Watching R T International coming to you live straight from the russian capital welcome to the program. Moscow says that it fails to understand what prompted berlin to claim that russian Opposition Leader unexplainable nick was poisoned by a nerve agent the kremlin spokesperson Demeter Peskov also revealed that the russian president and german chancellor havent discussed the issue on wednesday berlin announced it had found traces of another choke on the volley meanwhile the president of the bella ruse has claimed that the country searched the Security Forces thats intercepted a call which you can start out on berlin and we think. We have intercepted a call as we understand between warsaw and berlin that clearly sounds that soulful sophistication. Didnt take place. They have done it quote to discourage putin from interfering in the internal affairs of belarus the kremlin says it has no details on location goes claims as of yet and they have not been verified the german chancellor Angela Merkel also spoke this thursday about the case arties put all her house more. Well im glad merkel speaking here in berlin alongside the swedish Prime Minister stefan levin briefly touching on alexina valmy and saying that how germany would respond to russia depended on russia right now and how it responds to those allegations that came out on wednesday as it stands moscow is far from happy with berlin at the moment in the way that that announcement on wednesday was made what weve heard from the head of the fact that a press conference was called before the Russian Ambassador had been summoned to the Foreign Office before. Being told that this was going to be this announcement was going to be made so to. Have the Russian Ambassador said that once he was summoned to the the Foreign Ministry he wasnt given any facts about the allegations being made now the kremlin spokesperson to me to the press golf has said on thursday essentially they cant comment on what they havent seen in relation to the the evidence to back up the claims that Alexei Navalny was poisoned using a novacek nerve agent while the Foreign Ministry in moscow has accused berlin of what it called make a phone diplomacy. I would be very cautious when talking about any accusations against russia in this case after all there is no valid reason to make any we hope that we will be able to determine what happened and why we are interested in that we want it and we need the information from germany for that. If there was any data we would work with that there is no data there are only statements amounting to megaphone diplomacy we. Have Foreign Ministry attacks many were waiting to hear what the doctors had to see the doctors in syria there. And provided facts and data thats not something we see here is the why of why would novell need the poison has been raising a lot of questions in russia weve heard from. The heads of Russias Foreign Intelligence Service who said that the situation regarding the family raises more questions than it does and says the statements coming out of lindh raising more questions than they do answers he also said that the tests carried out in russia were there as far as he was gone sir and the kremlin spokesperson 3 to the press corps of also saying that hes far from sure who would benefit it all from poisoning alexina volley. I cant answer the question of who would benefit from the poisoning i dont think anybody would benefit from it the tool. The German Foreign minister heiko muss on wednesday said that they at demanding answers and theyre looking to russia for those answers its an informant soon it is obvious that one of the leading opposition figures in russia has been poisoned as specialized laborde 3 of the armed forces came to a clear conclusion that alex enough money was poisoned with a substance from the north beach a group hes the victim for crime someone tried to shut him up. We demand an investigation into the poisoning of aleksey now while we condemn this boys name and in the near future will hold consultations on how you can adequately respond to it it will also depend on russias response to the case chancellor merkel has said that the eyes of the world are looking at the Alexei Navalny case right now alongside her on thursday speaking in the chancery was stefan levin the swedish Prime Minister he called for a full investigation into find they out what happened to mr volley that followed on from similar calls from british Prime Minister Boris Johnson for. On the line the e. U. Commission president also the french Prime Minister as well all saying that there needs to be a full investigation in condemning whats being alleged by germany as the poisoning of alexina valmy weve also heard on thursday from the senior spokesperson for the age of. Foreign affairs thats no he said that the readiness of moscow to cooperate had pleased the e. U. Foreign office so far also said that an investigation should be conducted by moscow during that press briefing he wrapped up was asked a question about spiritual sanctions against russia from the European Union over the election of on the case he said that any sanctions were down the line from now that there needed to be an investigation 1st it was up to moscow to carry out that investigation and then anything further would be discussed once they had those results the Global Chemical weapons watchdog the o. P. C. Wu has said the alleged poisoning of the money is of grave concern and its monitoring the situation thats after several western politicians call for sanctions against russia are just mind guns they have digs deeper into the allegations. No we choke again they say the north koreas talks and that has heaped infamy on russia over talks a group of toxins by the way with slightly different variations of liquid gas powder one of the deadliest substances known to man rebel solves bre the huge operation launched there hundreds of people in full hazmat gear everyone afraid of exposure and here is apparently exposed to this new variation which by the way can evaporate and become airborne at Room Temperature and hes flying in a jet where he feels sick scores of people crammed together and no one doubts reports feeling the thing including the people he was with. Morgan a force for his compounds are highly toxic substances and as a rule its impossible to use them just to poison a Single Person if there had been any interaction with the substance on the eve of the flight or during the flight then any accompanying persons who are certain have shown symptoms of poisoning that did not happen if the germans had got clear evidence of nova choco or Something Like that being used they should give that information over to the russians and the russians. That didnt happen with scruples on the soles and i doubt whether or happen again and theres many questions like you know he was on the airplane then he landed why isnt anybody else i mean again another echo of this ripple case as far as i can see we need some transparency here before we start escalating this into any kind of sanctions trade war. Any kind of military conflict there are a lot of questions now speculation and rumors and thinks this is a time to wait to let investigators collect the facts unless you want to use the moment the confusion the hysteria the anger to tear up russian german ties. To stop a pipeline for example putins regime is inhuman as the case of novell me and the support for a game show whats required is a clear and tough response that putin understands nord stream too must be put up for debate anything less would only be a confirmation for him. The obvious murder attempt by the mafia like structures of the kremlin can no longer just worry us it must have real consequences that is why a very clear answer is needed here north stream 2 is nothing that we can promote together with russia hope for the north stream to pipeline to hold the russians accountable germany says it will share its lab results and findings with e. U. Nations and get this nato new response to russias offers of Legal Assistance and medical corp russia will learn that the value they have been poisoned not from the German Government but from the news if the aim is to justify some previously prepared response measures that have already been agreed on it becomes clear why theyre deploying megaphone diplomacy substitutes normal corporation with an Information Campaign public appeals to the e. U. And they too and reference to the c. W. Whenever such a thing which started diplomatic reaching the hazards they always have to us. Who is benefiting who does something was benefitting and we have as we have already heard as it were a ship there there are heavy forces would god want a closer relationship between russia and germany specially according to north korea to project but where also that the that you have to ask what could the russian government benefits of such a thing with this opponent politicians there was no danger for the russian government that it would be an election theyre already talking about sanctions guilty by default which is remarkable given the circumstances so the recent government out of the blue decides to poison an opposition politician who has been after the kremlin for years using one of the worlds deadliest. Substances which russia has said repeatedly it doesnt have so the do this improbable and highly stupid thing and in the survives it he goes to a russian hospital where the doctors do everything to save his life get him stable and they succeed the russian government which just apparently tried to kill this fellow greenlights a private jet to said him to one of europes best clinics to get help his body apparently for evidence locker treaty banned substances so far that its the best version. We now bring in live john berkman a theoretical physicist at the university of live on in belgium as our correspondent was just saying the chain of events leading up to him on this diagnosis and germany raises plenty of questions he survived he was sent to one of the worlds best hospitals with kremlin approval surely thats not how a government hit operation would look. Now i think its pretty beyond ridiculous a gun nuts. You know put up with what they ask us to believe so the russians want to kill him is not the end of her suburban and if you want to get some of the easy mash met men dont even need because they damn lankans do look he just gets on with you should see him in this 102 thing and thats it you dont use these fancy. Dispose in english was all of the use in this cripple so as a super deadly poison that doesnt kill anybody does keepers i like never. Use these weapons and then you you dig into the hospital and then you send him to germany for focused see why do you have to send it to germany where they know its low on. The press and certain but it isnt x. Timi and they harsh and. So they send in the leads and for that things are going to be blame anybody could keep him in those with the law they could get him in the hospital and for that matter that have been clear in a way and now because the russians are asking for a change of data the data an upcoming if there is a gun covers it would be very easy to find a new tool counting like maybe india or somewhere like that where you could exchange the information the did that on the person did it on the german and then that people tell us the 2 i mean the real situation is pretty ridiculous we have had the afghan bounty they ask us to believe that the haitians have to be the taliban to keep amagansett occupying their country i mean how could you believe that you have learned to scribble kids what happened this creep and nobody nobody heard about them and now theyve disappeared and i wonder why i mean they werent killed and they still pulled a sling quevedo is no tile there is nothing again then they steal their appearance in the election there is no google of that the whole the whole case collapse and they are saying theyre going to interfere in the new elections in the United States and is it ever predicted this in every election in your office. There is no evidence for that i mean one story after another ok i am not a poor person and pull myself and i dont like to be taken as an imbecile but media and politicians are Political Class its a time where they are asking me to believe things we just clearly. Even if these things are cool then they have to come to a very very strong evidence it has to be publicly available and you have to answer questions wait in the. Never ending some awesome stand that will end the americans do we have their guns on the time i mean this is holy and that even in europe is very very bad situation if our the political leaders European Union and so on and german leaders believe these things i think one of the reason maybe to some but there is no seem to but there is a hope because mecca says that you have to separate you know. And vanities which means in plain language when we go to serious things like the economy you know the knots team then we have to continue to do business and the never and he can be used to as he did against and make the human eye and his asian end and the media happy and of them but the worst thing i know is that in your you know in your sequence before the greens the greens are always always steaming up their arse and the other worse they dont like germany being speak about the past. 2 and a mother past then there is something to be said about germans maybe i was good enough to be an. Extremely because of what happened during the wool over there he screamed at a person other than bother anybody and it didnt used to be pacifist and now they are the worst propagandist for. The dish and i didnt question that good in principle. But good people need to go. On something. Interesting to note is 2 of the scientists who actually creative know each other during the soviet period have been speaking to Russian Media and theyre saying that not only couldnt possibly have been attacked with never chuck or he would have died for sure and those around him also would have fallen sick what do you make of that. You know im a physicist not to give me is that he is i dont the looking over these simpsons im willing to believe them but you see waging this crippled and. This is going to give people the more efficient way to do it in these. Bows and so they stick to the issues of the day and just as simple as that just common sense you dont need to do any chemistry just common sense i mean using a common sense and that in the spirit of them and willing to believe is experience but you see you dont even need that just if you give people you give them and it was very easy to do that all the time with for example. Weve been speaking with theoretical physicists thank you for your time and your comments thank you very much thank you. And other news the trumpet ministration has said the u. S. Will redirect funds it previously owed to the World Health Organization to other Health Programs this comes 2 months after washington pulled out of the w. H. O. Accusing it of being controlled by china meanwhile the u. S. Has ruled out taking part in a global effort to develop it Coronavirus Vaccine has come up in reports. The United States will not be joining International Efforts to produce a vaccine due to political concern so many see this as yet another blow to Health Diplomacy the United States will continue to engage our International Partners to ensure we defeat this virus but we will not be constrained by multilateral organizations influenced by the corrupt while total can is ation and china the Global Vaccine Initiative known as kovacs is how led by the World Health Organization 170 Different Countries are participating the goal is to get Global Distribution for several different vaccines after theyve been licensed and approved by the end of 2021 the World Health Organization has repeatedly warned about the dangers of global disunity and yet a pandemic they are warning about the need to oppose vaccine nationalism and above all National Unity and Global Solidarity are essential. This virus thrives when we are divided. When we are united we can defeat it when a successful new vaccine is found there will be greater demand then there is supply. Because the mind and competition for supplies already creating bucks emotionalism and risk of price gouging relations between the United States and the World Health Organization have been strained for quite some time despite his praise for the organization at the beginning of the pandemic donald trump made. And pulled the United States out of the global watch dark because they have failed to make the requested and greatly needed reforms we will be today terminating our relationship with the World Health Organization and redirecting those funds to other worldwide and deserving urgent Global Public health needs latest decision United States should not participate in global efforts for a vaccine have raised a storm of criticism for ologists and politicians have spoken out saying that the United States is essentially shooting itself in the book trumps go it alone strategy has already given us the highest death toll in the world at his inaugural he spoke of American College and now seems to term and to make it a reality america 1st doesnt apply to condemn excess viruses dont observe National Borders if anyone is at risk we all are refusing to cooperate with other countries on vaccines will kill people this latest decision from the United States to pull out of local vaccine efforts may be seen as just the latest example of Donald Trumps ambitious america 1st policy however i comes to a situation like this it might not be wise to put pride and politics over your population it would martin artsy new york. Washington has imposed sanctions on senior officials at the International Criminal Court Secretary of state my pump a also the i. C. C. Is corrupt and has no authority the International Criminal court a thoroughly broken and corrupted institution. The United States has never ratified the rome statute that created the court and we will not tolerate is illegitimate chaps the subject americans to its jurisdiction washington is unhappy with the i. C. C. Its current investigation into alleged u. S. War crimes in afghanistan a court is also investigating americas close ally israel over possible crimes related to do or settlements in the west bank and East Jerusalem other the us nor israel belong to the i. C. C. And the court has condemned the sanctions. These coercive facts directed at an International Judicial institution and its Civil Servants around president did and constitute serious attacks against the courts and the rule of law more generally secretary of state compares announcement today marks a stunning perversion of u. S. Sanctions devised to penalize rights abuses and kleptocrats to persecute those tasked with prosecuting International Crimes the trumpet ministration has twisted the sanctions to obstruct justice not only for certain war crimes victims but for atrocity victims anywhere looking to the International Criminal court for justice human rights laura dunn koblick says International Law should apply to all countries with no exceptions the u. S. For many decades has taken the position that because it has the mightiest military in the world. It doesnt have to be. Subject to International Law. Its above International War and i think trump is just frankly taking that to its logical conclusion the United States has been a hose to the International Criminal or it leashed as to the extent that the i. C. C. Could prosecute western countries. From the very beginning and now trump is sanctioned because it wants to investigate u. S. War crimes in afghanistan and israeli were crimes and that. It would be fair for other countries say look us you know whats good for the goose is good for the Gander International it doesnt apply to you it doesnt apply to me. A pregnant woman in the australian state of victoria was arrested and handcuffed in front of her children for allegedly inciting an illegal protest police came to the house of 28 year old zoe bill or after the woman shared a Facebook Post calling for people to protest against local anti coronavirus measures and was breaking any 5 you are a sure you are right well thats what. You can reckon you race day thats right tell you just say to take the price down like home or anything really. Yeah. Please tom defended the arrest saying the officers acted appropriately although they admitted that the optics of arresting someone who is pregnant is terrible so buehler will be tried in court in january she was among 4 people who were detained for inciting an upcoming anti lockdown protest in the state more than 80 others have been given official Warnings Police are stressing that public rallies would ruin the entire lockdown strategy. We share the frustration that is shared by the whole community but the police here is that. Leaving behind a protest under the Current Conditions its absolutely not all dark coming to the city and on them on all the hard work and sacrifice is putting. The majority of laura board voting citizens. We heard from gideon rose our Police Director at australias institute of Public Affairs he sees no justification for the way the police behaved this is not the way a free society should operate this is not the way a Democratic Society should operate this is really really scary even if zoe had broken the lord even if it was worthwhile to have that law enforced they must mean better why is the doing of doing of them what the police did on the video that weve seen they could have just charged her on summons without actually even going to harm at all it seems like this wasnt just about enforcing the law it was actually about intimidating people people who are speaking out against the government what im afraid of is that the suit will become the normal behavior in victoria the ones that are made not by the palm of but by government bureaucrats and install some extremely unfair and medic why not want to see another emergency declared like these in victoria or anywhere in australia again. Apple and google have announced a new code 19 Contact Tracing system which will run on your smartphone the idea is to help users find out when theyve come into contact with an infected person tolls are integrated into the i o. S. And android operating system so theres no need to download an app as the next step in our work with Public Health authorities on exposure notifications were making it easier and faster for them to use the exposure notification system without the need for them to build and maintain an app a new system called exposure notifications express will work like a notification tool and uses bluetooth signals from smart phones that have opted in if someone test positive for cocaine 1000 push notifications will be sent out to other phones and forming users that they might have been exposed however there are fears that the new updates may pose a threat to peoples privacy we asked people in new york what they think. Send a good idea again its invading privacy and if its just another form of china track. I know you care about your privacy but you you care about other people you know it so you know for the benefit of the success of the city youre going to feel like apple and google probably could use it for profit but like in the case of covert i think you would probably be helpful i just dont feel comfortable with big brother knowing everything that i do you know its that thats the 1st step to controlling people you know what weve got to do what youve got to do to get this virus into control we spoke with josh poem the cofounder of the messaging and social Networking Service saif he says the new system could end up misleading people. It is small amounts of data its being transmitted but i think whats more important to focus on here is not the size or thing how to transmit it but the potential for abuse that exists there and even if you trust your Public Health officials no system is one of my biggest concerns would probably be more 1st to transparency when users opt into the service they know what theyre on the word nor in any potential privacy concerns i still have some issues where im not entirely sure this is something thats going to be beneficial essentially what this is doing is increasing the rate at which we can share information and misinformation could potentially be included in that whether or not its intentional and then the other point of it is how reliable are the tests that were using to the game itself well to know that if someones tested positive but if there happens to be a high false positive test rate im not sure its beneficial and this is certainly just spread information around. Russia is remembering the victims of the Beslan School siege 16 years ago a terrorist atrocity left over 330 people dead the majority of them children vigils have been held over the last 3 days thats how long the siege lasted people who lost their lives trying to save the children are among those being remembered in 2004 and the north a setting in town of beslan on the 1st day of the Academic Year chechen fighters stormed a local school and took over a 1000 children teachers and parents hostage many of the survivors were left with life altering injuries. Thats been our breakdown of the days top headlines for now for up to the minute reports follow us on twitter or instagram. Best geysers Survival Guide books they seem just like all going to start simply rather all the service. He should know there are you going to get him back. Next year. Oh heck no good says a Repatriation Team would get the rest in 7 years. Philip to separate the treasury for. Trade and investment to become magic spells to come to economic development. Most people think about trade they think about goods and services being exchanged between countries and the investment chocked or a trade agreement as opposed to looking very different but wont when investment leads to toxic manufacturing that destroys sacred sites all ruins the environment. That means if local communities that are being poisoned if they object if they do anything that the company feels is interrupting their profits they can do a service no multinationals of taking on the whole nations Philip Morris is trying to use i. S. T. s to stop tour of the white implementing new tobacco regulations aimed at cutting domestic smoking rates a fringe company sued egypt because egypt raise its minimum wage to democratic choice trump cool britain will join us as we try to fund dont want to touch him

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