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U. S. Attempts to grayle the project an infringement on europe. Pain independence we hear from germanys energy chief on washingtons action. Current u. S. Pressure over north stream to has reached an unprecedented height. Its not tempted by the americans to lobby economic interests. Actually this behavior reminds me of the matthew, hello, good evening. Youre watching r. T. International. Now u. S. , experts claim that the astra zeneca vaccine is not very effective for older people. The british way this job is undergone phase 3 trials. And the developers did say it was up to 90 percent effective. But the u. S. Government organization believes that the figure is more like 60 percent for those 55. So lets get more on this now. If marty is in the get even legal, just run through then the controversy here and whats being said. So really and the, the controversy is about the discrepancy in formation that was provided by astra zeneca and then by the u. S. Specialists. So heres the thing, went on monday, astra zeneca, the producer of this british and swedish vaccine. They published a press release saying that the average of this vaccine stands at around 70 percent. And this is how they explain this figure. Essentially, they said that there were 2 groups of people over those participating in the clinical trials. And one group of people was given 2 full doses of this vaccine. And another group of people was given a smaller dose of the very same vaccine. And according to them that the 2nd group, the one that was given a smaller dose of the vaccine, they, in those people, it showed 90 percent of show the efficiency at 90 percent. And those who got to full doses for them it was only 62 percent effective. That alone, already raise some eyebrows like how to full doses can be less efficient than those under full dose. So how is a smaller dose more efficient than a, than you know, than a larger one. But now what the u. S. Specialists are saying that the doses have nothing to do with how efficient the vaccine need to back scene is. They are saying that actually the group were the vaccine was most the group of people where the vaccine, excuse me, was most efficient in there were they were just younger. It consisted of younger people that consisted of people aged between 18 years old and 55 years old. And the other group where the vaccine was only 62 percent efficient. It consisted of people of 55 years of age and older. Heres how they put it. Heres how the u. S. Specialists are putting it. There are also differences in the age brackets present in the quartz in that the 1st chord that received those and full those followed by a full those had a cap on the age at the age of 55. When there are all the people included in the city that received full those and full of those. So this is Vital Information and this wasnt in astra. Zeneca is initial report that we heard earlier this week. No, it wasnt. And this is what the controversy is about because astra zeneca explained the difference in efficiency of its vaccine with the just you know, with the, with the dosage with the amount of, with the amount of seram that each group of people was given. But now the u. S. , led investigation, or rather the u. S. You know, the u. S. Probe. And upon closer examination, the american specialists are saying that this is not the case. And that in reality, this difference is only because of how old people were. And this is, i have to say, this is how vaccines often work because a younger person tends to have a stronger immune system and therefore stronger immune response develops more antibodies then, and older person on average. So it could be it. But the question is, rather, why would astra zeneca leave out this information about people being differently aged from its initial reports and why we are learning this from a 3rd party yet not 3rd party, being us specialists, as you say. And why is it up to them to suddenly look at this . Well, its easy because astra zeneca is looking for approval for the approval of the u. S. Federal drug administration. Because the u. S. Is a huge market for the vaccine with a huge demand for the vaccine. So the american side of the kind of the breach, they are reaching out to astra zeneca because they need the full spectrum of information on this particular sara, on this particular vaccine. And so this is, this is, this is how they got this information and they decided to make it public more. So theyve actually said that this difference in dosage. Yeah. You know how much each group of people was getting. This vaccine apparently was an intentional. According to the u. S. Specialists, its not like astra zeneca decided ok, well give this group of people 2 full doses. And with this group of people, well just see just how little of the same can we give to give, can we give to a person and still trigger the response of the immune system . Apparently, according the allegation that the American Team is making, that wasnt the case, and it was just a mistake. So it was, they, it happened by mistake. This was a change in the way the quantity of vaccine the amount of vaccine put in was tested. And when they, when they realized that there was an error or a change in their approach in technique used, they corrected it. So this is all very bad. P. R. , isnt it for astra zeneca, where does this leave the firm and its faxing . No, its not. And its not very good. P. R. Absolutely. And astra zeneca has been losing value on the markets. Its shares have been kind of falling and not doing well following this controversy. Also, but it has to be said that the world really, theres a huge demand in the world for a vaccine. People want to finally get drop the masks. They want to stop wearing gloves. They kind of want to go back to their normal life. And most of them see a vaccine, any vaccine, any successful vaccine is the key to returning to the way of life as we know it. And so the more of these vaccines, there, vaccines come out the better. But really, a lot of people are also skeptical because weve had our scientists have had really little time to study the virus. And so people will be asking questions. What exactly they are suggested to be injected to be injected into, into their bodies. So the more transparency there is, and it doesnt matter who is making a vaccine like astra zeneca. Sputnik really is just, its sort of a message and a lesson to every producer over vaccine that the more transparent they are, the more details they give out right away. So that people know as to this, this is, these are the aspect, this is what they have to know about this vaccine. This is what they have to know about this different brand of a vaccine. The better it will be, because people dont want any more surprises and they want to feel safe when they are injecting it and they want to see a vaccine as a way again to finally put this whole covert 19 thing to the past and make it part of history, youre ok. Thanks artesian go. If youve done a front tire thing, might spread public unrest after lawmakers passed the 1st stage of a controversial Global Security bill. The act banning the filming of Police Officers for quote, malicious reasons was described by critics, is undermining media freedoms. These protests have been building now for the last few weeks and on tuesday night, as the assembly members, the parliamentarians here in france decided to pass that law, which means its passed its 1st hurdle in becoming an official law. Here in france, more protests were held across the country, a city such as paris, bordeaux, where thousands of people turned out to show their ease with this law. This is the Global Security law. Part of it article 24. 00 is particularly controversial, and thats because it will criminalize the publication, the broadcast of images of the police where they can be identified in certain circumstances where there is an intent to harm them. Now that would be punishable if this becomes an official law in france by a year in prison or 45000 euro fine journalist groups and n. G. O. S have been hugely critical of this draft law saying this essentially gives the green light for police to stop the journalists from doing their jobs, theres also been criticism from the u. N. , which has said this could damage democracy and the e. U. , which has said it is imperative that news media are able to do their job freely. But the countrys Prime Minister said, while he thought the tax, the law was excellent, he himself would be referring this to frances highest court when comes to constitutional matters. But i would like to say here as clearly as possible that there has never been there isnt and will never be the intention of the government to infringe in any shape or form of press freedom. Freedom of expression. Many suggesting that despite the assurances from the Prime Minister from the government, that this law will have an impingement when it comes to freedom of the press harvest. We were very, very angry with the system which favors the police which protects them. This is going to worsen the problem. Were going to be even less free and they will have even more, right, do whatever they want. The match is not over. The bill man has to go through these summits. And weve seen that despite everything, several employees from the majority are hesitating to support the bill in paris. The protest here had a particular focus, and that was on the vents that unfolded on monday evening when police used what was described as brute force and violence to dismantle a migrant camp in the city. Now, during that dismantlement, there are images of being pulled, cautioning journalists and migrants were attacked by Police Officers. And that is what many people say brings this entire law into question. So lots of questions still remaining about this more as we mentioned, its been passed by the national assembly, meaning the 1st hurdle is over, but it will now go to the senate in 2021 with course it could be rejected or it could be passed on to become an official law here in france when the United States president elect joe biden has dismissed criticism of his administration will be an extension of the obama years. This was thrown at him after he unveiled his National Security team, which does feature a number of hawks in key roles. This is not a 3rd obama term because we face a totally different world. When we finished, the obama biden or Bidens White House papers have also been criticized by peace groups and human rights activists. Many have pointed to interventionist policies and the military ties of those in the new cabinet, really trying to looks now at how it could shape American Foreign policy. Americas Foreign Policy needs to be properly fixed after 4 years of diplomatic rock says a who says the man whose own white house mistakes as donald trump saw them were thorley taken care of by the outgoing administration. The time has come for the u. Turn to go full circle. Theres been some damage done. That is going to take some time to dig ourselves out of. But theres no doubt that joes got the right people to do it. The man taking over the oval office in 2021 was president obamas number 2. So who are the best people to set these apparent wrongs . Right. Well, the former deputies of obamas team, of course, how easy, im really starting to get that joke that barack scott himself a 3rd term. Lets take a look at the collective portrait of a deputy dream team. One squad member clearly thinks it was the meddling russians who god, donald trump, elected in the 1st place. Jake Sullivan Biden speak for National Security advisor. This was a moment where we realized that the russians had decided that they were going to actively interfere in the u. S. Election. That they were going to intensively work to undermine the pillars of u. S. Democracy. And that they were going to try to defeat Hillary Clinton. If it wasnt for the russians, if you know what i mean, this career boost would have come much earlier. After all, mr. Sullivan served as an advisor for the Hillary Clinton campaign. And yes, he worked as a National Security advisor to the Vice President biden. And here were looking at someone who was all for upping u. S. Involvement in syria. Tony blinken, the new man taking care of americas Foreign Relations in syria. Its tougher, its longer. Its going to take time to build up the syrian opposition, but we believe it can be done. Our commitment is to help them to support them, to give them the training, to give them the equipment, to give them the air power to give them the advisor. And it all comes back to hillary, who, infamously said this about libya. We came, we saw he died, right. As you may have guessed, mr. Blinken was among the star democrat diplomats who love the idea of getting libya sorted through intervention. His c. V. Highlights include deputy secretary of state deputy National Security advisor and National Security advisor to the Vice President. So moving on with deputy dream team, you simply dont deserve the position of intelligence director under joe biden. If you havent been deputy to a big name blood say in the cia under obama, without further ado. Heres avril haynes, the former deputy cia director also happened to serve as the deputy National Security advisor right after tony blinken. Some give ms. Hanes credit for making americas drone wars more transparent. Her critics though, paint her with a different brush focusing on her role as the architect of the drone program. One which is associated with scores of civilian deaths. A slight stain on the record, isnt it . Any great Team Deserves at least a few qualified veterans. This one is no exception. Take john kerry, hes getting his comeback. Chance to the job of special president ial envoy for climate goes to the former secretary of state. Bear with me for a bit of feedback on the team from someone familiar. The Incoming Administration could not have chosen that to pursue now for the Foreign Policy and National Security teams. Ok, at least there are no surprises, and the world knows what to expect. Meanwhile, a growing number of republicans are voicing their discontent. Some senators have even threatened to derail the confirmation hearings of bidens, but react going secretary of state, gave a candid assessment that some of these folks that they took a very different view that they were them a bit of a fantasy world. They were providing their peace, they hope the choose a different course. These are the same people who knocked over libya in 2011, leading to a decade of nightmarish civil war. And she had the terror, a case study and competence. Ardens cabinet picks went to ivy league. Schools have strong resumes, attend all the right conferences and will be polite and old. Leak at stake is the americas decline. I support american greatness and i have no interest in returning to the normal that left us dependent on china. Germanys energy chief is accused the United States of the Pressure Campaign on European Companies involved in the north stream to gas pipeline asked month think he has state department ramped up sanctions on firms to try and help the project. We spoke to the head of the German Energy committee, who described washingtons behavior as more like the its going to be for secret, affording only the currently u. S. Pressure over north stream 2 has reached an unprecedented high. And its not tempted by the americans to lobby their economic interests to go behind the backs of their supposed partners. Actually this behavior reminds me of the mafia, matthew c. Come to the restaurant and say, we must protect you. But if you dont pay for this, we will smash all your places. And its the same thing here. The americans say they protect us from the russians. But in fact, if we dont want this protection, we want to trade with the russians. We want russian gas, and then they say, if you dont let us protect you, we will kill you. In other words, they impose sanctions on companies, threaten them with economic collapse. And this is whats actually happening. But we must reject such methods, simply objecting to them is pointless. Only real action will help you need power and other phone finance. But do you agree with union paris statement that this is all about undermining Europes Energy Security and an infringement on its independence . We cannot allow a country to dictate to us what to do with our own energy supply. This is not about our security. This is about the americans who want to sell us their liquefied gas shale gas that harms the environment. Moreover, that type of gas is more expensive, they have problems with sales. They have too much gas and prices a so low that its not profitable. And here they want to impose their gas on us. Of course its way easier if we dont have an alternative. Thats why we avoid this, because otherwise we will be stripped of alternative, sellars, in my opinion, the pipeline will be finished at the same time, i think for now the e. U. s key goal is its own sanctions against the u. S. My suggestion is simple. We introduce sanctions, tariffs on american liquefied gas. They think they have a right to dictate to us where to buy gas. Well show them with a tit for tat move. We can do that and its not how would that affect transatlantic ties, boss . What do you mean if were talking about sanctions . They might make the americans realize that its unacceptable to treat us as a colony and that theyd better treat us as an independent partner. Maybe theyll be a bit confused, but if they want to carry on trading with us and maintain economic ties and cooperation in different spheres, they will have to accept the fact that we have our own interests and that we follow them. Only this approach will lead us forwards any of them to deadlock. Russia has also been critical of the us stance on north stream to slamming it for unfair practices. Moscow has ruled out giving up on the project they, despite america imposing fiscal penalties for the gas pipeline project is meant to deliver russian gas directly to germany through the baltic sea. From the outset of the project, washington has been trying to put europe off to deal with the threat of sanctions and also accused moscow of attempts to gain leverage over the year. Last year, the us introduced sanctions when the project was just miles short of being completed. When we spoke to last years former foreign minister karen eisele. He really is that this is simply a business battle, despite the project being heavily politicized. Last dream too is a business project. I have always said you dont build a pipeline. And in order to annoy somebody, ultimately somebody, its all about supply and demand. Unfortunately, this business project has become a political topic. In general, its difficult to, to separate your politics from very Important Oil and Gas Infrastructure is this is a given. We have seen those all over the world. And its regardless whether we speak of Gas Pipelines between the, between germany and the russian federation, or whether we speak about large infrastructure projects, which ever company does it in the middle east. It always has a political dimension, no doubt about that. But nevertheless, its not up to 3rd parties to get involved to the degree that we have been going with small stream to all of the last 2 or 3 years. We have seen ever since 24, seeing a decided by us industry to, to have a foot in the door and this has definitely increased with the drowned administration. And im pretty sure you and next Us Administration will stick to this goal. I was only today in the german capital, a car was rammed into the fence of chancellor Angela Merkels office and the police say they are now looking into a possible motive. And also the mental state of the driver, official sources said too that the chancellor government members and other employees were not in any danger. During the Incident Reporting from berlin, his paper all of a a dark colored Volkswagen Golf crashed into the gates. Outside of the chancellery here in berlin, thats the office where angola merkel goes about her business and welcomes foreign dignitaries. The car had written down the side of it. You damned murderers of children and old people. And on the other side of it, stop the globalization policy. The driver was taken into custody by police and theres no reports of anybody being injured around the scene. However, the car must have been going at a pretty decent rate because it has caused some damage to the gates outside of the chancellery. As you would imagine, due to the importance of this building, its a pretty secure building and you must have been going at quite a rate in order to leave a mark on those gates on wednesday morning that was supposed to be a demonstration taking place by the lateral think is group there, the group that are opposed to angola merkels policy. When it comes to the coronavirus, they were supposed to be holding a rally at 9 am. That didnt take place then . Well, this incident happened regarding the car. We also saw some of the demonstrations take place in frankfurt on tuesday, and weve seen these demonstrations against Angela Merkel saying coronavirus policy going on for weeks and months. Now. Sometimes they have turned violent. Now just yesterday there was an agreement made between the chancellor, the government, the heads of government, of the states, of germany to 16 different states for what the policy would be Going Forward over the coming weeks in the coming months in fact. And we are expecting to hear from chancellor merkel later on wednesday with what that will entail. Now the car itself how form or at least the Registration Plate relating to it. The german tabloid newspaper builder reporting that this particular Registration Plate, which is registered in the western german city of leeper, was involved in an incident back in 2014 when the car was rammed into the chancellery 48 year old man was taken into custody. That time, no particular injuries reported the time. The car had written down the side of it. Stop the climate change. And nicole, i love you. So no message to nicole. This time it does seem like its gone after theres been no injuries at the scene, but a 48 year old man if were to believe its the same person. It was driving the same car. Hes currently in custody after crushing that dark colored volkswagen into the gates outside of Angela Merkels office. In other districts of the disputed nagornokarabakh region has been handed over to azerbaijan. The last armenian Soldiers Left the area as part of a russian brokered peace deal before troops abandoned, their positions. Civilians did flee the war zone. What is more against the of tells the story now of some of those made homeless by the conflict. Everywhere you go, there is only desolation, despair, empty, burned abandoned villages. Rusty trucks piled with furniture, clothes, and who police souls. Theres no one left but the org desperate stragglers it so painful, unbearably painful, your entire life you have been build instead by step trying to make it a little more comfortable so you get something good. Suddenly it all has just disappeared. Gun little it and her husband igor, for 17 years have made a hard living in the mountains raising cattle. When the bear visit about john, the artillery became too much. They left everything but the shepherd, dog archie and fled. As did everyone they returned to find the village empty bund and looted littered with dead pets and animals who starved to death. When the humans left. Those that survived came begging for food and warmth. The film limited, the eagle for 3, desperate days, as they try to salvage what they could of their old lives belongings. Hey, even empty barrels, things that many of us would see as trash. Anything that would help them start over. Theres no choice for armenians to stay after the region has had to do that too. Is it about john . They claim it could be that death sentence. If a dog is killed on mistreated in europe, the whole world condemns it. What was our crime . What did we do with it . No one even objected to all the civilians being killed here, where all the humanitarian groups that to cry and fall over animal cruelty, but have done nothing about the massacre here. Little it was forced out of her home twice during the war in the ninetys when both armenia and azerbaijan accused each other of massacres and ethnic cleansing the booth, denied it. This is the 3rd time shes lost, the house. She isnt a hateful person. Shes a teacher, a mother, and most people would burn their houses so no. Is it about johnny gets it . She couldnt stomach the thought. Yes, i dont want to burn down my house. If someone wants it, let them have it. Even burn it for fun. My children were born in this house. They grew up on the this roof. I cant burn the memories. I can burn that part of my life. All the good and all the bad. It was all here. We are leaving tomorrow. But we dont know who will get the house to hell with them. Im going to burn it down right down. Little it couldnt bear to watch. We found her weeping behind the house is the 5 is spread. What do you call this . Is it sad . Is it devastated . Having to burn down a house you built . You loved you tended and raised 3 children in for 17 years. Because of the shape of your face, the color of your skin, your creed, your culture, your faith. Everyone here understands whats happening. This is the price i mean, eons of paying for backing down accepting peace terms. Despite their resistance, the thousands dead may have prevented a massacre and preserve some territories, but for a little it in the eagle. It was the end of life as they knew it, everything they had nude burned and gone. Theres nothing comforting you can say nothing to ease or dulled the pain. Its terrible to think anyone driving but to them. This is just another house. They wont even bat an eye after all, dozens and dozens

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