Were allowed to drastic new measures to counter a 2nd wave of covert 1000 as case numbers surge beyond the peaks seen back in spring. Are broadcasting live from our studios in moscow this is R T International im sean thomas certainly glad to have you with us are now the french government has ordered the closure of a mosque accused of inciting violence the place of worship outside paris had posted a video calling for a campaign against a history teacher after he showed caricature of the prophet mohammed to his class on october 16th. Was beheaded by a terrorist the mosque leader earlier apologized for posting the clip but denounced the shutdown order. Everybody knows that i am a socalled moderate muslim that i call for tolerance open mindedness ive got the impression that they just need to throw someone under the bus and the mosque will be closed for 6 months starting on wednesday its leaders have been given 48 hours to appeal the decision in Court Members of the congregation believe they should not be punished for the teachers murder. And we have a very kind of mom who speaks to us and erratic and french and doesnt tell people what to do she never gathered us together to tell us to do anything bad. That person was for George Orwell i dont know if i tell people you should go and buy weapons and then they can buy weapons and kill someone im not responsible for that. Im not happy about the mosques closure im against what happened to the teacher i condemn it i do not agree with those who committed the crime but for the mosque its a shame. Since of the murder several french t. V. Channels have started airing the controversial cartoons in defense of free speech and dozens of raids have already been carried out against suspected islam ists but law abiding muslims now fear that they will suffer from the governments response as arties showed dubinsky reports. In the wake of samuel pattis gruesome murder the french state wants to show that its being quick to act police have raided the homes of islam is activists engaged on social networks more than 80 investigations for online hatred have been arrests have already taken place since yesterday around 50 associative structures will see a certain number of visits from state services all week long and several of them at my suggestion will be dissolved in the council of ministers this latest terror attack is only likely to harden the state stands until its already led to more accusations that muslims need to take cover or are calling me asking me whether i was really that or not so we have the poor and the everybody is scared that there would be 5 or 6 oclock in the morning here that you know i would have to be careful of what i post and my freedom of speech as a human rights activist is literally on the balance among still going to as ations in the crossfire or n. G. O. S including the collective against islamophobia in france also known as c c i f it describes itself as being a Human Rights Organization Whose Mission is to combat islamophobia but frances interior minister says the group is linked to a parent to launched a fatwa against teacher samuel party which it thought led to his assassination it received state age we have evidence to say that it is an enemy of the republic c c o f says it is the victim here since yesterday we have been the target of Death Threats and a companion of hatred that demands the disillusion of. Face through so many smears of incredible indecency given the context our team is now receiving growing support thank you from the heart rates following terror attacks are commonplace but for some of these purges dont target the. Of the problem this program be so widespread were talking. Big literally thousands of people who are would be deemed to be in some way. To terrorist groups in the u. K. In paris in france belgium and other come so theres just an enormous number of people on the free speaking out to. Me from the extreme and that will do some good but this is a problem im sure thats going to go on for a long time to come and least a generation islam is im in france was already in the spotlight in recent weeks president emanuel might call that outlying details of the new law aimed at protecting frances secular republic from foreign influence is not cohen said a minority of the countrys estimated 6000000 muslims were in danger of forming peril to society and accusations followed that he was trying to a price in france. Associations to defend the rights of muslims who are bought off by microns police in short the message is muslims were going to screw you up. Well the french unanimously condemned the attack which led to the beheading for professor yesterday some take the opportunity to settle their scores by slipping into the most abject islam a phobia the interior minister says its now possible to see how political islam has joined forces with radical islam and ultimately is leading to terrorists many muslims may now feel that they are under attack with suggestions that samuel pattis death opens the floodgates to a political trial of those organizations say they struggle against islamophobia so lets even. See paris. France and germany have the largest muslim populations in europe and are both grappling with similar integration issues as evidenced by a recent case in germany it involves a lebanese doctor who has been denied citizenship there all because he wouldnt shake hands with a female official if the african refuses to shake hands for gender specific reasons which are incompatible with the constitution there is no integration into german Living Conditions for the man who has not been publicly named moved to germany 18 years ago he completed his medicinal studies there and now works as a senior physician in his citizenship test he got top marks in german history and values but a court described his refusal to shake a womans hand as indicative of fundamentalist views the doctor denies that saying he simply vowed never to touch any woman other than his wife this is not the 1st time that the traditional greeting has courted controversy a muslim couple was similarly denied swiss citizenship again for refusing handshakes from members of the opposite sex officials said it showed a lack of respect for gender equality but not all cases go the same way for example a muslim woman in sweden was compensated when her Job Interview was cut short because she wouldnt extend her hand to a man we heard some contrasting views on the issue. The. Procedure just showed that there was a problem with the integration process of this person and you cannot look into peoples hearts and minds but that was a clear signal of bad he still is here to a totally different belief and value system than the one which is established in germany since centuries and therefore i find it correct that they signal syrians and rejected the naturalisation of live in his person rainer this is a cultural and political process and we have freedom of belief and conscience and youre right there are limits to that i agree and i help governments in this country and elsewhere radicalization extremism terrorism case just trust me. If somebody doesnt shake your hand and he is carrying out his functions as a doctor treating patients on a regular basis its not the end of the world hes a contributing taxpaying that society and we should have tolerance if this is a sign of dad in chanterelle he regards the women as a seductive as a danger for his own behavior and then this shows that he has brought up with himself really an outdated view of women and this will create further clashes in the future of this is a part of our culture of like that teaches you let me change in no way so who cannot accept this culture you should simply not work here or long for this it doesnt ship of such a country if you dont get to tell muslims what this messed up baseless at least the. Policies in place to take not what is going on is about the truth what its lost its what liberties about things. Principles general principle democrats if you want to pretend that you need to add here to some basic value systems. Otherwise the society will fall apart and in the end all the nation states will fall apart and maybe this is in the interest of many people. And its not normal is that they should ensure that i dont europe to conserve society in their complexity that we already have in their colorful naz and keep them as open and really tolerance basis without radical fuse. Just a couple of days after being signed the 2nd truce between armenia and azerbaijan seems at risk of collapse fighting continues across the disputed not go to knock out about region spilling beyond its borders as well local journalist a mirror 2. Was caught up in shelling while reporting from outside and azerbaijani factory. Lets listen to what you did notice about is almost you out of many a good one notification because you know you know absolutely with me there goes those couples you know you have to settle for Peter Roebuck you do know but. Lets you dont produce but there are stars tell us is this new ads that passed. In the smooth. And then striking today was a long time from fly to has been in washington for a day or. So exploded so often and so loudly that we could heard it from the neighboring city which is so cool that this fall from the from fly as it only morning clear went as a thought they were closed. This has became an Atheist Center of artillery schoolmarm inside still continues now and so that text. The territorial feud stretches back more than 3 decades and flared up at the end of september both sides are blaming each other for civilian casualties and damage soldiers on the front line claim the other by johnny sided sabotaging the ceasefire. In reality the truce has not been upheld as for defensive positions there has been no shooting but we hear from the positions on our right and left explosions i assure you that from the adverse reason not from us this is one of the subjects just by the as a reaction should. Have been fighting against the as a response the 990. 00 s. And again i fight against them so their perverted feet will not step in our clean armenian land dont pollute our homeland we wont allow it it doesnt matter from how many countries they bring mercenaries and nothing can beat an armenian soldier when an armenian soldier stands strong. We on his feet he will repel anyone no one can enter our armenian waves. A 2nd wave of covert 19 is gathering pace across europe with belgium france and spain among the worst affected those countries along with britain now have higher case loads than during the earlier peaks back in spring and theyre resorting to some tough new containment measures as well as arties peter oliver reports. Lots to get through different measures being taken in Different Countries across europe will start from where im talking to you from here in germany while most of germany has got off pretty lightly compared to its european neighbors what weve seen on tuesday is a full red alert announced in the back this god no region of bavaria in the south of the country 2 and a half 1000 tourists being told youve got to go and they have to go immediately that says the berchtesgaden a region goes into this full lockdown what that means is that schools are going to be closed all of them are going to be counselled restaurants are only open for takeout and people have been told only to leave their homes if theres a good reason to do it now those good reasons do include business and also exercise and in poland which is one of those countries that fared reasonably well in the spring when we 1st saw over 19 ripped through europe its not doing so well now with the government there is put in place a series of measures which includes things like closing gyms however we have seen some fitness clubs attempting to get round that one in crack of in particular has relaunched itself as a church of the healthy body in an attempt to circumvent ban on gyms and places of worship are allowed to open but while they are doing that the authorities in poland taking things a little more seriously in fact theyve turned the National Stadium in warsaw into a makeshift hospital as the jew the polish government prepares for the worst she militias. We must also think about darcus naruse if we are not able to stop the pandemic in our country temporary hospitals will be necessary we open the 1st Field Hospital here we are ready to open a network of similar hospitals around the country in the near future in spain more cities going into lockdown for 2 weeks nevada the latest to do. Thats around 650000. 00 people will be locked down they join parts of madrid as well as. Areas in the castiel and leon area that have also been put into into lockdown that means bars restaurants wont be able to open it supposed to last for around 2 weeks but that could roll on depending on infection rate spain saw 25000. 00 extra infections of covert 19 over the weekend moving north and the island is heading into 6 weeks of whats being called extreme lockdown households would not be allowed to mix with one another and your not supposed to go more than 5 kilometers from your own home in measures that will last until the beginning of december i understand and i feel very personally i prefer. The sense of disappointment the feelings of loneliness perhaps even this the despair the dissonance and will bring for many if we pull together over the next 6 weeks we would have the opportunity to celebrate christmas in a meaningful way or last week belgium puts itself into a lockdown whereby bars and restaurants would be closed for a couple of weeks however despite that politicians are still warning about the threat of a tsunami of infections is how they are calling it and also if we look in italy the lawn that the region has seen a huge spike in infections thats prompted the introduction of a nighttime curfew hospitals theyre concerned that they may become overwhelmed as they did back in the spring and the 1st wave of covert 19 going on on the go response or a virus is do not have legs it is people who spread the lumber the is a very dynamic region very active with a lot of population and then large concentration of population in the cities but overall its a pretty bleak picture here in europe one big question. Nobody seems to be able to answer though is why countries like germany sweden and denmark bearing the brunt as much as the neighbor is. Still to come this hour the mayor of manchester is locking horns with the British Government over an upcoming lockdown for the area home to almost 3000000. 00 people that story much more after the break was art international. The world is driven by a dream shaped by. The day or. Week here and to ask. The single greatest most important aspect of any functioning society is price discovery of price discovery more so than any moral or aesthetic or ethical. Kind of set of rules because without sound money without some price discovery you dont have a society full stop. I welcome back this is artsy international now britains new code 1000 restrictions have sparked a political firestorm the mayor of a Greater Manchester has lashed out at the government saying its pushing people into poverty with an upcoming lockdown british Prime Minister Boris Johnson confirmed the plans will be forced on the region after talks collapsed earlier on tuesday. We made a generous and extensive offer to support his business didnt accept this unfortunately given the Public Health situation i must proceed with moving as i say to the very high level no point today where we offered in order to protect the poorest people in our communities through the punishing reality of the winter to come even now i am still willing to do a deal but it cannot be on the terms that the government offered today because on those terms i could not meet the commitments i made to people on the lowest incomes i now look to palm and to be make a judgment on a financial framework. 3. Really striking about this latest disagreement is the politicised nation of it as seen by. With. Holding out saying that the city with its falling number of cases since its peak in september shouldnt be going into 3 not done not at least without some kind of sufficient financial package from the Central Government now initially the mayor had said that his team had to close around 90000000. 00 pounds as part of our package the governments figure was around 60000000. 00 but they just couldnt seem to come to an agreement eventually the government put forward only 22000000 pounds a figure seen as somewhat of an insult invictus by me here in manchester and of course speaking to some of the locals on the street majority of them backing the position of the mayor and really proud of andy burnham the mayor of manchester for really they were the way the b. B. C. Put it was bending them the government over a barrel and really sticking hard on this one and defending those people because that the economic package they announced just it wont keep people alive i do think its very good that hes holding. For Financial Measures because we do need that and it hasnt been done enough. But also there is a point where you cannot hold human lives as a leverage anymore they think they should play since to think about giving people the correct by not just civilised people are going to be able to survive a bit so. Theyre against the backdrop of 14 cases and yet the government still insisting this part of the country should be going into 2 or 3 looked on what that means for those especially the lowest paid in the cities well its going to be a long dog when sore head. Starting on friday Greater Manchester will put in britains top risk bracket for covert classed as a tier 3 this means a ban on mixing between households guidance against travel in or out of the area and the closure of all pubs we heard from local councillor allan brett he thinks the drastic measures are misguided. Im still not convinced that. d its a solution to the rising rates especially myra and this time its great stuff going to change then obviously the government was right and were wrong the big issue is to protect lives and hes also to make sure our economy doesnt its a known fact i think that if you bought and youre in a low d income job youre more likely to touch this and you more want leach out of all the alex problems so even less we have a focus on the age old the low for the common that will get by the way 8. It will affect the poorest ringback members of the can. Let us take a swing around the globe now to look at some other news making headlines well start in denmark where a convicted killer has been recaptured after breaking out of prison after peter madsen he was serving a life sentence for the murder of swedish journalist kim wall back in 2017 he briefly managed to get out of jail after threatening a guard with what he claimed was a homemade bomb. Antigovernment clashes have broken out into a protesters set fire to barricades and burned in effigy of president Sebastian Pinera at a rally calling for the brick tutorship era constitution to be overturned mondays unrest marked exactly one year since a Police Crackdown in which 30 demonstrators died. To the u. S. Now are devastating wildfires continue to spread through the u. S. State of colorado these are the latest images from Boulder County where dozens of homes have burned down in total more than 430000. 00 acres have been destroyed in the Colorado Wildfires this is been since august making them the worst in the states history. The u. S. General election joe. 2 weeks away and all eyes are on the final debate between donald trump and joe biden it will take place in nashville tennessee on thursday and after the chaotic 1st round the moderators have introduced a mute button to prevent interruptions it is shaping up to be one of the most ill tempered votes in u. S. History Trump Supporters have held rallies in major cities this one calling for a boycott of china and there have been much larger gatherings across america denouncing the president himself with more on the build up to the election heres our tease him up in. Nov 3rd election day in america is edging ever closer some are not just nervous about the results but nervous about the real potential for violence in the streets over the course of the past few months amid the pandemic tensions have been at boiling point and at some point even boiling over violence has taken place at political rallies. Last weekend it was boston that was the site of scuffles between Trump Supporters and left wing activists videos like this are becoming more and more common across america but. The country is becoming more and more polarized you have this witches brew that really hasnt happened in americas history and defeat has its been decades if not centuries right wing militias and are both heavily armed and both walking the streets freely in american cities. Our. Gun sales a record high now the year isnt even over yet but already the f. B. I. Has announced that 2020 is the record year for the number of f. B. I. Background checks for gun purchases tensions are being ratchet. It up by both candidates were both suggesting that the other guy is rigging the vote single greatest concern this president trying to steal this election its democrats theyre going to theyre trying to rig this election. Well the elections have a quick result that is accepted by everyone or will it be contested with both candidates having supporters that are armed and ready for battle things could explode very quickly. Artsy new york. One is at the top of the hour but have with us this are 2 national. Secrets prisons are not usually what comes to mind when thinking about europe however he even the most prosperous can be deceived weve been busy roads on the way to view houses were allowed to leave prison was located only cia people had access to the story from investigators l. Z. Uncovered the darkest dealings of the secret services but i mean. You graded nor in. Hockey seem a bit sore need for. Justice. Seemed wrong why dont we all just dont call. Me. Yet to stamp out disdain become educated and engage with equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. This is a boom bust the one business show you cant afford to miss. Washington coming up the u. S. Is expanding sanctions to ramp up the pressure against the north thing to pipeline between germany and russia we have an expert panel jamming on the d. O. J. Is filing suit against internet giant google will discuss whether or not to be the 1st of many employees for a lawsuit to break up the Worlds Largest tech company we have a lot to get to so lets get. The north stream to saga continues as the United States is stepping up its efforts to block the north stream to pipeline which would provide natural gas from russia to germany u. S. Secretary of state my pump aoe says the u. S. Is creating a coalition of nations to help prevent the pipeline from being completed the pipeline is supposed to provide a major cost benefit to the German Energy market with natural gas being delivered directly without any intermediaries the u. S. Backed by poland baltic nations and ukraine has long been seeking to disrupt the pipeline that will carry russian gas to germany via the baltic sea joining me now to discuss the us coca cola spends juan and former u. K. Member of Parliament George galloway thank you for being with us today ben already the United States has put placed thank sions on this project in fact in december of last year those sanctions forced a Swiss Company to abandon the project what is the u. S. Talking about doing this time. Yes so what the u. S. Is really doing and you know you know im not a fan of sanctions really on any level where i disagree with them pretty much in principle but this to me seems to be maybe the worst example of how sanctions are being used you have 2 countries here good that have agreed germany and russia to have a natural gas pipeline that would deliver

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