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To prove kremlin critic. U. S. Vice president ial hopefuls come. Out on their only t. V. Election debate but it was. Really stole the headlines. Live from moscow youre watching all of the international with me. Youre tuning in from today welcome to the program and we start with our top headline the russian president Vladimir Putin called for an end to hostilities in a no go to the conflict zone on humanitarian grounds the appeal was made during a phone call with the president. The armenian Prime Minister on thursday. To mediate talks with both countries foreign ministers. Well thats us 3 russian journalists were injured after a church was shelled in the god of a kind of back of the conflicts over the disputed territory rages on between armenia and azerbaijan the Russian Foreign Ministry Said one of the journalists is in a serious condition with this video shows the aftermath of the shelling of the 2nd time the church had been hit that day the armenian Foreign Ministry blamed as early forces for both attacks claiming they pose a challenge to the civilized world however azerbaijan denied that those accusations stressing its military doesnt target religious or cultural buildings. Or with the fighting intensifying of both sides to release their latest combat footage the conflict taking its toll on civilians caught in the middle regional Officials Say half of no one of the kind of acts residents have now fled he goes down of visited one town on the border which has become a temporary home to Ethnic Armenian refugees. The latest escalation in the war over nagornokarabakh has now stretched far beyond the front lines neat sleepy villages then towns on the home front some populated only by cattle shepherds and farmers have been battered by artillery fire and drone strikes. Turkish would have a. Jury in the week that we roamed around nagornokarabakh we witnessed an exodus of Children Women and the elderly the flow of refugees was growing exponentially by the day were in the town of course its in armenia but only about 20 minutes away or so from the border with the disputed region in fact its the closest town to nagornokarabakh and the 1st refuge for those who decided to flee the bombs mariette move to stop on occurred the capital of Nagorno Karabakh more than 30 years ago she remembers the horrors of every war of every escalation since the late eightys this latest one has forced her her daughters grandchildren and even great grandchildren to flee step on a cat here for you were all for you. But are they afraid of that. Horse feel like she was lucius. 35000. 00 most is out of my will just. Mushrooming him or what but i am put. In british. Fish form sport the mere thought of a new fresh ripple scores of us say that they bombed us in summer a few jews who come to the Coordination Center bear wounds from the bombing is this man hasnt had any food for 3 days most people here have nowhere to go. Oh so buses take them to the capital you have on their complete strangers will invite them in their homes in a gesture or beauty within the nation here in glorious its mostly those who dont plan on staying away from home for too long where chapel 50. 1 miles was so as with the woodlands at the position as a condition of with the love with most where is it. Possible their most intimate. Group is. Mary and cant hold back the tears so we have to stop the interview glories hotels are packed with refugees locals are doing the best they can to lift at least some of the misery from their shoulders at the last that we provide rooms and 3 meals a day for free and also invite doctors to provide medical care now we have more than 200 refugees in the hotel and as far as i know there is no room in other hotels waiting patiently to go back refugees here are glued to the t. V. In the canteen watching the latest news from the war torn region some still have family and friends who refuse to leave nagornokarabakh and everyone is desperate to be reunited im done of reporting from army news bored with nagornokarabakh r. T. The fighting isnt only limited to the contested zone several towns and it was about johnny controlled territory have been hit according to the government as area authorities claim a number of civilian settlements were shelled on tuesday we spoke to some azeri refugee you see ive seen this all before when the 1st conflict iraq conflict erupted 30 years ago. I am originally from and lost her house and became homeless so we arrived here im not complaining it could have been even worse somehow we managed to make her living here matter what happens it is always better to have your own land if there is a necessity i agree to go to from by myself i do just sacrifice myself for my land in the heart of the state Vice President and all of them help it is better to return to your homeland it has been almost 30 years i still see the image of my land in front of my eyes i see my house groups of our beloved martyrs it was suffering to call me here i personally cried at that time my parents were no longer alive and there were 6 of us brothers and sisters. This is. Right here in 1903. We had quite a good lead in conditions but most that in our days i faced challenges leaving here i have to. Look at more lead and conditions my heart is breaking when i see what is going on at the front lines but i am waiting to see our lending occupied i look back to no houses to be rebuilt and thus resettled when returning that is what i am waiting for from this process and care about nothing more just our attitude. I am grateful to our president i will show a soldier strives to liberate our lands where longing for this for 30 years i was 30 is provide justice bench and aid but im still in this dormitory all men in my family is sons and grandsons 7 the army my only desire is to go to the villages of my cobra jaw. Russias cost manger adults over the evidence the west claims it has that proves kremlin critical extent of ali was poisoned with novacek nerve agent is aided previously said she taking a suspect water water from his hotel room to germany where it was tested. Claims it never left the country with more details. The saga involving russian opposition activists out of me has become even more tangled and Ongoing Investigation led by local russian authorities have conducted so far on 230 interviews trying to get to the bottom of what happened on that plane from siberia to moscow has brought a new turn crucially their findings cause doubt over a key piece of evidence believe it or not a bottle of water that is thought to contain traces not the child and which apparently led to the conclusion that if any how deep been poisoned by the nerve agent this was a much talked about bottle in the media and it was initially thought that had been smuggled in by one of these companions a certain marine up check this is something that she herself claimed in an interview but russian Authorities Say that that is not in fact true lets hear from them during the preflight Security Check of maria. Novosibirsk there was no containers of more than 100. 00 milliliters in volume in her suitcase and backpack including any bottles of water after the check purchased 500. 00 milliliter bottle of water from an aside vending machine with which she flew to the city of now this seriously challenges the claims made by members of the Anti Corruption fund set up by now found who say that as soon as they found out hed been hospitalized they returned to the hotel room in which hed been staying and raided it for anything suspicious in fact they posted a video on instagram showing them apparently locating this bottle of water up with not the chalk many have since questions how its possible they were able to so casually handle an object with a deadly nerve agent another revelation from the Russian Investigation concerns the airport which is a plane made an Emergency Landing this is in siberia now the pilot says he put in a request for an Emergency Landing at 8 25 in the morning and 5 minutes later received a message warning of a potential bomb scare this for a short period trip that some were. Rhes about whether they would in fact be able to land the plane now this is what russian authorities had to say on that given the appearance in the media of the bomb hoax at the airport in the Emergency Landing of the plane carrying around the investigators are working as additional versions of what happened it has been found that the anonymous message was sent through a server located on the territory of germany germany of course has featured heavily in the new story just a quick reminder it was to a bulletin clinic that if it was later sent and further treated it was also in a German Laboratory that allegedly those traces of the system were found in the meantime moscow continues to ask for thought the information to aid its investigation into that and has sent around 6 requests to germany france and sweden all these developments come as the diplomatic fallout from the story worsens only on wednesday we heard that germany and france were plotting a proposing new additional sanctions on russia they encouraged the European Community to join in but that will be formally discussed next week russia has responded by saying that such language is just not conducive to International Cooperation which is something that is said that its wanted from the very beginning it also added that no matter what happens from now it will simply not be possible to return to business as usual of mr unfortunately instead of working together to establish the truth of the facts of what happened to the russian citizens paris and berlin have preferred to politicize the case turned to france and like my old the use of International Platforms we consider this behavior irresponsible and unacceptable so a lot of new information coming in raising some serious questions including in fact whether in fact marion appear to cuban what Corruption Fund there has been some dispute about that so its all really quite modeled in a certain way to see how it all plays out. Martha macauley believes it will be hard for france and germany to drop their accusations at this point the new evidence. As really going to this situation everything becomes more more complex more difficult to disentangle so therefore the statements by the russian minister. And berlin and paris will have to take into consideration im willing to wait and see whether theres no regular long we cant really go ahead with what we have planned we are actually convinced that the russian grossmans will approve of which ones will but now its possible theres a doubt theres a doubt where all that evidence and so on may imply cold dark. For trying to impose sanctions but they reached a very very sees that you really believe she did not hear a good number of napoleon was in the response with the russians and its going to get a lot more which way to dissuade them from calling you. Has become the latest mainzer european city to see a return of lockdown measures after a quarter to one of its biggest daily covert spikes inspired demick began peter all of us is in the german capital with this report. Strict coronavirus measures are coming back to berlin from the south today until at least the end of the moment thought restaurants local shops or any other business that would be open late at night will have to shut their doors at 11 pm until 6 in the morning covert cases are rising in germany at the fastest pace since made april as you rip struggles with a new wave of infection the Health Minister says the new rules a needed because people and not taking the virus seriously. It isnt surprising with a lack of rules it is more a question of where certain rules are enforced and i think there is room for improvement in our beautiful capital city beautiful to be sure but what of germans make of the new measures the wind does this we want now to stop and we in germany have this freedom democratic basic order again which is always form the basis of our society thinking everybody says it was the best choice. Definitely theyre doing the right thing im sure my nonsense in my opinion this is a disproportionate reaction that we encounter every day in our basic rights such a massive protective measures are more important because otherwise the economy cannot function the chancellor has warned d that with winter on the way things may be about to get tough young figured out is that often we learned a lot and did well throughout the summer but we know that more difficult times are ahead of us namely in the autumn and winter months and we see a gradual increase especially in densely Populated Areas we have a number of this rise in the numbers of infections this is of course a reason to be concerned but we also know how to position ourselves towards it with certain measures. But there is a small book dedicated group of germans that dont agree with the chancellor and being out on the streets to vent their upset at corona restrictions. Of parts of germany keeping a close eye on the infection rate in lynn and keen on visitors from the capital spreading the virus to them i fear that berlin is on the edge of losing control we definitely dont want to have a situation like in madrid we dont want a situation like in paris where there has to be a complete lockdown where publicly. Life has to be reset to 0 elsewhere in europe brussels has announced bars and restaurants will close as the belgian capital is riddled with corona 27. 00 people tested in brussels returns a positive result the virus is everywhere in the region there is not a single municipality in brussels which is below the National Average though its where restrictions put in place theres also pushback from some sections of society from conspiracy theorists who think the virus is a hoax to those terrified that the measures to stop it spread it will cost them their jobs. Thank. God 7. While berlin braces for what may well be a wind wave of cove it germany as a whole remains one of only 4 european nations not described by the European Center for disease prevention and control as being at a crucial rate of infection for now at least peter all of a. Now after months of living in the shadow of the corona virus tempers are increasingly becoming frayed over restrictions being imposed a fight broke out between passengers on a plane in the United States over the wearing of a face mask. The incident started as an argument between a Flight Attendant and a passenger who was only wearing a face shield or they can be worn on board in addition to masks they cant be used as an alternative when the incident spiraled out of control security recalled and the passenger removed. Takes a closer look now at how much is to keep people safe during the Health Crisis causing frustration. They launched there were positive reports of how people around the world were dealing with the coronavirus slowdown the italians were singing. The spanish dont sing. And the british were giving weekly rounds of applause to the National Health service. Fost forward 7 months and the world seems to be going stir crazy frustrations at the ongoing restrictions Economic Uncertainty congress surging infection rates have driven some tempest to boiling point the focus for this is off to those who die where mosques. That off a little picture i dont think is ok. With her about. Her. Not. That i think. You got me while the government struggled to contain the virus new hardships have inflamed old tensions in this instance 2 passengers on the u. K. Bus bubbly and physically abuse and apparently asian teenage girl for not covering her face. Around. The mosque has become the synonymous with the pandemic both as a symbol of protection and also restriction science supports using the Research Shows that cut down the chances of transmitting and catching coronavirus and could reduce the severity of any infections but for some not wearing mosque means freedom from state intervention that seen few countries. Get the virus under control with more than a 1000000 dead worldwide protesters across the globe saying whats the point and with almost a year gone since the virus 1st hit the headlines and no end to the crisis in sight its this symptom of pandemic fatigue which has led the World Health Organization to warn its threatening the countrys ability to defeat covert 19. In such circumstances its easy and natural to feel apathetic and motivated to experience fatigue we can see not surprisingly that fatigue among those surveyed is increasing it is now estimated to have reached over 60 percent in some cases winter is approaching with its associated colds and flu and the expense of christmas and other religious celebrations a time of joy but also stress this years Festive Season could yet prove to be educated if governments fail to effectively lead societies against an invisible enemy which threatens to divide as well as conquer a partridges party loved. The fate of the next us president ial debate hangs in the balance Trumps Campaign are so as you can go face to face with joe biden the scheduled for october 15th after the president s doctor and arthur had completed therapy for covert 19 youre saying youre not going to participate you know im not going to waste my time on a virtual debate thats not what the buildings are all about you sit behind a computer and do a debate its ridiculous and then they cut you off whenever they want and while there may not be a 2nd president ial debate the 1st and only Vice President ial encounter was held on wednesday night. Sparred for 90 minutes but all quarter went over the highlights with kevin. It was a big change of pace from the president ial debates from last week which looked more like a political circus than anything but this time around there were less aggressive interruptions no doubt both candidates even seemed like they were showing each other a little respect at times but when it came to what what exactly they were debating a lot of it amounted to just attacking or defending the actions of the Current Administration from the very 1st day President Donald Trump has put the health of america 1st whatever the Vice President is claiming the administration has done clearly it hasnt worked if the Trump Administration approves a vaccine before or after the election should americans take it and would you take it if Donald Trump Tells us i said to him that we should take it on not taking the fact that you continue to undermine Public Confidence in a vaccine if the vaccine emerges during the Trump Administration i think is is unconscionable both president ial contenders pretty getting all they need is the worry is what if something happens to them has to be continuity in that one of the top jobs in the world the top job in the world isnt it and so a lot of focus on the Vice President s and how they might cope if they had to step into the big oops yeah absolutely kevin in fact no matter who wins this election biden or trump they will become the oldest person to be elected u. S. President in American History and so this debate that we saw was in a way between 2 potential future heads of state in the u. S. But when the moderator posed this question the possibility of a president ial disability depends he just moved in the direction to talk about the corona virus vaccine and then the question was posed to kemal heiress and she started talking about how proud her mom was of her so we didnt really get a clear answer on that sort of policy that wasnt made clear you know the rhetoric wasnt as heated as it was before but still not totally clear with these who were both for there was a gay crush to believe yeah absolutely a lot of people were talking about who won this debate and neither candidate really gave us much to work with there werent even as many insults in the president ial debate as we saw so oh. A lot of people on social media are saying that a 3rd party was a fly on my pants or. America had special coverage after the debate. With political analysts. Theres a lot missing here in terms of substance i think there was a lot that was was lacking in this debate look at the political issue that was the centerpiece of the debates coronavirus the coronavirus is an important issue but its not a legitimate political issue because not 2 sides to it theres not a pro coronavirus side in an anti krone virus side but there are legitimate political issues prochoice prolife views on gun control her views on drug legalization should america be the worlds police anymore these are legitimate political issues that are not being discussed because again were letting the media as well and the debates in a way thats just designed to be the most sensational and the most you know quote topical rather than the most politically relevant is a part of the problem of the format of the debate are they trying to cover too many issues would it be but it would be better served to have one or 2 things that they talk about the whole night and really go at those issues and quite candidly why do we even have Vice President to have this debate in the 1st place they dont create policy were all very interested in policy and the Technical Details you know but a lot of people thats not the way that they make their decisions about voting and most people are trying to vote on. What they you know what their friends and family like theyre making decisions about ideas that theyve heard about but they dont really know the details i mean we cant expect regular americans to be knowledgeable about all these different vast policy areas even the politicians themselves dont really know all of the details of these different policy areas i dont think its true that the American People are unable to understand the issues i think that the issues are intentionally obfuscated in a way to make sure that the average american cannot weigh in on them perhaps 3 different formats when you have maybe 3 or 4 broad categories that allow for the debaters to get into. Those categories might be important was there a winner who won this debate. Well i dont know if there was a winner or not it i tend to agree that you know a lot of these questions are really not areas of substantive discussion i think we really cant expect them to get into the details of any kind of particular policies and that theyre really not trying to do neither one of the candidates really inspired a lot of confidence. We had to choose a winner i would have to say that had to be maybe. Only because of. His weight to the point i dont think that either debate changed any single voters opinion whatsoever i think that the voters had already made up their mind before the debate i think tonights debate did absolutely nothing and the reason for that again is that the poll opinions were kept out this was a rigged debate up next to larry king speaks with former Senate Majority leader bill frist who is also a cardiologist about all traumas covered 19 treatment but he went on it will be back and often out with the global news updates join us again that. With election day looming its important to ask how donald trump has changed the g. O. P. If at all is there such a thing as trump is just a politico established in a week and understand why does the let get in the 1st one has just populism on the right but future. As the u. S. Economy was booming growing numbers of people were made homeless. You can work 40 hours a week and still not have enough to get housing everybody believes america still has the lead up its. The reality of it is were not financially quantity in the neck and Affordable Housing living minimum wage give many people no choice. Thats been a problem with the city and always turn around and told to stay away oh miss. The for the for is no answer because you have to requires resources the most vulnerable are abandoned on the streets to become the invisible clowns. Former Senate Majority leader and dr bill frist is our guest dumbass of politics. The politicking and im larry king the white house what comes up found demick hotspots while the infected president tells americans not to let covert 19 dominate them a candid one on one about the deadly Health Crisis and the president ial race how has it up ended with former Senate Majority leader bill frist like hes a heart and Lung Transplant surgeon and a host of the podcast a 2nd opinion he joins me from nashville stop right there how has this affected bill frist like. Well larry its affected me like every everybody else has changed my ways of communicating are still been able to be very active and ive had a son and a daughter in law with coded and thankfully they came through it well with their children and traction as well national itself being a Big Hospitality town Service Industry town has been devastated things are slowly coming back with will be probably 2nd quarter of next year before theres real by talented back in the town. President trump has given himself an a plus for a sampling poll show about 2 thirds of american disapprove of where you are. The president 1st our government i would give a big he in terms of responsiveness and thats not enter your question directly yet but i think in terms

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