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Other thanks for joining us this is r. T. Into the. Trial relating to the 2015 paris terrorist attacks gets underway wednesday 14 people stand accused of involvement in the wave of terror that shook the french capital 5 years ago the attacks killed 17 people including 12 Staff Members of the satirical magazine. Head of the trial reprinted the controversial cartoons of the prophet mohammad that made than the target of terrorists the french president among micron has backed the magazines right to do so. There is in front a freedom to blast fim which is attached to the freedom of conscience i am here to protect all these freedoms. To look back at how the attacks on folded 5 years ago. It started here back in january of 2015 when your harvests forced their way into the offices of the satirical magazine surely 12 were slaughtered days later came another strike when hostages were taken during a siege at a kosher supermarket 4 were murdered the men who carried out those horrific crimes in 2015 may long dead but now 14 alleged accomplices are set to face the French Justice system this trial is important not just for those who still indio the noise of terror attacks improves but because it focuses on those accused of being part of a Larger Network that aided the her reflect on so what. It is about individuals who are involved in the logistics the preparation of the events who provided means of financing weapons all this is essential to the terrorists action what you know i dont want to consider them a secondary theyre not secondary theyre full complement you know when you provide a weapon its not to go in party provide in a weapon to someone who is known by the police and Intelligence Services who has a background who is radicalized you dont give a weapon to that type of person that for some who survived is vital. Because it is in some accomplices have been arrested and we want to know what they did exactly what help they provided to the terrorists we want to know what really happened even if the terrorist wont be there at the trial i hope that those who worked with them to prepare the attacks help them financially will be punished for what they did thats the only thing we expect we want to know the truth because we dont know anything we havent heard anything for the past 5 years these attacks herald it in a wave of terrorism of islam is violence in france wonder to seen hundreds killed in cold blood. The trial comes as frances interior minister warns the risks of terror attacks remains extremely high mr them and it is the internal threat within our rules which has become the most significant and the strongest one which mobilizes the most attention of the Intelligence Services here how dumb i know that more than 8000 people remain on frances database of suspected islam its radicals who are considered to be a potential Security Threat he said the threat must continue to be the subject of full attention pointing to the resilience of networks such as Islamic State surely this is a terrible magazine his controversial cartoons of the muslim prophet mohammed provoked the initial attack releases a special edition marking the start of the trial the cover will show a montage of its most critical depictions of mohammed a move in defense of freedom of speech to one of those slain or will this only incite even more islam is strange shall not devinsky r. T. Paris we spoke with the former head of frances elite Tactical Police youre right he told us that the trial should have started much sooner. Some calls and going this case has lasted more than 5 years even 5 and a half affecting only the accomplices not those who carried out the attack because they are alive and can testify if for example we draw parallels with the terrorist attacks in Christchurch New Zealand which happened a year and a half ago the process there has ended the punishment already determinative a year and a half it took there and in france 5 and a half years this is a real problem and i cant explain it or rather i can see there are reasons for this but thats not the point there is a serious problem here in france regarding the speed of the judicial system and the process for imposing criminal sentences i was ahead in the r. A. Id an elite Tactical Unit and experienced the attack in real time these events left a horrific imprint on france and historically our memory of it needs to be preserved. Singing countries are struggling to come up with a common approach to travel restrictions currently different european states are using different strategies to battle the spread of coronavirus hungary for example has just unilaterally reintroduced travel restrictions on all foreigners germany which holds the presidency of the European Council is convening a meeting on wednesday to address the lack of cooperation between states aunties correspondent peter oliver has more. Coronaviruses providing some of the Biggest Challenges ever seen to the European Free travel area known as the shanghai in zone as Member States cast an eye on what their neighbors are doing to stop the spread of the virus and see whether they want to close down or remain open to travel germany says there needs to be a unified response a coherent response is crucial to avoid effort mantis approach as we saw early in the year and to preserve the integrity of the schengen area. Sounds great but that unified response is me. Needed because the Current Situation is reading rather chaotic Brussels Center of e. U. Power capital of belgium and an absolute nightmare when it comes to travel to corona those who want to come from brussels to germany which currently holds the e. U. Presidency need a negative corona test or 2 weeks of quarantine on arrival that includes all new and diplomatic staff who have quite a lot of business going on right now what with developing a united covert strategy attempting to stave off a crippling recession and break that which is still only resolved in raises more questions than answers the netherlands has pretty much the same rules france is a bit more laissez faire in its approach though belcher bans all parisians from entering denmark doesnt allow belgians in us all unless they have whats called a worthy purpose hungry isnt singling anyone out budapest says if youre not a resident in not getting in there is a risk of bringing the disease into the country most infections originate in other countries solidarity means common success you cannot be successful together if you are not success but successful one by one this is being seen by home gary and Prime Minister victor all buns not inconsiderable number of critics as another example of the use political and farm table theyre just not wanting to play well with others there which we underline very much is the need to replace blanket restrictions to Free Movement by more targeted measures which are limited in time or in geographical scope and meaning for example that you have a certain restrictions to visitors from specific areas and maybe the Border Closure i dont know is just another provocation of the European Union that i think missed. Or a bunch of really really consider if he wants to be a member of the European Union if youre a member of the team you play by the rules the problem there is that the rules werent drawn up with corona in mind and the virus has no regard for National Boundaries governments of Member States are put into a quandary whether to shut down and put freedom of movement on the back burner or to stick with one of the founding principles of the union and risk it becoming a vector of infection as we head towards an almost inevitable rise in covert cases in the autumn and winter months peter author r. T. Burley. Trump has ignored calls to stay away from the violence took in city of commotion arriving on tuesday he praised the police his visit as i graduated tensions between Trump Supporters and black lives matter protesters you know she is the latest us hot spot for rallies against racism and Police Brutality that after a black man was shot several times in the back by officers last month 2 people were killed in protests that followed the shooting the city suffered massive damage to personal property and businesses however when asked the u. S. President said Police Violence is not systemic. I think that police do an incredible job. And i think you do have some bad apples i think youd agree every once in awhile you see something and you do have the other situation to be under this tremendous pressure in the they dont hear a little world. Main rival joe biden for his part has posted a video of himself and his running mate to calm the harris having a socially distance chat where they discuss trumps alleged inability to deal with the code crisis. Meanwhile Many Americans are getting fed up with their 2 party system and are looking around for alternatives one burgeoning movement is the new Peoples Party its attracted thousands of americans for its Virtual Convention at the weekend in the morgue and has details. Deep divisions in america and dissatisfaction with centuries of 2 party rule have forced Many Americans so look for alternatives on the heels of the democratic and Republican Conventions 8 Peoples Convention was held gathering the hundreds of thousands of disappointed left wingers the people must have a system president we dont need these are ready to cry for you major party telling you your 10 days of the Peoples Convention feel that neither candidate really represents a choice for the working class instead they want political leaders who will stand up to wall street and the political elites long. As you. Can tell the criteria of integrity wall street was certainly delighted when joe biden was nominated as the democratic candidate perhaps this is because joe biden has admitted that not much is really going to change when speaking to his wealthy donors i mean we may not want to demonize anybody has made money no 1. 00 standard of living will change nothing would fundamentally change another theme at the Peoples Convention was the constant expansion of us wars and the expanding presence of u. S. Military forces overseas as soon as i take office i will ask congress to fully eliminate the defense sequester and will submit a new budget to rebuild our military it is so to play dead we will prevail. Were going to have the Strongest Military weve ever had by far were increasing arsenals of virtually every weapon were making our military stronger and more powerful than ever before attendees of the Peoples Convention called for free college for all a Green New Deal and an end to mass incarceration they slammed joe biden for not supporting medicare for all even during the pandemic. With all due respect to medicare for all you have a single payer system in italy it doesnt work there and has nothing to do with medicare for all that would not solve the problem at all protests against systemic racism and Police Brutality that have in golf the country now have both candidates throwing gasoline on the fire this president long ago forfeited a moral leadership in this country he cant stop the violence because for years hes fought management here so who are all here supporters and they are your supporters and did shut a young gentleman ho and killed him now with paint over the bullet. And i think its disgraceful Peoples Convention attendees voted at the end of their convention to form a Peoples Party that would sweep the us elections in 2021 and hopefully take control of the white house and the us congress by 2024 3rd parties have always existed in america but they generally get marginalized and pushed aside while the 2 major parties dominate the political stage however the Peoples Party is hoping to reverse that trend and become a new force in american politics seizing the spotlight it will mop and artsy new york. Committee republican says that neither of the 2 main parties truly reflect the views of the majority of american voters. Its been a very very very long time since there was a new viable Political Party in the United States but if you kind of look at whats going on right now contemporarily now seems like the time for history to repeat itself and the bigger issue at hand here is just how far gone the doowop only is the pandemic has shown that we have a corporate coup for a government we have a Banana Republic we have a government that not only doesnt give a hoot about Public Opinion but works actively against it and this is by design republicans are only able to be as terrific as they are because of how ineffective democrats are similarly democrats are only able to be as ineffective as they are because of how horrific republicans are and it does not reflect the people who live here the largest voting bloc in the United States are people who dont vote and people who dont associate with either Political Party and stay with us have a known team when you suffer the break. The world is driven by a dream shaped by one person of those. Who dares thinks. We dare to ask. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy on sunday shouldnt let it be an arms race is on off and spearing Dramatic Development only personally im going to resist i dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and talk. Dozens of palestinians have clashed with Israeli Security forces over plans to build an Industrial Zone in the west bank. Why are. These pictures from choose day several people were reportedly injured during the confrontation Israeli Forces are in the area to protect heavy equipment and bulldozers being used to lay groundwork for the new settlement near the city of to calm meanwhile this year these really authorities have intensified demolition of homes in East Jerusalem despite because im going to prices here in many cases its the residents themselves you have to demolish their own houses because of the cost of the ruction what being so high hes really been spotty jerusalem insists that palestinian homes are only torn down if built illegally without special permit the human Rights Groups believe theres little real chance to obtain that permission for palestinian residents who in turn say that they wont give up. As you can see i was forced to demolish my own home because of the fines i worked day and night to build this house for my family and then the israeli authorities surprised those by calling on the 2nd day of aid telling us that the house had to come down they didnt even care about the holiday all the coronavirus situation the actions of the Israeli Government try to make is leave this land but no matter what but we wont go there and. We saw what happened with our neighbor and weve seen this happen time and time again the municipality destroyed my shop income i needed to feed my family the municipality wont allow us to build houses which forces the Palestinian People to do it without a permit or. Been using brief now angry parents burn face masks outside the ministry of education and fear i dont like the idea of their kids having to wear them in school and even claim that its harmful for childrens health. Firefighters are battling forest fires in brazils panton our region are the worst in the Worlds Largest tropical wetlands 15 years its feared the fires will damage the regions biodiversity. Alatas in jakarta painted a river on the streets of the city 2 months to complete and is 300. 00 metres long a team of 60 artists worked on it. Violent protests have once again erupted in the lebanese capital over the appointment of the countrys bertalan envoy as the new Prime Minister than the straightens also coincided with the french president s visit to the country among a matter on 2nd trip there since the deadly port explosion in beirut in early august. Lebanese president michel aoun greeted marker on at his residence on tuesday with an aerial display released smoke in the colors of the lebanese flag despite the warm welcome the french leaders visit strong allegations of interference in the countrys politics has been leading calls for reform in lebanon since the bay reporting explosion last month the tragedy itself was blamed on corruption and it triggered the collapse of the government is now demanding credible commitments from officials including a new election thats a commentator maoism and gave us her views on the french role in lebanon. Strong interest is a very really short and small word to express the absolute engagement the french engagement in the News Politics if we are celebrating levanon and 70 years 100 years of founding levanon 70 years of being free and independent from the french mandate we are here having the french president with his planes telling us what to do im not saying thats bad or not bad im just saying that this is not an interest this is another mandate in the me king maybe a mild one with the visits with the constance visits of in mind when monk wrong because hes dealing with the same political elites were not talking about officials when he said sanctioning officials i dont think that this is the right way to see who should be saying sanctioning the elite because the governing body in lebanon is not might the warlords that have been governing from behind the offices the last of the government for the past 32 years this. Devastation of a country because when you really sanction the people who are in the government youre doing nothing because the people of bought the government controlling everything from institutions to public and private ones to the point to the airport etc you name it then what are you doing if youre not targeting these people but at the same time who are you to target these people if anyone should target them it should be us the people specially after the tragedy that happened the explosion the devastation that took over being in our midst or because of corruption and it might be because of other cause of russian is the main cause and by seeing what micron has been doing for the past 2 visits you can see that france is just diving more and more into the lebanese politics under a certain point when the lebanese public will maybe not not take it in. Place because it has the radical change to terms of service uses a started to receiving notification saying the social media job will start removing or blocking any content that could expose the company to the collection. We can also remove or restrict access to content services or information if we determine that doing so is reasonably necessary to avoid or mitigate adverse legal regulatory impacts to facebook disturbing near addition to facebook terms of service that could be used to justify online censorship but what the governments using restrictive National Laws to order social media platforms to censor information critical of the government or more narky in violation of online freedom facebooks terms of Service Update translated to plain english will remove content not because it is incorrect misleading illegal or spreads dangerous misinformation but because removing it might help prevent us from getting caught allowing it did you see the new facebook terms of said this smells like election interference and censorship to me was just so theres already been a Strong Negative reaction to the new rules which take effect on october 1st it all comes despite facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg repeated pledge not to censor political content. You know weve tried to distinguish ourselves as. Probably being one of the Tech Companies that is the most protective of giving people a voice and Free Expression over all content is newsworthy we also wont take it down even if it would otherwise conflict with some of our standards what i believe is that in a democracy its really important that people can see for themselves what politicians are saying that they can make their own judgments i dont think its right for a private company to censor politicians or the news in a democracy that doesnt fit in with facebook practices in general which have been censoring and biased and completely draconian in terms of how they treat content and its very prejudicial as well they have never been really for free speech and they have now with Facebook News they intend to basically not only control knows but own it it only say that somebody is threatening to sue them for a search for such and such a content so basically it is a car license to remove any content whatsoever without it was action and the users are now you know theyre a captive audience its very hard to move from one social networks to another you have a whole network of friends and followers that you have that you are counting on communicating to and now they know that their virtual monopoly so they can basically theyre suggesting they can do whatever they want. Go about with updates on our top stories in half an hour in the meantime check out our web site plenty more news stories at all so you dont go. L. Look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the 1st law show your identification for should be very careful about Artificial Intelligence and the point of use the is too great trust ever more than fear. Conflicting theories chozen with Artificial Intelligence will someday be. A robot must protect its own existence as a mixer. With. Trade and investment to become magic spells to conjure economic development. Most people think about trade they think about goods and services being exchanged between countries and the invest for chapter of a trade agreement is about something very different but what one investment leads to toxic manufacturing that destroys sacred sites all ruins the environment. That means if local communities that are being poisoned the thing object if they do anything that the company feels is interrupting their profits they can be sued now multinationals are taking on the whole nation Philip Morris is trying to use i. S. T. s to stop oregon by implementing new tobacco regulations aimed at cutting domestic smoking rates a fringe company sued egypt because egypt raise its minimum wage to democratic choice over trump Corporate Law joining us as we try to find dont want to party. Centuries just to make sure that the british and the bill of. The world must have. Stopped russia was so huge she then taste a tasty dish these days so i push quite on. What you see that im not quite sure. And i must get your car moment in that portion i. Want to go to the show if you dont mind if youre going to be. Its a mistake so its a group of. 4 theres this interview where you go to the start to the studio actually the person who goes to be drunk or should stop them speeding. Expressed. This is blue bus the one business show you cant afford to miss bourne washington coming up concerns about one in the European Union as inflation has gone negative for the 1st time in years amid the copen 1000 outbreaks while germany is looking at a v. Shaped recovery well dig into those numbers and fast food giant make donald is back in the hot seat as the firm faces claims of Racial Discrimination well bring you up to speed on the latest lawsuits plus as the world handles dueling crises of the coronavirus and Global Economic slowdowns greece and turkey have opened a new front of concern as tensions are high in the mediterranean with a packed show today so lets dive right in. And we lead the program with positive data out of europes largest economy in the German Government said tuesday their coverage is going better than expected issuing an upward revision of its Economic Forecast for 2020 german economic minister peter all meyer said tuesday the country is dealing with a b. Shaped development. And says. The recession in the 1st half of the year was less severe

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