Overshadow his fathers running for the white house a former associate speaks to. Us president ial debate cusick joe biden. I have firsthand knowledge about this because i directly dealt with the biden family including joe biden. Broadcasting from the russian capital 24 hours a day this is r. T. International my names you know me a pleasure to have your company. Peru has decided not to buy up doses of a potential corona virus vaccine being developed by the british swedish firm astra zeneca lima cited a lack of data from the company after the death of a trial volunteer. In brazil reportedly a 28 year old doctor passed away after taking part in phase 3 trials run by astra zeneca and Oxford University its not known whether he received the actual drug or a placebo or Senior Correspondent takes a closer look. There is always the risk with any vaccine any Clinical Trial that statistical improbability that would point to nor one percent risk that someone dies at someone reportedly was a brazilian doctor he was part of an Oxford University Vaccine Trial Group and is believed to have suffered fatal complications but theyre sure its safe to keep going following careful assessment of this case in brazil there have been no concerns about safety of the Clinical Trial and the independent review in addition to the brazilian regulator have recommended that the trial should continue there is a race on a race for v. Vaccine that works that saves millions of lives and brings in billions of dollars and visits in Clinical Trial things go wrong they have astra zeneca who is vaccine it is has already suspended trials last month after another patient developed a strange illness but the trials must go on clients awaiting brazil for example whose president has said he wants the british vaccine in contrast to his own Health Ministry which wanted 46000000 doses of the chinese vaccine for my government any vaccine before being made available to the population must be scientifically proven by the Health Ministry and certified by the National Health Surveillance Agency the brazilian people will not be guinea pigs for anyone there is no justification for a billionaire financial contribution to a drug that is not even parses testing phase given the above my decision is not to purchase the vaccine but it is remarkable to people look at the same vaccine and see 2 Different Things one sees a lot of votes Political Capital the other person sees a panacea medicine for millions it isnt only orgy it isnt politics and it isnt the electoral process. That saves it is the vaccine we dont want a new government will go to congress and to cool to ensure that the population has access to all vaccines that are efficient and safe health is a big arrested an ideological troll disputes brazil is in an awful situation 150000 coronavirus dead 2nd only to the United States things on pretty that careers and lives the economy and the election all hinge on that vaccine no wonder trump has been flooding pharmaceutical jobs with billions urging them to go fast and faster we have a vaccine thats coming its ready its going to be announced within weeks and its going to be delivered we have operation work speed which is the military is going to distribute the vaccine and just as it brazil theres a divide kassam in opinion people want need a vaccine but they want one that works not one that makes the most money not one that stumbled and struggled through trials and especially not one made to save the president s korea he this is the same fellow told you this is going to end by easter last time the same fellow who told you that dont worry were going to end this by the summer were about to go into a dark winter. I think its going to be a very skeptical American Public about taking a back seat and it should be if the doctors tell us that we should take it ill be the 1st in line to take it absolutely but if Donald Trump Tells us i said to him that weve taken im not taking it it was clear from the get go that there would be a race for a vaccine what we didnt consider was how dirty it would be simple thing a jab to save millions of lives would turn into a bit of a free for all over all region and money name and preach the advantage and reelection lets just hope that efficiency and Public Health also get a little consideration. Of what the report well mark alman to this director of the Crisis Research institute in oxford in the u. K. Gave us his take on the hunt for a vaccine he says there are huge political and business interests at stake. The bigger problem all round is that all creepiest attempts to develop vaccines for such dangerous diseases these are emergency measures being taken so theres obviously going to an element of greater risk anything that can reassure people that everything has been done in the open transparent way is probably the best policy the problem obviously its stems that there are extra christian commercial military sions from competing produces a pax seems now that they dont necessarily want to real information that could be helpful to rival the amazon or erap scene into production is overwhelming poaching thats true this is where we do sit legitimization all this issue its a bit but space race its years ago to get the 1st 2 facts to have a huge boost their standing as a country in terms of what we are it will be who it was partial. To another overhead line stories today front says pressuring social media giants to stamp out extremism online the government has summoned representatives of Facebook Twitter and other firms to explain why socalled cyber islam ism is being allowed to spread on their platforms. Its hard to take stock in the wake of. Beheading social media giants have become. Those who participated in the public lynching of this teacher there are videos that were posted on social networks are in a way responsible for what happened in the days leading up to the mood of the 47 year old teacher videos inciting hatred against him was shared all social media platforms party was also targeted by activists online in a hate campaign that went viral whipping up a storm that frances anti terror Prosecutor Says it was based on lies. It is clear that the teacher was targeted in various ways by social media by these 2 men using a false interpretation of the facts some new party had filed a complaint to the police about the hate campaign but it was not enough to prevent his brutal murder the terrorists who killed him also use twitter to claim responsibility. For. Patty it will mange online for 2 hours now have taken on not fight taking twitter to court accusing the social media giant of not doing enough to tackle hate speech online so what do people here think social media giants doing their bit the things that are being posted inciting hatred are not normal. Should be done to tackle that much more. It is very easy to put all the blame on social media it is an instrument for people to use and its up to a person to decide what is problematic or not. Should block such posts and there should be more people moderating all the content social media joints have also been hauled in front of the government with ministers calling for stricter rules the companies such as Facebook Google twitter and ticktock have been. Asked to come up with colquitt proposals about cyber islam isnt he said to do is islamist ideology spread widely on social networks whole generation of young people i mean rediculus that home alone in their rooms in front of their phones or Computers France has already tried to combat hate speech online with the hour feel a little its now thought aspects of tackling hate speech could also be included in khans new trough bill to fight separatism some argue its nought to morag elation thats needed the problem lies with how its being enforced social media giants have all been criticised for helping extremist groups recruit and radicalize people with high capturing content for some they can no longer be treated as a neutral hosts and dangerous content that can as france has seen recently lead to unspeakable crimes and its now be treated as a priority. R. T. Paris just more on this story we spoke to the french author of a number of a claim books on terrorism who believes its up to the authorities to take action. More should be done from the secret services i mean de france has a in a place called bread it will outside of the big ears or and this is where you you have to really make an effort into identifying the hate speech is. The operations and plays the demands of vengeance on this information traveling on in cyberspace has to be controlled at that level for us i dont think the the social Media Companies can can can do much besides you know. Try and money to allay keywords and values postings that they will take of but it might be too late people download them they recycle them its really complicated has to be done at the ground level. Covert 19 dodgy dealings and bullies in north korea just some of the topics donald trump and joe biden clashed over in the final president ial debate but that was 2 were not the only ones in the spotlight they had all of the events a former associate of bidens son hunter spoke out arties double quarter takes us through the night that was one of the main stars of the debate was definitely the scandalous elephant in the room the topic of hunter biden sketchy overseas business dealings just last week we saw a bombshell report from the New York Post claiming that the emails found on Hunter Bidens laptop proved that his father joe biden had been in the know about these dealing something that the former Vice President has always denied and then just 90 minutes before the debate an x. Business partner of hunter biden tony actually said that joe biden was lying through his teeth about this joe biden say that is never discussed business with hunter. That is false d i have 1st hand knowledge about this because i directly dealt with the biden family while just basically being accused of corruption hes being accused of receiving a lot of money from a Ukrainian Company called but the most important part of this scandal most interesting involves a now bankrupt Chinese Energy company that hunters Business Venture was allegedly collecting millions of dollars from every year now he also said that joe biden was specifically mentioned in these emails as the big guy who was set up to have 10 percent of that Business Venture and thats interesting but its also very interesting that right after the publication of this article and these emails social media giants like facebook and twitter immediately tried to block this information a lot of conservatives have come forward to call this an instance of political bias so naturally trump really tried to bring this to drive this point home and during the debates the email so horrible evils of the kind of money that you were raking in you and your family and joe you will Vice President when some of this was happening and i think you owe an explanation to the American People if i did my job is complete i carried out u. S. Policy not one single solitary thing was not a line not a single thing there are 50 former National Intelligence folks who said that what this shes accusing me of is a russian plan you mean the laptop is now another russia russia russia hoax and you got exactly what does this tell you exactly what is where hes going right up is russia yes i mean i should i want to stay on the issue of radio has to be kidding here we go again with the russia this wasnt the only point of contention throughout the debate though its been a very bitter president ial race between biden and trump and neither could help themselves for more name calling if i thought you did a good job i would have never run anyone whose response to that should not remain as president of United States of america they. He left us a mess which hes saying is a bunch of garbage this is a terrible thing it is in a flow but i think he called me a racist even a response if he isnt a phobic come on joe you could do better you said i tape i did show the tape put it on your website i put it on it on the website the fact of the matter is youre lying youre all talk and no action give me a break now as for where we are right now in the president ial elections as of the beginning of the debates already more than 46000000 americans had cast their ballots and both campaigns have already said that biden is actually has an advantage right now in terms of the popular vote but last time this didnt actually win the democrats the election so we will have to see how it pans out. Well investigative journalist Rick Stirling told us the final debate shied away from that most crucial issues facing the u. S. But you know if we look at the debates overall i mean there were only 2 debates and there was almost nothing on Foreign Policy there was nothing on issues of substance the u. S. Occupations of brought the out of control military budget that the deficit this year is projected to be through 3 trillion dollars thats 9000000000 dollars a day none of these issues are being are being addressed the the infrastructure that promised he was going to build by by reducing the wars abroad those things havent happened on the other side weve got joe biden who is a proven member of the establishment so so were in a were in a bad place there are no good choices from my perspective. On the program millions of jobs are already being replaced by a robot son and something faster than you might think capek out our future coming up in a moment. Is your media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe from. Thyssen nation full community. Are you going the right way or are you being led somewhere. Direct. What is true whats his face. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. For a mate in the shallowness. Join me every thursday on the alex simon show and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business im show business ill see you then. Just approaching 1000 minutes into the Program Welcome back russia like most of europe is seeing a surge in covert 19 cases the caseload saw a new dealing telly recorded this week to stem the tide new restrictions been introduced here in moscow ortiz among culture of went oh its all about to see whats changed. Russia is bracing for a 2nd coronavirus wave as french coleridge numbers continue breaking records across the country and in moscow while stopping short of introducing a lockdown measures the Mayors Office has announced new rules and guidelines in an effort to keep people safe and keep the economy going. First of all employers are now required to send 30 percent of their force to work from home and they must report who works for mostly and who doesnt students in middle and high schools have switched to Distance Learning and everyone Must Wear Masks and gloves in all Public Places like shops and public transport and those who dont follow the antique code measures will be fined. Millions of people use the moscow subway every day and with several stations added each year that number continues to grow metro authorities are doing all they can to ensure the safety of passengers from coronavirus everyone using the system is required to wear protective gear at all times and that rule is being various quickly enforced each subway car is disinfected once it reaches the depot now and you are trains have a built in ultraviolet dickinson the nation system so all it needs are a pair of good hands and some good chemicals as well. The Entertainment Industry was one of the most affected during the pandemic following at su months logged out imposed by the moscow authorities earlier this year many restaurants and bars either went out of business or closed down for renovations well of the situation is where the shutdown is now over but colvin numbers are once again on the rise this time the thory it sees have decided on a softer approach focusing on Contact Tracing while keeping this kind of business running now lets see exactly how it works when we walk into this bar. Presenter. Thats it i am now checked in and im ready to go and listen to some music and to party just a little bit. Yes like give it a try to skate see some for the 1st time it wasnt so bad because its going to open the door and teen was tough for us were really happy this time they found another way we were afraid of being closed again. The musicians to remind our customers to keep where you mosques and maintain social distancing. We try to explain to our visitors if you want us to stay open and if you love us just follow the rules of course they go along with it. The revolution is wiping our jobs of a faster rate than ever according to a new report by the World Economic forum machines will carry out half of all human jobs within 5 years the pung demick has only accelerating the trend it is estimated that also mation will leave 85000000 people out of work by 2025 worldwide although 97000000 year olds are predicted to emerge the forums managing director says firms will have to cry. Theater. If this continues for too much longer theres going to be a big structural change there some of those companies will not be able to last through to the end of this recession and therefore were looking at more permanent job losses why as the number of guest earlier whether the forecast is all doom and gloom. The prediction is 85000000 job losses its a number is staggering just to get your head around 1st of all if thats true how devastating is it going to be for peoples livelihoods its going to be very devastating you know i was a union lawyer for 26 years and ive seen job losses before mass job losses but nothing on the scale that is going to have to be part of the future if companies decide to dispense with human labor which is something i dont want to see of course people are going to fall into 3 real groups theres going to be a i just the same with any massive job those that get it we just need to keep out of that why and let them go forward and create a lot of the wealth and create a lot of the new jobs that are going to be out those that could get other people that could be retrained and we need to focus the skills and the retraining on how best we can require these people for the new reality and for the final group will never get it we need to provide some sort of support and we are not good in creating out on him with reasoning machine that are able to replace you all month poorly human and if you can imagine some of the decision that robots can take are very very basic yes they can work in one of our control maybe yes they can working. Sector where there is a repetitive task they would not for complex so aware of we need their explorer human cognition it said in the article that 97000000. 00 jobs will be created by this robot revolution theyre talking about the likes of care a big data Green Economy to name a few its not overly optimistic there was a huge number but im optimistic that there would be still jobs for your money so robots will not replace the human anytime soon indeed there would be jobs more jobs created for horrible words but there would be also dropped more jobs created for the human scene now monitoring and supervising these reports of the really high skilled people at the top of the pyramid again took the salt what. Well they do that will be a layer of the ball so who do repairs to tall so they could be replaced but thats not the enormous group who arent necessarily highly hate but do very hands on work when talking about nurses were talking about care because were talking about ball so were talking about weights those people wont be replaced say new ford undies this robotic revolution. Those whove lost their work will stay out of work and those whove been thrown into poverty will will stay in poverty i fear we need to prepare a bike and making sure. That those who are going to be unemployed do have a basic income new jobs are open up by this new technological jobs we need to begin training people for those shops well if you happen to be in the mood to go dig a little deeper into that or indeed any of this hour stories id recommend r t v dot com thats a good place to start tons of content always being uploaded their news and views alike by far. Let in the brave. My favorite for a bit and youre absolutely wrong its we have a part of the brain right here in the middle thats on the right side very far with assimilated and even Healthy People one who through folks who sold out of body experience. A lot of people talking about is this the beginning of china as the worlds superpower but theyre not thinking about another end of an era in that would be just some troll banks. Seemed wrong. When old rules just dont hold. Any new world yet to shape out these days become educated and engage with equal betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. You know when im going to be out there so i dont think about it i dont mean i dont mean not new dorp or. Kind of but on the basic course if im not big now i think its harder than i. Have to come i feel as safe and. To you it up but once they. Leave. They count speech util. Some of them the be a mom and i couldnt you know if this unit can get it out of me in. The soul of the. Lady its all going call out of the united. Because the persona that a kid even. Greetings and sell you tell you. You know what the last president ial debate now finally upon us in the 2020 president ial campaign is entering the final stretch it has become clear that there is one topic one topic that neither us President Donald Trump or his challenger former Vice President joe biden wants to touch with a 19 and a half foot pole and that my friends is the u. S. War machine most specifically the longest running war in u. S. History afghanistan you see well Foreign Policy in general has been largely ignored on the campaign trail save for the electorate of you know both sides hating on. Spinning paranoid fantasies of evil foreign nations interfering in our elections are the republicans you know theyre screaming about iran and the democrats as usual are screaming about russia its the crickets surrounding our almost 20 year long war in afghanistan that is truly beyond the pale especially when the stars and stripes is now reporting that years after they fought in afghanistan u. S. Troops are now watching as their children deploy to the same war yes my friends afghanistan is not only the war that never ends and it goes on and on my friends it is now become generational multigenerational were fighting there has been passed down bother to son

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