Affordable housing for a living minimum wage give many people no choice you know theres been a problem with the city knows turn every turn and call the state will always. Be different. Because you have the required resource the most vulnerable are abandoned on the streets to become the invisible clerks. Oh hi im max keiser this is the kaiser report well lets talk about tea and crumpets and scones and London Bridge and the crowd. Stacy well max we are going to get into some details about the queen and compare her and the whole royal system to wall street the 1st i want to say you know anybody could essentially now live with the view say of London Bridge or tower bridge or you know right along the thames or see the Buckingham Palace or live in Buckingham Palace because theres Virtual Reality now last episode we spoke to bryan rama only about that this episode were going to continue some of that conversation but one thing i want to say is we spent this past weekend in Virtual Reality at the magical crypto conference and it was quite amazing life for me because i spent quite a long time in there as my avatar what i realized is that i could roll out of bed and speak in front of a huge audience and it was no problem on my hair was perfect i felt you know present a ball and then i realized that i think with this whole Virtual Reality what youll see is that humans will we go feral essentially you dont need to brush your teeth your breath smells fine and Virtual Reality your hair looks great you know your clothes look fantastic you dont need to buy anything new you can stay in the same pajamas year after year but the structures the save civilization itself like the actual real estate that holds together most of our western economies and all of the derivatives based on those commercial backed Securities Mortgage backed securities all that stuff all of that will crumble because you dont need you just need one little area like this and to live in Virtual Reality oh right so youre talking about 2 things there the. The crumbling of our reality our infrastructure and. Castles that were important in our in the history of western civilization like we have a Buckingham Palace and also the collapse of the ego as it were the conscious mind because we have a super conscious mind now called Virtual Reality so things that we used to be in the subconscious mind are not going to be in our conscious mind which will be the new subconscious mind like will have this subconscious life that we used to call reality but astound unseen by anyone outside the bar immediate location which is never viewed outside of our media itself so you have these 2 things collapsing go coterminous as i believe you could say the physical infrastructure and the mental infrastructure are collapsing simultaneously and we are simultaneously giving birth to a Virtual Reality is becoming for a vase of an interactive and quite. Meaningful and driving the economy well i was a cartoon avatar 1 you can see it on the screen right now and then here is max he was at the same conference speaking on stage you only spent the half hour on stage with lena but i spent hours there and Walking Around the environment and finding my way around rooms and even though its a cartoon obviously i felt part of that and then when i was interviewing dr adam back i felt like in myself like i was sitting with them and talking to him so even at that rudimentary Virtual Reality level i felt that so whats it going to be like when it gets way more advanced when we have more of a mash 5 g. Network around the wall that could basically secure you know and produce deeper realities and i think the point being that youre making there is that you had that sense of intimacy that you have in a physical space you had it in a Digital Space so i guess. Thats was the unexpected in that. Kind of like youre thinking now that the you could see this really taking off and this whole sense of fear kind of disappears because i was in the middle of a conversation with the nurse who actually and my avatar took off and just started flying away and it went over the virtual ocean and at 1st i was like i was scared i was like wow like what if i drop from here in like a way over the ocean and it was kind of scary and i was like oh no and i was trying to hold on well like you know to what and then i just relax and its like well i wonder where im going to end up and i did go through the edge of this virtual universe and then like weird diagonal and rectangular shapes and then total gray thats one thing that has always kept people from achieving is the sense of fear yes and so in this reality what youre describing is you drop a lot of the fear and so replacing fear is always faith and with faith comes great change where i didnt have fear because i could hit reset so i could reset and come back as a different avatar if i failed on stage like ive died on stage like metaphorically. But that brings me to this real world that we inhabit where some people do get to hit reset some people have no fear because they cant lose they get a special reset button and we see it you know the exorbitant privileges given to us a few people within our economy and our financial iced economy and were going to look at the layers of exorbitant privileges commercial real estate fallout even douses the queen of England Office workers are again told to work from home retailers dont pay rent u. K. Commercial Property Owners think deeper into the mire Crown Estates which manages the queen of england portfolio recently wrote down the value of 17. 00 shopping and Leisure Centers by said. 1000 percent cutting her majestys net worth by 552000000. 00 pounds as the economist points out this is fairly small beer set against the 13400000000. 00 valuation of the queens Property Portfolio which includes some of londons tony asked real estate and the thing is that apparently according to the 2011 sovereign grant act the overall amount that the queen is given each year an order to fund her official duties is never allowed to fall regardless of what is happening in the broader economy so her you know Property Portfolio is mostly given to the state she gets 25 percent of it unless it all crashes then the taxpayer like she no matter what her income doesnt go down and she has this you know fictional Property Portfolio that is theoretically there that is like kind of pretends that she exists as you know a property speculator and doing well but shed cafe tell the rest of the economy and he any landlords that are not royal well theyre about to get royally you know messed up let them eat marmite fest with the queen saying boy does anyone have a taste of marmite wow thats stuff all you know burnt the hair off and off a corgi right there in Buckingham Palace dont get anywhere near that stuff well its basically like hitting the reset. Reset. Oh my goodness i suppose the queens put you know i so weve learned in the United States and around the world such will bankers starting with Alan Greenspan the greenspan put bernanke janet yellen jay powell what is i mean i mean whenever the stock market goes down the Central Banks bail everybody out and so theres no risk theres risk of owning stocks is near 0 for a certain class of folks and same thing with the queen except she is tight. Into property so they created the similar situation in Great Britain for the queen as a queens put so she cant lose if she devalue the property drops shes reimbursed if it goes up she keeps the proceeds as far as whether she owns it or doesnt own it its the structure is. Similar to what we would find in any offshore type of arrangement where wealth is kept at arms length and that the folks who control it have a way of say they dont control it and thats very well stablished of britain is probably the Worlds Center for that its also like in the United States so the queen is the exception to the rule in a non reserve currency country so she gets bailed out of her portfolio. No matter what she herself and her family get an income even if their estate their Property Portfolio does not achieve that and the u. S. What we have is the center you know that is the money printer bank only the fed can genuinely print money remember i predicted recently that the fed will start sending money to these brits now who are going to have to work from home because of the you know the bank of england cap print money like we can and the same thing with this facade the sharod of you know these you know captains of industry and these property barons and we have a lot of property barons some of the biggest billionaires and america are actually just in the Property Industry and clued in the president s right so here we have a situation where we have commercial Mortgage Backed securities which again theyre in the you in the u. K. Property portfolios the reeds are being marked down by 50 percent but in the u. S. They get to say a 100 percent and transferred to the Central Banks Balance Sheet they cant do that in the u. K. Because they dont have a reserve currency so in the u. S. There is a certain class of people of royal sort of class that they get to always hit reset like our investment in these commercial Mortgage Backed securities failed reset and they get to go. You know stop flying over the bubble of catastrophe and they gonna me and they get to reset then theyre the dregs of society and 99 percent that are Walking Around feral that any access to this wonderful Virtual Reality. For the most part now we have it were going to be entering a Virtual Reality where they get to hit reset as well oh that sounds excellent so everyone has the ability to hit the reset button soon saying i did and i will create something get out the egalitarian ism and maritime erotic demarc craddick social constructs that would be an improvement on the current constitution a bill of rights which seems to be getting kind of chipped away at by special interests so we can resume the rights of man and democratic ideals and that type of thing but you also see the hierarchy of exorbitant president s because america has an exorbitant to privilege of being able to print the dollar they u. K. Doesnt have that so they cant bail out everybody theyve chosen to bail out right now commercial property tenants cannot be kicked out they cant be evicted until december 31st thats been extended so any small you know joe bag donuts who is not royal does not belong to the aristocracy they will not be bailed out said the landlords are losing and at the moment like in the west end where all the theatre is the shaft various state which is one of the biggest there are only collecting. 41 percent of rents do have been paid to them but what about the pasty shops in cornwall thats the key for Great Britain success is a good test from cornwall well we have to take a break after a couple of passes chicken a mushroom will be back with much more dont go away. The road or the birds or hit. The post or you will sort. Of argue. Really does that mean. You should try to do commercials. Consumable to move if the demand to fish oh my best costume is more. Of a articles from. God since we. Need to learn a new dont hate. This kid who are looking for anything to give the learning. Of the company an assistant definition in. The new 7 wonders of. Welcome back to the kaiser report im ask eiser time now to return to our conversation with Brian Rama Lee over there voice 1st dot expert and around the coin pod cast brian welcome back thank you max a pleasure to be here while you know things are getting interesting during our previous conversation i just wanted to pick it up where we left off and were talking about individual sovereignty style sovereignty the ability to monetize effectively whats going on inside our brains to the point where instead of just being swamped with images and data and requests to do commerce from outside we then have our own sovereign self that we can monetize using Something Like to claim and interact with this emerging artificially intelligent Digital World as you see it in a very constructive way correct absolutely max i believe that big crying and other things built on top of the block chain of the coin will allow you to monetize yourself and the value that you create not only when youre living but as you go off is going to be immense in my view the beauty of the block chain is that it theres a permanence to it exists away beyond any particular route so its very possible that things that you created. Like 1 a song happy birthday for example that song was paying generations of people even though that song originally was stolen for you know at least 100 years. Less than a 100 years i say the things that somebody publishes whether its a a a a novel who are whether its factual information or whether or not its just an image that you. You are part of that monetization process and you get to block chain that stuff you get to own it and your ai your Artificial Intelligence your intelligence amplifier if you will your personal assistant helps mediate those types of transactions and you can do in real time you can do it in and delay time so it strikes me listening to hair and also thinking about decline for a 2nd so pick line has a network thats process saying over 100 quintillion calculations per 2nd and its doing this by coopting a Network People of olen you know ball tearing their c. P. U. Voluntary on their computer hash power and because theyre trying to win that every 10 minute lottery to get some bitcoin yeah which now has a monetary value it sounds to me like what youre saying is that your brain is a node and once its on this Artificial Intelligence driven network you want to get to you will get rewarded in some way by simply attaching your prey to the network and then what based on what youre saying the ai which youre having this interaction with through voice knows the boundary between who you are and who the network is right so talk about it eisley that membrane if you will that digital member aim that separates max kaiser from the network is it porous is it a hard membrane am i going to lose myself of the network to my individuality become collectivized it and i still may brian what are you doing to me whats happening max its a wonderful question so thats why im im really an advocate of hyper local and i are local computing means that were going to have petabytes of data if you were to put a camera on your shoulder and record everything youve heard seen everything youve interacted with youd be well below a petabyte of data now today headed by that data cost tremendous amount of money lets call it 100000. 00 moores law and something i. In researching and others have but is now finally getting picked out is a holographic crystal memory literally a crystal can hold a few petabytes of data meaning all of the context you her had in your entire life on a small crystal which cant be emptied it literally would have to be crushed to be taken away that its never on the internet it doesnt connect to the internet directly the hyper local concept is if you need to connect to the internet you create an agent that agent goes out specifically does something for you and comes back with that information where places information out there so theres a lot theres a door and only information gets slid under the door this makes an imperfect test to hacking and it gives you agency over your information and the camp your witness against you for a lot of biometric reasons a lot of people have us and they say oh my god its everything ive ever done while there is biometric always to make sure that it doesnt bear witness against you so you will have your sovereignty youll have your individual ality and youll have the ability to monetize yourself in a way that weve never seen before in society and its not utopian its just anti dystopia a lot of people predict a future of this you know merging with the machine in the one mess and were going all the computers and i pretty much say that you know if you look back in time during the Industrial Revolution everybody always had this topi and vision and i dont believe that humans ever wind up going in that direction the last time radical Government Forces make that happen and i think ultimately will recover those to radical forces so this is an individual liberation its about control of who you are and getting quickly for the 1st time in history adequately caught compensated for the value that you wind up creating if you choose to create the sum total of this data is held in a crystal ball data. Entities so i would imagine therefore the the gateway between the 2 realms would being using of course encryption the same way that we use encryption to protect our private lives in the big space so theyre even crafts and i guess you get your comment on this something that comes up often as well Quantum Computers are going to hack and corruption and thats a risk to bitcoin whats your take on that actually Quantum Computers will hack all forms of encryption thats a guarantee so at some future point in time whatever were secrets will no longer be secrets thats a fact but that is not necessarily make it quite irrelevant what it does is it makes prior a block change transaction to try or government secrets well known so there are things that are that were put out and. Say put out into the world that are going to be dealing cryptic trivia caught on computing and it may happen sooner than most people think but it doesnt break because because big crime would become in pervious by utilizing. Whats called quantum resistance lets call it quantum 8 it blocks change and thats a relatively easy thing or has a number of researchers ever really come up with rather Robust Solutions for that so thats not the end of the world i think on the other side again the world is when we start mining asteroids what is going to happen its already starting to happen it in the spirit and the period of next few months were going to take the very 1st sample off an asteroid and come back to earth and so thats going to be publicly the 1st time weve actually mind an asteroid and weve been able to analyze the contents and thats here cyrus mission and thats going to be an interesting point in time because it changes what we called precious and it changes what we call and thats another street we can go down but. All of this is interrelated because each of the only energy thats really created in the world this is human creativity and intelligence and. And the control of that has always been throughout history the things that wars have been fought over we think its Natural Resources but those Natural Resources are irrelevant unless we have to create an ambition and intelligence to do something with this kind of you know what you take you take silvering is what do you do you make jewelry out of it doesnt become anything but they could be a photographic plate in one of these polaroid cameras at one time right so. Thats what a lot of economists want of bailing out is if this look at the the rarity of something but not the human ingenuity and the ai systems that were talking about and Quantum Computers are emerging at such a way where i believe individual human creativity will finally have its highest value and then the economy people listen to this with start to think oh this sounds pretty. You know futuristic but in fact this is all part of whats happening in real time today so let me ask you this why and you can kind of a break it down why this is happening all around us today why does siri soch compared to alexa and has a lot of reasons apple lost its ambition the very last thing that steve jobs did. As far as his acquisition was a choir siri and he said that is the next in the next mountain for apple to climb and this could be more important than touch screens icons and mice ever will be so steves vision was ultimately create this ai agent and apple let that die in the brian amazon it was built by a merchant and jeff bezos is much more aggressive in understanding how these agents and thats thats like a text editor compared to a full color con were. When were not even at the beginning stages of the agent era that were talking about it doesnt require new technology to be invented it requires companies to destruct themselves so if you are in the business of say m is on selling goods or google selling somebody is context and information the world that im talking about doesnt look so pleasant because its quite disruptive its to shop there because you have 100 percent agency and control over your contents and context and that becomes a problem and like all Technology Disruption its only come out bigger. Roger going to be groups of people building this stuff for their own gain and for their own entertainment like steve was an act then steve jobs the immigrants and ultimately it will start taking its place but the old age is already over nobodys downloading apps as much anymore weve reached peak apps so that economy is sort of done and were starting to see this new age rise its going to a quite quite a bit of a cold winter right now when it comes to. Go in and amazon devices but i see that coming back surely because theyve reached the edge of that paradigm the idea of downloading it into a voice a system is ridiculous i call these things neurons and again it sounds more out there but basically a new Voice Assistant is going to attain new capabilities from a programmer like we do when we learn something know its going to be similar to that out how you educate a child for example you can educate an intelligence amplifier and be with you for your life it will be inseparable and that could be scary but i think if you have control over it its probably going to be like wearing glasses or have a good hearing aid or anything else you become more powerful by having lets talk about intelligent life in the rest of the universe right and i bring this up because the u. S. Department of defense revealed that they had discovered vehicles made of material not of this earth. Bizarrely no media really followed up on this i dont know if youre been following up on this it sounds pretty wild what what do you what can you tell us about this if anything brian and i know some people that are sort of involved in this i know its on the long. Lank 102 weve met a few times that are active that he has to the Stars Academy and they are dealing with lets call them alloys and other types of things thats being disclosed. That it does far look like it has not been made on this planet and it was not made of a natural process in space so were at this point and some of us to do with encryption back so were talking about quantum computing and things like that some secrets are going to be excluded disclosed no matter what this may be one of them whats a speculate for a moment lets just back to late that we did discover that there are other forms of intelligence within with technologies that are not a 1000 years but a 1000000 or 2000000 years more advanced moment and look like what would it mean to our society how to change our society i think thats probably the biggest question a lot of us go to the alien side of this and say what aliens really mean you know what is accurate to mean to society but thats really not the question how do you think its going to be asked is how has technology dropped a 1000000 years more advanced if it is discovered like its dropped into society what would it do. Almost everything were doing right now would make absolutely no sense. Thats what im saying it would be make absolutely no sense and almost everything everybodys doing so thats why its a critical question at this moment ok brian romley thanks so much for being on the kaiser report thank you max i really appreciate it and thats going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and stacey arutt want to thank our guest brian romley can catch em on twitter trying to catch us yet do it until next time. Is youll media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Tyson nation will community. You go in the right way or are you being that. Guy really. Wants his true wants his face. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Or remain in the shallows. For headline stories this hour a brutal toll on civilians the battle over the disputed nagorno cut off region hits small communities hardest as armenia and azerbaijan refused to don carty reports from the conflict so. This. Whats left of the round that fell on this back yard its really heavy. The territorial fight there takes another twist too with russia and france claiming conclusive evidence that militants from the middle east are being brought into the fight. Also russian opposition figure alexina valmy accuses the kremlin of his alleged poisoning which moscow strongly denies

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