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Theyre just gone 6 oclock in the evening here in the russian capital youre watching international now as anger france does intensify in muslim countries over its recent defense of the right to mock religion this is typical magazine Charlie Hebdo has added fuel to the fire its now published a caricature of the turkish president who has been one of the fiercest critics of pariss stance on the issue ankara branded the front cover a disgusting move prosecutors said that they have launched a criminal probe. Well drew i love i didnt look at the caricature because i find it humiliating to give credit to those kinds of dishonorable bob occasions even if its just to see what theyre doing what am i and there is no need for me to say anything about these disreputable people who insult my dear brushwood the dearest of the years. Protests over the french stance on prophet mohammed cartoons are spreading in muslim countries join the angry chorus with the president saying freedom of expression must stop when it offends one and a half 1000000000 people the west though does stand with paris the British Foreign secretary urging nato allies to support the values of free speech with more has shown it to be. There surely abdo the satirical magazine has published this front page which is marking the turkish president he seen here in a caricature in his underwear holding what seems to be a can of beer and lifting up the skirt to show the bottom of a woman and its got the comments to the profit well of course tookie is incensed by this caricature on the front page its described it as being utterly despicable and it is of course taking those actions it has also blamed president matt corn for this saying that this comes as a result of his anti muslim or toric the aim of these publications devoid of morality and decency is to sow seeds of hatred and animosity turning freedom of expression into hostility towards religion and belief can only be the product of a sick mentality where there seems to be surely a response to those comments by president one over the last few days to boycott french products and also to the comments he made about president himself which he said twice over the weekend that he needed his Mental Health exam and now there have been protests across many muslim majority countries in the world against president back on and against. France with effigies being burnt off the french president and of course these calls for boycotts elsewhere are french products and this all comes in the wake of president mack on defending the right in france to publish cartoons of the muslim prophet mohammed and he used those cartoons as a device in school to discuss freedom of speech. Her. Ability. To accurately partner her. Over its too has been angered by that reaction those protests and those calls for boycotts and its issued a warning to its citizens who live or traveling in muslim majority countries saying that they need to be vigilant because of this rising anti french sentiment and its stepping up its own efforts against turkey calling on its european allies to make waves france is united new youre a busy united at the next European Council europe will have to take decisions that will allow it to bolster the power balance with turkey to bear to defend its interests and European Values or france and turkey have had a very difficult relationship over the last 3 years theyre both nato allies but theyve come down on opposing sides on a number of massive worldwide issues including libya syria the gas and oil rights in the Eastern Mediterranean but it seems that this particular problem this issue over the publication of those controversial cartoons seems to be the biggie and its the one that seems to be pushing that relationship to breaking point shelob insecure wall are the people we spoke to in paris werent against the new cartoon although were cautious about the reaction it might provoke. Well the solution here in these times of crisis and of the international attacks on frogs i find it important to reaffirm the values of which we are firmly established in france the caricature is the 1st of these top of the gun murder one this man is at war on 5 fronts armenia syria libya everywhere this guy is dangerous hes extremely dangerous hes sinking the economy the turkish lira is in freefall so obviously he diverts the attention of his people to the outside its a classic move but this guy is an autocratic dangerous type to be fought by all means a spokesman for islamists not muslims but islamists hes part of the Muslim Brotherhood and should not be forgotten. In other news tonight americas streets have again erupted into rage just days before the u. S. Election is racial tensions exploded this time in philadelphia the city was hit by a 2nd night of violent unrest following the Police Killing of a black man on monday a protest that followed soon descended into rioting and looting things turned violent after 27 year old daughter wallace was shot dead by police after running at officers with a knife or has suffered from Mental Health issues and had already had multiple run ins with the law the National Guard has now been deployed in the region clashes have left dozens of officers injured and a number of arrests. I think. I was was it. Was was was we are outside the 18th precinct here this is the closest Police Station to where Walter Wallace was killed protesters literally moments ago just clash with police they are going out. In their faces yelling no justice no peace and also profanity in this house stemming from a suiting of a black man in broad daylight around 4 pm monday afternoon now weve seen across the city looting has happened as far as a mile and a half all the way to 5 miles away from the city i talked to Business Owners earlier today who say that they saw this months ago during the george floyd protest however they never imagined this in their city one business even saying that they lost a total of 500000. 00 in damages so again businesses really rallying together trying to even hire their own security guards knowing that when the police get called to go somewhere else whos going to be there to save them now again this also i mean from the shooting of Walter Wallace you have the mayor and the Police Commissioner now saying that they want to meet with the Wallace Family and the Police Headquarters actually releasing a statement saying that theyre asking everyone to be patient as they investigate this situation and also asking for those to have any other thoughts and prayers with Walter Wallace and his family profile right now reporting in West Philadelphia aaron fronsac r. T. While the worlds protest group in new york to you a car drive through a line of Police Reportedly injuring one the unrest spiral into may have missed demonstrators vandalized police cars banks and started fires civil rights lawyer to a burning see multigenerational issue with Police Violence in the u. S. Has finally gotten time for. Year after year decade after decade there are cries for help cries for change demands that policy be changed that communities and nothing happens it spills over into an event such as this ferguson didnt happen in one day and with one killing for the great did not happen in one day it will end with one killing so really this is not about this one individual but about a broken system and the number of people as this or spirits is experienced this themselves and now quietly. This is a boiling point in the summer of racial reckoning in america where finally we have to address these into one of the systemic issues that people find demanding change for so nobody condones writing no if you dont moving but its almost as if you consider what happened to a bring the furred and at the end he said it loads so i think what we have to Start Talking about is what are going to be the legislative solution for change the these issues Going Forward who will handle this as a systemic issue president obama didnt do so present from has done so president clinton president bush did not do so going back to him and hell no one has done anything to address these on systemic level so how can we change policing how can we change the relationship between communities and between the those who work for protect and serve them how can we best in short dollars so the communities do not simply feel unheard and represented by their elected officials so these are multifaceted multigenerational issues that are now boiling d over boil over it will get peoples attention but people in the Pay Attention to the pot boiling that. Europe once again finds itself as a major coronavirus hotspot at the moment with infections across the continent this time people are being cited compliant when it comes to the measures designed to slow the spread. Several cities in italy for example have seen protests erupt over the new stritch and such as a the night curfews and there have been similar pictures too in spain with people making a stand against the state of emergency that has been imposed nationwide i mean while in russia where infections are spiking to the country his apply to the World Health Organization for an emergency license for its jab although advanced stage 3 trials of sputnik very are still under way if russia does get approval it would mean faster availability of the shelter around the world where although theres been skepticism about the vaccine and made claims corners have been cut to rush it into production russia says it is still confident in the drug but it can stand as more details well this is the 1st application filed will do with the World Health Organization about a vaccine so a vaccine and the russians are pretty confident you know its now up to the World Health Organization to run this vaccine sputnik the through through the gauntlet tested for efficacy test it for quality for safety but as i say the russians are pretty confident this wasnt a vaccine that was built from from the ground up so its a mass trials are already underway Prominent Russian officials as well as medics journalists have already had their job thousands of people involved in these trials but as i say this this wasnt a vaccine that was developed from the ground up it was based on an existing vaccine platform that was merely adapted updated. So this is one of the reasons why theyre confident that this is safe that this is going to work nevertheless obviously you have to test it you to meet criteria and it is now up to the World Health Organization. We have submitted an application for emergency use listing and prequalification of the vaccine by the World Health Organization which would allow sputnik we to be included in the list of medical products that meet the leading quality safety and efficacy standards we express our gratitude to the World Health Organization for its active cooperation and look forward to the successful completion of the prequalification process at all major stages look the 2nd wave is well and truly here it is proving exceptionally damaging exceptionally painful view records being set all over the world in russia on tuesday a new record in daily deaths from. 30350 people also killed yesterday so you know the situation is it is desperate all of these restrictions at kemah coming back into force in russia they arent quite as draconian as they were back here in the spring but now were seeing you know mandatory mosques everywhere no public spaces no all public transport quarantines isolations. Theres all manner of restrictions its obviously of the view that the race is on the race continues and it isnt just the russian vaccine that is being fast tracked it is vaccines from all over the world in this in this race to be covert before it does irreversible damage still ahead to the race the white house is edging closer to the checkered flag and while both candidates to present themselves as polar opposites it seems when it comes to Foreign Policy they could well be much closer than you would think well have a look at the details after the break. Dealing with a global pandemic. Viral type infecting people busy causing chaos and mayhem but thats small compared to the mind virus. National now as part of its maximum Pressure Campaign against around the trumpet ministration has imposed sweeping new sanctions on the country the measures target Companies Washington claims fund the Iranian Revolutionary guard but the 1000000 for also provides a stern response from. The u. S. Must be ready to respond to the damages its inflicted on the iranian people during the withdrawal period as it returns to the j c p o n e agreements and of course prepared to make other commitments about not repeating such violations many here the sanctions is an attempt by the trumpet ministration to scupper any chance of a new deal with iran should there be a change of President Biden has pledged to rejoin the Iran Nuclear Agreement he does say to he will maintain restrictions over irans alleged human rights abuses and support of terror groups looks now at how the candidates foreign policies actually might have though or in common than you would think. The Trump Administration has imposed sanctions like mad country after country that has earned washingtons ire has been hit with banking isolation trade restrictions and other acts that amount to basically Economic Warfare no president in all of us history has imposed as many economic sanctions as u. S. President donald trump now will this change under joe biden lets examine it from a case by case basis. Will iran get sanctions relief with joe in the white house he says no we will continue to use targeted sanctions against irans human rights abuses its support for terrorism and Ballistic Missile program. Trumps trade war with china is his crowning achievement but by he has no intention of undoing it in fact his rhetoric 6 on the issue is about the same as trumps we need to get tough which. Is china has its way its going to keep its going to keep moving and robin u. S. Firms for Technology Intellectual Property and for she American Companies to give away give it away in order to do business in china we are now make it it clear to china. That after years of targeting our industries and stealing our intellectual property the theft of american jobs and wealth. Has come to an end when it comes to trade wars bidens hands could be tied theres so much anti china rhetoric he couldnt just lift the tariffs different sauce but the same general position i will use tariffs when they are needed but the difference between me and trump is that i will have a strategy a plan to use those tariffs to win not just a fake toughness were taken in right now hundreds of billions of dollars were taking in billions of dollars of tariffs what weve done thus far with china weve never take it in 0. 10 until i get elected now we take it in billions and billions. Another hotspot venezuela where donald trump and joe biden take identical positions they both support one grade o. The unelected selfproclaimed president of venezuela and they want to go out biden once more sanctions on venezuela not less the us should push for stronger multilateral sanctions so that supporters of the regime cannot live studies show or hide their assets in the United States europe or latin america. Then there is washingtons biggest ally in europe they are not happy with Donald Trumps stance on nato and germany is not particularly pleased with the white houses efforts to kill the nord stream to pipeline either with tensions rising the German Foreign minister says that not much will really change in that department under a new administration those in europe who are now betting everything on a change in the white house should be prepared for the fact that even in that case it will not be as comfortable as it once was u. S. Foreign and Security Policy has changed and not just since strong became president if you scour recent history its pretty hard to find an example of sanctions actually working but lack of results does not seem to be a factor biden seems like he will be just as committed to these policies as donald trump up and r. T. New york. Trying to appeal to young voters can lead to some cringe worthy moments for politicians as democrats running make monetarist recently found out during a full promotion. Everybody got their inner planets not just some higher local mentor the local. Level it took your powerful and part of the power to have especially adolescent is your world. Im good cause i want you to take a look at my nails ill be looking. Much like the girl you know. Now you know what its ok. To have a plan for africanamericans were not dealing with your average joe i feed away looking right now you know exactly where im going with the complaint years we had when we made the most of what we finally got somebody that could be an. Owner. Of the world. Capital hes water cannon to break up and demonstration by cyclists the protests have been called. Over a sharp hike in metro fares of over government declined down on that issue however demonstrators are still angry about rising living costs Pension Reforms and alleged abuse of power by police in california more than 100000 people have been forced to flee their homes there amid wildfires burning out of control in the region especially as helicopters have been battling the blazes at least 2 firefighters have been injured and are in a Critical Condition and a massive typhoon slammed into vietnam leaving at least 2 people dead 2 fishing boats with 26 crew on board are also sunk more than half a 1000000 people fled the area ahead of the typhoons arrival it is believed to be the strongest storm in vietnam in 20 years and does come as the country is still recovering from severe flooding which killed more than 130. 00 people this. So those are the stories making headlines so far today here in r. T. Were back again with more feet in about half an. Hi max kaiser one more of my guide to financial survival this is its a device used by professional scallywags to earn money. Thats right these has flaws are simply not accountable and were just adding more and more to them. To stabilize the Global Economy you need to protect yourself and get informed. Seemed wrong. When old rules just dont hold. Any belief yet to shape out this day comes to educate and in. Equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. Hello and welcome to cross talk where all things are considered im Peter Lavelle nominally speaking the role of the media is to inform the public this mission is now on hold large parts of the media landscape particularly big tag actively intervene to determine what the public can know and from whom has controlled speech replaced freedom of speach. Discuss the media and more im joined by my guest in Los Angeles Kim iverson she is the host of the kim iverson show and in nashville we cross to roger simon hes an Award Winning novelist and Academy Award nominated screenwriter who is now the senior political analyst for the big times all right cross talk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i always appreciate the oh ok lets go to los angeles they always go to the guess they got a earliest for this recording and the sheet it came you know something ive noticed and thats happening over a number of years but equally well since the advent of the Trump Presidency were of facts going in journalism they seem to have got the operator and or maybe im missing something here because we dont have fact based journalism i understand the difference between back based journalism an opinion journalism and both are acceptable but fact based journalism seems to been suspended lets put it that way go ahead yeah i mean its really difficult to figure out where we can find the actual fact based journalism these days and you know its really interesting to me that so much of the journalists that are out there right now are the news organizations are in the Entertainment News organizations are so against and so obviously biased again for byte and you know one of the interesting things about that is that they make so much money off of the trump and ministration being in the white house and so its interesting that they blatantly they overlook facts or they dont even they dont report on them they dont give the full story and its all its just head scratching to me that they would be this way when it seems beneficial for them actually that trump is in the white house yet you know roger is going to be something called the trump hangover in media if he loses on the 3rd because theyre going to just they will miss him dearly theyre going to miss him for his spot for their bottom line do you think i mean people that have tuned in to find out what joe biden had to say go ahead ron. I think youre actually right to be a Financial Sense to. The fact is kind of funny to think about it because if theyre fools they should now suddenly back up by you know 8 days before the election and try to get trouble likely to get through their own benefit of course theyll never do it but if. We think youve got youre in trouble who is actually and so to be is im someone who woke up one morning and had 15000 twitter followers a duck interim iraqi. I dont know could i complain i did oh like i thought about it for about a minute and a half and i said. First of all you feel like he it oh the loss of all these 2 new followers is if there are ahead if it works the as it did it is when you can play to twitter. Even a little bit with revenge but thats the point here you know kim why should a woman what universe are we living in were facebook and twitter to determine what newsweek can consume and where we can consume it here i dont know i mean im not a shareholder in these companies i i dont know of anybody elected them where they elected to anything except maybe boards from the shareholders i mean this is an unconscionable situation in an unprecedented one why should these private individuals be able to determine the the media landscape and and were basically as citizens we we were told were given the right to determine our political destiny but were not were being interrupted were being punished go ahead jim yeah i mean these are these media giants these tech giants are social media they are controlling the narrative and one thing that we really need to Pay Attention to is that yes they are private and yes they have the right to do it i suppose because they are private companies and people always point that out but they are being pressured by congress we have to remember that since 2016 and since russia gate and the democrats just blaming everything on russia russia russia that they went after the social Media Companies and saying you are to blame for russia and so they went after them they pressured them and a lot of this censorship thats going on with the big Media Companies social Media Companies is actually directly coming from congress and that is something that i think people shouldnt overlook that where does that fall when it comes to infringing on our freedoms and frank you know infringing on that 1st amendment with that government pressure it seems to me that that is an absolute infringement you know because roger the way things are going the people you know the power is

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