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Outcome determinative and the rain in cardiff bay which is outcome determinative i dont think this ones going to do that i think it was so canny and so unprecedented in what i would say a negative stance youve got the former vice pres in the United States calling the president a clown and race is the dog whistle blower and then youve got the president just being a bully the whole time and interrupting all its time and it was not a gentlemanly debate it was not a reasoned debate and im not sure whos going to change their minds if theres 5 to 15 percent of the electorate in the middle that might be willing to change their minds if they change their minds for Vice President biden i think theyre going to be even president strength in a negative sense and that its its overwhelming and its intimidating and its somewhat frightening and if they change their minds president trying i think its going to be because the vice former Vice President Stephen Moore and fumbles around sometimes and they want somebody strong and clearly in control of his faculties in the president in the oval office again but it depends on how they perceive mans behavior and it was very stirring and it was hard to watch even though it was like watching a train wreck replaying crash thats an understatement it was hard to watch i mean i obviously because i live in so many different time zones away. I saw the reporting of it and i had to stop many many times to get through it many times it was done i mean it that was also wrestling ok in bad form ok in my opinion go ahead. It was cringe worthy it was truly truly cringe worthy and it was embarrassing as an american it was embarrassing i dont care which side of the aisle youre on i had hoped as a democrat that biden would have come in prepared this is not unusual for donald trump to interrupt its not unusual for him to go off topic and so i had hoped that President Biden would have been prepared for that and simply stuck to the important part that the american wants to hear the policy issues yet he still got pulled down ensued outruns mud pit and the name calling and even even saying should bother me write or speak in front of childrens classes all the time and if you accidentally say set up an Elementary School class has they will tell you shut up is a bad word so we can even have our children watch this debate to get a good example of what american politics is supposed to be abaft and honestly i would have to say that both sides were losers in this function i dont think anyone would have been swayed either side the only people who may have been sway are people who say listen i dont want to vote im not a normal voter but im just now because they think im going to court the election if im going to get involved and i think that they were convinced to stay on the sidelines yet again i think that that is probably the most important observation that ive heard from anyone looking at these debates its not the partisans its the people it is it worthwhile and i think youre spot on on that point there but you know george lets lets kind of go break it down a bit here i mean one of the things i took away the weekend we can talk about p. P. I. Trips i dont think it really adds to our conversation here but i mean one thing to trump you know when when when the moderator chris was asked you know about packing the court i mean that was unbiased part that was an obvious obvious deflection he wouldnt answer hes been asked for any during the debate he wouldnt ask it and trump was absolutely right because binds terrifying to the left his the progressive he center. Find of them ok he needs to get across the line with them now and the issue of courts are very very important for very strong conservatives and for progressive cyrix and i thought that that was a real weak point because i would like to think that the 3 of us are far more interested in policy then the the the personalities that that medium love because they have it but i mean you know on the policy issue you know biden deflected very very often go ahead george well they both did actually its an interesting election because typically in the primaries the candidates tack too far the rider farther left of name which are here in and then in the in the in the general election they move into the center trying to appeal to independents and moderates and people who dont track politics all the time and last night they did both of them did exactly the opposite by the former Vice President as you said basically refused to say he went back to court in the end he also did a lot of the law and order baiting that trump you know pushing anything but the president also when he was asked what is your damn White Supremacy groups and far right time actors he said i could never who ever you want but then he didnt express leads to that so he dodged that when do i was stunned by paul i understand what youre trying to do but i think this appeal ranks in that 10 to 15 percent of both parties that are highly partisan way off in the in the rough so to speak and not the fair way of american policy views i dont think its good for the country and i dont think its back to be either. Dont you think you think it moves the needle when it comes to fit november i mean it has to be a very and my introduction is that are there any undecided voters out there i think you know considering not is because im highly critical of by and his campaign for its lack of substance here and their campaign isnt actually very effective because theyre focusing it all on trump but it might this could become president i really would like to know what he stands for we really joked ok so what about the undecided oh hey. So you know i think this election does a lot to say that we dont know what bind is for weve seen him in the white house for 8 years weve seen him in congress for so many years you know what biden is for he is for expanding health care he is for ensuring that theres Public Safety on the streets i think that it is clear i dont think he has to reestablish his record at this point we know who he is and hes trying to tie himself with president obama bethink for the undecideds again i think its going to be this push to actually get out there President Trump made the most important statement in the opening last night he said elections have consequences nicoles boy they do well when he said theyre related to the courts you know i was a quarter of Bernie Sanders in the 2016 election and it was really hard after the primary to convince bernie supporters who are who are kind of it i want them as undecided they were angry decided right and they were voting against the establishment of the Democratic Party i think that this last night i spoke to them spoke to them to see what we did in 2016 by being so angry at Hillary Clinton we simply cant afford it now because elections have consequences and the courts right now its one of the biggest consequences that i think its finally starting to make sense to people who didnt realize how important it is to look at you know george like one of the things ive been very critical of the of the trunk and ministration and its campaign during this medical help crisis here and the deep recession that so many people are feeling is that the truth can ministration could have very easily gone to the left of joe biden but they refused to do it where is congress where are they right now theyre not at work ok and theres a lot millions tens of millions of people suffering donald trump you know baby executive order on pharma like you know i gave 2 days before the debate you know a 3rd. Some days before the election and it was a really lame attempt to say this is what health care is i mean again from a policy point of view i think both parties have failed the middle class miserably in dealing with the pen demick in dealing with the economic turndown and this was a golden opportunity for trump but he still surrounds himself with all the wrong people from wall street these libertarians that make such a small part of the party its a missed opportunity and i and i said we saw it with both conventions we were the middle class they were largely absent it was for special interests i dont react to that george. Yeah i disagree with that i think the Republican Convention highlighted africanamericans and hispanic americans and recent immigrants and lots of people that dont love wall street or the far right libertarians my friends and i thought it was actually very well. I would compliment Chris Wallace hes been having with a ring of fire for his role in the last lateral one thing he didnt attack the president on health care because the president and his team dont have a Health Care Plan and that was. I would also come back the elections have consequences come at the lead onset i totally agree with that and im i i would say that in 2016 that the republicans control the senate and they have the ability to not merit borrowing on consent because they control the senate and this time around the president won the election when he 60 and hes got the rights of nominating a justice and the senates got the right to hear testimony and vote on it thats the way they dont lections work in the its the way it is and if democrats want that ability they need to win this election and they need to win back the senate its as simple that i would make one mother other comment its a sad point in our American Life that any point there is probably you know when. Appointments and spring course just as 551495248 as if she had been a nominee with Bader Ginsburg was was nominated or when Sandra Day Oconnor was nominated shed be and night by fire a 1000 shes just exceptional and shes all american shes exceptional and you can disagree with her on on on the war her judicial temperament the way she handles or her court room but shes brilliant and shes very principled and she will any and every person if we look at the exit vice and consent the question is she a good jurists its not her politics thats what weve gotten to and thats what weve got a place where we are because we look to the courts to decide things when it was congress in congress their collective group of cowards just throw it up to the court throw it up to par they dont want to catch anyone you know thats one. Happen here all right. John but i want to push back a little bit and been actually kind of agreeing with you is that you know what the convention i think both conventions missed the class issue both and i and i criticize republicans they played i get it terry paul identity politics and you may disagree with me but i find that to be a dead end because class is a very important issue and i guess you dont hear very many conservatives like me talk about class very much go ahead before we go to the break i agree 100 percent you know simply having i did the politics have minorities actually convention does not mean youre talking about class there are a lot of middle and lower class white americans that he didnt know in 6750. 00 as a federal income tax that our president pays when people who are on welfare who are full welfare can pay more than that in federal taxes in a year says a lot you know it was funny you know i think about this as history repeats itself during the revolutionary war and making up america that order to split poor whites and africanamericans who were here whether they were free or in slave the rich white land owning americans made the poor whites feel like they were special right leg up i dont hold that we have to go to heartbreak after heartbreak well continue our discussion on the 1st president ial debate stage. Birdsall and head. Far behind for the few of us out. Of our group. Of it is that you. Just. Cannot if you did. Manage to move. Them in a few fish you know my best proof. Will be of a allah has from. God since we. Need. To meet dont hate. The skin or. Think of. Any. Kind of open system definition in. The midst of a new set of. Welcome back to crossfire were all things are considered im Peter Lavelle to remind you were discussing the 1st president ial debate. Ok lets go back to iraq when you were making a point forward to the break please go right ahead so the point is that its been the foundation of American History that we separate the poor from the rich right and the way they do that is that the rich make the poor not focus on the real issues at the convention they do not focus on the real issues how much are you paying your tax dollars how much is your Health Care Cost how much money are you getting back as a work thing status and where the minimum wage the federal minimum wage is still well these are issues that they did not focus on at either convention i agree with you wholeheartedly and they missed the boat and theyre missing a lot of americans and in their money in the wires by having these this infighting like we saw in the debate last night that dez not ever not a single question truly a jest what the middle class needs to hear coming out of the pandemic of oscillators you know georgia me if you look at polls and its bipartisan you know its either that 12. 00 or 3 issue is health care but both parties they want it they want to train they want to. Go on the margins of changing this adding this difficult theres no real im sorry but there is no serious conversation about health care done is absolutely right you dont like aggressive friends on the program here is that if there was a time to think about health care it is now and its not being fought about theres so theres so many nos qualifications i really think there has to be a major rethink and as everyone likes to say reimagine it ok because this is the time to do it george. Im going to go back to health care i want to address your middle class and lower middle class comments i disagree with you both on that i think trump won last time around because the anglo middle class lower middle class and or a voter in the midwest thought the Democratic Party had brains that didnt politics and abandon them and thats why they all voted for trump and i think this election i just gave it all ok i think it was just saying i didnt i was making i think it was i wouldnt you know it was the trade issue see the media missed it the democrats missed it it was trey and i want people understand your student trade policy and heard them and you know what george lived on in her white people black people and brown people all people that hit ok im not we arent i would argue that. Trumps made some inroads with hispanic and africanamerican voters is common not much but enough that maybe the election but i would argue the elections going to tip this time around whether those voters in pennsylvania ohio minnesota wisconsin michigan or who went with her out last time or do it again this time around in fumigate so many endorsements hes received the unions have been indorsing in the Police Forces in indorsing in all these groups that are traditionally very democratic so thats an interesting phenomenon to how but step back and forth is going to be a big factor backing up here i do think the democrats are taking your much more seriously than republicans and i think most democrats youre active in their party want medicare for all and the problem with the seriousness of that proposal is that will bankrupt the country i wouldnt read it republicans and have not been serious on health care he you look at when they control the senate the house and the presidency and theyve been saying repeal and replace for 7 years else and they have no plan to do that and thats just thats an abomination thats terrible policy with paul ryan in charge of the house they should have a comprehensive plan that they are lies is the worst well. Dont dont even get me started going back to you know you know what you used to work. But you know a little undone here the Current System is bankrupt the people left right and center ok so you know i find that to be on the point of scare tactics but both of you have said in the context of this debate in one and i in and it gives me hope the only hope is that there is a real mind and going on right now ok we have a progressive on the program that thinks they dont have a terry in politics goes too far you have a conservative like me on the program that think we have to think about single payer its these parties that are doing this ok donald trump ran as a as a as an outsider ok he ran as a populist hes governed like jeb bush ok and then joe biden i would argue doesnt really have very very helpless strongly held views but he has this coalition he has to keep together and hes got his fingers crossed that the burning cross and i say that in a positive way will stick with them that there is a real line meant going on here and i think that this is an opportunity for all of this because the i cant say it on this television station yes show that we saw last night tells us that there are all it takes is is i think corrupt and it is it is. Rotten in many many ways here and just on this program in the short few minutes that we have kind of come up with other ideas that dont necessarily follow the strictures of the of the parties go ahead george. I would say that last night was an abomination and it was unamerican and it would go against what we do here in texas which is worse competitive and we fight as hard as its anybody in the world i would argue what we do is gentlemen and his legs and we treat the other person with respect and dignity and i joined this procession if people havent been doing it theyve been letting the other person think what they want to and were missing that American Public life right now a lot of people are going to follow after traumas that havior and and model what he does and saw the former Vice President to that last night which is this or any on both sides the aisle and i think thats a bad thing for our country you know its it got really personal. Hunter biden was mention and then trumps tax and its ok and i thought you know Chris Wallace i have moderate debates all the time tonight im going to give a sly pass the Chris Wallace its not is easy as people think however he did was deferential to biting when it came to his son because we could compare hunter by the tax issue with donald trump i dont understand why more people are outraged by the tax story because thats how rich people get away with paying taxes not donald trump ok of course he does that Everybody Knows he doesnt tax nobody designed to help people like him there was not enough outrage about that and on the other side was by the senate you know but hes smart and these other stories here this is not this is not a conspiracy this isnt this is not all made up its not a fox news story you know the hunter by people with the help apparently i mean he was the son of the sitting Vice President of the United States i think you have to be some accountability there and thats what you know when we look back in 2016 i think that issue played to trounce advantage you know accountability looking at the weak candidate that Hillary Clinton clinton was and i think you know you know look at the tax code and looking at pay to play are things that did the American People who need more transparency. I agree ill say im the Progressive Side i dont think anybody cares about what biden sends did thats a its a talking point is a talking point its a deflection its a way to not talk about something that is more substantial to talk about whats going on in america right now the tax issue however goals to the core of who we are lets not for get down a child has run several bank run companies so then find out that you are leaving a giving out truly that does help to talk to live discuss now that weve kind of flip sides on many issues conservatives used to be this School Conservatives theyve always done in my opinion both at the state level and the National Level a much better job of watching our budget making sure were not spending money on things that we dont he spent not anymore not in 2020 they spent so much money but it is a personal affront to know that were spending federal tax dollars and putting in its fair share trust me i love if i can get a write off for these hairdos when i come on this show but i cant because my counsel is that that is not legal so its not legal for me is not legal for that is an American Issue what happened with hunter biden is not an issue that i think Many Americans care about and youre exactly right when he called i am not going to push back a little bit about that i mean youre in a privileged position and you couldnt you can cash in on your privileged position not because of your merits or or a bit of abilities here i think that is an affront to most americans particularly today when so many people were took a told that they were going to lose their job through no fault of their own and then you know theyre left holding the bag because Congress Said well you know its not bad enough its not a National Emergency its there 40000000 National Emergencies out there and then hunter biden is sitting in his jaguar or earlier got millions and millions of dollars for being the son of the Vice President i think that is a salient issue here george around maybe as well i think about. It well to have been if i may say what one thing i may say that may be true and so you see all of trucks children walk in who have a job in the white house who are still making millions of dollars where he did not at best buy his business at that same exact debate and so you may want to bring up by einstein but then you got to look at the entire tritely but i dont i dont have to bring up the trip from children because theyre under a microscope all of the time ok and they accept it ok i would say differently about the biden family george were rapidly running out of time going yeah ive got 2 responses that certainly are both very poignant things to bring up 1st of all with dons making a lot of great points for progress you might say which night you know if both parties are spending like drunken sailors in their interesting report at this point and i want to go back to the medicare for all policy democrats that biomass will bankrupt the country a lot faster than half are on right now were going to go bankrupt anyway with with entitlements overwhelm our tax revenues and i will come back to the corruption or monk president ial camerons weve come a long way from harry truman in Lisette Scranton to write their memoirs to point our party can say they were getting down to where they can pay their bills and to be nonpartizan it started with Ronald Reagan when he got made 2000000. 00 and every president since then has cash in on the presidency and 100 by its behavior is a lot is an abomination and i think its very relevant and im tired of these powerful strong leaders in washington cashing in on Public Service its disgusting i dont care where its republican or democrat ok im going to end this program very rarely just like i have so i think i have something to say that i think is really important is basically to live down here is that it is an interesting deer then in january and february you remember you hearing we dont have any money for it theres not enough money ever since then theres a lot since money oh all over the place to pay for things and to pay for the rich. Each to make sure theyre safe ok bailed them out 1st ok and then when the people the people that were at on the front lines you know theyre the ones that need it the most and you know what theyre left holding the bag and i think thats an abomination the debate reflects that its a state of the politics of the country thats all the time we have here i want to thank my guests. Panama city beach and dallas and i think our viewers for watching us here arent you see you next i mean remember. My name is 2nd to see im on social media this is jackson. Seats which i. Put it on there. Was. No way down. To classical. Movie. To come. To school and i used to be a candidate easier and also to new school on drugs used to people. Whove been forced to close for coke or do really hes trying to face life music that. I love to jazz because he makes me happy i love to dance because he makes me happy playing with the finale and i sing. And when it will take to get nasty. Yeah down to the 4th spot. Down. Yet. Im sitting. Down. Israel media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation full community. Are you going the right way or are you being led to. Direct. What is true what is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Or remain in the shallowness. Join me every thursday on the alex im unsure and ill be speaking to get out of the world of politics sports business im show business ill see you then. As the u. S. Economy was booming growing numbers of people were made homeless. You can work 40 hours in a week and still not have enough to get housing everybody believes america still is the way of opportunity the reality of the not financially equality and the lack of floor to housing for a living minimum wage gave many people new choice you know theres been a problem with the city knows turn to bitch and told me stay away oh miss colton concluded that there is no answer because yes that requires resources the most vulnerable and abandoned on the streets to become invisible comes. To monica has come under probably the heaviest shelling since we arrived here the main city and the border car bomb is pounded by airstrikes as the conflict deepens between armenia and azerbaijan one it reports from the area. Russia and france say syrian old tents are pouring into that complex zone in the south caucasus i think the warning signs trade accusations for foreign mercenaries. Also this hour the white house says President Trump is suffering a mild symptoms after he and the 1st lady test their program but just a month to go before the u. S. Election. And the e. U. Slap sanctions on the 40

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