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And salutation with millions across the United States facing eviction is over 150000. 00 u. S. Citizens no longer with us due to the u. S. Governments abject failure in responding to the covert 19 pandemic and weather experts now predicting Hurricane Season is set to unleash at least 13 brutal hurricanes on u. S. Shores in the coming months i bet with all of that you cannot guess are the priority of the United States congress were focused this week. If you guessed funneling more money into the pentagon you my friends are correct you win the new car yes Time Magazine is reporting that tucked neatly into the Center Republicans latest 1. 00 trillion dollar covert 19 response package is a nice 8000000000. 00 in 2 pentagon Weapons Systems built by defense contractors like boeing Lockheed Martin and General Dynamics and what kind of virus and disease fighting weapons will this 80000000000. 00 buy us taxpaying citizens well Time Magazine goes on report that the bill would deposit 2200000000. 00 in pentagon shipbuilding accounts it would boost Missile Defense systems in california and alaska and deliver about 1400000000. 00 for the c 130. 00 transport planes and f. 35 fighters manufactured by the good folks at Lockheed Martin. And as journalists and activists around the us begin to uncover this latest 1000000000. 00 defense contractor gift basket they are being labeled as adversary by the pentagon politico is now reporting that a new mandatory pentagon Training Course aimed at preventing leaks refers to protestors and journalists as adversaries in a fictional scenario designed to teach Defense Department personnel how to better protect Sensitive Information adversary is the term they use yes those working on the lines of the 1st amendment to our constitution protesters and journalists are now considered adversaries and pentagon Training Camps but are we really all that shocked i mean after all we are living in a country where roughly a month ago the United States secretary of defense mark asper recently as governors to dominate the battle space battle space when describing efforts to contain and disband black lives matter protests which is why today well be need deep in the battle space of the 1st amendment as we take on the military Industrial Complex and their benefactors and start watching the whole. Whats going on in a city street you want to. See the crisis you always state see a. Great city displaced systemic deceptions late show. So when you feel as. Welcome everybody to watching the hawks i am tyro of and im. Sure and joining us today to discuss the latest domestic military Industrial Complex news is the former Senior Security policy analyst from the office of the secretary defense the one and only Michael Maloof michael we havent had john in forever thank you for coming on today. My pleasure thanks for having me so michael bottom line is there any real World Military justification for putting billions into the f. 35 an arm spending into a covert 19 recovery bill. Well absolutely not in fact im shocked that. Even the Senate Republicans would even buy into that simply because. They made a very strong point that they want to strictly for stimulus to put people back to work theres no place for this kind of stimulus package for the military at this point. In the stimulus package there the the Congress Passed a 740000000000. 00. Defense budget already and they and they can always add supplements later but keep it divorced from this this just medis the priorities and it really shows that the trump administrations priorities including the Defense Department is very very skewed. And were seeing a lot of our Congress People actually shout out what they think is wasteful spending from the pentagon right now and not presley just hash tag yesterday defund the pentagon domestically what could the pentagon be doing in order to actually help u. S. Citizens and others during this pandemic. Well they can lie low and not put these kinds of things into stimulus packages for for covert number one or number 2 the rhetoric that you pointed out was very very ill advised and very unfortunate as you pointed out we have a 1st amendment and even though theres a opsec op. Policy that has just. Its. They they are looking at the press and in that particular scenario as adversaries and thats wrong. You know the press is the only profession that is mentioned in the constitution the United States the only one and yet. The pentagon is calling them adversaries and i think esper is asleep asleep at the switch b. Should be looking this stuff over and he made one error on that the battlefield where where protesters were even called them targets so his his his rhetoric is just inflammatory at best and people need to calm down the military as you point out needs to be helpful they are they have they have a role. In terms of trying to assist people at a very critical time maybe delivery for example i have vaccines when when that becomes available thats going to be a legitimate outreach for them but in terms of dealing with Peaceful Protesters no thats thats the thats the job of the local governments and the state governments now the president could invoke the 1807. 00 insurrection act but hes been counseled that thats just overkill and its totally on the search and it is whats happening today is totally unlike what happened in 1968 i was around in 1968 and everything was out of control at that time not like today you know i want to ask you getting back to what you mentioned about the media in response to questions about the use of the term adversaries in reference to journalists and protesters in this training drill pentagon spokesperson which ended colonel your royal or when told the media quote attempting to read more into the use of the term obvious scapes the clear purpose of the training to prevent information from falling into unauthorized hands regardless of its potential use you know michael well i think you kind of mentioned this earlier but should the pentagon whether for training purposes or any other kind of purposes be using terms like adversaries when describing journalists and protesters you know at the very least journalism protestors working on their own shores or even you know journalists and protesters in general around the world is ad. A series a term that we we you know i think theyre kind of saying like well dont its just a term dont play him do it dont read into it but what should we. Well its a its a very unfortunate use of the term adversary and as i recall that. Doctrine was meant to be that policy was meant to provide a scenario and calling the press the adversaries it was was it was dead wrong and what i think they were getting at was trying to guard classified information to ensure that its not leaked out to the press and thats that and they got carried away with their rhetoric and the leaking that has occurred. And thats what this the drift of this doctrine was about was to try and prevent leaks but the leak of this document itself was leaked and it was and it was something that was done from the inside and if it was classified then the press has every right and every legitimate right to reproach to report on it and its just its the same issue where the russians were recently accused based upon very raw uncorroborated intelligence of putting bounties on american soldiers in afghanistan and yet even the president had to repudiate that that information and and so did a lot of in the pentagon now the pentagon has got to watch its. Terminology it has to respect the 1st amendment it shouldnt be calling. Peaceful protesters adversaries because they are exercising their constitutional right its only when we have violence and what have you but then the states have a responsibility to take over and i think that. Esper needs to be more mindful of and and have a little more oversight of what goes out of the pentagon im just astounded that he hasnt got better control over his own department. And michael switching gears just a little bit congresswoman alexandria cacio cortez is currently pushing to bar funding for military treatment in u. S. Public schools and on digital streaming platforms like twitch what are your thoughts on reforming the u. S. Militarys recruitment practices. Well they have a legitimate right to go in and recruit on universities for example i mean i was in our o. T. C. When i was at the university and it was fine i think that. At least theyre not bringing back the draft. And i think maybe that might be something of a think about but. I would say that humorously but at any rate. Shes got her own agenda and she wants the military out of everything she wants and she has she has she wants nothing to do with the military and and if and i have i have a grandson who just got out of high school and he saw that the military actually provides an opportunity for him and he qualified in every field including Nuclear Engineering and thats where theyre going to put him hes going to have a career in it and hes college hes capable of it and and given the training so i think in some sense it gives people a legitimate. A gateway to better jobs and opportunities to to better themselves and i think that she changes once too i dont personally agree with her on this and i think that the military has a right so the cia goes. And other agencies go out and recruit universities and even in high schools i remember when i was in high school. That the state may come around and give us a pitch so its very legitimate and and as long as its. You know its done off offer them opportunities people opportunities why not you got to remember because you know cortez has also told apple to go fly a kite and they want 25000 jobs up in her district so her her ability to call the right shots is questionable at best. Why you know i think youre lucky i never of the state Department Come to my high school and ask me if i want to join the state department or anything like that so you know i member of the group. I guess so yeah you know i mean i think you make a good point at the same time i do think that there needs to be some rames put on of at what age the military or the cia or anyone can start kind of going after these kids because they should be of an age that they can make that decision without being unduly influenced whether its through a video game or other such things like that michael i had to agree he i think i think in senior high school. Is about the right time because kids should be thinking what career path they want to venture into exactly right michel i want to say thank you so much for coming on always a pleasure having you on sir. Thanks for having me as we go to break my friends remember that you can also start watching the hawks on demand brand new portable t. V. App which is available on all platforms remember portable t. V. You can see all these shows and a whole lot more all right next we delve into the workplace horror show that was allegedly the ellen show and then Rachel Blevins r t america correspondent joins us to discuss the latest news on murder and Sexual Misconduct coming out of fort hood do not want to miss that conversation stay tuned to watch. Well the demick no certainly no blood is just blind to nationalities. As a march we dont come with the we do a back seat the whole world beats to the. People. Judge you. Come in a crisis sleep sometimes. We can do better we should know. Everyone is contributing each in our own way but we also know that this crisis will not go on forever the challenges create the response has been masked so many good people are helping us. It makes us feel very proud that were in it together. How can you explain love ive been to 82 countries i did intro but i came here and in those 3 days i just filled with hope. And. Sick show. I made my decision to come here because d i felt and you i could build a new life. You know if you companies and. Decided that this money is no good to be free what. Did you hear out where my one dream is that all my children d find the same kind of happiness i do. I love my home i love cold weather i like the culture or like the history i like everything about it. So i know if i know that. I am a russian far. Financial guy. I. Think. Some of my ex in the future crack up. For me too to allegations of racism sexism and intimidation the lights of hollywood are filled with stories of rampant abuse many of these stories never even get the coverage they deserve despite hollywood being considered a liberal bastion and that brings us to the Ellen Degeneres show the popular daytime Television Show has become the subject of an internal investigation by warner media after numerous accounts of workplace problems emerged the issue of the circling the Ellen Degeneres show the. Our new employees have been speaking out for over a decade but just last month their voices finally gotten heard executives from show producer telepictures and distributor Warner Brothers television sent a memo to stoppers that interviews with current and former staffers about their experiences on the set are underway in april variety released a scathing article where crew members shouted out their disdain for being fired at the height of the coronavirus endemic only to be replaced by nonunion workers and cheaper labor in july a report of racism and intimidation made the front page of buzz feed news in it 10 former ellen employees that they were fired after taking medical leave or bereavement to attend family funerals one employee walked off the job after growing weary from consistent inappropriate comments on race all employees feature to describe the environment on ellens that is toxic 10 hour plus work days are the norm but with a rotating group of contractors production crews and other staffers the montreux remains this is as good as it gets this is ellen youll never find anything better and considering the competitive dog eat dog nature of hollywood people often take the bait and kill the physically and mentally can no longer handle the abuse former employees want to see ellen held accountable for her positive public brand that just doesnt jive with the behind the scenes experiences of her staffers but willing to cancel the verdict is still out on that shes a media giant. A 32nd National Spot during her show cost a whopping 51570. 00 the show raked in over 35000000. 00 for Warner Brothers each year and more than 50000000. 00 for host Ellen Degeneres. Who are monstrous numbers i dont know if 51000 dollars for one ad you know i worked in hollywood for a long time before i came into this into this business of doing this show in the News Business and you know prior to the me too movement a lot of the rumors and everything that you say yeah people are abused people not just sexual and sexist and bigoted but you know theyre also physically abuse theyre also you know worked 18 hour days there you know its a its a brutal industry to work yeah and it seems like the reports were there people were speaking out and they were either getting blacklisted so they just lost their job completely blocked from working on other threats or they were ignored completely and giving harsher hours because what ends up happening is and you probably know this well its really easy to find somebody else to sign up a production staff for a major show and yes it is yes i mean the thing in hollywood is always the case of hey theres another bus load theres another training young you know young kids 1821 years old who are ready to sign up and thats both for like people on the camera and off the camera you feel that constant pressure that hey theyll just get someone younger to replace you or theyll just get someone who will put up with the abuse to replace you theres a great great film called swimming with sharks that stars kevin spacey really documents the abuse that a lot of people both in the office and outside of the office in hollywood face which as you pointed out is weird one of the city but thats like a bastion prelim and you wouldnt think that working conditions like that would exist in a because a lot of the people who are involved in these things are the same people who will speak out about working conditions outside of hollywood and there are people who will lead the campaign shout wave signs hash tag tweet meanwhile ignoring it on their own front door and. At the end of the day too lets not forget that you know no one goes to Football Games with war criminals like our former president george w. Bush you know come on now weve talked about on this so when it happened its like optics clearly you know with all the with all these reports coming out we want to wait and see what happens in the best occasions for is just to get the full depth of what what actually went on on the show but the biggest question is what happens Going Forward what their arguments that its going to be really hard to cancel Ellen Burstyn foremost because the advertisers havent backed up we have seen it year after year these conversations happened and now theyre just now getting a lot of attention but not a single advertiser has backed out of the ellen show and we talked about the whopping cost of having an ad buy during that show its actually the largest ad by cost of any big time t. V. Period while so theres a lot of money associated with this and her high profile guests have been star stop showing up to the show either so its hard to tell whats going to happen it truly is i think you brought up some great points there but i think that youre going to see i think once this investigation really reaches its zenith and you hear a lot more people you know speaking out you really hear whats going on because theres a certain point like we dont know if ellen was directly responsible for it but the end of the day its her name on the show her pictures on the show whatever happens behind the scenes still ultimately is going to fall on her whether she actively took part in it or you know claim i didnt know it was happening you know which is always kind of the one thing you know if you i didnt know they were being mean to the staff or crew will. Pay attention when youre walking to set. And thats the one thing that a lot of these former staffers are arguing that you know the environment is so toxic that anybody who is there can obviously see this happening its not happening in a silo or behind closed doors people are extremely abrasive racially insensitive doing some really bad being talked about them you know laying people off at the height of a pandemic but also firing people whove taken off time for bereavement if a Family Member dies that is a cover thing like youre not supposed to be let go of your job because you attended a funeral you know you absolutely should. B. And like theres the ellen show is not the only show where these kind of things happen to you i think people would be surprised that this is more the norm but it is the exception in the. Assessment is that. 3 months after u. S. Army specialist vanessa gloom was seeing her family and friends came to washington d. C. Today to demand justice for her murdered while they continue to call d for a congressional investigation lawmakers here in congress have introduced the i am the mess again bill which aims at changing the way Sexual Assault is handled in the u. S. Military arties Rachel Blevins joins us now to discuss rachel thank you for coming in thank you for having me so what can we expect from from this bill when her name what what what is this broker of a goal of this legislation is to create an independent 3rd party where members of the military can report their Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment because right now these soldiers are expected to report it through the ranks of the military theyre expected to go to their superiors but what they found is that far too many times their abusers are their superiors or they actually report it and nothing is done about it and thats why this story of vanessa again has really resonated with a lot of people who say theyve been there they were in that place because her family and friends came out after she was murdered and they revealed that she told them that she was being harassed but she was terrified of telling her superiors because she feared retaliation and we have seen support for getting justice for her for this legislation and we saw president meeting with her family today weve seen dozens of lawmakers saying they plan to support this bill but its all going to come down to oversight because even if this legislation is passed even if this 3rd party is created its going to be about making sure that the military actually implements it and that these cases are taken seriously and rachel when it comes to those Sexual Assault cases in the military how rampant is this what exactly are the numbers one fortunately weve really seen a rise in these cases in recent years and i want to take. Look at the records that were released by the department of defense according to their numbers they say that there were 20500 instances of unwanted sexual contact tax in 28 scene reports increased 38 percent from 2016 to 20 teens and that one out of every 16 military women reported being assaulted in that year and we also have to remember those are just the people who actually reported it because we have far too many cases of women and men who are terrified of reporting it and speaking out so the numbers are likely much larger. Number 20000 is ridiculous luling he said we do have to think about the it might be double that of the people who just dont report because they know that like i said earlier either nothings going to happen or theyre reporting directly to somebody who may have been the person who sees them in the 1st place i have to ask whats next. In the future of fort hood because this isnt the only scandal with valving murder and things like that that have hit fort hood now in the last year all right well now her family is calling for a congressional investigation into her death because so far weve learned that she was mordor murdered at the Fort Hood Army military base and that not only was she murdered there but then her body was taken away from there by a fellow soldier so theres a lot of questions surrounding how that happened how that was able to be carried out and why we havent gotten more answers so far and you know when we talk about fort hood im fortunately thats actually not the only deaths that weve seen there in recent months we saw vanessa again and her reported mean suspect in her death who reportedly took his own life but weve also seen a number of other deaths that have suspicious circumstances i want to take a look at some of those soldiers now they include make or more so he was found july 17th at the base near in a nearby dam his cause of death was reportedly drowning and is now being investigated Gregory Scott morale it was on june 19th and a nearby field 10 months after he went missing his cause of death has not been. But Police Confirm foul play is suspected Brandon Scott rosencrantz was found may 18th his cause of death was a gunshot wound and it is being investigated as murder right even ingo dela cruz jr was found in march 14th his cause of death was a gunshot wound and as it was part of a triple homicide rate there for wayne sawyer was about arson bit a cause of death has not been released but all play has not been ruled out and then finally Shelby Tyler Jones was found in march 1st and he was killed by a gunshot wounds go on a number of questions there definitely a number of questions there rachel thank you so much for breaking all that down for us always a pleasure having you on thank you very much thank you all righty everybody that is our show for you today remember everyone in this world we are told that we are loved so i tell you all i love you i am i robot and im really surprised keep on watching all those hawks out there and have a great day and night everybody. Almost and illegal takeover of the government by a small group. Rather than revolution results so just thats good information when you have a tiny drip of people who have all the power you must have some means to make sure the rest of us dont get together and talk about. These are sacrificed. Places that capitalism exploited and destroyed for profit and left behind misery poverty. Environmental devastation and so you see things like Voter Suppression building more prisons you seem gerrymandering all sorts of undemocratic practices or will insist that world are wealthy for the world and theres no question that the. U. S. Economy was booming growing numbers of people when they need us. You can work 40 hours in a week and still not have enough to get housing everybody believes america still has the lead up to the reality of the were not financially equality and im not going to florida be lounging for a living minimum wage give many people new choice. Just been a problem with the city and always turn to the rich and told to stay away oh ms coulter conservatives if there is no answer because yes the records resource the most vulnerable are abandoned on the streets to become the invisible comes. International emergency crews including russian rescuers assist in the search for survivors and beirut almost 3 days after a huge explosion 154 deaths have been confirmed and its feared that number could rise. Crowds welcomed the french president to the lebanese capital emmanuel micron is spearheading an International Aid effort but some are questioning the timing of his visit. And the chinese video sharing app tectonics says it may go to port over sanctions imposed by an executive order from the u. S. President. Youre watching are to international bring your live news update from our studio here in moscow welcome to the program. The search is still ongoing for survivors after tuesdays deadly explosion in beirut the death toll has reach 154 with 5000 more injured several countries including russia have sent emergency crews to the lebanese capital to assist in the rescue effort our reports from the scene. As russian rescuers are getting down to well what they have been flown in here for i want you to just look around and let something sink in about the sheer and ultimate demolition power behind this explosion we are in the very epicenter as close as villian can get look closely under my feet i do apologize for my dirty sneak his but look closely because im not stepping on dirt or sand or anything this is actually cool and seeds of cooling from this massive towering reserve which is no more because of the bluster and this is the very 1st site where russian rescuers are searching for survivors. They are telling me that they are ready to work overnight if theres any possibility of finding somebody alive. This is a Field Hospital in its early stages it is just being built in fact theres another group of emergency workers on the way with more infrastructure but this is where russian rescuers will be taking those injured those still in need of medical attention from after the blast. Fairly extremely lucky to be alive actually because i cant i cant i cant i cant forget the explosions the sound the visuals in front of my eyes well and i literally saw body parts of people call. Them evil people screaming. Kids screaming body parts. I saw it and i saw. You know that about a man i went towards people and told them we should not be here at that moment i turned around and i was he by something in my right hand thats when the big explosions started it threw me to the ground. Well everything that you can see around me was erected overnight it was literally an empty lot well fast forward 6 hours and well theres already a small tent city here. Well these are search dogs have been traveling with me or rather i was with them and they will be sniffing out those who may be still trapped under law under the rubble the city of be roots is devastated morally physically financially in fact of all places that i have a being too apart from acts of war zones of course this one with all the rubble destruction and vehicles just abandoned at the side of the road resembles a scene from a postapocalyptic movie the most and the russian ate a food aims here at relieving at least some of the pain im done of reporting from beirut in lebanon. Given the sheer scale of the destruction groups of volunteers are also assisting with the cleanup in beirut people are clearing away debris from apartments and house says the local for a day of the blast was meant to be a big event for a very different reason heres the moment a wedding ceremony on tuesday went horribly wrong. Theme. The french president emanuel mccrone is in lebanon where hes held talks with top officials and called for an inch. National investigation into the causes of the explosion some though are questioning the french leaders real motives astrologer penske reports. To war coverage in 10 nationally of mcewans visit to beirut he swooped into the lebanese capital in the aftermath of tuesdays devastating explosion its rival came hot on the tails of french rescue workers who assess that help with those with the best rates and the beat to find any survivors of those lost on tuesday now some say you feel sick a being too sort of existing report that sort of influences runs that corner a country that is so full must protect the rest of the others said he sees the world stage this is the 1st foreign leader to make a visit and then disappear down through never once again simply function thats not true at the same time we built this emergency and we need a new Political Initiative and im here to bring her good to coordinate and we look your plan an international you should leave to bring money on and directly to people but the other side we have to launch a new Political Initiative. There. What do you do that well as he waded through those massive crowds there was a particularly poignant moment when he hugged a woman and he said to her i can feel you will pay but that moment also led some to question what his real motives were for being in beirut some opposition politicians here folks have been scathing about that visit describing it as a one man hour of the show and others suggesting hes treating lebanon as if its still a french colony france support people in this strategy is indisputable or the other hand the arrogant and moralizing one man show in which emanuel my call. Has performed today in beirut is in dissent barely arrived in lebanon takes himself or the president of the lebanese republic he preaches and claims by him self to organize european and International Corporation the immense misfortune of some reveals the great fantasy of others now present my calling for his point of view said he would never deigned to interfere in lebanese politics but almost in the same breath he said that he would be talking to political leaders in lebanon and he would be holding the bag she cant he also said that this visit did have a geo political angle because it was a front step was that it would be turkey iran or saudi arabia and according to him very interests would be to the detriment of the lebanese people but now that visit by president macaroni is being welcomed aid that hes promised is being welcomed but the reality is when he turning back here to france hes fighting many battles here with his un popular mandate in france the reality is it will means to be seen whether those promises will be to the. Meanwhile the lebanese capital has also seen more public unrest or acted against its own Government People are unhappy about the economic crisis gripping the country those feelings have been aggravated by perceived government incompetence which some claim led to tuesdays tragedy in the latest protests Police Used Tear Gas to force the crowd back. The chinese video showing out ticktock says it could go to court over u. S. Sanctions donald trump issued 2 executive orders on thursday banning all transactions with the owners of tick tock and we chat as restrictions coming into force 45 days later. The spread in the United States of mobile up locutions developed and owned by companies in the peoples republic of china continues to threaten the National Security Foreign Policy and economy of the United States youre going to hear the Relevant Enterprises carry out Business Activities in the u. S. In accordance with market principles and International Rules and abide by u. S. Laws and regulations under the pretext of National Security the us frequently abuses its state power and unjustifiably cracks down on nonu. S. Companies this is a blatant act of bullying and china is firmly opposed to it take talk has been interim sites for a while now earlier he warned people who use the op that their day that could end up in the hands of the chinese authorities u. S. President has also threaten to ban take talks u. S. Operations unless they are sold to an American Firm microsoft is currently mulling the proposition heres how to talk users have been reacting to the stand off. The internet. And in the us so you guys we have a dilemma and hearing that take up might be behind in america and this is the problem i just started becoming famous and i only have 100 followers your job actually shifty 1000000 followers or ticks are. More the basics are 2 youre going to get a regular job benjamin a professor at the paris school of business and the Southwestern University of finance and economics and china says a dangerous precedent may be being set. The trouble in this nation has provided no specific evidence that the talk has made available to the Chinese Government on the other snowden the view that the us has a Mass Surveillance Program the most notorious or is the Prism Program which has as as to surface of several Technology Giants in the states to talk to be out as soon as possible because it is so close to a us president ial election and the tech to use as a mainly under 30 who do not support trying much short sighted behavior may harm American Companies eventually because it sets a dangerous precedent of seizing Foreign Investment through Law Enforcement departments opening the door for other countries to treat American Companies in the same way also the courage is future Foreign Investment in the states. The u. S. State department has issued a new report and which it accuses russia of waging a descent from a sham and Propaganda Campaign employing a variety of methods among these is the use of kremlin controlled news outlets to push moscows message artist muscatel or takes a closer look 3 months until the election a virus cool thing up through the country an ailing economy and a future without tech talk americas got its hands full but it will still find the time and the cash to do a deep dive into russian descent information. The kremlin has direct responsibility for cultivating these tactics and platforms as part of its approach to using information as a weapon it invests massively in its propaganda channels its Intelligence Services and its proxies to conduct malicious cyber activity to support the dissent from ation efforts and it leverages outlets that masquerade as new sites to Research Institutions to spread these false and misleading narratives a new report by the state department has 0 day in on russias complex network of fake news and propaganda and basically it tuns out like some kind of new octopus there are 5 to russias this information ecosystem from the government itself to social media but the one that gets the most attention are news sites which apparently are really busy peddling conspiracy theories but we would never suspect them of being nefarious 20300000 monthly views a wide range of political topics on a fairly quiet twitter account but no it turns out its all. The kremlin in disguise. We founded they promote this information in support of the kremlins goals theyre often promoted directly by the russian government and the push specific disinformation narratives theyre picked up by other parts of the ecosystem how intriguing some might say tell me more of this would cry while the state Department Might say theres no hesitancy of direct ties with moscow but heres an unrelated example of an alternative news story to stop you from asking questions the head of Global Research has written many articles on coded 19 containing dissin for me shewn one of them that was published back in march the headline of this is covered 19 coronavirus if a pandemic whos behind it Global Economic social and political destabilisation so from that have line calling it a fig pandemic i think we all recognize its not a fait pandemic its real you know now that i think about it and if the perfect person could contribute to the site it will go away just a car view thats the same as the flu a lot of people think that goes away in april with the heat rather. Theyre politicizing it the report also says that the same site suggests that corona virus was manmade and a boy who fell apart tree you know now that i think about it i know and not the possum who would just be an invaluable member of this Websites Team i can tell you that there is a significant amount of evidence that this came from the laboratory. With the u. S. Backing so many problems you could ask why release the report now while it could be a coincidence or not but last week factual state might compare one with the begging bowl before Congress Asking for a significant increase in funding for the g e c which happens to be the author of this report. The state departments effort toward 21. 00 requests for the Global Engagement center is 138000000. 00 more than double its current level we wont tolerate this information and other propaganda directed by the kremlin or any of our other adversaries double the budget for the sake of a handful of relatively unknown news sites operating 200000 months of us while solid reasoning all i can say is the pump a was going to have to get a much bigger ball when he sets his sights on naughty with that its not a competition of course but 130000000. 00 monthly pos but my total take oh no hes willing to give to the state departments rewards for Justice Program is offering a reward of up to 10000000. 00 for information leading to the identification or location of any person who acting at the direction for under the control of a Foreign Government interferes with us elections so mike tell me whats a gal go to do to get their hands on the 10000000. Still ahead the u. K. Opposition calls for a probe into the government purchase of 50000000. 00 unusable facemask a story and more after this. No one else seems wrong but well just dont call. Me. Yet to stamp out these days to come out to. Engage with equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. To see maxwell sunday is one of the most sensational stories of our time however the Media Coverage appears to be limited to learning details and political overtones to the single biggest question that needs to be answered is how all this could have happened where was long forced to and will justice be served. Welcome back to the program the British Government says it wont be using 50000000 facemasks that it bought from medics during the pandemic because of concerns they might be unsafe the admission has sparked calls from the Opposition Labor Party for an urgent inquiry into the way contracts for essential supplies were handed out. For months we were told that the government was purchasing the right equipment for the front line its again it hasnt happened the needs now to be an investigation and inquiry into what went wrong with this particular contract because its just not good enough to people who need that protective equipment that we find ourselves in this position. The masks were part of a 252000000 pound contract the government signed with Investment Firm a and a capital in april but its transpired they have air loops rather than head loops and may not be fit fit tightly enough another 150000000 masks of a different type supplied by younger are still being tested Prime Minister Boris Johnson says he is very disappointed that the shipment was unusable the Government Spokesperson there had been Due Diligence when purchasing the p. P. We spoke to they i mean bennett a nurse whos been working on the front line about the situation. I have actually worked in areas where there was. Also it in our area as well as ours to reuse my space mark and they would be sure to use as april so i would like to see the government ensure that there is a good supply chain and the salt sure issues are dealt with now the government cant just put us in the front line and expect us to be working its very its very stressful and i just hope that they do the right feeling obviously theyve made lots of errors and im just hoping that Going Forward they can do the right thing to protect us so that we can protect our patients meanwhile its been revealed that local councils have been granted new powers to demolish buildings and even homes infected with coronavirus as part of a package of measures to enable them to enforce local lockdowns Prime Minister johnson says hes determined to avoid a 2nd nationwide lockdown at all costs we got reaction from people in the u k. I just think that it is a little heavy handed. To fill in this day and age it would be easier to actually sanitize someone rather than knock it down. Seems wasteful it doesnt seem resourceful vaccines and you know youd think thered be something more scientific that would help rather than demolishing buildings which isnt going to help is there in any way whatsoever its absolutely ridiculous you know extreme always to demolish buildings because you know. Mixed messages i mean the message is be mixed all the way through. To just the people you. Know. As bolivia celebrated its and dependence day on thursday the country was gripped by protests over delayed elections the vote has been put off twice already because of the pen demick interim president jean onions has previously stressed to health risks of holding a vote but now she accuses the bolivian election body of playing with dates she took to twitter to point out that she has nothing to do with the latest decision adding though that she wont respect it at the same time the government has denounced the ongoing protests and says they pose a danger to Public Health and safety and his former leader of a morality of inciting artist on a quarter picks up the story. When it comes to combating potential Election Fraud donald trump seems to have a solution suspend the elections altogether and while thats caused quite a fuss in the United States the prou. S. Interim government in bolivia has successfully used that strategy twice just see for yourself how the opposition feels about it. Oh. No no. The people are demonstrating taking to the streets and calling for elections now because we are seeing the inability of the selfappointed president who is bankrupting the country when it was. If young people have coolness to go into Hunger Strike until the government cools elections we no longer want to wait we want an action is now the court cited the covert 19 pandemic as the reason for the delay now while there are rising infections in the country its nowhere near to the same level as bolivias hard hit neighbors like brazil chile and peru and the postponement has really struck a nerve with the public who have been in political limbo since the last election. If. These numbers are we dont you see on them. Like. It was the 1st step towards free and Fair Elections as prescribed by washington. All countries deserve free fair transparent and Credible Elections the oas official report on bolivia makes it clear that bolivians were not given this chance stop the violence hold elections and work with janine annas and the Transitional Government to bring democracy back so the new president janine 9 years had one job to hold a new vote. Its merely a transitional period we will call for elections with honorable people they will carry out an electoral process that reflects the will and sentiment of all bolivians the interim government was supposed to hold new elections 90 days after taking power instead on us has been president now for almost a year with no signs of returning to the ballot box she also said she wouldnt run for president in the next election but since her an egg on that and her reputation as bolivias caretaker has been far from spotless. Various Foreign Ministers described how least containing their home interests is telephone Numbers Family addresses and other personal information are being circulated viable atop facebook and other social media. It has also been publicly reported that the lifeless bodies of several people who were killed in the massacre disappear allegedly after being collected by Law Enforcement officers and no further information has scenes been provided to them. All the while it doesnt even seem like the libyans really support the interim government polls are showing that another election would mean victory for morale us as movement for Socialism Party perhaps is just another read. And why for the interim government if theres no election theres no problem is this the neo liberal puppet the unelected dicks cater imperialist countries one in libya theyre afraid of a return of it what out of this Movement Toward socialism the m. E. s is kennedy jr staying with deceit and yes in the cool mongering hes so thats why we continue to use coal the night scene as an excuse is there no i mean its not were just not popular with the oas and you know this is government talk about free elections of course that talking about their candidates leading in the polls and in waiting in with their rubber stamps yes men and women like. Income i still are not in and can not see elections and they come up with every excuse to postpone. And i break down on todays headlines for now but if youre looking for more you can always follow us on twitter or facebook for up to the minute reports thanks for tuning in. Join me every thursday on the alec simon show and ill be speaking to get a feel of the world of politics sports business im show business ill see you then. Thinking of getting a new book on the ones weve got in our shows no problem was i didnt know until he was trapped in this tiny little wired how much we dont need to create with him he will start reaching out into the well let us bring him anywhere near and thousands of breeding dogs of caged in the into lane conditions on poppy farmers i mean 67 years you know theyve been locked up in cages outside you see no protection from the weather the heat you know the cold air the rain the snow the founder nothing they have no protection. To get what you. Get through chaos across the u. S. Cruel puppy mills are supported by dog shows and pet stores most of the puppies are coming from these large Scale Factory farming kind of operations are being sold in stores even joined a Group Businesses are involved like ogling mom santa there has been a shocking amount of the organizing opposition to adverts to increase the standards of care for dogs bred in commercial breeding for so many most of that opposition is coming from huge agricultural groups and industries that have nothing to do with dogs dont buy dog. Welcome to max keiser financial survival guide. Looking forward to your pension account. Yanks this is what happens to pensions in britain. Watched as a report. Blonde welcome to visionaries me Sophie Shevardnadze could 900 condemn a came as an external shock is unprecedented how do we navigate then certainty of the post condemning future to discuss this im joined by the author of the best selling books the black Swan Antifragile and skin in the game that ive been dreaming to talk to you for the past 3 months and risk analyst Nassim Nicholas taleb. Yes im Nicholas Taleb risk analyst author of bought best selling books black swan and 2 for a child skin in the game so great to have you with us its been 3 months im dreaming of talking to you and asking you all these questions so the day has come hi. Thank you. Really really only 3 scripts are truly going to start so nicholas at the Synergy Online Forum youve talked about making societies more resilience to the future challenges without trying to protect them exactly but making sure well be ready for the unexpected i mean do you expect the call that crisis to be teaching us anything in that regard thats not really but theres little subtle things i have to say the 1st one is that you dont have to be paranoid in general but a lot of things to be paranoid about small number. And the main one is. The mix of the myth that people just worry about little war. Or war or. No the big think biggest threat. Has been that it will be. Ok and and and because of the structure of modern society germs can travel much faster so something i was saying of the century scribing the difference in structure between today and the past is you know the silk road is a variant

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