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If. This is boom bust the one business show you care its afford to miss branch of war in washington coming up markets in the United States and around the world continue to slump as a global coven 1000 cases are surging straight ahead as we bring you up to speed on the scary week for equities and where we stand with global cases and this homes as the eurozone has reported a bump in Economic Activity but the spike in cases could threaten that growth later on we dig into the numbers and what toll new lock downs could have with a packed show today so lets dive right in. We believe the program with Global Markets is concerned over the latest wave of covert 19 related lock downs in europe and the upcoming president ial election in the United States are creating an uptick in volatility this week selloff was one of the worst since march when coronavirus figures set in throughout the globe so lets go ahead and take a look and see where markets ended up on the week starting in russia mo x. Is down for the week the index reported 3rd Quarter Results with record fee income from the money market and depository and Settlement Services the f. And c. Income came in at an all time high for the 3rd quarter in a row but the global selloff still took a toll on the market moving to asia the shanghai composite is in the red for the week mostly dragged down after apple suppliers in asia fell on friday with that a nearly 1. 5 percent decline food and beverage firms followed slower Profit Growth in the 3rd quarter and the blue chips c. S. I. 300. 00 index and did 1. 6 percent lower in hong kong the hung it is also in the red this week reaching its lowest level since october 20th following u. S. Equities now one positive h. S. B. C. Shares soared nearly 5 percent earlier this week as it reported a higher than expected 3rd quarter pretax profit in japan the nikkei its also in the red posting its biggest weekly loss in 3 months mixed earnings rising coronavirus cases and uncertainty over the u. S. President ial election weighed heavily on sentiment moving to india the sensex its also down this week the index was dragged by losses in banks fast moving consumer goods and autos amid the selloff in Global Markets the nifty was also lower due to falling bank and financial stocks in australia its following similar trends in the red with its worst week since april wiping out those early october gains on the other hand am peace shares soared nearly 20 percent after the firm announced friday it received. A conditional takeover offer from areas management in south africa we see another red arrow for the all share on that global sell off miners and banks really drag down this index now were going to move to europe and the americas were basically seeing the same trends youre not going to see a green arrow this week in london the footsie it plummeted this week to its lowest level since april this despite the euro zone beating expectations for its 3rd quarter g. D. P. Expansion to 12. 7 percent something were going to discuss later in the Program European leaders kind of play one month lockdowns on rising covert 19 numbers so thats something were going to keep an eye on as well the german dax and the french both finished in the red the European Central bank hinted that further stimulus while leaving rates unchanged even on that positive g. D. P. Data the indices remained flat as investors are buying the president ial election here in the United States and brazil the ebo best but its also in the red this week down more than 5 percent 5 percent to excuse me concerns over the global coronavirus numbers remain high the biggest losers this week and all year have been airlines and tourism sectors in brazil in mexico the b. M. V. Following same trends it is in the red this week despite 3rd Quarter Results that showed a 12 percent g. D. P. Increase over 1000 lockdowns in europe and that president ial election there just weighing down sentiment pretty much worldwide moving here to the United States all 3 major indices the dow the s. And p. And the nasdaq they are down this week the dow had one of its worst week since march on a sharp twitter and apple shares sell off at the end of the week despite better than expected 3rd quarter g. D. P. Results investors are concerned about record spikes in covert 1000 cases as were just days from those president ial elections finally in canada the t. S. A. It is also down despite some gains on thursdays futures slid on friday ahead of worse than expected Economic Growth Materials Energy technology and financials all led the losses in canada and as we track. Those Record Numbers of new coping 1000 cases and the president ial election early next week we will be following Global Market reaction and that is your Global Market walk. And for more on this terrible week in equities lets bring in boom bust cohost christy i to break it all down christy now we had pretty decent tech earnings wednesday but that failed thursday for that matter but that failed to impress the market as all of them are trading lower friday whats going on kristie. So we have a mark on that yesterday saying that the market is showing some signs of a tape here that has good earnings but they arent getting bought and they getting sold so we saw this kind of last quarter to indicate that there is a lack of appetite in the market and a lot of confidence in this rally so we had shares of Twitter Facebook amazon and apple trading lower friday to. Apple shares theyre getting punished by beating wall to expectations as a didnt offer any for q guidance and report it 20 percent year over year decline and sales and was on the other hand they try to piece a message with them but a guided for the 4th quarter which is basically better than nothing i guess so it went wide giving a range between 112000000000 to 121000000000 for sales but analysts arent buying that trick as thats also getting so guidance and forecast they remain challenging for management not wanting to sound too downbeat facebook also shed about 2 percent as that warned of a tougher 2021 an alphabet that remained the only only bright spot but that pop is getting faded quickly too and now it was 84 percent of the at the p. 500. 00 companies theyve beaten estimates for arnies now overall profit is expected to tumble about 13. 4 percent from a year ago so short term Risk Appetite that firmly in the negative territory now kristie amid this week that is the worst since the march selloff the vix fear gauge is actually spiking again friday not near where we were nearly as high as we were back in march what does this tell us about her market sentiment. So its getting really close to a critical level now so today is only true under the 3rd time that the vix has closed over 0. 40 and next launched back in 1990 so it starts getting really dicey is a 44 mark which is 3 standard deviations away from a were getting really close to it now so we always say that ask president does not indicate future performance we can however take you take away from the past so history has shown that 94 percent of the our nations act in 1990 when the vix closed above 44 that just occurred 2 times in history in the 2002009 the 2020 period so when the vix 1st close over 404044 back in 2008 that resulted in a drawdown in the s. And p. That didnt recover for about 18 months and so now were potentially looking at the same set up at the u. S. Elections next week so theres a real lack of clarity about how this well economy is doing especially if the outlook is changing by the day we have more potential lock downs coming little to no growth in g. D. P. For 4 q and not much in terms of labor Market Recovery either so while more fiscal stimulus will surely come and we will see the market rally off again for now in the near term at least the vix is signaling for some massive uncertainty and volatility there kristie i mean does this continue into next week as we look at that president ial election do we see that selloff continue monday and tuesday while we await the vote and then maybe miraculously everything calms down on wednesday or does it could be or do we just everything kind of goes back to normal on monday. Well Current Events and next right now we are looking at more volatility going into the elections and potentially even after because there are a lot of analysts estimates are predicting that this is going to be a prolonged election that this is not going to be a cut and dried and on november 3rd and then the market according to whatever we get there is going to be a period of ambiguity and uncertainty because there is a very high probability of a prolonged protracted election. Kristie there was a halt in the algos briefly in the sell off however things kind of picked up at the end of the day losing another 150. 00 points at the end of trading on friday what triggered that halt in the sell off. So by now we know that the algos basically drive the market one way or the other so just after around 11 oclock this morning as stocks were at their morning session lows the fed stepped out to stop the rot announcing that the fed would further use some terms and its Mainstream Lending Program targeting smaller businesses so this stem the bleeding somewhat at the very least stop the dumping this morning the feds announcement today now is just the terms of mainstream lending in 2 important ways to better support Small Businesses so 1st the minimum mon sizes for borrowers that has been reduced from 2525000210 extension 0000 the fees have been adjusted to encourage the provisions of the smaller lots and secondly the board to parma the treasury there clarify that the Paycheck Protection Program loans up to 2000000 may be excluded from burra debt if certain terms and requirements are met so that should also help smaller businesses access main street moans as were getting into 4 q as were getting at were seeing the spikes in coronaviruses again so weve seen this ackerley this year as these new press releases they work to act as a temporary bandaid to stem the market bleeding and basically buy some more time until a substantial package gets done so we will see that happen as we bounced off the session lows as the news that got digest among the traders they all realize that this is kind of a nothing burger nothing really Game Changing so that got quickly sold off as we got to market close you know kristie despite this sell off in equities lock it in for the worst week since march because its actually still heading into the holding pretty steady theres a tire week above 10000. 00 how is that looking right now. Quite is increasingly starting to look like a safety asset and a safe haven as weve been saying its getting more and more support from institutional and mainstream users so we talk about pay pals foray into big point initially that drove this rally but i think the proof is here as we had a very very nasty week in equities land but everything was quite stable and crypto correlation is completely broken at this point so now more and more Public Companies will be turning a big point as an inflation hedge as many already have so following the 425000000. 00 purchased by micro strategy as its treasury observe asset its c. E. O. Michael saylor revealed that he personally owns about another 240000000. 00 in decline and has the best part actually and analysts recently pointed out that micro strategy has earned 78000000. 00 in the last 3. 5 years from their Business Operations but micro study just earned about 100000000 basically the last 2 months im just there between purchases a lot so think about that as a point gets increasingly accepted as a store of value its going to outpace even gold them by us cohost christiane we saw our perk up when we saw how much money could be made with bitcoin thank you so much for that insight today. Thank you. Global call the 19 cases had a huge single day milestone this week reaching half a 1000000 for the 1st time on wednesday daily cases of the virus have risen nearly 25 percent in less than 2 weeks as europe and the americas continue to see this spike so with this in mind lets go ahead and take another look at the trends and spread of the virus globally with our chief correspondent science habit or so i will always try to sort of read the global coronavirus hoyle right now it stands at over 45000000 cases and about 1190000 deaths now are Europe North America and latin america are account for about a 66 percent of global cases and over 76 percent of global death now the u. S. They and they lead the world and number of cases and as we nearly 234000 deaths combined now the u. S. Has also said yet another pandemic record with more is and 90000 cases in a single day on thursday now in fact as quoted i think cases of actually been increasing across the country as the fasces rate since the start of the pandemic bread now take a look at this map right here right now every single state here every single state in the united stats states except how why he has recorded higher cases compared to 7 days ago while 35 other states theyve just recorded a Record Number of new cases in a single day and now heres and now theyre finding numbers while the World Health Organization w. H. O. They advise governments to maintain Positivity Rate or at 5 percent or lower some states like south dakota they have a 49 percent Positivity Rate meaning one out of 2 people who get tested in that state are coming back with a positive test result now deaths there also up a 16 percent compared to last. This week and some of the numbers are just really shocking right now wyoming has a 650 percent spike in coping 1000 deaths think about it 650 percent up new mexico up 78 percent south dakota theyre up 75 percent now taking a look globally whats happening right now here are some of the latest data now india is right now the 2nd worst affected country and theyre reporting about 50000 cases a day now it looks like its going down a little bit but thats just not enough because again theyre reporting over 50000 cases a day but still the good news is their desk rate is still remain some of the lowest specially given their very Large Population now brazil on the other hand they have the 2nd deadliest outbreak is a virus after the u. S. And has reported more than 159000 as now they also have the 3rd highest number of infection as 5500000 next to the u. S. And india and meanwhile on thursday brazilian president abbas and narrow it was been a longtime critic of a nationwide lockdown has said that it was crazy for countries like france and germany to start locking down again to control the virus now russia at the moment has the worlds 4th highest number of cases after the us india and brazil now they have recorded about 27000 cases on thursday while authorities have now made face max mandatory in all places and russia now meanwhile russia continues testing their corn a virus vaccine known as good an agreed and russian president Vladimir Putin announced on thursday that russia was facing challenges increasing their production do problems with a quick then availability but a hope to start mass vaccinations by the end of this year now lastly in the middle east iran is the most effect. Theyve called the 19 country and there were porting one death every 3 minutes so lots going on there brant r t correspondent sites have enjoyed thank you for keeping us up to date. And time now for a quick break but hang here because when we return the euro zone has seen a major rebound in q 3 but is that enough to weather the new spike in coal but 900 cases in the region straight ahead we do the numbers and what they need one of the worlds hardest hit areas as we go to break here are the numbers that. Go in and you may never get. A teenage gang rules here. But. You. Might. As. Well the length of. The monkey. What a wonderful trip this is ben the big dollar 2011. Report we told you the 5 it was going to compete with gold. To take over the world it was in fact perfect money and still is and will for ever more be. Won by the way i dont even know. If the phone. With it and then. Call tom that. Moment of one of. The. 6 6 2 welcome back some good no Economic News for european nations is g. D. P. For the eurozone it surged nearly 13 percent quarter for quarter this comes largely from european nations which saw the largest lockdowns in europe over the summer joining us now to break it all sounded school bus cohost benz one ben thanks for following this story are these numbers surprising considering how much the euro zone dropped in the 2nd quarter of this year yeah i dont think theyre that surprising i mean if you consider exactly what you just said in the 2nd quarter were talking about being down 11. 8 percent for most of the eurozone in the 2nd quarter so to see it come back in the 3rd quarter is not really very surprising as you just said about 13 percent is what it went up no analysts had predicted it would only come back about 9 percent so its positive in that respect its interesting though the countries this is happening in primarily france italy and spain all registered quarterly growth between 16 and 18 percent respectively for those 3 countries so thats pretty significant and thats where a lot of that. Growth came from and out sank into consideration fears of a 2nd wave bearer ports that the east could go all in for a new stimulus package come december what do we know about that yeah thats thats kind of an interesting idea here so you know the last kind of p p p thats what they call their Stimulus Program in the eurozone they came out it did last until the in the view. Of the last into the end of june of 2021 it totals about 1. 00 trillion euros thats about 1510000000. 00 right that theyve already passed the expectation is that stimulus will be around but if there is a 2nd wave of coronavirus and a 2nd wave of lockdowns across europe then the e. C. B. Expects that it will probably push for even more stimulus because the big question here remember brant a few months ago now when we were covering the fight in europe over the stimulus packages right you had countries like germany and france that were demanding them and then you had these countries in the northern part of europe that were resistant to what they were called the frugal 4 and then called the frugal 5 and it was sweden and norway and denmark those countries did not want to see stimulus the 1st time around they were very very hesitant to do it the idea of getting a 2nd round of stimulus at this past i think would be pretty difficult it would at least make for a pretty long fight. Theres further economic pain on the horizon here for European Countries as france and germany and now its new nationwide lockdowns and other governments are considering to do the same so what we put the good news off the top that there was economic expansion we talk about the exact same thing thursday in the United States we saw economic expansion after huge contraction with this translate into bad Economic News say around january when we see those q 4 numbers well thats what it really comes down to it really comes down to what happens over the next 60 days 90 days because if there is a 2nd wave germany and france as you said the 2 really 2 of the biggest economies in all of europe. Are now instituting new lockdown measures its not just a if it is a now happening scenario in those countries and were talking about you know if shutting down businesses once again closing down restaurants you have businesses that have already failed you have some that barely hung on to that expected failed this time around the other thing thats pretty interesting here is that these these increased lockdowns are coming at a time after a statement by the w. H. O. The World Health Organization that essentially says that in the event that weve already seen those lockouts take place as we begin to look at the aftermath of them the w. H. O. Says well that those lockdowns globally may have doubled global poverty thats a huge deal thats a very important deal so when these countries like germany or france are now saying were going to reinstitute lockdowns you have to look at the Economic Cost that goes with that because its not just we see Economic Cost is not just about dollars and cents of its about peoples livelihoods its about the ability of people to be able to take care of their families and this is a global problem so to be interesting to see whether or not germany and france get much pushback germany has already had a lot of protests about their lockdown so far it what are leaders saying in European Countries about these new lock downs that are being instituted and their effect on the economy are we hearing anything from them well i think right now what theyre saying is its a necessary precaution again to protect the public but who is protecting the public from the lockdowns i guess that becomes a serious question here right on the money even saying that in any kind of loose way i think thats a very legitimate question here you know trump likes to say the solution cant be worse than the problem but lets talk about that in terms of economic terms there is a reality here that the lockdowns that weve seen what weve seen in terms of the loss of jobs of businesses the ruin of economy and as the w. H. O. Said the doubling of global poverty is that a result of coronavirus or is that the result of government rules and regulations associated with the coronavirus. If it didnt work over the last few months and were still seeing 2nd waves you have to rethink some of these strategies and the long term effect that they will have on People Living again in europe in the United States in australia in new zealand were seen in a lot of places and we have to look at what is the ultimate cost of these decisions and when we look at the economic expansion obviously like you said if were looking at lockdowns theres a likelihood that were going to see Economic Contraction in the next quarter or so are we going to see it more of a w. Shaped recovery than we are that veer you that they may have been talking about before worldwide yeah i think i think we certainly might have been it really comes down to what are the steps that are taken over the next few months as i said we may absolutely see a recovery looks like its coming back then as it drops again and then the other question becomes this how long does this go on does it last all the way through the winter are we talking about going into the spring and then we start to see a recovery only to have it come back again in the fall of next year does this become a similar and permanent status for world economies to shut down reopen shut down because as you know brant theres no real talk here of coronavirus going away its almost being treated as if its going to become like the seasonal flu where every season we have to deal with it and that is the case how do World Economy survive that at all thats a major question thats looming well with all the discussion about proliferation of a back seat and theyre going to be keeping an eye on that to maybe eradicated or at least slow a heavily boom bust cohost ben swan thanks for breaking it all down for us thanks man. And finally while Video Streaming Services like netflix and hulu thrived at the start of the pandemic music streaming platform suffered as people were forced to work from home and no longer needed tunes to get them through their morning commutes but things are starting to look up as spotify announce it added more subscribers than expected in the 3rd quarter of this year surging past 300000000 total users worldwide double that of its top rival apple music in fact the music streaming giant said thursday all of its regions had fully recovered from the pandemic paint much of this is due to the companys expansion in india and russia which they say was very successful spotify added that global listening hours had eclipse prepaying demick levels with users once again tuning in to music and listening to more pod casts and thats it for this time you can catch a boom bust on the man in the brand new portable t. V. Af which is available on smartphones and tablets through a play and the Apple App Store by searching portable t. V. For the t. V. Can also be downloaded on newer models Samsung Smart t. V. s as well as roku devices or simply check it out at portable t. V. Well see you next time. The world is driven by. Seeing. We here to ask. In the 1920 s. And thirtys several 100 africanamericans moved to the soviet union and many of their descendants still live in russia. Looking at the risk because you know no rush cross the upper stuff gets into the cyclone things on your way. Back home black american suffered from racism and a complete lack of prospects. Of the real deal losing show one by else a store on. So they decided to leave everything behind and start a new life in a country about which they knew almost nothing at all some of the american reared who were too thrilled reviewer you know if you found great crowds. To move a few youre going to go oakland you. Know almost a 100 years later the history is repeating itself my great grandfather george time went to russia. Probable worst time to go anywhere why not me. When i come here. French antiterrorism officers arrest a 2nd man suspected of links to the perpetrator of the knife attack and need that help free that as the investigation 00 in on the close ties to extremists groups and on his family to deny all involvement my son does not do such things he cant even harm a chicken i want the truth we are enormously shocked we are good people we stand against terrorism. Protests while as muslims around the world rage against emanuel microns defender of the right to parody religion and his previous remarks on islam. Also this hour twitter set that sites on our t. V. Flagging one of our u. S. Election reports as potentially just

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