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Live direct from our studios in moscow this is R T International im sean thomas certainly. Right now a statement moral service has been held in paris on wednesday night to commemorate a murdered history teacher the french president ial dress the ceremony declaring some will have a silent hero in the face of the republic and the teacher was beheaded by a jihadi extremist last week after showing caricature of the Prophet Muhammad to his class are reports now from the french capital. A solemn ceremony at the paris on wednesday evening with about 400. 00 people in attendance to pay tribute to the slain teacher Samuel Pattie president paid his own tribute saying party had now become the face of the French Republic the face for the fight for freedom. Was murdered for the very reason the human body the value of the French Republic he was killed because islamists want to take our future and. They will not prevail said samuel was a victim of lies and conspiracy theory. Of what we are on friday he became the face of the public and our desire to break down terrorists. To live like a community. Becomes more details have emerged about who had been detained in connection with the attack including 2 minors a 14 and 15 year old who were paid some 300 euros for information to show. Who he was following school on friday now the beheading is left many here. Searching opened up a plan of worms about this concept this french concept of freedom of speech and while they have been many more people saying they are defiant that they will continue theyre also saying that perhaps they should be limits on freedom of speech this comes as the french government to clamp down thats included the closure of the more. For 6 months now we spoke to some of the people at the mosque which is being closed for the sole purpose of preventing terrorism and thats because on its Facebook Page it distributed that insight into hatred toward some your party in the days before his death now many of the people at the mosque said they didnt understand why it was being closed but they felt that there was a war being waged against islam including. One woman 20 years old who didnt want to show her face on camera but really expressed her concern about the current climate after much of them was clearly i think close in the mosque is unjustified it punishes the whole community for the act of a Single Person who does not represent anybody its said that we are again being turnage by this kind of fact its an excuse to make a who in the slum who are against us muslims in general and against mosques even though we never condone such an act it is forbidden in our religion. There is no justification for partition 1300 worshippers because of one person when i was on the mosque has been calm there were no problems there is a church nearby we have never had any problems between us some teachers have of course expressed concern about teaching this civics class in the wake of the beheading of samuel patty but president michel was clear wednesday night that those lessons would continue he said that they would not real back in the face of courtrooms as others will and it comes as french schools are due to receive a new book which contains all of those controversial political and religious cartoons that will be available for students at the schools and as those images to show controversial images of the muslim prophet mohammed were broadcast on buildings in france on wednesday now a draft bill is due to be published in december as to how france is looking to do you with this issue of radical islam and how its going to protect france from foreign influences but of course all of this comes to the late the samuel patty who was beheaded on friday of last week its obviously the mosque is a symbol of. Of the religion by closing that they are you know basically pointing the finger at really. Well its not. As such its islam islam which were looking at this. Chechen who killed some your party he was in touch with. Extremists on social media who are aiding in all of this it appears he also you approached the school boys and outside the school gates and played them to point out. So it was a lot more sophisticated there were actually more people involved and. Thats simply explained by the fact that Police Arrested up to now at the probably a dozen people over there so. I think it was the. This is a far deeper problem at this stage of the investigation i cannot substitute myself or the investigators or even less for the Justice System but of course the result of terrorism is this precisely to push france to blame ensuite condemn injustly. To make trance to condemn unjustly in order to or to set a muslim competitor against the rest of the nation. For this not suit to happen we we must be as severe as we are just in religions do not pose any problem as long as they do not claim to govern the political arena thats the principles of the security of security as im in front. Of you covered 1000. 00 restrictions in britain have seen politicians do battle the mayor of Greater Manchester has lashed out at westminster saying that the lockdown in his region will push people into poverty and after talks on a Financial Aid package collapsed on tuesday. We made a generous and extensive offer to support mentors does business didnt accept this unfortunately given the Public Health situation i must marry proceed with moving Greater Manchester as i say to the very high level no point today will be offered in order to protect the poorest people in our communities through the punishing reality of the winter to come i now look to parliament to be a make a judgement on a Financial Framework for 3 boards really striking about this latest disagreement is the politicised nation of it as seen by. With labor. Im holding out saying that the city with its for the number of cases since its peak in september shouldnt be going into 2 or 3 locked are not at least without some kind of sufficient financial package from the Central Government now initially the mayor had said that his team had to close around 90000000. 00 pounds as part of a package the governments figure was around 60000000. 00 but they just couldnt seem to come to an agreement eventually the government put forward only 22000000 pounds of speaking to some of the locals on the street majority of them backing the position of the mayor and really proud of andy burnham the mayor of manchester for really they were the way the b. B. C. Put it was bending them into government over a barrel and really sticking hard on this one and defending those people because that the economic package they announced just it work keep people alive i do think its very good that hes holding out for Financial Measures because we do need that and it hasnt been done enough. But also there is a point where you cannot hold human lives as a leverage anymore do you think that they should place instead think about giving people the correct by not just more people are going to be able to survive a bit so. You. The government still insisting this part of the country should be going into 2 or 3 lockdown what that means for those especially the lowest paid in the cities well its going to be a long dog when sore head. Starting on friday Greater Manchester will be put in britains top risk bracket for covert classed tier 3 that means a ban on mixing between households guidance against travel in or out of the area and all closure of all pubs we heard from local councillor allan brett who thinks the drastic measures are misguided. Im still not convinced that. It is a solution to the rising rates especially my brother in this time if rates start going to change then obviously the government was right and were wrong the big issue is to protect lives and its also to make sure our economy doesnt its an old fight so i think that if you go out and youre in no the low d income job youre more likely to touch this and youre more likely john although its problems so even less we have a focus on the aged and older. Come and get by the way 8 on it well lets say the poorest members of that can. Swear in europe the 2nd wave of cover 1000 is excel orating belgium france and spain are all on high alert those countries now have case numbers far higher then the peak back in spring putting a huge strain on Health Services in the spanish province of catalonia doctors say that they are down to the bare essentials and protective equipment to drive that point home a group of them stripped down to their underwear in central barcelona several spanish cities are being put under a 2 week. On the poland where the government is adopting some new containment tactics including jim closures but some facilities have found new creative ways to bypass the rules and stay open one Fitness Center in iraq off as rebranded itself as a church of the healthy body meanwhile the National Stadium in warsaw has been turned into a makeshift hospital the polish interior minister explained that move. Commish. We must also think about darkest scenarios if we are not able to stop the pandemic in our country temporary hospitals will be necessary we are opening the 1st Field Hospital here we are ready to open a network of similar hospitals around the country in the near future the measures in poland are relatively mild compared to ireland which has become the 1st you country to return to a full lockdown the measure has just been put into force and will run for 6 weeks but will be reviewed after for mixing between households will be banned and people will be unable to travel more than 5 kilometers from their homes and the irish Prime Minister has acknowledged that the shutdown will cause hardship. I understand and i feel very personally and profoundly the sense of disappointment the feelings of loneliness perhaps even this the despair that this announcement will bring from any if we pull together over the next 6 weeks we would have the opportunity to celebrate christmas in a meaningful way. The u. S. Has formally started the process of taking sudan off its list of state sponsors of terrorism and the impoverished african nation has already transferred hundreds of millions of dollars to washington as part of that deal earlier the 2 countries leaders took to twitter to announce the agreement great needs new government of sudan which is making great progress agreed to pay 335000000. 00 to us tara victims and families once deposited i will lift see down from the state sponsors of terrorism list thank you so much President Trump we very much look forward to your official notification to congress rescinded the designation of sudan as a state sponsor of terrorism which has cost sudan to much. Well currently sudan is one of 4 countries on washingtons terror list the others are iran north korea and syria the nations are unable to receive foreign aid from the u. S. Arms sales are banned plus there are financial and other restrictions sudan was designated a terrorist state back in the 1990 s. After harboring osama bin laden. Ramzi baroud editor of the palestine chronicle believes the upcoming u. S. Election played a big role in this latest move. Of course this is a devastating. Political statement. Then turned out not to be about terrorism if that was ever the subject of the us consulate but it is about money i mean imagine what kind of precedent this is going to send. Just within that region but world right but i really think it was never about money in the 1st place trump is desperate to go back to his supporters and to claim another Foreign Policy victory especially because in 2 days there would be another that would focus largely on Foreign Policy so he needs to go and talk about his achievements and sudan in addition to. Be the leaders of his achievements as far as hes concerned this is really more about us elections than about money percent. Man has been arrested in germany on suspicion of stabbing 2 tourists this month one was killed and the other severely injured incident in dresden has reportedly been linked to islamic terrorism that has peter oliver has more. According to the german media prosecutors are investigating a possible extremist link to an attack that took place on 2 tourists in the city of dresden earlier this month the president Public Prosecutors Office has said that they have a 20 year old Syrian National in custody he was the main suspect in this case and was arrested on tuesday evening. The 20 year old syrian citizen has become the focus of the investigation the accused will appear before the judge of the Dresden District Court later today what we know about the main suspect is being pieced together from information coming from the authorities and also press reports about him as well the 20 year old is said to have been here in germany since 2015 he failed in an application for asylum he had been sentenced to more than 2 years for conspiring to commit a serious violent act and also for recruiting or attempting to recruit people to the Islamic State group its understood the main suspect was only released from a juvenile Detention Center in september of this year now the attack on the 2 tourists took place on the 4th of october 1 of them a 55 year old man late to died in hospital from the wounds he sustained 53 year old man who was accompanying him has now returned to the west of germany where he was visiting from but is still said to be in a serious condition a knife was recovered from the scene where they were attacked and its understood that that was used and in order to trace the main suspect who prosecutors say was arrested on choose day evening. To volunteer in a major corona virus vaccine trial has died in brazil the drug is being developed by the british firm astra zeneca along with Oxford University and insist so far unclear whether the volunteer received the actual drug or a placebo now shares in the Pharma Company have fallen since the news emerged it is not the 1st set back for the astra zeneca vaccine trials were put on hold in september after a volunteer fell sick with a rare spinal disorder this time however trials will continue. Following careful assessment of this case in brazil there have been new concerns about safety of the Clinical Trial and the independent review in addition to the brazilian regulator have recommended that the trial should continue we heard from dr mohamed money or ever ologist to add to britain solenn castor university he believes the death of a volunteer raises serious questions over the astra zeneca candidate vaccine if we do look onto the front runners a vaccine Oxford University also zanuck up our commission vaccine is the one that have received the Major Concerns and terms of pauses in terms of having safety consents and now having any will and here all right but a bit in that phase 3 trial d which is the last a trial i think that is really concerning i dont think them that the real question will come about the person has been vaccinated or was in the police because now i would be determinative for really seeing if the safety is good enough to come to the trial or not but looking really on today and the trial continuation because the brazilian government approved to carry on the trial meaning that probably the person has been in the Political Group but a game the question is that about that the transparency in providing all that information publicly is meant taint a lot because if it doesnt its really hard to interpret what we really is the actual situation on the ground the. U. S. Justice department has filed a lawsuit against google accusing the tech giant of using its financial clout to stifle competitors. How does a legal letter surely he. Is truly are at. Least doing well if exclusionary and why. Well the antitrust Case Highlights the use of an exclusive deals with handset manufacturers to make google the default Search Engine and that allows the tech giant to dominate the market for Online Research advertising political analyst today perkins told us the case has historical parallels i want to compare it to historically through the advent of the widespread use of the telephone in america about 100 years ago when the Company Called american telephone and telegraph owned everything including the manufacturing of the equipment so government let that ride for about 50 years in the prices got too high in the service got too bad and so they filed a lawsuit against a t. N. T. An antitrust suit and it resulted in a t. N. T. Breaking up into Regional Companies and Telephone Service being opened up to competitors and all of that made life much much better for business and for american citizens now we have google which is considerably more complicated than a telephone number one because were not quite sure what theyre doing when you use the Companys Services for free and you cant figure out what they do to make money and what their product is that means the product is you and theyre selling you and your data and we just dont know how certainly it should not be done behind closed doors under cover of darkness by only one company. Google has responded to the lawsuit calling it deeply flawed and harmful to consumers. People use google because they choose to not because theyre forced to or because they cant find alternatives this lawsuit would do nothing to help consumers to the contrary it would artificially prop up lower quality search alternatives raise phone prices and make it harder for people to get the Search Services they want to use what google has done is build themselves centrally a couple of different forms of monopoly is within the marketplace one of them specifically though is with the android operating system which they say not only has google you know dominance in terms of being the largest operating system in the world but defaults that system to create google as the search they also also dominate the Advertising Market for Online Advertising as you know about 80 to 90 percent of all Online Advertising goes through directly through google and so the idea is that google has used an optimized its Search Engine its enjoyed operating system to be able to create market dominance and its not necessarily because the public loves google so much as it is the fact that google has found a way to make themselves really the primary Search Engine online when it comes to a mobile device. The officer in charge of all weapons on a British Nuclear submarine has apparently sunk to new depths thats after allegedly turning up for work after a night on the town it was hard to shuttle edwards dosh he found out this is not the 1st time h. M. S. Vigilant as found itself in choppy waters. Fears over the Nuclear Button and what could happen if it was pushed an era has overshadowed humanity for decades so no one wants the trigger to be in the wrong hands certainly not drunk ones one Lieutenant Commander in charge of Nuclear Missiles on board a British Royal Navy Submarine stationed in the United States was sent home last month after he allegedly arrived intoxicated for duty following a big night out and is far from steady and sober hands were carrying a bag of grilled chicken and to work personally i go for fried on a hangover chicken aside an investigation has been launched where an individuals conduct fall short of the high standards so we expect we wont hesitate to take the appropriate action where we dont comment on the detail there are numerous safety checks and processes to protect the safety and use of weapons the board all submarines while turning up hamet at most jobs is a sockpuppet offense most people arent responsible for missiles and sensors on the u. K. s Nuclear Deterrent vessels and the incident has rallied the twitter brigade who are calling for Nuclear Disarmament this is not reassuring me why not just remove your nukes and Everything Associated with them from scotland that would be more effective and next you dont to do to nation no for a Nuclear Warhead in a populated area is unthinkable let us make that impossible by destroying these weapons whose sole purpose is to vaporize everything and if thats not bad enough in 2017 the submarines reputation took another dive then captain of the vessel was removed from his post after allegations he was having an affair with a female crew member same year different incident 9 british sailors were kicked off the board after testing positive for cocaine and now another scandal has surfaced as a quarter of the crew tested positive for covert 19 after sailors went boozing despite a strict doctor measures so the h. M. S. Vigilance submarine has found itself in deep trouble over the years giving new meaning to the old. Additional sea shanty all of what should we do with a drunken sailor early in the morning shot at would stash the r. T. In london. The care home for disabled people in russia is under scrutiny being accused of forcing women to undergo sterilization residents and family members gave us their accounts of what happened. Ready ready ready ready you the fish supermarket movie thread later if you dont sign it youll be sent to a psychoneurotic a facility either you sign or go to the facilities you. Show up but i believe they did a magical tack and gave me Something Else i dont know what was that i felt bad after they gave me the kill something inside me story to my suffering and scream. If you dont do this santos i cannot get through it i do you still there and get an injunction but to turning into a zombie as a vegetable we are 3 times to realize they should surgery. The challenge we gave them the right to choose they signed their written consent so no one is being forced to do anything it. Was. Just when it was released here which newcomers just arrived and had been assigned to the Magical Church for civilization straight away. And this is for me this ill be back with another look to news and search 33 and a half minutes and start. You know when im going to be out there see i dont think about it at all many roman not new dorp or. I kind of were on the. Course if im not in now i think its higher than our. Members of the africa mafias conways them safe and quick passage to europe but once they. Leave the cult speech. Will not some of them leave your mom and i couldnt you know if this unit were going to doubt it i mean. They sold the. Concorde of the import of it because the persona that it cant even. Be the norm. You were going underground is major nation media arguably tries to ignore the seismic electoral victory of evo morales is socialist party in bolivia the latin American Country overthrown with the backing of washington which holds the largest known reserves of lithium used in all our mobile phone batteries coming up in the show as the royal navy arguably overlooks its links to slavery in celebration of trafalgar day despite calls for more than. Eltons iconic status to be reevaluated we investigate the overseas operations a bill that would appear to give british soldiers Carte Blanche to commit war crimes with labor m. P. Ups on a begum who voted against the bill and against her party and does the global south celebrates the push back of Nature Nature of imperialism in bolivia can the root of all modern resistance from che guevara to pull ropes and to the ira be found in haitian revolutionary leader of the tour we talked to the author of a new biography about the socalled black spot because all of them all coming up in todays going underground the 1st today monks trafalgar day and while Mainstream Media will likely fail to chop the royal navys links to the slave trade britain has been busy immunizing its Security Forces from historic and present war crimes this is the u. K. Record some of the worst coronavirus numbers in the world joining me now is one of the cant stop his labor m. P. s absent a begum m. P. From the london good stitcher see a proper and lime outs who has voted on both these issues thanks so much for coming on i want to get to the overseas operations bill which is going to 3rd reading but ive got to ask you labor keeps calling the main coronavirus testing system in this country serco test and trace when the actual name is any chest test and trace the name the media

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