British. The u. K. Extraordinarily short. A range of measures to try to protect people from these measures way beyond what was. The early hours of sunday morning here in moscow this october the 4th welcome to our 2 international my names you know. We start with the deadly standoff between armenia and azerbaijan into a 7 night several powerful explosions have been heard in the past number of hours. Late. Friday several residential buildings at the hospital were hits in a bombing raid casualties being reported igors a dull office on the ground at the scene. Today would witness one of the worst bombings of the planet the city which is the capital of nagornokarabakh the disputed region here. At the hospital it was formed literally just minutes before we arrived here we actually had to had to hide in a bomb shelter and right after that we arrived this is the epicenter of one of the explosions that has battered statoil macare this Computer Shop now it seems like it has been devastated just just scattered glass from cooking a meal because shattered glass windows are broken there are boxes of there are boxes of stuff just goes well now its easy come easy go its like the welcoming started from the road is followed every day when we have to leave. Were being told that this right here right here we see ambulances rushing it has to be like this. Really was the end like a very large round of the. Better at least this is what the Defense Ministry of armenia is telling us. Those residents affected by the raid used their basements to to cover we spoke to some of them. Were all at home and have a bomb in a cloud of smoke at the moment and their windows have been shot at the manage to climb down you have a lot of i was in my room i was going to take when there was a loud bang it wasnt bearable there was one massive impact i suppose of rubble doris retard their hinges and windows shattered there isnt much left of the house. People were killed and wounded although we dont know the exact number they were taken away i guess the number is around 5 to 7 people. Yes startling images there i spoke earlier to zahra maternity representing the red cross in armenia she sees civilians in car a car terrified many have nowhere to go. Passages are now able to do that all treat. In and around the areas the feeling is just because of the intensity and i think on the volatility of the situation you receive 3 words and we see the recent calls of people who are pretty terrified and dont know. What to do. To be. Safe and basically this is really a very snow were ingles of on the onset of winter and children are just several weeks into that school just and basically its a day that people are trying to protect themselves and being anxious you know the Missions Already severe situation carra back is populated mainly by armenians with the region breaking away from us or by xian in 1988 but the area has not been widely recognized as a sovereign state i was about is insisting armenia is entirely to blame for the current flare up president of claims armenians are occupying and do not want peace he also said 19 civilians from this country died in the conflict 60 more are injured on friday hostilities spill beyond the confines of the disputed territory when a bordering as he returned was bombed i was right on claims over 2000 shells were dropped in the arts rain. Moving the program on now authorities and power a certain sort of ring whether to shut down all bars restaurants and museums after a jump in corona virus infections the nationwide caseload now stands at almost 600000 putting hospitals under severe strain countries Nursing Union has warned that intensive care units could soon become overwhelmed. We feel betrayed the government is deaf to our needs for each 1002 cabins france has 5. 9 intensive care beds whereas germany has 8 france has 10 nurses bear 1000 people germany has 13. Patients currently take up almost a quarter of all intensive care beds across france this week the number passed the critical threshold 1200 odd of those 5000 beds medics are also warning of a critical shortage of personal doctrine marsay told us he believes the system is in crisis. To. 0 then the grid is for several years now nursing staff have been warning of chronic stuff from shortages but nothing is being done about this at the University Hospital permanent positions have been cut we are relying on medics in temperate roles who moved around departments and are not able to adapt to the virus every year seasonal epidemic split strain on hospitals even without it and now the situation is very difficult this should have been a mass Recruitment Campaign in both hospitals and care homes. The mirror of middle of prayer in the u. K. Has spoken out against new coronavirus restrictions saying theyre doing more harm than good press than talk to r. T. Government announced to extraordinary short notice they certainly didnt communicate with us at all a range of measures to try and protect people release measures went way beyond what was necessary and theyre actually going to stifle all kinds of problem and of course thousands potentially thousands of job losses because Damage Mental Health and are going to break down some of the elements of society that the really important cherished health doesnt necessarily just means physical health it means Mental Health and Mental Health is severely impacted when you cant even stand in your garden and have a coffee to meet with from a neighbor because thats whats coming your Mental Health suffers when you lose your job or your partner does or your parents by the way physical health will suffer with these new rules 2 people will not go out they will not interact they will not mix so a lot of people get a lot less exercise the new restrictions affect the number of other northern english cities Liverpool Warrington and hartley pull as well they include a ban on people from different high schools and mixing indoors interacting outdoors is not banned but its discouraged and only essential travel is allowed now even before these measures were introduced the areas mentioned were among those under harsher curbs than the majority of the u. K. Lets go through some of the reaction to middlesbrough immersed stands heavily criticized with the u. K. Community secretary browning irresponsible while one of the mirrors colleagues on the town Council Called and reckless and the preston again and says he is taking the pandemic seriously. So im not soft on coal but i want to control it but we have to find a way of allowing the life to go on Mental Health to be ok and physical health to be ok what we do know from our local experts is that 80 percent in fact just over 80 percent of all cold infractions are happening within the home so we agree with the government that it temporary restriction on socialising homes a really good idea categorically that should not spill out to your garden similarly we want to make sure that our venue is a very well run and we want to make sure that people could meet for a bite to eat a cup of tea maybe even a beer in a safe well run environment in a socially just setting none of those 3 environments none of those 3 things are intrinsically risky so we feel that the government is important some of it goes way beyond what was necessary. In the story were keeping an eye on today russias environmental regulators are investigating a spike in sea pollution in the countrys far east the problem was the take it off the coast of come. It started earlier this week when surfers in the area felt sick they reported severe i shouldnt sore throat nausea and fatigue since then people have spotted dead Sea Creatures being washed ashore along 40 kilometers of course the experts took some polls and found that petro chemical levels in the water were 4 times over the legal limit the also discovered elevated levels of phenol a toxic chemical in an Online Campaign called save the pacific is now urging local authorities and environmental groups to establish the source of the pollution and help clean up the waters. Mixed signals are coming from washington over a double transputer health hes currently in a Military Hospital after contracting corona virus the white house chief of staff has been quoted as the scribing the president s. Condition was very concerning saying the next 48 hours will be critical he said on friday evening are reported to have at least that was soon after mr holmes doctors said he was doing very well no fever but you mr trump shared a video thanking his supporters. Over to thank you everybody for the tremendous support i moved into Walter Reed Hospital who are i think going to who are. Going to make sure the 1st lady is doing. So with thank you very much very appreciated. Here white House Doctors earlier said the president had received 33 number of people close to mr trump of both a recently tested positive ministrations so hes the president will in his role but many of his political opponents are hoping he wont give up now up and report any talk of an october surprise a Game Changing event that comes right before a u. S. Election has been pretty common in the United States for the past several decades well this years october surprise is here it came in the form of a positive coded 19 test for donald trump and the 1st lady the nation is in shock the white house knew that hope it suggests a positive and the president had been in close contact with her yet he proceeded to still travel yesterday. He is not able to fully perform his his duties as commander in chief we were seeing people without masks regularly were seeing people stopping to not socially distancing they stop taking temperatures for people who are regular visitors to the white house and we have seen that it has ended up in the worst Case Scenario for the white house donald trump got tested after it was confirmed that his staffer hope ics had been infected the results came in and it was pretty clear at that point that the campaign is now curving in a new direction now lets not forget that donald trump actually downplayed the covert 19 threat and even mocked joe biden for being. More cautious looks like by april you know in theory when it gets a little warbird miraculously goes away i hope thats true we have a very much going to grow right here in the United States is lowest in numerous categories were lower then the world they wanted me to come out and scream fearful of dying with no we did it just the right way now were weeks away from a vaccine were doing therapeutics already fewer people are dying when they get sick far fewer people are dying weve done a great. Democrats jumped on Donald Trumps diagnosis to once again call him out for mishandling the crisis going into crowds unmasked and all the rest the sort of a brazen invitation for Something Like this to happen the president of the United States and republicans in minnesota are actively spreading a deadly fire us they all risk to the Public Health of my constituents and our country though they have not done so in the postes the Administration Must now follow the science and all recommended health prosecute in order to not put additional people at risk and they must be completely transparent some of the reactions have gotten rather ugly its been against my moral identity to tweet this for the past 4 years but i hope he dies the 2nd scheduled debate intended for the discussion of Foreign Policy remains up in the air even if donald trump doesnt get too badly sick hell still be under quarantine now let us not forget that donald trump is 74 years old and overweight and hes in a High Risk Group for whom cove it can be lethal over a Dozen Campaign rallies have now been canceled so how will the public react will there be sympathy for donald trump now that hes been infected or will this be seen as further confirmation of the democrats argument that he lacks clear judgment only the voters can answer that question. Art. New york. Is accusing the. Practice is a move that could lead to. Further explanation after the break. Join me every thursday on the alex im unsure and ill be speaking to the world of politics or. Im sure ill see you there. And frances president has drawn criticism this week for his perceived meddling in lebanons crisis its one of a number of International Situations he has got himself involved in prompting accusations of over ambition Charlotte Dubinsky in paris picks up the story. In little over 3 years on the world stage from says president not corn has apparently become the go to man ladies and gentlemen my 1st miss each he said france is back france is back at the core of for europe from syria to libya wrong to the sun hell mcconnell has fingers in many pies high profile interventions have kept the International Media fixated on him but as bold as they have been many of his cause celeb a seemingly in tractable this week alone hes been asked to mediate in belarus called for a cease fire in conjunction with russian president putin between as a by shon and armenia and made his feelings over recent well known developments in lebanon for all his efforts how much success has he achieved we have a pretty good reason sort of for. Each time he proposed mediation each time he proposed going for answer something that i doubt. No one success until now lebanon is a particularly sought issue when corn arrived in beirut in the days following those deadly blasts he hoped to instigate change he made the ones he wanted an interim government appointed fresh elections and an audit of the National Bank we need a new Political Initiative and im here to bring her good to coordinate and he broke the mold reaching out and holding talks with hezbollah that now backfired. Welcome president book wrong as a friend who loves lebanon and wants to help lebanon get out of its crisis but there is no authorization for the french president or anyone else to be guardian jaja must of been on. For some experts his intervention smacked of hypocrisy his position on lebanon is contradictory with his other stated. Positions for example when he went to algeria a few years ago he said that colonialism was a crime against humanity well if it was a crime against humanity then it surely wrong today for the french president to try to. To control the government of lebanon from paris last year as france hosted the g. 7 summit not call got the nod to negotiate with iran as tensions between the gulf state and the u. S. Looked ready to spiral out of control he pulled out all of the stops even flying the Iranian Foreign minister to the summit to hold talks u. S. President trump though appeared to be less enthusiastic about the situation is the president the british you know force of the region Foreign Ministers we. Have. No comment needless to say despite mackerels best efforts the u. S. And iran remain polar opposites no one can dispute that not corn has been in his undertakings he wants to make sure that france holds on to its International Client but for all his efforts some might be left wondering if he has perhaps more than he can chew charlotte r. T. Paris. Dongs in the dollars side the u. S. Has launched a probe into vietnams trade practices a move that could result in punitive tariffs the trumpet ministration has invoked the same legal article that started a trade war with china. President trump assume we committed to combating unfair trade practices that time americas workers businesses farmers and ranchers unfair currency practices can harm u. S. Workers and businesses that compete with vietnamese products that may be artificially low priced because of currency undervaluation it follows a decade of powerful growth in vietnamese exports to the United States surging from 15000000000 dollars 10 years ago to almost 67000000000. 00 in 2019 recently the trend has been accelerated by Firms Shifting their production to vietnam to avoid those american tariffs on china political economy professor Jack Rasmussen told me the investigation has a purely political motive he believes. The mystic politics but its never really currency manipulating in fact you know if the dollar is too high or the currency of love of country is not a decline or if you know youve got the global recession and the dollars going but if other countries currencies are responding more of the dollars you know the benchmark earn c. H. Right well it looks like you know their their currency is being manipulated but you know manipulation means to know you have a political move to try to price its currency down its not because of Economic Conditions in this condition the United States there are of many 30 things rates are always on the dollar in relationship to what has occurred since that we have one rises the other naturally flaws and vice versa so theres no currency manipulation not received notice and using its china that was false through this is this is all about domestic politics making it look like its going to do something bruised raised. Now its one of the solder now im in seville last few months coronavirus restrictions leaving many elderly people deprived of human akam pany contact as well so one way to where in england decided to tackle the problem head on by putting a poster in his window asking for new friends shani advice dusty went along to meet him. We spent probably one on the half hours sometimes 2 to eating. Drinking conversing and that was that hed think it was in the cajun. And now i dont have that. You missed us. Tony williams lost his wife to cancer cheering the cave at 19 locked down after 3 decades together but as is increasingly common for the older generation the loneliness that came with losing a longtime partner was devastating after my lovely wife died i found not only of her loss the loveliest person ive ever met. But i was on my own i was in an area i had no friends or family i was absolutely isolated put a couple of virgins in the local paper but i didnt get in taters i had some cards printed a sort of introduction to myself although i distributed 29 nobody backed the next thing was i had a poster printed put it up in my window had trouble is very few people walked past my window more than a 1000000 older people like tony can go for over a month without speaking to anyone a situation only worsened by lockdown but the media took up tonys cause and he was inundated with support the lovely thing was. Not so much the quantity the quality the lovely messages from all over the world a heartbreaking tale with a heartwarming ending not quite as many have found before him media fame can take a dark turn with an inevitable public backlash that backlash came from tonys neighbors who told me they were his friends and there for him in his time of grief they claimed the media circus was all a sham and the apparent rift with the people who call themselves his friends has ironically make a journey more lonely than ever and some of them showing real anger about this to my face and some dont talk to me and i cant do anything about that this week ive decided to go theres 2 things in this 1st of all the awful associations with moving here youre becoming ill joe going into hospital and then coming home and coming home to die i cant think of this place except in those but also because people have misunderstood my motivation so theres another reason for moving away it seems tony and his neighbors have differing ideas of what true friendship looks like i was looking for something. Called friendship. Real friendship now a friend to me is some of the you would immediately think of to go down the pub or to go on holiday with or if youre a mountain earring youd want them on the end of the rope because your life depends on it that is a friend some do you trust implicitly child adult stash d r t u k its time share well if youd like to go a little bit deeper into any of those stories a good place to start an investigation dot com plenty to get stuck into there you know only goodbye for now. Always be polite never engage with a negative aided or confrontational also. Dont get into any conversation or start answering questions just ask for an attorney. To survive territories. Definitely dont want to. Jump on cops. Youre more likely to walk free if youre rich and guilty or if youre poor and. Youve got 2 eyes 2 ears and one mouth. So you should be seen in here and a whole lot more than youre saying if you dont take that advice easy going to dig yourself a hole. Everybodys reaching for that you. And i mean its a rush and i think the resolution of this is theres going to be a gnostic war thats going to go on for maybe months as shown in an already rejected. Media because the fighting is too early on that people are now battling to see what territory they can get and i think when the fighting settles down and the lines are drawn and people realize that theyre not going to move forward or backwards then theyre going to. Tell you this is. What they know. Now because. You know what you know. People who boast because. Nothing is down is because its me. I love to be down its because its beats me and i do not sit down its because. I do not sit down because he makes me hop and i do not do that because he needs to. Not sit down because it beats. Yeah. I dont think. I did them. This is a story from going on about people who just enough to. My name is sucking. On little social media as jackson did on scene stuff im joined by she is screwed by leaking oil well quote im a trainee teacher so whats. It. All thanks to currently. On finance. Was home. For the simple. Truth in school. And i see scrutiny i see that hamas and i used to teach to make it a very easy. And also to make squat drugs used to all case come to school on time and if the opposite. Sex. Symbol. To me means to. Improve the sack

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