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Infection, but this virus will never disappear from our population. It is another virus which we need to live with. The e. U. Is split to approach a post from america, from pushing for europe to go on its good afternoon. Welcome 4 oclock in moscow. You watching the international notching corridor or the only road link between armenia and the corner kind of back region has opened up reports from the area and amani intrigues cooperate on the Russian Peacekeeping syncopation where its a russian peacekeepers. Observation, post the monitoring station just outside of the now is it about johnny held. d city, this is something of a surreal experience because we see behind us, russian peacekeepers standing together with johnny troops, very close together and just behind them armenian troops. These are neutral territories. These are areas to which is there by johnny food as well as troops come to resolve their misunderstandings or disputes outstanding problems that may come up. So normally everything is on the control. If any questions emerge, commanders from both sides and from our side as well, settle all issues. We have full mutual understanding. There is no problem working together. Today has also witnessed the opening of the corridor, the only route for the foreseeable future that link armenia to the pro armenian whats left of the breakaway region of the gold. In the weve seen a convoy head out from armenia and the escort of russian peacekeepers towards their particular be the capital of the speech security of the area is maintained by the observation posts longer lashon corydoras and by military police as well as another mission simple. We must ensure the safe transportation of civilians and money to the cease fires with the end of hostilities. The most outstanding problem now is the issue out of the area concerns the issue of the return of tens of thousands of refugees whove been forced to flee their homes. That out of their villages because of the conflict because of the sheer brutality of this conflict and the issue now is getting them back. And this is something that the latrines because will help with that. Its a safe route for all these refugees to return to their homes. Theres a lot of humanitarian Organization Presence here. The red cross, for example, which is overseeing demining operations, the exchange of prisoners, the exchange of the remains of fallen troops. And as were coordinating the return and help for all the 10s of thousands of refugees that are on the cooperation with both sides has been successful established. We have a productive partnership. Everybody understands that we must bring peace to this long suffering land to the recent events. Here people react differently somehow be someone neutral and civilians of course gave us a warm welcome. Thank god that the war here is over again. Aside then, imaginable, unimaginable, just a few weeks ago, it was a budget, a new military vehicle, making its way into territory, held by, by pro Armenian Forces to negotiate, to resolve disputes with the armenian side, through russian peacekeeper mediation. But it casts a reporter now, while the head of the Red Cross International committee has already expressed gratitude to the peacekeepers. We also got reaction to you on the streets of the armenian capital. Yet over course, this goodness, peace building, roads providing security. This is excellent and welcome, just added peacemaker is saying, it is better and im losing it all together. The only the help comes the matter even better if it had come before we suffered its losses. And armenians and russians are brotherly people. The role of the russian peacekeepers here is especially important while just to remind you under the peace deal, both sides will hold on to their current military positions that gives armenia control of the disputed regions. Capitals, the panic at meanwhile gets the 2nd largest city shushi, which it took just before the fighting ended. Armenia will also have to hand over 3 of the districts in the region for the center of deputy minister of the as a Big Committee for refugees told us it would take a lot to rebuild the area. But he did say to you, despite the war his people can live alongside armenians. Everything tarried to this, which youre under, occupation, has been destroyed, literally speaking, raised as a ground and toast scene. But the good will be to assess the damage, which was caused as a major, an economy and civilian ation. After peace deal brokered by the ration, how armenia is our leading cabbage at this audience as theyre destroying everything. As a right janice, have no problem in living side by side was or mean as you know, this takes place in Russian Federation in georgia, in ukraine and as a part of the world if are me in at will a babe will comply with also commitments which have been adopted was, is a friend of traveler to take agreement, will ensure safety and security of our Immediate Community eves able to leave. Is this part as citizens of azerbaijan, complying with National Legislation of the republic of, as of right now, the 12th bric summit held for chile, how long the leaders of the emerging economic powers has been focusing on high to confront the challenges posed by the corona, virus pandemic, heres what the russian president Vladimir Putin had to say. He just didnt want them. I would like to emphasize that russia, along with india and brazil have secured agreements on the sputnik 3 vaccines. Clinical trials. Also rushes agreed with india and china to open Production Centers for the vaccine on their respective territories. Not only to meet the demand of our countries, but also other states. I think its very important that we have russian vaccines in place. They work, theyre effective and secure. The question is how to provide mass production. I would not say its a problem, but its an issue we have to solve. In that respect, its crucial to join efforts in securing mass civilian circulation. By the way, a 2nd down to Coronavirus Vaccine called at the exact corona has now been registered in russia. A 3rd is also on the way. Were ready to engage with the brics countries in their production and implementation of israels Prime Minister has already held talks with him on buying russias 1st raj to vaccines. But nick, the, our correspondent porth lee has more on the israeli Prime Minister. Benjamin netanyahu has spoken via telephone with the russian president Vladimir Putin, about purchasing an option on the vaccine. He said that the 2 leaders will speak about this in greater detail in the coming days. Sputnik, these Clinical Trials are about halfway through phase 3, and there have been no major side effects or problems reported about the whole formula. About 40000. 00 volunteers are involved in the research about half of them have received the injection. And again, no major ill health reported we are hearing from producers, that the vaccine has a 92 percent. If i can see they are about 30 countries around the world that have already ordered the russian vaccine. One of them as role be a leading hospital here, address a Medical Clinic has ordered one and a half 1000000 doses. Well, in russia, there have been almost 2000000 coronavirus cases since the spring and moscow has the highest number of victims, the republic of but yet she, meanwhile, in eastern russia has become the 1st to impose another lockdown, closing restaurants, shopping centers, and places of Mass Gatherings for 2 weeks we spoke with some of the countrys top religious on the development of the vaccine. And when it could have an impact on the pandemic stock markets. And there are now 100 vaccines in the world yourself. The institute was the 1st which to clear it had developed one, but this is very important, the backs and were still unfinished. It was in the 3rd phase of testing, yet the president said that we have the vaccine. How come its not the political it that we need . It is politics, not science. I can just comment about the scientific part. We had the opportunity for Quicker Development at that point that you take the virus out of a cell culture and clean it. And when you inject a person with it, the virus wont multiply and you say that long term immunity is formed. How long and how strong the immunity is, is still the subject of study . It is still a question. Yes, it is still in question, but antibodies develop the cell immunity develops and we can be sure that a person after vaccination will be safe for some time, at least for half a year. Going up because its in the political when will such a large scale global epidemic and give me yet the, because all through what im saying february, when 70 percent of the population will have gotten this infection. But this virus will never disappear from our population. It is another virus which we need to live with. We are dealing with a virus that adapts to humans due to its evolutionary orientation. So as to how long will it take it to adjust by orientation. I mean, the fact that it always in fact, the upper respiratory tract but doesnt necessarily infect the lungs and other organs. Do we know that for sure . You know, you can consider it a hypothesis over time, it will more affect the upper respiratory tract and go less inside of your body. Thats why the virus will lose its lethality, it will spread and in fact, well, but stop killing, how many years will it take . Before it stops killing people over 65, overweight people with diabetes, and people with cardiovascular diseases, about 2 or 3 years will have to duck to us in 2 or 3 years. I dont agree here. I do think that it will change over time. There will be more people with immunity plus vaccinations they will work to. Of course the incidence will decrease, but i dont think the severe morbidity will, and the issue is not with the virus, but with the human body itself. We need to understand the corona virus does not kill you. It finishes you now the World Antidoping Agency has raised a red flag for us bill that could see those involved in sports, being hit with massive fines or even jail time. Wotta is described as a worrying power grab by american sport, which could ally the United States to create liability side its jurisdiction. Earlier, i discussed those concerns over the socalled chain called anti doping act with r. T. Sport correspondent alexy airships. Well, the biggest concern is that this new act which is called the russian named after a russian whistleblower, basically applies to international culprits, but not the domestic ones in the u. S. Now theyre watching act entails up to a 1000000. 00 fine or even 10 years in prison for not the athletes themselves, but the entourage of an athlete, or even the government which is accused or suspected of adopting scheme. But the original draft of that bill included u. S. Professional sports and us college sports. But by the time it reached the senate, miraculously, this part of the bill disappeared somewhere. So now basically it excludes all the majority of us professional sport. Now this is one of the things that they World Antidoping Agency expressed their concerns about, among other things, including, you know, how come the u. S. Is trying to make itself into the world. Antidoping police. Lets have a listen in order along with a number of governments and sports arenas, issues, theres legitimate concerns about the roche and of act. In particular, it may lead to overlapping laws in different jurisdictions that will compromise having a single set of rules for all athletes around the world order, which is also to understand where this legislation excludes vast areas of us sport. In particular, the professional leagues and all college sports. If its not good enough for american sports, why is it fine for the rest of the world . Now the main mastermind of this new bill is traver steiger, the head of the u. S. Antidoping agency, and its not the 1st time that tiger was, has been involved in some sort of rift between the usada and the World Antidoping Agency. There have been cases where the u. S. Hinted through tiger that they would even pull funding from water if it refused to play along. So basically, the only thing remaining for this bill to become law is trump signature and no one else. This will happen. Brace ourselves for more drama in this again, just to remind us to see why it is called the act. Now obviously this relates to go to direction of who exploded the world of sport in 2016, when he made explosive allegations against russia, against the russian government that it was allegedly involved in some sort of doping scheme for himself is hiding in the United States. There are rumors that he even changed his appearance that he had a Plastic Surgery or Something Like that. But the funny thing is there is a job going about now that the 1st person prosecute persecuted under this new watch and of himself. Since he claims that he was part of the state conspiracy and you know, going back, this is basically a criminal offense. Now if this bill becomes law, but obviously this is named after him. Sure. I mean, the irony there is the sports rely on whistle blowers dont know, but my will discourage them from coming forward in case they get committee prosecuted. And i was rushed, then reacted to this bill. There has been a reaction from russia through the kremlin spokesperson me to disqualify who called this kind of move unacceptable. I believe we can listen to that critically, to skew much, we are extremely critical of any attempt by the United States to extend its jurisdiction to other countries. Such cross border practice isnt acceptable. We disagree with that, and of course, this can cause nothing but concern. Its not only just on paper looks like a unilateral decision to govern the antidoping processes in the world, which is why those certainly unhappy but you mention it right. The fact that whistleblowers will now be afraid of being persecuted. This basically hampers the whole process of whistle blowing. If this bill becomes law that had here this hour, even though the results are still being contested, the u. S. Election did throw up some unexpected trends when it came to ethnic groups. Will have a look at just after the break. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have. Its crazy. Let it be an arms race in spearing dramatic development. Only mostly im going to resist. I dont see how that strategy will be successful, very critical. Time to sit down and talk the world is driven by shaped by our own personal snow day or thinks we dare to ask fellow again, the outgoing u. S. Secretary of state has received a lukewarm welcome as he kicked off a multination tool, the french president. After leaving calls for more restrained relations with a whole series finding it tough to move on from the tensions with the trumpet, ministration shot at the reports. For years, all of the trump ministration have framed relations with the e. U. That pushed some, such as the french president to advance the idea of european strategic will turn on me. But even the prospect of joe biden heading into the white house, is having little effect on emanuel mcallens idea of european independence. The United States will only respect us as allies if we are serious with ourselves. And if we are sovereign with our own defense, we need to continue to build our autonomy for ourselves. Not cool, i was reacting to an op ed written by the German Defense minister in it. She stated europe remain dependent. Both americans, europe need to fully accept the realities of continued u. S. , Nuclear Deterrence on the european continent, illusions of european strategical told me, must come to an end. Europeans will not be able to replace. Americas crucial rule is a security provider not call addressed this point. Specifically. I profoundly disagree with the opinion piece by the German Defense minister in politico. I think it is a historical misinterpretation of what this illustrates is just how i were not on the same page in new members all when it comes to the future of transatlantic relations. Even more so it seems that for once in germany are in totally different camps. When german chancellor Angela Merkel welcome boy didnt victory. She talked about how you know, like to throw the United States of america in germany. As part of the European Union must stand together to meet the great challenges of our time side by side. Meanwhile, for also spoke about a change in that relationship, because europe has changed in the last 4 years and has shaken off its nadir in terms of trade and has built the common defense mechanisms. So this is and you ear and we need to remodel the transom plan, take relationship, so that by the ministration. But lets not forget all the internal and who are in the e. U. Miss is one major point. What does the u. S. Wont all given the u. S. Is own internal divisions. What can it even offer . This is not going to be plain sailing. It will resume. Strategy of the us is a world of be merely more. Europe was is not a good move for. We have many illusion maybe feelings about but i feel really its not a good new. And with the e. U. Having just slapped for a tallow treat taxes on us products in unlearning running trade just mean there are choppy waters. Still ahead to navigate. Just buried in is offering e. U. Leaders, his cooperation, saying he wants to reinvigorate bilateral and transatlantic ties to nato and the u. Yet its clear all the goodwill in the world wont change the fact that there, remains vost ocean between them. Charlotte, dean, r. T. , paris, or reinvigorating relations or not the outcome of the us election is still being disputed. And with donald trump and joe biden wrangling over, who will get the keys to the white house. Many looking at their campaigns for clues as to where the gains and losses were made and whether the focus on identity politics was actually misplaced or from lost support from white men. A group he won decisively in 2016, however, he did gain 4 percent with the africanamerican and hispanic communities, and latino votes help swing florida. In his favor, Asian American shifted even more to the republicans with a 7 percent rise. My colleagues asked taylor discussed the results with experts. Identity politics really died in 26 years in the eyes of average. Americans, of course not in the media, not in the far left is not the Democrat Party because they are, they remain so out of touch with real americans. That average america with normal people really, people arent as much as the left in the me, you know, the Democrat Party double down on this narrative that donald trump is a racist, is this narrative that republicans, you know, hate minorities or whatever. A lot of people werent listening. I believe that a lot of people in the black Community Felt completely disrespected by the Democratic Party during this election. Not only did they not respond to what we could expect in response our vote, they also began to put out the mercial that were disrespectful. Its one thing to say donald trump is racist, but show me that youre not racist as well. And i dont think the Democratic Party did that and it suffered, it caused a lot of people to, you know, turn their back on the party. Well, i think the elections showed that many minorities got tired of this rhetoric. Theres an attitude to believe that latinos, for some reason, they are a one topic community, which is basically based on immigration. And i think latinos got very upset about this because in the end, no matter where youre black, latino, or asian. I think weve got to move forward into the future in it when we see each other beyond the color of anybody of skin and were able to look at each other for what we stand for. What we believe in and not because we have brown, wide or black skin, which i think is ridiculous. Its important that we realize black people are not monolithic. And we actually do appreciate policy just because the president has your color or your confession does not mean that your policies will benefit. You are always be in line with your views. Well, identity politics when or counted at elections in the future. I think its only going to lose, i think its going to continue to lose. And that terrified theres a lot of people that terrorize a lot of very powerful people because theyve built their identities on it, so to speak. They the whole, the whole identity politics. Mission is something that people built a lot of careers on. All they talk about is equity, which is of course, stealing one group, giving to another for propping one group up over another sort of leveling the pay Playing Field by targeting certain groups now which troops deserve that is always going to be shifting. And i, dont you politics is their greatest weapon to do that at the moment. So i think i did a policy actually still stars a very powerful role p. And l. Of the electorate. Reparations was due to people who were descendants of slaves. And so if thats the case, and in africanamericans began to swell around this year, democrats, if i felt, gosh, were in trouble to need to that topic. We saw it in the election result that the voter, the american border is really interested in. What are you going to do for me . How my going to live another day . How am i going to put foot of the table . We have a lot of people that have like serious issues. And we need to just focus on the things that people are concerned about, the economy putting food on the table, senator kids to school, and being able to have a decent life and reaching the american dream. That was claimed that Trump Administration officials actually hid the real number of u. S. Troops in syria from their own president. Thats according to Washington Special envoy to the middle eastern country. James, jeffrey, who is now retiring, says that many more stayed and dont trump thought the u. S. Military ramped up operations in syria in 2014 with the publicly known current number of troops standing at around 600. The pentagon insists that they are fighting the remnants of the terror groups in the region. Donald trump wanted to betroth from syria, apart from a few 100 soldiers to guard the countrys oil. But according to the u. S. Envoy, the army did not pull out. We spoke to professor and middle east analyst, Joshua Landis about this. He believes it would be naive to think that the president wasnt aware of what was going on. Well, somebody like jeffrey probably thinks the president is a fool and that itll do his own reputation. Good, if he makes it clear that you know he suffers fools, he doesnt suffer fools lightly. Well, im sure the white house wasnt really in the dark. You know, most of us who watch syria pretty carefully understood that there were a lot more than a few hundreds of soldiers there. On the other hand, it is quite clear that the president made his wishes clear about withdrawing from syria on 2 different occasions. And he ran into a ton of opposition from the state Department Defense department and his entire National Security establishment. They, theyre trying to rollback russia and iran maximum pressure on iran. And they didnt want the president to muck up their policy. And so they fought back vigorously, they came up with the oil excuse that they, they knew he might latch on to, but i might have my hunch is the president was aware of what was going on, and it just wasnt worth his fight to clear out syria he was, you know, i think national that brings you up tonight to the south. Dont forget, weve got a web site from a story. Say you can find that about to come. But a pandemic . No, certainly no borders, just lying to nationalities has emerged little time with the we do a back seat, world peace thing, people come in every crisis, least we can do better. We should be everyone is contributing to each her own way. But we also know that this crisis will not go on forever. The challenges created with the response has been masked. So many good people are helping us. It makes us feel very proud that we are in it together. As all those in the boombox post actually like big city bright lights, you jump but you know jeans and many dangers blatantly to its also a city where up 2300000 crimes are committed every last little bit more than your most need still through the reserve league one Police Officer effectively 200 residents in russias capital, lost on the english troops that will not go up boysen. Most of them to most the president s press conference from the new state department auditorium, march 23rd, 1961. I want to make a brief statement about laos. It is, i think, important for all americans to understand this difficult and potentially dangerous problem. These 3 maps show the area of effective communist domination as it was last august and from december 20th to the present day or the end of march. The communist control a much wider section of the country. The position of this administration has been carefully considered. And we have sought to make it just as clear as we know how to the governments concern 1st. We strongly at least support the goal of a neutral and independent layo to know all group of powers threatening no one and free from any domination. My fellow americans lay off far away from america

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