Tens of billions of pounds if it wants its help to patrol the English Channel has more migrants make the perilous crossing to reach the good care. Good afternoon youre watching r. T. International just gone 2 oclock here in moscow nearly a week since beirut was shaken by the deadly chemical explosion in sharing antigovernment protests showed little sign of abating the Justice Minister has now become the 3rd cabinet member to quit but thats not enough for protesters they have been storming government buildings demanding proper accountability for 150. 00 plus deaths from the blast that destroyed swathes of the lebanese capital. Thousands of tons of Ammonium Nitrate ignited last cheez day leveling the port area 150 papers are known to have been killed so far but dozens are still missing so it is expected that that number will rise thousands were injured in explosion it is overwhelming by rich Health System at the moment which was already grappling with the pandemic scores of buildings have been damaged or destroyed its the will to save 300000. 00 people have been left homeless when the Prime Minister is calling for early elections in a bid to quell the unrest the numbers of course dont give the full picture there of how many lives there and i changed forever its an added tragedy 2 for one family already dealing with their daughters cancer they were in hospital when the blast struck the father didnt survive r. T. Has been hearing the story. Forgive me if i did anything for me to carry or if i hurt you forgive me i love you i know of you i know of you i love you for 2 hours i used to buy you out there i do know you want to know that i love the i love you these summer months of always being synonymous with joy and celebration for sue his family the birthdays of the children and husband the anniversary of their wedding all of which falls during the sunny season but this year trouble started to loom on the horizon early when her daughter was diagnosed with cancer they called me in the morning they confirmed that its classical heart and i knew that it wasnt in form by that time gemmas immune system had been shot to pieces but hodgkin lymphoma. It is not a sentence for children its curable and doctors have been reassuring sue her husband jihad was called by the news abroad in nigeria but couldnt stay away in a crisis like this so several dozen covert tests later he came to lebanon to be with his family we slept in the hospital the same bed the same everything me her and him gemmas hospital room was where the port explosion cooled the 3 of them the windows of the buildings in front of me crashing and then one by the like this like this i didnt see if fair i didnt see my daughter i didnt see and anything but i wanted to put his head like this i felt that it all smashed all all so much that i was not sure that he was alive i saw his soul leaving his body i saw it but i didnt. I wanted to move into another hospital jihad died right before his daughters eyes at only 6 gemma faces 2 battles most adults would struggle to win cancer and coping with her fathers death she drew for me and around a circle. She she color that was red i knew its her bed. And it was full of blood but sue has heart breaks when she blames herself for letting her daughter witness all that and letting down her son by promising that his father would be at his birthday which is this week i promised my son that are me and his theyre going to be on his birthday and i broke this promise and everyones going with happy birthday for my son its his birthday on the 30th of august. So. My love. I ask sue her if she wants to take a break from the interview she refuses adamantly theres just so much she feels she didnt tell her husband enough suhas biggest concern now is her daughter processing their loss gemma seems to be protecting her mother by not sharing her feelings. She told them here was listening they heard her and i prefer can i not im not im not able to give details because they are killing me from inside me so can you imagine. Herself. Can you imagine the images in her brave passing whenever she closes her eyes. Suah finds redemption and relief in family pictures now as she relives the fondest of memories this is how we used to sleep playing our head on each other because you know whenever i put my head on his saw that i feel secure even when hes around i dont go so far marcus i dont do anything for the house to fix care of Everything Everything heres a think a lot of loads from my shoulder. This is the last photo of their family together she shows it to me as im sitting on the very couch where it was taken this story has been gaining traction across me jean the arabic world and we were the 1st she so kindly let in as she struggles to deal with the pain of the loss in the home she herself can face yet how am i able to come back to this house through. Her. Oh my supposed to put my ribs on this you know and this little and though no there is forever is about a 1. 000 thing for him just to put to hard for me to put his arms to feel secure or how what im going to. Give when they entered when they smell his clothes has some mean for not removing his clothes from the house im not going to remove them but suha realizes that her life is not over she tells me its whole life mission now to eliminate the shortage of cancer medicine for lebanese children even with her mask on i can see her smiling when she talks about her children though as she ordered them of prose and as our. Unicorn because a lot about this one is very special i told her you see this is my hair because when youre going to take this medication your hair is going to fall down youre going to lose your hair so what i can do or this is my hair im going to give it to you or so you would wear to cater on im going to make her happy i would do whatever she wants the business my link her and her brother. It was dawn of reporting from lebanon r. T. Now early Election Results in bellary say that the long time president there Alexander Lukashenko has secured a landslide 6th term with a little over 80 percent of the vote there have been some messages of congratulations from other leaders although the European Council president has appealed for the authorities to respect human rights and refrain from violence it does follow a night of on rest after exit polls gave lukashenko a commanding lead. A cool oatley. I have to go back that. You should throw us a little yeah he said you. Are it live. I look i think so it never means good study school or the catholic battery scene its largest protests in the last 10 years its at 10 pm people began to gather near the hero city of leeds for the powerful local Security Council the offices then began to mark calton citizens are pushing back roads instantly for the 1st time in the history of valeries special crowd control measures including stun grenades for use so my witnesses claim they saw rubber bullets being fired. Well around 3000. 00 people were detained wide on election day according to official data opposition supporters have been swift to claim the election has been rigged and Alexander Lukashenko has been in power since 1904 but this election is thought to be his toughest yet with unprecedented street in a and protest during which a number of journalists were also detained including the man you can see here being wrestled to the ground before being dragged to the side of the road by witnesses and other accounts the same many were beaten by police while covering the arrest and hawkins reports now from outside the beverage by the Russian Embassy in moscow. Some tension on sunday. For. Hundreds of people yes they stayed at the embassy to show their dictation out of a lecture they feel was rigged out of election with a few live votes were taken away that was one of the crowd what was happening in but. Throughout the noise Security Forces broke up protests of thousands tens of thousands probably around the whole country with people marching through the streets building barricades some of them charging the police even looks to use violence against protesters others pelting the book bottles now Security Forces were very quick to respond with stun grenades with tear gas water cannons. Rubber bullets the reports of multiple injuries images of bloodied and bruised protesters around the world stephen even though there were into that blackout some problems with communications across the country the protests went beyond but a russian borders there were protests the better i should embassies in kiev and warsaw even as far afield as televisa as well. I i i i. I. I. I. I look at those campaign was widely criticized the overbroad for the arrest the intention of journalists of opposition found that its activists as well come with himself said he didnt expect these elections to you was a broken voice that i should leave as Free Software for the way theyve been handled by the russian authorities though have opened probes into these protests saying that the rioters as they call them could face between the age of 15 years in jail would look in showing himself saying those who took the streets to destabilize the country will face the consequences just as he should be able to have brought you through in the u. S. If youre going to go against our country or even in the smallest way try to plunge the country into chaos and destabilize it truly you will receive an Immediate Response from the power for the moment or the process seems to have died down whats going to happen so late that a lot we cant tell but sort lot of to have as we said the main opposition now that it has already said shes going to fight these results in court she says she doesnt recognize them and shes calling on police and Security Forces not to use violence against protesters to stand down the reports that that has happened or have happened last night in some cities in fire was as well whatever the result was going to be tonight it was clear that this would be some sort of turning point for domestic politics in belarus that hawkins one of the key opposition politicians he was barred from running accused. Of retaining power by force. Yes. Its clear that this has nothing to do with normal exit polls these are just numbers off the top of someones head the real results are exactly the opposite we support citizens are doing because their votes have been stolen has started this campaign with a brutal violation of the constitution and. Its now seizing power by. Forces he is the one who is carrying out a coup. Ok lets get the thoughts now of journalist rivera who has been following events closely embury said good afternoon luke i just wanted to start and get your opinion firstly as a journalist what your thoughts were on how reporters and crews have been treated in batteries trying to cover the elections. Well clearly the were not free and Fair Elections i mean everybody agrees about that in western europe the only thing is that the reaction from the European Union from cordell that issued a state today and the day before the elections. Rather the same is very moderate in a way you know of they speak of human rights but they dont go too far sanctions theyve been suppressed for belarus and in 2016 because the minsk agreement made it. Was considered as acceptable somehow because he was go between between europe Ukraine Russia and so the managed in a way to still be acceptable to the west through to the European Union but not anymore another thing is that not many articles are published today in the press im astonished frankly that its much more about lebanon going about but i was which is that the heart of europe so this is a bit strange and obviously not 3 investigations do you think pressure will mount on looking over the coming weeks because it is thought it is likely they will see more protests the opposition is said look were here for the long term now to protest the thing that we will see just more pressure manton perhaps a more severe reaction from europe over the coming days. Well our are certainly hope so but its a very dangerous period for go so i have friends in goal now in maine scan data on there they dont speak to me on the phone because theyre afraid to be listened to so its very difficult for them they dont get much help from europe go to doctors and do anything called too much they could do much more than that to taint of the police to go with respect to the citizens but its not the case and yes the people youve just shown it so im very much afraid it could become really nuts. Do you think little change would change tack to tour here because he has thing protests before during his time is the leader of the country but nothing quite like this. I dont think so i mean having think it would change tack i dont think it would change at all it will give more of the same and that could lead to a real revolution which is also suggested to you personally there was foreign interference in this election too suggesting that Foreign Countries are inciting people to go out into the streets and protest you have any sympathy with that no obviously i dont believe it of course moscow is very interested in what happens in bed which is absolutely normal so is the European Union but there hasnt been any intervention yet that might be the future but i dont see europe doing anything sold if it comes it could come from moscow because the United States are totally silent on this issue so how would you think the next few weeks the next month panning out then a better x. But im afraid im afraid the repression will be very hard. On the people in every city where the demonstrators will be trucked followed identified and put in jail so im trying to be much afraid. Much of a ration for. The chaos and the other ladies who are really impressive again its strange because they have everything to please the west and not many people support them here in the press i mean of course they do but not much there was nothing in main newspapers in belgium this morning and 30 few things in france specifically come tonight and tomorrow but for the moment not many reaction so very much odd really of them are these girls and one of them saying. That this morning welcome to north korea thats what im afraid ok look good to tilt. This thank you thank you. For such the comfy this has been hard for all of this but for undocumented Migrant Workers in one west african country the pandemic has blown open the actual scale of inequality that will have the details on the story plus of this take your stuff. Back to gisors financial survival guide. Housing bubble. Oh you mean theres a downside to artificially low Mortgage Rates dont get carried away thats cause a report. Shows seem wrong but old rules just dont hold. Any real world that is yet to seep out disdains. Advocate and engagement equals the trail. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. Is it really use english truth is there any truth in the news also what is this one creature known as ilya gave birth to say about troops. Welcome back to wate now from trip or to the ones britain to pay 30000000. 00 pounds to help stem the flow of migrants crossing the English Channel the request though has not gone down well in westminster which accuses france of not trying hard enough. Reports from paris. Well the clash over migrants between the u. K. And france seems to be escalating and that comes as there has been in recent arrivals from france to the u. K. Which is put the 2 countries holds the number of illegal smuggled crossings is appalling and unacceptably high the figures are shameful france and other e. U. States are safe countries genuine refugees should claim asylum theyre not reach their lives and break the law by coming to the u. K. France is apparently demanding some. Pounds from the u. K. Government before it says it will deal with the issue of these illegal crossings promptly on the aids. Thats left apparently westminster pretty scathing this shut down those proposal saying it wont hand any will cash and less it has a hand in how the money is spent now there are also accusations that paris is trying to milk the u. K. All while these number of illegal crossings are increasing day by day lets have a look at some of the figures now so just a few days ago on august 6th 235 people made it across from france to the shoes of england now in 2020 so far more than 4000 people have succeeded in making that crossing thats double the number in 2900. Priests that weve seen now french patrols are trying to stop some of those migrants leaving french Coastal Shores and we know that the French Interior minister has sort of back saying you since january its operations have stopped 5 times as many people as they did in 2019 in the same period but with the u. K. Its just north and so much so you can sector pretty bitter. Has announced a new appointment this is the appointment of cotton desk dining channel direct command of this somebody who is going to be monitoring all the agencies that watch the English Channel for things like illegal migration somebody should be able to sort the problem out and u. K. Government is evil suggested that it may have to use its maritime assets to deal with this we determined to stop this illegal reach into britain for humanitarian reasons as much as anything else we talking to our french counterparts and we in order to find a solution using maritime assets so safely to try and return boats to france trying to prevent people from leaving france in the 1st place while talks between the 2 countries are due to continue this week but the court is taking up the moment the u. K. Has the right and of the dubreuil has said that the Asylum Seekers back to france but that will end at the end of the break that transitional period which will finish in december 2020 so only a few months away thats of course unless the 2 countries reach a new deal something at the moment that seems highly unlikely given that the 2 countries are not seeing eye to eye on this issue. Child advance the reporting naresh creative measures during the pandemic have varied from country to country and to some of the worlds poorest that is making life almost impossible documentary makers redfish youve been following undocumented migrants from west africa it is streaming on you tube right now but his just some of what they found. Almost on. Monday. In front of the demonstrators who. You can all go but if you go you dont really know if you dont know. The feel of the whole of africa. For the. First. This. Might want to add. To this is. There any im. Not but im going to then you have to see. Them after me and you have to. Get back ok. After sitting through you have to contrast that im going to get the country i mean. For me sunscreens used to mean everybody said oh no yeah you get their part i said. I dont get anything so we are going to come to. The north and. Then i got more left than a bit. Down in our. Time is where i want to and. Its making me crazy. And you can watch that red fish documentary in full on you tube and the my mets have a world news is looking so far today here on our table back again at the top you. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics or business im show business ill see you then. Small seems wrong. But old rules just dont go all. The way to get to shape our disdain you cant get educated and gain from it because betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart. Just to look for common ground. In the early ninetys. Just proposed to the. Experiment. Boys. And. Girls. Would help with the boys socialization over 30 years many children. To raise. Through. The low end welcome to crossfire. Well is there any news in the truth is there any truth in the news also what is the swamp creature known as Elliott Abrams say about trumps foreign policy. To discuss this and more im joined by my guest alexander mackerras and london he is a writer on Legal Affairs as well as editor in chief of the duran dot com and in athens were joined by alex kristof he is the director and writer for the duran dot com ari jelling crossed up rules in effect that means you can jump any time you want and i always appreciate this go to london for us alexander during the soviet union the 2 of the major state publication was probably his best youre proud to obviously means truth is best it means news and there was a joke during the soviet union there is no truth in the news and theres no news in the truth. I tend to think thats where we are in the west. Where does truth meet news and does news ever have a thing to do with the

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