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Good morning from russia just 11 i am here now this sunday morning its the weekly roundup of the big headlines of the last 7 days here on out international with me kevin no it 1st in germany accepted moscows request for legal cooperation on a probe into the alleged poisoning of alexina valmy however state prosecutors want some information will only be shared with the activists consent it says Russian Police asked to interview him in berlin where hes still in hospital germany still expects russia to be held accountable for the incident. The relations with russia are influenced by the fact that russia is 1st of all an important global actor and also by the fact that in the past and in present times we have had some problematic topics between each other and we should express ourselves carefully this time there was an attempted murder on mr novelli performed with a very specific and internationally banned nerve agent of the novacek group and our demand is that russia urgently explain what happened. Our authorities are investigating this incident we dont like it when other countries dictate to us when and at what point to start our processes we cannot legally call this a criminal case based on the analysis of the journal aboard 3 moreover the board to receive the b. R. D. Army just as in the b. Or d. It is probably impossible to initiate a criminal case on the basis of tests that were taken in our Military Hospital this is legally nonsense there are acts of furphy cation our investigative bodies are working they have questions new questions appear we hope that we will receive information from our german colleagues it will help to move forward. Germany previously announced it would be sharing of these test results for the Global Chemical weapons watch total though russia which is a member of the o p c w says nothings yet been received the volley emerged from the enthused coma this week with german doctors saying he now reacts to speech though long term effects still unclear he was airlifted to berlin for treatment last month after falling in flight from siberia the russian hospital that initially treated him notes no evidence of poisoning was uncovered meanwhile russias envoy to the un responded to western pressure on his country. The zulu system cannot but raise questions well some boldly being speech we hear what statements formal and what measures are being mentioned discussed or in what these leaders leads us to and the world will reply nicol question legion was in search of situations weve won you trace it erk we probs who used to benefit from this the one that won it if you demand explanations will deflect from the people and well compare notes one should with the last elite geishas unkillable reviewed by evidence even this is as you see me your reasonable the german parliaments debate the poisoning of a special session with lawmakers already demanding action against moscow covering that our europe correspondent peter oliver. It was a fiery session on friday afternoon until evening here in berlin in the german bundestag the majority of those who spoke or pointing a finger of blame directly at russia and the russian government for what they say was the poisoning of Alexei Novelli there were some voices that questioned the official government line not many i have to say but there were some and theyre coming. In if the kremlin really regrets the assassination attempt on alex in the valley and really wants to clear things up why does novell need such a level of protection from our Security Services political murder is part of the putin system. So not only are the russians supposed to have tried to poison an opponent of the regime with a military nerve agent but the put it in his tea why would the russian government be so stupid them and even let no one fly out to germany instead of hiding him in russia its absurd north stream too was a big issue on the during the debate as well basically the german politicians splitting into 3 camps there are those that say it needs to be halted immediately and perhaps canceled altogether there are those that want to wait and see how russia reacts and how this story develops and there are those saying that its simply too important economically and it must remain purely an economic project no matter what else is going on we have those see the heated debate over north stream both on the streets here in germany friday night in the bundestag north stream has never been a purely private sector project as the German Government has repeatedly argued this by the war in syria just by the use of a chemical weapon in souls bury the federal government is sending a message to the kremlin no matter what you do economic goals are more important to us than climate Protection Security policy and human rights. Demanding the immediate term a nation of north stream 2 is in my view a hasty and misguided reaction but it pleases those who have always opposed the project especially the greens well as germany continues to push russia for an explanation for what happened to Alexei Novelli the Russian Foreign minister Sergei Lavrov has said russia still waiting for information it requested from germany but its the use of your money the german representative to the un said the data is no longer a matter for bilateral relations between germany and russia but amounts for multilateral proceedings what kind of proceedings the germans are talking about they were unable to say. In the interests of our german colleagues we urge them to provide all necessary information which might in any way should lights one absolutely unfounded accusations investigators in russia of also being on the search for more Information Police in the city of thompson which is where alexina valley had been he was flying from talked to moscow before his plane had to make an Emergency Landing in the city of aunts quit the lexan of only in extreme distress well placed in tom skipping putting together a timeline of where he was in the lead up to him getting on that plane theyve placements in the valley in a hotel in a restaurant in a flat and in a coffee shop what they have also been going about doing is trying to interview those that were in close contact with alecks in the valley during his time in the city of tomsk police there say theyve been able to interview 5 of the 6 people that spent a lot of time with mr novelli they say the 6th person a woman is believed to have come here to germany there are still lots of facts to come to light in the case of what happened to alexa in the funny books as we search for those facts that diplomatic role between germany and russia continues to heat up. Well as we heard senior politicians in berlin are been piling pressure on the government there to pull out of the nord stream to project over the novelli coast in the week we spoke exclusively with the head of the german Parliaments Energy Committee about that very same issue. For north stream 2 is not putins projects it involves a large number of European Companies and is designed to ensure the security if europes gas supply to question this project now is to shoot ourselves in the foot it is certainly not in the interests of germany or europe if there is a decision to end the project companies will be able to sue those who made the decision in this case the German Government and of course it will affect gas prices. It must be clearly understood that this is not a game really the pressure coming from the us is already enough in my view so we are strongly resisting the american sanctions that have been imposed on companies and individuals involved in the pipeline construction this is against International Law and we dont accept it i can see the many people who might not have fully understood the story or thinking now well show them but i think its completely wrong 1st of all we need to establish what really happened because i dont think germany knows i think we should respond appropriately to the russians request for Legal Assistance we obviously received such a request but according to the russians it is so far gone unanswered. Another big story of the week was pretty much criticized internal market bill its going to face another big test tomorrow monday to when the house of commons debates it is proving hugely controversial in the week just gone then Prime Minister Boris Johnson tried to convince his ruling party to back the draft act but former Party Leaders john major as well as ex Prime Minister tony blair both urged parliament to reject it this way of negotiating is irresponsible or wrong in principle and dangerous in practice it raises questions that go far beyond the impact on ireland the Peace Process and negotiations for a trade deal crucial though they are it questions the very integrity of our nation as the world looks all are girls that the u. K. This Government Action is shaming itself and embarrassing our nation. The breaks a deal been designed of course to stop the border between the north and south of ireland but Boris Johnson wants to return controls on the movement of goods there and that sparked a harsh warning from brussels. Just when you need to bathe we fully expect the u. K. To the commitments that negotiated and signed up to last year especially who go to citizen strides in Northern Ireland any attempt by the u. K. To undermine the agreement would have serious consequences. Against this hostile backdrop said talks continue Saskia Taylor assesses their chances of success on. How i long for the breck set days even stability that you know over moves one part permanently outside number 10 braxtons president today after delay after delay is a passive but something reassuring in not so comforting that in these Tumultuous Times one can turn to breaks it like the good friend that it is but still that in fact nothings changed we have now been talking for 6 months and can no longer afford to go over well trodden ground we need to see more realism from the e. U. About our status as an independent country the needs to be in agreement with our european friends by the time of the European Council in the 15th thats going to be enforced by the end of the year but perhaps it wouldnt be bracks if it wasnt full of dissatisfaction in empty promises by the u. K. s having 2nd thoughts about Withdrawal Agreement signed back in january so it might override key parts of the last brussels basically says we can sue off to a free trade deal by mid october and the media thought of the u. K. Renee taking on its words elicited cries of more mature from those bureaucrats in brussels do you. Believe shown freaks ability and grit. To work with the u. K. s redlines its time do you good to great i trust the British Government to implement their withdrawal a criminal and obligation under International Law and prerequisite for any future Partnership Protocol in ireland Northern Ireland is essential to protect peace and stability on the island and integrity of the Single Market the one room of the got people especially worried is that tucked away in voters pocket is something called the entire market belt and the contents could jeopardize peace and security along the irish border but downing street denied this same that its only proposing my alterations which would provide clarity on such a big us part of the deal but even at home not everyone is convert. Apparently the head of the u. K. s Legal Department quit over the whole thing and then there is this one minute minor detail proving to be just a little contentious break International Law in a very specific and limited boy oh well as long as its just specific but is all this proves to be the straw that breaks the camels back in the u. K. And you dont shake hands the u. K. Will be left popping up out in the north sea with no deal and no tariff gets classic bracks set everyone happy movement outlined a threat of no deal and now the Prime Minister losing trust some things never change. Americas professor at the London School of economics alan scared believes brussels is still refusing to accept that britain is actually left the block. I think both sides would like some kind of deal however. The e. U. Insists on treating britain like a kind of going to get province that we can really be truly independent in the base could be we should still be for the e. U. And it believes that the common fish of fisheries policy should still apply to british territorial waters. Believes that when it comes to rules and regulations the british shouldnt be able to make their own they should be forced to. Rely on any new regulations see you to get their approval for us and of course that its impossible for the british to except thanks for watching today this weekend coming up this is high upon the list the headlines was that most British State Health Workers are considering quitting over the governments handling of the covert pandemic you got more figures for you when we come back. I think one lesson we all want to of. Probably have as such actions have to be acceptable to the population before they are rolled out in a society because if and long acceptable there is a real risk undermining faith in the vaccination system as a whole and i think governments are under such pressure to introduce a vaccine rapidly to the willingness to consult to ensure acceptability somehow in their growth. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy confrontation let it be an arms race in this spirit Dramatic Development only. Exists i dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and. Get opposition supporters impellor rossa keeping up the pressure on president look at shank of the thousands of activists almost all women gathered in multiple locations across minsk calling on the president to resign as you can see at times there were some pretty tense confrontations with Security Forces its the latest in a month long wave of unrest since the contested president ial election which opposition supporters say was rigged our senior correspondent. Is in me its. Just like the police the demonstrators and protesters very very adept at this well they realize that gathering in one place at the same time is bound to you know get them all arrested so what theyve done is theyve got guys in different columns different marches down the streets of means in order to avoid being arrested all at once and then chanting against the president saying theyre just out for a book theyre calling as well for a criminal tribunal into the president apparently thousands tens of thousands of people marching down the streets of minsk in this womans march and they came out of nowhere little groups who have been rising down little streets all converging to march down means nevertheless we havent seen Police State Security agency do well and there really is safety in numbers because it would be completely impossible to detain soo many people thousands of people on a peaceful march down the streets of means. Also this week a high profile member of the opposition in paris was arrested on the border with ukraine we brought you this story on monday it happened america last took over disappeared she couldnt be reached by phone from for a while her whereabouts remained there were claims that shed been kidnapped by better wish and Security Officials on choose day officials said close to cover was detained as she broke the law while trying to cross the border into ukraine Alexander Lukashenko himself more details on it in an interview a lengthy one he gave to russian journalists. That only could you give us more detail about marie kolesnikov or where is she. I probably cannot give you much detail due to the fact that i was only told that she and her 2 friends or drivers or close ones or distant ones they fled to ukraine today and they had documents and everything prepared in advance they showed their passports on our side customs officers Border Guards let them through further on is the state border and the ukrainian post but between these posts there are 8 to 9 kilometers and there our border is heavily guarded so we deployed more guards naturally they were stopped before the gas pedal she was even thrown out of the car on the move well on the run. So they themselves did it yes well there were 3 of them who could have thrown her out Border Guards of course detained her hands would have been expected i say this is an old border guard and she was sent to the Border Office and the car went across the Ukrainian Border through the ukrainian post and then as far as im now informed they were detained and we negotiating with them so that they returned them to us. And what for they left they relatively speaking of were released from roofs you know they could not be detained they travelled legally with documents but they violated the state border they checked in at the checkpoint the Border Guards and customs officers did their jobs and the border itself is another 8 or 10 kilometers away and they drove right through this reinforced post in here to ukraine allegedly this woman sister lives in ukraine allegedly i dont know for sure they told me this today i ask why is it ukrainian not lithuania not hungry as they usually go to someones relatives the said to live them i cannot claim so i dont know everything yet therefore she was detained and we asked the ukrainian Border Guards to return the others to our country we will investigate what happened well kolesnikov is got a different version of she says she was abducted by officers and taken to the Ukraine Border to be kicked out of the country to avoid the shed a tear up her passport she is now being held amidst the e. U. Is enraged at her detention running it a violation of domestic and International Law. Passed a bill urging world powers to recognize the opposition candidate in last months belorussian election as the rightful president if he were here is the 1st country then to recognize fred lana taken off sky as leader with better rose she fled to lithuania after the election she since posted several videos asking the International Community to help force looking out and to enable new elections to political analysts when rothfuss notes lithuania would not have come out for taking on. Without the backing of larger powers. Its a signal that is being shown to look i shant go and it shall show that there are of forces major forces Political Forces behind because you know i wouldnt take such a measure which is illegitimate according to International Law if there was no support by the European Union or who knows. And i see this as. Not to intelligence step by lithuania its too blunt because it shows clearly that the situation. In belarus is not only divided one side is also in danger of being taken over by external interests therefore i see it in political terms and not in terms of elections invents. A poll that a majority of British State Health Service doctors are considering quitting over the governments handling of the covert pandemic the president of the countrys association of doctors says the issues been building in fact for a long time. I think what you have 0 remember is that our n. H. S. Colleagues have been feeling and how in broken short many years now prior to them had amec this is a profession who have suffered through some of the worst crisis crises in history within our workforce including absolutely were in s. G. Adoption contracts changes to our training that mean doctors need every 6 months here around hospitals around the way and indeed the pensions tatts crisis which has forced many of our most senior an experienced experienced oxys interest hire and all of this was prior to us going into the air National Crisis more than 1700 medics took part of the survey 2 in 3 say theyre no more likely to leave the national Health Service because of poor treatment from the government during what theyve been through of late the covert response mode so they plan to get out within 3 years what are they going to do was some so theyre going to go abroad some so theyre going to take a pause in their career or so theyre going to end up put it all goes to plan working for private hospitals so among the main reasons cited for considering quitting were a lack of pay rises and protective equipment for a start up others say theyve been going from speaking publicly about their concerns medics also warned theyve had promised benefits revoked and working a course on the covert front line through everything weve been through in 2020 is that a Major Mental Health impact. Ever since weve had in many different demick weve had these incredible times where People Living dying and struggling weve been separate from our families we just want some recognition for what we actually did and what we feel like we deserve over the last 1015 years let alone months it wasnt too long ago that we were talking about. Surviving on charitable donations and figured out how to stop just because crave it came in just pretty crap we deserve back a profession and a home and a task to serve better and that was what. Was really me. Well the government insists his 3 percent pay rise offer is good enough Prime Minister Boris Johnsons pledge more funding for hospital infrastructure over this difficult winter period coming up that of the Doctors Association again says its workers must feel valued. We know that the n. H. S. Was very much understaffed and under resourced going into this pandemic and i have no doubt that that impacted on our ability to combat this virus we had 10000 vacancies forward doctors across the frontlines 100000 vacancies for a front line and its our stuff including nurses so we were we were already struggling with our workforce now if so many doctors leave and we have to remember this was a survey of just 1700 doctors with 2 thirds of them saying actually they were making plans at least so who knows how how big that number truly is but this this really is a worry and i think it is even more of a worry given that many doctors feel that a 2nd said may be coming within the u. K. So what were asking is that the government considers the hard work of those true key kids within the n. H. S. They show them how much theyre valued and they really are carted them to retain them in the n. H. S. Especially if there is to be a 2nd spike in the. Apocalyptic scenes in the way when theyre from the us those terrible wildfires wreaking havoc on california again amid a record heat wave more than 20 people have died several districts have now declared a state of emergency. Beautiful part the world as well and awful about those deaths as well thats the way the week passed and thanks take the time of your weekend to check out the weekly on out international as we always do every 7 days my name is kevin owen but with more in just about 35 minutes dont forget check it out t. Dot com for any headlines that may kick off later today. A new gold rush is underway in ghana thousands of ill equipped workers are flocking to the gold fields hoping to strike it rich here is the good. As they are particles that work children are torn between gold. From me was very poor i thought i was doing my best to get back to school which side will have the strongest appeal. Join me every thursday on the alex simon show and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics Small Business im showbusiness ill see that. Look at the both villages near those who really can show you can. Show that they can just be suitably. Stood at that route with that i suppose you noticed us they saw the back. No no no risk of being a bull episodes didnt go to scene just skewed toward the sheep go to it that you slither in your force where you could be near must of missed if not thoughts about spirit i pity you it was more sinister experiment than you know. If de gea cruel should they say oh lord show us the stress of school schulmans for you to post the a top up by some sort of move to willows russell alone you know because the story could live say they were but its. Not walked straight. Dealing can. Not walk straight. I can see. Chips. Sticky 6060 next streets. Oklahoma in the heart of america one of the most deeply afflicted states in the opioids addiction crisis oklahoma might change the course of history. For the 1st time in the United States a doctor will be sued by the state for 2nd degree murder for over prescribing opioids heres the accused doctor regan equals. A Family Doctor for over 22 years shes now suspected of being a prescription murderer. The judge has to ascertain if there is enough material to go to trial. The plaintiffs in the room have lost a child a brother a friend from an opioid overdose. Dr nichols was their doctor she was the one prescribing the drugs

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