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A big drop from the same day in 2019 when 2900000 people were screened by the t. S. A. The reason many chose to stay put the states giving is obvious. Namely the coronavirus pandemic. U. S. Officials warned against travel over the holiday. This after seeing a dramatic jump in coburn 1000 cases north of the border in canada. Canadian celebrated thanksgiving, a month and a half ago. And since then, the nation of 37000000 has seen its daily coronavirus case count nearly triple. According to the Public Health agency of canada, the number of infections has gone up from 2000 new cases a day in mid october to around 5500. 00 a day with few canadians flying to get their turkey dinner. Many are blaming the festive gatherings themselves and not travel for the surge. If the current trend continues Public Health officials in canada say that the country could see up 260000 new cases of covert 1000. 00 per day, by the end of december. In the states, a search like canadas would likely take the country over the edge. Currently, the u. S. Is seeing approximately 200000. 00 new infections a day. With the current trends, christmas will likely be very different this year in both the u. S. And canada. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Vaccines are being fast tracked to combat the virus, and one of the front runners from pharmaceutical giant derna inc has joined the list asking for emergency approval in the u. S. And other countries. The vaccine is expected to be highly effective at preventing symptomatic disease and very effective at preventing severe outcomes from the disease. In fact, moderna claims their product is over 94 percent effective. The other vaccine in the running for fast track approval comes from pfizer and its german partner beyond tech, while pfizers vaccine will be the 1st, the u. S. Looks out for fast track approval. Canada is set to become the 1st country to clear my dharnas covered 1000 vaccine. The boston based biotech has a deal with canada for 20000000 doses of its vaccine, with the option to procure i didnt. Dish will 36000000. The u. S. Is also on the list with 500000000 doses secured, and the u. K. And European Union have agreements with but theyre not as well. While hopes for the release of an effective vaccine are high, many continue to be concerned about the possible ramifications from a relatively new inoculation. But according to by derna, based on what theyve seen so far, there is little to be worried about in terms of significant safety concerns, serious threats to our health. Weve not seen any such concerns to date. Of course, we continue to monitor and well continue to monitor all the safety is a top of mind. Like with the other shots, one major question remains with more down as covert 90 vaccine. And that is, how long will it be effective . None of the coronavirus vaccines have been around for very long, and a positive vaccine response doesnt mean it will be long lasting for boom bust imo, its my love it. The Market Reaction and more we are joined by both cohost christy. I am partner and director of Trading Research and education for market gauge dot com. Michelle snyder. Michelle, lets start with you now despite coronavirus disrupting the holiday season. Cyber monday is set to garner up to 12700000000 in online sales surpassing blocks. Friday, digital numbers, adobe analytics, us to me, this to be the Largest Online sales day in history. How do the figures really stack up historically . Also with the vaccine, it doesnt seem to be moving markets as much as weve seen with other vaccine trials. Well, lets put a little perspective on the history in 2010, cyber monday yielded 1000000000. 00 in sales. So here we are 10 years later are 12 times that amount. And if we just look at last year, it was 9400000000. 00 in sales. So were having a 35 percent increase, and part of that could be that consumers are in better shape than we thought theyd pay down a lot of debt this year. Theyve spent less with no real recreation, travel, leisure type of spending. And yet at the same time, theres also been surveys that say a 65 percent dont really have the money to put aside for the holidays. So theyre using Credit Card Debt. And you know, psychologically people lower their Credit Card Debt. They feel rich and they start to raise their Credit Card Debt again. So Going Forward will be sort of interesting in terms of what happens here with the consumer and these impact on the retail sales for the overall market. Absolutely, especially because we know that americans often turn to credit cards when it, when it comes to holiday shopping. Anyway, there was a recent report that americans were still paying off debt from 20 tina holiday shopping, which, interestingly enough, is there theyre turning back to that for this years of a christie. I want to talk a little bit about the unemployment rate, the nations watchdog agency. Now claims that in a recent report that the Labor Department, weekly jobless claims, theyve been consistently inaccurate. Whats the latest there . Well, this report comes from the Government Accountability office where it cleans up the majority of states have been paying the unemployment assistance claimants only the minimum allowable benefit instead of the amount that they were actually eligible for based on our so this report comes as Coronavirus Relief program and the extent of the ability of regular unemployment are so to expire at the end of december. So this is a really important issue as unemployment is close because you want to recreate indicator as we talk about rashard time. So the fact that the state yours are now coming, you know a lot. Well, thats going to be hard to get an accurate picture of the nation when you can rely on the data. So the Labor Department plans to clarify in a weekly News Releases that the numbers is of course for weeks of unemployment, do not accurately estimate the number of individuals cleaning. And so now these issues have led to inflated claim figures such as double counting xstrata. But then in others, there are deflated figures when the payouts are actually lower than appropriate. So with an accurate accounting of the number of individuals who are rely on Unemployment Insurance and q a better fit in as close to real time as possible, policymakers are going to be really challenged in responding to the crisis. All thats, thats really interesting because whether or not were getting the real data, especially when were seeing numbers, americans filed for unemployment at a weekly rate of about still close to a 1000000. Were still seeing a very high number, especially with this surge and cases, which i want to go back to the market where u. S. Equities are under pressure this monday. Despite this pullback, the dow is still up more than 11 percent in november, setting some records, the s. And p. And nasdaq are up 10. 3 and 11 point one percent respectively. Is this santa rally expected to continue through december . Are we going to start seeing another pullback here much like we did a few months ago . Were great question, sara. Well, theres a couple of ways to look at this. If we just look at the pure numbers of mondays action, its inside the trading range of what we. d saw last week as a shortened week. So at this point we can look at it just as a healthy correction, especially if you look at nasdaq, which closed near that 300 level, but couldnt quite clear it. On the other hand, there are some outliers that i like to look at to get clues, and sometimes theyre our best clues. One would be the long bonds, the t. L. T. s, which yields have gone up while the dollar has gone down and that flipped a little bit today, the dollar may be finding some support. While the yields started to come down a little bit in the teal, teased momentum is starting to diverge. So i think you have to watch that. And then also where the money has been going, has been in the high grade corporate bonds. Thats still doing really well, in fact the yields set a record low since august and jump ons money is going. So once you start to see that shift, maybe the rise in the high grade corporate bonds, the t. s rise, and the dollar rise. Perhaps that will be somewhat of an impetus to take this from a gentle correction into something a little bit stronger in this has anything to do have anything to do with the u. S. Elections, the outcome of that as well . Well, there is definitely a lot of buzz about biden raising taxes, which and people who invest will be affected by that. On the other hand, we dont really know who is the senate going to be yet. Whether or not there is going to be a Republican Senate or whether well go democratic. So a blue wave. We also spoke the market in certain areas, health and others. So yeah, i mean, the fact that we still have a president who has not conceded is an issue. So theres a lot going on around the surface. And thats why i like to take all of that in simplify it and really watch these bonds post the high corporate grade bonds, the long bonds, and then the junk bonds that will really help the dollar rose for things are in really help you determine whats going to happen next and seeing the strengthening dollar at least a little because at least i know some hope to some people. Last question i want to turn to chinas bike dance. Before we go, its been granted an additional week. Its been extended to secure a buyer for the u. S. Arm of its business. It will take talk face a ban if a deal isnt reached by this new december 4th deadline. Pretentiously let me know if this tug of war has gone on long enough for all sides. Having so much invested into this into avoiding a band that theyre now in quite unlikely to talk based on general us members that our judges have actually blocked that from happening. So now this extension are inviting us to sell its u. S. Operation. Howard deal between as the now for summer months with a lot of confusion out of the final terms. Most of how much control each party will have over to talk and whether the arrangement will satisfy this socalled National Security concern. So china is, of course, still objecting, a for sale to talks u. S. Operations and will not go through the full divestment. And theyre also claiming National Security interest as well. If chinas i really wish to the u. S. So to talk currently has another lawsuit pending against the Trump Administration to block this potential ban. And while the federal judges have blocked that ban from happening, the u. S. Government is appealing, so if the pending litigation from by against drugs on into next year, this whole issue could become moot if the president elect joe biden decides to just abandon the for celtic talk and it doesnt look like weve heard too much about it. We know that joe biden said hes going to be a pretty harsh and hard on, on china and intellectual property theft and all of that. But we havent heard too much about tick tock from him. Michelle schneider and christiane. Thank you so much for your expert analysis. On monday electric trucks start up in equal announced a reworked smaller deal with general motors. Well the agreement is much smaller than initially announced back in september. General motors will not take equity stake in equal and will no longer build the badger electric pickup truck. The one they had planned before. Under the original deal, g. M. How to grieve, to take an 11 percent equity stake in equal on the goal agreed to buy both, batteries and fuel cells. From g. M. , nicholas said heavy trucks remain its core business and plan to test prototypes of these types of trucks. By the end of 2021 and equal shares tumbled 21 percent in monday morning trading while g. M. Shares were down less than one percent time now for a quick break. But when we come back, india is facing its 1st recession ever. It posted a 7. 5 percent drop in g. D. P. For the 3rd quarter. Take a look at asias the 3rd largest economy as it faces the 2nd highest number of covert cases in the world. As we go to break the numbers up a little look the world is driven by dreamers shaped by one person with those great things. We dare to ask another financial survival john, that it was all about Money Laundering 1st to visit this convention this week, differently. Oh good, this is a good start. Well, we have our 3 banks all set up something in europe, something in america, something overseas in the cayman islands, it will do little. These banks are complicit in the top congress to decide to look old. Its a money to do so. Im susan hendricks. Ok, lets see how we did. Well, weve got a look at a nice laundry watch for blacks and for stacey, old, beautiful jewelry. And how about a couple of luxury item bill . Again, for max, you know, what Money Laundering is highly illegal, dont you watch guys record thank you. But would you tell me it is a little that the government wanted no part of our number for the 1st time in history, indias economy entered into a recession and the july through september quarter. The countrys g. D. P. Contracted by 7. 5 percent after a record slump of 23. 9 percent, the previous 3 months. India, how one of the world strictest lockdowns back in march. But even after the lock downs were lifted, india is one of the worst hit major economies. And india still has the 2nd highest number of kogan 1000 cases with more than 9400000. For more on this, were joined by cohost and editorial director of the American Institute for Economic Research geoffrey tucker. But lets start with you. Can you give us a rundown of were thing in india as a result of these lockdowns . Yeah, i think what were seeing here is kind of a, maybe a great microcosm of what the whole world has done when making the decision to lock down the economy. Impose extremely strict measures on its population, and then all of it seems to be for not if you consider what exactly what you just said. So the Prime Minister of india modi, he essentially instituted one of the strictest lockdowns in the entire world in terms of the economy, really focusing on stopping the purchase and exchange of what he deemed as being non essential goods and services. I want you to remember that term, nonessential goods and services, because weve heard it over and over and over during this pandemic. And what does that exactly mean . It simply means that someone in authority, in this case, the Prime Minister of india, has to decide what goods and services can be sold and what cant be, and that is a recipe every time for the destruction of an economy. So the economy of india is falling apart, but as you mentioned at the same time that thats happening in india is now in its 1st ever recession. Were also seeing a surge in covert cases. So what does that tell us . It tells us number one that the actual lockdowns did not prevent a surge in cases, but it also tells us that now india has a 2 fold problem. It has a surge in cases of coronavirus, and it has a population that has become more impoverished because of lockdown. So its really a lose lose situation. It sounds a little bit like the United States. What were seeing here a complete lockdown obviously didnt help jeffrey to point the point that the bank just made despite these extremely strict lock downs. Indias kovan 1000 cases, obviously surge, the economy is also hurting, and now has collapsed. What does this exactly tell us about the strategy of the lock downs . There are many people in this country who have a desperate desire to find some relationship between lockdowns and live saved, or at least some good effects from the lock down. So we can say with the trade offs, and so theres statisticians, epidemiologists and economists and others who have been studying this stuff now for 68 months. But not one study has been able to document some sort of verified relationship there. I mean, forget causation. Even the correlation is it can even be found statistically. Meanwhile, we have 22. 00 studies that have definitively shown that lock downs have not been a variable that seems to decide anything about disease spread, much less severe outcome. So this is one of the great policy scandals of probably of the century, you know, and the evidence is going to keep pouring in that there is no evidence whatsoever. And its, it really is a calamity. When i play devils advocate of control virus, im going to play devils advocate here because youre apparently thought that theyve been able to hold their numbers down because of their extreme lockdown, where they keep going back and forth. Im sorry, go ahead, ben. Good job. Just as they have been, if you look at whats happening in france and germany right now, theyve reinstituted lockdowns. Why . Because they said we had surges in cases again. So we, heres whats happening is we find ourselves in a boomerang system where a lock downs are instituted. Then coping cases come up as soon as you start to relieve any kind of of lockdown. So then you go back into the lock downs again. So what is created creates, a perpetual cycle of shutting down economies which causes according to the w. H. O. , by the way, a doubling of world poverty when you double the world poverty rate in the course of less than one year because of economic lockdowns. You know, trump uses the term, the cure cant be worse than the virus itself. Well, thats essentially whats happening here is that the cure for the virus is to double world poverty. That creates a whole other set of problems of harms, of ills of death, even for people that is not being created by the virus so that youve got to pick your poison here. Especially when you talk about a virus that has a 99. 6 percent survival rate. We cant forget, well jeffrey, you, you just heard ben, france and germany. They are, their numbers are skyrocketing even here in the United States. Theyre not suggesting a complete lockdown anymore. We know that that probably doesnt work, but the u. K. Says that it works for them. Well, i mean, theres plenty of u. K. Serious, who said that thats simply not true. And theres no study that said to demonstrate it, you know, right here its american, its for Economic Research. We had a hunch the other day about the relationship between deaths per 1000000 and the presence of Nursing Homes Long Term Care facilities. And we ran a study and showed that there is a, an actual correlation there really strong correlation between the rate of death for millions in each state, relative to how many, what percent of the residents are actually in Long Term Care facilities. Many of them with the orders dont revive orders going into these Nursing Homes. A study that came out a couple days ago from new jersey suggests. And so, which is to say that the severe outcomes of coban 1000 are unrelated to the policy. The virus is going to do with the virus is going to do that, i think is the great lesson of 2020. And not everybody is ready to hear that particular not anthony found she who just as weekend was on face the nation with the most amazing blizzard of corroborated claims about this virus. I think ive ever heard it was an astonishing performance. Well into a saying we shouldnt revert to these complete lockdowns. Its a double whammy here going into the economy and the virus than before. I do want to change gears here a little bit. Meanwhile, china is telling a different story as far as that, than on a me, if they continue to expand for 9 straight months as far as what data they are saying it, they found. Why is china theming it to fare a lot better than india . So this is a really important point. So china obviously was the 1st country that saw the coronavirus despite what theyre saying that maybe it showed up in italy. 1st. China is where it comes from. But heres whats really interesting about china is that the chinese are quietly, theyre not being noisy about what theyre doing. They are quietly reopening manufacturing. They are increasing imports, they are increasing exports. They are getting people back to work. They have really ignited manufacturing in the country so that their factories are moving again, what china doesnt do is they dont go around the world telling everyone else to do it. Theyre not telling the United States. You guys need to get back to work. Theyre not telling europe you need to get back to work. What theyre doing is getting their people back to work and now theyre selling to the rest of the world again. Well, good for them. But i think whats an important point here is that china has made the decision of very direct decision to get its economy moving again and not continue to shut down or lock down its economy in the face of all of this. And as theyre doing so, they are the country that right now is moving faster than anyone else at being the number one economy in the world. Because of the fact that theyre making very poignant decisions to move forward with everyone else can make a decision of whether theyre going to move forward to shut down. They are moving forward a lot quicker than the United States even could be number one, economy jeff, return of number. Theyre certainly impressive. As ben just mentioned, what are they doing to keep the country or what seem to be working for them . Well, for one thing, you know, this trade pact, they just recently to go shut. It was all these other countries, it could, comprising a 3rd of the worlds economy. Is huge news. I mean, this is, this is going to determine chinas economic fate for the next 50 years. Its a gigantic shift and you know that this show reported on and great detail, but it hardly even intern into the american press. Some of the people are like, pretending like this didnt happen. Another thing is that i before the show i looked up to stringency index. How, how much controls that are still in place in the name of disease mitigation. The u. S. Versus china, maybe this will shock you, but the u. S. Is actually has more stringencies currently in place right now than even communist china. So thats a disgrace and you know youre open an economy, its going to grow. So, you know, im sure that maybe some of these numbers from china are exaggerated, but im, you can exaggerate that accent. I mean, would do us is already in terms of g. D. P. Growth was going to fall behind china, you know, probably 15 years but, but, but lockdowns u. S. Has speeded that up. Its going to be definitely accelerated at the r. C. P. Deal. Much like you said, also that the United States is not a part of india, not a part of the either. So well continue to see how china really outgrows the United States in terms of the economy and what the u. S. Is going to do to try to move forward from this Jeffrey Tucker of the American Institute for American Research and invesco spence, juan, thank you both. So much for your time today. Thank you. Gamers, the perfect theme park may be opening for you. You know, were still studios. Japan says Super Nintendo World will open in osaka in february of 2021. The artwork and surroundings may have you feeling the stall dick for the original mario games. But the park will feature new Technology Including mario caps with augmented reality headset. There will also be more traditional tractions like a mario kart themed roller coaster universal studios. Japan says the company is working with local Health Officials to make sure its safe space for visitors and staff. It will only open at 50 percent capacity for the time being. Thats all for this time. Catch, you must on the man on the portable to be out of jail on your op one of our devices or simply check it out about t. V. Well see you next time. We are segregated in the america by social class, lower middle class people also in poverty by 1st name. If youre born into a poor family ocular born into a minority family, if youre born into a family that only has a single parent that really constrains your life. Chances people die on average, 15 years younger than if youre born into generational poverty. Its a, its a fight every day. So you meet your needs and the needs of your family. Not to have clothes bank, you have my copy, i worry that it will pocket would if he was getting enough focus a little me to come closer. Good lives would come to you go google me a hug. You know, maybe you could put some thought of that to come with us from the museum, went up in the humbled of the jobs that doubled as a let me on to the will. They need to get out of the image of walking out of a battleship, ottilie, those that you can easily keep in mind. Places for always be polite, never engage with a negative, a good or confrontational. Dont get into any conversation or start answering questions. Just ask for an attorney, survivor tira gaze. Definitely dont want to be going to try to jump youre more likely to walk free if youre rich. Or if youre poor, and youve got 2 eyes, 2 ears and one now. So you should be seen in here and a whole lot more than youre saying if you dont take that advice, easy going to dig yourself an investigative news website claims to have been blacklisted by British Intelligence off to exposing government the famous practices declassified u. K. Says its being targeted by the g c, h q, a hung garroting or make a resigned his seat in the European Parliament off to big court at a party in brussels. That media describing as a mostly male will cheat to e. U. Diplomats were among the guests. Iran. Upped the ante over the mud to over the top and you could have saw him testifying to hunt down criminals and seek revenge

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