1000 factions. And russia becomes one of the 1st countries to apply to the World Health Organization to register a coded 1000 vaccine for emergency use. Watching the weekly here on r. T. International a recap of the biggest stories from the past 7 days and the days news thanks for joining us this hour. We start in the french city of where a Greek Orthodox priest is in intensive care after being shot outside his church on saturday a gunman fled the scene a suspect was arrested soon after the shooting but has since been released due to lack of evidence so the search for the shooter is still ongoing incident took place as the priest was closing his church the motive for the attack is unclear and the suspects identity has yet to be revealed and investigation into attempted murder has been opened and antiterrorism authorities are cooperating with local police we heard from people who witnessed the shooting. You dont know i live in the area i heard gunshots but at 1st i thought it was firecrackers we didnt take it seriously and then i saw the motorbikes the roadblocks and the police and i realized that it was serious so there was a church here and the priest who is 47 years old was shot but i was just i live nearby i was watching t. V. At home and suddenly i heard Something Like how my blues some big booming noises so it was a might be kids playing outside i decided to figure out what was going on but then i heard someone screaming when i went downstairs i saw the police and realized what was happening but unfortunately this time its only whats going to happen next thats what were now asking that. Saturdays incident came as france was still trying to come to terms the tragedy terror struck on thursday morning in the city of nice when a nice man rampage through a Church Killing 3 people an attack came just 2 weeks after the brutal beheading of a teacher in paris and your hunch on his class caricature of the Prophet Muhammad present among your mccrone describe the attack in nice as islamist terror incident as how it unfolded. Resending. Im sure the siren of the firemen the Police Arrived quickly since really with bikers and everything that followed then they set up a security decision i went down with my scooter and i saw the guy come in take refuge in the cathedral afterwards i had to lot of got shot. Tradin filmmaking the deep do we do know what happened i lost my son and i lost my life and i demanded in mr gay shit about who stands behind the scenes today and i want to know who committed my son my son does not do such things we are enormously show we are good people we stand against terrorism and we denounce what. We know about him is that he is a more room well raised questions and we do not believe that he has suspicious connections and this is what. I was in that church of the time of the attack it was almost 19 yeah i get a call from the police and was told that the terror attack has been committed in the not. Closed down your church they said it all happened so quickly. But in this new tragedy today you see victims of islamofascism repeatedly denounced. The main suspect behind that attack and the u. S. Has been identified as a 21 year old tunisian migrant he was not previously known to french intelligence and here. Lived in europe in september via italy where he claimed to be a refugee however he was served in the expulsion notice and then dropped off the authorities radar 3 others have been arrested in connection with the case with reports on sunday of 2 more suspects having been taken into custody are just didnt see reports from nice. The anti terror prosecutors said on thursday evening that they were still exploring lines in regards to the perpetrator behind the brutal attack in the priscilla behind me not to the silica in the heart of nice with 3 people were brutally murdered i just want to take you through some of the details we know about the victims of this latest terror attack france one was a 60 year old woman who had gone to the church for prayers for the 1st mass of the morning we heard from the anti terror prosecutor that she was almost beheaded by the perpetrator a 2nd was a 55 year old man who also worked as a sex in the church shed been here for 10 years and the 3rd person was a woman she was stabbed she managed to escape from the church to raise the alarm so it was as a result of her heroic actions the police were informed and able to come in apprehend the perpetrator she succumbed to her injuries last words were apparently tell my family that i love them present back on has warned frances once again attack but when he visited nice on thursday he remained defiant that freedom and france would continue to up hold its valleys he knew something before attacked once again it is for our values for our taste of freedom for this possibility on our soil to believe freely and not to give in to any mind of terror i say with great clarity once again today we will not give in 4000 extra security personnel now deployed across france particularly at sites like this church and also at schools and one of the reasons that religious sites are getting the priority when it comes to security is because there was a release earlier this week from a thought but which is a press agency linked to the Terror Network al qaeda which suggested that christian symbols should be attacked people here disbelief shocker. Once again this could hit the heart of the city but there is also anger to. The french demand justice who want these people to be deported to their country ok insecurity there is no safety 3 people are dead what will our mary do build another mosque where people have been coming to the church in laying troop since that attack took place but the reality is that this is a community that is still in complete shock over whats happened we spoke with middle east expert couper shallow who says freedom of speech is being questioned more than ever tensions are mounting every day between the slimy word france in france we have the french government saying that we have the freedom of speech we have the freedom to do any said about anyone we want and on the other side we have the slimy word which says ok you can have the freedom of speech but you do you shouldnt be insulting our prophet so this 2 points of view are opposing each other and these 2 communities dont understand each other if we want to stop the radical islam here in france we should prove and we should show them that france is a neutral country that what we call here. No religion has the right to interfere with the government or the state of affairs in france. Muslims across the world have protested against president microns crackdown on hardline islam tensions have also been heightened by the french satirical magazine charlie latest front cover featuring a cartoon of the turkish president. As the story. Something in france is broken and it is france nowhere else in europe is there this much terror killing and a complete breakdown and Mutual Respect and understanding a year ago and warned against stigmatizing muslims were all one people he said since then something has changed now hes talking about islam of separatism shutting down dozens and dozens of Muslim Charities and organizations and has unveiled a plan to domesticate is lot. Of our citizens of the islamic faith must be protected against the evil of radical islam i say it here because the will of the islamists of its ideologues is precisely to turn a part of our citizens against the republic using their religion and we cannot let that happen macros platen involves forbidding french moms from training overseas restricting foreign funding for religious organizations giving the government control over religious subsidies and you loon you get money if you sign a contract saying you respect french values he even has a name for this new french islam the islam of enlightenment or everyone is challenged about macros little cult and specifically he has cracked out on Muslim Charities and n. G. O. S if the government still goes on to divide us it will create separate groups in society and it is not the solution. To some guilty maybe some people who come in but not everybody people have the right to practice their religion is they want our government to calm the tensions down today we have to be careful of not developing and then to Muslim Hatred it makes no sense and it is dangerous it is incredible how simple cartoons can cause this much bloodshed and hated misunderstanding one side sees these. Its nothing but an insult and a public stunt which is not intended only to insult and offend more than a 1000000000 people the other side including the french government sees it as an expression of free speech. Than any god and free speech is a constitutional right of any french citizen for 14 years charlie has reprinted these cartoons at regular intervals a magazine with a very modest circulation has now found a cash cow for peoples feelings and beliefs for which they themselves have paid a high price. And. Swore never to give up these characters and even if everyone else does only further angry muslims. Needs a Mental Health treatment what else can be said the head of state who does not understand freedom of. The hades in this way to millions of People Living in his country who are members of a different faith muslims are the primary victims of the cult of hatred empowered by colonial regimes and exported by their own clients the recent statements that the leadership level is the dence of the secretion of the holy quran a reflection. Of this increasing islamophobia that is spreading in European Countries we must explain to the western world the value systems differ for different social and religious and ethnic groups in the world backgrounds tough talk has so far completely failed francis that ive seen as an enemy in the muslim world islamophobia boycotts protests and all that as for his little project his plan to essentially domesticate islam in france may be the most add bishes thing macron has undertaken. Thousands of people have rallied in Central London against the governments new coronavirus restrictions. People have held up banners accusing the authorities of tyranny for mistreating the movement of people the protests have been as the british Prime Minister announced a new lockdown for england. Weve got to be humble in the face of nature and in this country alas as across much of europe the virus is spreading even faster than the reasonable worst Case Scenario of our scientific advisors and so now is the time to take action because there is no alternative from thursday until the start of december you must stay at home you may only leave home for specific reasons were not going back to the full scale of march and april the measures that ive outlined the less predictable less restrictive but im afraid from thursday the basic message is the same stay at home protect the n. H. S. And saved lives. The new rules take effect on thursday and will last until the 2nd of december all nonessential shops will close along with Entertainment Venues restaurants and pubs people will be required to work from home where possible our schools colleges and universities will be allowed to stay open after 4 weeks of lockdown the plan is to return england to a system of local targeted restrictions as and where the need arises since the start of the pandemic the u. K. Has been hit with more than a 1000000 coated 1000 cases and over 46000 deaths the highest number in europe and over the past week the u. K. s daily infection rate has exceeded 20000 political commentator Anthony Webber believes the proposed cure may well be worse than the disease. Even before this locked out and whether its funny how how bad the situation was and how much more one took to you we become an hour cycle eat were going to be accommodated more to speed because we government can somehow afford to ignore the months photo which the taxpayer will have to pay for the young people of this film tree will have to pay for in the future but what will they do you are going to see the station while they be easy going to be critics because they are better off for country where the weather is not a chart lets pull. The whole thing these disasters were in government should be. Best saving the health beautifully to people who try to treat even any people out of money for their 1st person in search of our expense they. Still havent the weekly russia becomes one of the 1st countries to apply to the World Health Organization for an emergency license for its but i think the backseat thats among our stories after this short break. Is your media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe from. Tyson nation for community. Are you going the right way or are you being led. Direct. What is truth what is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us on the death. Or a mate in the shallowest. Join me every socially on the all excitement and ill be speaking to us of the world of politics or business im show business ill see you then. Welcome back to the program 2 people have been killed and 5 injured during a night from page on hollowing night in the canadian city of quebec witnesses say the attacker was dressed in a medieval costume and carrying a sword he lashed out at passers by outside the Regional Parliament building a suspect in his mid twentys has been arrested and city police have said theres no indication of a link to terrorist groups and the killer appears to have been acting out of personal motives. Are russian kovan 1000 vaccines sputnik has been distributed to the 1st group of volunteers older than 60 head of the trial so that none of the participants showed any serious side effects after getting the initial dose you know all this week russia was among the 1st countries to apply to the World Health Organization for an emergency license for that vaccine sputnik was developed by the institute in moscow stage 3 trials with 55000 volunteers are still underway if russia gets w. H. O. Approval it will speed up the availability of the job globally and despite skepticism about the vaccine and the west including claims that corners were cut to russia into production says it has confidence in the drug. This comes as russia sees a spike in kobe 1000 infections with over 18000 new cases registered in the last 24 hours and the total number of cases exceeding 1600000 the country remains among the worst hit in the world together with the u. S. India and brazil with kobe tightening its grip both in russia and worldwide r. T. Has heard from a leading evolutionary biologists whos conducted extensive studies into the virus he explains how it mutates and how outbreaks can be dealt with you can get the full interview on our website but for now heres a quick preview. I think its a blessing the crown of arses evolve more slowly than other r. N. A. Viruses but still its a very quick process the virus mutates every 2 weeks but in one specific lineage what is a specific lineage well thus infects mush mush infects pits in pits infix tanya in such a lineage the virus mutates once but at the same time a similar process is taking place across the globe since different viruses acquire different mutations in total we see tens of thousands of mutations but we can already see approximately 20000 mutations. That is 20000. 00 versions of the same corona virus that is believed to have her originated and. We now see that the common ancestor was around in december or january the genomes of all the coronaviruses we are sequencing and studying right now show that they are all descended from one common ancestor which existed back then so it seems to me very unlikely that the virus infected a person before that time. So. There is a widespread belief that the virus does not exist in order to kill the owner but in order to somehow perfectly adapt to it and live quietly inside them. Actually this is not what the virus cares about most we know a huge number of examples one of our success didnt put place for many many is many centuries and did not weaken smallpox for example measles which is fatal in a large proportion of cases if there is no treatment but generally it often happens that the mortality rate does not change at all. So there is no guarantee that covert 19 will somehow become less dangerous. In the near. Future there are no guarantees of that. With just 2 days to go until the us president ial election polls show americans are losing trust in government institutions and regard the countrys response to the pandemic as a National Failure are just killed martin has the details. Whether its donald trump or joe biden whos sworn in on january 21st next year the pillars of u. S. Society will not stop shaking just for that covert 19 may be ravaging the United States but americans think that their government and its institutions could be just as dangerous to the country in an earlier poll when asked to name the greatest disappointments the u. S. Congress and the us president came up top that might be because on capitol hill they seem to spend more time in name calling than actually getting things done is following the radical left agenda no religion no anything hurt the bible heard god. Prisoners who have in modern history joe biden is the puppet of left wing extremists trying to erase our borders eliminate our police we have racists and theyve existed then trying to get elected president the 1st one that has this fits into a greater pattern of distrust and the failure of essential institutions in us society whether they favor conservative or liberal policies when it comes to Health Care Americans agree that the centers for Disease Control and other government institutions designed to protect Public Health have completely failed the country in the face of coded 19 centers for Disease Control and r. U. Department of Homeland Security this job easy to track Global Pandemic you know what they do they fail you from their chaotic early response to underestimating the danger to the lack of testing kits and accusations of becoming a Political Tool the centers for Disease Control are being hit from all sides other essential institutions of us society are affected by a deep crisis for example law enforcement. Are our. Recent protests sparked by the killing of jews. Orange floyd as well as a long history of Police Brutality have Many Americans asking whether or not theyre really safe and protected public trust in the police as an institution has been in decline intelligence agencies are yet another example they are expected to gather information and then provide it to the military but lately they seem to have been getting caught up in political squabbles if the 1st people you met from socalled american intelligence were dirty cops who have now proven to be sleaze bags at the highest level you could perhaps understand my reluctance to embrace the intelligence agencies seem to be competing with each other rather than being focused on getting the job done many wonder if they are up to the task of taking on china which has now been labeled the new big threat the Us Government and the Intelligence Community will fail to achieve the outcomes required to enable continued u. S. Competition with china on the global stage for decades to come and to protect the us health and security none of this started with donald trump its been a long pattern of dk and demoralization americans just dont seem to have faith in their leaders and their government like they once did it looks like a lot of key institutions in the United States need a reboot and fast or else who knows what kind of disaster could await america next caleb mop and r. T. New york. Thats a recap of just some of the stories that helped shape the world these last 7 days and thats all for me as well today but youre not my colleague you know neil will be here at the top of the hour with a live news update as always thanks for tuning in. Im max kaiser one more of my guide to financial survival this is fun its a device used by professional scallywags to earn money. Thats right these hedge funds are simply not accountable and were just adding more and more to the. Totally destabilize the Global Economy you need to protect yourself and get informed as we are for. The u. S. Has a history complicated and heated president ial election whats different this time is that the biggest political events of the last 4 years is happening amid the coronavirus and the rest of them to the level of civil unrest sparked by the george floyd and the lies of the radical groups on both sides of the political spectrum. Right there in the city ordinance. Say. These groups attract. Members who have taken to the streets make intro tasks look like full scale. Use the here. Are sometimes heavily armed and they are not afraid of violence or law enforcement. If you want a war to deal with us. Were going to meet those groups and their leaders to find out how far theyre ready to go to fight for what they believe the stupid for this country. Was a very nice show from president. And i could have said no thank you or i could have said. And i said ill take it and now its time to introduce my its not special mr donald trump thank you susan very much for the. Name whatever you want to name i mean i dont know how would i come that news thats dishonest telecom that a recorder already in the networks and totally dishonest c. N. N. Is says you know 100 percent negative i can reverse the change fast changes so sometimes ill say thats going to be a great story be a pretty good report and others good as you. Will see what happened so who knows i always say who knows what well see on the field it will be success. You know i can remember when it would float one time in the fall and then one time in the spring you know a break up and now i mean already 3 times this year theyve had you know when people get nervous about the flooding of their houses and needing to stay in school or even getting out of new top because theyre worried about that kind of stuff and just these last 2 storms have taken so much away you know he went in measured the last couple storms in their wake it knocked off 1020 feet in 11 weekend yeah and so theres a better margin and also i have to do during all of the students there are they kids right now journals about their worries about the floods but i dont think are as a catch on fire but a fire house flat it has a very next thing they already on their out of that are as flooded we would grab and they got some of the box of pictures by the door and. Its like theyve stayed up your sleeve and stressing about it moment until it. Seems hard. For either you. Ive heard bill or not but there was. My 1st year. Which was 15 years ago. I thought. These commercials you know about helping other countries and im thinking look at this place. And why isnt there commercial to help the people here like theres not Running Water in the houses and and theres you know the so they still have this honey look at system they have to haul their water

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