Russia claims its code could fight scene is good to go all the questions all raised in the west over how it made such a progress. And police in the u. K. Want to draw is a mistake or jihad this one referring to acts of terrorism i meant fish as it breeds hate towards him was that weve to face the issue. When we give these labels to them when they get to their auctions. These people wont do it specifically for the reason because they believe in this. Islamic do you point. Making sure you never miss a story this is our t. International a very warm welcome from everyone that here and most. Well lets get started a much anticipated. Poured into a legit russian interference in british politics has finally been released in the u. K. And it concludes moscows influence is the new normal however it bashes the u. K. Government for failing to investigate or assess the risk of kremlin in foreign interference the Russian Foreign ministry has slammed the report as another example of russian sentiment it claims the findings and comments about the mob the clearest example yet for so phobia is sally has more details from london. This report published by the british parliaments intelligence and security chin mitzi looking into what it alleges is russian interference in british politics it says that its based on secret material compiled by british spies its taken a year and a half to publish after having been completed a number of rumors or so why it might have taken so long and why some parts of been censored and redacted not according to the reports russia undertook influence campaigns in relation to the 2014 Scottish Independence referendum and might have done the same with regards to the break the referendum of 2016 of course how successful any of these alleged campaigns are hasnt been established by this report we have seen previously accusations of russian social media campaigns some of them amounting to 70 pence around 1. 00 having been spent on those campaigns with critics saying thats hardly a smoking gun the british regime would like to present it as weve heard from the russian government theyve said that these accusations of that involvement i just groundless but even so we saw earlier today a press Conference Held by a number of its ships fishel outlining what they said was that damning evidence what we do know about russian influence in the u. K. Hes that is the new normal russia promotes dissin from ation and attempts to influence overseas whether us through social media can leak or using the state own traditional media has been widely reported u. K. Is clearly a target a much too quickly a self to counter search effort that reference led to states own traditional media for reporting on the vents which theyve deemed to be. Interference somehow in the internal Political Affairs of the United Kingdom there have been talks of money being donated to the Ruling Conservative Party by russian individuals all of those individuals state that they have no links to the governments and make those donations out of their own personal capacity there are some in the u. K. Who question how politicized this has all become they point to for example the lead up to the last election at the end of last year and what they say was open its a ference by israel in india d against germany according to then name believe that some inside his chances of winning the election wondering why no inquiries are being launched in that he had heard previously from going to grow of that former secretary in to what he said was reasonable confidence amongst british initials of russian involvement in syria in british politics we believe we know with reasonable confidence that russian actors were involved in trying to interfere with the 29000 election principally through trying to spread amplify on why and the guinea obtained the documents relating to the u. K. U. S. Free trade negotiations now principles broadly pro regime media environment when you cheney have cottoned on to this report that they focus on what they say was the u. K. Parliament and the u. K. Governments failure to act and that will be probably one of the main themes Going Forward in particular as people try to understand what parts of the report have been redacted. Jonathan broadcaster neil clark says hes not been tightly content by the reports findings. Absolutely sign of lacking in any kind of evidence but it is quite remarkable and all those people who spent the last 2 years is treating times released the russian report well if this really was what you were getting so excited about thats nothing one of these is a mother. In law who can get into a lot of empty russian bottle a lot of nonsense but what were talking is actually hot whole evidence which of course conveniently is rejected so that sells out what we call possibly telling what is evidence is it true that you talk about the secret but just meet us so anybody who actually reads this report actually believes the case has been proven i think i can be very wrong to do that. Crane now where a man has taken 20 people hostage on a bus in the center of the city of sc well lets get some more details from our correspondent donald courts dont know what more can you tell us about all of this is upset about being story. Well. The police already have the city center locked down and you the Ukrainian Deputy minister of internal affairs is now saying that a number of the residents that were living near the area where the hijacked bus was were just evacuated he also said that the police have entered into negotiations with the perpetrator for the hostages released now earlier we did hear reports of explosions in the area where the hijacked us was and that was after the perpetrator claimed that the bus was filled with mines and he was also threatening to set off an explosive device in another area other eyewitness reports suggest that gunshots were heard in the area and that the perpetrator that the perpetrator threw a grenade out outside the bus window but it actually failed to detonate now ukrainians the Ukrainian Deputy interior minister also said that the man has been identified as maxime crew boss hes a ukrainian citizen of russian or and. And before the hijacking provost actually actually posted a video on you tube of himself sitting down with a weapon he also claims that the police said he had posted a list of his demands on twitter however at the ukrainian authorities have already said that it was more just a post about the general discontent with the system but nevertheless both social media giants have. Shut his accounts down we also heard from ukrainian president vladimir selenski who said that the situation was alarming but under control but again like you said this is a developing story so we will continue to bring our viewers the latest updates as they begin big as they continue to unfold absolutely that was don a call to many thanks for bringing us up to speed. Tell us a story donald trump has announced he will send federal full says tool violence roughly to cities across the nation as pockets up on rest continue however a democratic government is believe that states are being talkative purely for political reasons while going to do something that i can tell you because when i get a look at new york and chicago and philadelphia detroit and baltimore and all of these overland is a mess were not going to let this happen in our country all run by liberal democrats well tom puzzle already sent troops into portland to quash almost 2 months of racism protest they want it was not approved to know can lead to fresh clashes in the city. God thank god it. Was. Her. But her. To. After weeks of protests against Police Brutality and systematic racism in the us unrest reached a new level on the streets of Portland Oregon a crackdown by u. S. Federal officers deployed by the department of Homeland Security increased tensions the feds who arrived in unmarked cars dressed in military style gear with out identification brought things to new heights when protesters knocked down sections of a large steel fence around but what house this weekend federal agents reacted with flash bangs followed by tear gas according to Portland Police and they did not engage the protesters some say the local police force has now been sandwiched between the demonstrators on one side and federal Law Enforcement on the other at the government level the bridge between local and state and the feds has become just as pronounced portlands mayor has demanded that the federal agency leave he told c. N. N. That their presence here is actually leading to more violence and more vandalism. Ted wheeler is being flanked by the state organs gov kate brown asked the federal government to remove its troops nearly a week ago and the states attorney general has filed a lawsuit against the federal government accusing it of unlawfully detaining protesters meanwhile president all trump has defended the deployment saying democrats run cities have lost control of the races and demonstrations in addition bolstered the power of federal Law Enforcement officers with new executive orders aimed at protecting monuments adding to the chaos seen from top to bottom protesters are also experiencing a divide well continuing to support the movement some are criticizing the methods right were going to stop all of that all the responsibility are going to come down here take back our streets make you want to match the stage clear right to get this movement back on track. While the protesters about to stay on the streets the feds say they are not pulling back for anyone making some fear that the growing divides could lead to more trouble not only amongst protesters but also between Different Levels of Law Enforcement. Correspondent alex reports for us well head off the report the whole issue up for debate. Problem is when you had a feds come in and you expect them to come in with the strategy the way you could try to bridge the gap between the protest there isnt a very system that theyre fighting against imagine if you know you were. Having dinner with your family and i just walked into the restaurant with the pea go on and thats you and instead making progress but im not going to find myself and im not telling you why you know youre going to be freaked out and youre going to get up there and youll probably say you know the fork off your dinner table or throwing it at me as you should because im probably like a crazy person well when youre mixed up with people who are burning and looting and you know theyre doing it and you stick around there and you know there are federal troops there youre looking for trouble i mean i wouldnt be in a place like that and nobodys been arrested nobodys coming into restaurants these people have been burning and looting and rioting for now 52 straight nights the president finally said about a week ago a nuff is enough because the local authorities refused to do anything and customs and Border Patrol agents made up this force to go protect federal buildings and federal landmarks in that city and thats what theyre doing and they have every right to do it if they are going to come in and theyre going to match people way they should identify it and you cant just grab people went after people because everybody not burn until the everybody kind of bought their protest important have been peaceful theres been some wild and crazy stuff or no but the park up there have been people who you can dispatch people walk the streets because you think they fit for this or because you dont really know because its not right people arent being snatched off the streets who are peaceful ive heard the police make the announcements were going to start arresting people if you decide to stay please leave the ones who stay on leaving themselves wide open for arrest and they know it when the night gets too long and the violence starts and the burning stop. And the ruling sharks in the police say. If you choose to stay you know darn well youre risking arrest and if you did you knew just head examined. With countries power lies by the current virus the race has been on to develop an effective vaccine that could of course unlock the whole world well russia says its fast to cross the finish line having successfully completed trials although as more causative not explains not everyones buying into those claims. Mooste reasonable people would see a vaccine for what it is a panacea a solution to this this awful pandemic scourge that has decimated so many lives and livelihoods around the world in just a few months such progress should serve achievement joy and hope but we live in an unreasonable world so they sued jealousy and resentment top executives at companies as well as billionaire tycoons and government officials began getting shots developed by the state run gammill a institute in moscow as early as april all based on Anonymous Sources of course and recipients of the vaccine some of whom bloomberg claims to have identified well unfortunately there are anonymous to. Confirm dozens who have had the shots but none would allow their names to be published so bloomberg well known for bashing russia amid the names of russian oligarchs and kremlin officials who got a vaccine shot before anyone else out of concern for their privacy and well being it sounds incredibly plausible and speaking of plausible what are you learning about the serious questions being raised about how russia has come so far so quickly with its potential vaccine there are a lot of serious legal and ethical questions about what mr chance does is he doesnt mention a single ethical or legal question babsons so many he doesnt know where to start 1st off prominent russians have been hit by the virus countless celebrities politicians theyve all gone down with it including the Prime Minister the president s spokesperson so if we rush or already has a vaccine it clearly doesnt work and if russian government officials and billionaires had already taken the shot in april why would they need to force seoul. And not as what c. N. N. Appears to be hinting at to be guinea pigs it makes less and less sense as you go along especially these next part russia desperately needs to develop and wants to develop a vaccine isnt that one reason why the kremlin would try and get ahead by stealing other nations secrets you may remember recently the brits the us canada they all claim that Russian Hackers yes yes they get around has been trying to steal vaccine secrets from the west russia has been trying to do this they claim the same russia that apparently already has a secret vaccine since april the same russia that was already across the finishing line because apparently it cut corners the same russia is trying to steal secrets from countries that are behind it thats thats like trying to copy someone elses arms as an exam youve already passed and anyway russia has already agreed to abide from the u. K. The very vaccine that it is apparently now trying to steal if russia has been behaving so badly why are we helping them out because this is a Global Pandemic and this is not a. Case where we protect the u. K. Everything else goes away why are we helping russia out in dealing with a Global Health crisis a virus that knows not the nation or race nor sex no beliefs that is a question being asked by journalists why are we helping someone else and had softer kate being a who seems to be one of the few reasonable people left in this world unlike the b. B. C. Journalist as a matter of fact kate i think youve deserved a secret invitation to get secrets job of a secret vaccine that russia has kept secret. The world needs more people like you viral at a stat line casting a vast and dr mohamed men at police that would be no point in hacking facts and information as everythings been conducted an open i think general procedure for Vaccine Development are pretty standard most of the vaccine is dogs or being developed now they are not on a Hidden Technology in the Scientific Community we do know every technology how it has been developed and how it can be used for different trials so therefore i dont think there is any hidden formation and the technology and the Vaccine Development it sounds the only thing probably that is not available is what is the outcome of the research or the trials which would ultimately become available therefore i dont really see any particular reason for attacking any information and to be honest in the Scientific Community we do collaborate if anyone needed any information they can contact the researcher and they will be happy to provide the information they need it how the vaccine has been constructed for example if someone needed an information from any researcher to simply do email and we get to give the information this is an order and issue of a single treats this is a Global Pandemic and on less everybody is not safe no one is safe. Science has sent some people are more prone to than 1009. 100 to take extra precautions but one couple in rio saw an opportunity to have fun while indulging a lifelong obsession with space travel. If. You think. You can make. It a good. Thing. Because 5966 part of the code could risk group and incurring teenage home i get really anxious feeling that i had to go out and do things but could not sing infection rate was really high. That what you report on t. V. I saw an interview with a doctor he went for more than 40 days without seeing his family because he was in the cosy task force he didnt create a dinosaur cost you to visit his family he was very touching so i thought about doing something similar to go out. On a russian story now protests have continued in the far east city of her bottle of scoffed at president putin assigned a new temporary governor to the region after sucking the previous one hundreds of people took to the streets outside the administrative building demanding the newly appointed governor is sent straight back home its the 10th day in a row the region seen large demonstrations off to govern assegais was arrested on charges of well going to zing multiple attempted murders 15 years ago protesters claim his detention is a political hit job and a calling for the former governor to be tried in the regional courts instead of moscow yesterday football was officially dismissed by president putin for quote loss of confidence. Toms like jihad to stun is a must might be dropped by police in the u. K. When it comes to describing terror acts amid fears it staring hate towards muslims. I propose a change in culture by moving away from using terms which have a direct link to islam and jihad these do not help Community Relations and public confidence. The Muslim Police Organization Claims the tums need to islamophobia obfuscating a number of alternatives including faith claimed to terrorism and terrorists abusing religious motivations among others the u. K. Has suffered a string of course of terror attacks in recent years which have claimed schools of lives. Guess debated the age old question whats in a name. Well it makes a big difference to people in the community its them is them. Have been hijacked theyve hijacked their faith of islam and when we give these labels to them when they get their actions and their terrorism and so i think its absolutely right that we have an honest and open and transparent debate with the authorities to look at terminology so that it doesnt tarnish the whole community the military percent of islamic people wouldnt want to be having any involvement or walk and the league to this time for terrorism however you know were just telling ourselves a bunch of lies here it is Political Correctness gone mad and unfortunately these people are doing it specifically for that reason because they believe in this extreme islamic view point while i look ive been very clear that weve got a problem when there are people within the Muslim Community who engage in terrorism its not about Political Correctness its about making sure that we dont buy the message or da agenda of terrorist and this and this is not about divide and rule this is actually much more about the reality is that these people are extreme everyone knows that there are extreme part of society but they are shouting allahu akbar are invariably before they commit one of these crimes the jewel crops terrorists who killed the former liberal m. P. Joe cox you shouted out britain 1st are we going to britain are they going to stop using the term britain no were not so you know terminology is important and gauge what is important and reporting these responsibly i think is the best way in having an open dialogue and fortunately there are a significant number of people in this country and across the world that are extreme and yes there are extreme christians and and over the centuries if you look back over the centuries that each religion has engaged in terrorism at some time so so this is not something new but to change the name to try and pretend that this is not. Based is just 10 minutes i was a big zones. And finally after days are at loggerheads the leaders have finally reached a breakthrough and agreed a coronavirus rescue plan they also signed off on a 7 year budget amounting to a whopping one trillion euros. We. Would have to do laundry to return to your kitchen budgets this were of course difficult in the decisions been very difficult to use for all your appearance well this was supposed to be a 2 day summit the deal was eventually done in the morning the start of day 5 but 1. 82 trillion euros worth of funding has been agreed upon the vast majority of that is the e. U. 7 year budget but the rest and what became the most difficult to work out how it was going to be handed out was the 750000000000 euros that will make up the e. U. s Coronavirus Recovery Fund that 750 will be split into 390000000000 in grants which dont have to be paid back and 360000000000 in loans which of course do the summits will be most remembered i think for the rise of the frugal group made up initially of the netherlands. Denmark and sweden they would join does this sort of went on by finland as a group of nations they were saying they werent particularly happy about taking out their own sovereign debt in order to essentially give free money to all of the Member States and wishfully the plan had been for 500000000000 in grants 250000000000 in loans they managed to get that changed and this has seen something of a split between those nations that want to weld not share the burden as it were of taking out debt. Against those countries that are suffering the most financially from the corona crisis only jordan the reason the term to lower the stakes and compromise the extent of our goals but on this we are inflexible probably the most difficult because who sions ive ever been involved in. The quota that was imposed by the group of the most stingy and selfish Member States was done by judging the situation exclusively through the prism of their own interest well away from talks again of another north south divide between those need of money following corona and those willing to share there was also a little bit of division when it came to new rules on just what you have to do to get e. U. Money essentially and to break it down to its most basic level in order to get e. U. Cash it got to abate e. U. Rules now Member States like poland and hungary they took this as something of a personal attack as slaves are states that have a tendency not to it here to e. U. Rules hungary in particular and their Prime Minister viktor orban certainly not happy i dont know what is the person old reason for the dutch Prime Minister to be me for hungary i dont like playing games but the dutchman is the real responsible man for for myself e. U. Commission president person afford to live and Council President sharma shell would chalk this one up as a victory a deal needed to be done and the deal got done however what we can certainly say is this saw the rise and the influence that that froogle group will have Sebastian Coe its the the chancellor of austria saying that this was a good deal and praising the rest of his fruitless i dont think weve heard the last of them when it comes to future new negotiations thats a wrap for this hour back in 30 minutes to tide you over until then its boom bust enjoy. We go to work for you straight home. Syria has been engulfed in civil war for almost 10 years its cost hundreds of thousands of lives and displaced millions more no one foresaw the peaceful protests of 2011 is collating into a complex conflict between various armies geo politike

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