can check out plenty more stories if you had to all website. You can be go with yeah you know what. I am max kaiser this is the kaiser report and you know what wall streets up to its usual bag of tricks that back in 2008 Global Financial crisis and remember that movie the big short and remember i was obvious that everything was going to blow up and remember how the wall street people were you know conspiring and then it all blew up in a few people make billions and billions of dollars because they cook the blow

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